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      • 신협 조직에 있어서 효율적 인적자원의 개발 방안

        심홍규 慶尙大學校 經營大學院 2004 국내석사

        RANK : 249727

        As globalization has expanded rapidly since the 21st century, Korea has also tried to accelerate the development of software, contentsware and even humanware as well as the establishment of infrastructure and hardware, in order to prepare for the conversion into an information and knowledge-based society. Obviously, the central operating body of software and contentsware belonging to all social systems is the very human being, whose knowledge assets and competencies have an important influence upon competitive advantage. Thus, an organization's prosperity or competitiveness depends on the qualities and competencies of its members, i.e., human resources. Nowadays, most companies recognize the significance of developing such human resources, and perform personnel training-HRD(Human Resource Development) in their own ways. Unfortunately, however, it is the actual on the assumption that the HRD affects greatly the growth and competitive advantage of CU (National Credit Union Federation of Korea) organization, as the result of recognizing such actual situation, this study was aimed to offer a suggestion concerning the development and operation of more effective training programs. This study was directed to analyze the HRD programs in credit union organization for deriving some effective measures to enhance its competitive advantage. In order to pursue this purpose, literatures on HRD were surveyed and the field survey was conducted into employees engaged in credit union organization. Questionnaires were hand out to 300 employees out of which 230 responded effectively. In an effort to discern factors causing the effectiveness of HRD programs and to derive measures to enhance the competitiveness of credit union organization. The collected data were statistically analyzed using SPSS 12.0 for Windows.

      • 신용협동조합의 금융마케팅 전략에 관한 연구 : 기존 가입고객의 세분시장별 특성을 중심으로

        현인석 제주대학교 경영대학원 2004 국내석사

        RANK : 249727

        Holy Family Credit Union, the first credit union in Korea, was established on May, 1st, 1960 in Pusan with the help of American Sister Mary Gabrielia Mulhelin. Taking this opportunity, credit union in Korea had developed as years go by and In 1996, the total number of union credit amounted to 1, 671. On November 1997, because of currency crisis, 585 insolvent unions was readjusted with the support of IMF. A major cause of this, credit union didn't properly cope with environmental change of financial market. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is to suggest a plan to set up and promote(drive forward) financial marketing strategy for union credit to actively confront to environmental changes It needs to be understood how the members of union think about the actual circumstance of credit union and a task to propel for new leap to establish financial marketing strategy of credit union. To this end, the members of union were selected as a sample of this study and conducted a mail survey used questionnaire. The questionnaire for sample survey was composed of 4 parts, totalling 43 questions: 15 questions about(in connection with) the characteristics of credit union, 11 questions about purchasing behavior of financial products, 7 questions about purchasing opinion and future behavior intention, and 10 questions about sociodemographic characteristics. Sample survey was performed in the members of 12credit unions in Jeju(as the subject of the investigation) from 29th April in 2004 to 4th May in 2004. Of total 220 questionnaires, 205 questionnaires was collected and used 200 questionnaires except for unfilled 5 questionnaires. Examining the sociodemographic characteristics of sample, In gender, 66.5% of respondents were female, In age, fifties showed 31% and sixties 24.5%. In educational preparations, respondents below high school graduation was 51.5%. In occupation, retail trade was 40%. In housing, 84% had privately-owned house. Taking a look at the confidence of analysis tool used in this research, overall confidence(a) was 0.8458, which is considered as high enough in confidence of analysis tool. Proving the validity of analysis tool, value of KMO(Kaiser Meyer Olkin), an indicator for sampling validation showed 0.77, signalling the significance of factor analysis. Overall dispersion was 73.37%, well exceeding 60% of social science criteria, therefore showing less information loss. This study was performed to suggest financial marketing strategy of credit union. Therefore, for setting up marketing strategy, it is essential to segment the market and understand various characteristics of customers in segmentation market and try to promote proper strategy. Therefor, In this study, according to present marketing trend, characteristics of credit union customer divided into 4 segmentation market and verified the hypothesis. The characteristics of segmentation market of credit union customer are as follows: First segmentation market make much account of interest. They are females in their twenties and are company employee. Their educational preparation are mostly university graduation and the period of financial transaction is about 1-2 year. They knew well about the contents of fraternal insurance project. But they considered financial transaction with bank or insurance company aside from credit union. Second segmentation market are think importantly of dealing with affairs and they are high school-educated females in their sixties and have 2 children. They knew well about fraternal insurance project. They joined a mutual-aid project and a group which have done financial transaction above 11 years. Third segmentation market are group which consider importantly incidental business. They are university educated people in their thirties and have 2 children. They knew well about a mutual-aid project and joined it. This group have done financial transaction more than 3-5 years and considered taking out an insurance policy in case of large-scaled insurance. Forth segmentation market make much account of stability and reliability. It was composed of high school-educated customers in their fifties who have 2 children. This group knew well about fraternal insurance project and considered making a deposit in the bank in case of having a large sum of money. Those are the one who think of the cause of rising deposit rate in the wake of bad loans in credit union is attributed to poorly-managed transaction business by executives and staffs. Therefore, credit union should properly understand the characteristics of segmentation market composed of customer and the members of the union and develop proper marketing mix on each segmentation market and promote reasonable market strategy. Through this, credit union can come into existence as the financial institution for common people in a fast-paced financial market.

