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      • 한국어와 영어의 어휘상에 따른 결과상 대조 연구 : ‘-어 있-’, ‘-고 있-’과 ‘be + -ing’를 중심으로

        박보라 한국외국어대학교 KFL대학원 2023 국내석사

        RANK : 234351

        The purpose of this study is to analyze and contrast the characteristics that appear when a variety of vocabulary is combined with the Resultative Aspect in Korean and English based on the Lexical Aspect. Due to the combinatorial patterns between the Korean grammatical forms ‘–e iss-’ and ‘–ko iss-’, indicate the Korean Resultative Aspect, and ‘be + -ing’, which indicates the English Progressive Aspect. Previous studies have differences in definition of the concept of Aspect and the aspectual system of Korean. This study organized previous studies of Aspect and examined the aspectual translation of Korean. Therefore, in chapter 2, this study identified the Contrastive Linguistics, the Cross-Linguistic Influence, and the Aspect Hypothesis. In chapter 3, this study examines the aspectual system of Korean, the Resultative, the Lexical aspect, and the aspectual system of English. Also, this study analyzes and contrasts the combinatorial patterns between the Korean grammatical forms ‘–e iss-’ and ‘–ko iss-’ of Korean and ‘be + -ing’ of English. In chapter 4, this study attempts to classify the verbs based on the Lexical aspect according to the classification of Vendler(1967) and Smith. Furthermore, this paper classifies verbs as the stative, psychology, activity, accomplishment, inclusion, achievement, and the position verb, total 8. In chapter 5, this study analyzed on the text from the drama ‘Extraordinary Attorney Woo’ provided by OTT company NETFLIX to contrast the combinatorial patterns between ‘–e iss-’ and ‘–ko iss-’ of Korean and ‘be + -ing’ of English. In chapter 6, this thesis makes conclusions about the aforementioned study findings.

