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      • 혼합 장르로서의 정치 토크쇼 연구 : <나꼼수>와 <썰전>을 중심으로

        신유리 연세대학교 대학원 2020 국내박사

        RANK : 2943

        The purpose of this study is to identify the genre characteristics of the Korean political talk show and the nature of the discourse embodied through the genres, and to explore the significance of this in the social context. To this end, the representative political talk shows of Korea, Naggomsu and SSuljun, were selected as the research subjects and the methodology of critical discourse research was applied. Thus, this study presupposes that dialectical relations between language and society, and starts from recognizing discourse as 'language in use' as 'social practice'. It also takes the point of view of political talk shows as a mix of genres that emerged with the emergence of new communication technologies, and as the primary linguistic resource in which two traits affecting the language of the media today are clearly manifest: the tension between information and entertainment, the tension between public and private. Naggomsu and SSuljun have a common generic character of 'entertainization of political information' and 'conversationization of political discourse'. Podcast-based Naggomsu is produced in a de-institutional context, and based on chat, a mix of reporting, interpretation, commentary, and talk shows is found. The genre characteristic of Naggomsu, which has a strong character of everyday conversation, led to the 'conversationization of political discourse, and the mix of genres in the semi-private and de-institutional domain led to the entertainization of political information beyond the vulgarization of political information. The de-institution of Naggomsu has allowed this text to be implemented in the field of politic without being controlled by the field of media. In addition, the discourse subject and the listener share the everyday world and have a solidarity. In this context, the discourse subject of Naggomsu performed persuasive actions that promptly asked political judgments and actions from the social subjects through dialogic interactive and storytelling interaction. In Naggomsu, political discourse became “our dialogue” conducted in the everyday world. On the other hand, SSuljun made political discourse a 'popular attraction' consumed in the media market. Political information was well processed, easy to understand, interesting, and unobtrusive because the purpose of discourse was to have more viewers. The device for this is to embody reporting, interpretation, commentary and political debate based on the talk show genre. As political information was dealt with in the popular entertainment genre of broadcasting, the vulgarization of political information changed to the entertainization of political information. In addition, politics 'conversation', which was activated in Naggomsu, became commercialized in SSuljun and took the form of politics 'talk show'. This is related to SSuljun's devotion of political discourse as a subject of entertainment in the field of media. The genre characteristics of Naggomsu and SSuljun do not allow viewers to recognize the ideology inherent in the discourse. The daily conversational character in Naggomsu in semi-personal domain are divisive by what we are good, they are evil, and we take it for granted to judge evil.In the case of SSuljun, the genre mixing is more institutionalized and delicate so we don't recognize that politics is treated as an object of consumption in the media market. And also makes the political discourse seem objective and balanced. This ideological character can be grasped when the text is recognized as a social practice. 이 연구는 한국 정치토크쇼의 장르적 특성과 장르를 통해 구현되는 담론의 성격을 밝히고, 이것이 사회적 맥락 안에서 갖는 의의를 탐구하는 데 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 한국의 대표적인 정치토크쇼인 <나꼼수>와 <썰전>을 연구 대상으로 선정하여 비판적 담화 연구의 방법론을 적용하였다. 따라서 이 연구는 언어와 사회가 변증법적 관계에 있음을 전제로 하며, ‘실제 사용하는 언어’로서의 담화를 ‘사회적 관행’으로 인식하는 데서 출발한다. 또한 정치토크쇼를 새로운 의사소통 매체의 등장과 함께 출현한 혼합 장르이자 오늘날 대중매체 언어에 영향을 주는 두 가지 특성(정보와 오락성의 긴장, 공적인 것과 사적인 것의 긴장)이 분명하게 나타나는 주요한 언어 자료로 보는 관점을 취한다. <나꼼수>와 <썰전>은 ‘정치 정보의 오락화’와 ‘정치 담화의 대화화’라는 장르적 특성을 공통적으로 가진다. 팟캐스트를 기반으로 하는 <나꼼수>는 탈제도적 맥락에서 생산됨에 따라 잡담을 바탕으로 보도, 해설, 논평, 토크쇼를 혼합한 양상이 발견된다. 일상대화의 성격이 강한 <나꼼수>의 장르적 특성은 ‘정치 담화의 대화화’를 이끌었으며, 반(半)사적·탈제도적 영역에서의 장르 혼합은 정보의 오락화를 넘어 ‘정치 정보의 통속화’를 가져왔다. <나꼼수>의 탈제도성은 <나꼼수> 담화가 매체 영역의 통제를 받지 않고 정치 영역에서 실행될 수 있도록 하였으며 담화주체와 청취자가 일상세계를 공유하며 유대감을 갖는 관계가 되게 하였다. 이러한 맥락에서 <나꼼수>의 담화주체는 일상대화적이고 스토리텔링적인 상호작용 방식을 통해 사회적 주체인 청취자에게 정치적 판단과 행위를 즉각적으로 요청하는 설득 행위를 수행하였다. <나꼼수>를 통해 정치 담론이 일상세계 영역에서 이루어지는 ‘나/우리의 대화’가 되었다면, <썰전>은 정치 담론을 매체 시장의 영역에서 소비되는 ‘대중의 볼거리’로 만들었다. 시청자의 확보를 제일의 담화 목표로 함에 따라, 정치 정보는 이해하기 쉽고 흥미로우며 시청하기에 거북하지 않도록 잘 가공되었다. 이를 위한 장치가 토크쇼 장르 안에서 보도, 해설, 논평과 함께 정치 토론을 구현하는 것이다. 정치 정보가 방송이라는 대중적인 오락 장르에서 다뤄짐에 따라 ‘정치 정보의 통속화’는 ‘정치 정보의 예능화’로 변화하였다. 또한 <나꼼수>에서 활성화된 일상대화적인 정치 ‘대화’는 <썰전>에 와서는 상품화되어 정치 ‘토크쇼’의 형태를 가지게 되었다. 이는 <썰전>이 매체 영역에서 정치 담화를 예능의 소재로 전용하는 것과 관련된다. 이와 같은 <나꼼수>와 <썰전>의 장르적 특성은 해당 담화/담론에 내재되어 있는 이데올로기를 인식하지 못하게 만든다. <나꼼수>의 반(半)사적 영역에서의 일상대화적 특성은 ‘우리’를 선한 것으로, ‘그들’을 악한 것으로 이분화하고 ‘우리’는 악을 심판하는 것이 당연한 것으로 받아들이게 한다. 그리고 <썰전>의 경우, 장르 혼합이 보다 제도화되고 세련된 방식으로 이루어짐에 따라 매체 시장에서 소비 대상으로 정치가 다뤄진다는 점을 인지하지 못하게 하고, 이 정치 담론이 객관성과 균형성을 지닌 것으로 여기게 한다. 이와 같은 이데올로기적 특성은 텍스트를 사회적 관행으로서 인식할 때 파악할 수 있다.

