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        전유진 서남대학교 교육대학원 2007 국내석사

        RANK : 248703

        한국경제는 1960년대 이후 세계에서 유례가 드물 정도로 비약적인 발전을 거쳐서 경제 및 무역규모가 세계 10위권에 달하는 경제 대국으로 성장하였다. 1960년에 한국의 1인당 GNP가 79달러였는데 45년이 지난 2005년에는 1인당 GNP가 1만 4천여 달러가 되었으니 실로 기적에 가깝다고 생각한다. 그렇지만 한국경제는 대기업 위주의 경제성장정책으로 경제 및 산업발전을 이루어 오늘날 국가경제의 견인차 역할을 수행했으나 대기업 위주의 경제성장은 경제력의 집중, 금융질서의 왜곡, 소수기업에 의해 경제정책이나 현상이 왜곡될 수 있다는 점 등 여러 가지 면에서 취약점을 노출시켰고, 이 과정에서 자원 분배의 편중현상과 지역간, 소득 계층간, 부문간 불균형현상 등 구조적인 문제를 야기 시켰으며, 이는 결국 오늘날의 한국 사회문제로 대두한 양극화 문제를 야기 시키는 계기가 되었다고 볼 수 있다. 이러한 지역간 불균형은 수도권 비대화에 따른 지방 붕괴라는 국가적 위기감이 심각한 상황에 이르렀고 특히 국내에서도 가장 취약한 경제규모와 수준을 보이고 있는 전북지역의 경제현황과 문제점은 여러 면에서 나타난다. 전북지역경제의 실태와 문제점을 살펴보면 전북지역의 지역내총생산(GRDP)은 2004년 기준 3.1%로 전국 16개 시·도 가운데 11위에 그치는 낮은 수준이며 구성비가 계속 감소하는 추세에 있다. 또한 전북지역의 인구 구성비를 보면 2004년 기준 전국의 3.8%에 불과하여16개 시·도 가운데 10위에 그치고 있으며 인구 구성비 또한 계속 감소하는 추세이다. 1인당 지역내총생산 및 민간소비지출을 보면 1인당 지역내총생산이 80.1로 제주와 같이 16개 시·도 가운데 12위에 처져 있고 1인당 민간소비지출은 89.8로 전국 최하위권에 머무르고 있다. 1위 서울은 1인당 지역내총생산이 110.8이고 1인당 민간소비지출이 119.8을 보이고 있는 것을 볼 때, 전북지역은 생산 및 소비가 아주 낮아 지역경제가 아주 어려운 상황임을 알 수 있다. 전북의 경제규모는 2004년에 명목 도내총생산 24조 1,616억원으로 전국의 3.1% 밖에 차지하지 못하고 있으며, 실질 도내총생산은 전년에 비해 5.1% 성장하였지만 건설업(-9.4%), 부동산 및 사업서비스업(-0.7%) 등이 감소하였다. 또한 전북의 재정자립도는 2005년 기준 25.1%로 전구 16개 시·도 가운데 최하위에 머물고 있는 실정이며, 1999년 이후에는 재정자립도가 계속 감소하고 있는 실정이다. 전북지역 산업구조를 보면 문제의 심각성을 느낄 수 있는데 이를 자세히 살펴보면, 농림어업의 경우 차지하는 비중이 전북이 28.3%로 전국평균 11.6% 보다 상당히 높은 것을 알 수 있다. 이에 반해 광공업과 제조업은 상대적으로 전국평균 19.9% 보다 전북이 10.7%로 낮은 것으로 나타났는데, 제조업의 경우에도 생필품을 중심으로 한 경공업이 높은 비중을 나타내는 등 취약한 산업구조 형태를 갖춘 것으로 나타났다. 이는 70년대 이후 공업화 과정에서 수도권 및 영남권 중심으로 개발 정책을 펼쳐 수도권 및 영남권을 제외한 나머지 지역 특히 평야지대가 많은 전북지역은 정책적으로 오랫동안 소외되어 사회간접자본의 미비, 산업구조의 취약, 자금난, 인력난 등 여러 요소가 복합적으로 작용하여 자생력을 상실해 가고 있는 형편이다. 21세기 산업경쟁력은 무형의 정보 네트워크와 지식기반 인프라에 의해 크게 좌우되므로 이에 대한 투자를 단순히 시장논리나 경쟁 논리에 맡기기보다는 지역설정을 감안한 지역의 자생력확보에 중심을 두는 정책이 필요하다. 그러므로 전북지역의 전략산업 활성화를 위해 지역간 경제·사회적 불균형의 심화에 따른 차등화 전략을 추진하여 균형 발전을 촉진해야 한다. 전북지역은 향후 수도권 이전 시 새만금, 군장산업지역은 전반적인 산업기능의 중심으로 역할 수행이 기대되므로 산업-금융-물류 전진기지로서 신행정수도 관문으로서의 역할 수행이 기대된다. 이제 전북 지역경제를 활성화시키기 위해서는 취약한 산업구조를 고도화시켜야 되고, 사회간접자본에 대한 과감한 투자 확대, 고부가가치 창출을 위한 기술 집약산업의 유치, 지역혁신체제 구축에 필요한 기술연구개발체계 및 기업지원체계가 강화되도록 강구해야 한다. 또한 전북지역은 환태평양시대 대 중국 및 동남아시장 진출을 위한 산업성장 거점으로 발전할 가능성이 많고 양질의 저렴한 산업입지가 가능하며, 쾌적한 환경으로 기술 집약형산업 입지에 유리하고 앞으로 발전가능성이 많으므로 이에 대한 체계적인 준비 및 육성을 추진해야 한다. Korean economy went through a unparalleled, rapid progress since 1960's in the world, and Korea grew up as a great economic power reaching the 10th rank in the trade scale. In 1960, GNP per 1 person was $75; in 2005, after 45 years, it reached & 14,000 and more: which may well be regarded as a miracle. However, while its economy had the conglomerate-centered economic growth policies and accomplished economic and industrial development, and consequently these had done the role of a tow truck, the economic growth focusing on the conglomerates revealed vulnerability in several points such as economic concentration, distortion of financial order and economical policies and economic situation by a few enterprises. And further, in this process, it caused structural problems like maldistribution of capital, imbalance phenomena in districts, in among income-earning classes and many others. This can be regarded as the turning points that caused bipolarization which has risen as today's social problem in Korea. This regional imbalance came to reach a local collapse, that arouses national crisis, followed by metropolitan expansion. And especially, the present economic situation and problems of Chonbuk district, which is now facing the most vulnerable economic scale and level, come in many aspects. Seeing the present condition and problems of Chonbuk's district economy, we can see that GRDP in this district was 3.1% in 2004, which