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      • Tackling the Youth Unemployment in Uganda : A Review of Selected Government Initiatives for youth employment across Uganda

        로빈슨 서울대학교 대학원 2023 국내석사

        RANK : 247807

        Uganda has one of the world's fastest growing and youngest populations in the world according to the Population Reference Bureau's 2018 World Population Data Sheet. While this can be a good foundation for economic growth, it also poses a significant challenge to the country in the form of widespread youth unemployment, which can jeopardize the country's political stability and long-term development. Youth unemployment has been steadily and suddenly rising as a result of this expanding young population. Therefore, this thesis examines the key causes of youth unemployment in Uganda. According to the IMF Country Focus, this puts the country under pressure to produce more than 600,000 jobs per year for its growing labour force while also ensuring that the benefits of development are distributed fairly. In order to achieve this goal, the Ugandan government has embarked on a number of noteworthy job creation projects in recent years, some of which have been spearheaded by the President, His Excellency Yoweri Kaguta Museveni. In Uganda, youth unemployment is a major problem among both educated and illiterate youth. In recent years, well-intentioned donors have set up programs in the country aimed at putting young people to work, but the study only focuses on the government's strategic plans and initiatives to address the problem. Although a large number of young people have benefited from these projects, the great majority of young people have made little or no progress, and thus this study delves into two of the most significant government employment initiatives namely; Uganda’s Youth Livelihood Programme (YLP) and The Operation Wealth Creation (OWC), their impact, challenges and proposed suggestions or solutions to youth unemployment. Majority of the respondents agreed to the fact that youth unemployment is largely due the fact there are no jobs in the country closely followed by high population of the youth. On top of that, this large population of the youth often migrates from rural to urban (towns and cities) thereby fighting for the few available jobs, many others said; lack of skills favourable for the job market (skills mismatch) was very much a factor. The focus group discussion ably proposed solutions to youth unemployment with very much focus on skilling the youth. Based on these findings, recommendations were developed to help address the problem of youth unemployment, which include: combating corruption in government institutions, equipping young people with more skills for self-employment, providing career guidance to the youth in terms of attitudes toward certain jobs, particularly in the agricultural sector, controlling rapid population growth, and providing more practical education through vocational institutions, among other things. Population Reference Bureau의 2018년 세계 인구 데이터 시트에 따르면 우간다는 세계에서 가장 빠르게 증가하고 젊은 인구를 보유한 국가 중 하나이다. 이는 경제 성장을 위한 좋은 기반이 될 수 있지만 광범위한 청년 실업의 형태로 국가에 중대한 도전을 제기하며 국가의 정치적 안정과 장기적인 발전을 위태롭게 할 수 있다. 청년실업은 이러한 청년인구의 증가로 인해 꾸준히 그리고 갑자기 증가하고 있다. 따라서 본 논문은 우간다 청년실업의 주요 원인을 살펴보고자 한다. IMF Country Focus에 따르면 국가는 성장하는 노동력을 위해 연간 600,000개 이상의 일자리를 창출하는 동시에 개발 혜택이 공정하게 분배되도록 해야 한다는 압박을 받고 있다. 이 목표를 달성하기 위해 우간다 정부는 최근 몇 년간 주목할만한 일자리 창출 프로젝트에 착수했으며 그 중 일부는 대통령 요웨리 카구타 무세베니(Yoweri Kaguta Museveni)가 주도했다. 우간다에서 청년 실업은 교육을 받은 청년과 문맹 청년 모두에게 중요한 문제이다. 최근 몇 년 동안 선의의 민간 기부자들이 청년들의 일자리 창출을 목표로 프로그램을 세웠지만, 이 연구는 문제를 해결하기 위한 정부의 전략적 계획과 이니셔티브에만 초점을 맞추고 있다. 많은 청년들이 이 프로젝트의 혜택을 받았지만 대다수의 청년들은 거의 또는 전혀 진전을 이루지 못했다. 따라서 이 연구에서는 가장 중요한 정부 고용 이니셔티브 중 두 가지, 즉; 우간다의 청년 생계 프로그램(YLP)과 부 창출 프로젝트(OWC)의 영향과 도전 과제를 다룰 것이다. 대다수의 응답자는 청년실업의 주요 원인이 일자리가 없다는 사실에 동의했으며, 그 다음으로 청년 인구가 많기 때문이다. 게다가 이 많은 청년 인구는 종종 시골에서 도시(도시와 도시)로 이주하여 이용 가능한 소수의 일자리를 위해 싸우고 있다. 즉, 취업 시장에 유리한 기술 부족(기술 불일치)이 가장 큰 요인이었다. IMF Country Focus은 청년 기술에 중점을 두어 청년 실업에 대한 해결책을 제안했다. 이러한 연구 결과를 바탕으로 정부 기관의 부패 퇴치, 청년들에게 더 많은 자영업 기술 제공, 특정 직업에 대한 태도 측면에서 청년들에게 진로 지도 제공을 포함하여 청년 실업 문제를 해결하는 데 도움이 되는 권장 사항을 제안한다. 특히 농업 부문에서 급속한 인구 증가를 통제하고 직업 기관을 통해 보다 실용적인 교육을 제공할 것이다.

