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      • 어휘망 이론의 틀을 통한 영어 다의어 동사에 대한 코퍼스 기반 연구

        김백승 전남대학교 대학원 2012 국내박사

        RANK : 2876

        본 연구는 어휘망 이론을 통해, 4개의 다의어 동사 take, make, get 그리고 keep을 분석한다. 어휘망 이론을 근거로 형성된 네트워크와 다의어의 의미들을 코퍼스(corpus)와 인지실험을 통해 얻은 것들과 비교함으로써, 본 연구는 원형성이라는 개념과 영어 원어민 화자와 비원어민 화자(한국인)의 다의어 동사 의미들에 대한 사용과 이해에서의 차이를 조사한다. 세 개의 연구 질문이 본 연구를 이끌었다. 첫째, 4개의 다의어 동사인 take, make, get, 그리고 keep의 어휘망 이론 모형들이 언어적 현실을 조사하는 원어민과 비원어민 코퍼스(corpus) 분석과 인지적 현실을 조사하는 실험 분석과 일치하는가? 둘째, 직관적인 어휘망 이론 모형이 비원어민의 동사사용보다 원어민의 동사사용에 더 잘 적용되는가? 셋째, 다의어 동사인 take, make, get, 그리고 keep의 의미사용 형태에서, 원어민과 비원어민이 코퍼스(corpus)와 실험에서 차이가 있는가? 본 연구에서는 어휘망 이론의 이론적인 접근에 대한 데이터(data) 기반 분석을 위해 코퍼스(corpus)와 문장도출 실험을 사용했다. 연구 자료의 첫 번째 부분으로서, 원어민 코퍼스(corpus)와 비원어민 코퍼스(corpus)를 대한민국 광주에서 출판되는 영어 전용 저널(journal)의 4년간의 기사들로 구성했다. 저널(journal)의 저자들은 미국, 영국, 호주와 캐나다 출신의 영어 원어민들과 주로 한국인인 비원어민이었다. 변수를 최소화하기 위해, 한국인이 쓴 기사들만 비원어민 데이터(data)에 포함시켰다. 인지 실험에서는, 실험 참가자들의 마음에 있는 동사 take, make, get 그리고 keep의 가장 현저한(salient) 의미를 도출하기 위해 문장 도출 실험을 시행했다. Guilquin (2008a)의 방법을 적용한 실험의 가정은 해당 동사를 사용하여 가장 먼저 떠오르는 문장을 쓰도록 요청 받을 때, 실험 참가자들은 마음속에 있는 여러 의미들 중에서 가장 중심적 의미를 사용한다는 것이다. 30명의 원어민들과 55명의 비원어민들에게 연구자가 직접 지시사항을 포함한 종이 5장에 해당 동사가 들어있는 문장 중 가장 먼저 떠오르는 문장을 쓰도록 요청했다. 연구의 결과는 3가지의 연구 질문에 대한 답의 형태로 제시했다. 우선, 다의어 동사에 대한 어휘망 이론의 의미들은 빈도를 나타내는 코퍼스(corpus) 분석의 의미들과 일치하지 않았으나, 현저성을 나타내는 인지실험에 부분적으로 일치했다. 빈도 분석에서, get을 제외하고, 세 개 동사 take, make, 그리고 keep의 가장 빈도가 높은 의미들은 어휘망 이론의 중심적 의미에 일치하지 않았다. 그러나, 현저성 분석에서, 세 개 동사 take, make, 그리고 get의 가장 현저한 동사들은 어휘망 이론 모형의 중심적 의미들과 일치했다. 게다가, 그 비어휘적 또는 명목상의 조동사 사용으로 예외로 간주했던, keep-5의 경우를 고려하면, keep의 가장 현저한 의미 또한 어휘망 이론의 중심적 의미에 일치했다. 따라서, 중심적 의미로도 불리는 원형성은 빈도보다 현저성에 반영된다는 사실이 밝혀졌다. 둘째, 영어 원어민과 비원어민을 비교했던 데이터(data)를 통해, 중심의미를 포함한 4개 동사의 다양한 의미들에 대한 비원어민의 인식은 원어민의 인식과 다르지 않다는 사실을 밝혔다. 이는 코퍼스와 실험에 참여한 비원어민의 높은 영어 능력에 기인한 것이다. 따라서, 어휘망 이론이 비원어민보다 원어민의 언어 사용에서 더 설명적 타당성을 가질 것이라는 가정을 부정했다. 셋째, 비교 분석을 위한 코퍼스(corpus)와 실험의 비원어민 산출물에 대한 자세한 연구를 통해, 원어민의 산출물과는 차이가 있음을 볼 수 있었으며, 이는 다의어 동사의 일부 의미의 과다사용과 과소사용으로 나타낼 수 있었다. 본 연구에서 보여지는 미리 학습된 영어표현들의 과다사용과 일부 의미들의 과소사용은 영어 능력이 뛰어난 비원어민 학습자들에게도 다의어 동사가 문제를 야기할 수 있다는 것을 보여준다. 원어민 코퍼스(corpus)와 문장 도출 실험들에서 나온 풍부한 실례들의 연습을 통해 다의어 동사의 특정 의미들의 원어민 사용에 대한 자각을 높여줌으로써 영어학습을 보다 강화할 수 있을 것이다. 본 연구는 코퍼스(corpus)에서 찾을 수 있는 많은 원천들을 사용하여 원어민과 비원어민의 차이를 줄일 수 있음을 제안한다. 코퍼스(corpus) 언어학은 다의어 동사의 복잡한 의미들, 그 에 따른 연어와 하위분류, 그리고 다양한 동사의 비슷한 표현들의 습득에 기여할 수 있다. 본 연구는 코퍼스와 인지실험과 같은 풍부한 데이터(data) 증거를 제시하여, 다의어 동사들의 원형성의 개념을 명확히 하는데 기여하고 있으며, 다의어 동사들의 의미 사용에 있어서 차이를 상세함으로써 교육학에도 기여하고 있다. 다른 수준의 영어 학습자들이 다의어의 원형의미를 포함한 다양한 의미들에 대해 어떻게 인식하고 있는지 연구하는 것은 매우 흥미로운 향후 연구주제이다. This study attempts to analyze the four highly polysemous verbs take, make, get, and keep within the framework of Lexical Network Theory (LNT). By comparing the multiple senses and the networks formed through LNT with those researched from corpora and cognitive experiments, the current study investigates the concept of prototypicality and the difference between native English speakers and nonnative speakers (Korean) in their use and understanding of the senses of polysemous verbs. Three research questions led this paper. First, do the LNT models of the four highly polysemous verbs take, make, get, and keep correspond to the NS and NNS corpus analysis examining its linguistic reality and/or to the experimental analysis examining its cognitive reality? Second, is the intuitive LNT model better applied to the native uses than to the non-native uses of the verbs? Third, is there any difference in the sense patterns of the verbs take, make, get, and keep between the NS and NNS corpora and/or between the NS and NNS experimental writings? For empirical analysis against the purely theoretical approach of LNT, corpora and sentence elicitation experiments were adopted in this study. For the first part of the research data, a native speaker corpus and a