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      • 동사 '빠지다'의 인지언어학적 분석 및 한국어 교육방안 연구

        박화경 韓國外國語大學校 大學院 2020 국내석사

        RANK : 2895

        This study deals with the verb 'PPAJIDA' which has various meanings. The purpose of this study was to interpret the meaning of verb 'PPAJIDA' as a polysemy and to understand the semantic relationship between them based on cognitive linguistic methodology. In addition, the study also suggested that foreign learners can learn vocabulary naturally based on their shared experience as a human being without the burden of memorizing the meaning of dictionary in learning vocabulary. In Chapter 2, cognitive linguistic theory was presented to examine the meaning expansion and cognitive processes of the verb 'PPAJIDA' as a polysemy. First, ‘Prototype theory’ was suggested to set the prototypical meaning of 'PPAJIDA' and then 'Conceptual Metaphor' and 'Image schema' were arranged to analyze what cognitive mechanism was derived from it to extended meaning. In Chapter 3, the prototypical meaning of the verb 'PPAJIDA' is assumed to be 'moving from an existing position to another', and at this time 'movement from the starting point' and 'movement to the arrival point' according to the a postposition used together as the characteristic of meaning. It turns out that the focusing is given differently. Each of these is represented by a prototypical schema, with the former delineating the starting point and focusing, while the latter delineating the destination, resulting in different schema. Based on this schema, it was found that 'movement from the starting point' was extended in three meanings, and 'movement to the arrival point' was extended in four ways. Finally, it was proved that the expansion of the meaning of the verb 'PAJIDA' was formed into a radial semantic network structure, and based on this analysis, the final meaning network of the verb 'PPAJIDA' was presented. In Chapter 4, specific teaching and learning methods in Korean language education as a foreign language were proposed based on the cognitive linguistic interpretation of the verb 'PPAJIDA' analyzed in the previous chapter. A method of visual teaching was proposed to make the process of meaning expansion easier to understand and infer through picture data based on Image schema. This study is meaningful in that it sees the verb 'PPAJIDA' as a polysemy and examines the process of meaning expansion in cognitive linguistics. In other words, it is different from other 'PPAJIDA' studies in that it is interpreted by the cognitive ability which is inseparable from language. In addition, this study suggests the method for korean language education so that Korean learners can easily understand it, and it will be significant in that it presented the way of teaching visually through the picture material based on the Image schema.

