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      • 組織開發의 實證的 硏究

        姜應五 淑明女子大學校 1977 論文集 Vol.17 No.-

        Ⅰ Business enterprises in this country have recently made outstanding progress in the side of quantity. But in the side of quality, especially in constitution of organization, they have much problems needed to be reformed. Management have to cultivate resources effectively-both human and material in order to adapt his business to changing environment vreatively. Organization Development (OD) has come out to make a role of pivotal function in solving these problems. This paper is aimed at helping formation of dynamic organization for development of business enterprise through systematic readjustment of know-how and presenting direction of OD. For the accomplishment of these purposes, I planned "Field Survey" on OD objecting two hundred firms. Ⅱ. Direction and theoretical back-ground of OD Traditional organization of our business could not yet cast off its statistic organization oriented istructure. With movement for dynamic organization have recently crossed up, lots of business have a trend to reorganize its structure into "Task Force," "Abolition of Section System", or "Flat Organization." This movement however can not be realized with only reorganization by dynamic structure. It puts its stress on "Function" than "Structure." Function of organization is aimed at reforming consciousness and behavior of organization members so as to operate flexible organization dynamically. We therefore have to put direction of OD on realizing reform of consciousness and behavior of members in the side of "Function," while reorganizing its structure into flexible and sound organization. Theoretical back-ground to OD are as follows. F.J. Roethlisberger, "Stndy on motivation and productivity." K.Levine, "Study on leadership pattern." K.Levine, "Dynamics of small group." J.Moreno, "Sociometry." R.R. Blake & J.S. Mouton. "managerial Grid." D.McGregor, "The human side of enterprise." E.H. Shein & W. G. Bennis, " Personal and organizational change through group methods." W.G. Bennis, "Changing organization." R.Livitt, "Dynamics of planned changing." Ⅲ. Purpose and distinct feature of OD OD has to put its ultimate purpose on establishment of mutural confidence, cooperative system through reforming consciousness and behavior among members with abolition of bureucretic control. And it has furtheremore to make a effort to cultivate organization in which all of the members are able to do their best in the field of jobs. According to my "Field Survey," most of firms gave recently introduced "System of Management By Objective(MBO). I however can not but point it out as a problem, because it puts its main interest only in departmental results, not in performances of the whole firm under the system of objective, And it is also one of problems that it does not arrow members to participate in setting departmental goal. OD is much different from other training. It cannot be realized with only simple Knowledge and skil. It puts its stress on-reforming attitude and behavior of human. Therefore it emphasizes experimental training in which analysing and modifying attitude and behavior of human-being is more important. As it implises an innovation for increasing effectiveness and soundness of organization, it has a distinct feature that its results can be realized only with unit-training of group or team, not of individual. Ⅳ. Deployment of OD OD can be deployed by four steps as foffows; The first step; Occurence of problems, recognition of importance of the problem and top-management's decision-making for solving the probem are belong to this step. In this step, change-agents are generally appointed from outside of the firm. But they are needed to be appointed from inside of the firm. The second step: In this step, cange-agents have to grasp the actural condition clearly and reconfirm the problems. They must present the results surveyed and diagnosed to top-management(or to the concerned department), and make them recognize intention for changing. The third step; In this step, change-agents have to set up strategic goal, select mothods for accomplishment of the purpose, and draw up operating program. The fourth step; This is the last step in which changing is steadily fixed. In this step, change-agents have to measure effectiveness of OD, reflect methodology used and seak more effective reform-measure for OD. Ⅴ. Methods of OD There are four methods in OD, that is, I Sensitivity Training, 2 Team Laboratory Training, and 3 Managerial Grid Program 1. Sensitivity Training Sensitivity Training(ST) is for establishment of correct self-figure in organization through observating and learning attitude or behavior of group members. Through this training all of group members are able to feel how they don't hear what others say, understand how communication is complex and difficult, and then realize variance of group's problem and distinct character of group behavior. With this training, all of people could develop their ability to do with others well through changing self-attitude. According to this field survey, ST is widely popularized and harvests satisfactory results among many firms. Even though ST is one of the method for OD, it is also true that it has some problems in the demension of OD. Then where can we find out the method which is able to complement the limit of ST? We can get it in "Team Laboratory Training." 2. Team Laboratory Training Team Laboratory Training(TLT) is different from ST. ST is oriented in "individual attitude," But TLT is could present more effective method to OD. In this method, we are able to rise up effectiveness of organization through dirrect reforming on jobs we have, and we can also accelerate changing of administrative behavior concerning with the jobs. 3. Managerial Grid Program As menthioned above, ST puts its stress on changing individual attitude and behavior, and TLT puts its stress on changing jobs of group. Managerial Grid Program(MGP) however is aimed at changing the whole organization systematically with making TLT more progresive. This program tries to realize OD through six steps as follows. In the first step, members of organization or group would learn and understand theory of "Managerial Grid" through "Grid Seminar," and set up their common consciousness to organization. At the same time they would find out a guideline for development of administrative ability by themselves. In the secnd step, they would establish goals needed to be renovated for betterment of performance through renovation of team-work. In the third step, cooperative system would be developed and strengthend among concerning departments. In the fourth step, dynamic management policy would be established under thorough investgating and reflecting realities of the firm. All of organization unit in the firm would make an effort to cultivate organization atmosphere in which sound selfcontrol could be realized by them as a definite guide to accomplishment of their jobs. In the fifth step, change-agents put stresson realizing the new firm-wide policy. In the last sixth step, change-agents would renovate the plan and goal they had at the begining of this program with inspection the results they made. By these efforts, they could finaly cultivate dynamic management atmosphere throughout the whole business. This program has more distnct merit than ST or TLT. For this is consisted of fundamental long-range reforming program of the whole organization with changing of indivdual administrative behavior, and betterment of relations among departments. In OD however it is more important problem that all concerned would be enthusiastic to OD or not than the program itself. And it is also another problem that this program (from the first step to the sixth step) would take a long time-three or five years. But according to circumstance it would take more longer time than that. Therefore concret positive intention and vigorous endeavour to accomplish original intention are needed by all concerned. Ⅵ. Problems and its counter-measure of OD Next, I would like to investigate some problems which would appear in the process developing OD. 1. Problem on activation of "Managent By Objective"(MBO) If cordination between objectives and leadership of management in the process of setting objectives are not sufficiently displayed, there are numerous confusions in the system of MBO. If these fundamental problem of communication and ledership could not be solved, MBO would possibly fall in formalism. So all the concerned to OD have to make an effort to realize activation of MBO. 2. Problem on unanimity of method and plan OD should not put its purpose only on developing of methods itself. Only with useful method, OD would not be expected to realize. It needs prospect of planned reforming. All the concerned therefore should make a mind to realize unanimity of method and plan. 3. Strengthening consciousness of concerned It is most important to make all concerned to recognize needs and encourage intention for CD. As OD is aimed at reforming consciousness and behavior of organization members, desirable results would not be expected to realize if all concerned do not make an effort to participate on their own initiaive. 4. Problem on change-agent It is not desirable to make " General Staff" take sole charge of OD. In the initial stage, there would be no trouble only with "General Staff" However when it spreads out all over the organization in earnest, propulsion head quarters such as "project team" or "conferences for cordination" should be established so that they may handle OD. 5. Strengthening consciousness of problemson OD If all members of organization do not participate in OD with consciousness as a concerned, its effectiveness would be difficult to expect. OD-agents therefore have to make an effort to cultivate organization atmosphere in which all the concerned are able to paricipate positively in OD with "problems of themselves" and "problems of their organization or group" People do not show their concern on the problem which is not directly influenced to them. There is no reforming behavior where there is no consciousness of the problem. 6. Subjugating mannerism of reforming behavior In OD it is important to reform stagnant organization effectively than progressive one. Therefore even in stagnant organization, "Follow-up System" subjugating impact on changings is needed to study. For instance, evaluating and reflecting are needed to be costomary with using semminar or various committee meetings. And then all concerned have to foster their life-attitude recieving a change affirmatively. We however should keep this customary not to fall into "mannerism" mechanically repeated. This Subjugating mannerism would depend upon leader of organization of group. Ⅶ. Conclusion The biggest task of OD in this country is how to cultivate sound and effective statue of Koreanized organization. If we fail to find out a desirable statue of organization through analysing realities of management organization, we could not expect satisfied effectiveness of OD. In this paper I made an effort to present direction and technology of OD through my "field survey." However I think this is not enough, and I feel there is something yet to learn in my study. I hope much comments and instructions from fellow scholar.

