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      • KCI등재

        구멍연잎성게, Astriclypeus manni (VERRIL1867) 의 먹이섭취, 서식밀도 및 이동속도에 관하여

        강도형,최광식 한국환경생물학회 2002 환경생물 : 환경생물학회지 Vol.20 No.2

        부정형성게류인 구멍연잎성게는 제주도 연안에 널리 분포하고 있음에도 불구하고 생태학적 연구들이 미비한 실정이다. 이 연구는 구멍연잎성게의 행동학적 연구로서 먹이섭취, 서식밀도 및 이동에 대한 기초자료로서 시료는 제주도의 북동쪽에 위치한 함덕에서 SCUBA를 통하여 채집 및 현장에서 직접 관찰하였다. 장내용물 관찰 결과, 장내 퇴적물 입자의 평균 입도조성은 77.6±22.2 μm였다. 장 내용물은 유공충, 저서성 요각류, 선충류, 규조류, 알, 해조류의 파편, 골편 등의 동식물 플랑크톤으로 구성되었다. 구멍연잎성게의 서식밀도는 1m^2당 0.4개체이며, 분포패턴은 임의분포(random distribution)에 기초하는 것으로 판단되었다(X^2=85.16, P>0.05). 구멍연잎성게의 이동거리는 여름철인 1998년 8월에 6.2∼64.8 cm hr^-1 (mean = 25.0±13.9)이었고, 5월에는 2.O~43.Ocm hr^-1(mean=17.7±10.7)로 8월에 다소 높게 나타났다. 여름기간 중 관찰된 비교적 빠른 이동속도는 먹이 섭이 활동과 관련된 것으로 추정되었다. Sand dollar, Astriclypeus manni (Echinodermata: Echinoidea) is widely distributed on subtidal sand flats all along the coast of Cheju Island. Limited information has been reported on their ecology despite their abundance. This study reports gut contents, density and locomotion of the sand dollars distributed on a subtidal sand flat on the north-east coast of Cheju Island. Microscopic examination of the gut contents indicated that A. manni feeds on inorganic and organic detritus as well as live organisms contained in the sediments. Inorganic particles included sand grains, sponge spicules and shells of benthic animals such as foraminifera, crustacean and molluscs. Mean diameter of sediment particles retained in the gut was 77.6±22.2㎛. Live organisms retained in the gut included foraminifera, harpacticoid copepods, nematodes, diatoms and unidentified egg. Spatial distribution pattern of the sand dollar was found to be random with a mean density of 0.4 individual m^-2(??^2=85.16, p>0.05). Locomotion speed of the sand dollar measured in situ was 2.0 to 65.0 ㎝ hr^-1. Locomotion speed and moving distance was somewhat higher in summer when food availability also higher.

