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        금융파생상품의 작동 원리와 문화적 효과

        강내희(Kang Nae-hui) 경상대학교 사회과학연구원(마르크스주의 연구) 2012 마르크스주의 연구 Vol.9 No.4

        이 글은 ‘파생상품’의 비판적 이해를 위한 시론이다. 파생상품은 오늘날 자본주의 사회에서 작동되는 문화의 정치경제학을 파악하는 데 핵심적인 통찰을 제공해주는 ‘기묘한 물건’인 것으로 여겨진다. 파생상품, 특히 금융파생상품이 등장함으로써 자본주의적 축적 논리와 삶의 방식에는 중대한 변화들이 생겨났다. 이런 변화 가운데 특히 눈여겨볼 것이 축적을 위한 새로운 경쟁 방식, 그리고 이 과정에서 등장하는 새로운 주체형성 방식이다. 이 글은 파생상품의 등장 배경, 그 작동 원리와 기능, 그리고 이런 것들이 오늘날 자본주의 사회에 미치는 영향 등을 살펴봄으로써 파생상품 시장 형성을 통해 야기된 오늘날의 정치경제, 문화경제, 문화정치의 변동을 살펴보는 데 주된 목적이 있다. This paper is an attempt at a critical understanding of “derivatives.” The derivatives can be understood as “queer things” the analysis of which may provide an insight into the cultural political economy that prevails in today’s capitalist society. With the rise of derivatives, financial derivatives in particular, the capitalist logic of accumulation and the ways of life related to it seem to have gone through significant changes, which means that there have appeared new ways in the competition for capital accumulation and in the formation of subjectivities. The main purpose of this paper is thus to look into the background of the rise of new derivatives, their operating principles and functions, and their impacts on today’s capitalist society, also considering political economic, cultural economic, and cultural political issues related to financial derivatives.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        임시정부가 꿈꾼 교육,문화 정책과 그 굴절

        강내희 ( Nae-hui Kang ) 한국사회사학회 2010 사회와 역사 Vol.0 No.88

        최근 한국 학계에서는 대한민국의 ``진정한`` 건국 주역은 초대 대통령 이승만을 위시한 자유주의자들이었다고 주장하는 ``뉴라이트``의 출현이 목격되고 있다. 뉴라이트가 이런 주장을 하는 것은 한국의 근대 역사를 재해석하려는 시도로서 특히 일제강점기에 중국에서 출범한 임시정부를 대한민국의 법통으로 간주해온 기존의 역사적 공감대를 뒤흔들려는 의도가 작용함은 두 말이 필요하지 않다. 이 논문은 해방 조국의 교육과 문화에 대해 임시정부가 품고 있던 꿈을 살펴보고, 이 꿈이 이후에 어떻게 굴절되었는지 가늠해봄으로써 뉴라이트의 한국사 해석은 왜곡임을 보여준다. 오늘 뉴라이트는 국민의 정부, 참여정부를 거쳐 오는 동안 대한민국이 좌파들에 의해 지배되어 왔다고 주장하지만 이 논문은 이때 ``좌파``는 독립운동 진영 의 우파에 해당하는 임시정부보다 더 우파임을 분석해내고 있다. 임시정부의 기본 정치적 입장을 규정한 조소앙의 삼민주의는 민주정부로 여겨지는 김대중 정부, 노무현 정부마저도 수용해버린 신자유주의와는 너무나도 다른 사민주의와 사회주의 에 해당하는 내용을 담고 있었기 때문이다. 이 논문의 기본 테제는 독립운동 시기 한국의 이데올로기 지형은 해방 이후의 남한의 그것과는 너무나 달랐으며, 이에 따라 임시정부는 우파 헤게모니 하에 있었음에도 불구하고 뉴라이트와 같은 오늘 의 우파는 물론이고 이들이 좌파로 지목하는 개혁세력들보다 훨씬 더 진보적인 경향을 띠고 있었다는 것이다. Recent years saw the rise of the "New Rightists" in South Korea who launched the claim that the "authentic" founding fathers of the Republic of Korea had been conservative liberals like the first president Rhee Syngman. It goes without saying that they are making this claim in order to reinterpret modern Korean history and undermine the generally accepted understanding that the rightful origin of the Republic of Korea must be sought in the Provisional Government that had been launched in 1919 in China during the Japanese occupation. This paper is prepared to rebut this distortion of Korean history and suggest that the New Rightists are trying to deny not only the leftist but also the rightist tradition of the Independence Movement in the first half of the twentieth century to erase the memory of historical forces other than that of rightist conservatives. More specifically, this paper focuses on how the "Principle of Three Equalities" (Samkyunjuui), Cho So-Ang``s theory of Korean independence, had determined the Provisional Government``s official attitudes towards education policy, what kind of hope and dream the Government had about culture for the liberated Korea, and finally how its vision about education and culture has faded since the first Constitution of the Republic of Korea was implemented in 1948. The main thesis of the paper, thus, is that there is a fundamental difference between the rightists of today and those of the Independence Movement in terms of their respective political positions and that compared with the contemporary New Rightists, the earlier rightists were much more progressive as far as their position on the matters of education and culture was concerned.