recorded the 11th rank among the 16 cities and provinces nationwide, and the figure is on the decrease. And the population component ratio was just 3.8% of the whole in 2004, recorded the 10th, and this is also on the decrease. GRDP per person and civilian expenditure recorded 80.1 and 89.8 each, which means the 12th and the lowest. Seoul in the 1st rank recorded 110.8 in GRDP and 119.8 in civilian expenditure; and from this it can be seen that Chonbuk district has had the low production and consumption and is having a hard time. The economic scale of Chonbuk with nominal gross production of 24 trillions and 161.6 billions occupied only 3.1% across the nation, and the actual provincial gross production had seen 5.1% growth, but with decreases in the construction(-94.%), real assets and service industries(-0.7%). And the province's financial independence level recorded 25.1% across nation in 2005, which also means the lowest, and since 1999 it is on the constant decrease. Seeing the industrial structure of Chonbuk may lead us to feel the seriousness. Scrutinizing it lets us know that agriculture-forestry-fishery recorded 28.3% in comparison with 11.6% nationwide. While, mining and manufacturing showed relatively low with the figure of 10.7% seeing the nation average of 19.9%; in the manufacturing, light industries centering on necessities of life occupied great ratio among others and it showed the vulnerability of industry structure. This is because the development policies had been mobilized focusing on metropolitan areas and Yeong-nam areas in the industrialization since 1970's; meanwhile, other areas, expecially Chonbuk with lots of plains, have been disregarded for long in the mater of policies. Thus, unpreparedness of SOC(social overhead capital), vulnerabilities of industrial structure, financial difficulties, and manpower difficulties and many other factors acted in complex ways, and it is now in the condition of losing ability to stand on its own. As industrial competitiveness in the 21st century would be greatly influenced by the formless information networks and knowledge-based infra, they need to have a policies focusing on securing the ability of standing on the district's own regarding its real situation rather than simply entrusting investments with the principles of free market and competition. And thus, for the sake of activation of core industry in Chonbuk, differentiated strategies on the basis of regional economic and social imbalance deepening should be propelled, and balanced development should be promoted. In Chonbuk district, Saemankeum, Kunjang industrial area is expected to do the role of the core as the whole industries at the time of metropolitan transfer, and it is also expected that it would have the role of an outpost of industry, finance, distribution industry and of the gateway of the new administrative metropolis. Now, in order to activate Chonbuk district's economy, it should be sought after strongly that the vulnerable industry structure should be strengthened and the investments be daringly expanded toward SOC, technology intensive industries be invited to create higher added value, and the technology research system needed for regional innovation system construction and the enterprise support system should be strengthened. And Chonbuk district has the great possibility of being developed into a base for industrial growth aiming at going into the markets of China and Southeast Asia in the age of PanPacific, has the great access of fair quality of industry location; it is favorably situated for technology intensive industries with its comfortable environments, and it has great possibility of developments. On this, systematic preparation and nurture should be promoted.

