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      • 中學校 育成會費의 運營實態에 관한 一硏究 : 全羅北道 公立中學校를 中心으로

        오기표 朝鮮大學校 敎育大學院 1988 국내석사

        RANK : 248652

        1. Purpose of the study This study is basicallydesined to make a comparative analysis the actual state of management of the upbringing dues of public middle schools in Cholla buk do on school scale, and to examine closely how much unfrir education small scale schools are given, and the political change in management of the upbringing association. 2. Methodology (1) The process of change and the object of setting up the supporting bodies of school in Korea was examined and analysised. (2) Schools were divided into three parts; Small scale schools(which have 6-9 classes), Middle scale schools(18-19, or 23-25 classes), Large scale schools(34-35 classes), and were used as the subject of the study, The four-year(1984-1987)actual states of the upbringing dues of Four middle schools in Cholla buk do had been selected and examined. (3) The actual state of the upbringing dues was made a comparative analysis with the ratio of each items, each students share in expense and profit on school scales and on each years. (4) It was examined and analysised how much unfair education activity small scale schools were given, in comparison with the other scale schooles. 3. Major findings Major findings of the study are as follows; (1) The school upbringing dues were public taxes and imposed burden on students uniformly, regadless of school scales. (2) The small scale schools appropriate most of(75.6 - 83.2%) the school upbringing dues to personal expenses. (3) A students of the small scale schools takes unfairly less 5,750 won in 1984, 6,400 in 1985, 3,950 in 1986, 4,950 in 1987 than the average of the examined school for a year.(It is except of the upbringing dues.) (4) As the ratio of the unchanged personal expenses is very high, the numbers of school public officials, supporters of general affairs section and temporary employees are the same as those of the large scale schools, regardless of school scales, temporary employees must be changed into public officials, the management of the upbringing dues into contracted expense system, and must be subsidized partially by goverment.

      • 간호의 중심개념 교육 프로그램의 학습효과에 관한 일연구

        이경혜 梨花女子大學校 1985 국내석사

        RANK : 248651

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of an educational program concerning the core concept of nursing on nursing students who had not been exposed to any nursing education courses at Nursing College. An attempt was made to infer how much of the nursing students’ understanding of the nursing concept had improved as a result of their participation in the educational program and to determine the duration of such a learning effect. The data for this study was obtained from 60 freshmen in the Department of Nursing from August 1983 to December 1983. The experimental tool and teaching syllabus for the study were organized by investigator and their reliability was tested by SAS (Cronbach’s a = .93). The students participated in the educational program under the direction of the investigator at the beginning of the second semester. Four tests were administered to the students; one pre-test and three post-tests. The first post-test was administered immediately after the treatment, the second post-test was administered one month after the treatment, and the final test was administered at the end of the second semester. The results were as fillows: 1) The results of the test administered immediately after treatment were higher than the results of the pre-test(p = .00). 2) The results of the test administered one month after treatment were higher than the results of the pre-test(p = .00). 3) The results of the test administered at the end of the second semester were higher than the results of the pre-test (p = .00). 4) There was no difference in the results of the three post-tests(F = .38, P = .68). The results of this study indicate that the educational program concerning the core concept of nursing helped to improve the students’ understanding of the nursing concept and that this learning effect was consistent throughout the investigation. 전문직 간호교육의 목적은 학생을 간호에 필요한 행동능력을 소유한 전문직 간호원으로 육성, 배출하는데 있으며, 교육의 특징은 간호업무의 근거가 되는 전문직 지식과 기술을 습득하고 그 지식과 기술을 구체적인 간호상황에 적용하는 방법의 터득과 간호학생을 자율적이고 창의적인 인격을 소유한 인간으로 육성함을 강조한다. 따라서 앞으로 전문적 간호활동을 수행할 간호학생은 간호학의 전문적 지식과 기술이 구조적으로 어떻게 상호연관되어 있는지, 간호학이 무엇을 위한 학문이며 왜 필요한지에 대한 분명한 방향과 입장을 견지해야 한다. 특히 우리나라의 경우, 대부분의 학생들이 간호학에 대한 뚜렷한 동기나 적성에 상관없이 그리고 간호학에 대한 올바른 정보부족으로 잘못된 사전개념을 가지고 입학하는 경우가 많으므로 간호학생은 기초 간호교육과정에서 간호학을 올바로 이해하고 포괄적으로 파악하기 위해서 간호학의 개념적 구조 혹은 틀을 이해할 필요가 있다. 즉, 간호의 중심개념을 파악하고 그 개념들과의 관계를 규명하는 간호학의 개념적 구조를 이해한다는 것은 한가지 간호현상을 여러가지 현상과 관련해서 이해할 수 있게 된다는 것이므로 전문직 간호원으로서 임무를 수행하는데 필요한 개념적 지침이 된다. 따라서 간호교육과정을 통해 학생에게 간호학의 기본이 되는 간호의 중심개념을 학습할 수 있는 기회를 제공하여 간호학을 전체적으로 이해하게 함으로서 구체적인 간호상황에 대한 이해와 분석을 가능하게 하고 앞으로의 학습을 용이하도록 돕는 것은 의의있는 일이다. 이에 본 연구의 목적은 간호의 중심개념을 교육프로그램으로 구성하여 학생에게 교육하고 그 효과를 측정하므로서 간호학의 중심 개념에 대한 교육프로그램이 학생이 간호개념을 전체적으로 이해하는데 어느정도 영향을 미치는지 파악하는데 있다. 연구대상으로는 간호학 전공과목을 이수한바 없는 4년제 간호학과 1학년 학생 60명을 선정하였으며 연구방법으로는 간호학의 중심개념의 구성요소를 기초로 개념검사 도구와 교육프로그램을 위한 학습지도안을 작성하였다. 연구도구에 대한 신뢰도는 예비검사에서 Cronbach’s a = .93이었으며 타당도는 간호학교수와 임상간호원 5명의 전원 합의에 의해 검정되었다. 간호학의 중심개념에 대한 교육프로그램은 1회에 한하여 실시하였으며 개념검사는 학생이 교육프로그램에 참여하기전인 학기초와 교육프로그램 참여직후, 참여 1개월후, 그리고 학기말에 각각 실시하였다. 자료수집은 1983년 8월에서 12월말사이에 하였으며 수집된 자료의 분석은 점수의 평균과 표준편차를 구하여 비교하고 t ? 검정과 일원분산분석(one way ANOVA)으로 유의성을 검정하였다. 자료분석 결과 얻어진 결론은 다음과 같다. 1. 간호학의 중심개념교육프로그램에 참여한 학생들은 참여전(174.30점)에 비해 참여직후(229.31점) 간호개념에 대한 전체적인 이해가 현저히 향상되었다(p = .00). 2. 간호의 중심개념교육프로그램에 참여한 1개월후(232.00점)와 학기말의 검사(219.90점)에서도 참여전 검사결과보다 현저히 높은 점수를 나타ㅐ어 간호의 중심개념교육프로그램의 학습효과를 더욱 뚜렷이 하였다 (참여 1개월후 : p = .00, 참여후 학기말 ; p = .00). 3. 간호의 중심개념교육프로그램에 참여한 학생의 간호개념에 대한 이해는 참여직후, 참여 1개월 후, 그리고 참여후 학기말 검사기간에 유의한 점수차이를 나타내지 않았다. 따라서 학기초에 실시한 간호의 중심개념교육프로그램 학습의 효과가 학기말에도 계속 지속되고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 이러한 결과는 간호의 중심개념을 교육하는 것이 학생들이 간호개념을 전체적으로 이해하는데 도움이 되었으며 그 효과가 오래 지속되었다는 것을 의미하는 것으로 정규 간호교육과정에서 간호개념에 대한 교과목을 설정하여 체계적으로 교육할 필요성을 제기하고 있다. 또한 입학당시 학생이 가지고 있던 간호에 대한 막연한 개념을 보다 명확히 할 수 있는 기회를 가졌다는 점에서 의의가 있다. 뿐만 아니라 신입생의 간호학에 대한 사전 개념을 사정하는 것은 앞으로 교수가 간호교육과정을 계획하고 학습자료를 마련하는데 도움이 될것으로 사려된다.

