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        우리나라 고농서(古農書)에 나타난 한(旱)·수해(水害)와 그 대책(對策)에 관한 고찰(考察)(2)

        장권열,최규홍,Jang, Gwon-Yeol,Choe, Gyu-Hong 한국농업기계학회 1992 바이오시스템공학 Vol.17 No.2

        고구려, 백제, 신라의 삼국시대(三國時代) 천년 동안에 삼국사기(三國史記)에 나타난 농업재해(農業災害)에 관한 기록을 본바 한해(旱害)와 수해(水害)에 대한 기록이 제일 많고, 한해(旱害)에 대한 기록이 수해(水害)에 대한 기록이 수해(水害)에 대한 기록보다 두드러지게 많았다. 한해(旱害)에 대한 기록은 고구려 시대에 11회(回), 백제시대에 20회(回), 신라시대는 연대(年代)도 길어서 통일(統一)신라 이전에 22회(回) 그리고 통일신라 이후에 23회(回) 등 100회(回)에 가까운 한해(旱害)에 대한 기록을 볼 수 있다. 수해(水害)에 대한 기록은 한해(早害)에 대한 기록보다 적으나 고구려 시대에 5회(回), 백제시대에 3회(回), 그리고 신라시대에는 15회(回)의 수해(水害)(대수(大水))에 대한 기록이 보인다. 한해(早害)나 수해(水害)로 인하여 흉년(凶年)을 당했을 때, 특히 한해(旱害)에 대한 재해(災害)를 입었을 때에는 국가적(國家的)인 대책(對策)을 세워 기아민(飢餓民)의 구호(救護)에 힘을 기울였다는 기록은 얼마든지 있다. 여기에는 기우제(祈雨祭)를 지내여 민심(民心)을 수습하고 국가(國家)에서 비축(備蓄)하고 있었던 양곡(糧穀)으로 구호(救護)하였고 그 시대(時代)가 이천 년 전인 고구려, 백제, 신라의 건국 초기부터 라는 것을 볼 때 이들 구호(救護) 대책(對策)의 시행(施行)이 이천 년 전(前)으로 거슬러 올라간다는 것을 강조하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        大豆葉面積의 簡易測定法