      • 全北地域의 陸上 觀光交通 振興方案에 關한 硏究

        고은규 경기대학교 경영대학원 1991 국내석사

        RANK : 248703

        The successful accomplishment of the Economic Development Plan in the 1960' by the Koreans led to the higher GNP growth rate and the qualitative improvement of their living standards, with which people's understanding of tourism got better and diffused on a national scale. But it can be said that there must be an important factor of traffic to have an effect on determining where to go for sightseeing. It cannot be too much to emphasize the importance of traffic in tourism on the assumption that people have to move place to place for sightseeing. In Korea tourism in general has flourished remarkably with people's conception of how to enjoy their leisure hours changing. But even though the traffic for tour means the transfer of tour and what connects tourist resorts in time and distance, tourist routes and tourist traffic system show some inefficiency, which means, I think, that the tourist traffic system works still having many fundamental problems in our country. In this point of view, this thesis suggested in the aspect of attracting tourists the problems of the traffic for tour on land showing themselves in the current situation of the use of the transportation means for the traffic for tour on land in the province of Chollabukdo and the remedies for them as well. To give help in determining the direction for the systematic connection of the tourist with the traffic for tour, the methods on the development of new routes for tour, the construction and expansion of roads in touris resorts, the establishment and use of the transfortation means and others necessary for tour are suggested in details as well. And I think decisively that continuous efforts should be intensified through the deeper study and review on the suggested problems and remedies such as the organic connection of the traffic for tour with tourist resorts, the self-remedies and government subsidy plans for the problems in companies' management rationalization caused by the estrangement of pursuing public good from satisfying payability and putting under private management the connecting routes between big cities and tourist resorts. In conclusion, the enterprising investment in the traffic for tour on land and the efforts to solve the present problems by setting a primary objective at maximizing transportation efficiency and materializing the safe and comfortable traffic for tour in the province of Chollabukdo will develop the traffic for tour there largely and increase financial income and make the superiority of the traffic for tour restore itself and at the same time play an efficient role as a tour traffic development plan.