      • 신용협동조합과 지역금융

        정내칠 경성대학교 대학원 2004 국내박사

        RANK : 249727

        Credit unions in Korea are now in crises. Since the 1980s' financial liberalization, many financial institutions have newly been born and begun to supply credits to households which had been the main operational grounds for the cooperative financial institutions such as credit unions. It is no wonder that doubts on their competitiveness and survival in the financial market have been raised. Concerns floated on the surface when many credit unions had been kicked out of the market during the financial crisis in 1997 Many credit unions are still under pressures. The purpose of this thesis is to make clear the role of regional credit unions in Busan financial market. In performing the task important facts to be healed in mind are that it is almost impossible for credit unions to maintain their identities under present environments and that it is urgently needed for a balanced growth of Korean economy to encourage credit unions to be upgraded as matured financial institutions. There are many financially weak borrowers in the regional financial market such as poor households, self-employed, and small firms who can hardly have access to banks' credit market. Their accesses to bank credits have recently become more restricted than ever before because of banks' tighter credit requirements after the financial crisis in 1997. Credit unions can ease credit constraints to borrowers and it is revealed in this study that they do so in reality. It means that although credit unions have suffered identity crisis they, as regional financial institutions, can contribute to the development of regional economy. But the function and roles of the credit unions as regional financial institutions have not been fully appreciated yet. This study demonstrates that credit unions do ease financial constraints of the financially weak agents in Busan area. Based upon the findings in the study, it is suggested that credit unions need to be supported to be developed as regional financial institutions. The efficiency of both regional and national financial market will be increased when the role of credit unions in the regional financial market is strengthened.