nonnative speaker corpus were established from four year articles of an English-only local journal in Gwangju, Korea. The writers of the journal were both native English speakers from the United States of America, England, Australia, and Canada and nonnative speakers of English who were mostly Koreans. Only the contributions of Koreans were collected for the NNS data to minimize variables. As for cognitive experiments, sentence production experiments were conducted to elicit the most salient sense of the verbs take, make, get and keep in the participants' minds. Adapted from Gilquin’s (2008a) experimental method, the working theory was that participants would use the most central sense among many in their minds when asked to produce the very first sentence they could think of containing the verb. The 30 native speakers and the 55 nonnative speakers were asked by the researcher to write down the very first sentence they could think of containing the word presented in a form of five sheets of paper with the instructions. The results of the study were presented as the answers for the three research questions. First, the senses of the LNT models of the highly polysemous verbs did not correspond to those in the corpus analysis representing frequency, but partially corresponded to the cognitive experiments representing saliency. In the frequency analysis, except for get, the most frequent senses of the three verbs take, make, and keep did not correspond to the central sense of the LNT models. However, in the saliency analysis, the most salient senses of the three verbs take, make, and get were correspondent to the central senses of the LNT models. In addition, considering the case of keep-5, which was taken as exceptional because of its delexical or honorary auxiliary use, the most salient sense of keep also corresponded to the central sense of LNT. Thus, the prototypicality, which is referred to as the central sense, proves to be reflected in saliency rather than frequency. Second, the data compared between NS and NNS revealed that the awareness of NNS on the multiple senses of the four verbs, including central senses, were not different from that of NS. It is attributed to the high linguistic competence of NNS both in the corpora and the experiments of the current study. Thus, the assumption was refuted that LNT would hold more explanatory adequacy in the native use of language than in the non-native one. Third, a close study on NNS outputs from corpus and the experiments for comparative analysis showed a difference from those of NS, which was represented with overuse and underuse of some senses of the polysemous verbs. The overuses of prefabricated chunks and the underuses of certain senses found in the present study imply that highly polysemous verbs can cause problems for even advanced learners of L2, and practicing with authentic examples from empirical sources such as NS corpus and elicitation experiments will intensify learning by allowing more awareness on native uses of the specific senses of the highly polysemous verbs. The discussion puts forward the suggestion that the difference between NS and NNS can be reduced by means of the ample sources found in the corpus. Corpus linguistics can contribute to acquisition of the complicated senses of polysemous verbs, subsequent collocates and subcategorization, and equivalent expressions with various verbs. This paper contributes to clarifying the concept of prototypicality of polysemous verbs by providing rich empirical evidence such as corpus and cognitive experiments and also contributes to pedagogy by specifying the difference in the use of senses of the polysemous verbs in the study. A suggestion for further research would be to find out how learners of English with different proficiency levels are aware of multiple senses of a polysemy including prototypicality.