      • Discourse Functions of the Present Perfect Tense in the English Expository Texts of the CSAT

        서영상 부산대학교 대학원 2023 국내석사

        RANK : 2943

        This study examined the discourse functions of the present perfect in the English expository texts of the CSAT for the past ten years (2013-2022). It investigated the present perfect in the original texts of the CSAT passages considering three elements: the location, the meaning, and the role of the present perfect in the original text. Through this analysis, this research identified seven discourse functions of the present perfect in the CSAT texts, which were topic introduction, topic transition, topic closing, providing background information, explanation of details, marking an off-the-sequence event, and inquiry about readers’ knowledge. This study also investigated the differences between the discourse functions of the present perfect and those of the preterite at the context level. In order to find the differences, it analyzed the discourse functions of the preterite in the same way it analyzed the present perfect, and then contrasted the discourse functions of the two verb forms in the texts where they occurred together. Through this process, this research found two differences: (1) When the present perfect and the preterite occur together in the same text, the present perfect introduces a topic and the preterite elaborates on the topic. (2) When introducing a topic, the present perfect delivers a general topic, whereas the preterite conveys a general or specific topic. Lastly, this study also examined the differences between the discourse functions of the present perfect in the original texts and those in the CSAT texts, and found three categories of the differences. They were the changes (1) from topic transition to topic introduction, (2) from topic closing to providing background information, and (3) from explanation of details to providing background information. This result shows that when the present perfect is disconnected from previous informative sentences, it might result in having different discourse functions. I hope that this study will help English learners to enhance the understanding of the present perfect and alleviate the confusion caused by the differences of the present perfect and the preterite.