        張權烈 韓國作物學會 1968 한국작물학회지 Vol.- No.4

        대두의 엽면적은 수량과 높은 상관관계가 있고 그의 간이측정법은 매우 의의 깊은 일이므로 포장에서 생체대로엽면적을 측정할 수 있도록 간이측정법을 고안하였다. 대두의 3개품종 감안, 동산 006, patten을 재료로 절위별로, 규소엽과 측소엽별로 엽면적과 엽장, 최대엽폭과의 관계를 조사, 실험하였으며 총공시엽수는 2246매이었다. 대두의 규소엽의 면적은 (엽장x 최대엽폭)x0.658, 측소엽의 면적은 (엽장 x 최대엽폭)x 0.683에 의해서 구할수 있음을 알았다. 즉, 규소엽장에 최대엽폭을 곱한 적에 수수 0.683를 곱합음로써 전처리구에서 planimeter에 의한 엽면적과 높은 상관관계를 보였고 이때의 상관계수 r의 평균은 0.994이었다. 그리고 측소엽장에 최대엽폭을 곱한 적에 계수 0.683을 곱함으로써 전처리구에서 planimeter에 의하여 구한 엽면적과 높은 상관관계를 보이고 또한 상관계수 r의 평균은 0.996이였다. 이방법에 의하면 시간과 노력을 크게 절감시킬수 있을 뿐만아니라 생체대로 쉽게 엽면적을 구할수 있는 이점이 있다. The importance of leaf area as related to transpiration and photosynthesis is generally recognized. In general, a compound leaf of soybean consist of one main leaflet and two side leaflets from each node of the stem. Takahashi and Fukuyama (1919) classified soybeans into three types, namely the long leaf type, round leaf type, and intermediate type, in which the last one had round leaves at the base and long leaves in the upper part of the stem. Nagai (1925) and Takahashi (1935). dealt with the genetics of the leaf form and association with other characters. The closely relationships, the correlation coefficients from 0.64 to 0.73, were shown between the leaf area and the soybean yield in the experiments by Nagai (1942). Nagata (1950) also tested the varietal differences of the variation of leaf length and its ratio to the leaf width on the nodes of stem, and finally divided varieties into five types. Three methods of measuring area of strawberry leaves were used by Darrow (1932). The first involved determining a factor to be used with length or length ~times width measurements. The second method involved placing leaves on pieces of cardboard of known area cut to the shape of the leaves. Direct use of the planimeter on intact leaves was Darrow's third method. Miller (1938) enumerated several methods to determine the leaf surface area in plants, some of which were extremely laborious and required removing leaves from plants. They included tracing outlines of leaves on paper and measuring the enclosed area with a planimeter or cutting out the traced areas and comparing the weights obtained with the weight of a known paper. Another method involved placing the form of the leaf on sensitized paper with the area being determined by measuring or weighing as above. Miller further stated that the photoelectric cell can also be utilized to estitmate leaf area. Working with field beans, Davis (1940) found that 0.004517 (length ~times width) of the center leaflet was the most nearly accurate of four methods attempted. A simple procedure to measure leaf area in corn was devised 1 y Montgomery (1911) and used by Kiesselbach (1950). The formula was length ~times width ~times 0.75. Stickler et al. (1961) have successfully used length times width ~times 0.747 to estimate area of grain sorghum leaves. Bhan and Pande(1966) has also used length ~times width ~times 0.802 to determine leaf area of rice varieties. The main objectives of the present investigation were to develop an accurate, rapid method to determine leaf area in soybean varieties and to examine certain data associated with leaf area determinations.

      • KCI등재후보