      • Factors That Motivate Youth in Sport Participation : Examining the Emergence of Lifestyle Sports in Indonesia

        Tara Talitha 서울대학교 대학원 2017 국내석사

        RANK : 247807

        Factors That Motivate Youth in Sport Participation: Examining the Emergence of Lifestyle Sports in Indonesia Tara Talitha Global Sport Management, Department of Physical Education The Graduate School Seoul National University Indonesia, the 4th biggest population in the world, is blessed to have a large population of youth with 62.3 million; respectively 40 percent youth in Southeast Asia is in Indonesia. Youth as the main segment of this study refers to the category of millennial Generation Z, with the age group 15 – 22years old. They value communality and idealism, the instant generation born in the era where the internet is well established. Therefore, in the context of trend adoption, such as music, fashion and including sports, they perceive some things are ‘cool’ or ‘fun’ when their peers and the internet confirm it. This is how “Lifestyle Sports”, the term used by the researcher, fit into the picture. This term is quite recent in the academic literature. Belinda Wheaton(2004) is the scholar who coined the term. She defines lifestyle sports as the sports practiced mostly by young people in the postmodern setting, related to personal factors and lifestyle practices. The examples are; skateboarding, riding BMX, 3x3 basketball playing, parkour, running and many other new emerging sports based on lifestyle and social purposes. This study is aiming to examine the emergence of Lifestyle Sports in Indonesia with two stages. The first stage is to find out what factors motivate youth to participate in lifestyle sports, conducted by survey. Researcher collected 518 samples comprising Gen Z youth from age group 15-24 years old in two cities; Jakarta and Bandung. The survey result analyzed by hierarchical linear model (HLM) showed that there are four significant variables for youth as the motivation factors to participate in lifestyle sports; self efficacy and fun & enjoyment as the intrinsic motivations. Social reward and friends & peers as the extrinsic motivations. Among all the four variables, Social Reward has the highest significant value of 99%. Social reward implies that when youth do certain activities, it should be proper or worthy to be posted in their social media. The second stage is a follow-up of the previous finding, what the significance, implications and future opportunities of lifestyle sports are. Seven in-depth interviews of youth trendsetter, expert and sport academicians were conducted to explore their perspectives on this topic. The interview findings indicate that lifestyle sport is significant for youth since social reward and communality are naturally embedded in lifestyle sports, attributes that other conventional sports could not fulfill. These elements are the reasons why youth fundamentally value lifestyle sports; by doing lifestyle sports, such as skateboarding or freestyle, they could have their self-branding and they could post it in their social media, earn the attribute by their peers, for example “This is Abram, the freestyler” or “Febby, the skateboarder”. It rewards them the feeling of significance and sense of belonging to their lifestyle sports community. As an emerging trend, Lifestyle Sports will be in the long run; it has sustainable pattern of participation, unique characteristics and this trend will penetrate globally with the boost of multiplatform media in particular digital media and the international recognition, as well. _____________________________________________________________ Keywords: Youth Sports, Motivation, Sport Participation, Lifestyle Sports Student Number: 2015-22367