      • 한·중 요리 동사의 의미 대조 : 요리 단계를 중심으로

        동예선 연세대학교 대학원 2019 국내석사

        RANK : 2894

        최근 몇 년간 요리 동사에 대한 연구가 활발히 이루어지고 있는 모습을 확인할 수 있다. 그러나 한⦁중 요리 동사 대조와 관련된 연구를 살펴보면 알 수 있듯이 대부분은 음식을 만드는 과정에서 사용되는 가열 요리 동사를 중심으로 연구하였는데 본고는 권형찬(2003)에 따라 요리를 본격적으로 하는 과정에서 사용되는 어휘 외에 요리를 준비하는 과정 및 요리의 마무리 과정에 나타나는 어휘도 요리 동사에 속한다고 보았다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 한국어 요리 동사 및 중국어 요리 동사를 가지고 요리를 하는 순서대로 분류하여 각 요리 동사의 기본의미 및 기본의미가 지닌 의미 자질을 분석함으로써 한⦁중 요리 동사 간에 의미상의 대응 관계를 찾아내었다. 또한, 양국 요리 동사의 확장의미에 대한 분석을 통해 한⦁중 요리 동사 간에 용법상의 차이를 밝히는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 본 연구에서 먼저 준비 단계, 조리 단계, 마무리 단계에 속한 한국어 요리 동사 총 24개를 연구 대상으로 삼고 요리 동사와 관련된 선행연구들을 정리해 보았다. 선행연구를 바탕으로 한국어 요리 동사의 범위 및 정의, 그리고 한⦁중 요리 동사 대조와 관한 연구 배경을 다시 정리하며 한국어 요리 동사의 선정 방법 및 선정 목록에 대해 설명하였다. 그 다음으로 본론에서 선정한 각 요리 단계의 한국어 요리 동사는 『표준국어대사전』에서 각 어휘의 의미 해석에 근거하여 기본의미를 제시하며 의미장 이론 및 일반적으로 사용하는 의미의 성분분석 방법을 통해 한국어 요리 동사의 의미 자질을 분석하였다. 또한, 『네이버 중국어 사전』을 활용하여 한국어 요리 동사와 대응하는 중국어 요리 동사를 선정하여 『现代汉语词典』에서 각 어휘의 의미 해석에 근거하여 기본의미를 제시하여 의미의 성분분석 방법을 통해 중국어 요리 동사의 의미 자질을 분석하였다. 한⦁중 요리 동사들의 세부적인 의미를 분석함으로써 동일한 의미 자질을 지닌 한⦁중 요리 동사들은 서로 대응하는 관계로 설정하며 한⦁중 요리 동사들은 어떠한 대응 관계가 있는지를 찾아내었다. 마지막으로 한⦁중 요리 동사의 대응 관계를 기초하여 한⦁중 요리 동사의 확장의미를 분석하였다. 요리 동사의 확장의미를 분석함으로써 한⦁중 요리 동사 간에 용법상의 차이점을 정리하였다. 본 연구를 통해 중국인 학습자들이 한국어 요리 동사에 대해 의미적으로 더 정확하게 인식되며 용법까지 이해하는 것도 실제 한국어 요리 동사를 사용할 때 근본적으로 오류의 발생을 피할 수 있음을 기대된다. 우선 제1장에서는 본 연구의 연구 목적 및 필요성을 제시한 다음에 연구 대상 및 연구의 방법을 제시하였다. 다음으로 요리 동사와 관련된 선행 연구에 대해 검토하였다. 제2장에서 요리 동사의 범위 및 정의, 그리고 한⦁중 요리 동사 대조와 관한 연구 배경을 다시 정리하며 한국어 요리 동사의 선정 방법 및 선정 목록에 대해 설명하였다. 제3장에서 선정한 요리 동사를 요리 순서대로 분류하여 각 단계에 속한 요리 동사의 기본의미에 대해 분석하였다. 먼저 준비 단계에서 절단 기능을 지닌 동사 ‘썰다, 자르다, 저미다’, 분쇄 기능을 지닌 ‘갈다, 빻다, 으깨다’를 선정하여 『표준국어대사전』에서 각 요리 동사의 의미 해석에 근거하여 기본의미를 제시하며 의미장 이론 및 성분분석 이론을 바탕으로 각 요리 동사의 의미 자질을 분석하였다. 또한, 한중사전을 참고하여 한국어 요리 동사와 대응하는 중국어 요리 동사를 찾아내며 『現代漢語詞典』에 나온 기본의미를 제시하며 각 요리 동사의 의미 자질을 분석함으로써 한⦁중 준비 단계의 요리 동사가 의미상의 대응 관계를 밝혔다. 그 다음으로 조리 단계의 요리 동사들 중에서 물을 사용하는 가열 요리 동사 ‘고다, 끓이다, 달이다, 데치다, 삶다, 쑤다, 조리다, 지지다, 짓다, 찌다, 뜸들이다’ 및 기름을 사용하는 가열 요리 동사 ‘볶다, 부치다, 튀기다’를 선정하여 『표준국어대사전』에서 각 요리 동사의 의미 해석에 근거하여 기본의미를 제시하며 의미장 이론 및 성분분석 이론을 바탕으로 각 요리 동사의 의미 자질을 분석하였다. 또한, 한중사전과 기존연구를 참고하여 한국어 요리 동사와 대응하는 중국어 요리 동사를 찾아내며 『現代漢語詞典』에 나온 기본의미를 제시하며 각 요리 동사의 의미 자질을 분석함으로써 한⦁중 조리 단계의 요리 동사가 의미상의 대응 관계를 밝혔다. 마지막으로 마무리 단계의 요리 동사들 중에서 음식을 혼합하여 먹는 방법을 나타내는 요리 동사 ‘말다, 비비다’ 및 음식을 건져서 먹는 방법을 나타내는 요리 동사 ‘뜨다, 건지다’를 선정하여 『표준국어대사전』에서 각 요리 동사의 의미 해석에 근거하여 기본의미를 제시하며 의미장 이론 및 성분분석 이론을 바탕으로 각 요리 동사의 의미 자질을 분석하였다. 그 다음에 한중사전을 참고하여 한국어 요리 동사와 대응하는 중국어 요리 동사를 찾아내며 『現代漢語詞典』에 나온 기본의미를 제시하며 각 요리 동사의 의미 자질을 분석함으로써 한⦁중 마무리 단계의 요리 동사가 의미상의 대응 관계를 밝혔다. 제4장에서 앞서 분석한 각 요리 단계 한⦁중 요리 동사의 대응 관계를 기초하여 한⦁중 요리 동사의 확장의미를 분석하였다. 한국어 요리 동사는 『표준국어대사전』의 어휘의 첫 번째 의미 해석에 근거하여 기본의미로 보며 기본의미를 제외한 나머지 의미 해석은 확장의미로 보았다. 중국어 요리 동사는 『現代漢語詞典』의 어휘의 첫 번째 의미 해석에 근거하여 기본의미로 보며 기본의미를 제외한 나머지 해석은 확장의미로 보았다. 한⦁중 요리 동사의 확장의미를 분석하며 한국어 요리 동사의 확장의미와 대응된 중국어 동사를 대조 분석하였다. 이를 통해 한⦁중 요리 동사 간에 용법상의 공통점 및 차이점을 정리하였다. 제5장에서 앞서 연구의 내용에 대해 정리한 다음에 연구의 의의를 제시하고 마지막은 연구의 한계점으로 마무리하였다. 본 연구는 한국어 요리 동사와 대응하는 중국어 요리 동사를 조리 단계로 나누어 각 요리 동사의 기본의미 및 확장의미를 분석함으로써 중국인 학습자들이 한국어 요리 동사에 대해 의미적으로 더 정확하게 인식할 수 있고 실제 한국어 요리 동사를 사용할 때 참조할 수 있다는 데에 의의가 있다. 그러나 본 연구에서는 준비 단계의 절단 동사 및 분쇄 동사, 조리 단계의 가열 동사, 마무리 단계의 혼합 동사 및 건져서 먹는 요리 동사만 연구 대상으로 선정하여 분석하였고 나머지 유형의 요리 동사를 연구에서 다루지 못했으며 한국어 요리 동사와 대응하는 중국어 요리 동사는 지역 방언이나 조리법 때문에 모두 다루지 못했다는 한계가 있다. 이 연구 결과는 학습자들이 한국어 요리 동사를 학습할 때 도움이 될 것이라 생각한다. The major purpose of this study is to analyze meaning quality of each cooking verbs company by classifying the Korean and Chinese cooking verbs in the order in which they are cooked, to find a meaningful response relationship between the Korean and Chinese cooking verbs, and through analyzing the extension meanings of cooking verbs companies between the two countries that reveals the difference in usage between Korean and Chinese cooking verbs. First, Chapter 1 presents the purpose and necessity of this study, then selects the scope and target of the study, and then presents the methods of the study. Next, review the preceding studies related to cooking verbs. In Chapter 2, we will re-establish the scope and definition of the cooking verb, and the background of the study on the contrast of Korean and Chinese cooking verbs, and explain how to select and select Korean cooking verbs. In Chapter 3, we are going to select 'sled, cut, zmida' with cutting function and 'grain, grind, and mash' with grinding function to present the basic meaning of each cooking verb and analyze the semantic qualities of each cooking verb based on semantic field theory and component analysis theory. Also, by referring to Korean and Chinese dictionaries, we find Chinese verbs corresponding to Korean verbs and present basic meanings in Chinese dictionary and analyzing the meaning quality of each cooking verb to reveal a meaningful response relationship. Then we will select the heating cooking verb 'boil, heat, steam, cook, stir, fry' from among the cooking verbs at the cooking stage, and the heating cooking verb 'boiled, booted, fried', which uses oil, to present the basic flavor of each cooking company and to analyze its theory and theory. In addition, by referring to Korean and Chinese dictionaries and existing research, we find Chinese verbs corresponding to Korean verbs and present basic meanings in Chinese dictionary and analyzing the meaning quality of each cooking verb to reveal a meaningful response relationship. At the last we will select a cooking verb 'roll, rub' that indicates how to eat a mixture of food and 'scoop' that indicates how to eat a meal by taking it out, and analyze the meaning quality of each cook verb based on semantic field theory and component analysis theory. Also, by referring to Korean and Chinese dictionaries, we find Chinese verbs corresponding to Korean verbs and present basic meanings in Chinese dictionary and analyzing the meaning quality of each cooking verb to reveal a meaningful response relationship. Based on the response to the basic meaning of the Korean-Chinese cooking verbs analyzed in Chapter 4, we will analyze the Korean-Chinese cooking verbs that have an expansional meaning and a response relationship among the Korean-Chinese cooking verbs. The Korean cooking verb is based on the first interpretation of the meaning of the dictionary vocabulary as the basic meaning, except for the basic meaning presented above, the remaining interpretation is regarded as an extension meaning. The Chinese cooking verb is based on the first interpretation of the meaning of the dictionary vocabulary as the basic meaning, except for the basic meaning presented above, the remaining interpretation is regarded as an extension meaning. This study analyzes the expansion meaning of Korean-Chinese cooking verbs and analyzes the extended meaning of Korean cooking verbs and Chinese verbs corresponding to them. Through this, we will summarize the similarities and differences in terms of usage between Korean and Chinese cooking verbs. Chapter 5 summarizes the contents of this study, presents the meaning of the research progress, and concludes with the limits of the study.