      • 學校經營組織에 관한 一硏究

        성인제 檀國大學校 1988 국내석사

        RANK : 248638

        Organization is the distribution of man-power and means for the achievement of desired end through the divisions of Various functions and duties. The Present study aims to investigate and analyze the actual condition of school administrative organizations and to find out an improved plan for the efficiency of school education. The divisions of school affairs, teachers' conferrence, planning committee meetings, and class-teachers' committee meetings are dealt with in the present study on the assumption that the high degree of efficiency in school administration will be available if the four above-mentioned organizations are well operated. Both literature and investigation researches are conducted for the purpose of the present study. In the literature research are the characteristics of school administration investigated, the concept and significance of shoot administration examined and the principle of school administration presented. The definition and principle of organizations are examined and the actual examples of school administrative organizations are Comparatively analyzed. The significance, basis, principle examples of the divisions of school affairs are examined in the chapter of Actual School Administrative Organizations while the concept, significance, nature and functions of divisions of school affairs are described in the chapter of Teachers' Conferrence Organization. The presentation of the concept and importance of planning committee meetings is followed by the detailed description of the concept, role and reality of class-teachers' committee meeting. The questionnaire which is consisted of 27 Items on 4 fields is made for the investigation research and out of 930 sheets of distributed questionnaire 404 sheets answered with sincerity were sampled out for the percentage of each varible and item. Based on the study of school administrative organizations, The Principle of organizations, the analysis of the investigation researches and the author's long-cherished convictions, the author proposes the following facts : 1. The concentration of school affair load on male teachers in the present ever-increasing state of female teachers will raise problems in school administrative organizations, The ability of female teachers will be developed and improved by the assignment of school affairs to female teachers. The opportunity of promotion is also considered and given. 2. The teachers in small schools are pressed with heavy school affair load. The administrative policy of personnel to transfer experienced teachers, nurses, and administrative clerks to large scale schools be changed. The predominant administration of dispositing experienced teachers, nurses and administrative clerks to the small schools of out-of- the-way places is absolutely demanded and necessary. 3. The policy for the reduction of miscellaneous work load from teachers be acted into practice in order to improve teaching-learning technique and contribute to the education of well-rounded men and to culvation of emotion for the adolescents. 4. The scientific method be applied to the analysis of school affairs. The tentative name 'The scientific school Affair Analysis Table' which will specify sex, age, teaching experience, number of school classes, school district, school affairs necessary in school administration,teachers'ability and talents be deviced and used. 5. The democratic operation of teachers' conferrence be demanded. The nature of teachers' conferrence be changed to the agency of decision and circular disposition of seats in conferrence is most desirable. Teachers' proposals and decisions be reflected in the school administration. The orders from higher officials be limited and notification board or bullet in be used instead. Teachers' conferrence be changed to the discussion of students' guidance and life. 6. The planning committee meetings are indispensable to large schools with more than 36 classes but in the case of small schools with less than 36 classes the teachers' conferrence should substitute the planning committee meetings in order to make all the teachers feel their belongingness and make them try their best to participate in school administration without any isolated feelings. 7. Class-teachers' committee meetings are absolutely needed organization in school administration for curriculum discussion exchange of information, students' guidance and communication of opinions among the teachers of the same major subjects.

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