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      • 쇠비름속 3종의 표피 구조와 기공 유형

        김정석,정우규 慶尙大學校 1989 論文集 Vol.28 No.2

        This study was carried out to investigate the epidermal structure and stomatal types on the upper and lower surfaces of leaves and stems in P. oleracea, P. glandiflora, and P. afra belonging to Portulaca. The shape of epidermal cells was tetragonal in the leaves of P. afra and polyponal in the leaves of P. oleracea and P. glandflora. The cell walls were straight in the leaves of P. afra, sinuous in the leaves of P. oleracea, and P. glandiflora. The size of the cells in the leaves of P. afra was smaller than that of the cells in the leaves of P. oleracea and P. glandiflora.Epidermal cells of stems were commonly small and tetragonal. The subsidiary cell walls were arched in P. afra and sinuous in P. olerdcea and P. glandiflora. The nature of sinuosity was more pronounced in the leaves of P. glandiflora. The number of stomata in the leaves of all materials was smaller than common thin-leaved dicots and higher on the upper surface in the leaves of all species. The stomatal types were paracytic in the leaves of P. afra and allelocytic in the leaves of P. oleracea and P. glandiflora. The compound allelocytic type was observed in the leaves of P. oleracea. The coallelo-anisocytic, coallelo-tetracytic and copara-helicocytic type in P. oleracea were found for the first in the vascular plants. The ontogenetic types of stomata were mesogenous of eumesogenous.

      • 향나무와 그 變種들의 類綠關係에 關한 核學的 硏究

        鄭宇珪,孫玲杰,成敏雄,金鼎錫 慶尙大學校 기초과학연구소 1992 基礎科學硏究所報 Vol.8 No.-

        In this study the relationship among Juniperus chinensis and its seven varieties-J. chinensis var. procumbens, J. chinensis var. horizontalis, J. chinensis var sargentii, J. chinensis var, kaizuka, J. chinensis var. aureo-variegata, J. chinensis var. globosa, J. chinensis var. aureo-globosa-and J. rigida was studied by using the karyological methods. The results obtained from this study were as follows : In the karyotype analysis, J. chinensis, J. chinensis var. horizontalis, J. chinensis var. sargentii, J. chinensis var. globosa, J. chinensis var. aureo-globosa, and J. rigida were diploid with 2n=22, although J. chinensis var. procumbens, J. chinensis var. kaizuka and J. chinensis var. aureo-variegata were tetraploid with 2n=44. According to descending order of the total length of the chromosomes and the length of short and long arms, from the arrangement order of chromosomes and the position of centromeres, J. chinensis var. procumbens and J. chinensis var. horizontalis were categorized into the first group J. chinensis var. kaizuka and J. chinensis var. aureo-variegata were into the second group, and J. chinensis var, globosa and J. chinensis var. aureo-globosa were into the third group, respectively. Aneuploid(2n=26) in the C-band staining of J. chinensis var. aureo-variegata was identified, although it normally showed 2n=44 as karyotype. Because light was emitted from all chromatids of the samples by fluorescent light staining with DAPI, A-T rich regions would be located all over the chromatids.

      • 고성군 덕명리 일대 공룡 생흔 화석 산지의 자연탐사와 교재화를 위한 연구

        백광석,정호종,서승조,정우규 晋州敎育大學校 科學敎育硏究所 1994 科學敎育硏究 Vol.20 No.-

        경남 도내 고등학생들을 대상으로 실시한 고장 자연 탐사에서 덕명리 해안의 지질과 교육적 활용성을 조사한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 덕명리 해안의 지층은 진동층에 속하며 공룡과 조류의 족혼 화석, 연혼, 건열, 화성암의 관입 등의 관찰되고 해식애, 해식동, 해식대가 발달하였다. 2. 공룡 족혼 화석은 2족보행 공룡인 Theropod 와 Ornithopod 및 4족보행 공룡인 Sauropod의 것으로 추정되었다. 3. 본지역의 특징은 중학교 과학 및 고등학교 과학 I 하와 지구과학 교과의 침식 . 운반 . 퇴적작용, 지층과 화석, 지질시대의 환경과 생물, 우리나라의 지질 등의 단원에 좋은 야외 지질교재이다. 4. 내 고장 자연 탐사교육은 학생들에게 학습의 동기와 흥미를 유발시킬 수 있는 대단히 유요한 프로그램이었고, 설문 조사 등 분석결과에 의하면 과학 교육적 성과도 있었다.