      • Influence of Situation Aspect of Verbs on Acquisition of Mandarin Chinese Perfective Marker -le by Korean-speaking Adults

        Wang, Xiayue 고려대학교 대학원 2013 국내석사

        RANK : 2876

        본고에서 관심을 두는 언어 습득 현상은 L1 한국어 화자들의 중국어의 관점상에 대한 습득이다. The Aspect Hypothesis은 상황상이 관점상의 습득에 영향을 미친다 주장한다. 이 가설은 제 1 언어 학습자와 제 2 언어 학습자가 관점상 표지를 습득할 때 먼저 동사나 서술어의 상황상 유형의 영향을 많이 받는데 언어 실력이 올라갈 수록 그러한 영향이 약해진다. 완료상 표지의 습득에 있어서, 학습자들은 먼저 완료상 표지로 achievements과 accomplishments에 표지를 부여하는데 그 다음에 그러한 마킹 행위는 activities과 states으로 확장된다. 이 가설이 예측하는 습득 규칙은 이미 많은 습득 연구에 검증됐지만 그 중에 대부분은 인도유럽 언어의 습득에 대한 연구였는데 아시아 언어의 습득에 대한 연구가 흔하지 않다. 그 중에 중국어 상 습득에 대한 연구는 10개에 미치지 못했는데 한국 학습자를 연구 대상으로, The Aspect Hypothesis을 검증하는 목적으로 한 중국어 상 습득 연구가 많이 없다. The Aspect Hypothesis이 많은 연구에 검증됐기 때문에 이 가설은 보편적인 상 습득의 규칙을 예측하는 것으로 볼 수 있다. 그렇다면 그러한 보편적인 가설은 한국 학습자가 중국어 상 표지를 습득하는 상황과 일치한가? 다시 말해, 한국 학습자가 중국어 상 표지를 습득하는 상황이 이 가설을 검증할 수 있는가? 그런 질문을 해결하기 위해서 본 연구는 한국어 화자의 중국어 중간언어 코퍼스 자료를 통해서 한국 학습자가 중국어 완료상 표지 –le를 습득하는 상황을 관찰하고 분석해본다. 그러한 연구를 통해서 한국 학습자가 –le를 습득할 때도 중국어 상황상의 영향을 받는데 모든 학습자가 –le를 achievements과 accomplishments에 많이 부여하는 것을 관찰할 수 있다. 그리고 언어 실력이 올라갈 수록 –le를achievements과 accomplishments에 부여하는 빈도가 떨어지고 activities에 부여하는 빈도가 올라가는 것을 볼 수 있다. 그 것은 바로 –le의 사용이 achievements과 accomplishments에서 activities으로 확장되는 것으로 볼 수 있다. 의미 자질의 차원에서 관찰하면, dynamicity하고 telicity라는 자질은 한국어 화자가 중국어 완료상 표지 –le를 습득할 때 중요한 역할한다. 특히, telicity는 학습자의 마킹 행위의 확장과정에 영향을 많이 미치는데 학습자가 telic상황에서 atelic상황으로 확장되는 것을 관찰할 수 있다. The Prototype Theory의 차원에서 보면 역시 한국 학습자가 먼저 prototypical 한 상황에 표지를 붙이고 그 다음에 prototypical하지 않은 상황에 표지를 붙인다는 경향이 있다. 이는 The Prototype Theory의 주장과 일치된다. 그러므로 제시했던 문제가 해결됐는데 즉 한국 학습자가 중국어 완료상 표지를 습득하는 상황은 The Aspect Hypothesis를 검증할 수 있다. 그리고 The Prototype Theory는 그러한 습득 상황에 합리적인 설명을 해줄 수 있다. The Aspect Hypothesis과 관련된 The Prototype Theory는 모두 한국어 화자의 중국어 완료상 –le에 대한 습득 현상을 통해서 검증 받았다.

      • Making the Grade: How User/Nonuser Prototypes and Academic Performance Outcomes Influence Nonmedical Prescription Stimulant Use Cognitions

        Molloy, Brianne K ProQuest Dissertations & Theses The George Washing 2020 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2875

        Nonmedical prescription stimulant (NPS) use, or taking an unprescribed stimulant (e.g., Adderall), with the goal of enhancing academic performance is an understudied and growing problem among college students. Despite numerous health risks, using NPS to study is common on campuses with lifetime rates up to 35% (Arria et al., 2017). The rising prevalence of NPS use on college campuses signals a need for interventions to prevent and reduce use. Findings from my preliminary experiment demonstrated that altering prototypes (the typical person who engages in a certain behavior) of NPS users and nonusers and the academic outcomes (success or failure) they experience from accepting or declining NPS for studying affected prototype perceptions, beliefs about NPS use, and NPS use decisions. Specifically, this study found that nonusers were rated more favorably than users regardless of their academic performance. Participants also reported greater beliefs about the effectiveness of NPS for academic improvement when exposed to a user who experienced a positive academic outcome. Additionally, participants who read about a user who appeared to benefit from use had greater willingness to use than those exposed to a nonuser who performed well. Finally, moderated mediation was found such that exposure to an NPS user who performed well led to increased willingness to use via greater belief that stimulants are effective. The present research replicates and extends the preliminary research and combines concepts from three psychological frameworks, including Social Cognitive Theory, the Prototype/Willingness Model, and Social Comparison Theory, to test how stories about NPS use or nonuse affect cognitions that drive college students’ decisions to use for academic purposes. This research targets outcome expectancies and prototypes of NPS users and nonusers to determine causal pathways leading to decisions to use while also exploring the moderating effects of social comparison orientation (SCO). The current study uses the same 2 (prototype: user or nonuser) by 2 (academic outcome: performed well or poorly on exams) between-subjects experimental design as the preliminary study but also examines other dependent variables and the influence of SCO. A total of 214 undergraduate students (Mage = 22.88) participated via Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk). Participants were randomly assigned to read about a student of the same gender who either used or refused an offer to use NPS while studying and then did better or worse than expected on their midterms. Outcome measures were prototype perceptions, beliefs about NPS use, social norms, outcome expectancies, and NPS use decisions (i.e., refusal likelihood, willingness, and intentions). Main findings centered on nonuser prototype perceptions. Nonusers were perceived more favorably than users in both performance conditions. Unlike the preliminary study, the study revealed no interactive effects of prototype and academic outcome on the belief that NPS are an effective study aid or on willingness to use. Additionally, SCO did not moderate the influence of either independent variable. Overall, findings suggest the potential benefit of nonuser prototypes in prevention messaging.