      • KCI등재

        인문학과 향연: 시학과 발명학으로서의 인문학

        강내희 ( Nae Hui Kang ) 한국영미문화학회 2010 영미문화 Vol.10 No.3

        While it is not uncommon to use “symposium” to designate the academic events pertaining to the humanities in contemporary South Korean universities, one may have to be hard pressed to find the spirit of symposium in those events. One major reason seems to reside in the fact that there has been a substantial suppression of playfulness or freedom in academic activities underway. The result is a lamentable separation between actual academic work and leisurely intellectual pursuit, or between academic labor and freedom. Keeping in mind that this was a consequence of the fact that the academia now is under capitalistic domination, this essay argues for a redemption of the spirit of the original symposium in the field of the humanities in order to recover academic freedom. More specifically, the paper suggests two approaches―poetics and heuretics―to the humanities, in the hope that the latter will then become not only more leisurely but also more self-reliant and creative.

      • KCI등재후보

        네트워크 커뮤니케이션과 사회(주의)적 미디어

        강내희(Kang nae-hui),조동원(Jo dong-won) 경상대학교 사회과학연구원(마르크스주의 연구) 2008 마르크스주의 연구 Vol.5 No.4

        ??방송 미디어가 중앙 집중화된 일방향적 매스커뮤니케이션 양식이라면 인터넷은 자율적이고 직접적인 커뮤니케이션을 가능케 하는 쌍방향적 네트워크 커뮤니케이션 양식이라 할 수 있다. 전자의 경우 소수 ‘생산자’와 다수 ‘소비자’의 불균형하고 불평등한 사회적 관계를 재생산해온 반면, 후자는 생산자와 소비자의 구분 없이 정보와 지식을 함께 생산하고 공유하면서 새로운 사회적 관계를 형성하게 하는 ‘사회적 미디어’로 발전해왔다. 2008년 촛불집회가 보여준 것과 같은, 아래로부터의 자율 적이고 참여적인 커뮤니케이션 과정과 역동적인 공공영역의 창출은 인터넷으로 대표되는 네트워크 커뮤니케이션에 기초한 것이다. 이 글은 네트워크 커뮤니케이션과 사회적 미디어가 갖는 이런 잠재력에 주목하면서, 기존의 지배적 미디어 시스템과 중앙 집중화된 매스커뮤니케이션 양식을 극복할 수 있는 계기를 사회적 미디어에서 찾고자 한다. 더 나아가 이 글은 커뮤니케이션이 사회적 공공성을 확보하고 아래로부터의 집단적 미디어 통제력을 갖추려면 자본주의적 사회관계를 넘어서는 다양한 문화 형식의 개발과 미디어 공유문화 창안이 요구되며, 이를 위해서는 ‘사회적 미디어’를 ‘사회주의적 미디어’로 전환시킬 필요가 있음을 지적한다. Whereas the broadcast media is a centralized one-way mass communication system, the internet media can be said to be a two-way network communication system. As a result, the former has been responsible for reproducing unbalanced and unequal social relations between a small number of ‘producers’ and a large number of ‘consumers,’ while the latter, allowing for an autonomous and direct communication process, has shown the potential of developing into what may be called “social media” whereby both the producer and the consumer could collaborate to produce and share information and knowledge. The creation of the dynamic public sphere and the spontaneous, participatory communication process of the 2008 candlelight vigil protests that have surprised so many people can be said to have derived from this new system of internet-style network communication. The purpose of this paper is to emphasize the liberatory potential of network communication and social media. In this paper we argue that there is a social need to create social media based on network communication in order to overcome the current dominant media system with its emphasis on centralized one-way communication culture. This paper further argues that it is necessary to create diverse cultural forms and media sharing culture that go beyond capitalist social relations. The final argument is that in order for social communication to achieve social publicness and maintain the bottom-up collective control of media, it is necessary to transform “social media” into “socialist media”.

      • KCI등재

        ‘근대문학’ 이후의 ‘문학’(연구)?

        강내희(Kang Nae-hui) 한국비평이론학회 2006 비평과이론 Vol.11 No.2

        The recent statement by Karatani Kojin that the days of ""modern literature"" have been over may be an understatement. Karatani argues that modern literature, especially the novel and criticism worthy of attention, is no longer produced, but one may say that his diagnosis disregards that it is not only the latter but also modern literature in general, even the possibility of writing itself, that has recently faced crisis. In so far as it consists of written texts, literature must obey their linearity as the principle of composition, but it is precisely this sort of textuality that has lost its cultural dominance, for as Vil?m Flusser pointed out, no longer the written text but rather the colorful surface dominates the cultural terrain in the recent years. What we instead have includes movies, television, animation, and computers with their screens which provide a radically different mechanism of affecting our perceptions. The digital revolution only intensified this turnabout of cultural experience, transforming ""writing"" into ""programming,"" a process of prescribing codes into mechanical apparatuses. As a result, the ""essence"" of writing has fundamentally changed. When programming replaces linear writings, how can literature survive, and how should the humanities conduct its studies? This paper looks into how the technological transformation of writing may affect the condition and conception of literature and its studies.