      • 미얀마인 한국어 학습자를 위한 인지언어학적 관점의 격 조사 교육 연구 : ‘에, 에서, (으)로’를 중심으로

        딴다죠 서울대학교 대학원 2021 국내박사

        RANK : 2889

        The purpose of this study is to examine whether of Myanmar learners are well aware of the various meaning of Korean particles ‘-ey, -eyse, -ro’, and also examines their usage and error patterns, then provides effective Korean particles teaching. Korean and Myanmar are similar in grammar pattern, so, Myanmar learners have easier than other language learners. However, Myanmar students often make errors when using Korean particles, especially in use of ‘-ey, -eyse, -ro. In addition, in the case of Korean Language Education in foreign countries, Korean particles teaching is focuses on the main meaning in the beginner level, after the intermediate level, that is complex or constrained new particles are being learned in lump expression. As a result, learner continue to misuse particles learned at the beginner stage without repeated training. The particles ‘-ey, -eyse, -ro’ is the most basic grammatical element presented from the beginning stage of Korean language learning, but due to the complexity of one form having various meanings causes foreign learners to make a lot of errors in the learning process. Also, it is sometimes difficult for non-native teachers to explain why that particle is written in that situation, and sometimes they are confused about which particle to use and when to use it. In this paper, to solve these difficulties, it is considered desirable to approach the particles by meaning. In other words, if education is conducted from the Cognitive Linguistics Perspective, which allows education to take into account not only the grammatical rules, but also the meaning, it is expected that Myanmar learners will be able to learn the burden of using particles with various meanings. Therefore, this study intends to prepare an effective educational plan for Myanmar learners. In chapter I, the purpose of the study was first set, and the preceding studies, research subjects, and research methods were described. In chapter II, the concept and classification of Korean particles were compared with Myanmar particles as a theoretical premise for particle education research on ‘-ey, -eyse, -ro’, and the differences and similarities were revealed. Prototype meaning, proto-scene, motivation, and semantic networks, which are major theories based on Cognitive Linguistic Perspective, are used to analyze the original meaning and extended meaning of Korean and Myanmar particles and compare the differences and similarities. In chapter Ⅲ, in order to find out the particle usage patterns of Myanmar learners, three types of tests were conducted for 200 learners: a Grammaticality Judgment Test, an Error Correction Test, and a Translation Test. In the test, by focusing on the original meaning and the extended meaning of the particles ‘-ey, -eyse, -ro’, the patterns and causes of the learners’ particles errors were investigated by test and proficiency level. In chapter Ⅳ, based on the analysis results for each test and proficiency level, this paper proposes educational implications that can reduce the burden of understanding the various functions of Korean particles, i.e., the original meaning and extended meaning, and establish the particle teaching method applying Cognitive Linguistic Prespective. 본 연구는 인지언어학적 관점을 기초로 하여 미얀마인 학습자들이 한국어 조사 ‘에, 에서, (으)로’에 대한 다양한 의미를 잘 인식하고 있는지 그들의 사용 및 오류 양상을 살펴보고 이에 따른 효과적인 조사 교육 방안을 제시하는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 한국어와 미얀마어는 교착어로서 문법적으로 유사한 점을 지녀 미얀마인 학습자들은 다른 언어권 학습자들에 비해 한국어에 접근이 쉬운 편이다. 그러나 학습자들은 한국어 조사 사용 시 잦은 오류를 범하는데 특히 조사 ‘에, 에서, (으)로’의 사용에서 많은 어려움을 겪고 있다. 또한, 현재 외국에서 이루어지는 한국어 교육의 경우 조사 교육은 초급 단계에서 주요 의미만을 중심으로 교수·학습이 이루어지며 중급 이후에는 복잡하거나 제약이 많은 새로운 조사 형식들로만 학습하고 있다. 이로 인해 학습자들은 초급 단계에서 학습한 조사를 지속적으로 잘못 사용하고 있다. 조사 ‘에, 에서, (으)로’는 한국어 학습의 초급 단계에서부터 제시되는 가장 기본적인 문법 요소이지만 한 가지 형태가 여러 의미를 지니는 복잡성 때문에 외국인 학습자들은 학습 과정에서 오류를 많이 범하게 된다. 또한, 비원어민 교사들도 왜 거기서 그 조사를 썼는지 설명하기 어려울 때가 있으며, 어떤 조사를 어떤 경우에 사용해야 하는지 혼란스러울 때도 있다. 본고에서는 이런 어려움을 해결하기 위해 의미로 조사에 접근하는 방법이 바람직하다고 보았다. 즉 언어의 문법 규칙뿐만 아니라 의미까지 고려해서 교육할 수 있는 인지언어학적 관점(Cognitive Linguistics Perspective)에서 교육한다면 미얀마인 학습자들이 다양한 의미가 있는 조사 사용에 부담을 덜 수 있을 것으로 보고, 미얀마인 학습자를 위한 효율적인 교육 방안을 마련하고자 한다. 본 연구에서는 먼저 연구 목적을 설정하고, 선행연구, 연구 대상 및 연구 방법을 기술하였다. 다음으로 ‘에, 에서, (으)로’의 조사 교육 연구를 위한 이론적 전제로서 한국어 조사의 개념과 분류를 미얀마어의 조사와 비교하여 그 차이점과 유사점을 밝혔다. 그리고 인간이 언어를 이해하고 사용하는 방식을 보여 줄 수 있는 인지언어학적 관점을 기초한 주요 이론인 원형 의미(prototype meaning), 원형 장면(proto-scene), 동기화 (motivation), 의미망(semantic networks) 등을 통하여 한국어 조사와 미얀마어 조사의 원형 의미와 확장 의미를 비교하여 그 차이점과 유사점을 밝혔다. 또한, 미얀마인 학습자의 조사 사용 양상을 알아보기 위해 200명의 학습자를 대상으로 문법성 판단 테스트, 오류 수정 테스트와 번역 테스트 등 세 가지 테스트 유형으로 실시하였다. 테스트에서는 조사 ‘에, 에서, (으)로’의 원형 의미와 확장 의미에 초점을 두어 학습자들의 조사 오류 양상 및 원인을 테스트 별, 숙달도별로 알아보았다. 다음으로 테스트 별, 숙달도별 분석 결과를 토대로 한국어 조사의 다양한 기능 즉 원형 의미와 확장 의미를 이해하고 조사를 사용하는 데 부담을 줄일 수 있는 교육적 함의를 제시하고 인지적 접근법을 적용한 조사 교육 방법을 구축하였다. 본 연구에서 목표로 한 인지언어학적 관점에서 언어 직관에 대한 교육은 원형 의미와 확장 의미 장면을 교육하는 것부터 시작하기로 하였다. 먼저 미얀마인 학습자들이 인식하지 못한 조사의 원형 의미가 무엇인지를 교육하기 위해 그림을 활용하였다. 다음으로 교재에 제시된 문법과 표현들이 원형 의미에서 확장 의미로 이어지도록 의미들 사이의 연결성을 설명하였다. 마지막으로 학습자들이 ‘에, 에서, (으)로’의 다양한 의미와 용법을 이해할 수 있는 연습 활동도 마련하였다. 본 연구는 한국어의 대표적인 조사 ‘에, 에서, (으)로’의 효율적인 교육을 위해 원형 의미와 확장 의미에 초점을 맞추어 미얀마인 학습자의 조사 사용 양상 및 원인을 분석하였다. 이는 실제 미얀마 내 한국어 문법 교육에서 규칙과 예외만을 가르치고 있는 전통적인 교육 방법을 극복하고 한국어를 총체적으로 이해할 수 있도록 교육 내용과 방법을 제시하였다는 점에서 의미가 있다.

