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      • 희극적 구조를 통한 『당신 좋으실 대로』에의 여성론적 접근

        全善玉 한국영어교육연구학회 1996 영어교육연구 Vol.- No.16

        In Shakespearean comedy, feminist critics and readers often find a courageous and intelligent woman who does not yield to the tyranical patriarchal society, and who realizes her own will. Representative of this is Rosalind in As You Like It, a young woman who successfully demomstrates her ability to control events in the world around her, not excluding the world of men. Many anti-feminists or even some feminists, however, question the catastrophe, in that they see her submitting to the patriarchal order in the end. In this paper, I tried to answer the pressing question by focusing on the comic structure of the play. One of the most useful comic devices is the male disguise. Male garments immensely broaden the sphere in which female energy and ability can manifesst itself. Forest of Arden is another useful comic device, where the high spirits of the heroine flourish without the pressure of sexual prejudice. At the end of the play, the marriage and the newly established order are not expected to stop after Arden. Rosalind remains a comic heroine and this comedy is really romantic as the result of her adventure.

      • Camino Real의 시적 상징성

        全善玉 한국영어교육연구학회 2002 영어교육연구 Vol.- No.25

        Since its Broadway debut in 1953, Tennessee Williams' enigmatic and rarely performed Camino Real has confounded critics and baffled audiences around the world. Later the public managed to catch up with this play and could appreciate its picture of the world, which is grim but not without magnificent. Originally 'camino real' is the royal highway leading from Santa Fe to Chihuahua, Mexico. In Williams' play it is a terminal road, a dead end, a police state in a vaguely Latinate country from which there is no escape. Don Quixote dreams of Camino Real where a worn-out Casanova, a Camille living on memories, a Byron pitiful in his disillusioned pride and others less famous but as mercilessly treated by time are living out a hopeless existence. Into this world comes Kiloy, the all-American kid with "a heart as big as the head of a baby." He is finally conned, or almost, into despairing subjection like the rest. In the dream-like setting, a walled community, from which the characters ceaselessly try to escape without success, only Don Quixote has access to the outside, and finally Kiloy goes with him. Through Williams' poetic symbolism of images around everyday experience and the mythic journey of the quest, a strange and disturbing drama appears as a brilliant adventure that is tangible for all our senses the delirious pains and ecstasy of a wild dream.

      • 영문학교육 방법론의 한 제안 : 영문학사의 경우 In the Case of Teaching History of English Literature

        全善玉 한국영어교육연구학회 2004 영어교육연구 Vol.- No.29

        This essay tries to suggest an idea for teaching History of English Literature in the university classroom. Recently, many university students tend to think that pure literature-related lectures are somewhat boring and not so beneficial as other practical subjects, while competency for English language is regarded more important than ever. Furthermore, with the trend of international-domestic change in socio-political situation, anti-American emotion is now led to shirking majoring British-American Literature among students in Korea. In this condition, professors whose major is British-American Literature has come to urge themselves to develop more efficient methodology to improve the class toward the ideal educational goal. As a proposition of such methodology, this essay shows how to teach History of English Literature in terms of humanism, history, and culture oriented perspectives. Our journal, whose aim is to research and develop ideal English teaching methodology, is expected to be a proper field to discuss and evaluate our scholars' various opinions and experiences from teaching the courses of English major in the university classroom in Korea.

      • 초인지 언어교수 전략을 위한 문학 텍스트의 활용

        全善玉(Sun-oak Chun) 한국영어교육연구학회 2005 영어교육연구 Vol.- No.31

        The metas -- metacognition, metalinguistic knowledge, and metapragmatics -- become more important in adolescence. Students are expected to take more control over their own learning, and they are required to recognize and reflect on their own thought processes and learning. They are expected to use logical and critical thinking to evaluate information and to write in different discourse style. As students are expected to produce longer, more elaborated language and to use this language in a variety of discourse genres, it is recommended to apply literary text for strategies of metacognitive language instruction. Furthermore, such a way is supported by the recent academic trend of textlinguistic analysis beyond traditional grammar study in terms of sentences. During adolescence, students develop proficiency in using language to negotiate, to persuade others, to present their viewpoint, and to resolve conflicts. This aspect of language competence presages students' adjustment as they move from adolescence into adulthood. Literary text, such as plays, short stories, and poetry offers a means for teachers to instruct how to use and understand language according to given different contexts.