      • 한국어 학습자의 글쓰기 자료에 나타난 과거시제 표지 ‘-었-’ 사용 양상 : -시상가설의 성립 여부를 중심으로-

        최은영 영남대학교 대학원 2024 국내박사

        RANK : 185182

        The purpose of this study is to examine the usage patterns of the Korean past tense marker '-ess-' for foreigners learning Korean as a second language and to study whether the Aspect Hypothesis (hereafter referred to as the AH) is true. For this purpose, previous studies that verified the AH, targeting Korean language learners were examined and research questions were set accordingly. In Chapter 2, the main attention was paid to the aspectual characters, the AH and the characteristics of each verb category. Existing studies focused on whether the AH is true, targeting the verbal aspectual characters, (or the lexical aspects), so they made no distinction as to the effects made by 'type coercion'. The situational aspectual characters vary with the appearance of adverbial words, etc. Accordingly, in this study, by thoroughly examining previous studies, the factors that cause type coercion were broadly divided into three of the following categories: ‘completion situations’, ‘action situations’, and ‘achievement situations. Done by classifying the cases where type coercion occurred, usage patterns of the past tense marker '-ess-' could be analyzed. Unfortunately, research on the Korean past tense acquisition based on the AH has been mainly carried out by adding psychological verbs (or psychological cognitive verbs) to "state verbs, action verbs, completion verbs, and achievement verbs." However, in this study, predicates distinguished as psychological verbs were not considered as a separate type because they do not have common aspectual characters, but classified and examined as one of "status verbs, action verbs, completion verbs, and achievement verbs.’ Furthermore, many previous studies that conducted fill-in-the-blank tasks are limited to confirming the tense phenomena in the ending forms, however this study was aimed at expanding the research scope to the tense phenomena of conjunction sentences, which rise in frequency of use as learner mastery increases. To this end, the constraints on tense combination in conjunction sentences were examined. The analysis objects were limited to connective endings which "can be combined with the past tense marker '-ess-' and in which the presence or absence of '-ess-' creates a difference in the meaning of the time relations." Chapter 3 presents the research objects and research methods. This study collected the writing data from September 2021 to September 2023 in order to analyze natural language data produced by Korean language learners. Data collection was conducted frequently in a formal environment. Topics that could lead to past tenses were carefully selected, and writing was carried out for about 30 minutes while restricting the use of dictionaries and electronic devices. The past tense marker ‘-ess-’ is considered as a grammar item taught in the early stages of learning Korean, but it was confirmed that previous studies have primarily relied on intermediate and advanced learners. That's why in this study, the data was collected by including beginner learners in the analysis objects. In this study, 128 beginner (27 countries), 131 intermediate (35 countries), and 129 advanced (31 countries) Korean learners participated, and 780 pieces of writing material were collected from a total of 388 people. After excluding data that did not meet the research purpose, a separator was assigned to each learner. This divided all data into ending forms and preceding clauses (hereinafter referred to as connecting forms) of conjunction sentences before carrying out the analysis. First, in order to analyze the usage patterns of ‘-ess-’ combined with the ending forms, the verbs combined with the ending forms were divided into past and non-past contexts. After classifying the verbs based on their aspectual characters, the usage patterns of ‘-ess-’ were examined based on proficiency and lexical aspect. The usage accuracy of ‘-ess-’ was obtained through the ‘target-like use analysis’ method by including the cases where ‘-ess-’ was overused in non-past contexts. In addition, the usage patterns of ‘-ess-’ were identified by, among the ending forms, separating the cases where type coercion occurred in which the situational aspectual characters changed due to the combination of arguments such as adverbs. Also, even when the auxiliary predicates are combined with the ending forms, because the aspectual characters of verbs can be combined with the aspectual meanings of auxiliary predicates and the aspectual meanings of sentences can change, they were carefully separated to examine the usage patterns of ‘-ess-.’ Lastly, in the case of conjunction sentences, the connecting forms in which the combination of '-ess-' is possible and the presence or absence of the combination creates a semantic conflict are separately classified. That is before examining the usage patterns of '-ess-' in terms of proficiency and lexical aspect. The analysis results are presented in Chapter 4 and Chapter 5, respectively. The usage patterns of ‘-ess-’ in the ending forms are presented in Chapter 4, and the usage patterns of ‘-ess-’ in the connecting forms are presented in Chapter 5. Finally, Chapter 6 shows the conclusion and significance of this study. The results of this study can be broadly summarized as follows. First, as a result of examining the usage patterns of the past tense marker '-ess-' by dividing them into the ending and connecting forms, both of the forms were found to be influenced by the aspectual characters of verbs. This confirms that the AH holds true in the Korean language as well. Both the results analyzed by learner proficiency and the results analyzed by lexical aspect confirmed the same patterns. In both cases, the past tense marker ‘-ess-’ was first combined in completion verbs or achievement verbs, followed by action verbs and state verbs. From a pseudo-longitudinal study perspective, the acquisition patterns of ‘-ess-’ were found to be consistent with the AH. Second, in the case of type coercion in which the verb is combined with another argument such as an adverb, etc. to change the situational aspectual characters, the usage patterns of ‘-ess-’ were most accurately combined in an action situation. In the achievement and completion situations, the usage accuracy of ‘-ess-’ was confirmed to be relatively low, which does not correspond to the AH. As a result of separately examining the cases where type coercion occurred due to the combination of adverbs, etc. it was confirmed that type coercion did not have a significant effect on the process of learning the past tense marker ‘-ess-’. Third, after classifying the cases in which the auxiliary predicates are combined with the verbs and comparing the cases in which the auxiliary predicate '-go idtta' with a clear aspectual meaning is combined, to the cases in which the verb is used alone without '-go idtta' so as to examine the usage patterns of ‘-ess-’, it was confirmed that when '-go idtta' expressing the meaning of ‘progress’ is combined with achievement verbs and completion verbs, the usage accuracy of ‘-ess-’ is significantly reduced. When ‘-ess-’ is combined with the auxiliary predicate, it is not combined directly with the verb, but after the auxiliary predicate. At this time, the aspectual meanings of the auxiliary predicate '-go idtta', such as continuity and state, seem to act as factors influencing learners’ use of ‘-ess-’. This study has the following significance. Existing studies examined the AH, targeting the aspectual characters of verbs and paid no attention to the effects of the appearance of adverbs, etc. However, this study focused on type coercion and found that type coercion did not have a significant effect on Korean language learners' acquisition of ‘-ess-’. This confirmed that the aspectual characters of verbs have important meaning. Moreover, instead of dividing psychological verbs (or psychological cognitive verbs) into separate types, but including them respectively in "state verbs, action verbs, completion verbs, and achievement verbs" an effort was made to improve the problems of classification according to the aspectual characters of Korean verbs. In addition, this study is different from existing discussions in that not only the ending forms but also the connecting forms were examined separately. Cases in which auxiliary predicates were combined, were separately examined. Lastly, it is also meaningful to examine the overall acquisition patterns of ‘-ess-’ from beginner to advanced levels from a pseudo longitudinal study perspective by evenly collecting reference data at all stages by level of proficiency. However, the failure to specifically analyze the results based on the native language (L1) variables of the various learners who participated in this study and the failure to examine the overall patterns of the connecting forms shown in the writing materials will be left as follow-up work. Furthermore, it is desired that detailed research will be conducted from a more diverse perspective on the acquisition of the past tense in state verbs because this has shown remarkable growth only at the advanced level. It is also expected that research on tense acquisition will continue based on a variety of materials including written and spoken language materials.

