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      • Web기반 강의식수업에서 질문의 제시 여부 및 위치에 따른 학업성취도 분석

        이중근 동아대학교 교육대학원 2001 국내석사

        RANK : 247807

        본 연구는 Web기반 강의식수업에서 질문의 제시여부 및 위치에 따른 학업성취도를 분석하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 다음과 같은 연구문제를 설정하였다. 1. Web기반 강의식수업에서 질문의 제시여부에 따라 학업성취도에 어떠한 차이가 있는가? 2. Web기반 강의식수업에서 질문의 제시위치에 따라 학업성취도에 어떠한 차이가 있는가? 3. Web기반 강의식수업에서 질문의 제시위치에 따른 학업성취도 차는 학습자의 학업성적 수준에 따라 어떠한 차이가 있는가? 이를 위해 본 연구는 질문의 제시여부 및 위치에 따라 네 개 유형의 Web기반 프로그램을 개발하고 고교 3학년 160명을 대상으로 실험하였다. 본 연구에서 나타난 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, Web기반 강의식수업에서 질문을 제시하는 경우가 질문을 제시하지 않는 경우보다 학업성취도 향상에 효과적인 것으로 나타났다. 특히, 그 효과는 객관식 문제에서는 나타나지 않고 주관식 문제에서 그 효과 차가 나타났다. 그러므로 Web기반 강의식수업에서 질문을 제시하는 것이 바람직하다. 둘째, Web기반 강의식수업에서 질문의 제시위치는 학업성취도와 큰 차이가 없는 것으로 나타났다. 그러므로 Web기반 강의식 수업에서 질문은 기존 학습내용의 상기, 학습을 위한 인지적 자극, 학습내용의 이해정도 확인, 목적달성에의 피드백 제공 등의 기능을 수행하고 있다고 볼 수 있다. 셋째, Web기반 강의식수업의 학업성취도 효과에서 나타난 질문의 제시위치와 학업성적 수준간의 상호작용 효과를 보면 성적이 상위인 학생에게 강의내용 처음에 질문을 하는 것이 효과적이고 성적이 하위인 학생에게는 질문을 나중에 하는 것이 효과적인 것으로 나타났다. 그러므로 Web기반 강의식 수업에서 질문은 학업성적 수준에 따라 그 제시 위치를 상이하게 하는 것이 바람직하다. 즉, 학업성적이 높은 학생들에게는 학습내용 제시 전에 질문을 제시하고, 학업성적이 낮은 학생들에게는 학습내용 제시 후에 질문을 제시하는 것이 바람직하다. The purpose of this study is to analyze learning achievement according to existence and location of questions in Web-based class. To achieve the goal of this study, the three following specific questions are identified as follows: 1. What is difference in learning achievement according to existence of questions in Web-based class? 2. What is difference in learning achievement according to locations of questions in Web-based class? 3. What relations were shown between learning achievement and level of students according to existence of question in Web-based class. In order to conduct this, this study developed 4 types of Web-based class program according to existence and location of questions in Web-based class and experimented on 12th grade 160 students. Major findings of this study can be summarized as follows: 1. In Web-based class, existence of question is more effective than no existence of question. Especially questions in class is much effective on subjective tests than objective tests. So it's better to bring questions in Web-based class which provoke students to think. 2. Location of questions in Web-based class is not related with learning achievement. So questions in Web-based class has some functions recall of pre-class content, recognizable impulse for learning, confirm acquisition of learning content, offer feedback for aim 3. After watching the interaction between the location of questions and the level of students, we can observe that learning achievement in Web-based class is related with level of students. That is, questions at the beginning are more efficient for high level students but questions at the end are better for low level students. Therefore, before showing them learning content, questions should be given to high level student. On the contrast, after showing them learning content, questions should be given to low level students.