      • Discourse Connectedness: The Syntax–Discourse Structure Interface

        Baclawski, Kenneth Paul, Jr University of California, Berkeley ProQuest Disser 2019 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2943

        This dissertation argues for the existence of a new A'-feature, discourse connected (DC), which grammatically encodes a constraint on the relation between the constituent it attaches to and discourse relations to previous sentences. Connectives like That's because and For example encode the rhetorical relations of explanation and elaboration. DC encodes these relations as well, but by A'-movement of a phrase to the left edge of a clause or noun phrase, specifically the movement of a phrase that is previously mentioned in the sentence that the current one is explaining or elaborating upon. I argue that there must be a DC-feature in the lexicon on par with other A'-features, such as wh. Given that DC encodes a discourse structural constraint, there must be a syntax--discourse structure interface.One consequence of this dissertation is descriptive: a range of phenomena in the Eastern Cham language (Austronesian: Vietnam) are found to be instances of DC-marking. These phenomena include what appear on the surface to be topicalization, optional wh-movement, partitives, and inventory forms (e.g. bread, three loaves). I argue that these phenomena in Eastern Cham must be analyzed in terms of DC, not information structure or other previously proposed analyses for comparable constructions in other languages. As a result, multi-sentence discourses that control for discourse structure should be used as diagnostics for constructions that might be licensed by DC or something similar.This dissertation adds a new A'-feature, DC, to the typology of A'-features. DC-movement shares a variety of characteristics with A'-movement more broadly. It exhibits sensitivity to syntactic islands, weak crossover, and locality effects. As with other A'-features in some cases, there is a parallelism between CP and DP: a phrase can be DC-moved to the left edge of either a clause or a noun phrase. Similarly, wh-phrases can undergo secondary movement to the left edge of the noun phrase in some languages. Additionally, this dissertation examines the position of DC among other A'-features, following recent work on the hierarchy of A'-features (Aravind 2017, 2018). Despite its apparent optionality, DC-movement is argued to be obligatory, like wh-movement. DC is also found to be independent from other features such as wh; the same phrase can be marked as both DC and wh. Unlike wh, DC can only be checked once on a respective phrase in a derivation, and the movement of multiple DC-phrases to the edge of the same clause exhibits Path Containment Effects (Pesetsky 1982), not the tucking-in pattern observed in multiple wh-movement (Richards 1997).DC is argued to provide evidence for the need for a dynamic event semantics that allows the events introduced throughout the discourse to be tracked. This dissertation proposes that the DC-feature is introduced by a DC-particle on analogy with focus particles and the Q-particle on wh-phrases (Cable 2010). The DC-particle is shown to introduce a presupposition that checks the participants of two events in a discourse: the current event and an event in a prior sentence inferred by a subordinating discourse relation (i.e. explanation or elaboration).The dissertation proceeds as follows. Chapter 1 introduces DC, along with the ongoing debate on the existence of pragmatic features in syntax. Additionally, the concept of hierarchical discourse constraints (HDCs) is introduced as a heuristic to understand that position of DC in comparison with linear information states (LISs), exemplified by information structural notions like old information topic. Chapter 2 examines the basic case of DC-movement, topicalization, and demonstrates that DC must be an \\={A}-feature. In Chapter 3, wh-phrases are shown to be able to be DC-marked in Eastern Cham. An analysis is proposed in which DC-particles and Q-particles can be present in the same DP. Chapter 4 turns to DC-marking inside a noun phrase and finds a CP/DP parallelism: phrases can be DC-moved to the left edge of a noun phrase. Despite these cases involving movement inside a noun phrase, the event semantic interpretation of DC is affirmed: DC is only computed between the larger events of which the noun phrase is a part. Chapter 5 concludes. Additionally, it analyzes clitic right-dislocation in Catalan as DC-movement with minor syntactic and semantic differences from DC-movement in Eastern Cham (cf. Lopez 2009). Contrastive topic is also examined and proposed to be a second hierarchical discourse constraint, different from DC.