      • 전북지역 개신교 초기 교회의 형성과 그 전개과정에 대한 연구(1892-1945년)

        정옥균 한신대학교 목회학박사원 1999 국내박사

        RANK : 248703

        필자는 본 논문에서 전북지역의 개신교가 어떻게 전파되었고, 교회가 어떻게 형성되어갔는가를 논술하였다. 각 시 · 군 별로 교회의 형성과정을 정리한 것이다. 이렇게 함으로써 전북의 모든 지역에서 개신교회가 어떻게 형성되었는가를 보게 된다. 제1장 서론에서는 문제제기와 연구목적을 기술하였다. 전북지역의 교회사는 한국교회사나 개교회사에서도 거의 언급하지 않고 있다. 그러나 전북지역의 교회사가 정리되어야 개교회사 편찬에도 도움을 주고, 한국교회사 연구에도 공헌하게 된다. 그래서 필자는 전북지역의 선교가 시작된 1892년부터 우리 나라가 해방된 1945년까지를 범위로 하여 각 지역별 교회의 형성과정을 정리하였다. 제2장에서는 전북지역과 기독교의 만남에 대해 기술하였다. 19 세기 조선과 중국과 일본의 상황을 살펴보고 전북의 역사적 상황과 종교적 상황도 기술하였다. 미국 남장로교회에서 호남지역에 선교사를 파송함으로써 시작된 개신교가 전북 지역에 어떻게 접촉되었는가에 대해 논술하였다. 조선말기의 혼란한 정치적, 경제적 상황에서 한국의 전통종교인 불교와 유교는 민중들로부터 이탈되어 가고 있었다. 동학 혁명이 일어나 개혁을 시도했으나 실패로 끝나고 말았다. 특히 전북은 동학혁명의 발상지였기 때문에 그 좌절감은 더욱 컸다. 이때 민족을 구원할 수 있는 새로운 종교로서 기독교가 들어오게 된 것이다. 선교사들의 선교정책은 시기적으로나 방법적으로는 적절한 것이어서 전북 지역에 많은 교회가 세워지게 되었다. 제3장에서는 전북지역 개신교의 형성과정에 대해 기술하였다. 전주선교부와 군산선교부가 중심이 되어 각 지역에 교회를 설립하였다. 도내에 있는 6개 시, 8개 군 별로 교회가 형성된 과정과 각 교회의 역사를 연구하고 정리하였다. 제4장에서는 전북지역 교회의 인물들을 선정하여 기술하였다. 한국인 목사 중에는 윤식명, 김인전, 박연세 목사, 외국인 선교사 중에는 최의덕, 전위렴, 인돈 선교사, 평신도 중에는 최홍서 장로, 방애인 선생, 김병수 장로에 대해 논술하였다. 이 지역의 교회와 사회에 기여한 신앙의 인물들이기에 더 많이 소개되고 연구되어야 할 필요가 있다. 제5장에서는 전북지역 개신교의 신학적 특성에 대해 논술하였다. 전북지역에 들어온 선교사들의 신학을 먼저 살펴보고, 그들의 신학이 전북지역 신자들에게 어떤 영향을 끼쳤으며, 또한 전북지역의 교회는 어떤 특성을 가지고 있는가에 대해 기술하였다. 제6장에서는 교회순례 프로그램을 작성하고 실험하였다. 교인들이 직접 전북지역의 교회를 찾아 순례할 수 있도록 각 지역별 순례 프로그램을 작성하였다. 또한 이 프로그램을 실행한 후 설문조사를 하고, 그 결과를 분석하고 평가하였다. 제7장에서는 연구된 내용을 정리 · 요약하고 앞으로의 연구과제를 제시하였다. 그 과제는 전북지역의 교회사를 시대적으로 연구하는 일, 지역의 기독교 문화유산을 보존하는 일, 더 많은 기독교 인물들을 발굴하는 일 등이다. In this thesis, the writer analyzed how the Protestant Church in chonbuk area should be evangelised. This is an evaluation of how churches in each city and county are formed. As a result, we can learn about how the protestant church in chonbuk are formed. In chapter 1, problems of the theses proposal and the aim of the research are stated. There is almost no mention of the history of chonbuk Church in Korean Church history nor in Protestant church history. However it is necessary to examine the Church history in order for the study of Korean church history to be made complete. This is the reason why the writer decided to study the history and formation of chonbuk church from 1892, the year chonbuk province started to be evangelised, up to the year 1945, the tear that Korean independence was declared. In chapter 2, how chonbuk province came to encounter Christianity is stated. Th 19th century Chosun, China, and Japan are described in relationship to the religious and historical background of the chonbuk province. This chapter also analyzes how Southern Presbyterian Church in America sent a missionary to Honam area. At the time(toward the end of the Chosun dynasty), the Koreans were breaking away from Buddhism and Confucianism dye to the political and economical turmoil. Although there was a Tonghak movement which called commoners into revolutionary action, it had failed. This brought deep feelings of failure especially in chonbuk province since this area was where the movement originated. At the time of confusion Christianity entered chonbuk province with a new hope of salvation for the people in chonbuk. The timing and the way Christianity entered chonbuk was appropriate resulting numerous church planting. In chapter 3, the formation of protestant Church in chonbuk is described, centering around chonju country and Gunsan country, the churches were beginning to be built. From six churches within the province and eight others in each country, the history and formation of the church is studied. In chapter 4, the people involved in chonbuk church are described. Yoon Sik-myung, Kim In-chun, and Pak Yun-seh are Koreans, and among foreign missionaries, L.B. Tate, W.M. Junkin, W.A. Linton, and among lay people, Elder Choi Hong-suh, Elder Kim Byung-su, and Bang Ae-in are described. It is important and necessary to study and learn more about the people that contributed to the church growth and its community. In chapter 5, I described the theological character of the protestant church in Chonbuk. I studied the theology of the missionaries who have come in Chonbuk, and the character of churches in Chonbuk. In chapter 6, a church visitation program is shown and described. The program is made in order to for the author to visit the different churches in chonbuk in person. And with each visit, a questionnaires filled out and analysed afterwards. In chapter 7, the study is re-examined and summarized. And it also suggests topics for further study, that is to do a period study of chonbuk church, to preserve provincial cultural heritage of the Christianity in chonbuk, and to discover unknown people who had contributed to the history of chonbuk Church history.

