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        열 퍼머넌트 시 1제 사용 여부에 따른 웨이브 형성 및 형태적 손상 비교 - PPT와 LPP 처지 방법에 따라-

        김관옥 ( Kwan-ok Kim ),이미영 ( Mi-young Lee ) 한국미용예술경영학회 2007 미용예술경영연구 Vol.1 No.3

        It is necessary to study on the way to minimize the hair damage when performing permanent wave as the interests from population on healthy hair is soaring these days. This study, therefore, did observation on the morphologic change of hair and the change of wave by using the exclusive heat permanent wave agent and the general cold wave agent as the first agent(reducer) respectively and making different cases; PPTㆍLPP, PPT, LPP and non-treatment with the treatment of PPT(before treatment) and LPP(after treatment). It would like to present more useful method in order to minimize hair damage of customers by selecting the proper hair treatment performance method together with wave solvents and provide the fundamental data on the subject. For the hair samples for the study, it selected only virgin healthy hair of a woman in her mid twenties who has never experienced chemical treatment and made 2g respectively after the process of decoloration as its sample to use it as damaged hair. It took the picture of the curl wave extent of hair by digital camera and made the inter-comparison on them with the naked eyes to observe the curl wave extent and observed the morphologic characteristics by taking them in SEM (electron microscope). It got the result that curl wave extent of hair formed the most elastic and equal S-curl in the case of PPTㆍLPP and the cases of PPTㆍLPP and PPT made the most elastic and equal S-curl but its strong curl was made in only the edge of hair. The result of photograph taken by SEM showed that the both exclusive heat permanent wave agent and general cold wave agent were the most similar to the hair before the permanent treatment less damaged relatively in the case of PPTㆍLPP and there were much more damages observed on the cuticle layer of hair on which the general cold wave agent was applied, compared to the exclusive heat permanent agent. Through the result of this study, it is judged that it is efficient to form wave and protect hair from damage to use the PPTㆍLPP method of hair treatment in the case of damaged hair in performing the heat permanent wave.

      • KCI등재

        상대적 이익과 국제협력이론 논쟁의 재조명 -한-미FTA와 미-인도핵협력 사례연구를 중심으로-

        김관옥 ( Kwan Ok Kim ) 대한정치학회 2011 大韓政治學會報 Vol.19 No.1

        본 연구는 신현실주의이론이 국제협력을 저해하는 가장 결정적 요인으로 지목하고 있는 상대적 이익 요인이 오히려 국제협력을 추동하는 요인으로 작용할 수 있다고 주장한다. 특히 제3국과의 경쟁관계가 치열해지거나 제3국으로부터의 위협이 증대될수록 제3국과의 상대적 이익 요인이 협력 상대국과의 상대적 이익 우려를 약화시키며 국제협력을 촉진시키는 역할을 할 수 있다는 것이다. 이에 본 연구는 제3국과의 관계 속에서의 상대적 이익 요인이 국제협력을 촉진할 수 있다는 본 연구의 주장을 평가하기 위해 한-미FTA와 미-인도핵협력 등의 사례연구를 수행했다. 사례연구 결과 미국 부시정부는 부상하는 중국을 위협으로 인식하면서 인도와의 협력을 의도적으로 추진했고 결국 인도와의 관계에서 손실을 보는 미-인도핵협력을 추진했으며 한국 노무현정부도 중국의 제조업이 한국경제에 위협이 된다고 판단하면서 미국과의 관계에서 상대적 손실을 입는 한미FTA를 체결한 것으로 확인되었다. 이는 제3국과의 경쟁 또는 갈등관계가 치열해질수록 국제협력이 제공하는 특정 제3국 배제적 이익, 즉 상대적 이익이 국제협력을 촉진할 수 있다는 본 연구의 주장이 한미FTA 와 미-인도핵협력 사례에서 모두 평가된 것이다. 물론 제3국과의 상대적 이익 요인이 한미FTA와 미-인도핵협력 성취를 결정짓는 유일한 요인은 아니었지만 협력 추진에 상당한 동기로 작용했던 것으로 확인되었다.