      • 청소년의 생활의식과 지역청소년정책 : 고양시 중·고등학생을 중심으로

        심규현 서강대학교 교육대학원 2000 국내석사

        RANK : 247807

        본 연구의 목적은 지방자치단체의 청소년 정책을 살펴보고 생활의식 조사 연구를 통해 보다 많은 고양시 청소년을 위한 정책 기초자료로 활용하고자 하였다. 이러한 목적을 달성하고자 지방자치단체인 고양시의 청소년 정책을 조사 연구하였고, 학생청소년을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였다. 1999년 12월 17일∼12월 18일 사이에 고양시 중·고등학교 재학생 2500명을 대상으로 청소년 생활의식을 조사하기 위하여 실시하였다. 설문조사는 중학교 재학생 1250명과 고등학교 재학생 1250명으로 구분하여 실시하였으며 설문결과 통계분석에 이용한 설문지는 2016부로서 이들 자료는 통계처리 프로그램인 SPSS/ WIN10.0 을 이용하여 통계처리 분석하였다. 분석에 이용한 통계 방법은 빈도, 백분비, 교차분석, χ2 검증 등이었으며, 통계분석을 위한 유의 수준은 p<.05, p<.01, p<.001로 하였다. 본 연구의 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 먼저, 각종 시사 문제에 대한 관심에서는 전체의 52.3%가 관심을 가지고 있지 않은 것으로 나타났으며, 14.5%의 학생만이 관심을 나타냈다. 이 부분에 대해서는 아직 기초자치단체와 연관되는 부분이 없다. 그러나 2000년 전국교직원노동조합의 "총선 수업"을 통한 당대의 관심을 청소년들에게 수업을 통해서 고민하게 하는 좋은 사례가 있었다. 다음으로 "고양시에 스트레스를 풀 수 있는 장소가 없다"는 대답이 전체적으로 68.1%나 되었다. 또 고양시에 여가 시간을 이용할 수 있는 시설이 갖추어진 정도에 대한 질문에서는 중 전체적으로는 66.1 %가 "부족하다" 고 대답했다. 또한, "고양시에 건전한 이성 교제를 위한 곳이 없다" 라는 의견이 전체 67.3%이다. 이 의식에 따르면 전반적으로 고양시에는 아직 청소년들을 위한 공간 제대로 갖춰져 있지 않음을 알 수 있다. 이 부분과 2000년 고양시 정책들 중 "청소년 문화의 거리 운영", "청소년 문화정보센터 운영", "청소년 수련관 건립" 정책이 적절할 수 있을 것이다. 그러나 고양시 청소년이 20 만 명 전후라는 사실을 감안하면 그 예산규모가 각각 4800만 원, 2000만 원으로 적당한 청소년 공간운영은 턱없이 부족하다는 것을 알 수 있다. "건전한 이성교제 장소"의 부족이라는 측면에 대해서는 고양시 청소년 정책 중 적당한 정책을 찾을 수가 없었다. 청소년들이 이성을 통한 공동체 경험을 할 수 있는 정책수립의 필요성이 보이는 부분이다. 다음으로, "기성세대가 청소년을 보는 시각에 더 문제가 있다" 에 동의하는 응답이 전체 57.4%이고, "기성 세대는 청소년을 인격체로 대우하지 않는다" 에 전체적으로 49%가 그렇다고 응답했다. 이 부분은 기초자치단체에서 뿐만 아니라 지역사회 전반에 걸쳐 인식의 전환과 이를 위한 각종 노력이 필요한 부분이다. 각종 토론회와 정책수립이 요구되는 부분이다. 마지막으로 "청소년에게 기회를 주는 것이 중요하다" 에는 전체 67.8%가 "전적으로 동의한다" 라고 응답했다. 지역사회인 고양시의 기성세대가 중요하게 고려해야할 인식이다. 청소년들이 하나의 생활주체임을 감안하면 지역사회 청소년과 관련된 분야에 청소년을 중심에 놓고 고민하는 사회적 합의가 필요하다 하겠다. The purpose of this study is as follows. By studying a local government's policy to youth and investigate their consciousness of their normal life, this thesis can help better policy decision on Koyang city youth policy. To achieve the objectives, policies of Koyang city youth policy and survey on this regions youth were implemented. Survey was made during Dec. 17 to 18 in 1999, sampling of each 1,250 middle and high school students, 2,500 in total. Total number of the survey utilized by statistical analysis was 2,016 and they were analyzed by program of statistical analysis i.e. SPSS/WIN10.0 package. The Statistical method of analysis included frequency, ration of percentage, cross analysis, χ² examination, t-test and meaningful level of statistical analysis was p<.05, p<.01, p<.001. The summary of the result of the study is as follows. Firstly, regarding interests in current affairs, 52.3% of respondent was not showed any interests and 14.5% only showed some interests. This fact was not because of a local government. In the meantime, there was a good example of Korea teacher's union who made student think about current affairs by so called general election study. Secondly, 68.1% of the respondent replied that there were not any places to relieve their stress. And 66.1% of the respondent said that the places for spending their free time are inadequate. In addition to that 67.3% replied that there were not good places for having sound relationship between opposite sexes. Referring to these results, Koyang city in general doesn't provide places for youth. With these facts and Koyang city policies for youth in 2000 like "Opening Youths Cultural Street", "Organizing Youths Culture Information Center", "Building Youth Training Place" can be relevant polices. On the other hand, considering about 200,000 youth in this region, the budget levels of each 4.8 millions and 20 millions won does not meet managing suitable places for youth. And any good policies for having sound relationship between opposite sexes cannot be found. Accordingly, Koyang city needs to make policies which can help youth experience their community through the relations with their opposite sex. Thirdly, 57.4% of the respondent replied that there were more problems with their older generations viewpoints on youth. 49% agreed that the old generation doesn't treat youth as personality. This result especially reflects the needs of necessity of switching awareness in this region and also needs of making policies and debate. Lastly, 67.8% of the respondent totally agreed on giving them chances. These are the things that Koyang city old generation consider it as very important. Since youth is also citizen doing their own life here in this region, consider youth carefully and put their thought on the first priority when youth related policies are discussed.