      • KCI등재

        추자도산 홍합, Mytilus coruscus (Gould, 1861) 의 Condition Index 산정에 대한 연구

        강도형,최광식 한국패류학회 1999 The Korean Journal of Malacology Vol.15 No.1

        Condition index(Cl)는 일반적으로 이매패류의 영양상태와 건강 등의 생리적인 상태를 알기 위한 중요한 지수이다. 이 연구는 제주도 추자 연안에 서식하는 홍합(M.coruscus)의 Cl를 다음과 같은 세 가지 방법으로 산출한 뒤, 이를 비교하였다: (1) Cl-vol=[tissue dry weight(g) 1000]shell cavity volume(ml). (2) Cl-wt=[tissue dry weight(g) 1000]internal shell cavith capacity(g). (3) Cl-size= tissue wet weight(g)/[shell length (mm)]$^{3}$. Cl-vol 산정을 위한 패각내 부피는 아르키메데스의 원리를 이용하였으며, 전체 부피와 육질을 제거한 패각의 부피 차를 이용하여 산출하였다. 월 별 세 가지 Ci들의 변화는 Pearson의 상관계수, 분산분석(ANOVA)과 Duncan의 다중검정법을 사용하여 세 지수의 유의성과 처리평균간의 근사 정도를 검정하였다. 실험에 이용된 홍합의 크기는 각장 50-180 mm 이었다. 세 지수의 범위는 67.48-140.61(CL-vol), 74.67-118.02(Cl-wt), 1.40$^{-5}$-1.60$^{-5}$(Cl-size)였다. Cl-vol은 Cl-wt, Cl-size와는 다르게 계절에 따른 유의차를 보였으며(p<0.05) 8월에 가장 높은 수치를 보였다. 그러므로 패각내 부피를 이용한 Cl는 홍합의 상태를 제시하는데 있어 가장 효율적인 것으로 사료된다. Condition indices (Cl) are considered to be useful measurements of the nutritive and health status of bivalves although studies on Cl of bivalves are limited due to the lack of a standard formula for calculating Cl. This study attempts to generate Cl of the mussel, Mytilus coruscus inhabiting along the coastal area of Chuja Island in Cheju using three primary formulas. the formulas used in this study: (1) Cl-vol= [tissue dry weight (g) 1000] /shell cavity volume (ml). (2) Cl-wt= [tissue dry weight (g) 1000] / internal shell cavity capacity (g). (3) Cl-size= tissue wet weight (g)/[shell length (mm)]$\^$3/. Monthly condition indices calculated with the three formulas are compared using ANOVA, Duncan's multiple range test and Pearson correlation coefficient. In Chuja Island M. coruscus collected ranged from 50 to 180 mm in shell length. Monthly ranges of Cl-values were 67.48 to 140.61 (Cl-vol), 74.67 to 118.02 (Cl-wt) and 1.4 10$\^$-5) to 1.6 10$\^$-5/ (Cl-size). Cl-vol values in August were higher than two Cl-values in the other months. Monthly Cl-vol was significantly different from Cl-wt and Cl-size. (p<0.05). The results of this study suggest that volumetric condition index (Cl-vol) used in this study is acceptable as a standard measure to evaluate conditions of M. coruscus.

      • KCI등재

        Chuuk Lagoon애 서식하는 흑진주조개, Pinctada margaritifera (Linnaeus 1758)의 2003년 하계 생식소 발달 및 산란 특성

        강도형,이순길,최광식,박흥식 한국해양과학기술원 2005 Ocean and Polar Research Vol.27 No.3

        Reproductive condition of the tropical blacklip pearl oyster, Pinctada margaritifera collected during the period July through September 2003 from Chuuk Lagoon, Federated State of Micronesia was investigated using histology. The level of gonad development for each pearl oyster was determined with an average score of five microscopic fields, and the average score was used as the maturity index (MI). All wild pearl oysters collected in July did exhibit fully ripe eggs in their ovaries (45~50 m in diameter), indicating that they were ready for spawning. In mid August, most wild pearl oysters were in spawning and MI dropped dramatically from mid- to late September, suggesting that the wild pearl oyster completed spawning during this period. In contrast, the cultivated pearl oysters collected in mid-September held ripe eggs in the ovaries and only a few of them spawned, indicating that gonad maturation of the cultivated pearl oyster was somewhat slower than that of the wild pearl oyster in Chuuk Lagoon during the summer period. Histological analysis also indicated that spawning of the pearl oyster is rather incomplete and they may spawn continuously during summer.

      • KCI등재

        미세조류 바이오연료 상용화를 위한 주요 인자 연구

        강도형,허수진,오철홍,주세종,전선미,최현우,노재훈,박세헌,김태영 한국해양과학기술원 2012 Ocean and Polar Research Vol.34 No.4

