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      • 북한의 영어교과서 분석 : 중학교 1,2,3학년을 중심으로

        김단솔 Graduate School, Korea University 2017 국내석사

        RANK : 234367

        The purpose of this study is to understand the goal of North Korea's English education and the reality and its changes per period through analysis of North Korea's English textbooks. This study was conducted based on six textbooks in middle school first grade(2004/2007), middle school second grade(2001/2008), and middle school third grade(1999/2002), which are important periods of foreign language education. The structure, vocabulary, grammar, communicational function, and subject and context are analyzed. First, the textbooks' outer and inner features have developed as time passed but still need improvements. The quality of paper, print condition, and illustration still need to be improved. For the inner feature, reading, listening, writing, and speaking are all covered. However, reading and writing have much bigger portion than communication and speaking, which shows the need for improvement in communicational function. Second, the level and number of vocabularies show significant changes by different years. This indicates the level of North Korea's English textbook has improved. Vocabularies in North Korea's textbook largely reflect its culture. The very scarce use of foreign words, preference of British English, frequent use of uncommon words such as Generalissimo, Marshal were shown. Third, grammar of North Korea's English textbook has been emphasized, with the explanation and examples of grammar rules. North Korea’s English education is same as the Grammar translation method of South Korea's third and fourth curriculum. Grammar part was separated and explained in its native language, which shows grammar is recognized as one part of English education rather than assistant tool for communication. Thus, reinforcement of grammar education for communicational function is required. Forth, North Korea's English textbook has shown attempts for changes to reinforce the communicational function, but it still shows a great tendency of explaining the rules of grammar and repeated practice of them rather than the practice of conversation with English speaker Finally, the materials and content of North Korea's English textbook markedly shows that English education in North Korea is a method to maintain and reinforce its political system, not an acquisition of language. Textbooks have the most emphasis on idolization of Kim, Il Sung and Kim, Jong Il and cover the topics of Juche, communism, and science technology. This shows that cultural education, the essential part of foreign language education, is absent or distorted in North Korea’s English education. To sum up, It is shown that North Korea’s English textbook does not follow the trend of the world and accomplish the purpose as a tool for language education. There needs to be a change in teaching method and improvement of textbooks for better language acquisition and communicational function.