      • 생물 교육의 다양성 단원에 활용을 위한 경남도내 자생하는 영지버섯(Ganoderma)의 조사

        정우규,성민웅 慶尙大學校 기초과학연구소 1989 基礎科學硏究所報 Vol.5 No.-

        1985년 8월부터 1988년 8월까지 경상남도내 자생영지(Ganoderma)의 몇가지를 조사한 결과는 다음과 같다. 적지, 흑지, 황지, 백지의 4종류의 영지가 발견되었다. 이들 중에서 적지가 가장 많이 발견되고 백지는 매우 귀하게 발견되었고 자지와 청지는 발견되지 않았다. 주요한 숙주식물은 참나무속 식물들이었다. 영지버섯을 초등부터 고등학교까지 생물교과서에서는 기재되지 않은 종이었으나 생물의 다양성 단원교육에서 교육 자료로 활용가치가 높으므로 이의 활용이 요망된다고 생각된다. Gonoderma growing naturally in Kyo˘ngsangnam-do was surveyed during the 1985 to 1988. Four kinds of G. lucidum such as red, black, yellow, and white were found. Among them, red G. lucidum was mostly found, while white G. lucidum was very rare. Purplish and blue G. lucidum was not found. Their shapes were round, kidney or other types. The main host trees were genus Quercus. G. lucidum was widly distributed in Kyo˘ngsnagnam-do. Fungi appearing in the biology text books of the elementary and secondary school was consisted of 1 phylum, 4 classes, 6 orders, 9 families, 10 genera, and 11 species. G. lucidum was not recorded in the biology text books. But this species can be used as a teaching material for application in the diversity unit of biology education.

      • Kalanchoe屬의 氣孔發生에 關한 硏究

        成敏雄,金鼎錫,金鎭聖,鄭宇珪 慶尙大學校 1986 論文集 Vol.25 No.2

        Kalanchoe속에 속하는 3種을 대상으로 잎과 꽃잎의 表皮構造와 氣孔의 發生類型을 조사한 結果는 다음과 같다. 잎의 表皮細胞는 主로 多角形이고 꽃잎의 표피세포는 主로 伸長形이었다. 이들의 細胞壁은 肥厚되었고, 直線形이거나 弓形이었다. 副細胞壁은 얇고 弓形이었다. K. tomenlosa의 잎에서 三方射星狀毛가 K. blossfediana의 꽃잎에서 角皮條紋과 옥살산컬슘의 結晶體가 발견되었다. 잎에서 氣孔의 數는 얇은 잎으로 된 일반식물에서 보다 적었고 잎의 양면에서 氣孔數의 차이도 일반식물에 비해 적었다. 성숙한 기공의 主類型은 螺旋型이었다. 기공의 發生學的 類型은 全中位形成 螺旋型이었고, 이 유형은 孔邊母細胞의 分裂角에 따라 全中位形成平行螺旋形과 全中位形成不規則螺旋形의 두 종류의 亞型으로 나눌 수 있었다. 全中位形成四副細胞型內不均等型 및 全中位形成對生型과 全中位形成不均等型의 中間型 기공의 부세포들 중앙에 全中位形成四副細胞型이 管束植物에서는 최초로 발견되었다. The epidermal structure and ontogeny of stomata in the leaves and petals Kalanchoe were described. The epidermal cells were mainly polygonal cells. These cell walls were thick and straight or arched. The subsidiary cell walls were thin and arched. The triradiate stellete hairs in the leaves of K. tomentosa, and the cuticular striation and square crystals of calcium oxalate in the petals of K. blossfeldiana were observed. The stomatal number in the leaves had relatively fewer stomata than thin-leaved common dicots with only one lower surface. The difference of stomata number on te both surfaces of leaves in each species was relatively lower than that of common plants. the main type of mature stomata was helicocytic type. the ontogenetic type of stomata was mainly helico-eumesogenous type. This type was subdivided into parahelico-eumesogenous and anomohelico-eumesogenous stomata on the base of the division angle of the guard mother cells. The coaniso-tetra-eumesogenous type and tetra-eumesogenous type in the center of the intermediate stoma between the allelo-eumesogenous and aniso-eumesogenous stomata in the leaf of K. kewensis were first observed in vascular plants.

