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      • 정상 신생아에서 제대혈의 leptin농도와 성별, 출생체중, 체질량 지수 및 성장 호르몬과의 연관성

        김세련 인하대학교 대학원 2001 국내석사

        RANK : 248671

        Leptin은 에너지 대사를 조절하는 것 이외에 자궁내 태아 발육에도 관련이 있으리라 생각되나 정확한 역할에 관해서는 아직 밝혀진 바가 부족한 상태이다. 본 연구에서는 정상 신생아의 제대혈에서 leptin과 성장 호르몬의 농도를 측정하여 leptin과 출생 체중, 분만시 제태 연령, 성별, 출생 당시의 키, 출생시 체질량 지수, 분만 당시 모체의 체질량·지수, Ponderal Index 및 성장 호르몬과의 연관성을 보고자 하였다. 전체 46명 중 여아는 15명, 남아는 31명 이었고, leptin의 농도는 남아에서 4.63±2.4㎍/ℓ, 여아에서 6.94±2.5㎍/ℓ로 두 군간에 유의한 차이를 보였으며 (P=0.0050), 출생 체중, 출생 시 신장 및 체질량 지수와 유의한 상관관계를 보였다. 그러나 leptin 농도는 제태 연령, Ponderal Index, 모체의 체질량 지수, 태반 무게 및 성장 호르몬과는 유의한 상관관계를 보이지 않았다. The roles of leptin have been knownthat regulate energy expenditure and intrauterine fetal growth. But, the action mechanisms of leptin are poorly understood. We measured leptin and growth hormone levels in venous cord blood of healthy neonates and analysed the relationships of leptin with birth weight, gestational age, gender, birth height, body mass index, maternal body mass index, Ponderal Index and growth hormone. In 46 healthy neonates, female is 15 and male is 31. The concentration of leptinis 4.63±2.44 ㎍/ℓ in male and 6.94±2.57 ㎍ /ℓ in female. There are statistically significant difference between two groups. (P=0.0050) There are significant correlations between leptin concentration and birth weight, birth height and body mass index, but no significant correlations with geatational age, Ponderal Index, placental weight and GH.

      • 일부 농촌지역 주민의 비만지표와 혈청 leptin 농도의 관련성

        김상용 전남대학교 대학원 2000 국내석사

        RANK : 232316

        연구목적 본 연구는 일부 농촌지역 주민을 대상으로 만성 퇴행성질환의 주요 위험인자인 비만과, 체중조절에 중추적 역할을 하는 호르몬으로 알려진 leptin의 혈청 농도와의 관련성을 파악하고자 하였다. 연구대상 및 방법 일부 농촌지역 역학조사에 참여한 1036명 중 단순무작위표본추출하여 혈청 leptin 농도를 측정한 209명을 연구대상으로 하였다. 흡연력, 체질량지수, 체지방량 등의 자료는 설문조사, 신체계측, 생체전기저항분석법으로 구하였으며, 혈청 leptin 농도는 면역방사계수측정법(immunoradiometric assay)으로 측정하였다. 연구결과 본 연구의 주요 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 혈청 leptin 농도는 체질량지수, 체지방량, 허리둘레, 엉덩이둘레와 유의한 양의 상관관계가 있었다. 2. 혈청 leptin 농도는 정상인보다 비만인에서 더 높았다. 3. 혈청 leptin 농도는 남자보다 여자에서 유의하게 높았다. 체질량지수를 보정한 상태에서도 혈청 leptin 농도는 여자에서 더 높았다. 4. 체지방 분포에 따라 혈청 leptin 농도는 남자에서는 허리둘레, 여자에서는 엉덩이둘레와 더 관련이 있었다. 높은 혈청 leptin 농도는 남자에서는 복부형 비만, 여자에서는 둔부형 비만과 관련이 있는 것으로 나타났다. 5. 남자의 경우 혈청 leptin 농도는 현재흡연자에서 비흡연자보다 유의하게 더 낮았다. 그러나 체질량지수를 보정한 상태에서는 유의한 차이가 없었다. 결론 본 연구의 결과는 비만은 leptin 결핍보다는 leptin 저항성과 관련이 있다는 가설을 지지하는 것이었다. 혈청 leptin 농도는 남자보다 여자에서 더 높았고, 복부형 비만보다 둔부형 비만과 더 관련이 있었다.