      • 영문학교육 방법론의 한 제안

        全善玉(Sun-oak Chun) 한국영어교육연구학회 2004 영어교육연구 Vol.- No.29

        This essay tries to suggest an idea for teaching History of English Literature in the university classroom. Recently, many university students tend to think that pure literature-related lectures are somewhat boring and not so beneficial as other practical subjects, while competency for English language is regarded more important than ever. Furthermore, with the trend of international-domestic change in socio-political situation, anti-American emotion is now led to shirking majoring British-American Literature among students in Korea. In this condition, professors whose major is British-American Literature has come to urge themselves to develop more efficient methodology to improve the class toward the ideal educational goal. As a proposition of such methodology, this essay shows how to teach History of English Literature in terms of humanism, history, and culture oriented perspectives. Our journal, whose aim is to research and develop ideal English teaching methodology, is expected to be a proper field to discuss and evaluate our scholars' various opinions and experiences from teaching the courses of English major in the university classroom in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        통합교육과 SRV를 위한 장애담론의 인문학적 확장: 연극 다시 보기를 통한 장애 재개념화의 한 시도

        전선옥 ( Sun Oak Chun ),곽승철 ( Seung Chul Kwak ) 한국특수교육문제연구소 2007 특수교육저널 : 이론과 실천 Vol.8 No.1

        장애학의 연구 열기와 학문분야 간 경계를 낮추는 지식 통합의 추세가 맞물려 장애담론의 다변화가 나타나고 있다. 이 시대가 지향하는 완전통합교육의 구현을 위해서는 특수교육 관련인들만의 담론을 넘어 범사회적 역할 가치화(SRV)를 통한 전향적인 장애의 재개념화가 문화적 인프라로 구축될 필요가 있다. 이러한 차원에서 문학이나 미디어 등의 문화적 텍스트를 연구하여 인간 이해의 차원에서 장애 개념을 재고하는 인문학적 탐구의 의의가 있다. 장애의 문화적 재현이 장애인을 억압하는 이데올로기와 부정적 심상을 전복시킬 수 있을 때 장애의 미학은 성취되는 것이다. 2005년 노벨문학상 수상자인 Harold Pinter의 연극 The Caretaker에서는 장애인 주인공 Aston을 대하는 Davies의 태도를 통해 식민적 권력담론의 허상을 볼수 있고, 이를 전복시키는 극의 대단원에서 관객은 카타르시스를 느낄 수 있다. 새로운 세기의 지성은 대중 속에서 지식의 민주화를 이루어내는 과제를 안고 있다고 볼 때, 문화 텍스트를 통한 장애담론의 확장은 시대적 요구라 할 수 있다. The emergence from the medical model can be tracked to the early history of disability discourse. Nowadays disability is defined as a condition imposed on individuals by society. The contemporary leading thinkers on disability recognize the significance of abandoning the old view of people with disabilities as abnormal or inferior. Special educational needs also belong to the unalienable human right. That is essential to facilitate and realize the inclusive education in general school, the normalization in education. The principle of Scandinavian Normalization begets the theory of Social Role Valorization in the United States, which focuses on the importance of social value and public imagery of disability. Recently based on the SRV, there begin to appear various studies of disability in the perspective of Humanities, especially on the correlation between the public discourse of disability and cultural text, such as literary text and media. The postmodern interpretation of cultural text transforms the consciousness of people to positively conceptualize disability in terms of democratic human right, through complex feedback system of the knowledge-based information society. In this re-interpretation of The Caretaker by Harold Pinter, the audience become to recognize the reversal of colonial discourse represented by Davies, who is the archetype of Everyman.

      • The Birthday Party와 King Lear의 상호텍스트성

        全善玉(Sun-oak Chun) 한국영어교육연구학회 2006 영어교육연구 Vol.- No.33

        This study aims at the intertextual reading of The Birthday Party and King Lear. Harold Pinter, our contemporary playwright, is generally regarded as one of the absurd dramatists or postmodern literary artists. Actually his plays deal with essentially absurd human conditions on the basis of existential thought of our time. Shakespeare, the literary genius of the sixteenth century, is the great and distant ancestor of Harold Pinter. Shakespeare's characters, however, are so vivid even in this time that we think of them as detachable from the play, like real people. It means that there are fundamental theme and situation about our mankind presented by the maestro, that are not so changed according to the age. In this study, intertextuality of those two plays by the two playwrights is read in terms of their languages, dramatic situation of menace, and the motif of disabilities such as madness, aphasia, and blindness. In The Birthday Party, the human condition of menace is delivered through the shift of strength revealed in the dialogue of the characters. The language of Goldberg and McCann is full of verbal strategies to make Stanley give in, and we see Stanley become unable to see and articulate as the play goes on. Stanley's aphasia and blindness is in fact the representation of his state of absolute subservience. Shakespearean language in King Lear also contributes to survey the unbalance of power among characters in the course of development of dramatic situation. Interpreting Shakespeare's dialogue, the audience appreciate the rise of victor and the fall of victim, the result of which is blindness and death, although the surface meaning of the language may not be as logical and grammatical as we expect language to be, as in the case of Pinter.