      • 한국어 ‘떨어지다:빠지다’와 중국어 ‘落:掉’의 의미 대조 연구

        BAI XUE 경희대학교 대학원 2022 국내석사

        RANK : 2875

        본 연구는 중국 학습자에게 유의어 동사 ‘떨어지다:빠지다’의 의미 차이를 잘 파악하기 위해서 대응하는 중국어 유의어 동사 ‘落:掉’와 대조하여 의미 분석 및 어휘적 공기 관계와 의미적 선호 관계의 분석을 통해 외국인 학습자의 유의어 구별과 정확한 사용에 기초 자료를 제시하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 1장에서는 연구의 목적 및 필요성을 밝히고 동사의 다의성과 유의어 의미 변별에 관한 연구 및 동사 ‘떨어지다’, ‘빠지다’, ‘落’,‘掉’에 관한 연구로 분류하여 선행연구를 검토하고 연구 방법을 구체화하였다. 본고는 대조언어학과 인지언어학적 관점에서 한국어 ‘떨어지다:빠지다’와 중국어 ‘落:掉’의 원형의미와 확장의미를 비교 분석하여 어휘적 공기 관계와 의미적 선호 관계에 대해 체계적으로 대조 분석하였다. 2장 이론적 배경에서는 대조언어학과 인지언어학의 정의, 원리를 논의하고 원형의미와 확장의미의 기본 개념, 어휘적 공기 관계와 의미적 선호 관계의 기본 개념, 그리고 이와 관련된 다의어와 유의어의 기본 개념을 파악하고 정리하였다. 3장에서는 ‘떨어지다’, ‘빠지다’, ‘落’, ‘掉’의 사전적 의미를 항목별을 정리하여 원형의미와 원형의미에서 확장된 의미를 나누어 분석하고 실제 예문 대조를 통해 ‘떨어지다’, ‘빠지다’, ‘落’, ‘掉’의 일치하는 공통의미와 불일치하는 개별의미를 고찰하였다. ‘떨어지다’, ‘빠지다’, ‘落’, ‘掉’는 각각의 원형의미는 가장 대표적인 의미이고 확장의미에서 공통적으로 가진 의미범주도 있으며 일치하지 않는 개별의미도 있었다는 것을 확인하였다. 4장에서는 말뭉치를 활용하여 공기 용례를 통해 동사 ‘떨어지다’, ‘빠지다’, ‘落’, ‘掉’ 순으로 각각 4가지로 공기 명사를 분류하여 제시하고 나서 이 공기 명사의 공통 의미 부류와 차이 의미 부류로 대역 관계를 통해 의미적 선호 양상에 대해 살펴보았다. ‘떨어지다:빠지다’, ‘落:掉’는 의미에서 공통적 특성을 가지고 있지만 의미범주와 의미 선호 관계에서의 차이 역시 명확하게 드러났다. ‘落:掉’와 ‘떨어지다:빠지다’는 각각 사용에서 관습성을 다르게 갖는다는 것을 알 수 있다. 이러한 모어의 배경지식으로 인해 중국인 학습자가 ‘떨어지다:빠지다’의 의미를 더 명확하게 변별하고 습득하는 데 어려움이 있었을 것으로 짐작할 수 있었다. 이처럼 말뭉치를 활용한 의미적 선호 분석을 통해 외국인 학습자의 유의어 구별과 정확한 사용에 도움이 될 것이며, 더 나아가면 완전한 사전 기술, 교재개발 혁신, 그리고 한국어 어휘 교육 현장에서 활용할 수 있을 것이다. 이는 한국어 어휘 교육에 큰 도움이 될 뿐만 아니라 학습자의 종합적인 언어 능력을 향상시키는 데 의의가 있을 것이다. The purpose of this study is to provide basic information for foreign learners to distinguish meaningful words ‘tteol-eo-ji-da:ppa-ji-da(떨어지다:빠지다)’ and use themcorrectly by analyzing the semantic differences between Chinese learners and the corresponding Chinese meaningful word verb ‘luo:diao(落:掉)’ and the relationship between vocabulary air and semantic preference. The first chapter clarifies the purpose and necessity of the research, classifies the related research of verb polysemy and synonym meaning discrimination, and the related research of verbs ‘tteol-eo-ji-da(떨어지다)’, ‘ppa-ji-da(빠지다)’, ‘luo(落)’ and ‘diao(掉)’, discusses the previous research, and embodies the research methods. From the perspective of contrastive linguistics and cognitive linguistics, this paper compares and analyzes the prototype beauty and expansion beauty of Korean ‘tteol-eo-ji-da:ppa-ji-da (떨어지다:빠지다)’ and Chinese ‘luo:diao(落:掉)’, and makes a systematic comparative analysis of the air relationship and semantic preference relationship of vocabulary. The second chapter discusses the definition and principle of contrastive linguistics and cognitive linguistics, grasps and summarizes the basic concepts of archetypal beauty and expansive beauty, the basic concepts of lexical air relationship and semantic preference relationship, as well as the basic concepts of polysemy and synonyms related to them. The third chapter sorts out the dictionary meanings of ‘tteol-eo-ji-da(떨어지다)’, ‘ppa-ji-da(빠지다)’, ‘luo(落)’ and ‘diao(掉)’, analyzes the extended meanings from the archetypal beauty and archetypal beauty, and examines the common meanings and inconsistent individual meanings of ‘tteol-eo-ji-da(떨어지다)’, ‘ppa-ji-da(빠지다)’, ‘luo(落)’ and ‘diao(掉)’, through the comparison of actual examples. It is confirmed that the archetypal meanings of ‘tteol-eo-ji-da(떨어지다)’, ‘ppa-ji-da(빠지다)’, ‘luo(落)’ and ‘diao (掉)’ are the most representative. In the extended sense, there are both common meaning categories and inconsistent individual meanings. In Chapter 4, using discourse clusters, through air use cases, air nouns are divided into four categories according to the order of verbs ‘tteol-eo-ji-da(떨어지다)’, ‘ppa-ji-da (빠지다)’, ‘luo(落)’ and ‘diao(掉)’, and then the semantic preferences of the common semantic category and differential semantic category of the air noun are observed through the translation relationship. ‘tteol-eo-ji-da:ppa-ji-da(떨어지다:빠지다)’ and ‘luo:diao(落:掉)’ have common characteristics in meaning, but there are also obvious differences in the relationship between meaning categories and meaning preferences It can be seen that ‘luo:diao(落:掉)’ and ‘tteol-eo-ji-da:ppa-ji-da(떨어지다:빠지다)’ have different habits in their respective use. It is conceivable that due to these background knowledge of Moore, it is difficult for Chinese learners to distinguish and grasp the meaning of ‘tteol-eo-ji-da:ppa-ji-da(떨어지다:빠지다)’ more clearly. By using the semantic preference analysis of chunks in this way, it will help foreign learners distinguish and use meaningful words correctly, and then it can be used in the complete dictionary technology, textbook development and innovation, and Korean vocabulary teaching. This is not only of great help to Korean vocabulary teaching, but also of great significance to improve learners' comprehensive language ability.

