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      • 지역 특성화 산업 육성에 관한 연구 : 안양지역 영상콘텐츠산업을 중심으로

        원두환 서울산업대학교 IT정책전문대학원 2007 국내석사

        RANK : 250735

        As Korean central government has pursued balanced development of its each region, a regional government needs to promote a specialized industry of its own. In this study, a case study on promotion of regional industry is presented. First, to select the next generation industry of Anyang City, we conducted internal and external environmental analysis of the City. An Inter-industry analysis and Location Quotient method were also used. In this study, multi-media contents industry has chosen one of the next-generation industry of Anyang City as it has shown relatively high relevance with the provincial government's strategy. To provide a promotion plan of multi-media contents industry, an analysis of multi-media contents industry has been provided and roles of regional government are identified. The main promotion strategy is determined as follows. 1) foundation of infrastructure, 2) promotion of professional human powers, 3) support for relevant business, 4) focus on public relations, and 5) integration of network. 참여정부는 국가균형발전을 통한 21세기 선진국가로의 도약을 위해 지역 특성화 산업을 발굴하여 육성하고자 하는 이른바 지역균형발전 정책을 추진 중에 있다. 따라서 각 지방자치단체도 지역특성에 맞는 고부가가치산업을 육성할 필요가 있다. 이에 안양지역 특성에 맞는 고부가가치 전략산업을 도출하고자 우리는 안양시의 내부와 외부의 환경 분석을 하였으며 산업연관분석과 입지상계수을 사용하여 차세대성장동력산업을 종합 분석한 결과 멀티미디어 콘텐츠산업를 안양시 전략산업으로 선정하게 되었다. 멀티미디어 콘텐츠산업이 전략산업으로 선정됨에 따라 이와 관련된 디지털 영상콘텐츠산업의 동향을 살펴보았으며, 한편 문화산업으로서 정보와 지식, 문화 등 지적 요소가 기반이 되는 대표적인 지식산업으로서 영상콘텐츠산업의 중요성과 국내 영상산업 발전을 위한 극복 과제 등을 조사해 보았다. 본 논문의 핵심인 영상콘텐츠산업 육성을 위한 중장기 추진전략과 육성방안으로서 영상콘텐츠산업 기반구축의 시급성과 인적·물적 집적화를 통한 영상콘텐츠 중심도시로의 전환이 필요하다고 하였으며 이를 실현하기 위해서는 산업 인프라구축, 전문인력 양성, 관련기업 지원, 영상문화조성, 통합네트워크 구축이라는 5가지 육성방안을 제시하였다.

      • 영상콘텐츠 산업의 유통구조 개선에 관한 전략연구

        김창완 동명정보대학교 정보대학원 2005 국내석사

        RANK : 234319

        This research gives a significance that make people realize the importance of image contents, achieved by literature investigation, about realities and growth ways of an image contents industry in Korean society, This research senses to apply a basic of researching. The purpose of this research is grope a trend of Korean culture, an accurate understanding about industry of an image content which creates high additional values, and exact ways to improve the marketing structure for image content. In this research, there are some points to improve the marketing structure; first, there are some deductions of problems after an observation of content in the market and the industry of a national image content. Second, we have a presentation of growth with basis of the problem of this marketing structure. The composition of this research is 4 chapters. The first chapter is an introduction, the second chapter is an national industry image contents and the marketing structure, the third chapter is the growth ways of an industry of an image content, and the last chapter is a conclusion. I establish one issue to grope the improvement of a marketing structure for the industry of an image contents which is a purpose of my research. First, I would like to know what problems the market condition of an industry of an image contents does have. Second, the present condition of a marketing structure and problems. Third, the political task to have a development of an industry of an image contents. First, it visualizes a necessity of legal of inside and the outside of country and systematical supporting, after a rapid increase of digital contents. Second, a copyright of digital content problem causes shriveling of an industry of online contents and offline contents. Third, there are not many earning power models for a dotcom that works for an image. Fourth, there is a damage by remanufacturing of contents that illegally reproduced, and flow. There are some suggestions to solve these problems. We need to create the several service models those are from a fusion of broadcasting and communication, prevent controlling connection of digital contents and illegal reproduction, andstandardization of expression and retrieval of an information of contents. It is better to have a reinforcement of maintenance of a copyright law for both internal and external of the country, and transparency of flow of digital image contents. There must be a long-range policy to resolve these kind of problems. With our economic crisis, enterprisers believe that the image industry has a limitation, and therefore they conservatively intend to have a reduction strategy, but they need to realize that an image industry is a new hopeful industry, and forward to apply for a new opportunity with this. A development of the image industry, it can't be done in a day, and it needs a continuous investment, and long term policy. Even if it takes a long time, we need to have these kinds of systems for training the human resource for an image industry and construction of infrastructure Second, we better to have an activation of an image industry by appeasement of regulation, and system improvement. A development of an image industry shouldn't directly depend on financial supporting of a government. But it should form with the direction of promoting free competition (it relief of excess industry legislation, and also has an activation of unpublished creation with having a legislation, system and reformation) We need to have a system construction which operates with a marketing principle, but get away from political consideration about an image industry. For infrastructure of an image industry(which has a existence of market failure), we better to have a supplementary policy induction. Third, We need an establishment of an image data depository and DB construction. It is inefficient both in quantity and in quality that each broadcasting station or image manufacturing companies purchase a data, and it costs a lot. We need to have an activation of 2nd program market to open to the public programs that broadcasting stations, film industries, and image manufacturing companies produce and keep. In this case , it is possible to reconstruct or remanufacture the work, not only completed work would, but also an pieces of an image data would do it too. With this counterproposal, we would establish the developing strategy. First thing is a construction of infrastructure for image manufacturing. Second thing is modernization of an image marketing structure. These suggestions would cause an effect which create addition values at domestic market by application of 2nd program. As far we go, It is possible to advance to an international market. Third thing is an extension of an image IT foundation. With supporting an image content technology, we need to support new technology for manufacturing contents, and security of technology to manufacture constituents for contents. Also, with supporting the basics of an image IT, we should make a plan to bring in IT equipments, financial supporting of funds, and development of standardization for color and sound of digital images. The last thing is make a legislation to use an outside program at prime time(7 pm to 11 pm), because an outside order manufacturing doesn't have efficiency after an improvement of the regulation system.