      • Java 기술을 기반으로한 Web 서비스 플랫폼에 대한 연구

        하위 배재대학교 대학원 2005 국내석사

        RANK : 247807

        Web서비스는XML, HTTP를 기반으로 SOAP, WSDL , UDDI등을 사용하여 다양한 플랫폼상에서 언어에 독립적으로 구축할 수 있는 인터넷 서비스의 혁신적인 기술이다. 본 논문은 JAVA기술을 기반으로한 Web서비스의 구현 및 개선방안에 대하여 기술하였다. 먼저Web서비스의 기본개념과 현재 상용화된Web서비스 프레임워스에 대하여 분석하였으며, 시스템구조, SOAP모듈, WSDL모듈의 설계 및 구현에 대하여 고찰하였다. 마지막으로Web서비스 보완하여야할 점들과 향후 발전방향에 대하여 기술하였다. Web Services are revolutionary technology of e-business. Web Services are based on some open specifications such as XML and HTTP and are composite of three key parts. SOAP, WSDL and UDDI Web Services can improve the integration of different platform and system. This paper mainly discusses the design and development of Web Services platform. The beginning of this paper generalizes basic conception of Web Services and present Web Services architecture, then the paper research on constituting a Web Services platform based on Java technology. This paper focuses on how the platform was designed and implemented, including the design of the whole structure, the design and development of SOAP module, WSDL module and UDDI register, in addition, the paper introduced a Web Service deployed on the platform. At last, this paper presents some shortage of this system and proposes some advice to extend and perfect the system.

      • Web2.0개념을 적용한 1인 미디어 관리화면의 인터페이스 디자인 연구 : 싸이월드 홈2와 블로그 시즌2 비교분석 중심으로

        김수영 상명대학교 대학원 2008 국내석사

        RANK : 247807

        Web2.0개념이 1인 미디어에 부여되면서 사용자들의 개인화를 확대시켰고 다양한 권한을 줌으로써 개인이 참여할 수 있는 공간으로 새롭게 생성하게 되었다. 이 논문은 개인 공간을 제어할 수 있는 관리화면의 인터페이스가 편리하게 제공하고 있는지에 대한 연구이다. 이와 같은 연구를 하기 위해 1인 미디어 사이트들이 구체적으로 Web2.0의 개념을 통해 어떤 변화가 있었는지 조사하였다. 먼저 Web2.0개념이 나타나게 된 배경을 살펴보았으며, 기존의 Web1.0과의 차이점을 비교하고 Web2.0개념을 부여하여 변화된 사례들의 특징을 살펴보았다. Web2.0환경으로 변화하면서 1인 미디어들도 관리화면을 Web2.0개념에 맞추어 변화하게 되었다. 그러한 1인 미디어 관리화면의 인터페이스 문제점을 짚어보기 위해서 인터페이스의 개념을 살펴보았으며, 인터페이스 디자인을 분석하는 정량적인 측정법에 대해서도 조사하여 본 논문에서 연구하고자 하는 문제점을 객관화하기 위한 평가지표로 삼았다. 이와 같은 현상들과 이론적 배경을 근거로 국내 1인 미디어 관리화면의 사례들이 Web2.0개념에 맞추어 어떤 변화를 하였는지 그 특징을 살펴보았으며, 구체적인 비교를 위해 구조화 시스템(Oragnization System) ,네비게이션 시스템(Navigation System), 레이블링 시스템 (Labeling System)을 기준으로 나누어 구성요소들을 비교하였다. 국내 1인 미디어 관리화면의 비교대상으로는 포털과 전문 블로그 사이트의 상위 5위권 안에 포함된 싸이월드, 네이버, 다음블로그, 이글루스, 티스토리를 기준으로 인터페이스의 구성요소들을 비교하였다. 위의 인터페이스 구성요소 비교를 토대로 하여 과연 이러한 시스템들을 사용자들이 불편함 없이 사용하는지 제니콥 닐슨의 10가지 휴리스틱을 기준으로 작성한 설문을 통해 사용자 편리성(Usability)을 조사해 비교 분석하였다. 사용자 편리성(Usability)에 관해서는 국내 1인 미디어 중에서도 가장 많은 사용자층을 가지고 있는 싸이월드 홈2와 네이버 블로그 시즌2를 비교분석, 연구 하였다. 해당 사용자들에게 먼저 변화된 1인미디어에 관한 질문에는 자신들의 특성에 맞게 디자인을 설정 할 수 있도록 변화한점에 대해서 긍정적인 평가를 내렸고 1인미디어 선택할 때 사용의 편리성을 고려한다고 답변하였다. 그러나 현재 사용자들은 Web2.0의 개념을 통해 변화된 1인미디어의 특성에 긍정적이며, 1인미디어 사용에 있어서 사용의 편리성을 고려하는 것에 반해 설문지를 통한 연구결과를 보면 디자인 설정을 위한 관리화면 인터페이스는 사용자들에게 어려움을 주고 있었으며 좀 더 심층적인 사용자 분석이 필요함을 알 수 있었다. 따라서 싸이월드 홈2와 네이버 블로그 시즌2의 비교분석, 연구를 통해 사용자들이 편리하게 관리화면을 이용할 수 있는 인터페이스를 제언하였다. The concept of Web2.0 in one-man media created a new space where individuals can participate, by expanding the individualization of users and providing them with various rights. This study is aimed at examining whether the interface of the management screen for the control of the individual space is presented in a convenient manner. For that purpose, the study checked what changes have been caused in the one-man media sites through the concept of Web2.0. First, it looked into the background how the Web2.0 concept has emerged and then compared it with the concept of the previous Web1.0 so as to examine the characteristics of the changes since the advent of Web2.0. As the cyber space has gradually adopted the Web2.0 environment, the one-man media also changed their management screen in tandem with the Web2.0 concept. The study looked at the concept of the interface so as to inquire into the problems of the interface on the management screen of the one-man media. It also conducted a quantitative analysis on the interface design in order to evaluate the objectivity of the problems that this thesis intended to point out. Based on the aforementioned trends and theoretical backgrounds, the study inspected what changes the Web2.0 concept has brought to the one-man media’s management screen at home. For a more concrete comparison, the study also checked the constituent factors by Organization System, Navigation System and Labeling System. For the comparison of the domestic one-man media, the study selected Cyworld, Naver, Daum Blog, egloos, TISTORY, which were included in the Top 5 list of the country’s portal and blog sites. Based on the constituent factors of the interface, the study conducted a survey of users to check the “Usability” - how conveniently can the users operate the systems - with a questionnaire made through Jakob Nielsen’s 10 Heuristic criteria. As for the Usability, the study carried out a comparative analysis between “Cyworld Home 2” and “Naver Blog Season 2,” which have the largest spectra of users among the country’s one-man media. In general, the respondents gave a positive evaluation for the changes of the sites and answered that they take convenience into consideration when they select the one-man media. However, despite the positive responses to the characteristics changed through the Web2.0 concept, the results of the survey showed that a more in-depth analysis is needed for the interfaces of the management screen as they cause some difficulties for users. Therefore, the study presented an interface, where users can operate the management screen more conveniently, through the comparative analysis of Cywold Home 2 and Naver Blog Season 2.