      • 전북지역신문의 디지털 사진 도입에 관한 연구 : 전북일보를 중심으로

        이준훈 우석대학교 경영행정대학원 2001 국내석사

        RANK : 248703

        1990년대에 들어서면서 국내의 신문들은 사진을 편집의 가장 중요한 부분으로 여겨 비주얼 편집으로의 중요한 역할을 해 왔다. 이러한 시대적 상황과 기술적 상황의 조화 속에 세계 신문 산업의 추세인 CTS 의 도입을 부채질했고 CTS 의 도입으로 보도사진은 디지털화 하기 시작했다. 대부분의 중앙지가 90년대 초 사진 전송 시스템 구축 차원에서 디지털 사진을 본격적으로 도입하기 시작했다. 촬영부터 디지털화 한 사진술은 1980년 초에 개발이 되었으나 1980년대 말에야 실용화되었다. 전북지역신문에서는 1988년 이후 언론 자유화와 함께 신생사의 등장으로 CTS 기술을 도입하기 시작해 기존의 신문도 CTS 시스템의 도입을 시작했다. 이에 본 연구의 목적은 CTS시스템 도입으로 신문 제작 과정의 변화된 모습과 많은 사진 자료의 효과적인 관리시스템을 연구하는데 그 목적을 둔다. 과거 미국, 일본, 중앙지의 디지털 사진 시스템 도입 과정을 문헌을 통해 고찰했다. 전북지역 신문의 디지털 사 진 도입은 사진 전송 기술의 발달과 새로운 CTS의 도입과 무관하지 않으며 가장 두드러진 현상은 지방자치단체와 행사나 축제 사진이 사진기자의 직접 취재가 아닌 사진 담당 공무원이 촬영한 사진을 스캐너를 동해 저장된 파일을 PC통신과 인터넷 전자우편에 의해 전송하고 있다. 일부 취재원도 같은 방법으로 사진을 제공하고 있고 지금 역시 계속되고 있다. 오늘도 신문 제작 즉 편집부의 메인 컴퓨터에는 엄청난 양의 이러한 사진들이 넘치고 있는 실정이다. 사진기자가 취재하지도 않은, 즉 보도사진의 기본 요소를 갖추지도 않은 사진들이 넘치고 디지털 사진의 조작 문제 또한 디지털 시스템의 도입에 있어서 커다란 문제점으로 등장하고 있다. 본 논문에서 그러한 문제점과 해결 방법을 모색하고자 한다. 전북지역신문에서는 1988년 이후 언론자유화와 함께 신생사의 등장으로 이 CTS 기술을 도입하기 시작하여 기존의 신문도 이 시스템의 도입을 시작했다. 이에 전북지역신문의 CTS 시스템의 도입으로 아날로그 전송기인 AP Leafax 35를 전북일보에서 처음으로 도입, 과거 굵직한 사건에서 그 기능을 발휘했다. 하지만 사진을 전송하기 위해 소요되는 시간이 많이 드는 관계로 직접 인편으로 전달하는 원시적인 단계에서조차 벗어나기 힘들었다. 이후 1997년부터는 노트 PC 와 필름 스캐너의 구입으로 가장 기초적인 디지털 시스템이 도입되기 시작했다. 그 후 지속적인 발전으로 위성을 이용한 연합뉴스 사진 파일서버, 디지털 카메라 등이 속속들이 전북지역신문의 시스템에 도입이 되었다. 디지털 시스템은 기초적인 단계에서 시작하여 전북일보를 시작으로 화상 DB를 하기 위한 서버 구축을 이루었다. 전북일보 시스템의 경우 모든 사진은 사진기자의 입력과 각종 취재원들의 제공사진, 그리고 E-mail을 사용한 전달의 체계로 모든 것이 다 온라인 상에서 행해진다. 현재의 시스템 상황과 문제점들을 고찰해 보았다. 전북지역신문에 1997년 이후 본격적으로 도입하기 시작 디지털 사진은 신문제작에 커다란 변화를 가져왔다. 마감 시간의 쫓김 없이 사진을 전송해 바로 그 자리에서 즉 원격지에서 마감을 해 바로 출력한 후 신문이 제작되기 때문에 시간과 노력이 덜 들어가지만 그 효과는 많은 변화된 모습이다. 1995년 이후 전북지역신문에 본격적으로 도입된 디지털 사진 도입의 영향은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 사진자료의 증가와 안정된 사내 네트워크 구성 둘째, 초고속 사진 전송 시스템 도입을 초래했다. 셋째, 사진 자료 관리시스템의 변화와 화상 DB의 가속화. 다섯째, 종합적인 정보망을 구축하여야 한다. 여섯째, 표준화되고 안정된 네트워크 환경을 통해 기존 DB의 활용성을 높여야 한다는 결론을 내렸다. 이외에 기술적인 발전은 디지털 카메라와 노트 PC , 모비뎀을 이용한 무선전송 시스템까지의 우리가 5년 전 까지만 해도 상상할 수 없는 일들이 우리 눈앞에 펼처져 지금 현재 운용 중에 있다. 본 논문의 결론 부분에서 고찰한 NPN 파일 시스템은 디지털 사진 자료를 보관, 정리하는 문제를 간단히 해결할 수 있을 것이라고 믿는다. 저렴한 비용으로 서버의 추가 도입이 필요하지 않고 자료를 업 로드해 구동한다면 자연스럽게 자료의 가치가 향상되고 사세 역시 신장될 것이다. 앞으로 다가올 시대는 소위 사이버 연론 시대라고 말해도 과언이 아니다. 여기에 부합하는 적절한 시스템으로의 전환과 더불어 지역 정보를 한눈에 알아볼 수 있도록 정리하는 전면적인 DB화 작업도 병행해 이룩해야 할 것이다. 이에 앞서 전북지역신문 모두가 전문가용 디지털카메라의 도입으로 완벽한 시스템을 도입을 이끌어 나갈 수 있도록 끊임없는 노력과 연구가 필요하다. Entering 1990s, photos have been the best important part in editing of local newspapers, so they have been played a key role. Introducing of CTS was stimulated which is a trend of world newspapers industry in accord of a state of technology and time. It makes news photos digitize. Most main newspapers began to introduce digital photos in construction of system early in 90s. The digitalization of photography was developed early in 80s but it was practical late in 80s. New companies appeared with freedom of the press since 1988. CTS system has introduced into Jeonbuk regional newspapers and expanded in existing newspapers. The purpose of this study is a changed feature of newspaper's producing through an introducing of CTS system and a studying of effective managing system of many photos. It was studied through documents that is introducing process of main newspaper's digital photo system in America and Japan. The introducing of digital photos' in Jeonbuk regional newspaper has something to do with a developing of photo send-off technology. And the most remarkable is that photos photographer took are sent off by pc communication and e-mail without photos directly took. Some reporter has been offered photos the same way. Today's, these photos is overflowing in main computer of an editorial policy. Photos that is not took, not enough to be used, are overflowing and the problem of making digital photos is serious in introducing of digital system. The researcher want to find the solution in this thesis. New companies appeared with freedom of the press since 1988. CTS system has introduced into Jeonbuk regional newspapers and expanded in existing newspapers. This system made AP Leafax 35, an analogue facsimile, introduce into Jeonbuk daily newspapers for the first time and it displayed its ability in major events of this field. But it took long to send photos, so sending by someone directly was unescapable. From 1997, laptop computers and film scanners, the most basic systems, are begin to introduce. These digital systems take the lead in computerization of every data. Now, all photos are edited in on-line. They are collected by newspaper cameraman's input, offering of reporters and E-mail system. The researcher studied the current system state and problems. Digital photos, began to introduce into Jeonbuk regional newspaper in earnest after 1997, has brought big change in producing newspapers. They are less than before that are time and labor to make newspapers cause of! immediate input and output, but they are far more than before that are their effects and changing. The effects of introducing digital photos are these. First, increasing of photo documents and construction of stable network. Second, causing of ultra speeding photo sending system. Third, the changing of photos' managing system and acceleration of picture DB. Forth, construction of synthetic informational net. Fifth, raising of usefulness in DB through standard and stable network. In addition to, development of technologies is working now before our eyes which are digital camera, laptop computer and unwired sending system that was unimaginable just five years ago. NPN file system would be studied in conclusion will answer the problem of photos'. The value of documents will increase naturally if addition of server doesn't need and documents are up-loaded. So to speak, the coming day will be cyber press times. In addition, changing to proper system and the DB work that one glance will be enough to see regional information will be needed. Before this, Jeonbuk regional newspapers need to try and study for leading perfect system through introducing of professional digital camera.

