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      • KCI등재

        항만시설 보안비용 공유 계약이 항만운영사와 선사의 성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        김성기,김찬호 한국생산관리학회 2020 한국생산관리학회지 Vol.31 No.3

        Following the 9/11 attack in 2001, the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code of the International Maritime Organization, and the International Navigation Vessel and Port Facility Security Act of Korea have ensured that port facility owners safeguard the security facilities, equipment, and personnel, thereby securing the ports. The resulting security costs may be collected from shipping companies. However, in Korea, port security fees have not been collected properly due to resistance from shipping companies and shippers. Therefore, this study examines the impact of the security cost-sharing contract between port operators and shipping companies on their overall performance, including the profit, service, and security level. Following this study, in Korean ports, shipping companies often act as leaders, so sharing security costs has an effect on the increase in service and security levels, but the profits of operators can decrease compared to before sharing security costs. This paper discusses the policy implications for port facility security costs amid the conflicting opinions of operators and shipping companies on the rate level of port security costs. 항만은 국가 수출입화물의 99.7%를 담당하는 국가 중요 물류시설물로써 2001년 미국 9.11테러 발생 이후 국제적으로 보안에 대한 요구가 높아지고 있다. 그렇기 때문에 IMO의 ISPS Code나 우리나라의 “국제항해선박 및 항만시설의 보안에 관한 법률”에서는 항만시설소유자로 하여금 보안시설, 장비 및 인력을 확보하여 안정적인 서비스를 유지하도록 하고있으며, 이 비용은 항만서비스의 이용자인 선사 등으로부터 징수할 수 있다. 그러나 우리나라의 경우 선사 및 화주의 반발 등으로 인해 항만시설보안료를 제대로 징수하지 못하고 있는 실정이며, 보안료 징수가 실제적으로 보안 수준 향상에 도움이 되는지에 대해서도 연구된 바가 없다. 본 논문에서는 하나의 운영사와 하나의 선사로 구성되어 있는 항만 공급사슬 상에서 일반적인 하역료 계약과 선사가 보안 비용을 공유하는 경우의 이윤 및 서비스 수준, 보안 수준을 비교 연구하였다. 그 결과, 보안 비용 공유는 서비스와 보안 수준의 상승을 유도하나, 선사가 공급사슬 선도자인 경우 운영사의 이윤은 비용 공유 전보다 하락할 수 있음을 보였다. 이 결과는 현재 항만시설보안료의 징수와 관련하여 운영사와 선사 간 의견이 상충되고 있는 시점에서 중요한 정책적 시사점을 제공하고 있다.

      • KCI등재

        거대 층상 신경 섬유종 절제 후 전외측 대퇴부 유리피판술을 이용한 재건

        김성기,노시균,이내호,양경무 대한성형외과학회 2011 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.38 No.5

        Purpose: Neurofibromas of neuroectodermal origin are commonly found in Von Recklinghausens disease or neurofibormatosis type 1. It is an autosomal dominant disease caused by mutation of the long arm of chromosome 17. It can present from small nodules to disfiguring giant tumor. Plexiform neurofibroma is benign in most cases, but it could be transformed into malignant tumor, which requires surgical excision. To cover the defects after the excision, a number of surgical correction methods are available. This study is to report a surgical correction of disfiguring plexiform neurofibroma using anterolateral thigh free flap for extensive defects after surgical excision of neurofibrona. Methods: Data of five neurofibroma patients with an average age of 39 including medical history, physical examination,computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging were checked. No disease other than neurofibroma were detected. Biopsy on the excised tissues was performed. The follow-up period was 7 to 27 months. Results: The average size of defects after complete excision of neurofibroma was 13 × 10~25 × 15 cm. Defects were covered by anterolateral thigh free flap, while donor sites were covered by local flap, split thickness skin graft and regional flap. Throughout follow-up, there were no complication, relapse, or any abnormalities. Conclusion: Despite various surgical correction methods are applicable to defects after excision on disfiguring plexiform neurofibroma, coverage of massive defects is still challenging in plastic and reconstructive surgeon. We have made five successful cases of surgical correction of disfiguring plexiform neurofibroma using anterolateral thigh free flap.

      • 『東人詩話』에 나타난 중국시의 수용양상

        김성기 개신어문학회 2011 개신어문연구 Vol.0 No.33

        Seo Geo-Jeong(徐居正), the writer of 『Dong In Si Wha(東人詩話)』, thinks that the poetry of our country have to hand down to posterity separately from the chinese poetry, since they preserve the instruction and occasionally spread the nation's prestige in china. It makes about two hundreds times mentions of the chinese poet and poetry in 『Dong In Si Wha』. But the mentions concentrate in the poet and poetry of the Tang(唐) dynasty and the Song(宋) dynasty. And the only six poets are mentioned more than five times in 『Dong In Si Wha』, they are Li Po(李白), Tu Fu(杜甫), Han Yu(韓愈), Chia Tao(賈島) in the Tang dynasty and Su Shih(蘇軾), Wang An Shih(王安石) in the Song dynasty. A part of the poets in Koryo(高麗) recite the six poets's poem with pleasure and they are enthusiastically earnest in learning their works. And they regard the six poets's works as the fine type of verse writing, and particularly take final aim at Li Po, Tu Fu and Su Shih. Su Shih is the most many times mentioned in 『Dong In Si Wha』, but he is more or less inferior to Tu Fu for the subject of diverse discussion about verse writing. On the whole, Seo Geo-Jeong regard the poetry of the Tang dynasty as the fine type of verse writing, and regard the poetry of the Song(宋), Won(元) dynasty on a equivalent level with the poetry in Koryo. And Seo Geo-Jeong disparage the poems written by the diplomatic corps of Ming(明) dynasty.