        스타인박 스펜서 찰스 북한대학원대학교 2022 국내석사

        RANK : 247807

        Youth policy serves as a cornerstone of regime stability in North Korea. As these young revolutionaries will carry the North Korean revolution into the future, management of the younger generation has been a key focus of the country's leaders since its founding. Thus, the Kim Il Sung regime developed a youth policy centered on the Youth League and education system based on classic totalitarian logic-legitimation via "diffuse support," co-optation via the Party structure, and high levels of repression. Following the famine and institutional breakdown of the 1990s, this youth policy "prototype" weakened significantly. As the regime became unable to fulfill its end of the social contract, participation in Youth League organizational life fell, grassroots marketization led to the influx of media and information from the outside world, and belief in the official ruling ideology began to fade. Since coming to power in late 2011, Kim Jong Un has attempted to address this challenge and ensure the stability of the regime into the future by introducing legitimation strategies based on "specific support," however efforts to strengthen ideological education and organizational life via the Youth League reveal the essence of Kim Jong Un's youth policy: the restoration of the totalitarian "prototype" developed under Kim Il Sung. Youth policy serves as a cornerstone of regime stability in North Korea. As these young revolutionaries will carry the North Korean revolution into the future, management of the younger generation has been a key focus of the country's leaders since its founding. Thus, the Kim Il Sung regime developed a youth policy centered on the Youth League and education system based on classic totalitarian logic-legitimation via "diffuse support," co-optation via the Party structure, and high levels of repression. Following the famine and institutional breakdown of the 1990s, this youth policy "prototype" weakened significantly. As the regime became unable to fulfill its end of the social contract, participation in Youth League organizational life fell, grassroots marketization led to the influx of media and information from the outside world, and belief in the official ruling ideology began to fade. Since coming to power in late 2011, Kim Jong Un has attempted to address this challenge and ensure the stability of the regime into the future by introducing legitimation strategies based on "specific support," however efforts to strengthen ideological education and organizational life via the Youth League reveal the essence of Kim Jong Un's youth policy: the restoration of the totalitarian "prototype" developed under Kim Il Sung.

      • Overworked Heroes: Unpacking the Occupational Identities of Library and Afterschool Workers in the Context of the Learning Ecosystem

        Colvin, Sharon University of Pittsburgh ProQuest Dissertations & 2021 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247807

        Youth workers, or adults who work with youth, serve a crucial role in the learning ecosystem. This dissertation focuses on specific groups of youth workers in two contexts: afterschool programs and youth services in public libraries. In order to understand their wellbeing and their connection to the larger learning ecosystem, I developed an interview tool that elicits conversation about external and internal perceptions of occupational identity. This tool allows participants to describe, through drawings and conversation, how they believe they are perceived by stakeholders at the community, institution and program level as well as their own aspirations and daily work.Using this tool, I present two empirical studies and a theoretical chapter that builds a conceptual model of the complex layers of youth worker occupational identity. The first empirical study is a comparative case study of afterschool and youth services library workers. The results show that both groups of youth workers engage in relational practices with youth. The findings point to strong commonalities in the work that these youth workers engage in with youth and establishes library workers as youth workers. The second is a large survey study of youth services public library workers. This study showed that library workers engage in three different types of learning-related work: providing resources, facilitating learning activities and providing spaces for learning. Both studies illuminate deep friction between the way youth workers think they are perceived by outsiders (largely informed by stereotypes) and their internal understanding of their work. The theoretical chapter combines these findings with other youth worker research and probes some of the emergent themes such as youth workers being disrespected, overworked and/or depicted as super human. I present suggestions for future research on the cognitive dissonance between being overworked and disrespected and being heroic. Implications include a need for professionalization of the field, attention to social justice in youth work, and increased connection with the learning ecosystem. Overall, this dissertation introduces library workers to educational research and highlights the harm that stereotypes could be playing in the legitimization of youth work.

      • Transformative leadership and mentoring curriculum for youth development among christian youth in Bangladesh