      • Web3D를 이용한 자기 주도적 입체도법 학습 코스웨어 설계 및 구현

        전준홍 韓國敎員大學校 敎育大學院 2004 국내석사

        RANK : 247807

        본 논문은 웹상에서 학습자에게 현실과 같은 장면을 제공하여 학습자가 물체를 직접 돌려보면서 입체도법을 학습할 수 있도록 Web3D를 이용한 웹 코스웨어 설계 및 구현에 대한 연구이다. 본 논문의 목적은 중학교 1학년 기술·가정 교과의 입체도법 학습에 있어서 학습자 중심으로 자기 주도적인 학습을 할 수 있도록 웹 코스웨어를 설계 및 구현하고, 실제 수업에 적용하여 교육적 효과를 검증해 보는 것이다. 웹 코스웨어 구현을 위하여 웹상에서 투상 공간과 물체의 3차원적 사실적 표현이 가능한 Flash3D와 Cult3D를 사용하였으며, 자기 주도적 학습이론에 입각하여 이를 구현하였다. 이 웹 코스웨어를 수업에 적용하여 교육적 효과를 검증한 결과, 학업 성취도 검사 결과에 따라 상위·중위·하위 집단으로 나누었을 때 특히 하위 집단에서 통계적으로 의미 있는 차이가 나타났다. 따라서 학습자 중심의 수준별 웹 코스웨어의 연구, 개발 및 보급이 필요하며, 이러한 코스웨어를 수업에 효과적으로 활용할 수 있는 적용 방법에 관한 연구가 뒤따라야 할 것으로 생각된다. ※ 이 논문은 2004년 2월 한국교원대학교 대학원위원회에 제출된 교육학 석사(정보통신교육)학위 논문임. This thesis is focused on design and implementation of a Web courseware by using Web3D. This Web courseware can supply a scene such as actuality for the learners and make them study 3-Dimensional Drawing with spinning the object directly. The purpose of this thesis is to design and implement a Web courseware for self-directed learning with learner-centered in the 3-Dimensional Drawing, which consists one of Technology and Home Economics subject in the 7th grade(the first year of a middle school) and apply it and verify its educational effect in actuality class We have used Flash3D and Cult3D that are possible to express projection space and 3-dimensional graphic of an object in World Wide Web, And we have applied it based on self-controlled learning strategy. The results of verification showed that there was a significant difference in low level when we divided students into three subgroups, high, middle, low experimental one, according to the post-diagnostic result. Therefore, it is necessary to develop and distribute learner-centered differential Web courseware, and it is suggested that research to develop method should be followed in order to apply this courseware to lessons effectively. ※ A thesis submitted to the Committee of the Graduate School of Korea National University of Education in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Education(Information & Communication Education) in February, 2004.