      • KCI등재

        수부의 고압 분사 손상

        김성기,노시균,이내호,양경무,Kim, Seong-Ki,Roh, Si-Gyun,Lee, Nae-Ho,Yang, Kyung-Moo 대한성형외과학회 2010 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.37 No.3

        Purpose: High-pressure injection injury is caused by accidental injection of the high-pressure injection devices in industry. The initial benign appearance of the wound fools patients into delays in an adequate treatment. And it can result in disastrous outcomes such as necrosis and amputation. To avoid the poor prognosis, the injuries require a prompt surgical intervention. The purpose of this article is to recognize the poor outcome of the highpressure injection injury and to introduce an adequate treatment in need. Methods: We have 4 cases of the high-pressure injection injuries in the hand from April, 2005 to March, 2009. Average age is 39 years (30 - 49 years old), 2 cases are the palm of dominant hand, 1 case is the thumb of dominant hand, and 1 case is the palm of non-dominant hand, respectively. We followed up these patients for 20 months on average. In 3 cases, the immediate, aggressive surgical intervention was carried out, but the other one was delayed in early adequate treatment. The wounds were covered by local advancement flap, anterolateral thigh free flap, conservative treatment with antibiotics and dressing. Results: No pathogens after culture were found nor any findings of fracture in imaging study. Conservative treatment, local advancement flap and anterolateral thigh free flap for the open wound resulted in a desirable aesthetic outcome. In a long-term follow up, functional capability of the patient was also satisfactory. Conclusion: Upon initial evaluation, most high-pressure injection injuries present as innocuous wounds with very few symptoms and result in delaying the proper management. And the majority of high-pressure injection injuries will produce significant morbidity to the hand, amputation. And the initial aggressive surgical debridement was needed to prevent the poor outcome. The key to success in treating high-pressure injection injuries of the hand is the prompt aggressive surgical intervention.

      • KCI등재

        유럽 통합 특허 법원의 1심 소송절차

        김성기 한국지식재산학회 2017 産業財産權 Vol.- No.53

        본 연구에서는 유럽 통합 특허 법원의 1심 소송절차를 살펴보았다. 법원의 구성에 있어서는 독일에서 발전된 기술 판사와 함께 변리사 소송 대리를 통한 기술적 문제의 충분한 이해를 강조한 UPC가 소송 절차에 있어서는 프랑스 식의 제소전 증거 보전 절차, 전통적 증명 책임 분배에 따르면 증거 제출 책임이 없는 상대방이나 제 3자에게도 증거 개시 책임을 부과하는 영미식의 증거 개시 제도를 법원의 허가하에 인정한 것은 민사 소송제도의 효율성을 확보하는 시도로 이해된다. 이와 함께 서면 절차와 구술절차 사이에 중간 절차를 두어 자칫 방만하게 흐를 수 있는 구술 절차를 효과적으로 운영하여 소송 비용과 소송 기간을 적절히 통제 할 수 있는 장치를 마련한 것으로 이해된다. EPO의 이의신청 기간에 권리 행사를 위해 UPC에 소제기 되는 경우의 문제는 법원의 규칙 또는 항소 법원의 판례를 통하여 조속히 지침이 제시되어야 할 것이다. UPC의 실체법 및 절차법에서의 제기되는 문제들은 많은 경우 항소 법원에서의 판결에 의해 해결될 것이므로 특허법에 전문성을 갖춘 뛰어난 법률가로 항소법원을 구성하는 것은 UPC의 성패를 좌우하는 가장 중요한 요소가 될 것이다. This article reviews the proceedings before the Court of the First Instance of the Unified Patent Court, which is expected to begin its operation in 2018. The UPC proceedings include court order to preserve evidence (saisie) before filing statement of claims, which is not common out of French legal system and disclosure of information by a party who has no obligation under traditional burden of proof theory based on adversary proceedings. These proceedings of saisie and disclosure, in addition to technical judges and representation by patent attorney, are designed to provide efficient fact-finding in adjudication of patent litigation before the UPC. In order to provide efficiency in conducting oral procedure, which otherwise might be prolonged and be costly, the “interim procedure” is to be held after completion of the written procedure. Under the UPC system, active case management by the judge-rapporteur is expected, particularly during the interim procedure. Questions remain open on the relationship between the decisions of the opposition division of the European Patent Office in post-grant proceedings and the decisions of the UPC, especially when the EPO renders a decision of revocation or limitation of the patent. Many questions are to be raised throughout the operation of the UPC, and the Court of Apeeal of the UPC will be asked to answer to those questions. Selection of seasoned jurist with expertise of patent law issues for the position of the judges of the Court of Appeal of the UPC will become a pivotal step for laying a corner stone for successful operation of the UPC.

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