      • KCI등재

        한국 인문학의 제도적 문제들

        강내희 (Kang Nae-hui) 西江大學敎 人文科學硏究所 2008 서강인문논총 Vol.23 No.-

        It has generally been pointed out that the recent crisis of the humanities in South Korea has its own 'internal' and 'external' causes, the latter often referring to the rise of neoliberalism that has forced the capitalistic logic upon the production of knowledge, while the former to the humanities' own 'inability' to cope with the decline of the literary culture as a result of the civilizational paradigm shift as evidenced in the expansion of digital technologies. While not denying the impact of these factors, this essay calls attention to the 'institutional' aspects of the crisis of the humanities. The author's contention is that the humanities have shown peculiar shortcomings both in the way they have been taught and the way they have been studied, or in terms of the way the disciplines are categorized and organized. More specifically, this essay provides two kinds of institutional analysis concerning the crisis of the humanities. On the one hand, it points out that the nagging problem with the 'education' of the humanities in Korea is that the humanities have to compete with 'practical' disciplines for undergraduate education, even though they constitute basic disciplines in education. Another problem with the Korean humanities has to do with the fact that their disciplinary categorization relies too heavily on the spirit of nationalism to the point that 'sub-disciplinarity' dominates certain departmental systems that should exceed national boundaries. The conclusion of this essay thus is that only when the humanities in South Korea can cope with the problems deriving from their institutional shortcomings can they begin to overcome the crisis they are now faced with. 한국에서 인문학의 위기는 통상 외부적 요인과 내부적 요인이 있는 것으로 지적되어 왔다. 전자의 경우 위기는 주로 학문을 자본주의적 생산성의 논리에 따라 수행토록 하는 신자유주의 정세의 형성에서, 후자의 경우 그것은 디지털 기술의 확산 등 문명적 패러다임 변동에 따라 문자문화의 쇠퇴가 일어나고 있는데도 이런 변화에 제대로 대응하지 못하는 인문학의 무능과 한계에서 찾아진다. 하지만 이 글은 이런 이유가 중요함을 부정하지 않으면서도 한국 인문학이 위기를 겪는 원인을 무엇보다 제도적 측면에서 조명하려는 데 그 취지가 있다. 여기서 필자의 주장은 한국의 인문학은 학문제도와 교육제도의 측면에서 심각한 문제가 있다는 것, 즉 인문학의 분과학문들이 범주화되고, 조직되고, 교육되는 방식에 중대한 하자가 있다는 것이다. 좀 더 구체적으로 이 글은 한국 인문학의 위기와 관련하여 두 가지 종류의 제도적 분석을 제출한다. 한편으로 지적하는 것은 인문학은 기초학문의 성격을 가졌음에도 불구하고 학부 과정에서 실용 과목들과 경쟁을 해야 한다는 문제 즉 한국 인문학 ‘교육’의 문제이다. 다른 한편 이 글은 한국 인문학이 민족주의에 지나치게 의존한 학문 범주화의 관행에 얽매여 있는 문제도 지적한다. 이런 분석을 통해 이 글은 한국의 인문학은 ‘제도적’ 결함을 극복해야만 오늘 맞은 위기를 제대로 극복할 수 있을 것이라는 논지를 제출하고 있다.

      • KCI등재

        근대성과 번역

        강내희(Nae-hui Kang) 한국비평이론학회 2009 비평과이론 Vol.14 No.1

        Modernity is usually taken to be an historical phenomenon that spreads from the West as its place of origin to various parts of the world. It is not for nothing then that modernization is understood in terms of the world becoming "Westernized" or even "Americanized". What we thus see is a specific model that presents modernity as a cultural phenomenon as one of emanation. "Emanation" here refers to a precess by which modernity spreads from its original place in the West toward the rest of the world. It seems that one can find a striking similarity between the common conception of modernity and that of translation In this conception, translation is understood as a transmission of the message from the "original" to the "target" language. From this point of view, good translation is one in which there is no serious loss of the original message. One sees the emanation model at work here again, for in the normal process of translation what is contained in the original place or language should be carried in its entirety to another place. Conceived in this way, the process of the world becoming modern or the spread and emanation of modernity is not different from that of translation. This paper, however, attempts at a radically different conception of modernity and translation. Modern history shows that modernization has been fraught with conflicts and struggles. While it may be true that "the rest of the world" has become modernized and Westernized, it is also true that the modernity it has achieved remains incomplete, which would mean that the translation of modernity by the "rest of the world" has failed. This would mean among other things that modernity is not a unitary flow emanating from the center to peripheries. This paper also envisions a different conception of translation in that conceives of translation as an attempt to construct linguistic relationships at a site where social, political, cultural realities affect the practices of translation and the process of a society becoming modern. From this perspective, one may finally argue that modernity should be understood always in the plural.

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