      • Identity construction in multimodal discourse : analysis of the musical La cage aux folles

        최선영 Graduate School, Korea University 2018 국내박사

        RANK : 2943

        The current study aims to investigate the identity construction of the character ‘Albin’ in the musical La Cage aux Folles within the framework of multimodal discourse analysis and social semiotics. This study seeks to explore 1) ways of utilizing semiotic resources and 2) the interrelationship between semiotic resources and agency of Albin in musical theater discourse. For the study, the musical numbers A Little More Mascara, I Am What I Am, and Masculinity Lesson are selected as the target multimodal discourses which represent the diverse phases of identity construction Albin goes through: 1) introducing his self (A Little More Mascara); 2) recovering and strengthening his self (I Am What I Am); and 3) discouraging and deceiving his self (Masculinity Lesson). Within the framework of multimodal discourse analysis, the study not only examines linguistic resources as primary components, but also investigates the cooperation of linguistic, visual, and auditory resources adopted by the actors in each identity construction phases of the musical. The present study reveals a variety of patterns of using semiotic resources in Albin’s identity construction process: 1) A Little More Mascara: the co-occurrence of ‘saying it’ and ‘doing it’, the parallel structure of melodies and lyrics, and the synergistic effect of ascending pitch on lyrics; 2) I Am What I Am: the synergistic semiotic effects of linguisitc, visual, and auditory contrasts; and 3) Masculinity Lesson: the discordance of ‘saying it’ and ‘doing it’ and the collaboration of lexical matephors and musical techniques. Findings of the study suggest that a collaboration of multiple semiotic resources contributes not only to strengthening Albin’s agency to project his identities but also to attenuating Albin’s agency to create a fake identity. The semiotic effects of multimodal resources in the procedure of construcing Albin’s identities indicate that identities are not built with the sole use of language but are created through variouse strategies of emplying different resources including visual and auditory modes. Results of the study have significant implications in that it provieds insight into the necessities of the consideration of multiple resources beyond the level of language in identity construction. 본 연구는 다중모드 담화분석 (multimodal discourse analysis)기법을 통해 뮤지컬 La Cage aux Folles 의 주요 인물인 앨빈 (Ablin)의 정체성 확립의 과정을 분석하였다. 현 연구는 사회 기호학적 (social semiotics) 관점에 기반하여, 기호 자원들 (semiotic resources)의 활용 방식과 그 기호자원들과 앨빈의 주도성 (agency)간의 관계성을 파악하는데 집중하고자 하였다. 본 연구를 위해 뮤지컬 La Cage aux Folles 의 전체 곡들 중 A Little More Mascara, I Am What I Am, 그리고 Masculinity Lesson 이렇게 세 개의 넘버가 분석용 다중모드 담화로서 선정되었다. 각 뮤지컬 넘버는 순서대로 정체성의 소개, 정체성의 회복 및 강화, 그리고 정체성의 조작의 단계를 나타내는 다중모드 담화로써 작용한다. 선정된 세 뮤지컬 넘버는 다중모드 담화분석 기법을 통해 각 넘버에서 보이는 언어적, 시각적, 그리고 청각적 자원들의 기호학적 효과를 관찰하는 것에 기반하여 분석되었으며, 이러한 여러 다른 자원들의 결합이 정체성 성립 과정에서 어떻게 작용하는지를 살펴보았다. 본 연구의 결과는 각 뮤지컬 넘버별로 다음과 같이 나타났다: 1) A Little More Mascara: ‘말하기’와 ‘행동하기’의 동시발생, 평행적 구조를 이루는 멜로디와 가사, 상승음 (ascending pitch)이 유발하는 상승효과, 2) I Am What I Am: 언어적, 시각적, 청각적 대조로부터 오는 기호학적 효과의 상승, 3) Masculinity Lesson: ‘말하기’와 ‘행동하기’의 불일치, 비유 (metaphor)기법과 연주 기술의 협업. 연구 분석 결과에 따르면 다양한 종류의 기호학적 자원들의 협업이 앨빈의 여러 정체성의 확립에 있어 주도성을 강화시켜주는 역할을 수행하기도 하며, 때로는 주도성 약화를 도모하는 역할을 수행하기도 한다는 것이 밝혀졌다. 본 연구의 분석 결과는 정체성 확립 과정에 다양한 다중모드 자원들의 참여가 필요하며, 그것들의 기호학적 효과는 그 담화에 참여하고 있는 사회 구성원의 주도성의 정도와 긴밀한 관계가 있다는 것을 제시하고 있다. 현 연구는 언어학적 관점에 머물러 있던 담화 속에서의 정체성 확립에 대한 문제에 새로운 시각으로의 접근을 가능하게 하며 언어적 요소와 비언어적 요소의 협업의 동시적 고려의 필요성을 재고한다.

