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      • 진주류씨(晉州柳氏)의 연원과 가문의식의 정립

        權奇奭 ( Kwon Kiseok ) 한국계보연구회 2019 한국계보연구 Vol.9 No.-

        족보는 동족 의식을 공유하고 있는 ‘동성동본’의 계보를 모아놓은 기록이다. 따라서 가문의 정체성을 정립하기 위해서는 상계 인물에 대한 고증이 필요한데, 시조 이하 선대 인물들은 고려 이전의 먼 조상들이기에 자료적 실증이 어렵다는 한계가 있다. 진주류씨도 시조와 계보 연결에 있어서 많은 논란이 있어왔고, 통칭 ‘移封’ 진주류씨(移柳)와 ‘土姓’ 진주류씨(土柳)로 불리는 두 계열이 별개의 족보를 편찬하며 상반된 주장을 펼쳐온 바 있다. 이류에서 주장하는 계보는 『안동권씨성화보』와 『문화류씨가정보』 등 초기 족보를 근거로 하고 있다. 이들 족보는 신뢰도가 높고 여러 족보에 참고가 된 바 있지만, 편찬자 류희잠도 계보적 논란에 대한 여러 이견에 대해 인식하고 있었고, 이류의 晉州 移封說에 대해서도 수긍하기 어렵다는 입장을 보였다. _晉州柳氏丙子譜_(1756)는 계보적 논란에 대해서 이류 측의 정리 내용을 공식화한 족보이다. 1423년에 작성된 것으로 알려진 「永樂子姓編譜圖」를 인용하고, 「子姓編考證」이라는 항목을 두어 상계 논란에 대한 여러 견해를 밝혔다. 『晉州柳氏己丑譜』 (1829)는 계보적 논란을 재론하고 이류와 토류의 계보를 통합하는 것에 대해서 부정적인 입장을 분명히 했다. 토류에서 주장하는 계보적 근거는 16~17세기 저명 보학자인 鄭崑壽(1538~1602)와 趙從耘(1607~1683) 등의 권위에 힘입어 널리 통용되었다. 이로 인해 조선후기 다수의 방목류 자료가 토류의 계보 파악을 따르게 되었다. 토류의 족보에는 계보적 논란에 관하여 정리한 「晉州柳氏世譜記事」라는 글이 있는데, 여기에 인용된 柳珦妻 李氏 戶口草는 토류 측의 계보 고증을 뒷받침하는 강력한 자료적 근거라고 할 수 있다. 여성이 호주가 되는 호적 자료는 조선시대에 실재하였기는 하지만, 관청 문서의 서식으로 보기에는 어려운 부분이 있고, 당시의 가족 상황과 맞지 않는다는 이류 측의 반박도 이루어졌다. 동성동본은 한국의 족보 문화에서 동족인지 他族인지를 구분 짓는 가장 중요한 조건이었다. 성관 체계와 동족 관념을 형성하는 계보 고증의 과정은 긴 시간에 걸쳐 형성된 역사적 산물이라 할 수 있으며, 이류와 토류는 서로 상충되는 계보 정리를 해 오면서 독자적 가문 의식을 성장시켜 왔다고 볼 수 있다. 지속된 계보적 논란 속에서 무리하게 合譜를 시도하지 않은 것은 혈통에 대한 고증을 중시하는 것이 한국의 전통사회에서 가문의식이 형성되는 기본 원리였음을 잘 보여준다. Jokbo, genealogical book in Korea is the record of descendants who share the family name and bongwan, the birthplace of lineage. In order to establish the scope and identity of a family to be included in any genealogical book, the ancient records must be considered, but the evidence is difficult to find. There have been many controversies over the existence of two different lineages of Jinju Ryu. The genealogy claimed by Ibong(移封) lineage is based on the early genealogical books of the 15th and 16th centuries and is highly reliable. Meanwhile, genealogy claimed by the Toseong(土姓) lineage was based on the views of the masters of genealogical research and had considerable public confidence. In particular, the family register of the early ancestors was presented as evidence, and the authenticity and reliability of which have been the subject of controversy. Through the dispute between the two lineages, who are suspicious of the offspring of the same ancestors, it is well demonstrated that the proof of genealogy was very important to form a family consciousness in traditional Korean society.

      • KCI등재

        조선후기 의관(醫官) 가문의 인원 구성과 계보적 연계 -『의역주팔세보(醫譯籌八世譜)』수록 인원 분석을 중심으로-

        권기석(KWON Kiseok) 대한의사학회 2021 醫史學 Vol.30 No.2

        Uiyeokju Palsebo (醫譯籌八世譜) is a genealogy record that contains the eighth generation of patrilineal ancestors, maternal grandfathers, and fathers-in-law of technical officials who worked in three fields: medicine, linguistics, and mathematics. This book covers members of influential families who monopolized the positions of technical officers. In that respect, it seems to have had an effect like a kind of "white list". This paper identifies the range of families based on common ancestors above eight generations according to the editing method of this book, attempting various statistical analysis. The results of the analysis shows that it is possible to determine the size of the medical families, which varied according to the number of medical bureaucrats and the distance of kinship between them. Most of the families had workers in the three fields of medicine, linguistics, and mathematics, but there were also ‘families more specialized in medicine’ that produced a large number of medical figures. The ancestors of medical figures were mainly engaged in the three fields of medicine, linguistics, and mathematics, but there were also a small number of officials in charge of “unhak(雲學: including astronomy, geography, and fortune-telling),” law, art, and transcription. For distant ancestors from common ancestors to the fifth generation, the proportion of technical officers was small, but for relatively close ancestors, the proportion of technical officers, especially medical officers, increased. It can be seen that the status as a medical officer tends to be hereditary further down the generations. The fields of activity of the maternal grandfathers and fathers-in-law of medical figures were more concentrated in the medical field. This can be the result of confirming the influence of the marital relationship network that was formed in the close period with the medical persons being investigated. In this paper, only medical figures were considered as primary research subjects, but their macroscopic networks were relatively evenly spread out in the three fields of medicine, linguistics, and mathematics. In this network, Uiyeokju Palsebo contained homogeneous hierarchies that could continuously dominate a specific field of government office.

      • 반남박씨(潘南朴氏)의 수보(修譜) 이력과 편집 방식

        權奇奭 ( Kwon Kiseok ) 한국계보연구회 2017 한국계보연구 Vol.7 No.-

        This paper analyzed the process of compiling and participating characters of the Bannam Park genealogies published over several generations. In particular, the activities of Park Sedang and his descendants were examined in relation to existing research. Bannam Park lineage is one of the prominent families of the central government, and the various genealogies compiled by them are typical examples of the compilation of genealogical records in the late Joseon Dynasty. The descendants of the central officials living near Seoul led the genealogical compilation. In the meantime, the descendants living in the provinces were also widely recorded in the genealogy. The genealogies published in the later period contained fewer descendants of the daughters. The collective cooperation of the patrilineal kinship organization was more effective than the individual effort in the genealogical compilation and publishing process. These features are identified in most genealogies of the same period. On the other hand, Genealogies of Bannam Park have many differences from other genealogies. First, the 19th century edition of genealogy is a rare example of using metal type printing. Second, when registering new descendants, this lineage has a relatively rigorous verification system compared to other lineages. The descendants lacking evidence to prove their genealogy were listed in the complementary family trees.

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