      • Web 기반 활용 영어 수업 모형을 통한 자기 주도적 학습력의 신장

        최진만 전북대학교 교육대학원 2004 국내석사

        RANK : 247807

        The object of this study is to suggest a plan for enhancing interest in learning and extending self-directed learning capabilities with the project of Web based English learning model under the assumption that it is effective to use Web-based learning materials in order to extend their interest in English learning and the self-directed learning capabilities. For this goal, this study was to investigate the change of new educational paradigm centered on the learners through the documents study first, the constructivism supplying a theoretical basis to the change, and Web recognized as media that can realize the principle of constructivism best. Also this study was to investigate the concept and characteristics of self-directed learning with a background of the principle of constructivism. The study on its basis was collecting many kinds of information related to listening and speaking from the internet that is called as a treasury of English education and made them as materials adequate to the learners' level and the contents of curriculum. And this study was to make Web Site, teacher's Homepage that was loaded many materials, where the learners could learn for themselves in open space and could connect and learn whenever and wherever the students want to learn. Also, this study was to project the teaching model, which used Web-basis to apply this information about English teaching-learning activities. And this study was to execute applied instruction with students in the third grade of middle schools from the middle of May to the end of September. As a result of the application instruction, this study was to analyze the changes of interest, an affective domain of the learners, and the increase of the self-directed learning capacities through pre/post questionnaire and interviews for the learners and narrative self-evaluation(their feelings). From the result of making English information data on the Web learning-materials, and the experimental instruction applying the project-based teaching-learning model which was used Web-based, the conclusion can be summed up as follows. First, the instruction activities using the learning materials of English information on the Web had an effect on the change of interest in the learners' English learning positively. After analyzing the interview with the learners and narrative self-evaluation, the rural learners who were not interested in English course became interested in various multimedia learning materials on the internet. And the learners participated in an instruction with more activities for themselves in the computer room actively and briskly than the class instruction centered on the learning materials. Second, the learning activities using Web-based English information could extend the self-directed learning capabilities of the learners. That is, the learners who were short of understanding and interest in English learning selected and learned the learning materials adequate to their levels and interesting fields. As a result, there was brisk and interesting instruction, not rigid. The learning method could be formed according to their own learning characteristics. Accordingly, the extension of the self-directed learning capabilities was possible. After all, the instruction using Web-based English information made learner's interest about English subject positive. Also, it extended the self-directed learning activities about the English subject. On a basis of the problems and results from this study, this study was to make several proposals for the effective Web-based instruction in the teaching-learning about the English subject. First, it needs to install the information-oriented classrooms with the very high speed internet private lines and the multimedia laboratories. Recently, it connects the internet private lines in the whole classrooms as part of educational information and the large projection T.V is installed. But there is only one computer in the classroom for the teacher, It is only used for presenting contents in class for a while. Also, as for the general computer rooms installed in the whole schools are not suitable to the various models of Web-based instructions in the structure of arrangement. Second, teachers' thought to practice Web based instructions to the teaching-learning activities is a must. And teachers must recognize the educational value of Web. No matter how good quality of facilities and programs are supplied, we can not expect the educational effect if the teachers do not use them in the field. Third, the development of good quality of Web data adequate to the learners' levels and the thorough guidance plans should be researched. Above 80% of Web information consists of English. But there is little proper information to the students 'levels among them. It is important to choose and reconstruct the data adequately to the learners' levels from the infinite Web-based English data. Above all, the most important thing is that teachers maximize the teaching-learning effect how the teachers utilize the excellent teaching media at which points as they consider the learners' interest with good quality of learning materials