      • 全北地域 經濟開發의 基本戰略에 관한 硏究

        최영길 全北大學校 經營大學院 1994 국내석사

        RANK : 248687

        This paper aims to establish the basic strategy for socio-economic development of Chonbuk Area. Regional economic policy has been major focus of attention in recent years for both policy makers and academics in Korea. However it is a general consensus that the regional economic development policies in Korea were seen as a component of the national economic development scheme without any local participation. This involves a wide variety of factors, including the strong sectoral policies of the central government, the lack of allocated resources and the specialists for regional economic policy, as well as a sensible regionalism. From the beginning of the twentieth century down to this decade, the polices and methodologies of regional development have changed gradually in accordance with the shift of the developmental environment. Especially, since the end of the Second World war, developing countries have pursued national economic development and simultaneously regional development for the purpose of distributing economic activities spatially. This period was marked by economic rationalism based on the efficiency strategies and quantitative growth. Hut, in the process of the economic development developing countries have confronted with many kinds of negative problems such as regional disparity, depression in the rural areas, population concentration and industrial polarization to the metropolitan areas, inequality of income and opportunities, environmental pollution and so on, Korea is too, and very serious. Particularly, our Chonbuk region was not only developed but also neglect during last three decades. Our regional policies during last three decades have been characterized by rather simple nature compared with other heterogeneous countries, synchronization of local-central and regional-national problems, and spatial consequence of non-spatial policies which tend to minimize spatial policies. I'll tell you the reasons as follows ; 1) applied to top-down approach by central-government 2) adapted theory of unbalanced growth 3) practiced to growth pole theory 4) carried out the strategy of industrialization Chonbuk region had been degenerated into relative area of stagnation compared with other areas due to central-government regional policies and performance of '5 years' economic development plans Eventurally the gap between present growing regions is more over deepening through the compound geometrical functions of various factors that restrict regional development of economy. Recently, with the reconsideration of the traditional regional development, a strong need for a substantial transfer in development philophy and regional development policy was felt by many concerned minds for continued future development. With the advent of the local autonomy political system, regional planning policy should be changed to meet the needs of the new political environment. Regional planning which characterized the central-government oriented decision-making process. Thus, the needs and demands of the local people have been neglected in regional planning. The new regional planning should take into account the needs of the local people and allow their participation. We must realize that even if the national, aggregate and efficiency oriented development is essential, development lacking the local, distributional, equality aspects has its limitations. Finally, bottom-up development call for integrated spatial development, diversified and balanced growth, and focus upon the satisfation of basic needs at local and individual level. An essential components of development strategy 'bottom-up' are ; activation of participation of a region's residents in every stage ; choice of regionally adequate technology and application of marginal resources ; rearing of territorial industry for full using of a region's natural resources, capitals, manpowers and human skills ; development of district town and locality town for urban-rural integration. Consequently, as an alternative approach to regional development, bottom-up development was introduced. Therefore, the aims of this paper are to make the characters and significances, and to provide the basic strategy for socio-economic development of Chonbuk area.

      • 全北地域의 觀光 交通 改善方案에 關한 硏究

        김추자 京畿大學校 大學院 1988 국내석사

        RANK : 248687

        The desire for us to try to come in contact with the new environment was increased with the improvement of the level of national incomes as well as the development of the industrial economics of our country, and the intention for us to improve the traffic conditions and to move them was also increased with the development of tourism traffic ways and with the establishment of the basic sightseeing facilities. Expecially, owing to the convenience of all kinds of traffic ways and the network of routes linked to every tourism place "the sightseeing pattern" by means of the private cars has been increased and the traffic network to avail of at high speed throughout the country has been formed. Furthermore the improvement of traffic conditions formed a linking system among the tourism-object places and resulted in a vitalization in availing of the tourism facilities. And the increase of holidays made it possible to develop a stay-type sightseeing. Owing to the above causes, I have been in need to make a study of the tourism traffic. Hereupon the aim of this study lies in contributing to development of sightseeing traffic in Chonpuk Area and to that of its community by providing for the increasing demand of sightseeing because of the change of surroundings at home and abroad, and by analysing the present status of the traffic and its background on the center of sightseeing places in Chunpuk Area with the beginning of the the West Coastal Age. To accomplish such an aim of this study, I divided into some fields by regions periods, and contents in the range of study. I derived a theory of tourism from the various literatures and materials which were found at home and abroad the various statistical annuals which were collected and the recent materials concerning to this study, keeping pace with a research through the question papers and interviews in the ways of this study. In chpter II, I established some meanings of the tourism traffic in Chunpuk Area, its characteristics and effects on theoretical background of the sightseeing traffic. In chpter III, I divided the traffic into two parts, that is, the traffic by land and the one by sea on the basis of the types of sightseeing traffic in Chunpuk Area. And investigated the present status of routes, railroads and passenger ships there. In chapter IV, I analysed the present status of the tourism traffic and its actual state in Chunpuk Area. In the characteristics of the sightseeing surroundings, I investigated the natural resources and the artificial ones of the sightseeing traffic, and investigated the present status of the sightseeing traffic in Chunpuk Area by analysing its potentiality through the question papers. In chapter V, I examined closely some problems of the sightseeing traffic in Chunpuk Area by establishing its problems and improvement devices there, and I suggested the following countermeasures and improvement devices on the new sightseeing traffic; The first; the lack of basic tourism facilities. The second; the problems of the sightseeing-traffic system and the tourism routes The third; the problems on using the excursion ships The fourth; the problems on obstructing the atmosphere of sightseeing surroundings. Besides, the improvement devices are as follows; The first, the investment for the basic sightseeing facilities by out government The second; the establishment of tourism routes. The third; groping for the organic linking system of the sightseeing traffic. The fourth; the innovational devices of the sightseeing traffic facilities. The fifth; the attraction devices of the excursion ships and so forth. Especially, at this time a good chance for the development of Chunpuk sightseeing is given to us owing to having successfully hosting the 88 01ympiad, the high increase of the amount of national tourism and so forth if the above improvement devices are thoroughly carried out, we will contribute to the development of community to change an underdeveloped area into a developed Chunpuk of tourism, which be called the second leap.