      • 한국어 학습자의 {-었-} 사용 양상 연구

        장기남 영남대학교 대학원 2015 국내박사

        RANK : 37449

        국문초록 본 연구의 목표는 KSL(Korean as a Second Language) 학습자가 한국어의 시간 표현(Time Talk), 즉 시제(Tense)를 어떻게 사용하는지 고찰하는 데 있다. 그동안 제2 언어 습득(Second Language Acquisition) 분야에서는 제2 언어 학습자가 시간 표현(과거나 미래 표현)을 어떻게 습득(Acquisition)하는지에 관심을 두고 연구를 지속하여 왔다. ‘시상가설’(Aspect Hypothesis)은 그 대표적인 사례로서 많은 언어에서 동일한 양상으로 나타나는 것으로 밝혀져 범언어적인 현상으로 보고되고 있다. 본 연구는 이와 맥을 같이 하는 시도로서, 한국어를 제2 언어로 학습하는 경우에도 ‘시상가설(AH)’이 동일한 양상으로 나타나는지의 문제를 중심으로 하여, KSL 학습자의 한국어 시간 표현 사용 양상을 다양하게 고찰하였다. 본 연구에서는 한국어 학습자가 작성한 문어텍스트(작문)를 자료로 하였으며, 과거 표지 {-었-}이 출현해야 할 모든 용례를 추출하여 적절하게 사용되었는지 조사하고, 이러한 양상이 학습자의 수준, 시간부사(temporal adverbial)의 출현 여부, 용언의 의미 특성, 통사적 위치(종결형과 연결형) 등에 따라 어떻게 다른지 분석하였다. 본 연구에서 논의한 바를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 2장에서는 시간 표현에 관한 이론적 논의를 다루었다. 본 연구에서는 시제(tense)를 ‘직시적 범주(deictic category)로서 사건(event), 과정(process), 상황(state)의 시간적 위치를 나타내는 문법 범주’로 정의하였으며, 특정 시점을 기준으로 ‘과거:현재:미래’의 삼분 대립을 보이는 경우도 있으나, 선행 연구를 참고하여 한국어에서는 ‘과거:비과거’의 이분 대립으로 보이는 것으로 간주하였다. 또한, 시간부사어와 시제 간의 관련성에 대한 논의를 살펴보고, 이어서 학습자가 시상 형태소를 습득할 때 용언의 의미 특성이 습득 양상에 영향을 미친다는 시상가설을 소개하였다. 3장에서는 한국어 학습자들이 종결형에서 과거 표지 {-었-}을 어떻게 사용하는지 논의하였다. 정확도, 결합 용언의 다양성, 시간부사어의 출현 여부에 따른 차이, 그리고 용언의 의미적 특성에 따른 차이 등을 분석하였는데, 그 결과를 정리하면 다음과 같다. (1) 종결형에서 과거시제 표지 {-었-}의 사용 양상을 조사한 결과 상위 그룹은 89.75%의 정확도를 보였으며, 하위 그룹은 30.61%의 정확도를 보였다. 또한 상위 그룹은 238가지 동사(type)에 {-었-}을 총 710회(token) 사용하여 하나의 동사에 대해 평균 2.98회 사용한 반면, 하위 그룹은 83가지 동사 종류(type)에 {-었-}을 총 259회(token) 사용하여 하나의 동사에 대해 평균 3.12회 사용함으로써, 상위 그룹이 type 및 token 수도 많을 뿐만 아니라 type 당 token 수는 적게 나와, 하위 그룹에 비해 다양한 동사에 {-었-}을 사용하고 있음을 확인할 수 있다. 이는 상위 그룹의 경우 출현 빈도가 높은 80개 동사의 누적 빈도가 74.08%에 그쳤지만 하위 그룹의 경우에는 98.84%에 달했다는 사실, 그리고 1회만 출현한 동사의 수가 상위 그룹은 전체 동사의 55.4%에 이른 반면, 하위 그룹은 40.9%에 그친 점에서도 뒷받침된다. (2) 시간부사어(temporal adverbial)의 출현은 {-었-} 사용의 정확도에 다소 영향을 미친 것으로 나타났는데, 시간부사어가 있을 때의 정확도는 66.37%이며, 출현하지 않았을 때는 60.89%로서, 시간부사어의 출현이 {-었-} 사용의 정확도에 긍정적 영향을 미침을 알 수 있다. 수준별로는 상위 그룹의 경우 시간부사가 있을 때와 없을 때 정확도 차이가 2.95%, 하위 그룹의 경우에는 시간부사가 있을 때와 없을 때 정확도 차이가 3%를 보여, 상위 그룹과 하위 그룹에서는 차이가 적었으나, 중위 그룹에서 시간부사가 있을 때와 없을 때 정확도 차이가 8.63%를 보였다. 이는 시간부사어(temporal adverbial)의 출현이 {-었-}의 정확도에 전반적으로 큰 영향을 미치는 것은 아니며, {-었-}의 사용 수준이 높아지는 중간 단계에 영향을 미칠 수 있음을 시사하는 것으로 판단된다. (3) 동사의 의미 특성은 {-었-}의 사용 양상에 영향을 미치는 것으로 드러났다. 한국어 학습자들의 경우, ‘완성동사(accomplishment)>성취동사(achievement)>행위동사(activities)>심리동사(psych verb)>상태동사(states)’의 순서로 {-었-} 사용의 정확도가 높았다. 완성동사와 성취동사의 경우는 상위 그룹과 하위 그룹의 정확도 차이가 42% 정도이며, 행위동사 및 상태동사의 경우는 60% 이상 차이를 보였는데, 이러한 결과는 행위동사와 상태동사일 때 {-었-}이 더 늦게 습득됨을 시사하며, 한국어 시제 표지 {-었-} 습득의 경우에도 시상가설(AH)과 유사한 양상이 나타남을 말해 준다. 다만, ‘시상가설(AH)’에서는 과거시제 습득이 ‘성취동사’로부터 시작하여 점차 ‘상태동사’에 이를 것으로 예측하였는데, 본 연구의 결과는 완성동사와 성취동사가 거의 유사하게 나타났으며, 심리동사는 상태동사보다 정확도가 높았다는 점에서 차이를 보여 준다. 4장에서는 연결형(접속문)에서의 과거시제 표지 {-었-}의 사용 양상을 다루었다. 