      • WEB Application Service의 유지보수 생산성 향상을 위한 개발방법에 대한 연구 : 개발표준 수립을 중심으로

        김용구 국민대학교 정보과학대학원 2009 국내석사

        RANK : 247807

        WEB Application Service의 유지보수 생산성 향상을 위한 개발방법을 찾아보기 위하여 K대학의 WEB 기반 학사행정 시스템에 사용하고 있는 개발표준을 분석해 보았다. 이 개발표준은 Microsoft .Net 개발 표준 가이드를 기준하여 작성되었으나 다음과 같은 문제점이 있었다. ① 개발표준 수립이 설계단계를 완료한 시점에 수립되어 - 데이터베이스의 Stored Procedure 및 단위 프로그램 사이의 연관성이 부족하고, - Item Name, 화면객체명 및 변수명의 관계 등이 개발표준에 포함되지 않았다. ② 개발표준이 - 화면객체 및 Control용 변수 등에 사용하는 접두사의 종류가 부족하여 객체의 다양성을 충분히 표현하지 못하고 있고, - Stored Procedure 명명규칙이 누락되어 유지보수 효율을 저하시키고 있다. 이러한 문제점을 개선하기 위해서 신규 개발되는 하위 시스템을 대상으로 기존의 개발표준에 ① Table Name, 화면객체명 및 변수명의 관계 ② 변수명 명명 규칙 중 Control용 변수에 사용하는 접두사의 다양화 ③ 단위 프로그램 ID를 이용한 Stored Procedure 명명 규칙 등을 추가하고 운영한 결과, 개발 및 유지보수에 있어서 효율이 향상됨을 확인할 수 있었다. 이번 연구를 통하여 세밀하게 작성된 개발표준을 수립하고 “모든” 개발자가 “반드시” 준수하도록 하는 것이 무엇보다 중요하는 점을 명확히 하였으며, 개발표준을 보완함으로써 유지보수 효율성을 다소나마 향상시킬 수 있었다. This is the study on the software development methodology for improving maintenance productivity of WEB Application Service, by analyzing the "Coding Standard" of WEB based schol affairs system of "K" College The "Coding Standard" K College are based on "Microsoft .Net Development Standards Guide" but include few issues as next. ① As "Coding Standard" is documented after Design, - be short linkage between stored procedure name and program(WEB-Form) ID, - linkage among item name, WEB-Form object name and variable name is not included. ② The "Coding Standard" - not represent diversities of attributes of objects on account of insufficient prefixes for WEB-Form objects and control variables. - reduce productivity of maintenance by omission of stored procedure naming rule. To solve upper issues, add ① linkage among item name, WEB-Form object name and variable name ② additional prefixes for control variables ③ stored procedure naming rule using program(WEB-Form) ID to upgraded "Coding Standard" for new sub system. As a result, productivities of development and maintenance are improved. In this study, manifested to establish detailed "Coding Standard" and "ALL" programmers "MUST" observe that "Coding Standard", and improved productivities of maintenance with upgraded "Coding Standard" of "K" College.