      • Topicality in Korean - a discourse-functional approach : a case of -Nun, -Nuntey, -Isscanha

        양창용 University of Florida 2001 해외박사

        RANK : 2943

        The present study examines some topic expressions and their dynamic functions in Korean, which are realized by such various linguistic coding devices as -nun, -nuntey, and -isscanha. Previously, topic studies in Korean have concerned themselves with the identification of a topical entity drawing on the topic marker -nun. Aware of the limitations of previous analyses of the topic structure, we take up the issue from a different point of view: a discourse/functional perspective. Our underlying assumption is that the choice of a topical form representing an entity or event is interactively determined by dynamic discourse contexts. This study has two specific assumptions within the discourse/functional framework. One is that various topical expressions such as a -nun-marked NP and ZA are used to convey different discourse/pragmatic implications. The other is that the topic as a dynamical discourse notion is introduced, developed and continuously organized within situational contexts. For the first, we adopt Chu’s markedness model consisting of a continuum of two typical topic structures: marked vs. unmarked. Based on natural discourse data, we examine the typical topic realizations in Korean: the -nun topic and zero anaphora. It is argued that the -nun topic, as a marked one, is linguistically prominent, viz. high in informative value. In addition, the concept of marked topic is useful in the sense that it can offer some insight into how focus reading sometimes co-exists with topic reading. On the other hand, ZA, as an unmarked topic, is low in informative value and serves a unique function of linking clauses, a function which marked topics lack. For the second assumption, we investigate two linguistic devices that can be readily regarded as what is called discourse marker: -nuntey and -isscanha in terms of topic-organizing processes. The claim made is that topic should be viewed from the how-perspective in discourse organizing processes. In other words, participants use various linguistic devices to signal how their contributions are related to prior and subsequent segments of discourse. It is shown that two discourse markers -nuntey and -isscanha come into play in helping various actual topic interpretations. These functions are derived from their fundamental properties, viz. -nuntey as a non-finality marker and -isscanha as an attention-calling device. More specifically, -nuntey, signaling more information is yet to come, has to do with such actual interpretations as topic-introduction, topic-resumption, topic-continuation, and topic negotiation. -Isscanha, attracting attention to what immediately follows the utterance it occurs in, helps the speaker facilitate dynamic topic developments. Among its actual interpretations are topic introduction, topic establishment, topic seeking, topic shift and listing of topics.

      • Discourse anaphors it and that in the givenness hierarchy and the centering theory

