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      • 對日貿易逆調改善에 관한 硏究

        김정욱 光州大學校 大學院 1997 국내박사

        RANK : 248703

        우리 經濟는 1962年 經濟開發에 本格的으로 착수한 이래 30여 년 간 對外指向的인 工業化를 통하여 高度成長을 이룩함으로써 經濟規模의 擴大와 國民所得의 增大, 産業構造의 近代化등 큰 結實을 보았다. 그러나 우리 나라 기업의 競爭力은 1989年 이후에 현저히 惡化되었다. 즉 지난 6-7年間의 우리 경제를 보면 經濟成長率이 급속히 떨어지는 가운데 특히 제조업 분야의 경쟁력 약화현상이 두드러지게 나타나고 있다. 1960年代 이후 우리 製造業은 年平均 10% 이상의 높은 성장을 지속하여 經濟成長을 주도하였으나 1989년 이후 제조업은 년평균 6.5% 성장에 그쳐 전체 성장률보다도 밑돌고 있다. 製造業 競爭力이 급속히 떨어지게 된 요인을 살펴보면 먼저 競爭力을 결정하는 요소가격의 상승을 들 수 있다. 생산성을 훨씬 상회하는 賃金의 급격한 상승, 고금리, 비싼공장용지, 사회간접자본 부족에 따른 물류비용의 상승 등 어느 것 하나 다른 나라에 비해 유리할 것이 없는 형편이다. 또 尖端技術 水準은 先進國에 비해 크게 뒤떨어져 있고 新製品 開發能力도 매우 虛弱한 실정이다. 부품 및 중간재의 국산화가 꾸준히 진전되고 있으나 아직도 많은 核心部品을 수입에 의존하고 있다. 우리 나라는 1962年 경제개발5개년 계획의 시행과 함께 工業化를 추진하고 수출 주도의 經濟成長을 이루면서 이에 소요되는 자본재와 중간재를 불가피하게 輸入에 依存하여왔다. 이러한 자본재와 중간재를 가장 손쉽게 송급할 수 있는 중간기지가 된 곳이 바로 日本인 것이다. 이에 따라 우리 나라는 日本과의 貿易을 하는데 있어서 줄곧 赤子를 기록하여 왔다. 이러한 對日 貿易收支 不均衡의 지속은 우리 경제의 건전한 발전과 對外 去來의 均衡을 어렵게 할뿐만 아니라 一國에 대한 과다한 貿易逆調를 유지한 채 貿易收支의 均衡을 도모하는 것은 여타 지역에서 큰 黑字를 내야 함을 의미하므로 이들 지역과의 通商摩擦을 야기할 소지가 크다는 점에서 반드시 해결하여야 할 課題라고 하겠다. 따라서 본 硏究는 對日貿易逆調의 改善을 위하여 對日貿易역조의 現況 및 要因을 分析하고 그에 대한 對應策을 제시하고자 하였는데 구체적인 방안은 다음과 같다. Korea's trade with Japan registered $13.5 billion of expert and $25.4 billion of import, respectively, in 1994, showing rise in the total trade between two countries at averrage 20.1 percent annually since 1968 after the normalization of diplomatic relations between Korea and Japan. Turning from the trend of a fall since the 1986 peak is $5.4 billion deficit. Korea's trade unbalance against Japan began again to rise from 1990. In 1990, it record $11.9 billion unprecedented before, whice Korean economy might not afford in consider of its GNP level. The rise of this trade unbalance against Japan stemed from, in the part of Korea, 1 the industrial structure which induced imports from Japan 2 the lack of technology as well as the weak marketing power and 3 the lack of price-competitiveness due to the recent rises wages and prices, and, in the part of Japan, 1 the infiexble import system which regulated imports 2 tje rise of reverse-imports of the proucts manufactured by Japanese overseas operations located in the Asian region and 3 the tariff and non-tariff barriers. This trade unbalance against Japan, of course, might be regarded simplyas temporary on. However, as there is no slightest of improvement, it should be recognized as a serious problem. therefore, it became one of the most important and urgent questions to rectify the unbalance between Korea and Japan. In this thesis, the reasons of the trade unbalance between two countries and suggestions on its reforming measures are being summarized as follows: First, the following are suggested to increase export to Japan : 1 the development of competitive advantages over Japan, 2 the promotion of marketingactivity, 3 the overcoming of Japan's closed structure of distribution shannel, 4 the active utilization of Japan's policy toward the enlargement of import, 5 the development of strategy adapting to the change in Japan's importing structure. Second, the ways for the control of import from Japan are as follows : 1 the modification of the industrial structure depending on Japan, 2 the fosterage of industry to substitute import, 3 the diversification of importing countries, 4 the refinement of image and quality of domestic products. It is very hard to decrease the trade deficit in a short time because the deficit is due to the disparity of technology, the technology depending on Japan and the structural similarity of industry and trade between two countries. Therefore, the trade unbalance problem between Korea and Japan should be approached strategically and systematically in a long-term perspective.