        Baidya Margaret Juli 수도국제대학원대학교 2024 국내박사

        RANK : 247807

        이 논문은 방글라데시에서의 청년 리더십의 중요한 역할, 현재 상태, 도전 과제 및 효과적인 멘토링 프로그램을 통한 발전 가능성을 탐구한다. 방글라데시에서의 청년 리더십은 정치적 풍경을 지배하는 전통적인 리더십 스타일과 대조적으로, 비전과 봉사 지향성의 부족으로 특징 지어진다. 이 연구는 리더십 교육과 실천의 중요한 격차를 해결하고자 하며, 지속 가능한 개발과 거버넌스를 보장하기 위해 청년 리더십을 양성하는 패러다임 전환을 주장한다. 이 연구는 문헌 검토와 다카, 고팔공지, 바리살에서 실시된 설문조사에서 수집된 실증 데이터를 결합한 혼합 방법 접근법을 통해 멘토링 프로그램이 청년 리더십 개발에 미치는 효과를 분석한다. 연구 결과는 효과적인 멘토링 프로그램의 부족과 청년 리더들에게 변혁적 리더십에 필요한 기술, 비전 및 윤리적 기반을 제공할 수 있는 이니셔티브에 대한 시급한 필요성을 강조한다. 이론적 틀은 캐시 크 램의 멘토링 기능에 의존한다. 이 논문은 방글라데시의 사회-정치적 및 경제적 도전을 해결하는 데 있어 청년 리더십의 잠재력을 강조하며, 나라의 풍부한 문화 유산과 국가 운동에서의 청년의 활기찬 선례를 고려하여 현재 방글라데시 청년 리더십 및 멘토링 프로그램의 현황을 비판적으로 평가한다. 이 연구는 이론적 통찰과 실증적 증거를 바탕으로 방글라데시 청소년들 사이에서 리더십을 함양하기 위한 모델을 제안한다. 이 연구는 리더십 개발에 대한 더 넓은 논의에 기여하며, 교육 기관, 비정부기구, 정부 기관의 이해 관계자들이 방글라데시 청년들 사이에 멘토 십 및 리더십 개발 문화를 조성하기 위한 실용적인 권장사항을 제공한다. 이는 리더십 교육을 교육과정 및 커뮤니티 이니셔티브에 통합하여 다음 세대의 리더들이 글로벌 리더십 도전을 탐색할 수 있는 역량, 정직성 및 비전을 갖추도록 하는 협력적 노력을 요구한다. This dissertation explores the pivotal role of youth leadership in Bangladesh, its current status, challenges, and the potential for development through effective mentoring programs. Youth leadership, an emerging trend in Bangladesh, contrasts sharply with traditional leadership styles that dominate the political landscape, often characterized by a lack of vision and service orientation. This research aims to address the critical gap in leadership education and practice, arguing for a paradigm shift towards nurturing youth leadership to ensure sustainable development and governance. Through a mixed-methods approach combining literature review and empirical data collected from surveys conducted in Dhaka, Gopalgonj, and Barisal, the study analyzes the effects of mentorship programs on youth leadership development. The findings highlight the scarcity of effective mentoring programs and the urgent need for initiatives that can equip young leaders with the skills, vision, and ethical grounding necessary for transformative leadership. The theoretical framework leans on Kathy Kram's mentoring functions, emphasizing the importance of reciprocal and development-focused relationships between mentors and mentees. The dissertation underscores the potential of youth leadership in addressing Bangladesh's socio-political and economic challenges, given the country's rich cultural heritage and historical precedents of youthful vigor in national movements. It critically evaluates the current state of youth leadership and mentoring programs in Bangladesh, drawing from theoretical insights and empirical evidence to propose a model for cultivating leadership among the youth. This research contributes to the broader discourse on leadership development, offering practical recommendations for stakeholders in educational institutions, non-governmental organizations, and government bodies to foster a culture of mentorship and leadership development among Bangladeshi youth. It calls for a collaborative effort to integrate leadership training into the educational curriculum and community initiatives, aiming to empower the next generation of leaders with the competence, integrity, and vision to navigate the complexities of global leadership challenges.

      • A Comparative Study on the Youth participations in the Uprisings : 1990 Gono-Andolon in Bangladesh and 1980 Gwangju in South Korea