연결형에서는 {-었-}의 출현이 불가능한 경우와, 출현 여부가 의미 차이를 보이지 않는 경우, 출현 여부에 따라 의미가 다른 경우로 나누어 살펴보았는데, 이는 각각의 경우 {-었-}의 출현 Ph. D. Thesis A Study on the KSL Learners’ Use of Korean Past Tense Marker ‘-었/əss/-’ Gi-nam Jang Department of Korean Language Education as a Second Language Graduate School Yeungnam University (Supervised by Dong-ju Choi) Abstract The goal of this paper is to examine how learners of KSL (Korean as a Second Language) use the time-based expression (“Time Talk” or Tense). Most studies in the second language acquisition area have focused on how second language learners come to recognize time-based expressions (or tense). Aspect hypothesis (hereafter “AH”) is taken into consideration as a representative case in many languages to be understood as a cross linguistic phenomenon. The concept of this study is similar with AH, and focuses on the issues involved if AH is adopted by learners of KSL, and how they use time-based Korean expressions in multiple points of view. The data of this study are obtained from articles written by KSL learners and all data were examined to assure proper application. This study also attempted to analyze how the examined cases were differently adopted according to learners’ levels, appearance of temporal adverbial, meaning or characteristics of predicate, and syntax structure (conclusive type and connective type). This study can be summarized as follows; Theoretical discussion on temporal expression was dealt with in Chapter Two. This study specifically defined the term of tense as a grammatical category that shows a temporal position of event, process, and state as a role of deictic category. Although trichotomous antagonism of past, present, and future tenses was shown in some cases, it was regarded as a dichotomous antagonism of past, and ‘non-past’ from the reference of earlier research. In addition, this study addressed the relationship between temporal adverb and tense, introducing AH, in which semantic characteristics of predicate affects learners’ acquisition in learning Aspect (past tense expression of ‘-었/əss/-’). Chapter Three dealt with the issue of how learners of KSL use the past tense expression ‘-었/əss/-’. Accuracy, diversity of connective predicate, the different uses by the appearance of temporal adverbial, and the difference of the semantic characteristics of predicate, were addressed in this chapter. The results can be summarized as follows; (1) According to the survey on the aspect of past tense expression ‘-었/əss/-’ in the conclusive type, the advanced-level group shows an accuracy of 89.75% while the lower-level group shows an accuracy of 30.61%. Advanced learners used ‘-었/əss/-’ 710 times with 238 different verbs (which means 2.98 times with one verb on average), while lower-level learners used ‘-었/əss/-’ 259 times with 83 different verbs (which means 3.12 times of use with one verb on average). Advanced learners used ‘-었/əss/-’ in more verbs, more times, but