      • 韓國의 對日依存的 工業化의 展開過程에 따른 對日貿易逆調의 現況分析 : 機械類産業의 對日比較優位 變化要因과 貿易逆調를 中心으로

        장유식 東亞大學校 大學院 1993 국내석사

        RANK : 248703

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the present condition of Korea's trade on balance to Japan and to find out the factors of it by using statistical data through 1962 into 1991. In the process of the industrialization which has been developed into the light industry, the heavy chemical industry and the machine parts industry. it has been gradually grown depending on Japan, so the Korea's trade in balance to Japan was inevitably induced. In each stage, a from of Japanse capitalistic invasion of the Korean market was evolved as forms of financial dependence, capital dependence and technological depenence on Japan and the loan, direct investment and technological depenence on Japan and the loan. direct investment and technology export to Korea were accomplished as a link of the traditional export intention of Japanese capitalism. On the other hand, a feature of Korea's trade transition through 1962 into 1991 is as follows : Korea's export increase has taken the lead in export increase to America and Korea's import increase was leaded import increase from Japan as result of export increase to America. In this place, machinery industry is given extremely much weight in the imports from Japan. And so. The structure peculiarity of the Korean trade can be described as consumption goods export to America and porduction goods import from Japan. Finally, the competitive function estimation result of each type of machinery industry shows that in the metal goods, electrical machinery and transportation equipment. export price affects on competitive index and Trade specialization index in Korea greatly affected by the influence of FXJ. The estimation result of export price index measures up to our expectations. The increase of currency value, inlerest rate, wage cost and wholesale price is closely connected with export price increase.