        샤헤드 카예스 전남대학교 대학원 2019 국내석사

        RANK : 247807

        This research study aims to understand the roles of the young generation, mainly the students in the 1990 Gono-Andolon (Mass Democratization Movement) in Bangladesh and 1980 Gwangju Uprising in South Korea, find out the characteristics, analyze the characteristics and compare their participation, the similarities and the differences in those two movements. It shows that young people have helped drive the democratic movements in Bangladesh and South Korea, from protesting the established order to advancing new ideas. The students were on the frontlines of political and social transformations hoping to make the country a better place. Compared to adults the youth often have the largest social networks, which help them to transmission of ideas and mobilization. Also, the youth have more time and protest capabilities than older generations, giving them a greater chance to take a risk and fight the injustice and status quo. Altogether this makes youth participation in democratization movements an incredibly powerful element. In this thesis the characteristics of the youth generations in Bangladesh and South Korea during each country’s respective uprisings are considered. The seven characteristics, which I found in these two uprisings are: youths’ dissatisfaction in the existing social and political culture, generational differences, historical experiences of the youth movement, effects of the higher education, limited democratic environment, ideology, and the students’ organizations’ solidarity. The outcome, similarities and the differences could not be explained solely by the youth characteristics. It’s also explained by the other factors, the history and background of each country. In these two uprisings, both had culturally different features, and the mind and thinking of the students were different. The different social, cultural aspects influenced their participations differently, which resulted in different outcomes of the two uprisings. Youth anger fueled the movement in the Gono-Andolon, and it spread all over the country from Dhaka which made it possible to change the military regime and establish a democratic government within just 56 days after the uprisings started. The great sacrifices of the students along with the other citizens could not bring down the military regime immediate after the Gwangju Uprising, but the uprising’s spirits greatly influenced and impacted the future struggle for democracy in South Korea. 본 연구는 방글라데시의 1990년 고노안돌론(민주화대운동)과 1980년 광주민주화운동에 있어서 학생 등 젊은 세대의 역할에 대한 이해를 목적으로 하며 그 특성들에 대한 파악 및 분석을 통해 둘 사이의 유사성 및 차이점 등을 비교하고자 한다. 이는 또한 젊은이들이 방글라데시와 한국의 민주화 운동에서 큰 역할을 했다는 것을 보여준다. 기존의 질서에 도전하는 것에서부터 새로운 사상을 받아들여 발전시키는 것까지 학생들은 한국을 더 나은 곳으로 만들기 위해 정치적, 사회적 변화의 최전선에 서 있었다. 기성세대와 비교했을 때 젊은이들은 종종 새로운 아이디어의 전달과 집단체 구축을 돕는 가장 큰 사회적 네트워크를 가지고 있다. 또한 젊은이들은 기성 세대들보다 더 많은 자유 시간과 정보량을 가지고 있으며 이를 토대로 위험을 감수하고 부당한 현재의 상태에 대항할 수 있다. 이러한 모든 이유들로 인해 민주화 운동에 있어서 청년 참여는 믿을 수 없을 정도로 강력한 요소가 되었다. 이 논문에서는 방글라데시와 한국의 민주화운동 결과에 영향을 미친 양국 청년세대의 특성에 대해 논하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 양국의 두 사건에서 발견한 일곱 가지 특징인 1)기존의 사회 및 정치 문화에 대한 청소년들의 불만족, 2)세대 차이, 3)청소년 운동의 역사적 경험, 4)고등 교육의 효과, 5)제한적인 민주주의 환경, 6)이념, 그리고 7)학생 단체의 연대가 논의될 것이다. 그 결과나 유사점 및 차이점들이 전적으로 젊은이들의 특성이라고 할 수는 없고 각 나라의 역사와 배경이라는 다른 요소들로 설명될 수 있다. 두 나라에서 발생한 이 두 가지 사건은 문화적으로 다른 특징들을 보유한다. 이처럼 상이한 사회적 문화적 양상은 다른 방식의 참여를 촉발했고 이는 결국 다른 결과로 이어졌다. 방글라데시의 경우 다카에서 시작된 청년들의 분노는 고노안돌론의 운동에 불을 붙였고 시작된 지 56일 만에 군사정권을 무너뜨리고 민주 정부 수립을 가능하게 했다. 한국의 경우 시민들과 함께한 학생들의 큰 희생은 반란 직후 군사 정권을 무너뜨릴 수는 없었지만 광주항쟁의 정신은 이후 한국 민주주의를 위한 투쟁에 지대한 영향을 끼쳤다.


        Ruby V. Pagaran 호서대학교 여성문화복지대학원 2006 국내석사

        RANK : 247807

        The youth being members of the federation called Katipunan ng Kabataan (Youth Federation) have the enormous tasks of caring the community, become watchdogs and protectors against lawlessness, and seeing to it that everything is done in the proper order. It is in this federation that the youth involve themselves in different community activities, programs and projects for the purposed of developing them to become responsible citizens of the country. Article 71 of the Local Government Code mandates the inclusion of Sangguniang Kabataan (Youth Council) as part of the village council. This shows how important this federation is in Philippine governance. The youth is provided with the opportunity to develop them and become future leaders of the nation. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of the Sangguniang Kabataan (Youth Council) in youth leadership as perceived by the residents in Iloilo City, Philippines for the Year 2006. The Sangguniang Kabataan or SK is the governing body in every chapter of the Katipunan ng Kabataan (Youth Federation). Each barangay (village) in the Philippines is mandated by the law to have its own chapter of the Katipunan ng Kabataan in which the members elect their officers called as the Sangguniang Kabataan. The respondents of this study were the 398 residents taken from the total population of 79,617 of Iloilo City, Philippines and its districts in Iloilo City Proper, La Paz, Jaro, Molo, Mandurriao, and Arevalo. They were taken as a whole group and were classified according to categories of variables: age, gender, and civil status. The descriptive survey was the research design used in this study. The researcher-made questionnaire was the instrument used in gathering the needed data. The questionnaire was subjected to content validity procedures using the Eight-Point Criteria. It was trial-tested to determine its reliability coefficient using the split-half method. The descriptive statistical tools used were the frequency count, the percentage, the mean and the t-test. The statistical tool for inferential question was tested at the .05 level of significance. The study revealed that the members of the Sangguniang Kabataan (Youth Council) in Iloilo City were highly effective in youth leadership as perceived by the residents when they are taken as a whole group and when classified according to categories of variables age, gender, and civil status. They were also highly effective in facilitating the conduct of orientation programs and symposia on the rights of children, and in planning and implementation of sports development programs for the Filipinos youth. However the study further revealed that the members of the Sangguniang Kabataan were moderately effective in their solicitation of cash donations for youth welfare and protection projects. Likewise they were moderately effective in providing the Filipino youth with training workshop on peer counseling to address their emotional and psychological problems. There was significant difference in the level of effectiveness of youth leadership among the members of the Sangguniang Kabataan as perceived by the residents when the respondents were classified according to categories of the variable age. However, when respondents were classified according to categories of variables gender and civil status no significant differences in the level of effectiveness were revealed. Based on the findings of the study, the researcher concludes that the members of the Sangguniang Kabataan in Iloilo City are highly effective in youth leadership as perceived by the residents when they are taken as a whole group and when classified according to categories of variables age, gender, and civil status. They are highly effective in facilitating the conduct of orientation programs and symposia on the rights of children and in planning and implementation of sports development programs. They are moderately effective in their solicitation of cash donations for youth welfare and protection projects and in providing training workshop on peer counseling to address the emotional and psychological problems of the Filipino youth. There is a significant difference in the level of effectiveness of youth leadership among the members of the Sangguniang Kabataan (Youth Council) as perceived by the residents when the respondents are classified according to categories of the variable age. Therefore, the null hypothesis, which states, “There is no significant difference in the level of effectiveness of youth leadership among the members of the Sanguniang Kabataan as perceived by the residents when the respondents are classified according to categories of the variable age,” is rejected. There are no significant differences in the level of effectiveness of youth leadership among the members of the Sangguniang Kabataan as perceived by the residents when the respondents are classified according to categories of variables gender and civil status. Therefore, the null hypothesis which states, “There are no significant differences in the level of effectiveness of youth leadership among the members of the Sangguniang Kabataan as perceived by the residents when the respondents are classified according to categories of the variable: gender and civil status,” is accepted. Based on the findings and conclusions, it is recommended that the members of the Sangguniang Kabataan should continually provide the parents and their children with annual orientation programs and symposia on the rights of children. The residents and barangay (village) officials should give support to the sports development programs for the Filipino youth spearheaded by the members of the Sangguniang Kabataan (Youth Council) in order to divert the attention of young children to sports activities and competitions rather than engaging themselves in gambling and other illegal activities. The members of the Sangguniang Kabataan should establish linkages with governmental and non-governmental institutions for the solicitation of cash donations for the support of projects for youth welfare and protection. The members of the Sangguniang Kabataan should establish linkages with governmental and non-governmental institutions for the training and development of the Filipino youth on peer counseling in order to address their emotional and psychological problems.