      • 신용협동조합 조합원들의 조합활동에 관한 연구 : 광주지역 4개 신협을 중심으로

        양재훈 전남대학교 대학원 2002 국내석사

        RANK : 249727

        협동조합은 서구사회에서 자본주의 초기에 자기구제를 목적으로 하여 민간에서 자율적으로 결성된 조직체이다. 이렇게 민간의 자발성에 입각한 자기구제적 협동체로 출발한 협동조합은 자본주의화라는 물결 속에서 조직을 유지하기 위해서 기업화되고 있는 추세이다. 이러한 추세의 협동조합을 대상으로 하여 이 논문은 다음의 두 가지 질문을 제기하였다. 첫째, 협동조합의 정체성이 어떻게 위치지어지고 있는가? 둘째, 조합활동은 어떻게 이루어지고 있는가? 이러한 질문들을 통해 협동조합이 대안적 공동체의 물적 토대로서 기능할 수 있는 것인가를 알아보려고 하였다. 따라서 이 연구를 위한 조사는 한국의 협동조합사에서 유일한 자발적 협동조합이라고 인정받고 있는 신용협동조합을 대상으로 하였다. 신용협동조합의 정체성과 조합활동을 살펴보기 위하여 광주지역 4곳의 신용협동조합 조합원들을 대상으로 하여 질문지법을 실시하였다. 왜냐하면 협동조합과 같은 자율적인 조직체는 성격 및 특성이 구성원들에 의해서 나타나기 때문이다. 질문지는 조합원들의 조합활동을 물어보았고, 조합에 대한 인식 및 태도와 조합활동으로 나누어 질문되었다. 연구결과는 다음과 같이 정리할 수 있다. 첫째, 조합에 대한 인식 및 태도는 대다수의 조합원들이 신용협동조합을 서민은행으로 규정하고 있었다. 그리고 ⅓정도의 조합원들은 신용협동조합에 소속감을 부여하고 있었으며, 신용협동조합을 협동조합으로 인식하고 있었다. 또한 조합원들은 신용협동조합이 금융기관과는 다른 서비스를 해주기를 요구하고 있었다. 이러한 결과는 조합원들은 신용협동조합이 근린적 금융조합을 토대로 하여 금융적 서비스를 확충할 뿐만 아니라 생활 일반에 관련된 욕구들을 해결해주는 생활공동체를 지향하는 종합협동조합을 원하고 있는 것이다. 둘째, 조합활동은 조합원들 대다수가 신용협동조합을 매일 이용하고 있었으며, 조합의 행사에 대해 ⅓정도가 참여하고 있었다. 소규모 모임에 대한 관심을 매우 낮게 나타났다. 구성원들 간의 유대서은 조합원들이 임·직원에 대한 인지는 높았으나, 동료조합원에 대한 인지는 낮게 나타나고 있었다. 또한 동료조합원의 애·경사에 참여하는 조합원의 비율도 낮게 나타났다. 이러한 결과는 현재 신용협동조합이 조합원들의 참여가 저조하며, 조합원들간의 유대성이 약화되고 있음을 보여준다고 할 수 있다. 그러나 조합원들 중 ⅓은 조합의 행사에 적극적으로 참여하고 있었으며, 일부 조합원들은 공도유대성을 유지하고 있는 것으로 볼 때 신용협동조합이 "협동조합으로서의 성격"을 강조하여 기초적 공동체로 자리매김 할 수 있는 가능성은 존재하고 있었다. 이러한 결과에서 볼 때 현재 신협은 현재 "금융기관으로서의 성격"이 "협동조합으로서의 성격"보다 강하게 나타난 조직이라고 할 수 있다. 그러나 신용협동조합이 "금융기관으로서의 성격"이 강하게 나타났다고 해서 신용협동조합을 협동조합이 아니라 금융기관이라고 규정할 수는 없다. 신용협동조합은 발생 초기에서부터 "금융기관으로서의 성격"과 "협동조합으로서의 성격"이 공존해왔다. 또한 조합원들은 신용협동조합이 금융기관이 아니라 다른 서비스를 해주는 조직이기를 바라고 있다. 그리고 조합원들 중 ⅓은 조합의 활동에 적극적으로 참여하고 있었으며, 조합원들 간의 공동유대성은 약화되고 있으나 아직도 남아 있었다. 이러한 가능성들은 신용협동조합이 자신의 성격을 어떻게 강화해 나가는가에 따라 "협동조합으로서의 성격"이 강화된 조직으로 변화할 수 있다는 것을 보여준다. 이러한 결과에서 볼 때 신용협동조합 그 자체로는 사회의 물질적 부를 공유할 수 있는 방식일 뿐이라는 것을 보여준다. 따라서 신용협동조합이 대안적 공동체 운동의 물적 토대로서 기능할 수 있으려면 조합원들의 주체성을 끌어낼 수 있는 활동들과 더불어 대안적 운동들과 결합되어 움직여야만 할 것이다. The Cooperative Unions were civil organizations established to aid their own members in the early capitalist era. These cooperative unions, which began as almost spontaneous cooperative organizations, have developed into large enterprises in order to maintain their organizations in the rising tide of capitalization. Concerning these cooperative unions, the following two questions can be brought forward: First, what are the identities of the cooperative unions? Second, through what process are their activities being carried out? Through these two questions this thesis seeks to discover whether the cooperative unions can function as the material bases of an alternative community. The research is based on the credit unions, which are acknowledged as the only spontaneous cooperative associations in the history of cooperative unions in Korea. To review the identity of the credit unions and their activities the research was conducted in the form of questionnaire surveys of the members of four credit unions in the Kwangju area, in the belief that in autonomous organizations, such as cooperative associations, the organization's characteristics and specialties are represented by its members. In the questionnaire were included questions pertaining to the members' activities, their perceptions and attitudes toward the unions, and the activities of the unions. A summary of the research is as follows: First, most of the members perceived their credit union as a people's bank. A third of the members, however, feel a certain commitment to their unions, perceiving them as cooperative unions. Moreover, the members often request that the union provide services that are different from those offered by traditional financial institutes. This indicates that the members envision a comprehensive cooperative union as a living community, one which provides financial services based on neighborhood financial associations, and one that meets demands related to the members everyday lives. Second, most of the union members use the credit unions daily. A third of union members participate in various union events. The members, however, exhibit a lack of interest in small-scale meetings. From the perspective of the relationships between members, the recognition of the employees of the unions by the members was high, while members did not notice their fellow members very much. Additionally, the members' participation rates in congratulatory events, or events such as funerals of fellow members, was low. This indicates that the participation rate of the members is quite low, and that the relationships between members are not particularly strong. A third of the members, however, are actively participating in events put on by the unions, and some of the members do maintain strong ties. This implies that credit unions have the possibility to become a basic community by emphasizing their characteristics as cooperative unions. As the results of this research suggest, credit unions show more of the characteristics of financial institutes than of cooperative unions. We cannot, however, define the credit unions as financial institutes, rather than as cooperative unions, simply because they show strong characteristics reminiscent of financial institutes. Credit unions have shown mixed characteristics of both financial institutes and cooperative unions ever since their inception in Korea. Moreover, members seem to want the credit unions to provide other kinds of services than those offered by a typical financial institute. A third of members actively participate in union activities, and there remains a bond between members, although it has weakened over time. This indicates that it would be possible for credit unions to evolve into organizations with the characteristics of a cooperative union. It can be posited that a credit union, in itself, is one method to share the material wealth of a society. In order to make credit unions function as a material base of the alternative community movement, therefore, the unions need to be combined with alternative movements, and activities need to be introduced which can bring about a stronger subjectivity among the credit unions' members.