      • 한·중 소유 관계 동사의 인지의미론적 대조 연구

        TAN XIAORU 경희대학교 대학원 2023 국내박사

        RANK : 2874

        This study analyzes possessive verbs in Korean and Chinese according to cognitive semantics. Finds out their prototypical meanings, and then identifies and contrasts the expansion of meanings from them. By clarifying the prototypical meaning and meaning expansion mechanism of the possessive verbs in Korean and Chinese, it aims to assist Chinese learners in learning Korean vocabulary. The contents of this study are as followed. In the first chapter, the purpose of this study is established as the semantic comparison of possessive verbs in Korean and Chinese, and the previous related research is reviewed. It is found that previous studies on possessive verbs only focus on some high-frequency items and the analysis does not focus on the semantic field but turns to the direction of grammatical research. This paper reviews previous studies of cognitive semantics. By reading their contents, we learned about cognitive semantic analysis methods and establish the research methods of this paper. Chapter two introduces the basic theories of Cognitive Semantics. Provides a theoretical foundation for the study by introducing Rosch's prototype theory, Langacker’s Meaning Network Model and Reference Point Model, Lakoff’s Conceptual Metaphor and Metonymy, Grady’s Primary Metaphor, Goossens’ Metaphotonymy, and Johnson’s Image Schema. The third chapter reviews the previous domestic and foreign research on the concept of ‘possession’ in various ways to define its boundaries. Based on the results, the concept of ‘possession’ is defined as an ‘object possession’ most fundamentally. According to the state of possession existing between the possessor and the possessee, it was decided to classify the possessive verbs by dividing them into the beginning of the possession, the maintenance of the possession, and the extinction of the possession. The fourth, fifth, and sixth chapters analyze the three types of Possessive Verbs. Through analysis, we examine how semantic extension mechanisms such as metonymy, metaphor, metaphor, generalization, and specialization function in the semantic extension of possessive verbs, and contrast meaning networks by finding semantic connections between the prototypical meanings and the extended meanings. By comparing the meaning networks of possessive verbs in Korean and Chinese, the commonalities and differences contained in both languages were explored. It was found that the common meanings of the possessive verbs in Korean and Chinese focus on the prototypical meanings and the prototypical meanings’ target area expansion. Chapter seven summarizes the previous contents as a conclusion, and presents points to be noted for Chinese learners in acquiring the meaning of Korean possessive verbs. Since ‘possession’ is a common concept in human society, the expressions representing possession in language are rich and varied. Through this study, I hope that by examining Possessive Verbs in Korean and Chinese, we can examine the concept of possession in the two countries, and explore the values and worldviews of the people of the two countries.