less times per one verb, indicating they use ‘-었/əss/-’ in a greater variety of verbs. These results can be supported by the survey showing that cumulative frequency on 80 high frequency verbs was 74.08% in advanced learners, and 98.84% in lower-level learners. The proportion of verbs used once was 55.4% in advanced learners compared to 40.9% in lower-level learners. (2) The appearance of temporal adverbial seemed influential in accuracy of using ‘-었/əss/-’. The accuracy rate was 66.37% with temporal adverbial and 60.89% without temporal adverbial, which shows the appearance of temporal adverbial has a positive influence in the accurate use of ‘-었/əss/-’. Advanced learners and low-level learners have an accuracy gap of 2.95% and 3% respectively, while the intermediate level has an 8.63% gap. This result indicates that the appearance of temporal adverbial is not influential to the accuracy of ‘-었/əss/-’ overall, but it can be influential to intermediate learners whose language proficiency is higher than that of beginners. (3) The semantic characteristics of verbs can affect the use of ‘-었/əss/-’. The learners of KSL showed high accuracy in using ‘-었/əss/-’ in order of accomplishment verbs, achievement verbs, activity verbs, psych verbs and state verbs. There was a 42% gap in accuracy between the advanced group and the beginner group in the case of accomplishment verbs and achievement verbs, and there was a gap of over 60% in the case of activity verbs and state verbs. This result shows that learners may acquire the proper use of ‘-었/əss/-’ later with activity verbs and state verbs. The acquisition of Korean temporal expression of ‘-었/əss/-’ has similar aspects with AH. AH predicted that the acquisition of past tense can be acquired in order of accomplishment verbs and state verbs, however the result of this study showed similar accomplishment degree with those two verbs. Additionally, the learners showed higher accuracy in using psych verbs than with state verbs. Chapter Four dealt with the aspect of how the past tense expression of ‘-었/əss/-’ was used in a conjunctive sentence. There were three kinds of case studies because the appearance of ‘-었/əss/-’ has varied meanings. The ‘first case’, when the use of ‘-었/əss/-’ is not allowed; the ‘second case’, when there is no difference of meaning regardless of ‘-었/əss/-’; and the ‘last case’, when there is a difference of meaning with or without ‘-었/əss/-’. (1) In the ‘first case’, there were 38 uses of ‘-었/əss/-’ even though the use of ‘-었/əss/-’ was ungrammatical. These errors were caused by the failure to acquire the restrictions on the use of ‘-었/əss/-’ in the conjunctive sentence. However, it is a different case without ‘-었/əss/-’ in the past tense. In the ‘second case’, it is difficult to notice the difference, for the case is always correct regardless of ‘-었/əss/-’. Acc