      • 信用協同組合과 公同紐帶 : 槪念과 法政策

        이희정 高麗大學校 大學院 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 249727

        "Common-bond" refers to the relationship in which members share the services provided by the credit union, and the field of operation of the credit union is defined as the field to which the common bond is reached. The field of operation of the credit union defined like this becomes the greatest criterion by which the union and banks are distinguished. The common-bond was first used in the documents related to the enactment of Massachusetts Credit Union Act in 1914 but it can be said that it is the concept inherent to the credit union from the beginning. The credit union was established by Raiffeisen and Schulze in Germany in 1849 to meet the financial needs of the persons of modest means who could hardly have access to the existing banks. Raiffeisen's credit union was to establish one credit union in a small region and emphasized the ethical and moral aspects of the members whereas Schulze's credit union, in principle, took realistic and calculating approach based on large areas. But both credit unions operated with the principles of autonomy, self-reliance and joint and collective responsibility and have developed based on the spirit of common bond. The field of common-bond is not fixed and it changes in accordance with social, political, and economic environment. The credit unions have developed roughly into two types of systems : European system and North American system. In Europe, they were combined with corporations in the form of banks, and developed into cooperatives in the beginning stage, and into the central bank in the nationwide stage and they recognized broad field of common bond and virtually did not limit the membership. But in North America, they maintained the essence of cooperatives and clearly define the field of common-bond. In Korea, the credit union was first established by Sister Mary Gabriella in 1960, and like the case of North America, has developed with maintaining the essence of cooperatives and stipulated the field of common-bond in the Credit Union Act. The current Credit Union Act divides common-bond into three types of common bond : community, workplace, and association. But this regulation has hardly changed since 1999, so it does not properly reflect the current conditions. Also in the United States which first devised the division of common-bond into three types, active association activities within work place and the development of industrial zones lowered the barriers of common-bond. So reflecting these realities, multiple common-bond such as not only single common-bond but also combination of employee groups within a single work place, combination of individual associations, or the combination of individual employee groups and individual associations have been recognized. Also, as Internet has reduced the regional distance and society develops, geographical restrictions of regional credit union's common-bond, which were established in the past considering that it was impossible to know one another well, have been lifted. So the current Credit Union Act in our country needs to change the field of common-bond in line with these global trends. Together with this, countermeasures to solve the problems that may arise from the expansion of the common-bond should also be explored. For example, various efforts to devise new guidelines such as guidelines for holding general meeting need to be made since it can be difficult for the members to participate in the general meeting in accordance with current regulations as the principles of cooperatives, "democratic member control", of common-bond have been expanded.