      • KCI등재

        현대 연극 텍스트를 통해 본 장애의 미학 -The Birthday Party에 나타난 언어장애의 경우-

        전선옥 ( Sun Oak Chun ) 한국특수교육문제연구소 2008 특수교육저널 : 이론과 실천 Vol.9 No.3

        시대정신의 변화와 더불어 장애를 보는 시각도 변화를 거듭해오고 있다. 관습적 인식을 전복하는 역설의 미학을 중시하는 포스트 시대의 가치는 장애인식 교육에 있어서도 발상의 전환을 촉구하며 통합의 가속화를 요구한다. 이에 이 연구에서는 2005년 노벨문학상 수상자인영국의 극작가 Harold Pinter의 The Birthday Party에 나타난 언어장애의 경우를 연극사회학적 관점으로 접근하여 이 극에 나타난 장애의 미학을 조명해봄으로써 특수교육의 실제에 기여할 수 있는 인식적 기반을 공고히 하고자 하였다. The Birthday Party에서는 Stanley라는 주인공이 등장하여 어느 해변가의 하숙집에서 안온한 생활을 즐기던 중, 위협적인 외부의 방문객들에 의해 이끌려가게 되면서 주인공이 수수께끼와도 같은 그들의 질문 공세를 감당해내지 못하고 언어장애를 보이게 된다. 이 연구에서는 Stanley의 이러한 상황에 대해 Stanley의 사회적 자아형성과정으로 해석하고, 주로 Lacan의 정신분석학이론에 입각하여 Stanley의 성장을 분석하면서 , 이 극에 나타나는 언어사용전략과 함께 주인공의 언어장애가 시사하는 장애의 미학을 탐색해보았다. Art-based educational research is attempted to enhance perspectives pertaining to human activities and the ultimate goal for doing ABER is the betterment of educational policy and practice. This study aims at finding an aesthetic of disability by a theatre-sociological approach to The Birthday Party by Pinter. On the level of psychological archetypes, The Birthday Party is a metaphor for the process of growing up, of expulsion from the world of childhood. Meg is a mother-image seen from the viewpoint of an Oedipus complex. Stanley is reluctantto leave the warm nest, and it reveals his wish to stay at the childhood status without the danger of castration. Goldberg and McCann are understood as the projection of father-image, the metaphor of society. Employing Lacan’s terminology, Stanley remains in the ‘imaginary’ stage. The language used in the play is fragmental and illogical, since it is the language which fails to get into the ‘symbolic’, the world of the signifier and the order. The dialogue in this play contains many characteristics found in everyday conversation; frequent pauses and silence, repetitiveness, non sequiturs, mumbling, ambiguity, and the communication problems. Even aphasia is found in the subversive reaction of Stanley to the dominant language strategy of Goldberg and McCann. In the perspective of the postmodernism, such use of dialogues reflects the phase of the language deconstruction and the very essence of language itself. Pinter successfully recreates everyday language into an effective dramatic language and achieve an aesthetic of (language) disorder.

      • 통합 환경에서 영어교육을 위한 교수적 수정 방안

        전선옥(Sun-oak Chun) 한국영어교육연구학회 2008 영어교육연구 Vol.- No.37

        The purpose of this study was to suggest that successful English language education in inclusive settings requires various efforts to devise instructional adaptations. In terms of school-wide educational support, multicultural education needs to be applied to general students for understanding disability concepts, and to students with disabilities for understanding foreign custom and culture. And in the classroom, teachers can use literary works for more effective and authentic learning of English, and also facilitate students group activities for more dynamic and comprehensive language learning. In order to enhance the level and amount of participation of students with disabilities in general education classes, it is critical for Korean teachers to pay more attention to the parameters directly related to the quality of instruction for an individual student, such as instructional adaptations. Accordingly, future priority research directions and topics with respect to teaching practices and instructional issues associated with effective instruction for students with disabilities in general education classes were suggested.

      • 『코끼리 인간』다시 읽기: 장애의 문화적 재현에 대한 통섭적 접근

        전선옥(Sun-oak, Chun) 한국영어교육연구학회 2020 영어교육연구 Vol.- No.51

        Postmodern insights are appropriate and useful for the development of comprehensive disability discourse. Disability studies has been developed based on the contemporary Zeitgeist, such as postmodernism and consilience theory. Disability studies is an emerging interdisciplinary field of scholarship that critically examines issues related to the dynamic interplays between disability and various sociocultural aspects. The analysis of the topic of disability in literary works reveals its widespread cultural and political implications for society as a whole. In The Elephant Man, Joseph Merrick is shown as a Victorian sideshow ‘freak’ whose deformed and disabled body earned him the name of ‘elephant man.’ This drama explores the meaning and questions about disability as a socio-political status, along with the development of the play. The dramatic representation of disability in this play suggests some possibilities of cultural and political resistance discourse. Aesthetic of difference is an innovative discourse that confronts oppressive social reality and converts it into something liberatory.

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