      • 고등학생들의 영어 시제와 상 습득에 관한 연구 : 과거, 현재완료, 과거완료를 중심으로

        홍혜경 서울시립대학교 교육대학원 2012 국내석사

        RANK : 21422

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the understanding and acquisition order of English tenses(e.g. past, present perfect, and past perfect) and aspects by Korean high school students who are learning English in EFL circumstances. Furthermore, it will check whether this result supports the‘Aspect Hypothesis’by Andersen and Shirai(1996). For this study, an experiment was conducted with 76 students(36 boys and 40 girls) who were in the first year in high school. They were instructed to complete 72 sentences by changing the forms of verbs with proper tenses within 45 minutes. The cloze-test included four categorized verbs proposed by Vendler in 1967: statives, activities, accomplishments, and achievements. The results of the test were analyzed according to gender and three levels of English proficiency. The main results obtained from this study are as follows. First, when only analyzing in terms of using tenses, every group divided by gender or levels received high scores in past tense; however, they could not complete sentences correctly using present perfect and past perfect. The reason students easily understand and use past tense is because Korean and English both have past forms of verbs. Second, when analyzing the result of the study focusing on‘lexical aspect’, every group received high scores in accomplishments and activities. Third, the result of the study did not support‘Aspect Hypothesis’, which states the order of verb acquisition as“accomplishments·achievements > activities > statives”. Students showed better acquisition with activities than achievements, and there can be three reasons for this. According to Oh Duk-hee(2007), some English statives can be translated into statives and activities in Korean and that is why Korean students tend to translate statives into activities. Second, Kim Eun-ju(2003) insists activities are acquired earlier because of students’first language input. Most Korean Middle School English textbooks typically introduce progressive before perfect, and progressive is related with duration and dynamicity which are main characters of activities. Lastly, according to‘Morpheme Order Studies’by Brown(1973, p. 274) and Krashen(1988, p. 59), L1 and L2 learners acquired progressive among other English morphemes, and it can be a possible reason why students acquired activities first. Also, statistic analysis was done using SPSS program to check if the result of the study is meaningful statistically. The result of T-tests showed that there were no meaningful differences between boys’and girls’acquisition order of verbs. However, the result of ANOVA showed that there were meaningful differences among high-level, intermediate-level, and low-level in their percentage of correct answers. Through the study, we can infer Korean high school students expected difficulties in understanding and using perfect forms of English. Therefore, English teachers need to put their efforts in developing a grammar teaching model that can help students enhance their communicative competence based on fluency and accuracy. 본 연구의 목적은 고등학교 1학년 학생들을 대상으로 동사의 시제(과거, 현재완료, 과거완료) 사용 능력을 평가하는 빈 칸 채우기 형식의 질문지를 완성하게 함으로써 EFL 상황에서 영어를 배우고 있는 한국 고등학생들의 영어의 시제와 상 이해 정도 및 습득 순서를 알아보고, 이 결과가 Andersen과 Shirai(1996)의‘상 가설(Aspect Hypothesis)’에서 제시한 동사습득 순서와 일치하는지 확인하는 것이다. 연구 방법은 다음과 같다. Vendler(1967)의‘어휘적 상(lexical aspect)’분류에 따른 상태동사(statives), 행위동사(activities), 도달동사(accomplishments), 성취동사(achievements)로 구성된 72문항의 질문지를 제작한 후 76명(남학생 36명, 여학생 40명)의 학생들에게 45분의 제한 시간 내에 빈 칸 옆에 주어진 동사를 시제에 맞게 변형하여 써 넣도록 지시한 후, 그 결과를 성별·수준별(상, 중, 하) 집단으로 분류하여 상세하게 분석하였다. 본 연구를 통하여 얻어진 주요 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 시제 사용 능력 측면에서만 분석해보았을 때, 성별·수준별로 분류한 모든 집단에서 과거시제의 정답률이 높게 나온 반면, 현재완료 시제와 과거완료 시제 정답률은 현저히 낮게 나타났는데, 이는 한국어와 영어 둘 다 과거형이 있기 때문에 학습자들이 과거시제의 이해 및 활용을 쉽게 했던 것으로 보인다. 둘째, 동사의 내재적 의미인‘상’의 개념에 중점을 두어 Vendler(1967)의‘어휘적 상’에만 초점을 맞춰 연구 결과를 분석해본 결과 남·녀 집단과 상·중·하 수준별 집단 모두 성취동사와 행위동사의 정답률이 높게 나타났다. 셋째, 연구 결과가‘상 가설’에서 제시한 동사 습득 순서인‘성취동사 ․ 도달동사 > 행위동사 > 상태동사’와 일치하는지 살펴보았더니, 행위동사의 정답률이 도달동사보다 높게 나타나는 결과가 나오며‘상 가설’의 동사 습득 순서와 일치하지 않았다. 이처럼 행위동사가 먼저 습득된 원인으로 세 가지를 생각해 볼 수 있는데, 첫째, 오덕희(2007)는 상태동사를 한국어로 옮길 때 상태동사와 행위동사로 모두 해석이 가능한 경우가 많아 학습자들이 상태동사를 동작성이 있는 행위동사로 해석하여 사용하는 경향이 있다고 하였는데, 이러한 경향이 행위동사가 먼저 습득된 원인 중 하나가 될 수 있다. 둘째, 김은주(2003)는 학습자들의 초기 언어 입력 도구인 중학교 1학년 교과서에서 완료형보다 진행형이 먼저 소개되는데, 진행형이 행위동사의 대표적 성격인 상황의 지속성이나 역동성과 관련이 있다고 하였는데, 이 또한 학습자들이 행위동사를 먼저 습득하게 된 원인 중 하나로 생각해 볼 수 있다. 마지막으로, Brown(1973, p. 274)과 Krashen(1988, p. 59)의‘형태소 순서 연구(Morpheme Order Studies)’에 따르면 L1과 L2 학습자들이 영어의 여러 형태소 중 진행형을 가장 먼저 습득하였는데, 이것이 영어 학습자들로 하여금 진행형과 성격이 비슷한 행위동사를 먼저 습득하게 한 원인이라고 생각해 볼 수 있겠다. 또한, 본 논문의 연구 결과가 통계적으로 유의미한지 살펴보기 위하여 SPSS 프로그램을 이용한 통계 분석을 실시하였는데, 남학생 집단과 여학생 집단을 T 검증(T-test)한 결과 두 집단의 동사 습득 순서에 큰 차이는 없는 것이 확인되었으며, 상, 중, 하 수준별 집단을 일원변량분석(ANOVA)한 결과 시제별, 어휘적 상 별로 살펴 본 집단별 평균 정답수 대부분이‘p<0.05’라는 결과가 나와 집단 간 평균 정답수에 유의미한 차이가 있다는 결과가 나왔다. 본 연구를 통해 한국의 고등학생들이 완료형의 기능과 의미를 파악하고 활용하는데 어려움을 겪고 있는 것으로 나타났으므로, 현장의 영어 교사들은 학생들이 유창성과 정확성을 모두 갖춘 의사소통 능력을 향상시킬 수 있도록 돕는 문법 수업 모형의 개발을 위해서 노력해야 할 것이다.

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