      • 梁谷地域의 植物相 과 生活形

        金鼎錫,鄭宇珪 慶尙大學校 1988 論文集 Vol.27 No.2

        경남 창원시에 속하고 동경 128?38?, 북위 35? 12/에 위치한 양곡 지역의 식물상과 생활형을 1986년 3월 부터 1987년 9월 사이에 조사한 결과는 다음과 같았다. 식물상은 Enguler 분류체계에 의하여 3문 6강 2아강 47목 33아목 95롸 284속 379종 1아종 66번종 3품종 총450종류로 분류되었고 이들중에는 37의 식재종이 포함되었다. 과별 분포는 국화과가 39종 8.6%로 가장 많고 다음이 벼과 37종 8.1%였다. 식생에서 우점종은 곰솔이었다. 귀화식물은 20종이고 도시화지수는 18.2였으며, 양치식물계수는 0.57로 다른 지역들에서 보다 적었다. 자연생 상록활엽수는 3종이었다. 도깨비가지(Solanum carolinense L..)의 자연생육 소군락이 한국에서는 처음으로 발견되었다. 생활형은 지상식물 31.1%, 반지중식물27.3%, 일년생식물 19.3%,지중식물11.6%, 지표식물7.7%, 수생식물 3.3% 순이었고, 본조사지역에서 일년생식물,수생식물, 지중식물의 비율은 normal spectrum에서 보다 높았으며, 지표식물과 일년생식물의 비율은 한반도 전체에서 보다 높았고 주된 생활형은 지상 식물형이었다. The flora and the life-form at Yangkog area in Chanwon city. Kyongsangnam-do have been surveyed from March. 1986 to September. 1987. The characteristics of flora and life form at this area were summarized a follows; The flora in this area was consisted of 3 divisions. 6 classes. 6 classes. 2 subclasses. 47 orders. 33 suborders, 95 families, 284 gengera.379 species. I subspecies, 56varieties. 3 forms or total 450 taxa by Enguler's classification system. Among them 37 planted plants were included. The families represented by a large number of plant species were Compositar(39 species, 8.6%) and Gramineae(37 species, 8.1%). Pinus thunbergii is the dominant species in theis erea. The naturalized plants were 20 species. The urbanization index was 18.2. Coefficient of crytogram was 0.57. This coeffecent was smaller than that of other areas. The natural growing ever green broad leaved.trees were 3 species. The naturalzed small community of Salanum carolinens L. was found ast Yangkog area for the first time in Korea. The life form spectrum consisted of 31.1% phanerophytes, 27.3% hemicrytophytes, 19.3% therophytes, 11.6%, geophytes, 7.7%chamephytes, and 3.3% hydrophytes. The percentage of therophytes, hydrophytes asnd geophytes in life form spectrum in this area were higher than of normal spectrum. The percentage of chamephytes and therophytes in life form spectrum in this area were higher than of normal spectrum . The percentage of chamephytes and therophytes in life form spectrum in this area were higher than that of the Korean peninsul and main life form was phanerophytes.