      • (The) Korean L2 learners’ learning order of concrete and abstract meanings of English prepositions

        Kim, Dongyoung Sungkyunkwan University 2023 국내석사

        RANK : 2874

        This study is about the acquisition of English prepositions in, on, at of Korean EFL learners. Rosch (1973) suggested that the categorized concept expands from the prototypical meaning to the metaphorically expanded meaning, which is called prototype theory. This has been applied in the studies of English prepositions acquisition. Dirven (1993) said that the prototype of the prepositions in, on, at is spatial meaning, whereas the temporal meaning is considered expanded meaning. That is, the spatial meaning of prepositions is easier to learn than the temporal meaning of them. However, there is no general agreement of prototype effect in terms of EFL learners’ prepositions acquisition. With preceding studies about prepositions acquisition in Korean EFL learners, pointing out the important factors in prepositions learning are explicit explanation and sufficient input, this study aims to find out whether prototype theory affects Korean EFL learners when learning prepositions with explicit explanation and sufficient input. 18 Korean middle school freshmen were divided into two groups. One is explicit learning group, and the other is implicit learning group. Explicit learning group was divided into two subgroups. First group named space-time(S-T) group studied prepositions in the order of spatial to temporal meaning, and the other group named time-space(T-S) group studied prepositions in the order of temporal to spatial meaning. Implicit learning group studied with 4 stories including prepositional phrases. To compare before and after the treatment, participants were asked to take pretest and posttest, which were composed of grammaticality judgment task (GJT) and speaking test, and the scores of both pretest and posttest were analyzed by SPSS 23. As a result, explicit learning group performed better than implicit learning group, suggesting the important factor of Korean EFL learners is explicit explanation with example sentences when learning English prepositions. In addition, prototype of prepositions affected Korean EFL learners, showing S-T group performed GJT better than T-S group. Even though there were not many participants and only in, on, at were dealt with, this study has implications in the field of pedagogy and applied linguistics in terms that how Korean EFL learners should study English prepositions and further studies with other prepositions would be worth conducting. 본 연구는 한국어 학습자의 영어전치사 in, on, at의 습득에 관한 연구이다. Rosch(1973)는 범주화 된 개념이 원형적 의미에서 파생된 주변적 의미로 뻗어 나 간다는 원형 이론을 주장했다. 이는 영어 전치사 습득 연구에서도 적용되었는데, Dirven(1993)은 전치사 in, on, at의 원형적 의미가 장소적 의미이며 시간적 의미는 주변적 의미라고 했다. 하지만 제2언어 학습자의 측면에서 전치사 습득에 원형 이 론이 적용되는지는 아직 의견이 분분하다. 한국인을 대상으로 한 선행 전치사 습득 연구들은 전치사에 관한 명시적 설명과 충분한 입력이 학습자의 전치사 습득에 중 요한 요인이라고 주장한다. 이에 본 연구는 명시적 설명을 통해 학습자가 전치사를 학습할 때, 원형성이 영향을 미치는지를 알아보고자 한다. 18명의 중학교 1학년 학생들은 크게 명시적 학습 그룹과 암시적 학습 그룹으 로 나뉘었고, 명시적 학습 그룹은 다시 장소-시간 순 학습 그룹과 시간-장소 순 학습 그룹으로 나뉘어 각 6명씩 세 그룹으로 실험을 진행하였다. 실험은 3일간 이루 어 졌으며, 사전 시험, 실험 처치, 사후 시험으로 진행하였다. 사전 시험과 사후 시 험은 균등한 난이도를 유지하고자 동일한 문제로 순서만 무작위로 바꾸어 진행하였 다. 시험은 두 종류로 문법성 판단 과제와 말하기 시험으로 구성하였다. 실험 처치 로 장소-시간 순 학습 그룹은 전치사의 장소관련 의미를 학습 후 시간관련 의미를 학습하였고, 시간-장소 순 학습 그룹은 전치사의 시간관련 의미를 학습 후 장소관 련 의미를 학습 하였다. 마지막으로 암시적 학습 그룹은 장소와 시간적 의미의 전 치사 구가 들어있는 이야기를 읽고, 이야기와 관련된 질문에 답하도록 하였다. 사전 시험과 사후시험의 결과는 SPSS 23으로 분석되고 비교되었다. 실험의 결과로, 명시적 학습 그룹은 사전 시험과 사후 시험 간 유의미한 차이를 보인 반면 암시적 학습 그룹은 사전 시험과 사후 시험 간 유의미한 차이를 보이지 않았다. 원형성이 영향을 미치는지 알아보고자 비교한 장소-시간 순 학습 그룹과 장소-시간 순 학습 그룹 간의 비교에서는, 장소-시간 순의 학습 그룹이 유의미한 차이를 보여 원형성이 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구는 전치사 in, on, at의 장소, 시간적 의미만 다루었으며, 다른 전치사는 다 루지 않았다. 또한 실험참여자 수가 많지 않다는 점이 한계로 나타난다. 그럼에도 불구하고, 한국인 영어 학습자들의 전치사 학습에 명시적 학습과 원형성이 영향을 준다는 것을 보여줌으로써 앞으로의 사후 연구 및 학습자들의 학습 방법에 의의를 줄 수 있길 바란다.