      • 對日貿易逆調의 改善方案에 관한 硏究

        고영환 檀國大學校 1989 국내석사

        RANK : 248703

        Our country's trade-quantity with Japan extended largely after normalization of diplomatic relations with Japan in '1965. However, the increase of an adverse balance is actual circumstance. Despite of the growth of trade with Japan in quantity and quality, the scope of a deficit in revenue & expenditure of trade with Japan gets to 43.7 billion dollars from 1965 to 1987. This deficit is 155.5% of 28.1 billion dollars which is ourcountry's total trade deficit during the same period. This fact shows its seriousness. Like these, the phenonena of an adverse balance appear continously and several factors about this are pointed as followings. First factor is the dependence on Japan in the industrial structure. our country promotes an export industrialization by way of imitative development which received skills and capitals. Especially, machinary, accessoties and materials occupy a majority of the dependent degree on Japan. Second factor is Japan's restriction for imports and circulating structure. Japan restrict our country's exports in the way of a stringent customs formalities and the conditioning of quality & standard. In addition to that, complicated circulating structure and special trade-convention in Japan is emerging as Japanese trade wall. Third factor is the weakeness of competitive power in price. Past revenue & expenditure had abnormal aspects as following: expenditure intrade with Japan increased when Yen has a bullish tendency, expenditure intrade with Japan decreased when Yen has a weakening tendency. This aspect is great factor inadverse balance trade with Japan. These factors we have said above act as a great one of adverse balance in trade with Japan. Consequently, we need to consider counterplans as followings inorder to remove these factors and improve the trade with Japan. First, we must encourage the development of Korean-made machinary, accessories and materials. For this, bussiness circules must facilitate the developnent of skills and the co-operative research and development system nest be established. It is also demended keenly to accelerated the serialization and specialization of industry and to reinforce the administrative suports. Second, it is groping for division of labour-system between Korea & Japan. For this, we need following treatment domestically. (1) establishment of organization wholly responsibling for mediation and arrangement of skills. (2) promotion the co-operative relations with academic circles, business circles and government's researching organization. (3) practical using the Japanese researchers and engineers. (4) establishing the organization wholly responsibling for examining the Japan-market. In addition to these, we need also following treatments exernally. (1) Inducement of the rearing the medium industry and activation the skill-developments. (2) raesing our own development power through cultivating the our high-class brains and reinforcing the basic researches. (3) activating the co-operative researches with the academic circles, the bussuness circles and researching organizations. (4) collecting the infomation about skills and reinforcing the circulative system. (5) quickening the industrialization of new skills. Third, it is coping with tariff wall and tariff-free wall. It is dutible to collect and amalyze the information periodically about Japanese trade-wall and to set up the preganization wholly responsibling for the reade-wall, which devese practical measure. We also must found a commercial control committee which has the duty as followings : abolishing the trade-wall, promoting all sorts of imports and supporting the act of a purchasing mission. Fourth, It is many variation in imports line. Because our country depends greatly upon Japan in imports we need a institude provision in order to administer the local trade-revenue & expenditure. We also have to change the import line which leans upon Japan by way of activiting the trade marketing. Till now, we have examined the cause of adverse balance and its reform measures in trade with Japan from the nomalization of diplomatic relations with Japan to 1987. Its reform measures which is short- term and fragmentary cannot solve the problems in industrial structure. Instead of that, its reform measures distorted the industrial structure and bring out a disadvantageous results in long-term. So we must research the reform measures of adverse balance in trade with Japan in a view of longterm and whole economy.