      • 創造的 組織行動에 관한 硏究

        姜應五 淑明女子大學校 1976 論文集 Vol.16 No.-

        This paper aimed at studying the problem of creative organizational behavior in the side of "Group Dynamics" os formed with the contents as following. 1. Creative organization should be consisted of creative structures and functions, and the structures and functions of organization should be grasped from the relations of individual members and groups in organition. With these reasons, I firstly disclosed the problem of "Individual and Organization" and "Groups and Organization", and then studied "Mechanism of Organization Behavior" which is able to induce creativeness of organization through solving frustrations and complications of individual and group. 2. Next, I studied "patterns of Organizational Behavior" which is able to induce creative organizational behavior with solution of organization's complications. There are four kinds of patterns in organizational behavior. 1) Behavior pattern of victory or defeat 2) Behavior pattern of nonintervention 3) Behavior pattern of sacrifice 4) Behavior pattern of problem-solving. Effectiveness and creativeness of organization could be realized through effective controlling these behavior patterns. 3. Thirdly, I studied "the Control structure of organizational behavior". We need pertinent control to organizational behavior so that we might solve the problems in organization, and then to promote effectiveness of organization. There are four patterns in control structure (see Fig Ⅱ: Control model). 1) Democratic control 2) Tyrannical control 3) Non-interfering control