      • 菜豆 在來種 特性에 關한 硏究 : 第2報 諸形質 相互間의 相關關係 Ⅱ Simple Correlation among Various Characteristics

        朴重春,張權烈 진주농과대학 1970 진주농과대학 연구논문집 Vol.- No.9

        普州地方에서 蒐集한 菜豆在來種 8種(Table 1) 을 材料로 形態的 諸特性 相互間, 生態的 諸特性 相互間, 生態的 特性과 形態的 特性間, 形態的 特性과 Ecotype間의 相關關係를 본 바 그 結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1. 莖長, 莖直徑, 分枝數, 1株重量, 1株莢數, 1株粒數, 1株粒重, 1ℓ粒重 그리고 100粒重等의 形態的 諸特性 相互間의 相關關係는 第2表와 같고(Table 2). 그 中에서도 收量과 關係하는 特性 卽 1株粒重과 形態的 特性間의 關係를 보면, 分枝數, 1株重量, 1株粒數等은 收量과 正의 높은 相關關係가 보이고, 1株莢數는 낮은 相關을 보였다. 2. 開花日數, 同短縮率, 開花期間, 關係開花期間, 結實日數, 同短縮率, 生育日數, 同短縮率 그리고 關係生育日數等의 生態的 諸特性 相互間의 相關關係는 第3表와 같고( Table3) 이들 開花結實에 關한 諸特性中 開花日數, 開花期間, 結實日數, 生育日數 相互間에는 正의 相關을 보이는 경향이 있으나 關係生育日數와 開花日數, 開花期間과는 오히려 負의 相關을 보였다. 3. 前記한 開花日數, 結實日數等의 生態的 諸特性과 莖長, 莖直徑等의 形態的諸特性間의 相關關係는 第4表와 같다(Table 4). 莖直徑과 生育日數, 1株重量과 結實日數間에 正의 相關이 보이나 收量과 關係하는 1株粒重과는 어떤 生態的 特性과도 明瞭한 關係를 볼 수 없었다. 4. 莖長, 莖直徑, 分枝數等의 形態的特性과 Ecotype間의 相關關係(Table 5)에서 어떤 特性間에도 아무른 關係를 볼 수 없었다. Experiments were carried out to make clear the relationships among some morphological characteristics, among some ecological characteristics, between these ecological characteristics and the former morphological characteristics, and morphological characteristics and ecotypes of local kidney bean varieties. Local kidney bean varieties used as the materials were 8 varieties, as shown in Table 1, collected from Chinju, Korea. These varieties were grown in the Experimental Farm, Chinju National Agricultural College, Korea. Seed sowing was conducted at 8 times from April 3 to July 18, at 15 day-intervals, in 1968. Simple correlation coefficients were calculated among various characteristics in this study, and the results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. Correlation coefficients among morphological characteristics are shown in Table 2. Among many correlation coefficients calculated, it was observed that there were close relationships between yield and branch number, plant weight, grain number per plant of the kidney bean varieties. 2. Correlation coefficients among some ecological characteristics were obtained as shown in Table 3. From these results, it was observed that there were some close positive correlations among the days to flowering, the durations of flowering, the days from flowering to maturity and the days to maturity etc., however, there were some negative correlations or no correlation between relative growing period and days to flowering, durations of flowering. 3. Correlation coefficients between some ecological characteristics and some morphological characteristics were calculated as shown in Table 4. From this table, it can be observed that there were no correlations between the ecological characteristics and the morphological characteristics except between the days to maturity and the stem diameter, and between the flowering to maturity and the plant weight. The data obtained show that there was no clear relation between yield and ecological characteristics. 4. Correlation coefficients between some morphological characteristics and ecotypes were calculated as shown in Table 5. From these results, it can be observed that there were no relationships between morphological characteristics and ecotypes of the kidney bean varieties.