      • KCI등재

        4대 중증질환 보장성 강화 정책이 의료비에 미친 영향: 본인부담금을 중심으로

        김관옥 ( Kim Kwan-ok ),신영전 ( Shin Young-jeon ) 한국보건사회연구원 2017 保健社會硏究 Vol.37 No.2

        가계경제에 큰 부담으로 작용하는 4대 중증질환(암, 심장질환, 뇌혈관질환, 희귀난치질환)의 고액 의료비를 경감시키기 위해, 2013년에서 2016년에 걸쳐 4대 중증질환 보장 강화 정책이 시행되었다. 이 연구는 2013년 4대 중증질환 보장 강화 정책 시행 전·후에 나타난 4대 중증질환의 의료비 변화를 확인함으로써, 2013년에 시행된 4대 중증질환보장 강화 정책 효과의 평가를 목적으로 한다. 한국의료패널 7차 년도(조사기간 2012년 2~7월)와 9차 년도(조사기간 2014년 3~9월) 자료를 이용하여, 성향점수매칭(propensity score matching)을 결합한 이중차이분석(Difference in Difference)으로 정책효과를 확인하였다. 성향점수매칭 후 다중이중차이분석 결과, `비급여`, `처방약값`, `법정본인부담금`, `본인부담금(법정본인부담금+비급여+처방약값)`, `건강보험공단부담금`, `총진료비(건강보험공단부담금+본인부담금)`는 일부에서 감소하였으나 유의미한 수준의 감소는 아니었음을 확인하였다(p>0.05). 4대 중증질환자의 고액 의료비로 인한 경제적 부담을 덜어주기 위해서는 보다 적극적인 보장성 강화 정책을 추진해야 할 것이다. In South Korea, cancers, cardiac diseases, cerebrovascular diseases and rare intractable diseases cause huge financial burden on households. To help lower their medical cost, the government implemented the policy of expanding insurance coverage for the four major diseases from 2013 to 2016. This study identifies changes in household expenditure on the four major diseases after the implementation of the coverage expansion policy in 2013. By doing so, the study seeks to evaluate the effectiveness of the policy. The study used the 7th-year and 9th-year data from the Korean Health Panel (KHP) (surveyed from February to July, 2012 and from March to September, 2014, respectively). The effectiveness of the policy was assessed based on the difference in difference method with propensity score matching. As a result of multiple difference in difference after the propensity score matching, it was confirmed that although `non-payment items`, `prescription drug expense`, `statutory payment by patient`, `out-of-pocket payment (statutory payment by patient + non-payment items + prescription drug expense)`, `national health insurance payment`, and `total treatment expense (national health insurance payment + out-of-pocket payment)` decreased in some parts, this decrease was not at the significant level (p>0.05). In order to ease the large financial burden of medical cost spent on the four major diseases, it will be necessary to pursue a stronger policy to reinforce the coverage of relevant insurances.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        미국과 중국의 군사전략 대결의 구성주의적 분석