      • Beyond Just Ballots: An Exploratory Analysis of Youth Political Activism in the Democratic Landscape of Pakistan

        MARYUM LUBNA 아주대학교 국제대학원 2024 국내석사

        RANK : 247807

        Youth Political Activism pertaining to the changing political participatory behavior of the youth and its significance in cultivating liberal democratic values in the society is an underexplored subject, especially in the Global South’s context. Therefore, this thesis tries to research the barriers faced by the Pakistani youth in their political activism and participation. The research attempts to understand the nature of the problems and how they have changed over time due to the change in the traditional forms of political participation catalyzed by Digital Social Networks. The thesis further explores the relationship between youth political activism in cultivating liberal democratic values. The researcher put forwards two research questions 1. What are the barriers to the active participation of Pakistani youth in the political spheres? 2. How can youth’s political activism create an environment conducive to fostering democratic values and in sustaining a consistent democracy? To achieve this the researcher used a mixed method research design and the research relied mostly on non-numerical data i.e. qualitative methods with a field survey and a semi-structured interview. The survey data was analyzed through google forms and excel whereas interview data was analyzed through manual coding. The result from the data shows no change in the nature of the barriers faced by the youth of today, as challenges that existed decades ago still exists. But the research did show changes in the political participatory behavior of the youth due to information implosion and this implosion seems to be responsible for the cognitive shift among the youth of Pakistan. But Pakistani politics remains far from the activism based and cause oriented politics, significant for the cultivation of liberal democratic values from the grass root level. Future research on this issue can focus on the religious aspects of the issue in depth and investigate how it impacts youth’s political participatory behavior in a country like Pakistan. Keywords: Political activism, Political Participation, Political Socialization, Digital Activism, Social Movements, Civic Engagement, Youth, Democracy,Pakistan.

      • Trends of Youth Issues on Social Media and Policy Tasks: Focusing on Social Big Data Analysis from 2003 to 2022