      • XML을 利用한 Web 基盤 製品情報管理 시스템의 開發

        양영모 경희대학교 대학원 2002 국내석사

        RANK : 247807

        제품을 생산하는데 있어서 제품정보를 적재적소에 제공한다는 것은 기업 경쟁력에 있어서 매우 중요한 일이다. 경쟁이 치열해지고 인터넷이 급성장하면서 기업들은 제품 데이터를 효율적으로 활용하기 위해 하나의 정보시스템으로 구축하여 경쟁력을 높이는 한편, E-Business와의 접목을 시도하고 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 98년에 개발된 (주)대한중석 전자 카탈로그를 PDM (Product Data Management)의 컨텐츠로써 사용하여 기존 전자 카탈로그의 단점인 지역적 제한을 극복하고 인터넷 표준언어인 XML로 구축하여 정보를 공유함으로써 기업의 경쟁력을 향상시키는데 목적이 있다. 이것은 공구에 대한 기본지식을 가지고 있지 않은 초보자들도 쉽게 인터넷을 통하여 공구를 쉽게 선정할 수 있도록 사용자의 편의성을 고려하여 개발되었다. 본 연구에서는 공구의 일부분인 Facemill에 대하여 적용하였으며, 개발된 Web 카탈로그는 크게 세 부분으로 구성되어있다. 첫째, 공구의 선정부분, 둘째, 공구 데이터베이스, 그리고 셋째, 최적 절삭조건이다. 관계형 데이터베이스를 이용한 공구 데이터베이스에는 Facemill의 Cutter와 관련된 Insert에 대한 기본정보들이 연결되어 있으며, 최적절삭조건 선정을 위한 신경망의 Weighting Factor와 Bias값이 저장되어있다. 공구를 선정하였을 때, 이들의 주문번호, 날수, 무게 등의 기본정보와 관련된 Insert를 선정할 수 있다. 이러한 정보는 데이터베이스에서 검색되어 XML형식으로 Page에 저장되며 스타일시트를 통해 브라우저에 출력된다. 또한, 선정된 공구에 대하여 피삭재와 공구재종을 선정하면 공구에 대한 최적 절삭조건이 출력된다. 이 최적 절삭조건은 신경망 이론을 이용한 것으로 실험을 통해 얻어진 Weighting Factor와 Bias에 의하여 계산된다. Since the competition among enterprises becomes intense, it is very important that an enterprise provides proper locations for necessary product data. With rapid growth of internet technology, an enterprise has developed an information system for product data related to the E-Business. Therefore, this study extends an electronic catalog for cutting tools of the Korea Tungsten Co. Ltd. to the contents of PDM(Product Data Management) using XML(eXtensible Markup Language) which is an internet standard language, and attempts to enhance the user-friendly characteristic. Thus, it is expected that this study contributes to overcome the limited capacity of electronic catalog and increase a competition of the enterprise. The developed web page is for facemilling tools. It consists of three parts; a tool selection, a database for tool and an optimized cutting condition calculation. A relational database for the cutting tool consists of cutter, component, insert, weighting factor, and bias for cutting condition. When a user selects a cutter tool at the web page, cutting tools are searched at the relational database, and the search results consist of weight, dimension, drawing, product order number, related insert of tools. The search result is saved at the web page by XML form and printed by XSL(eXtensible Stylesheet Language). Also, if a user selects a workpiece and a tool grade, the web page suggests the optimized cutting condition using a neural network technique which is done by an independent research group.