        김관옥(Kwan ok Kim) 동아시아국제정치학회 2014 국제정치연구 Vol.17 No.1

        Recently China has begun to adopt aggressive approaches to the territorial disputes in South China Sea and East China Sea. In that context, China has pursued ‘Area Denial/Anti-Access" strategy in order to prevent access of the U.S. military into the Chinese coast. On this other side, the United States has employed a containment policy toward China to nullify the Chinese anti-access strategy. In other words, there is a confrontation between Chinese anti-access strategy and U.S. access strategy in East Asia. Why China adopted aggressive behavior to the other states with regard to territorial disputes in South China Sea and East China Sea unlike it"s ‘peaceful rise" policy? Why the United States build up the military strength against China and adopted a containment policy toward China despite the economic crisis? Which approach could be more appropriate in explaining the changes of the U.S. and China"s military strategy? In this sense, this study is to define the major factors that led the Chinese aggressive behavior and the U.S. containment policy toward China. Also, it attempts to verify the arguments of realism and constructivism about the policies of the U.S. and China by analyzing the processes of military strategies formation of the both states. As results of the case studies, as China has gained ‘a powerful state" identity through both rapid economic growth and interactions with other states, it began to extend concept of it"s ‘core interest" to promote national interest. In that context, China has exerted tough behavior and aggressive policies to protect it"s ‘core interest" in conflict issue-areas based on identity of a powerful state. On the other hand, the United States which had conceived China as ‘a strategic partner" began to change it"s perception of China since China implemented test fire of missiles near Taiwan. The Chinese missile tests against Taiwan made the U.S. to believe China as ‘a status quo breaker" or ‘a competitor". The changed Chinese identity made the U.S. to adopt a containment policy toward China because it believed China as ‘a competitor" and ‘challenger" that could threaten the existing international order. In conclusion, change of capabilities between the U.S. and China to a symmetrical distribution has not automatically generated the Chinese tough behavior and U.S. containment policy toward China unlike the arguments of realism. They have been emerged by changes of identity about each other from ‘a strategic partner" to ‘a competitor" which resulted from interactions between the U.S. and China as constructivism argues.

      • KCI등재

        동북아 에너지자원 경쟁의 이론적 접근

        김관옥(Kwan-Ok Kim) 동아시아국제정치학회 2014 국제정치연구 Vol.17 No.2

        Northeast Asian countries which have little energy resources but huge energy consumption have been vulnerable to energy security due to high degree of foreign energy dependency. Energy resources competitions among Northeast Asian countries stemmed from vulnerability of energy security have become severe as zero-sum game. In this sense, this study is to define the major factors that fostered energy resources competition among Northeast Asian countries. This study argues that such factors as ‘security dilemma under anarchy’ and ‘relative gain concerns’ have triggered and promoted energy resources competition among Northeast Asian countries. Thus, in order to theoretically verify the argument and to define the major factors that promoted energy competition among the states, this study examines both cases of the Russian ESPO pipeline hosting competition between China and Japan and the merger failure of CNOOC and UNOCAL between the U.S. and China. The results of the research show that China and Japan have been ready to suffer economic loss to win pipeline hosting competition since both countries conceived ESPO pipeline hosting as vital interest for national security. Furthermore, the case study of the merger failure of CNOOC and UNOCAL indicated that the U.S. rejected the merger attempt by CNOOC since it concerned about the relative gains of China in the context of hegemonic competition between them. Therefore, it is confirmed that the ‘self-help’ principle under anarchy made Northeast Asian countries to adopt more aggressive approaches for energy security and eventually promoted energy resources competition among them.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        민간의료보험 가입이 의료비에 미친 영향

        김관옥(Kim, Kwan-ok),신영전(Shin, Young-jeon) 비판과 대안을 위한 사회복지학회 2017 비판사회정책 Vol.- No.54