      • 신용협동조합의 이익조정과 최고경영자 교체에 관한 연구

        박상춘 한성대학교 대학원 2017 국내박사

        RANK : 249727

        본 연구는 신용협동조합이 대손충당금설정액의 재량적 조정에 의하여 이익조정을 행하고 있는가를 실증적으로 검증하였다. 연구방법으로 선행연구에서 금융회사의 이익조정 여부를 검증한 개별발생액접근법을 이용하였는데, 신용협동조합의 경우 자산의 상당부분을 차지하고 있는 대출채권에 대한 기말대손충당금설정액을 경영자의 재량성이 큰 항목으로 보고 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 경영자의 재량성이 큰 기말대손충당금설정액(대손상각비)을 종속변수로 두고, 설명변수로 비재량적이익을 토대로 대손충당금을 조정하여 이익조정하는지 여부를 살펴보았다. 아울러 대출금 규모, 고정이하여신 규모, 기초대손충당금 규모, 기중 상각액(write-offs) 등의 변수가 기말대손충당금설정액에 미치는 영향을 검토하였다. 실증분석을 위한 표본자료로는 2015년 말 정상 영업 중인 지역조합 및 단체조합을 대상으로 2006년부터 2015년까지 10년 동안 7,445개 신협-연도 자료를 이용하였다. 동 기간 중 이사장 임기형태에 따른 이익조정 현상은 7,223개 신협-연도 자료를 이용하였다. 본 연구는 신용협동조합의 다양한 특성을 반영하였다. 신용협동조합은 공대유대(지역·단체·직장)내 조합원을 대상으로 영업활동을 하고, 규모도 은행이나 저축은행에 비해 크지 않음에 따라 공동유대, 자산규모 등에 따라 이익조정을 달리하는지를 살펴보았다. 또한 신용협동조합은 매 4년 마다 최고경영자인 이사장을 포함한 임원선거를 실시함에 함에 따라 이사장 4년 임기의 특성(초임, 연임 등)에 따라 이익조정 유인이 다른지 여부를 검증하였다. 아울러 추가분석을 통해 경영자의 재량성이 큰 기말대손충당금설정액(대손상각비)을 조정하여 순자본비율을 관리하고 있는지 여부도 알아보았다. 분석결과, 신용협동조합의 경영자들은 재량성이 큰 기말대손충당금설정액(대손상각비)을 이용하여 이익조정을 행하고 있음이 검증되었다. 또한 신용협동조합의 특성에 따라 이익조정을 달리하고 있는지를 분석한 결과, 지역조합이 단체조합보다 그리고 자산규모가 큰 조합이 작은 조합보다 이익조정이 더 활발하게 이루어지는 것으로 나타났다. 다음으로 선거를 통한 이사장 교체와 관련하여, 이사장은 초임 4년 재임기간 중 다음 선거를 의식하여 연임 4년 재임기간에 비해 이익조정을 더 크게 하는 것으로 검증되었다. 또한 이사장 초임기간(4년) 중 마지막 연도는 초임 또는 연임기간의 다른 연도에 비해, 그리고 초임기간(4년) 중 마지막 연도는 연임기간(4년) 중 마지막 연도에 비해 각각 이익조정을 크게 하는 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 이사장 교체연도 이익조정의 경우 다른 연도에 비해 이익조정 수준의 차이가 없는 것으로 나타났다. 한편, 추가분석에서 신용협동조합의 경영자는 기말대손충당금설정액의 재량적 조정을 통해 순자본비율을 관리하려는 유인이 대체로 없는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구는 신용협동조합의 경영자가 대손충당금설정액을 통한 이익조정의 유인이 있는 만큼, 재무정보가 왜곡되지 않도록 coverage ratio, 순자본비율 등 경영지도비율을 강화할 필요가 있다. 아울러 조합의 규모나 공동유대 특성 등을 고려한 차등 감독과 함께 경영자의 재량성을 줄이는 방향으로 자산건전성 분류기준 및 회수예상가액 산정기준을 보다 객관화하고, 향후 미래채무상환능력(FLC) 도입을 통한 대손충당금적립 유도 등의 시사점을 제공할 수 있을 것으로 생각된다. 다만, 본 연구는 선행연구에서 다루지 않은 차별성과 성과에도 불구하고 검증모형이 단순하고 검증방법도 기존의 틀을 벗어나지 못한 점이 한계일 수 있다.