      • 언어 네트워크 방법을 이용한 남·북한 물리 1 교과서의 탐구 활동 비교분석

        김다은 서울대학교 대학원 2020 국내석사

        RANK : 152414

        South Korea and North Korea have been divided and trained for over 70 years in different educational systems and methods. Recently, South Korea and North Korea introduced a new curriculum, South Korea emphasized learning through inquiry in the 2015 revised science curriculum, and North Korea in the 2013 Science curriculum. However, there was a lack of comparative research on how to understand each inquiry and apply it to textbooks in the new curriculum. Therefore, this study attempted to find common ground and differences by comparing and analyzing the characteristics of inquiry tendency and inquiry activities in South Korea's 2015 Revised Curriculum Physics 1 textbook and North Korea's 2013 science curriculum Advanced Middle School Physics 1 textbook. For this study, Romey(1968) framework analyzed the text, illustrations, problems, and activities of inquiry-oriented in the entire textbook. To supplement the limitation that Romey's analysis framework analyzes the inquiry orientation of the classical view and presents only quantitative results, the language network analysis of the inquiry activities was done and the network structure was interpreted as eight scientific practice analysis frames of NRC (2012). As a result of the analysis, it was found that the North Korean text area and the South Korean activity area were inquiry-oriented. Through this, it was found that North Korea induces student participation in the text and South Korea engages students through the activities. As a result of language network analysis, South Korea had key words and key links that emphasize mutual cooperation, and inquiry activities were organized in a structure with six elements: concept, phenomena, measurement, feature, discussion, group activities. And each sub-structure, include scientific practices of 'Asking questions and defining problems', 'Planning and carrying out investigation', 'Analyzing and interpreting data' and 'Constructing explanations and designing solutions' and ‘Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information’. In the case of North Korea, the key word and the key link consisted of linking objects to explain concepts or concepts. In addition, it can be said that it has a concept-oriented scientific inquiry structure, as it is structured by introducing concepts and confirming concepts from words to represent simple phenomena. Also, the sub-structure does not include science practice through mutual cooperation and communication processes such as 'Constructing explanations and designing solutions', ‘Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information’, and 'Analyzing and interpreting data'. In conclusion, South Korea's Physics 1 textbook was composed of six elements of exploratory activities, such as discussion and experiment, in a structure with connectivity, and emphasized collaborative inquiry activities. On the other hand, North Korea's advanced middle school 1 physics textbooks have a concept-oriented inquiry activity structure, with a structure of inquiry activity as a process of presenting a phenomenon, introducing a concept suitable for the phenomenon, and confirming the concept. Also, unlike South Korea's mutually cooperative learning, there was a difference in that it emphasized individual concept learning. However, there is a limitation of textbook research in this study in that it is not possible to generalize the entire physics textbook by analyzing only the common parts of physics 1 textbooks due to the differences between the two Koreas' academic systems, the difficulty of collecting North Korean materials, and the actual appearance of education. To overcome the limitations of this study, further analysis of physics textbooks for all high school courses and follow-up research through interviews with North Korean defectors' teachers or young North Korean defectors are needed. 한국과 북한은 분단된 채 70여 년 동안 다른 교육체계와 방법으로 교육을 수행해왔다. 최근 한국과 북한은 새로운 교육과정을 도입했고, 한국은 2015 개정 과학교육과정에서, 북한은 2013 교육강령에서 탐구를 통한 학습을 강조하고 있다. 그러나 새로운 교육과정에서 각각 탐구를 어떻게 이해하고 교과서에 적용했는지에 대한 비교 연구가 부족했다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 남한의 2015 개정 교육과정 물리학 1 교과서와 북한의 2013 교육강령 고급중학교 물리 1 교과서의 탐구지향성과 탐구 활동에서 나타나는 특징을 비교 분석하여 공통점과 차이점을 찾고자 하였다. 이를 위해 Romey(1968)의 분석틀로 전체 교과서에 나타나는 탐구지향성을 본문, 삽화, 문제, 활동에 대해 분석하였다. Romey의 분석틀이 고전적인 관점의 탐구지향성을 분석하고 정량적인 결과만을 제시한다는 한계점을 보완하기 위해, 탐구 활동에 대해서 언어 네트워크 분석을 하였고 네트워크 구조를 NRC(2012)의 8가지 과학 실천 분석틀로 해석하였다. 분석 결과, 북한은 본문 영역이, 남한은 활동 영역이 탐구 지향적이라는 결과가 나왔으며 이를 통해 북한은 본문에서 학생 참여를 유도하고 남한은 활동을 통해 학생들을 수업에 참여시키는 것을 알 수 있었다. 언어 네트워크 분석 결과, 남한에서는 상호 협력을 중요시하는 핵심어와 핵심링크를 가지고 있었고, 개념-현상-측정-특징-토의-모둠 활동의 6가지 요소를 가진 구조로 탐구 활동이 구성되었다. 또한, 각각의 하위 구조에서 ‘질문하고 문제 규정하기’, ‘조사 계획하고 수행하기’, ‘자료의 분석과 설명’, ‘설명 구성하고 문제해결 고안하기’, ‘정보를 얻고, 평가하고, 소통하기’ 등의 과학 실천을 포함했고, ‘모형 개발하고 사용하기’의 과학 실천은 포함하지 않아 현상을 다양한 종류의 모형으로 설명하는 과정이 누락 되어 있다고 볼 수 있다. 북한의 경우에는 핵심어와 핵심링크가 개념이나 개념을 설명하기 위한 대상의 연결로 이루어져 있었다. 또한, 간단한 현상을 나타내기 위한 단어들로부터 개념의 도입과 개념을 확인하는 과정으로 구조가 이루어진 것을 보아 개념 중심적 과학 탐구의 구조를 가지고 있다고 할 수 있다. 또한, 하위 구조에 ‘설명 구성하고 문제해결 고안하기’, ‘정보를 얻고, 평가하고, 소통하기’, ‘증거에 입각하여 논의하기’등 상호 협력과 의사소통 과정을 통한 과학 실천은 포함되지 않는 것을 볼 수 있었다. 결론적으로 남한의 물리학 1 교과서는 토론과 실험 등 탐구 활동의 6가지 요소가 연결성을 가진 구조로 이루어졌고, 협력적 탐구 활동을 강조하는 특징이 있었다. 반면, 북한의 고급중학교 1 물리 교과서는 현상을 제시하고, 현상에 맞는 개념을 도입하고, 개념을 확인하는 과정으로 탐구 활동의 구조가 이루어져 있어 개념 중심적 탐구 활동 구조를 가졌다. 또한, 남한의 상호 협력적 학습과 다르게 개인의 개념학습을 중요시한다는 점에서 차이가 있었다. 하지만, 본 연구에서 남북한의 학제의 차이로 물리학 1 교과서의 공통부분만 분석하여 물리 교과서 전체에 대해 일반화 할 수 없다는 점과 북한 자료 수집의 어려움, 실제 교육의 모습에 대해서는 알 수 없다는 점에서 교과서 연구의 한계점을 가지고 있다. 본 연구의 한계를 극복하기 위해 고등학교 전 과정의 물리 교과서에 대한 추가 분석과 탈북 교사 혹은 탈북 청소년 인터뷰를 통한 후속 연구가 필요하다.

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