      • 加德島 種子植物의 生活形과 開花期

        鄭宇珪,金鼎錫 慶尙大學校 기초과학연구소 1987 基礎科學硏究所報 Vol.3 No.-

        경남 의창군에 속하고 동경 128˚47´~128˚55´, 북위 34˚49´~35˚06´에 위치한 가덕도의 종자식물 124과, 417속 570종 4아종 109변종 24품종 총 705종류의 생활형과 개화기형을 조사한 결과는 다음과 같았다. 1. 생활형은 지상식물 254종류 36.0%, 반지중식물 178종 25.2%, 일년생식물 132종 18.7%, 지중식물 73종 10.4%, 지표식물 37종 5.2%, 수생식물 31종 4.4%였으며, normal spectrum에 비해 일년생식물, 수생식물, 지중식물의 비율이 높았고, 한반도 전체에 비해 지표식물, 일년생식물의 비율이 높고, 지중식물의 비율이 낮았다. 2. 개화기는 7월 242종 34.3%로 가장 개화율이 높고 대부분이 5월에서 8월 사이의 여름에 개화하는 하계개화형이고 북반구 온대기후 개화형이었다. 한반도 전체에 비해 하계의 개화율은 낮고 동계의 개화율은 높았다. The life form and flowering period pattern of spermaphyta at Kado˘g island in Euichang-gun, Kyongsangnam-do was surveyed from November, 1979 to December, 1986. The Spermaphyta of this island consisted of 124 families 417 genera 570 species 4 subspecies 109 varieties 24 forma, total 705 taxa. The charactristics of life form and flowering period pattern were summarized follows. 1. The life form specturm consisted of 254(36.0%) phanerophytes, 178(25.2%) hemicrytophytes, 132(18.7%) therophytes. 73(10.4%) geophytes, 37(5.2%) chamephytes, and 31(4.4%) hydrophytes. The percentages of therophytes, hydrophytes, and geophytes in life from spectrum in this island higher than that of normal spectrum. In the life form spectrum in this island, the percentages of chamephytes and therophytes larger and its of geophytes smaller than that of Korean peninsula. Main fife form was pharerophytes. 2. The peak of flowering period occurred in July. Most species in this island were flowering from May to August. The pattern of flowering period was represonted summer flowering pattern or northern middle latitude regions. In this island, the percentages of summer flowering plants were smaller and one of winter flowering plants were larger than that of Korean peninsula.

      • 향나무와 그 變種들의 Isoperoxidase와 Isoesterase의 變異

        鄭宇珪,成敏雄,金鼎錫 慶尙大學校 기초과학연구소 1992 基礎科學硏究所報 Vol.8 No.-

        In this study the relationship between Juniperus chinensis and its seven varieties-J. chinensis var. procumbens, J. chinensis var. horizontalis, J. chinensis var. sargentil, J. chinensis var. kaizuka, J. chinensis var. aureo-variegata, J. chinensis var. globosa, J. chinensis var. aureo-globosa and J. rigida were analyzed by electro-phoresis of two souble enzyme systems (isoperoxidase and isoesterase). The results obtained from this study were as follows : Juniperus chinensis var. sargentii and J. rigida in the study of isoenzymes, showed the variable banding patterns of isoperoxidase and they were considered to be reproduced mainly by allogamy. Other variants had similiar banding patterns among individuals and their main reproduction stratagies were asexual. The largest number of the isoperoxidase hands was observed in J. chinensis var. procumbens(12bands). Other variants had 7-11 bands. Juniperus chinensis var. procumbens and J. chinensis var. horizontalis shared the largest number of a common band which had the same molecular weight but also between the two sample trees. In each sample four to seven isoesterase bands were observed. The largest number of the isoenzyme common bands(6 bands) described above was identified between J. chinensis var. procumbens and J. chinensis var. horizontalis.