      • 信用協同組合의 社會敎育的 機能에 관한 硏究

        정의정 明知大學校 社會敎育大學院 1990 국내석사

        RANK : 249727

        1. Preface The purpose of this study is to analyze correlation of community organization and social education for main function of modern democracy society and to grope alternative plans. The Subject of this study is credit unions which functions as community organization nation-wide in its scope. Because credit union is based on the principle of "educate people first and organize the union later ", it is prescribed as non-formal education movement through community organization. Focuses of this study are as follows First, function of community organization and non-formal education. Second, analysis of effect social education on community organization. Third, Proposal of evaluation and alternative plan and design for development model of credit unions. 2. Method and Procedure To settle a theory of credit unions and non-formal education, The researcher has collected and analyzed domestic and foreign literatures related to this study. On this bases, The researcher has constructed questionnaires containing 5 spheres - 35 provisions, collected answers through interview and post - mail. Analyses and verification of questionnaire were carried by chi-quare test (significant degree 5%) through SAS program of SAMBO computer. 3. Result and Evaluation of this study Survey results are as follows First, In correlation of education and organization of credit unions, result of behavior analysis by male and female leaders are that there is no difference between male and female leaders in behavior viewing education as organizational principle of credit unions, but there is considerable difference between male and female leaders in behavior viewing education as initiating organization or joining motives. And there is difference between the two in contents of pre education as joining principle of credit unions. As to educational activities of credit unions leaders have non-formal educational function or necessity in the face of non-formal education, affirmative and negative behavior were similar between the two. Second, Analysis result by multilateral criteria as curriculums, contents, effect, adaptation of the educated and new education demand that non-formal educational function of credit unions education which credit unions readers judge is very insignificant. Although credit unions education premised a kind of non - formal education and credit unions leaders recognized necessity of organization and education of credit unions, they didn't understand it or level of recognition degree are very low. I assumed these causes are closure of credit unions education, and education curriculum is overemphasized organizational maintenance and management. 4. Non - formal Educational Development Model of Credit Unions. In order that each education of credit unions expand non formal educational function better, there is necessity of examination and adaptation of following alternatives. (1) openness and expansion of credit unions education (2) diversity of education goal of credit unions (3) supplement of education contents and development of new learning technique. (4) flexibility introduction to social background of the educated (5) program development by guidance principle of credit unions (6) linkage of credit unions with community development education (7) establishment of college course of credit unions Development Model of Credit Unions Education ◁표 삽입▷(원문을 참조하세요)

      • 우리나라 신용협동조합의 현황과 경영합리화 방안에 관한 연구

        양하석 단국대학교 1993 국내석사

        RANK : 249727

        This inquiry of study is for looking around for the process of creation and the present condition of our Credit Union, and to be helped for the growth and development fo the Credit Union by showing the device for the nationalization of management under searching for the problems of management. For this study I adapted the way of Literature Survey for the secondary investigation of data using the internal and external books, the research papers, the reports, the existing statistic data and the related laws and regulations on the Credit Union and made up for the deficiency of this study by the data acquired from the interviews with managers and experiences in working for several years. This study was investigated with the present condition of the Credit Union during December, 1992 in special particular terms. By the result of this inquiry, the Credit Union of our country is cooperated under the mind of self-reliance, independence and coopermission for provides to a sound-minded the nation spirit and development of national economy, developed a popular social movement for economical and social position of members for voluntary participation and a found rasing campaign under the mutual fidelity, cooperation and honest have been executing a role of sound the Common People Saving Institute such self control private self-governing orgarnization. But our country have a national organization of a Credit Union during permanent history for 32years but give not full play to the skill to the paltry characteristic of scale or immature of cooperation association management which is anxious about nation economic viewpoint. Morever if we were take into account about stengthen regulation of actuality more than protection and support in state for 1request to political care about the Credit Cooperation Association, the future fo the credit is not a good state. But if we have a growth of the finance industries, we can expect to object economy growth, if we have external largement more than the common finance is state of Korea Economy in these days, the rearing for government to head for small and medium enterprise is can be accomplished on the steadical foundation and must faced up to reality to independent the object authorities of policy. And for these surports the members of the Credit Union as well as the authorities must recognize the social and economical role of the Credit Union sufficiently and try to complement the problem of the formation, financial affairs, management, system and so on, and cope with the change of environment in the financial world by the device of the nationalization of management through all of management of Unions, improvement and activation of work spontaneously. Therefore the Credit Unions is expected to help the national development when it keeps the position as the institutional financial agency steadly and provide the social and economical role about a special skill of the Credit Union.

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