      • 한국어 교육에서의 다의 동사 ‘뜨다’에 관한 인지언어학적 연구

        최혜림 한국외국어대학교 대학원 2016 국내석사

        RANK : 2873

        A Cognitive Linguistic Study on Korean Verb “TTEU-DA” in Teaching Korean as a Foreign Language The importance of vocabulary has been emphasized since the communicative language teaching was developed. Teaching vocabulary, however, has been neglected in real education field because of the thought that learners should learn vocabularies for themselves. Therefore, it has great significance to discover the aspect of meaning extension of polysemy, which is demanding for foreign learners, in view of human universal cognitive point of view. This study aims at finding out the relations between meanings of polysemy, ‘TTEU-DA’ from a cognitive linguistic perspective. The previous studies on polysemies have a limit that they focused on classification of various usages rather than relationship between their meanings. The outline of this thesis is as follows. In chapter 1, the background and the purpose of this study on the polysemy ‘TTEU-DA’ are described and the trend of preceding cognitive linguistic studies on polysemy verbs is discussed as well as their limits. Theoretic concepts (such as Base and Profile, Trajector and Landmark, Image-schema) required for the cognitive linguistic approach to analyze the meaning of ‘TTEU-DA’ are investigated in chapter 2. It is verified that ‘TTEU-DA’ is a polysemy by analyzing forms and usage of ‘TTEU-DA’ appeared in the middle Korean in chapter 3. And then, each meaning of ‘TTEU-DA as an object of study is selected. And a prototypical meaning of ‘TTEU-DA’ is postulated on the basis of selection standard for the prototypical meaning. In chapter 4, several examples of ‘TTEU-DA’ syntax are collected by types and classified. Base on the examples, feature of arguments making a pair with ‘TTEU-DA’ are analyzed and attempt to analyze concrete meanings is made based on the meaning analysis frames introduced in chapter 2. Based on the result of chapter 4, semantic network is proposed that shows directionality with which prototypical meaning has been developed to extended meanings. Finally, chapter 5 is devoted to a brief summary of each chapter’s results and presenting a significance and limits of this study. This study would help foreign learners recognize meanings of Korean polysemy verbs and guess the meaning of them appearing in several conversation. Teachers could use this result as an important material when they teach foreign learners about polysemous word in Korean education field. Finally, I hope that studies on more variety verbs from a cognitive linguistic viewpoint will be performed actively hereafter and it will enable us to find the stereotype of the characteristics of Korean verbs.

      • 한국어 '가다/오다'와 힌디어 जाना [dʒa:na:]/आना [a:na:]의 의미 대조 연구

        Bishwanath, Kumar 고려대학교 대학원 2020 국내석사

        RANK : 2859

        The objective of this study is to explore the semantic similarities and differences among Korean verbs ‘kada/oda’ and Hindi verbs ‘dʒa:na:/a:na:’ by comparing and contrasting their meanings. For this, first the canonical meanings of Korean ‘kada/oda’ and Hindi ‘dʒa:na:/a:na:’ have been studied and analyzed, and then subsequently arranged according to the concreteness and abstractness of subjects while revealing their condition of realization. Based on concreteness and abstractness of subjects and objects, distribution of meanings of research subjects is represented on a graph. Next, the semantic similarities and differences have been elaborated, on the basis of the analyzed canonical meanings of Korean ‘kada/oda’ and Hindi ‘dʒa:na:/a:na:’, and then compared with respect to the distribution of meanings on a graph. Second, there are many interpretations of Hindi ‘dʒa:na:’ and ‘a:na:’ which are not indexed in dictionaries. Therefore, this study also expounded and analyzed the different interpretations and usages of ‘dʒa:na:’ and ‘a:na:’, through the interpretations and usages of Korean ‘kada’ and ‘oda’, and compiled all the interpretations of Hindi ‘dʒa:na:’ and ‘a:na:’. After that, all the interpretations of ‘dʒa:na:’ and ‘a:na:’, including the canonical meanings, have been organized according to the concreteness and abstractness of subjects. Correspondingly, their conditions of realization are revealed, and then mapped according to the distribution of meanings on a graph. Next, there is again a comparison based on all the interpretations of Hindi ‘dʒa:na:/a:na:’ and the interpretations of Korean ‘kada/oda’, whereby the actual semantic similarities and differences between both the languages are identified, and then compared through the distribution of their meanings on a graph. Third, in case of semantic differences, the substitute expressions of Korean ‘kada/oda’ and Hindi ‘dʒa:na:/a:na:’ have been supplemented. Korean ‘kada/oda’ and Hindi ‘dʒa:na:/a:na:’ have various interpretations from the perspective of concreteness and abstractness of subjects and objects. In both ‘kada/oda’, and ‘dʒa:na:/a:na:’ interpretations vary due to change of subject, object and both subject and object, but such interpretative variations are relatively more in Korean. However, Korean ‘kada’ is relatively used in more contexts than its Hindi counterpart ‘dʒa:na:’, while Hindi ‘a:na:’ is relatively used in more contexts than its Korean counterpart ‘oda’. In addition, it is also discovered that in both Korean and Hindi, ‘kada’ and ‘dʒa:na:’ are used more in negative contexts, while ‘oda’ and ‘a:na:’ are used more in positive contexts. Apart from this, there exist various semantic differences between both the languages that reflect the unique diversity of two countries such as culture, history, geography, way of thinking etc.

      • 중국인 중급 학습자를 위한 한국어 색채어 교육 방안 연구

        최연 전북대학교 일반대학원 2023 국내석사

        RANK : 2844

        Color language is closely related to the culture of a country and affects the thoughts and habits of the people of that country. And the color words of all countries have extended meanings in addition to their basic meanings. If learners are aware of these social and cultural meanings, they can naturally integrate with life in Korea. In order for Chinese learners to accurately understand and use color words in their daily life, this study looked at the cultural differences between the Korean color language and the expanded meaning of the Chinese color language. I hope that it will be of little help to you to understand. In addition, this study looked at the problems of Korean color language education for intermediate Chinese learners, and then searched for a Korean color language education method that could effectively solve these problems. In order to prepare specific and systematic educational contents, this paper first presented the purpose and significance of this study in Chapter 1, reviewed previous studies, and then presented the research method. In Chapter 2, the theory for the content of Korean color language education was examined. In Chapter 3, a survey was conducted to examine the perception and usage patterns of Korean color words by Chinese Korean learners. Based on the survey results, we investigated the errors and causes of errors when Chinese learners use color words. The main reason is that learners understood the same color language expression in Chinese and Korean in the Chinese way. The confusion was caused by the interference of the mother tongue. Next, through the analysis of the most widely used textbooks in the field of Korean education, the current status of Korean language education was examined. And based on the survey and textbook analysis, a list of educational Korean language education list was selected. In Chapter 4, the contents and methods of teaching and learning of Korean color words were prepared and specific measures were presented. For effective teaching/learning methods, empirical methods, methods using Korean-Chinese semantic contrast, and context inference methods are used. After Vocabulary teaching and learning from frequently used setting the 'introduction – presentation – practice – use - arrangement' stage by referring to the PPP model and the OHE model, the actual teaching and learning methods were presented. The above discussion is meaningful in that it analyzed the causes of errors through the analysis of learners perceptions and usage patterns, and suggested specific teaching and learning methods, unlike previous studies, targeting intermediate Chinese learners. However, this study has a limitation in that it mainly focused on native language color words, and did not deal with foreign language color words and Chinese character color words. In addition, access to other color words frequently used in daily life was not achieved. These problems are left for future research.