      • 大豆의 品種에 關한 硏究 : 第2報 諸特性間의 相關關係 Ⅱ.Simple Correlations among Various Characteristics

        張權烈 진주농과대학 1963 진주농과대학 연구논문집 Vol.- No.2

        우리나라 在來種大豆 43品種, 日本 品種 9品種, 미국 及 Canada에서 蒐集한 48品種, 都合 100品種을 材料로 形態的諸特性 相互間, 生態的諸特性 相互間, 生態的 特性과 形態的特性間, 色에 關한 質的形質 相互間의 相關關係를 본바 그結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1. 莖長, 莖直徑, 節間長, 分枝長, 分枝數, 分枝角度, 1株重量, 1株莢數, 1株粒數, 1株粒重, 1ℓ重, 그리고 100粒重 등의 形態的諸特性 相互間의 相關關係는 第1表와 같고(Table 1.) 그中에서도 收量과 關係하는 特性 즉 1株粒重과 形態的 特性間의 關係를 보면 莖直徑, 1株重量, 1株莢數, 1株粒數 그리고 100粒重등은 收量과 正의 높은 相關關係가 보이고 1ℓ重은 收量과 負의 相關이 있었다. 2. 開花日數, 同短縮率, 開花期間, 關係開花期間, 結實日數, 同短縮率, 生育日數, 同短縮率, 그리고 關係生育日數등의 生態的諸特性 相互間의 相關關係는 第2表와 같고(Table 2.) 이들 開花 結實에 관한 諸特性中 開花日數, 同短縮率, 結實日數, 同短縮率, 生育日數, 그리고 生育日數 短縮率, 相互間에는 正의 相關이 있었으나 開花期間 또는 關係開花期間과 이들 特性間에는 도리어 負의 相關이 있거나 明瞭한 關係를 볼 수없었다. 3. 前記한 開花日數, 結實日數등의 生態的諸特性과 莖長, 莖直徑등의 形態的 諸特性間의 相關關係는 第3表와 같다(Table 3.). 그中에서도 收量과 關係하는 特性 卽 1株粒重은 開花日數, 結實日數 그리고 生育日數 사이에 높은 相關이 있었으므로 收量을 判定하는데 있어서는 前記한 莖直徑, 1株重, 1株莢數, 1株粒數, 100粒重 등의 形態的 諸特性 이외에도 開花日數, 結實日數 그리고 生育日數가 한 指標가 될것으로 믿는다. 4. 色에 關한 特性중 胚軸色, 小葉褥色 그리고 花色間에 있어서 胚軸色이 紫色이고 小葉褥色도 紫色인 품종은 花色이 紫色 또는 菫色을 띠우므로 유식물시대의 胚軸色과 小葉褥色을 觀察함으로써 花色을 判定할수 있다. 5. 花色, 毛茸色, 莢色, 粒色 그리고 臍色 相互間의 關係를 보면 第4,5表와 같고(Table 4,5.) 花色, 毛茸色이 모두 白色인 品種은 粒色이 黃色, 黃白色등의 淡色을 띠우고 毛茸이 褐色이고 黑褐인 品種은 粒色이 花靑素를 가지는 濃色을 띠운다. 粒色이 花靑素를 가져 濃色인 品種은 臍에도 色彩를 가지고 臍色이 白色인 것은 볼수 없었다. 以上의 여러 가지 色에 關한 特性相互間의 關係를 보아 幼苗期에 있어서 花色을, 開花期間에 있어서는 種皮色을 어느程度 豫察할수 있다고 믿는다. Experiments were carried out to make clear the relationships among some morphological characteristics, among some ecological characteristics, between these ecological characteristics and the former morphological characteristics, and among some qualitative characters of soybean varieties in Korea. Soybean varieties used as the material were 100, 48varieties collected from America and Canada, 9 Japanese varieties and 43 local Korean varieties. Seeds were grown in the Experimental Farm, College of Agriculture, Seoul National University, Suwon, Korea. Seed sowing was conducted at 8 times from April 15 to July 29, at 15 day-intervals, in 1962. Simple correlation coefficients were calculated among the morphological characteristics themselves, among the ecological characteristics themselves, and between some ecological characteristics and morphological characteristics of soybean varieties. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. Correlation coefficients among some morphological characteristics are shown in Table 1. Among many correlation coefficients calculated, ti was observed that there were colse relationships between yield and stem diameter, plant weight, pod number per plant, grain number per plant and 100 grain weight respectively, though it appeared that there was not any correlation between yield and stem length, length of internode, branch length, branch number per plant and branch angularity of the 100 soybean varieties. It was also observed that there were some negative significant correlations between yield and one liter grain weight, especially, among some yield components. 2. Correlation coefficients among some ecological characteristics were obtained as shown in Table 2. From these results, it was observed that there were some close positive correlations among the days to flowering, the days from flowering to maturity and the days to maturity etc., however, there were dome negative correlations or no correlation between durations of flowering and some ecological characteristics, and between the relative flowering period and these ecological characteristics except between the relative flowering period and durations of flowering. 3. Correlation coefficient between some ecological characteristics and some morphological characteristics were calculated as shown in Table 3. From this table, it can be observed that there were close relationships between three ecological characteristics, the days to floweiring, the days from flowering to maturity and the days to maturity, and some morphological characteristics, stem diameter, plant weight, pod number per plant, grain weight per plant and 100 grain weight which are yield components, except between the days from flowering to maturity and pod number per plant, and between the days to flowering and 100 grain weight. It can also be observed that there was no clear relation between durations of flowering and the morphological characteristics of the varieties. The data obtained show that soybean yield is affected mainly by the length of growing periods and by stem diameter, plant weight, pod number per plant, grain number per plant and grain weight of growth and morphological characteristics of the soybean plants. 4. Furthermore, some qualitative characters, hypocotyl color, primary leaf cushion color, flower color, pubescence color, grain color and hilum color, were also observed in this study. Relations among these qualitative characters of the varieties used are shown in Tables 4 and 5. All varieties of purple hypocotyl with purple primary leaf cushion produced purple or violet flowers. Grain colors of the varieties of white flower and light pubescence color were yellow, yellowish white or light color, whereas black pod with brown pubescence varieties produced dark colored grains. From these observations, it is almost always possible to recognize the flower color and the grain color in the growing stage of soybean plants by the observation of hypocotyl color, primary leaf cushion color and pubescence color etc.

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