        Microalgae are photosynthetic microorganisms that are highly productive in the presence of basic renewable natural sources (light, CO2, water and nutrients). They can synthesize lipids, carbohydrates and proteins in a small number of days. Subsequently, these carbon-captured products can be processed into both biofuels and valuable co-products. Additionally, microalgae would be an ideal feedstock for replacing land-based food crops with cellular products as high energy density transportation fuels. These microscopic organisms could contribute a significant amount of renewable energy on a global scale. In Korea, microalgae biofuel research was common in the early 1990s. The research activities were unfortunately stopped due to limited governmental funds and low petroleum prices. Interest in algal biofuels in Korea has been growing recently due to an increased concern over oil prices, energy security, greenhouse gas emissions, and the potential for other biofuel feedstock to compete for limited agricultural resources. The high productivity of microalgae suggests that much of the Korean transportation fuel requirements can be met by biofuels at a production cost competitive with the increasing cost of petroleum seen in early 2008. At this time, the development of microlalgal biomass production technology remains in its infancy. This study reviewed microalgae culture systems and biomass production, harvesting, oil extraction, conversion, and technoeconomical bottlenecks. Many technical and economic barriers to using microalgal biofuels need to be overcome before mass production of microalgal-derived fuel substitutes is possible. However, serious efforts to overcome these barriers could become a large-scale commercial reality. Overall, this study provides a brief overview of the past few decades of global microalgal research.

      • KCI등재

        제주도 문섬 조하대에 서식하는 연산호군락의 태풍에 의한 영향 분석

        강도형,송준임,최광식 한국해양과학기술원 2005 Ocean and Polar Research Vol.27 No.1

        Impacts of Typhoon Maemi on a soft-coral community located on subtidal cliff at Munseom, Jeju were investigated in this study using underwater photography. Typhoon Maemi hit Jeju Island in late September 2003 and its impact was strong enough to destruct most shallow water sessile benthos including soft corals. To estimate numbers and size of soft-coral colonies, a line transect was installed on the cliff at depth from 3 to 9 m and photographs were taken serially by every 1 m. From each 1 1 m underwater photograph, species and size of soft-coral colony was determined. Number of soft-coral colony and its percent coverage (PC) in each 1 m2 quadrat was calculated. Soft corals Scleronephthya gracillimum, Dendronephthya gigantea, D. putteri, D. spinulosa and D. castanea were identified from the photographs. Dendronephthya sp. was mainly distributed at 3-6 m while S. gracillimum was mostly occurred at 6~9 m. A survey conducted before the typhoon showed that number of the soft-coral colonies at 3~4 m, 4~5 m, 5~6 m, 6~7 m, 7~8 m and 8~9 m was 17, 24, 20, 23, 18 and 30 colonies/m2 or 21, 48, 36, 28, 24 and 43%, respectively. After the typhoon, number of soft-coral colonies in the transect increased, 31, 35, 27, 10, 21 and 50 colonies/m2 while PC was remarkably decreased as 21, 23, 21, 5, 9 and 13%, respectively. Our data suggested that the impact was limited in larger colonies; larger soft coral colonies were selectively destroyed and removed while the small colonies underneath the larger colonies remained undestroyed.

      • KCI등재후보

        RCD 스너버 및 준구형파를 이용한 250[W] HPS lamp용 전자석 안정기 개발

        강도형,박종연 한국조명전기설비학회 2002 조명·전기설비학회논문지 Vol.16 No.2

        본 논문은 고압 방전램프를 점등시켜 주는 전자식 안정기에 관한 것으로서, Class D LCC 공진 인버터 방식을 이용하여, 램프의 초기 점등, 정상상태를 구동하게 하고, 준구형파로 ZC-ZVS Soft Switching을 구현하여 풀-브리지 스위치의 발열을 최소화할 수 있도록 하였다. 또한, RCD 스너버 회로를 적용하여 스위치 발열 감소뿐만 아니라, 고주파 스위칭으로 인한 서지 전압의 감소를 통한 노이즈를 최소화시켜 제어부의 안정되고, 신뢰성 있는 동작을 가능하게 할 수 있도록 하고, 안정기의 전체적인 스위칭 노이즈 발생을 최소화하였다. In this paper, We have researched about the Electronic Ballast for 250W HPS(High Pressure Sodium) lamp. This Electronic Ballast is capable to operate the Ignition and Steady State Using the Class D LCC resonant tank, and minimizing the full-bridge inverter's Switching Stress by implementation Quasi-square ZC-ZVS Soft Switching Method. And also, We have reduced the heat of MOS-FETs and high frequency switching surge noise using the RCD damp snubber. Therefore, We are sure that the developed ballast has the properties of the stable & reliable Control and the function of minimizing the total noise of the system.

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