      • Building Web Brand Loyalty in Virtual Community Context

        가미미 경상대학교 대학원 2011 국내박사

        RANK : 247807

        인터넷과 이와 관련된 기술의 획기적 발전에 힘입어 지난 몇 년간, 수많은 웹 브랜드의 출현을 가져왔다. 그러나, 이러한 외적환경의 변화에도 불구하고 대부분의 브랜드 연구는 오프라인 상품과 서비스에 초점을 두었다. 웹상에서 소비자들은 오프라인 환경에 비해 브랜드나 다른 고객과의 상호작용에 자율권을 더 많이 가지고 있다. 게다가, 웹 2.0 시대에서 고객들은 셀프브라우징을 통해 웹 브랜드가치를 경험할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라, 자신의 콘텐츠를 만들어 브랜딩에 더 참여를 할 수 있다. 즉, 웹 브랜드관리 측면에서 보다 더 유연하게 소비자들을 브랜드 구축과정에 참여시킨다. 따라서, 웹 브랜드에 대한 더 나은 이해를 위해서, 본 연구는 웹브랜드충성도에 대한 소비자의 시각 연구를 상호작용성, 브랜드경험가치, 참여도의 역할을 중심으로 초점을 맞추어 실시하였다. 실증분석 결과를 보면, 웹 브랜드에서 상호작용의 측정을 위해 일대일 커뮤니케이션을 고려한 4 차원모형이 전통적인 3 차원모형보다 우수하다고 나타났다. 실제로, 웹 2.0 시대에, 일대일 커뮤니케이션 (고객-고객)이 상호작용의 중요한 측정척도이고 전통적인 쌍방향커뮤니케이션 (고객-기업) 보다 더 중요할 수도 있다. 고객들은 상호작용성을 평가할 때, 일대일 커뮤니케이션, 반응, 통제력을 중시한다. 따라서, 상호작용성을 관리할 때, 일대일커뮤니케이션, 반응, 통제력차원을 강조해야 한다. 게다가 웹 브랜드 경험적 가치의 4 가지 측정차원은 재미, 미학, 우수성, 고객 투자수익율(CROI) 로 나타났다. 그 결과를 살펴보면, 미학 보다, 우수성, CROI 와 재미를 경험적 가치로 평가한다. 따라서, 브랜드경험을 관리할 때, 고객 경험가치를 향상시키기 위해 우수성, CROI 와 재미에 유의해야 한다. 이에 상호작용성과 경험가치의 측정척도에 기반을 두고 웹 브랜드 지각도를 제시했다. 이 지각도는 가상커뮤니티 브랜드를 잘 이해하는데 기여하고 더 나은 고객 포지셔닝에 도움이 된다. 뿐만 아니라, 이 연구에서 웹 브랜드 충성도모형을 제안하고 상호작용성, 경험적 가치, 만족, 브랜드태도, 브랜드 충성도의 상호관계를 연구하였다. 그 결과를 보면, 상호작용성이 브랜드경험적 가치, 만족, 브랜드태도를 통해 웹 브랜드충성도에 영향을 미치고 상호작용성은 만족보다 경험적 가치에 긍정적인 영향을 미친다. 즉, 상호작용성과 만족사이에 경험가치의 중요한 매개효과를 보여준다. 따라서 웹 브랜드 관리자는 브랜드경험을 향상시키기 위해 다양한 경험전략을 개발해야 한다. 또한, 이 연구에서는 만족, 브랜드 태도와 브랜드충성도 사이에서 참여도의 조절효과를 살펴보았다. 만족과 브랜드태도가 브랜드 충성도에 미치는 영향이 참여도의 증가 수준에 따라 감소했다. 웹 브랜드태도가 적극적인 참여고객의 웹 브랜드 충성도를 잘 예측한다. 따라서, 참여도에 따른 마케팅전략으로 고객에 접근해야 한다. The internet and its related interactive technologies have to a large extent changed the brandsphere and brought a sudden emergence of web brands in the last few years. However, majority of researches about brands have mainly focused on customer goods settings and service settings in offline environment. Compared with offline environment, customers are more empowered to interact with brands and other customers on the web. In web 2.0 era, apart from experiencing web brand value through self-browsing, customers are able to create their own content which leads to a more participative approach to branding. In other words, web brands adopt a more flexible stance on brand management, which involves consumer in fundamental stages of brand building process. Considering that customer is involved in brand building process, a study focusing on web brand setting from customer’s perspective is essential. Hence, for a better understanding of web brand, a study on web brand loyalty focusing on the role of interactivity, brand experiential value and participation is conducted. The empirical results reveal that, a four factor model with one-to-one communication (customer-to-customer) under consideration performs better than the traditional three factor model (control, two-way communication, responsiveness) for the measurement of interactivity in web brand context. Actually, in web 2.0 era, one-to-one communication is an important measurement scale of interactivity and may exceed the importance of traditional two-way communication (customer-to-firm). Customers evaluate interactivity in terms of one-to-one communication first, followed by responsiveness and control. Therefore, for interactivity management, the one-to-one communication, responsiveness dimension and control dimensions should be emphasized. Moreover, playfulness, aesthetics, excellence and customer return on investment (CROI) are verified as the four dimensions of experiential value in the web brand setting. Following the findings, customers evaluate experiential in terms of excellence, CROI and playfulness than aesthetics. Therefore, for brand experience management, in order to enhance customer experiential value, the excellence dimension and customer return on investment (CROI) dimension should be given more attentions. Based on the verification of the interactivity and experiential value measurement scales, a web brand perceptual map is depicted. The customer perceptual map focusing on interactivity and experiential value contributes to a better understanding of virtual community web brands and can be used for better customer positioning. Further, based on the development of a web brand loyalty model, the interrelationships among interactivity, experiential value, satisfaction, brand attitude, and brand loyalty are explored. The research results show that interactivity affects web brand loyalty through brand experiential value, satisfaction and web brand attitude. It is interesting that interactivity affects brand experiential value rather than satisfaction and brand experiential value plays an important role by mediating the effect of perceived interactivity on satisfaction. Web brand managers should try to explore different experiential strategies to enhance brand experience. The roles of customer participation on the effects of satisfaction and those of web brand attitude on web brand loyalty are also explored. As the results show, customer participation moderates the effects of satisfaction and web brand attitude on web brand loyalty. Moreover, as the impacts of satisfaction and brand attitude on brand loyalty decrease with the increasing level of participation, satisfaction and web brand attitude better predict web brand loyalty for lurkers (passive participation) than posters (active participation). Hence, participation should be included for marketing strategies based on web brand loyalty and its predictors. Further, consumers varying in this construct should be approached in a different way.