        김석훈 서강대학교 대학원 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 2943

        담화 조응 현상(Discourse Anaphora)이란 담화 내에서의 추론, 경제성, 결속성을 지키며 담화 맥락 내의 초점을 받는 표현을 지시하고 유지해 나가는 현상을 가리킨다. 이러한 현상 속에서 명사 대용과 명제 대용의 역할을 하는 영어의 담화 조응사 it과 that은 화자와 청자간의 상호 작용에 있어서 그 해석과 이해의 차이를 보이고 있다. 따라서 본 논문은 영어의 담화 조응 현상에 있어서 it과 that에 대한 해석과 이해를 인지화용론적 접근 방법인 알려진 상태의 계층(Givenness Hierarchy)과 중심화 이론(Centering Theory)의 모형 속에서 구체화 하고자 한다. 첫째, 담화 조응사 it과 that에 대한 차이를 인지화용론적 관점인 Grice(1975)의 협조의 원리(Cooperative Principle), Ariel(1990, 1996)의 도달 가능성 이론(Accessibility Theory), 그리고 Gundel/Hedberg/Zachaski(1993)과 Gundel(1996)의 알려진 상태의 계층(Givenness Hierarchy)을 통해 설명한다. 담화 상에서 명사 대용으로서의 it은 정보적으로 친근하고 초점을 받는 표현을 지시하고 유지해 나가는 반면에 that은 정보적으로 덜 친근하고 초점을 받지 않는 표현을 지시하는 역할을 한다. 또한 명제 대용으로서의 it은 화자가 선지식(prior knowledge)을 지니고 있는 표현을 넓게 지시(wide reference)하는 반면에 that은 화자가 선지식을 갖고 있지는 않아도 되는 표현을 좁게 지시(narrow reference)하는 역할을 한다. 이러한 구분은 알려진 상태의 계층의 접근 방법 속에서 담화 조응사 it은 초점을 받는 상태(in focus)를 나타내는 반면, 담화 조응사 that은 활성화된 상태(activated)를 반영하는 것으로 설명된다. 둘째, 이러한 인지화용론적인 접근 방법을 토대로 담화 조응사 it과 that을 중심화 이론(Centering Theory)에 적용함으로써 담화 조응사 it과 that이 담화 속에서 어떻게 조응을 해나가고 이해되는지 그 처리과정을 살펴본다. Grosz/Sidner(1986), Grosz/Joshi/Wienstein(1995), 그리고 Walker/Joshi/Prince(1998)의 설명을 바탕으로 한 중심화 이론은 명사 대용으로서의 담화 조응사 it과 that의 처리과정을 제시할 수 있는 반면에 명제 대용은 처리하지 못하는 문제점을 지니고 있다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 이 문제를 지적하고 중심화 이론의 개념과 제약의 재인식을 바탕으로 지연조건(Suspension Condition)을 제시함으로써 명제 대용으로서의 담화 조응사 it과 that도 중심화 이론 내에서 처리하고자 한다. 결론적으로 말하면, 본 논문은 명사 대용과 명제 대용으로서의 담화 조응사 it과 that에 대한 이해를 위해 인지화용론적인 설명과 중심화 이론의 모형을 연계하고, 더 나아가 명제 대용어를 처리하지 못하는 중심화 이론의 문제점을 담화 조응사 it과 that으로써 해결하고자 한다. This thesis is concerned with discourse anaphors it and that for noun phrases and propositions. Discourse anaphora is one of the special phenomena in human beings' conversation, keeping inference, economy, and coherence. Discourse anaphors refer to an intended and focused referent, and maintains the focus with unaccented low pitch in the discourse context. However, these discourse anaphors are distinctive in that they have different properties in the interpretation between the speaker and the addressee within the discourse context. In an attempt to explain the distinctive properties between discourse anaphors it and that, this thesis takes a cognitive pragmatic approach involving the Givenness Hierarchy and the Centering Theory. In terms of the cognitive pragmatic approach, Gundel, Hedberg, and Zachaski (1993), and Gundel's (1996) Givenness Hierarchy argue that discourse anaphor it is associated with an 'in focus' cognitive status, whereas discourse anaphor that represents an 'activated' state within the discourse. In the concrete, discourse anaphors it and that for noun phrases are distinctive in that the former refers to a thematic, informationally familiar, in-focused referent, while the latter refers to a rhematic, informationally unfamiliar, out-of-focused referent. Also, discourse anaphors it and that for propositions are distinctive in that the former indicates the fact about which the speaker has prior knowledge and widely refers to the referent, whereas the latter represents the fact about which the speaker does not have prior knowledge and narrowly refers to the referent. These distinctions can be explained in terms of the Givenness Hierarchy. In addition, the Centering Theory, following Grosz and Sidner (1986), Grosz, Joshi, and Weinstein (1995), and Walker, Joshi, and Prince (1998), provides an explicit algorithm to process discourse anaphors it and that based on the cognitive pragmatic distinctions. The Centering Model with the original constraints and rules can process the discourse anaphors it and that for noun phrases within the discourse segment. However, it can not give the algorithm to process discourse anaphors it and that for an utterance itself in a sentence or a proposition in the discourse, so I will propose a set of revised constraints involving Suspension Condition and concepts in the Centering Theory, in association with Givenness Hierarchy. Therefore, this thesis proposes the ways of combining the Givenness Hierarchy with the Centering Theory within the purview of the cognitive pragmatic approach in order to interpret discourse anaphors it and that for noun phrases and for propositions.