      • 한국어 교육을 위한 '이다' 의미의 인지언어학적 연구

        서강보 韓國外國語大學校 敎育大學院 2019 국내석사

        RANK : 2844

        This study deals with the copula i-da(이다) which has various meanings. So this borrowed the prototype theory of cognitive linguistics for finding the most fundamental sense and elicited various meanings expanded radially. After that, this went through a course of text analysis, learner error corpus analysis, questionnaire survey and suggested an educational arrangement about it. All of these processes were for finding how to teach the copula i-da(이다) effectively. I-da(이다) penetrates a wide range from beginner to advanced. So it is extensively utilized in the real life and is often used in actual discourse situations, including textbooks. However, learners constantly make mistakes in relation to it from beginner’s to advanced level, because it is concentrated only on beginner’s level and presented as a syntax type in current Korean textbooks. This method makes learners perceive ‘one’ i-da(이다) as ‘another’. So learners are hard to comprehensively understand i-da(이다) with various meanings. Therefore, in contrast to the Korean academic field which focuses on the grammar category setting of i-da(이다), this study has focused on finding various meanings, searching for the prototype. Research on i-da(이다) has mainly focused on morphological viewpoints and syntactic activities so far, but this study deals with it at the semantic level. Learners first learn the most fundamental meaning of prototype. And the meaning of the prototype establishes the polysemy through conceptual metaphor, conceptual metonymy and conceptual blending. Through this extension mechanism, the radiation category of meanings of i-da(이다) is expanded step by step, from identification to class membership, existence, location, possession, quantification, ascription, psychology, repetition, state, time, presentation, emphasis and relatedness. In order to find out if the education by meaning classification is done, it is necessary to investigate the situation in actual education field. Consequently this study dealt with text analysis, learner error corpus analysis, questionnaire survey. Through these analysis of errors caused by learners, this study judged that learners did not correctly recognize the meaning of i-da(이다), and accordingly proposed a method and an educational arrangement which effectively suggests the various meanings of it to Korean learners. If Korean learners understand the polysemy of i-da(이다) and the customary way of expanding meanings in depth, they can apply various types of it in the actual discourse situation and it will lead to the enhancement of communication ability. Finally, this study could be a valuable resource as a study on i-da(이다) and cognitive linguistics.

      • 동사 '빠지다'의 인지언어학적 분석 및 한국어 교육방안 연구

        박화경 韓國外國語大學校 大學院 2020 국내석사

        RANK : 2843

        This study deals with the verb 'PPAJIDA' which has various meanings. The purpose of this study was to interpret the meaning of verb 'PPAJIDA' as a polysemy and to understand the semantic relationship between them based on cognitive linguistic methodology. In addition, the study also suggested that foreign learners can learn vocabulary naturally based on their shared experience as a human being without the burden of memorizing the meaning of dictionary in learning vocabulary. In Chapter 2, cognitive linguistic theory was presented to examine the meaning expansion and cognitive processes of the verb 'PPAJIDA' as a polysemy. First, ‘Prototype theory’ was suggested to set the prototypical meaning of 'PPAJIDA' and then 'Conceptual Metaphor' and 'Image schema' were arranged to analyze what cognitive mechanism was derived from it to extended meaning. In Chapter 3, the prototypical meaning of the verb 'PPAJIDA' is assumed to be 'moving from an existing position to another', and at this time 'movement from the starting point' and 'movement to the arrival point' according to the a postposition used together as the characteristic of meaning. It turns out that the focusing is given differently. Each of these is represented by a prototypical schema, with the former delineating the starting point and focusing, while the latter delineating the destination, resulting in different schema. Based on this schema, it was found that 'movement from the starting point' was extended in three meanings, and 'movement to the arrival point' was extended in four ways. Finally, it was proved that the expansion of the meaning of the verb 'PAJIDA' was formed into a radial semantic network structure, and based on this analysis, the final meaning network of the verb 'PPAJIDA' was presented. In Chapter 4, specific teaching and learning methods in Korean language education as a foreign language were proposed based on the cognitive linguistic interpretation of the verb 'PPAJIDA' analyzed in the previous chapter. A method of visual teaching was proposed to make the process of meaning expansion easier to understand and infer through picture data based on Image schema. This study is meaningful in that it sees the verb 'PPAJIDA' as a polysemy and examines the process of meaning expansion in cognitive linguistics. In other words, it is different from other 'PPAJIDA' studies in that it is interpreted by the cognitive ability which is inseparable from language. In addition, this study suggests the method for korean language education so that Korean learners can easily understand it, and it will be significant in that it presented the way of teaching visually through the picture material based on the Image schema.