      • 전북지역 지표수계 및 지하수계 특성에 관한 연구

        고정희 全北大學校 大學院 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 248687

        전북의 4대 수계는 서쪽의 만경강과 동진강, 동쪽의 금강과 섬진강으로 구성된다. 지표수계는 지형적 요소 및 지질·지구조적 영향으로 유동 특성이 결정되는데 만경강과 동진강은 동에서 서로 흐르고, 금강과 섬진강은 노령산맥과 소백산맥이라는 큰 지형적 요소에 의하여 각각 북북동, 남남서 쪽으로 흐르는 특성을 보여준다. 만경강과 동진강 수계는 5차 수계를 가진 금강과 6차 수계의 섬진강에 비해 4차 수계로 구성되어 수계의 발달이 미약하고, 단일소유역의 적은 유출량, 넓은 충적평야와 짧은 유로가 그 특성이다. 반면 유로의 길이가 짧고, 직류하는 특성 때문에 바다에 도달하는 시간도 짧아 오염원 배출과 정화 효과는 클 것으로 보인다. 전북 지역의 지하수계 유동 특성은 지표수계와 마찬가지로 지형 및 지질·지구조적 영향으로 만경강과 동진강은 서해의 한 점으로 집중되는 수렴 방사상으로 유출되며, 금강과 섬진강은 각각 북북동, 남남서 방향으로 유출되는 특성을 보여준다. 지하수계 오염원 특성 중 금강과 섬진강 지류의 지하수계는 오염원이 적고 지하수의 유로가 비교적 긴 것으로 판단되기 때문에 자연 정화에는 큰 문제가 없을 것으로 보이나, 만경강과 동진강 주변 지하수계는 비점오염원이 많이 존재하고 풍화대를 통한 직접적인 지하수화가 이루어지며, 유로가 비교적 짧고 유출이 단 시간에 이루어질 것으로 추정되기 때문에 비점오염원의 영향을 많이 받고 있는 것으로 보인다. The four major water systems in Jeonbuk are Mangyeong River and Dongjin River in the West and Geum River and Seomjin River in the East. Surface water systems follow geographical elements, and by geological distribution and earth's structure. Mangyeong River and Dongjin River run West following 'High East and Low West'. On the other hand, the tributaries of Geum River and Seomjin River run North-North-East and South-South- West, which is caused by large geographical elements, Noryeong Mountains and Sobaek Mountains. Mangyeong River and Dongjin River consist of four water systems while Geum River consists of five and Seomjin River of six. Therefore, compared to those of Geum River and Seomjin River, the water systems of Mangyeong River and Dongjin River show insignificant development and they are characterized by small amount of output from a single area, large fields and short waterways. On the other hand, since the waterways are short and are direct current it takes shorter time for them to reach the seas. And therefore, the output of contaminants and the purification are expected to be highly efficient. The flowing characteristics of the ground water systems in Jeonbuk are similar to those of the surface water systems: due to the effect of the geographical and geological features, Mangyeong River and Dongjin River focus on one spot in the West Sea and outflow. Geum River and Seomjin River flow North-North-East and Sout-South-West each. Among the contaminants of the ground water systems in Jeonbuk region, the water systems OF the tributaries of Geum River and Seomjin River have few contaminants and the length of the water systems seems to be relatively long. Therfore, there seems to be no big problem in the natural purification, however, the surrounding ground water systems of Mangyeong River and Dongjin River have many contaminants and direct purification of the ground water through weathering and since the length is relatively short and the outflow takes short time it is highly effected by contaminants.

      • 전북지역 제조업의 하청구조에 관한 연구 : 섬유산업을 중심으로

        유성렬 全北大學校 1991 국내석사

        RANK : 248671

        Since 1960's, in Korea economy, the monopoly capital have been formed with the help of the growth policies such as the five year plans for economic development. In the course of that developing process, the exclusive capital have been invading the reproduction basis of small capital. As a result, small capital now cannot survive without the subcontraction interrelation with the monopoly capital. This study aims to analyze the problems of the small capital in Chon Buk. The principle view of this study is centering around the subcontracting system. That is, this study find out the aspect of interdependence between big firms and medium-small firms, and opposition between them. For that purpose, this article is composed of the following chapters. In chapter II, I inspected the existence ground of the small firms from the general law of capitalistic accumulation. Then I examined the theoretical background of this paper with the aid of Japanese controversies on the subcontraction system. In chapter III, I performed a positive analysis on the subcontracting relations of the textile industry in Chon Buk. To this end, I made a case study of J company. The followings are the summary of the subcontracting structure between J company and its subcontracting firms. 1. The number of the subcontracting firms of J company has extremely increased since 1980's. There are two reasons for such an increase. First, J company wanted the reduction of the prime cost and the dispersion of labors. Second, the subcontracting firms sought to have steadfast basis for production. 2. The subordinate firms of J, in most cases, are given raw materials from J company without cost. Therefore, the subcontracting firms are subordinated to J company. 3. In the case of needlework firms, they entirely depend on J company. As for the dicision of the subcontraction unit cost and the payment of goods delivery, J company stands on an exclusively superior place. The value realization of the subcontractiong firms are totally subordinated to the big firms. 4. Therefore, the relation between J company and its subcontractiong firms is basically a domination - subordinated one. But such a position of the small capital does not mean its extinction. While the small capital are subordinated to and exploited by the monopoly capital, only through such an interrelation they can exist.