      • 민초피나무( Zanthoxylum piperitum D.C. var. inerme Makino) 種子의 아미노산과 脂肪酸 助成의 分析

        鄭宇珪,安重極,成敏雄 경상대학교 과학교육연구소 1996 科學敎育硏究所報 Vol.16 No.1

        본 연구는 최근에 국내에도 자생하는 것으로 알려진 민초피나무의 종자에서 식용으로 활용할 수 있는 蛋白質源 油脂源을 얻기 위해 민초피나무 종실에 있어 단백질과 지질의 아미노산과 지질의 조성을 분석한 것이며, 아미노산 자동 분석기와 gas liquid chromatography법으로 민초피나무 종자의 아미노산과 지방산을 동정한 결과는 다음과 같았다. 종자 단백질에서는 총 92,380.0㎍/g의 아미노산이 함유되어 있었다. 17종류의 아미노산이 분석되었다. 이들 아미노산들 가운데 함량이 많은 아미노산은 아스파르트산 13.95%, 아스파라긴 11.60%와 류신 9.39% 등이었다. 총 필수 아미노산은 47,740.2㎍/g이고 51.68%에 해당하였고 9개의 필수 아미노산이 비교적 많이 함유되어 있었다. 종자의 지방은 건물중량의 29.4%였고, 10종류의 지방산이 분석되었다. 주요 지방산은 oleic acid 33.44%, linoleic acid 14.96%, linolenic acid 6.19% 및 palmitoleic acid 9.50% 등 65.09%를 차지하는 불포화지방산들이었으며, 필수지방산인 linoleic acid와 linolenic acid가 21.15%였다. 이상의 결과들을 볼 때 초피나무의 종자는 가치 있는 蛋白質源과 油脂源이었다. The purpose of this study was to analyze the amino acid composition of protein and fatty acid composition of lipid in the seeds of Zanthoxylum piperitum D.C. var. inerme Makino. For food protein and oil source, the amino acid and fatty acid composition were determined by the methods of amino acid autoanalyzer and gas liquid chromatography. The results were summarized as follows; Total amino acid of seed protein was 92,380.0㎍/g. Seventeen kinds of amino acids were analyzed from seed protein. Among them, comparatively high content of aspartic acid(13.95%), arginine(11.62%) and leucine(9.39%) were contained. Total essential amino acid was 47,740.2㎍/g and 51.68%. Among total amino acid, nine different kinds of essential amino acid were contained comparatively high content. The crude oil of seed was 29.4% of dry weight. Ten kinds of fatty acids were analyzed from the seed lipid. Among them, the main fatty acids were unsaturated fatty acids such as oleic acid(34.44%), linoleic acid(14.96%), linolenic acid(6.19%), palmitoleic acid(9.50%) etc. These unsaturated fatty acids were 65.09%. Also essential fatty acids such as linoleic acid and linolenic acid were total 21.15% From these results, the seeds of Z. piperiturm var. inerme would be good for protein and oil source.

      • 초피나무( Zanthoxylum piperitum D.C.) 種子의 아미노산과 脂肪酸 組成의 分析

        鄭宇珪,安重極,成敏雄 경상대학교 과학교육연구소 1996 科學敎育硏究所報 Vol.16 No.1

        본 연구는 식용으로 활용할 수 있는 蛋白質源과 油脂源을 얻기 위해 초피나무 종실에 있어 단백질과 지질의 아미노산과 지질의 조성을 분석한 것이며, 아미노산 자동 분석기와 gas liquid chromatography법으로 초피나무 종자의 아미노산과 지방산을 동정한 결과는 다음과 같았다. 종자 단백질에서는 총 104,445.1㎍/g의 아미노산이 함유되어 있었다. 17종류의 아미노산이 분석되었다. 이들 아미노산들 가운데 함량이 많은 아미노산은 아스파르트산 13.18%, 아르기닌 10.06%와 류신 9.34% 등이었다. 총 필수 아미노산은 53,458.0㎍/g 이고 51.18%에 해당하였고 9개의 필수 아미노산이 비교적 많이 함유되어 있었다. 종자의 지방은 건물중량의 30.5%였고, 11종류의 지방산이 분석되었다. 주요 지방산은 oleic acid 37.68%, linoleic acid 15.69%, linolenic acid 4.76% 및 palmitoleic acid 10.90% 등 69.03%를 차지하는 불포화지방산들이었으며, 필수지방산인 linoleic acid와 linolenic acid가 20.45%였다. 이상의 결과들을 볼 때 초피나무의 종자는 가치 있는 蛋白質源과 油脂源이었다. The purpose of this study was to analyze the amino acid composition of protein and fatty acid composition of lipid in the seed of Japanese pepper; Zanthoxylum piperitum D.C. For food protein and oil source, the amino acid and fatty acid composition were determined by the methods of amino acid autoanalyzer and gas liquid chromatography. The results were summarized as follows; Total amino acid of seed protein was 104,445.10㎍/g. Seventeen different kinds of amino acids were analyzed from seed protein. Among them, comparatively high content of asparatic acid(13.18%), arginine(10.06%) and leucine(9.34%) were contained. Total essential amino acid was 53,458.0㎍/g and 51.18%. Among total amino acid, nine different kinds of essential amino acid were contained comparatively high content. The crude oil of seed was 30.5% of dry weight. Eleven kinds of fatty acids were analyzed from the seed lipid. Among them, the main fatty acids were unsaturated fatty acids such as oleic acid(37.68%), linoleic acid(15.69%), linolenic acid(4.76%), palmitoleic acid(10.90%) and etc. These unsaturated fatty acids were 69.03%. Also essential fatty acids such as linoleic acid and linolenic acid were total 20.45% From these results, the seeds of Z. piperitum would be good for protein and oil source.

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