      • (The) spillover effect of Hallyu content transgressions on country image and other contents : based on prototype theory

        임수연 Hankuk University of Foreign Studies. Graduate Sch 2016 국내석사

        RANK : 2603

        한류 콘텐츠의 일탈 행동이 국가 이미지와 다른 콘텐츠에 미치는 파급 효과: 프로토타입 이론을 기반으로 본 논문은 한류 콘텐츠의 일탈 행동(transgression)이 국가 이미지와 다른 콘텐츠에 미치는 파급 효과를 프로토타입(prototype) 이론을 기반으로 하여 연구한다. 특히, 본 연구는 한류 콘텐츠 일탈 행동의 전형성(typicality) 여부에 따라 국가 이미지와 다른 콘텐츠의 선호도에 미치는 영향이 달라지는지 분석한다. 또한, 더 나아가서 전체적인 사고를 하는 동양인과 분석적인 사고를 하는 서양인간에 한류 콘텐츠의 일탈 행동을 받아들이는 인식의 차이를 분석하는 것을 목표로 하고 있다. 한류라는 현상에 대한 기존 연구들을 살펴보면, 주로 경제적, 사회적, 정치적 그리고 외교적 수준에서 파생될 수 있는 영향력과 혜택에 초점을 맞추어 왔다. 하지만, 이 연구는 국가 및 국가 제품들에 대한 태도는 한류 콘텐츠의 일탈 행동의 의하여 변화할 수 있다는 것을 보여줌으로써 기존 연구에 이론적 기여를 한다. 따라서 경험적 연구를 통해서, 한류 콘텐츠의 일탈 행동이 국가 이미지에 영향을 미칠 수 있고 다른 한류 콘텐츠들에게 부정적인 파급 효과를 미칠 수 있다는 것을 입증하며 한류가 국가 이미지와 얼마나 강하게 연결되어 있는지를 보여준다. 또한, 본 연구를 통해서 한류 콘텐츠의 전형성의 정도가 중요한 역할을 한다는 것이 나타났다. 즉, 전형적인 한류 콘텐츠의 일탈 행동(K-Pop의 경우)와 덜 전형적인 한류 콘텐츠의 일탈 행동 (K-Book의 경우) 의 파급 효과에 차이가 있었다는 것이 나타났다. 마지막으로, 분석적인 인식을 보유하고 있는 서양인들과 전체적인 인식을 갖고 있는 동부 아시아인들은 한류 콘텐츠의 일탈 행동이 전형적인 또는 덜 전형적인 콘텐츠에서 발생하는 것과 관계없이, 서로 다른 방법으로 영향을 받는 다는 점이 연구에서 입증되었다.