      • 전북지역 한국무용전공 대학교육과정 변천에 관한 연구

        양미나 전북대학교 교육대학원 2013 국내석사

        RANK : 248671

        Jeonbuk area college Korea dance major study on the transition process Yang, Mi-Na Major of school Physical Education Graduate school of Education Chon-buk National University Prof. Kim, Dal-woo(Advisor) Known as the home of arts, Jeonbuk has rich and extensive resources for the traditional culture. When the development process of the Korean dance education in Jeonbuk is figured out, it demonstrates that there are extensive traditional dance resources with Gwonbeon of large cities of Jeonbuk like Jeonju, Gunsan and Jeongeup. One of the typical examples is the dance tradition of Jeonju Gwonbeon that succeeds the legacy of traditional arts of Gyobangcheon in Joseon and Jeonju Daesaseupnori. The artistic legacy of Jeong Ja Seon, who was famous as the Gwonbeon dance instructor of Jeonju, Iri and Jeongeup at the later period of Joseon, continued through his son Jeong Hyeong In up to Choi Seon, who is the holder of intangible cultural assets like No. 15 Honam Salpuri and No. 17 Hanryangmu Dance in the Jeonbuk province. This study examined the progress of such private dance education in accordance with the appearance and initiation of universities. Overall, different to the title, the common practice in year 1 and year 2 was incorporated to education process by part while taking the classes by respective major. And, practical subjects take more percentages than theoretical classes and teaching sessions. As for the characteristics of each university, Wonkwang University founded the department of dance at the school of art in the college of humanities for the first in Jeonbuk in 1979. 10% of the undergraduate students could achieve the teacher’s certificate. However, since the abolition of the department of dance in 2012, no new students have been recruited. The department of dance at the school of art in Chonbuk National University was established by the approval of the Ministry of Education in October 1987 as the only national university with the department of dance. As the theory subjects, sessions and courses take majority, it focuses on theory and dance education. Department of Practical Dancing Instruction at College of Sports Science in Woosuk University was founded in October 1989 by the approval of the Ministry of Education, which focuses on the activation of village dance of Jeonbuk, and which provides performance and study with theory and practical courses and also sports subjects. Chonju National University of Education has no department of dance and dance professors in the department of physical education teach dance subjects as major optional courses. Jeonju is a city of loving arts with tradition. Without root and depth of tradition, it is just like a tree without root. Therefore, it needs to make every effort to preserve and develop the spirit and legacy of local cultural arts. Globalization must start from establishing an identity. In this sense, that Chonbuk National University does not teach local dances but Gyeonggi regional dance shows the lack of responsibility for the preservation of local arts. Woosuk University has also become not much active compared with the past in the performance and study of local village dances. The main reason for the abolition of the department of dance at Wonkwang University was the poor employment rate of graduates. Therefore, it needs to provide in-depth and specified subjects for the career after graduation and to produce specialized personnel by specifying the subjects.

      • 全北地域 女性團體의 活性化 方案에 關한 硏究

        송현숙 全北大學校 行政大學院 2004 국내석사

        RANK : 248671

        In recent years, activities of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) have drawn much attention as the roles of NOGs have become increasingly important in every sector of our society. Despite sweeping changes in civil society, women's organizations have played relatively minimal roles. The importance and need for the expansion of their roles must be stressed to enhance women's status and rights. It is crucial that we find and implement the right course for the development of these organizations, established by and for women, to address issues concerning them and the society. I believe the organizations' activities are linked directly to the development of women and will largely contribute to the community. This study is conducted under the awareness that the growth of the organizations is essential in both quality and scale. Therefore, the ultimate objective of this study is to find ways to promote activities of local women's organizations, fully serve their functions, improve their status, and contribute to community development. The introductory part talks about the objective, subject, scope and method of this study. The body part explains theoretical background of women's organizations including concept, characteristics and functions, and looks into organizations' development progress. It also suggests a model and analyzes current conditions of women's organizations in Jeonbuk Province. The concluding part talks about the research, planning, operation of Jeollabuk-do women's organizations, analysis of solidarity among the organizations, relations with local governments, and problems facing the organizations. The conclusion is drawn after discussions on measures to promote activities of local women's organizations. The local organizations have long maintained mutually complementary relations with local governments. It is important that the organizations to be more responsive to changes demanded by the society, and continue efforts to increase their competitiveness. Each organization should pursue things that are common concerns of women such as gender equality, welfare, community participation and development. With secured independent domain and focus on activities promoting solidarity with other organizations, local women's organizations will serve as a firm foundation for regional development. Furthermore, local governments should understand the current situation of local women's organizations and provide policies to support them to achieve genuine women's development.

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