        실손의료보험으로 인해 불필요한 의료수요가 유발되어, 개인의료비가 증가하고 국민건강보험 재정이 악화된다는 주장이 지속적으로 제기되고 있다. 이 연구는 한국의료패널 7차 년도(조사기간 2012년 2월-7월), 9차 년도(조사기간 2014년 3월-9월) 자료를 이용하여 실손의료보험 신규가입으로 개인의료비가 증가하는지를 이중차이모형(difference-in-differences)으로 분석하였다. 분석결과, 정액의료보험 신규가입자는 미가입자에 비해 의료비의 유의한 증가가 나타나지 않았지만(p>0.05), 실손의료보험 신규가입자는 정액의료보험 신규가입자에 비해 ‘비급여’(p=0.008), ‘교통비(입원간병비) 포함 처방약값’(p=0.046), ‘총진료비(건보부담금+법정본인부담금+비급여)’(p=0.026)의 유의한 증가가 있었다. 또한 실손의료보험 신규가입자는 미가입자에 비해 추가로 ‘총의료비(건보부담금+법정본인부담금+비급여+교통비(입원간병비) 포함 처방약값)’(p=0.028)가 유의하게 증가하였다. 결과적으로, 실손의료보험의 신규가입은 개인의료비와 국민건강보험 재정지출을 증가시키는 것으로 나타났다. 향후 이러한 의료비 지출 증가가 적절한 것인가에 대한 평가와 민간의료보험 가입에 따른 의료비 증가에 대한 적절한 대처방안이 마련되어야 할 것이다. It is a continued assertion that medical insurance for actual expense causes unnecessary medical demand to increase personal medical expense and worsen the financial condition of national health insurance. The study analyzed if buying new medical insurance for actual expense increased personal medical expense based on the 7th year (study period from Feb. ~ Jul., 2012) and 9th year (study period from Mar. ~ Sep., 2014) data of Korea Health Care Panel Study using difference-in-differences model. As a result of the analysis, no significantincrease was found in medical expense of new fixed-return policyholders, compared with non-policyholders (p>0.05). But, new actual-expense-indemnity policyholders were found to experience significant increase in non-payment item (p=0.008), prescription drug expense including transportation expense (hospitalization nursing fee)’(p=0.046), and resin filling treatment expense (national health insurance payment + statutory payment by policyholding patient + non-payment item)’(p=0.026), compared with new fixed-return policyholders. Also, new actual-expense-indemnity policy holders experienced additional significant increase in total medical expense (national health insurance payment + statutory payment by policyholding patient + non-payment item + prescription drug expense including transportation expense (hospitalization nursing fee) (p=0.028), compared with non-policyholders. Consequentially, this study found that buying new medical insurance for actual expense increased personal medical expense and national health insurance spending. Such increase in medical expense will need to be assessed for its appropriateness and a proper measure will be required regarding the medical expense increase caused by private insurance holding.

      • KCI등재

        중증화상 보장성 강화 정책이 본인부담금에 미친 영향

        김관옥(Kim, Kwan-ok),전윤희(Jeon, Yun-Hee),신영전(Shin, Young-jeon) 비판과 대안을 위한 사회복지학회 2018 비판사회정책 Vol.- No.59

        이 연구는 중증화상의 보장성 강화 정책 시행 전ㆍ후에 나타난 중증화상 환자의 본인부담금 변화를 파악하여, 2010년에 시행된 중증화상 보장성 강화 정책의 효과를 살펴보고, 소득수준별 정책 영향의 차이를 확인하고자 시행하였다. 한국의료패널 4차 년도(2010년 1월-6월)와 5차 년도(2010년 7월-12월) 자료를 이용하여, 이중차이분석(Difference-in- Differences)과 삼중차이분석(Difference-in-Difference-in-Differences)을 시행하였다. 다중이중차이분석 결과, 입원과 외래에서의 ‘총지출비용(본인부담금+처방약값+교통비+간병비)’,‘TOTAL(입원+외래)본인부담금’, ‘외래본인부담금’은 감소하였으나 유의하게 감소하지 않았고(p> 0.05), 다중 삼중차이분석 결과, 소득수준별 정책 효과의 영향 차이도 일부 나타났으나 유의하게 나타나지 않았다(p>0.05). 국민건강보험 보장성 강화 정책이 중증화상의 고액 의료비로 인한 가계 부담을 덜어주기 위해서는 보다 적극적인 보장성 확대 정책을 추진해야 할 것이다. The purpose of this study is to identify change in out-of-pocket payment of major burn patients between before and after the major burn coverage reinforcement policy with a view to identify the effect of the severe burn coverage reinforcement policy that was implemented in 2010 while evaluating the difference of policy effect according to income levels. The 4th year data(between January to June, 2010) and 5th year data (between July to December, 2010) of Korea health Care Panel Study were utilized to implement the DID and DDD analysis. As a result of the formal analysis, ‘total medical expense (out-of-pocket payment + prescription drug price + transportation cost + nursing care cost)’, ‘TOTAL (inpatient + outpatient) out-of-pocket payment’, and ‘outpatient out-of-pocket payment’ decreased, but did not decrease significantly(p>0.05). As a result of the DDD, the gap among policy effect according to income levels was also found in some parts but not significant(p>0.05). The health insurance coverage expansion policy should be more active in expanding its coverage to ease the financial burden on households to pay for the expensive medical cost for severe burn cases.

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