      • 한국어의 상적 의미와 타동성에 관한 상관관계 연구 : 동사 분류를 중심으로

        노지현 韓國外國語大學校 大學院 2021 국내박사

        RANK : 2601

        This dissertation is the consideration on the meaning aspects in which the verb's semantic category, called aspect, is varied by lexical and grammatical elements in sentences. The verb lexical aspect itself(Aktionsart), grammatical form representing the aspectual meaning and temporal adverbs (clause) are acted in a complex way and in realized aspectual meaning. Previous studies have not observed the association between the aspectual meaning and the transitivity found in the Korean language. However, this dissertation shows that the transitivity is related to the verb's own lexical aspect and realized in a sentence. The meaning opposition in the grammar form does not have stativity, but can only be found in the prototypical verb category, which indicates the dynamic situation. Non-prototypical verbs do not combine with grammatical forms that have aspectual meaning. If the non- prototypical verbs do combine with grammar forms, they do not represent aspectual meaning. Therefore, in chapter 2, this study identified the meaning of non-typical verbs in Korean with status in the temporal localization(temporal stability) category and attempted to classify them. Nouns, adjectives and verbs used in descriptive usage form a continuum in the category of temporal localization, and verbs close to nouns or adjectives on the continuum belong to non-prototypical verbs. Non-prototypical verbs are classified as a verb; they have a static and homogeneous meaning that exists permanently without being bound by time such as nouns and adjectives, but can appear as temporary in the passage of time. In chapter 3, this study attempts to classify prototypical verbs according to the elements of meaning of prototypical transitivity. The reason for attempting to classify verbs as elements of meaning in transitivity is that the aspectual meaning of a sentence is related to the transitivity. In this dissertation, the problem of the existing definition of transitivity is realized. In a sentence with 2 or more participants in a two-participant clause, it is considered that sentences in which ‘change’ occurs in the object is of more transitivity than the ‘act’ of the agent which simply affects the object. In regards to the elements of meaning, ‘change’ is an element that distinguishes whether or not it is a transitive verb in various world languages, so the prototypical transitivity was defined as ‘an action directed toward an object and causing a change in the object’. Based on the definition of prototypical transitivity, the elements of meaning in prototypical transitivity can be categorized as ‘Juche(‘Agent/A(transitive subject function)’/‘Subject/S(intransitive subject function)’)’, ‘Gaekche(Object/O(transitive objective function))’, ‘Action’ and ‘Change’. The verbs with the highest transitivity are those that satisfy all four semantic elements, and the verbs lacking these elements have lower transitivity. When the number of agents is one, the verb representing ‘change’ is considered to have higher transitivity than the verb representing ‘action’, because ‘change’ plays a decisive role in the prototypical meaning of transitivity. Based on the elements of meaning in this prototypical transitivity, the verb with the highest transitivity is ‘Juche action and Gaekche change verbs’, followed by ‘Juche change verbs’, and ‘Juche action verbs’ in order. The element of meaning, ‘change’, is related to ‘telicity’. Telic verbs lead to a ‘changed result’ when the action reaches its ‘natural endpoint’. Therefore, all verbs with the element of ‘change’ become ‘telic verbs’, and verbs without the element of ‘change’ are ‘atelic verbs’. Among the three categories of verbs classified above, ‘Juche actionㆍGaekche change verbs’ and ‘Juche change verbs’ are ‘telic verbs’, which grasp ‘change’, and ‘Juche action verbs’ which do not grasp ‘change’ belongs to ‘atelic verbs’. Juche actionㆍGaekche change verbs are all transitive verbs because there are more than one participant, and ‘Juche change verbs’ are all intransitive verbs because there is one participant. In these two categories, all intransitive verbs correspond to ‘Juche actionㆍGaekche change verbs’ to ‘Juche change verbs’. All other transitive verbs corresponding to Juche change verbs belong to ‘Juche actionㆍGaekche change verbs’. Juche action verbs include transitive verbs and intransitive verbs. In the case of a transitive verb, even if the agent's action affects the object, the object does not change or how the agent acts, but it is a verb that grasps only the action of the object. The progressive form of verbs ‘-go iss-’ combines with all verbs of those three categories. However, when the verbs with [-durative], then ‘-go iss-’ indicates many implicated meanings. The verbs with [+durative] combines with ‘-go iss-’ and indicates progressive, but when the verbs with [-durative] combines with ‘-go iss-’ and indicates iterative, repetition, habit and dispersive interpretation. The resultative form ‘-eo iss-’ combines with ‘Juche change verbs’. ‘Juche actionㆍGaekche change verbs’ are also telic verbs which grasp change, but the change itself is not an action but the agent, therefore, it cannot be added to ‘-eo iss-’. In previous studies, the resultative form of Korean language ‘-eo iss-’ can only be combined with intransitive verbs among ‘telic verbs’, but these studies could not clarify as to why those verbs combined with ‘telic verbs’ of intransitive verbs. [+Telic] means ‘change’ and intransitive verbs have one participant only. This dissertation showed that the verbs are Juche change verbs which can combine with ‘-eo iss-’. ‘-eoss-’, known as a past tense marker in Korean language, but this study confirmed that ‘-eoss-’ does not include the end of an event every time for Juche change verbs through the schematization of an aspectual phase. ‘-eoss-’ of Juche actionㆍGaekche change verbs indicates a natural endpoint, which means a lead changed result as well as the end of an event. Juche action verbs did not grasp change, therefore, they are atelic verbs. These verbs do not have a natural endpoint because it is considered only when the meaning is completed if the action has occurred, and ‘-eoss-’ means the end of an event. ‘-eoss-’ of Juche change verbs means changed results, but does not mean the end of an event. After the event, it can be realized as ‘-eo iss-’. Juche change verbs, ‘-eoss-’ means changed results that ‘-eoss-’ can be functioned as perfect(anterior) continuing. Reflexive verbs can be categorized as Juche change verbs, it seems to belong Juche actionㆍGaekche change verbs because they have two participants and the action of agent effects the changing of the object. However, changed results of the object should be included as changed results of the agent. In other words, reflexive verbs did not represent progressive phase with ‘-go iss-’ as Juche change verbs, but also did not represent resultative phase with ‘-eo iss-’. Reflexive verbs express two phases using ‘-go iss-’. This study figures that ‘-go iss-’ can indicate the phase of changed result, as the object of ‘-go iss-’ can lead the change of agent. ‘Jada(to sleep), Jukda(to die)’ can be categorized as Juche change verbs, because they are intransitive verbs which have one participant and grasp the change. However, ‘Jada, Jukda’ showed a different pattern from the aspectual phase of ‘-go iss-’, ‘-eo iss-’, and ‘-eoss-’ in the Juche change verb. The reason ‘Jada, Jukda’ shows different aspects with other Juche change verbs is that two verbs can be easily recognized as ‘change’, but they have static and homogeneous statuses which is the nature of non-prototypical verbs. Korean perception verbs, ‘Boda(to see), Deutda(to listen)’ are categorized as Juche action verbs. In strict sense, ‘Boda, Deutda’ do not indicate any action or change, however they are related to ‘volitionality’ with high transitivity, and thus considered as ‘action’ and ‘qualitative state’. ‘Volitionality’ does not include the element of meaning about prototypical transitive, but ‘human intention’ has ‘self-referential causality’, therefore it indicates ‘qualitative state change’ related to ‘action’. Differing from English, the Korean perception verbs are free to combine with ‘-go iss-’, which can be found in the prototypical transitivity. In chapter 4, this dissertation showed the meaning of ‘-go iss-’, ‘-eo iss-’, and ‘-eoss-’ which indicates progressive, resultative and perfect(anterior) continuing and clarified aspectual aspects which can be shared. As for Juche change verbs, ‘-eoss-’ expresses result derivation including the point, therefore it can be shared with the same aspectual phase as ‘-eo iss-’. When ‘-eoss-’ concurs with the adverbial ‘T buteo(from T(time))’ indicating point and duration, then ‘-eoss-’ can indicate the progressive phase including the start point among three categorized verbs, and means ‘perfect continuing’. This study also identified that the meaning of ‘-eoss-’ when combined with various temporal adverbial (clause) and when ‘-eoss-’ is changed to ‘-go iss-’ co-occurring with certain kinds of temporal adverbial(clause). When ‘-eoss-’ co-occurs with ‘T dongan(duration T)’, the event of ‘-eoss-’ has started before moment of speaking, but it does not include the event has terminated, so it can be replaced with ‘-go iss-’. At this moment, ‘-go iss-’ and ‘-eoss-’ do not include the point, so it can be defined as progressive. When ‘-eoss-’ co-occurs with ‘T buteo’, the event of ‘-eoss-’ has started before utterance time as ‘T dongan’, but does not include the meaning that the event has ended, so ‘-eoss-’ can be replaced of ‘-eo iss-’. However, the phase is different with ‘T buteo’ and ‘T dongan’, because ‘T buteo’ includes the exact start point of the event, so ‘-go iss-’ and ‘-eoss-’ signifies anterior continuing.