      • 組織의 變革理論에 관한 硏究

        姜應五 淑明女子大學校 1970 論文集 Vol.10 No.-

        Today is the age of change. Problems of organization are to be recognized as one of the strategic factors of management to-day. It is also generally understood that they are not a simple abstract theories, but a concrete problems of changing organizations. This paper is aimed at introducing the opinions of Bennis, W.G. and Leavitt H.J. in which both showed their concern with changing organizations, and then clarifying whereabout of their problems with critical consideration in order to develop theories, policies, and historical problems of organization. The gists of this paper are composed as follows: Ⅰ. Historical survey on organization theories. Though history of organiztion is as long as history of human being, the history of organization theories are relatively quite new. We can say it began with history of business management. Hitsorical development of organization theories can be divided into three periods. The first period (1880-1930) : Formation of the modern organization theories. The second period (1930-1950) : Criticism age of the modern organization theories. Or Transitional age to the present organization theories. The third period (1950) : Esbtalishment of the present organization theories. Ⅱ. Problems of intentional changing organizations. We might say that problems of intentional changing organizations are a concrete organizational problems of management to-day, and at the same time they are a toutch-stone of the present organization theories. They have also become to be characterized as a peculiar approach to behavioral theories, since they are dealt with organization as an interaction system among their structural elements. Concerning with these problems, I would like to consider the opinions of Bennies, W.G. and Leavitt, H.J. 1) Intentional changing organizations by Bennis, W.G. He insists that the intentional changing organizations can be expected by developing a method of utilizing social technology in order to solve social problems and applying a series of proper systematized knowledge to personnel affairs in an attempt of creating intelectural behavior and selections. Furthermore, he said that it is also aimed at connecting with basic theory of behavioral science just as technology with physics and medical science with biology. It thus plays a decisive role in combining between theory and practice, knowledge and deed. There are four elements in the process of intentional changing, that is, ① change-agent, ② client system, ③ valid knowledge, and ④ deliberated collaboration. With mutual colllaboration among these elements, intentional organization activities for changing are able to be developed. 2) Changing organizations by Leavitt, H.J. In classifying method of approaches to changing organizations, he explains organization as a cooperative system composed with four variables, that is, ① task variable, ② structual variable, ③ technology variable, and ④ human variable. With utilizing these variables, he explains three types of approach to changing organizations. They are ① structual approach, ② technical approach, and ③human approach. Ⅲ. Structual approach Structual approach is an endeavour trying to change organization through change of its structure. Leavitt explans as follows: 1) Structural changing is so-called "Classic organization theory." It thus tries to make a suitable situation for organization activities with making the structure most suitable. In other words, it is aimed at improving the method of accomplishment of task through clarifying jobs, and maintaining proper relations between them. 2) He emphasises that the changing organizations must be realized by decentralization. Through decentralization, we are able to make profit center, decision-making center, and information center. Furthermore, it is possible for us to promote motivation of district manger and objective oriented behavior of employee. And we are also able to maintain elasticity of organization, and offer proper technical aids to sub-units in order to accomplish their task by decentralization. In this view point, decentralization is generally recognized as a mechanism to offer changes to organization by expediting regional autonomy. 3) He thirdly explains an engineering approach which intends to change human behavior with improvement of task accomplishment. It is clear that planning and specialization of a flow of work will directely affect morale and behavior of employee, and contribute to the betterment of productivity. 4) Lastly, he explains the aspect of Changing organizations through communication. The change of communication would largely affect the accomplishment of the various jobs, whether specified or not. In the case of routine jobs, it would be more effective to centralize the communication for them. At the same time, however we should not overlook that humanity would be sacrified there. While in the case of unspecified jobs, open communication structure would be more effective. Ⅳ. Technical approach Role of technology is a decisive factor to changing organizations. Since Taylor's scientific management, the change of technology has played a leading role to changing organizations. It is clear that development of operation reserch and information technology by utilization of computer have much had an affect upon structure variable and human variable. Ⅴ. Human approach Human approach is aimed at changing organizations with change of behavior of organization members. With this change of human behavior, it is able to change power structure of organization. There are two types of approach in this human approach, that is, ① manipulative people approach and ② power-equalization approach. However I especially put my focal attention on the power-equalization approach (P.E. approach) in this paper. Ⅵ. Changing orangizations and theory of changing. Lastly, I clarified the definition and boundary of analytical approaches, and explained the importance of synthetical approaches based on recognition of history of organization theories in an attempt of earnest study for the theory of changing. Furthermore, I clarified modern signification about the theory of changing with studying unification of theories, policies, and history of organization in a practice of changing organizations to-day.

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