        Binnah Kim 연세대학교 사회복지대학원 2023 국내석사

        RANK : 247807

        This study aims to analyze the current status of youth issues identified on social media, compare them with existing youth policies, and provide insights into the direction of youth policy. To achieve this, the study discusses the government's policy status and keywords frequency analysis, N-gram analysis, TF-IDF analysis, and centrality analysis in response to key youth issues. For social big data collection and text mining, Textom was used. Using Textom, 62,672 documents containing the keyword ‘Youth Issues’ from Naver (Blogs, News, Cafes, Knowledge-In) and Google (News) were extracted from January 1, 2003, to December 31, 2022. Based on the extracted documents, Keyword Frequency analysis, N-gram analysis, TF-IDF analysis, and Centrality analysis were conducted, and the key findings of this study are as follows. The main keywords mentioned in relation to youth issues were ‘Youth Unemployment’, ‘Job’, ‘Employment’, ‘University’ ‘Government’ ‘Small and Medium Sized Business’, ‘Korea’, ‘Startups’, ‘Housing Loans’, and ‘Economy’. In N-gram analysis, the most frequently co-occurring word clusters with youth issues were ‘Jobs’ / ‘Creation’, ‘Loans’ / ‘Housing Loans’, ‘Housing Loans’ / ‘Personal Credit Rating’, and ‘Personal Credit Rating’ / ‘Contract Deposit’ with 969 occurrences. In TF-IDF analysis, ‘Small and Medium Sized Business’ and ‘Jeonse Loans’ showed an upward trend compared to their rankings in keyword frequency analysis. Particularly, the keyword ‘Tomorrow Mutual Aid for Young Employees’ rose from 27th in keyword analysis to 19th in TF-IDF analysis. In the centrality analysis, the keywords ‘Employment’ and ‘Government’ appeared as the top 10 co-occurring keywords in terms of degree centrality, closeness centrality, and betweenness centrality. Based on these research findings and a comparison with the government's youth policies, the following three policy suggestions can be derived. Firstly, the issue of youth extends beyond employment issue and manifests in various areas. Therefore, youth policies should be formulated not only with a focus on job creation but also to support the overall well-being of youth. Secondly, financial issues arising from employment issues have emerged as a significant concern related to youth. Thus, it is necessary to strengthen financial safety nets and economic support policies for youth. Thirdly, due to the complex interconnection of issues, welfare policies and social welfare services targeting youth should be expanded to address the potential social risks youth may face. Lastly, this study holds significance in utilizing social big data to understand the public perception and trends of youth issues on social media, and it provides foundational data for the direction and policy tasks of youth policies. 본 연구는 소셜 미디어에 인식된 청년문제의 실태를 분석하고, 기존 청년정책과 비교하여 청년정책이 나아갈 방향성에 대해 시사하는데 목적을 둔다. 이를 위하여 키청년문제에 대응하기 위한 정부의 정책 현황과 키워드 빈도분석, N-gram 분석, TD-IDF 분석, 중심성분석의 결과를 비교하여 청년정책이 나아갈 방향성과 사회복지적 함의를 논의하였다. 소셜 빅 데이터 수집과 텍스트마이닝을을 위해 Textom을 이용하였다. Textom을 활용해 2003년 1월 1일부터 2022년 12월 31일까지 네이버(블로그, 뉴스, 카페, 지식인)과 구글(뉴스)의 ‘청년문제’ 키워드가 포함된 문서 62,672건을 추출하였다. 추출된 문서를 바탕으로 키워드 빈도분석, N-gram 분석, TD-IDF 분석, 중심성 분석을 진행하였으며 본 연구의 주요 분석 결과는 다음과 같다. 청년문제와 관련되어 언급된 주요 키워드는 ‘청년실업’, ‘일자리’, ‘취업’, ‘대학’, ‘정부’, ‘중소기업’, ‘한국’, ‘창업’, ‘전세대출’, ‘경제’ 였다. N-gram 분석에서는 청년문제와 가장 빈번히 동지 출현한 단어 묶음으로 ‘일자리’ / ‘창출’, ‘융자’ / ‘전세대출’, ‘전세대출’ / ‘본인신용등급’, ‘본인신용등급 / ’계약금‘ 순으로 나타났으며 일자리 창출 문제 다음으로 융자와 전세대출, 전세대출과 본인신용등급, 본인신용등급과 계약금이 같은 969의 빈도수로 출현하였다. TD-IDF 분석에서는 ‘중소기업‘, ’전세대출‘이 키워드 빈도분석에서 나타난 순위에서 상향을 하였으며 특별히 ’청년내일채움공제‘ 키워드가 키워드 분석의 27위에서 TD-IDF 분석의 19위로 상향한 것을 확인하였다. 마지막 중심성 분석에서는 연결 중심성, 근접 중심성, 매개 중심성의 상위 10위에 동시 출현한 키워드로 ’취업‘과 ‘정부’로 나타났다. 이와 같은 연구 결과와 정부가 추진하였던 청년정책과 비교하여 다음의 세 가지 정책적 제안점을 도출 할 수 있었다. 첫째, 청년문제는 일자리 문제뿐만 아니라 다양한 영역에서 나타나고 있어, 청년정책은 일자리 분야에만 집중된 수립이 아니라 청년들의 삶 전반을 지원하기 위한 방향으로 수립되어야 한다. 둘째, 청년문제와 관련해 일자리 문제로 인한 금융 문제가 큰 화두로 떠오르고 있어, 청년들을 위한 금융 안전망 확보와 경제적 지원정책이 강화되어야 한다. 셋째, 복잡하게 엮여있는 문제들로 인해 언제든 사회적 위험에 처할 수 있는 청년들을 위해 청년들을 대상으로 한 복지정책과 사회복지서비스가 확대되어야 한다. 마지막으로 본 연구는 소셜 빅 데이터를 사용하여 소셜 미디어상의 청년문제에 대한 대중적 인식과 추이를 파악하여 청년정책 방향성과 정책과제 제안에 대한 기초자료를 마련하였다는데 의의를 갖는다.

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