      • 당위 표현 ‘-어야 하-’와 ‘-어야 되-’의 인지적 의미 교육 연구

        박병관 韓國外國語大學校 敎育大學院 2019 국내석사

        RANK : 2588

        This study deals with the Deontic Expression ‘-eoya ha(어야 하)-’ and ‘-eoya toe(어야 되)-’ which have similar meaning. So this borrowed the prototype theory and image schema of cognitive linguistics for distinguishes both detailed meaning. After that, this went through a course of text analysis, korean conversation corpus analysis, questionnaire survey and suggested an educational arrangement about it. All of these processes were for finding how to teach the Deontic Expression ‘-eoya ha(어야 하)-’ and ‘-eoya toe(어야 되)-’ It is difficult to find the accurate meanings of Deontic modality because they express speaker’s subjective assessment of the status of the proposition and have various rages of scale. Also, ‘-eoya ha(어야 하)-’ and ‘-eoya toe(어야 되)-’ are difficult to distinguishes detail meaning. Based on the cognitive linguistics, it can identify the concepts of he Deontic Expression ‘-eoya ha(어야 하)-’ and ‘-eoya toe(어야 되)-’. Therefore, in contrast to the Korean academic field which focuses on the grammar meaning of ‘-eoya ha(어야 하)-’ and ‘-eoya toe(어야 되)-. this study has focused on finding how distinguishes meanings, searching for image schema. Research on ‘-eoya ha(어야 하)-’ and ‘-eoya toe(어야 되)-’ have mainly focused on morphological viewpoints and syntactic activities so far, but this study deals with it at the semantic level. For several theoretical basis, this study define detail meaning of ‘-eoya ha(어야 하)-’ and ‘-eoya toe(어야 되)-’. Both base on Deontic modality meaning. like ‘must’ and ‘should’. but In korean language, Korean speaker can choose both by various situations. Inside of meaning ‘-eoya ha(어야 하)-’ has volition necessity. when someone can choice to do something, It can be use. but ‘-eoya toe(어야 되)-’ have externally forcibleness. It become social authority, cultural mores. sometimes the people have to do something don’t want. It cause by outside cause. this case korean use ‘-eoya toe(어야 되)-’. If Korean learners understand the difference of ‘-eoya ha(어야 하)-’ and ‘-eoya toe(어야 되)-’ and the customary way of expanding meanings in bot, they can apply various types of it in the actual situation and it will lead to the enhancement of communication ability. Finally, this study could be a valuable resource as a stduy on ‘-eoya ha(어야 하)-’ and ‘-eoya toe(어야 되)-’ and cognitive linguistics.

      • 한국어 교육에서의 다의 동사 ‘뜨다’에 관한 인지언어학적 연구

        최혜림 한국외국어대학교 대학원 2016 국내석사

        RANK : 2585

        A Cognitive Linguistic Study on Korean Verb “TTEU-DA” in Teaching Korean as a Foreign Language The importance of vocabulary has been emphasized since the communicative language teaching was developed. Teaching vocabulary, however, has been neglected in real education field because of the thought that learners should learn vocabularies for themselves. Therefore, it has great significance to discover the aspect of meaning extension of polysemy, which is demanding for foreign learners, in view of human universal cognitive point of view. This study aims at finding out the relations between meanings of polysemy, ‘TTEU-DA’ from a cognitive linguistic perspective. The previous studies on polysemies have a limit that they focused on classification of various usages rather than relationship between their meanings. The outline of this thesis is as follows. In chapter 1, the background and the purpose of this study on the polysemy ‘TTEU-DA’ are described and the trend of preceding cognitive linguistic studies on polysemy verbs is discussed as well as their limits. Theoretic concepts (such as Base and Profile, Trajector and Landmark, Image-schema) required for the cognitive linguistic approach to analyze the meaning of ‘TTEU-DA’ are investigated in chapter 2. It is verified that ‘TTEU-DA’ is a polysemy by analyzing forms and usage of ‘TTEU-DA’ appeared in the middle Korean in chapter 3. And then, each meaning of ‘TTEU-DA as an object of study is selected. And a prototypical meaning of ‘TTEU-DA’ is postulated on the basis of selection standard for the prototypical meaning. In chapter 4, several examples of ‘TTEU-DA’ syntax are collected by types and classified. Base on the examples, feature of arguments making a pair with ‘TTEU-DA’ are analyzed and attempt to analyze concrete meanings is made based on the meaning analysis frames introduced in chapter 2. Based on the result of chapter 4, semantic network is proposed that shows directionality with which prototypical meaning has been developed to extended meanings. Finally, chapter 5 is devoted to a brief summary of each chapter’s results and presenting a significance and limits of this study. This study would help foreign learners recognize meanings of Korean polysemy verbs and guess the meaning of them appearing in several conversation. Teachers could use this result as an important material when they teach foreign learners about polysemous word in Korean education field. Finally, I hope that studies on more variety verbs from a cognitive linguistic viewpoint will be performed actively hereafter and it will enable us to find the stereotype of the characteristics of Korean verbs.

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