      • 『大學衍義』로 본 조선의 군주관

        박제균 전북대학교 일반대학원 2022 국내석사

        RANK : 2683

        Based on their understanding of Confucian scriptures, Confucian scholars presented an appropriate view of Seong-In(聖人) at the time. Zhen Dexiu’s (眞德秀) was one of them. He understood that both king and servants must read because The Great Learing(大學) are books containing monarchs suitable for the rule. Accordingly, he selected cases corresponding to Article 6 of the The Great Learning(大學) among Confucian scriptures and Chinese history books, and captured political ideas and monarchies that synthesized wise men's theories and his views in The Extended Meaning of The Great Learning(大學衍義). The Extended Meaning of The Great Learning(大學衍義) is a cesarean study that contains Neo-Confucianism ideals that inherited Juhee's(朱熹) political thoughts, which also had a great influence on the political thoughts of the Joseon Dynasty. The Extended Meaning of The Great Learning(大學衍義) has been steadily read by the kings of Joseon through contests and used as a basis for testimony to their servants. In addition, in The Extended Meaning of The Great Learning(大學衍義), there are also proper behavioral guidelines of servants, crown prince, empress and court ladies, outlaws, and hospitality. For this reason, the kings of Joseon selected and edited the appropriate contents for each member. Despite the close relationship between the The Extended Meaning of The Great Learning(大學衍義) and the political ideas of the Joseon Dynasty, the study of the monarchy centered on the The Extended Meaning of The Great Learning(大學衍義) has not been dealt with. Therefore, the purpose of this dissertion is to review the monarchy of the kings of Joseon, noting that The Extended Meaning of The Great Learning(大學衍義) had a considerable influence on the political thought of the Joseon Dynasty. How The Extended Meaning of The Great Learning(大學衍義) influenced Joseon's state administration can be confirmed in more detail through The GyeongYeon(經筵). The GyeongYeon(經筵) is an educational system that enables good politics to be carried out aiming at Seong-gun(聖君), the ideal model of Confucian ideology. In other words, the contest served as a venue for the king to conduct in-depth research and discussion on Confucian scriptures and realize specific political issues in order to realize the ideology of Neo-Confucianism with his servants. Therefore, in Joseon Dynasty, it is easy to find the king's discussion in connection with real politics while reading The Extended Meaning of The Great Learning(大學衍義) with his servants through The GyeongYeon(經筵). Therefore, it will be possible to shed a three-dimensional light on the monarchy of the kings of Joseon through discussions between military gods centered on The Extended Meaning of The Great Learning(大學衍義). How The Extended Meaning of The Great Learning(大學衍義)’s influence on Joseon's state administration can be confirmed in more detail through the Hong-Jae-Jeon-Seo(弘齋全書), Seung-Jeong-Won Diary(承政院日記) focusing on the records of The GyeongYeon(經筵) in the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty(朝鮮王朝實錄). Examining what Joseon Dynasty's king and servants are discussing along with the political issues of the time, the monarchy of Joseon kings can be highlighted in three dimensions. Therefore, the purpose of this dissertation is to examine the monarchs and political ideas pursued by the Joseon Dynasty's military spirit from Tae-jo(太祖) to Jeong-jo(正祖) based on the records of The GyeongYeon(經筵) in the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty(朝鮮王朝實錄) centered on Seung-Jeong-Won Diary(承政院日記) and Hong-Jae-Jeon-Seo(弘齋全書). In this dissertaion, based on The Extended Meaning of The Great Learning(大學衍義), the following research directions are set for the monarchy of the king of Joseon. First, the basic system and core contents of The Extended Meaning of The Great Learning(大學衍義) is reviewed by examining the motivation, purpose, composition, and content of the The Extended Meaning of The Great Learning(大學衍義). Second, we examine how the discussion centered on The Extended Meaning of The Great Learning(大學衍義) in the Joseon Dynasty was related to real politics. Third, the monarchy revealed in the Joseon Dynasty's political ideology developed around The Extended Meaning of The Great Learning(大學衍義) is reviewed by king. Zhen Dexiu’s (眞德秀) thought that the subject who could fully realize the ideology of studying abroad was the monarch. King should recognize that the starting point of politics is themselves and their minds. This is because the king's virtue has a great influence on the peace. When the king reveals his virtues, the people will also reveal his virtues, so he can move on to the Chi-Gook(治國) and Pyeong-Cheon-Ha(平天下). Yi-kang-ryeong(二綱領) of The Extended Meaning of The Great Learing(大學衍義) stipulates that the basis of the study that reveals the virtues of fame is Yi-Je and Sam-Wang(二帝三王). Therefore, Kings bear the burden of su-gi-chi-in(修己治人) people who have to make them a model. This structure allows servants to restrict royal authority by emphasizing the study of mind training based on Su-Gi(修己), and kings can control servants power and exercise royal authority by emphasizing the state of affairs based on Sin-Min(新民) and Chi-In(治人). Focusing on this composition, discussions through Sa-jo-mok(四條目) can spotlight on the political ideas of the Joseon Dynasty's king and servants from various angles. The king of Joseon tried to realize the Confucian ideology by fully utilizing Sa-jo-mok(四條目), and melted the Confucian ideology into their political ideas. And accordingly, it was possible to confirm the three-dimensional monarchy. Se-jong(世宗) turned out to be the imperial monarch leading state affairs, Seon-jo(宣祖) was the prince of Gong-chi(共治), and Yeong-jo(英祖) and Jeong-jo(正祖) were the Gun-sa(君師) of unity. Another aspect that can be confirmed through The Extended Meaning of The Great Learing(大學衍義) is the development of the political structure of the Joseon Dynasty. Se-jong(世宗) era moved to a political structure in which individual kings lead the political situation and servants assist, while the Seon-jo(宣祖) era moved to a political structure in which king and servants are equal or sometimes subjects are slightly more dominant. In addition, Yeong-jo(英祖) era moved toward the unity of the king and people, a form of engaging the people in politics. As such, The Extended Meaning of The Great Learing(大學衍義) was used and transformed according to the situation of the times in the Joseon Dynasty, and it presented an ideal monarchy and had a great influence on real politics. However, The Extended Meaning of The Great Learning(大學衍義) did not provide much help in the process of Joseon's political decline due to Se-jo(世祖)'s overthrow of the throne, the tyranny of Yeonsan-gun(燕山君), the Bung-dang(朋黨) conflict, and the Se-do(世道) politics. This is because The Extended Meaning of The Great Learning(大學衍義) have fundamental limitations of monarch-centered cesareanism. Zhen Dexiu’s (眞德秀) was also aware of these limitations. He offered The Extended Meaning of The Great Learning(大學衍義) in anticipation of the king's affection because he was worried that the meaning of The Extended Meaning of The Great Learning(大學衍義) would be revealed by his subjects wielding power. This means that the meaning of The Extended Meaning of The Great Learning(大學衍義) cannot be fully realized unless the minimum conditions for the king to lead the state affairs are prepared. If the monarch fully performs his role through psychological study, it has the advantage of showing high efficiency, but effective measures cannot be taken for problems that arise when the monarch fails to fully perform his role. In addition, the limitation of The Extended Meaning of The Great Learning(大學衍義) is that even if the monarch completes the su-gi-chi-in(修己治人), it cannot guarantee that the crown prince will continue his reign. The Extended Meaning of The Great Learning(大學衍義) has a drawback that it does not come up with effective measures against these problems. However, The Extended Meaning of The Great Learning(大學衍義) has been read in the of The GyeongYeon(經筵) of the Joseon Dynasty for 400 years and has been used as a basic book of cesarean studies while supplementing problems that cannot be solved by The Extended Meaning of The Great Learning(大學衍義) according to the situation of the times. Therefore, it can be said that The Extended Meaning of The Great Learning(大學衍義) is of sufficient research value in grasping the political ideas and monarchy of the Joseon Dynasty. Keywords : The Extended Meaning of The Great Learning(大學衍義), Zhen Dexiu’s (眞德秀), The GyeongYeon(經筵), monarchy of the Joseon Dynasty, the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty(朝鮮王朝實錄).