      • 디지털화에 따른 영상 컨텐츠 산업의 효율화 방안연구 : 국내 지상파 방송시장을 중심으로

        김인홍 중앙대학교 신문방송대학원 2000 국내석사

        RANK : 234303

        This Study is on Contents industry raised as core industry in multi-channel era. Specially this study is focused on domestic Telecommunication market. The "Digitalization" expressed as the ability of different network platforms to carry essentially similar kinds of services, or the coming together of consumer devices such as image, broadcasting, Internet. Lately the Digitalization Phenomenon in contents industry is fulled by the rapid technological change. In this context, this study asked what are Digitalization and how progress it in content industry. The necessity of Contents is as follows. First, Demand of Contents is increased as various media is brought up through the development of information technology. Second, the advent of superhighway and the merge of media through digital technology lead to integration of media industry. The integrating media cope is recognized of Contents. Third, The bring up of Contents industry is strongly needed, because the development of media-oriented and the disproportion of contents make domestic media market being merged as market for sale of goods by foreign transnational companies The study is follows, 1. On change of media environment. Contents is developed as information or message basically, connected media. The technical characteristics of media environment brought up of importance of Contents industry is same below. Firstly, digitalization, Secondly, the rapid growth of fiber-cable technology and telecommunication technology. Thirdly, visualization of media is developed by visual-compress technology. So the characteristic of today media era. 2. The concept and the classification of contents industry as information or message. Contents is information or entertainment industry furnished the various expressive way like drawing, letters, cartoons and marks contents is included in existing information industry as industrial classification. It is illustrated as two categories. First, as individual form like publishing, video(movie, broadcasting etc.) records service is communicated according to information is integrated to as one by development of digital technology and provided on network is expressed integration of individual information form 3. Development of global media industry including contents industry. Media industries through development of digital tech appears as media merge, to cope with globalization of media industry including contents industry and securing multinational customer and brand-new customer and merge of technology, the related cooperations are to secure competition exceeding classification of industry and the boundaries through aquisition & merge or cooperation for strategy ① enlarging the scale of company, ② diversity, ③ getting secure as making cooperation management globalization. 4. The Characteristic and problem of domestic contents industry The structure of domestic broadcasting is classified in according with contents as public access Telecommunication markets. Production is divided as media, program and contents in a horizontal way, transmitted through individual network, consequently, this structure makes contents consumed in just one media in just one time. That is why contents don't get industrial effects. This study analyses the digitalization in contents industry and korean situation. The result of digitalization is far reaching. This study will contribute pave the developments of an appropriate environment which will facilitate the full achivement of the opportunities offered by the content industry To activate domestic contents industry. First, It is needed to integrate media industry divided in individual media. Second, it is needed for integration to secure circulation for multi-dimensional use. And so that, we have to guarantee free access to network, and lessen restrict structure complicatedly binded existing media. And more, nonnecessary organization should be integrated as one, too.

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