      • 가정과 예비교사 교육에서의 웹 기반 문제중심학습 과정 연구

        김민정 중앙대학교 대학원 2001 국내석사

        RANK : 247807

        This research is to increase our understanding of a Web-based learning environment in training Home Economics pre-teachers. In particular, the study focuses on the cognitive learning process of pre-teachers in their use of the Web-Based Problem-Based Learning(PBL) Model to solve Practical problems in Home Economics education(HEE). This research has performed based on the following structure. Firstly, previous studies on Web-based learning models have been investigated in order to identify the characteristics of diverse learning models in a Web environment. The objective is to derive an appropriate Web-based PBL Model that can be applied to the HEE. Secondly, a Web-based PBL Model has been established and its application has been implemented on a coursework for pre-teachers. The coursework used in this research is the Principles of the HEE. The practical problems related to the coursework has been identified and used to build a PBL model. Thirdly, Our Web-based PBL Model has been experimented in a class environment. The experiment is designed to seek implications of our model in training of pre-teachers. Seven subjects are recruited for the experiment. All subjects are 3-year students in the Home Economics Department and they were studied for 11 weeks. The subjects were asked to solve 3 practical problems and they were supposed to use the on-line and off-line learning environments together for the comparison. In the on-line learning environment, the subjects were asked to utilize a Web-based discussion board that allows a real-time interaction during their learning process. The subjects used the Web-based interaction 1-2 times per week on average. The off-line learning environment was based on a class discussion for which the subjects were required to attend a 90 minute long class every week for their progress and evaluation. Fourthly, since the focus of our experiment is to produce deeper understanding the cognitive learning process, a qualitative study has been performed rather than a quantitative approach. For the on-line learning environment, the study analyzed the reports and artifacts collected from the Web-based interaction board. For the off-line learning model, the data for analysis are collected from the observation during a series of classes. The findings of this study are outlined as follows. First finding treats the research question: How does pre-teachers' learning process progress? The subjects proceeded their learning voluntarily through active collaboration. The subjects showed a positive attitude toward collaboration during the course of solving given three practical problems. Also, the subjects moved on their learning in an introspective manner with a self, peer, and group evaluation. These observations suggest that in a Web-based PBL Model, the subjects experience a self-directed, collaborative and reflective learning process via active interaction with other subjects. Second finding addresses the research question: How is pre-teachers' understanding concerning the role of HE teachers and their education changing? All subjects participated in the study showed the changes in their understanding regarding the problems. The subjects' understanding of the issues increased and clarified as they solved the given three problems. During the course of solving those problems, their confidence and responsibility as a pre-teacher of HE were grown enough to be observed. These changes can be explained, in part, with observation from the new learning environment where the subjects can experience more active, self-directed, interactive learning process, than a lecture-based learning. The primary objective of our research is to address the issues related to the training of pre-teachers with a Web-based learning environment. Our investigation of the Web-based PBL Model as a new interactive learning paradigm shows that it allows pre-teachers to experience a more self-directed learning process and improve the confidence in recognizing their identity and responsibility as a prospective teacher in the field of HE.

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