      • 인지언어학 관점을 통한 古代 漢語 詞義 引伸 硏究

        이하영 제주대학교 대학원 2021 국내박사

        RANK : 2634

        이 연구는 古代漢語詞義引伸을 환유와 은유의 관점에서 분석하고, 詞義 引伸의 유형을 분류하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 詞義引伸은 本義와 의미적 상관성을 가지고 또 다른 詞義를 파생하는 언 어 운용 방식 중 하나이다. 기존의 詞義引伸은 의미자질 분석을 통해 주로 이루어졌다. 의미자질 분석 방식은 과학적이고 체계적이라는 평가를 받지만 추상적인 개념을 분석하고 설명하는데 한계점이 있다. 인지언어학자들은 환유와 은유가 多義語발생의 주요 원리라고 주장한다. 多義語란 두 개 이상의 의미를 지니는 단어를 가리키는 것으로, 多義語는 서 로 의미적 상관성을 가진다는 점에서 漢語의 引伸義에 해당하는 개념이라고 할 수 있다. 환유란 개념A를 가지고 개념B를 지시하는 것이며, 은유란 개념A를 통해 개념B를 이해하는 것으로, 환유는 인접성 인지능력에 의해 단어의 의미를 확 장하는 방식인 반면, 은유는 유사성 인지능력에 의해 단어의 의미를 확장하 는 방식이다. 본고에서는 기존 詞義引伸연구가 의미자질 분석 방식을 통한 연구와 인 지언어학 관점을 통한 연구로 양분되어 진행했던 것과는 달리, 두 방식을 결 합하여 詞義引伸을 분석하고자 한다. 또한, 본고는 說文通訓定聲의 예자를 연구 대상으로 삼았다. 說文通訓定 聲은 淸代說文四大家중 한 명인 朱駿聲의 저작으로, 문자·훈고·성운이 결 합된 종합적인 연구서이다. 朱駿聲은 轉注와 假借의 연구를 중요시하고 本義 외에 기타 詞義를 분석하여 古代詞義를 전면적으로 깊이 있게 다루었다는 점에서 매우 높이 평가 받는다. 朱駿聲은 기존에 정설이 없던 轉注와 관련하여 許愼이 제시한 轉注의 정의 와 예자를 변경하고, 轉注를 引伸이라고 주장하였다. 朱駿聲은 표제자에 대한 설명에 있어 주로 說文解字의 本義해설을 따르고, 轉注항목을 따로 구분 하여 引伸義의 쓰임을 밝혔다. 이것을 통해 本義와 引伸義의 관계를 분석하 고, 詞義引伸의 유형을 분류하는데 유용한 자료가 될 것이라고 사료된다. 연구를 통해 환유와 은유적 사고가 古代漢語詞義引伸에 얼마나 반영이 되었는지 고찰하고, 환유와 은유가 의미자질 변화에 있어 어떤 차이점이 있 는지 확인함으로써, 기존에 환유와 은유의 모호한 경계를 좀 더 명확히 구분 할 수 있을 것으로 기대한다. This paper attempts to analyze the ancient Chinese language through a metonymic and metaphoric perspective and aims to categorize the types of word meaning extension. The word meaning extension(詞義引伸) is one of the methods of language management which possesses the original meaning as well as the meaningful relativity and generates another fundamental meaning for a word. Unlike how the current researches on the existing word meaning extension were divided into a semantic analysis and cognitive linguistic perspective research methods, these two methods were combined instead to analyze the word extension meaning within the scope of this paper. In addition, this paper took the examples from the “Shuowen Tongxun Dingsheng(說文通訓定聲)” as its research subject. The “Shuowen Tongxun Dingsheng” is a work written by Zhu Junsheng(朱駿聲) who was one of the “the four Shuo-wen masters” during the Qing(淸) Dynasty. As such, it is a comprehensive research collection which consolidates the characters, scholia (of Chinese classics) and phonology. Zhu Junsheng put a lot of importance in the research of ‘transfer(轉注)’ and ‘substitute homonym characters(假借)’ while analyzing the other miscellaneous fundamental meaning of a word other than the original meaning whereby he is highly acclaimed in dealing with the ancient Chinese word meaning extension in an in-depth manner. Zhu Junsheng asserted that transfers(轉注) are in fact extensions(引伸) by changing the definition and examples of transfers suggested by Xu Shen(許愼) which had no existing established theory. Zhu Junsheng also clarified the usage of extended meaning(引伸義) mainly by following the explanation of the fundamental meaning in the “Shuōwén jiězì(說文解字)” and differentiating the transfer categories in the explanation of the representative Chinese character. It is believed that by using this process, the relationship between the fundamental meaning and the extended meaning can be analyzed and also be a very useful resource in categorizing the types of word meaning extensions. Through the results of this paper, contemplations about how much the metonymic and metaphoric directions were reflected in the ancient Chinese language word meaning extensions were carried out and by confirming what kind of differences there are in the changes of semantic meaning in terms of the said metonymy and metaphors, it is expected that the ambiguous boundary between the existing two categories would have clearer distinctions than now.

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