      • 자궁내 발육정도 및 질병에 따른 제대혈 Leptin 농도에 관한 연구

        박선미 조선대학교 대학원 2000 국내석사

        RANK : 232271

        Leptin is the product of the ob gene secreted by adipocyte. The serum leptin concentration reflects the amount of adipose tissue in the body. This study investigated whether leptin concentration were detectable in cord blood of newborns and assessed the effect of gestational age, weight, height, placetal weight, BMI and ponderal index on cord blood leptin concentration in full-term and preterm newborns, and assessed the association between cord leptin concentrations and maternal disorders (steroid-received, pre-eclampsia, and diabetes mellitus). We measured cord blood concentration of leptin in 82 subjects(67 full-terms, 15 preterms). Height, weight, body mass index, ponderal index and placental weight were measured in 82 subjects. We measured cord blood concentration of leptin in maternal disorder(10 diabetes, 20 preeclampsia, 20 received steroid), 20 neonatal asphyxia, and cord blood concentration of leptin in 20 control group. Radioimmunoassay for serum leptin was performed using cord blood samples collected immediately after birth. Data analysis was done according to the gestational age, gender, weight. maternal disorder The result were as follows : 1) The mean leptin level in full-terms was 8.9±9.6ng/ml compared with 3.5±06ng/ml in preterms. Leptin concentrations in cord blood of full term were significantly increased in comparison with leptin concentrations in cord blood of preterm neonates. 2) The concentration of serum leptin in LGA infants and SGA infants was significantly higher and lower, respectively, than that in the AGA infants. 3) In full-term and preterm neonates, there were significant positive correlation of leptin concentrations with birth weight and length Leptin concentrations were significantly correlated with body weight, height in the combined group of full-term and preterm neonates. 4) In full-term and preterm neonates, there were significant positive correlation of leptin concentrations with BMI and Ponderal index. Leptin concentrations were significantly correlated with BMI, Ponderal index in the combined group of full-term and preterm neonates. 5) No statistically significant gender effect was observed in full-term vs preterm neonate. There was gender difference in leptin concentrations in the whole group or in the three subgroups. 6) Serum leptin concentrations in cord blood were positively correlated with placental weight 7) Maternal age, maternal body mass and maternal weight atbaseline(before pregnancy) were not significantly different leptin concentration of full-term and preterm neonate. 8) In newborns of pre-eclamptic mothers, or diabetic mothers, leptin concentrations in cord blood was significantly increased. 9) Neonatal leptin concentrations was increased if mothers received steriod antenatally. 10) The concentrations of serum leptin in neonatal asphyxia infants were significantly higher than control infants The plasma leptin level is highly correlated to the size of adipose tissue mass. These data provide evidence that leptin is highly related to the nutritional status already the fetal and neonatal penod. Thus low birth weight was associated with decreased leptin concentration, and this effect is more pronounced in premature newborns. Infants whose mothers received antenatal steroids and diabetic mother had an increased cord leptin concentration. Leptin, which alters pituitary function and afflects numerous extraneuronal tissues, may be responsible for the regulation of body mass of the human fetus and neonate. Placental production of leptin is augumented in pre-eclampsia, probably because of placental hypoxia. The data of the these study suggest the pathophysiologic significance of placental leptin in pre-eclampsia

      • 대장 선종 환자와 정상인에서 혈중 렙틴 농도와 대장 점막 렙틴 발현과의 상관관계

        오장석 대구가톨릭대학교 대학원 2014 국내석사

        RANK : 133964

        Background: Obesity increases risk of colorectal cancer and adenomatous polyp. One of the ways may be explained by the growth promoting effects of adipokines, such as leptin, a biologically active polypeptide produced by adipose tissue. We compared the expression of leptin in the colonic tissue and blood leptin concentration of the colonic adenoma patients to those of the control group. Method: Colonic adenoma tissue was obtained by polypectomy (n=60) and normal colonic mucosa at remote area from the polyp were collected as well as blood samples in adenoma patients. Age and sex matched control group was selected from the people who showed normal colonic mucosa in health screening colonoscopy (n=60). Leptin expression of the colonic tissue samples using immunohistochemical stain and circulating leptin level using enzyme-linked immunosorbent asssy (ELISA) were analyzed. Result: Baseline characteristics of each group showed no significant difference. There was no significant difference in mean serum leptin concentration between the colonic adenoma patient and control subjects. Leptin expression was noted in 43.3% of the colonic adenomas, but 6.7% in normal colonic mucosa of the control subjects (p<0.01). There were ten cases of accompanied adenocarcinoma in situ in adenoma patient where eight cases expressed leptin (p=0.01). In adenoma group, leptin expression rate was significantly high in larger adenoma and obesity (p<0.05). There was no statistically significant relationship between leptin expression and serum leptin level. Conclusion: Leptin expression was more frequently observed in the colonic adenomas, especially larger adenoma associated with in situ adenocarcinoma, but blood leptin level was not related to tissue leptin expression. Among colon adenoma group, there were more numbers of obese patients in positive leptin expression group. Leptin looks like to have an important role in colonic tumorigenesis and progression, especially in obese patient. Further study in large scale may be necessary to reveal the possible role of leptin in colorectal tumors. Key words: Colon adenoma, Colon cancer, Leptin, Obesity

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