      • Factors at play in extraposing English relative clauses

        이승한 Chonnam National University 2017 국내박사

        RANK : 2943

        English relative clause extraposition (hereafter RCE) shows a discontinuous dependency, violating the typical X-bar phrase structure. This dissertation provides three different perspectives on why the English relative clause is extraposed. One is to investigate discourse and grammatical properties of RCE construction and then draw a meaningful conclusion that RCE construction cannot avoid the influence of grammatical heaviness. Another approach is to suggest that RCE construction is triggered to maximize focus effect (i.e., degree of pitch increase). The other is to introduce constraint-based grammar in order to analyze RCE construction. In doing so, we embark on analyzing the corpus data of 597 RCE examples extracted from BYU-BNC (Brigham Young University-British National Corpus) and COCA (Corpus of Contemporary American English). One of prominent corpus findings of RCE construction is indefiniteness of a subject NP as well as passive voice, thereby being characterized with [AGENT -] feature. Heavy grammatical weight of an extraposed relative clause provides a plausible reason why RCE construction is preferred over canonical construction (i.e., non-RCE). Which-relative pronoun is the most widely used, and any relative pronouns are prohibited from being deleted in the postposed relative clause. Infinitival RCE construction has similar grammatical behavior with finite RCE construction, but interestingly it does not have a that-extraposed relative clause. We assume the information structure of RCE construction and then propose the role of an extraposed relative pronoun as a cohesive device, thus providing the discourse-based classification of RCE construction: Discourse-Old-Old-RCE, Discourse-Old-New-RCE, Discourse-New-Old-RCE, and Discourse-New-New-RCE. Discourse-New-Old-RCE stays on the top in frequency rate, implying that RCE construction is more suitable when a writer or speaker wants to convey discourse-new information in a subject NP, and puts more given information in an extraposed relative clause. In addition, we introduce multinominal logistic regression to determine whether each type of RCE construction is primarily predicted by the indefiniteness/ definiteness of a subject NP, types of predicate (i.e., passive, presentative intransitive, and predicative complement of copula be), and/or grammatical weight (i.e., subject NP-to-extraposed RC length ratio). The definiteness of a subject NP and high length ratio are crucial factors to bring about Discourse-Old-Old-RCE and Discourse-Old-New-RCE whereas the indefiniteness of a subject NP is a main predictor of Discourse-New-Old-RCE and Discourse-New-New-RCE. Interestingly, only Discourse-New-Old-RCE has a negative correlation with the subject NP-to-extraposed RC length ratio. This finding supports that the grammatical weight is a main factor to result in the extraposition of a restrictive relative clause. On the other hand, we challenge a totally different perspective on RCE construction, called focus effect. We measure the duration of silent pause between the ending point of a predicate and the starting point of an extraposed relative pronoun. Unexpectedly, the duration of unfilled pause in RCE construction decreases as the constituents within an extraposed relative clause increase more and more. This idiosyncratic finding again leads us to find the answer by measuring the degree of pitch increase (i.e., focus effect) on focused parts of several constructions: it-cleft, pseudo-cleft, RCE and non-RCE constructions. Thus, it is assumed that RCE construction would be triggered because it produces stronger focus effect than non-RCE construction. In particular, Focus Cohesion Principle that we propose gives us a plausible explanation about the decreasing duration of silent pause. It says that a focused element followed by its adjacent constituents tends to merge and haul as many as possible within a specific phrase boundary, thereby resulting in the reduction of pause, collapse of grammatical function, and difficulty in understanding an utterance. In order to support Focus Cohesion Principle, we conduct questionnaire survey where one English native and one advanced Korean learner of English disregard a grammatical function (i.e., extraposed relative pronoun as a cohesive device), and consequently they misinterpret RCE sentences as sequential ordering (i.e., non-restrictive relative perspective). We provide the analysis of RCE construction in terms of Sign-Based Construction Grammar which enables RCE construction to inherits constraints through multiple inheritance hierarchy and then specifies syntactic, semantic, pragmatic, and phonological properties of RCE construction. We propose Rel-Extra-Cl Construction licensed by stative-verb-lexeme, declarative, and Head-Noun-Rel-Extra Constructions in order to explain RCE structure. In addition, we assume Head-Extra Principle to ensure that the extraposition feature is percolated at the top node of RCE sentence. Last, we claim that teaching corpus-based RCE construction should deductively proceed with explicit form-focused instruction in L2 classroom. This is closely related to the assumption that the corpus-based grammar teaching enables L2 teachers to provide L2 learners with appropriate conditions for a specific use of language. Thus, we propose a pedagogical strategy with various variables to define the acquisition of corpus-based RCE construction: age, proficiency level, register, markedness, transferability, structuralization, strategy, generalization process, motivation. Considering all these facts, a conclusive statement is drawn that L2 learners should learn RCE construction deductively with the help of explicit grammar teaching.

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