      • 17~18세기 대일무역의 변화와 성격

        김영록 부산대학교 2022 국내박사

        RANK : 248703

        임진왜란 이후 1870년대 초까지 약 270여 년 동안 부산의 왜관에서 조선과 일본 간의 무역이 진행되었다. 그중 17~18세기는 청‧일간 중계무역을 중심으로 대일무역이 가장 왕성했던 시기였다. 이 시기 중앙정부-국가기관-개인(역관‧상인 등)으로 구분되는 다수의 무역 참여자가 상호 협력과 갈등을 동반하면서 무역을 전개해나갔다. 이 과정에서 조선은 동아시아 조공체제 내의 외교를 지속할 수 있는 경제적 기반을 구축하였으며, 대일무역은 국내의 재정과 시장 경제를 자극하였다. 이 글에서는 기존의 연구에서 논의된 대일무역의 양상과 개인의 무역활동의 토대 위에서 대일무역의 변화 양상을 살펴보았다. 이를 통해 무역 이윤과 국가 재정과의 연관성, 국내유통체계와 대일무역의 상관성, 무역의 성쇠에 따른 국가의 대응 등을 검토하였다. 조선과 일본의 국교가 재개되면서 외교, 국방적인 이유에서 개시무역이 시작되었다. 이후 외교적 성격을 지닌 공무역이 실시되면서 개시무역은 경제적 실리에 따라 변동하였다. 개시무역 참여자가 증가하면서 무역 관리를 위한 제 규정들이 마련되었는데, 밀무역의 폐단을 방지하고 무역의 확대를 도모하는 차원이었다. 17세기 전반 공목의 품질 문제가 대일관계의 주요 교섭 대상이 되면서, 개시무역 내 공목 수표의 거래와 공작미 무역이 실시되었다. 공목 수표의 거래는 물품 자체가 왜관 내에서는 거래되지 않는 신용을 바탕으로 한 무역메커니즘으로 물품의 운송 단계를 생략한 효율성과 유동성을 확보하였다. 재정 물류가 무역품으로, 무역품이 시장으로 연결되어 상호관계를 맺게 되면서 개시무역의 규모가 축소된 후에도 국내 시장을 이용한 재원 축적의 가능성을 만들었다. 다만 개시무역 내 거래 기회의 확대를 도모하는 차원에서 공목 수표를 미리 교부하는 관례가 증가하면서 부채문제가 대두하였다. 조선 정부는 개개인의 상업 활동에 대해서는 개입을 최소화하려 했지만, 무역 문제가 외교적 현안으로까지 비화하는 것을 원치 않았다. 부채를 회수하는 동시에 무역 장소를 지정하고, 정상적인 개시무역 거래 외에 채권 거래를 금지하였다. 이는 「禁散入各房約條」로 표면화되었다. 더불어 공작미 무역의 실시로 당시 지급하던 공목의 품질 기준을 국내에서 유통되는 正布로 통일함으로써 비용 및 조달에 대한 조선 측 부담이 경감되었다. 목면과 쌀로 대일무역품의 결제수단이 이분화되었으며, 경상도지역 내에서 확보하여 하납하였다. 하납 재원은 동래부의 물류를 구축함으로써 동래 지역의 유통 경제를 자극하는 기반이 되었다. 17세기 후반, 백사-은 중계무역을 중심으로 대일무역은 점차 확대되었다. 청으로 파견되는 사행의 시기에 맞추어 왜관에 은이 유입될 만큼 개시무역은 대청사행무역과 긴밀하게 연결되었다. 역관과 상인은 기관과의 연결망을 통해 자본을 확보하여 무역활동을 전개하였다. 기관은 대출을 통해 재원 축적을 도모하였다. 중앙정부에서는 부작용을 우려하여 무역을 이용한 각 기관의 재정 확보와 관은 대출을 대체적으로 반대하는 입장이었지만, 청과의 외교를 원활하게 유지하기 위해 이를 허용할 수밖에 없었다. 그 결과 개시무역에는 ‘公貨’라고 할 수 있는 각 기관의 재원이 다량 유입되었다. 공화는 중계무역의 이익에만 한정되지 않고 다양한 목적으로 왜관에 유입되었다. 왜관의 시장 규모, 이익 구조와 함께 왜관에서 가장 많이 거래되는 은, 동, 쌀, 목면이 조선 경제를 지탱하는 상품이자 화폐수단, 조선의 재정을 구성하는 주요 저축수단이었다는 점에서 그 이유를 찾을 수 있다. 하지만 공화의 유입은 거래의 우선권, 면세의 특전 등 개시무역 질서의 혼란을 불러왔다. 이에 중앙정부는 공권력의 무역 참여를 지속적으로 규제하려 했다. 이는 1691년에 「東萊商賈定額節目」의 제정 등 18세기 초까지 이어지는 각종 규제책으로 나타났다. 무역을 통한 경제활동의 주체를 개인으로 한정하려 했던 것이다. 하지만 무역의 이익이 재원 운용의 효율성과 직결되었기 때문에 각 기관의 공화 거래는 완전히 근절되지 않는 등 중앙정부의 무역정책은 일관되게 수용되지 못했다. 그 과정에서 개인에게 특권과 자본이 부여되었다. 기관과의 연결성을 담보로 한 특권은 개인이 원활하게 무역활동을 수행하는 데에 상당한 기반이 되었으며, 개성상인과 같은 부류는 이를 이용하여 성장해나갈 수 있었다. 1720년대에 접어들면서 주요 수출입 물품인 백사-은의 공급이 원활하지 않아 왜관에서는 각자의 손실을 만회하기 위한 1여 년간의 무역 협상이 진행되었다. 당시의 협상은 동래상인‧역관-재경물주(역관)-조선 정부의 역학관계 속에서 전개되었다. 이를 통해 무역품의 가격은 시장의 수급 문제나 조선 국내의 물품 거래 가격 등 경제적 제반 요건에 영향을 받으며 여러 차례의 협의를 거쳐 변동하고 있었음을 알 수 있었다. 더불어 개시무역에서 ‘被執’과 ‘銀割’이라는 쌍방 간 채권‧채무관계가 중첩되어 있었음을 확인하였다. 조선 정부는 개시무역을 비롯하여 왜관에서 발생하는 무역 거래에 대해 세금을 부과하기도 했다. 무역에 따른 세금액은 물품가액의 1/10이었으며, 백사는 은으로, 인삼과 雜貨는 물품 그대로 수세하였다. 무역의 수세는 밀무역을 하는 하나의 구실이 되기도 하였으며, 국가는 이를 통제함으로써 외교적 분쟁을 막고 세수를 확보하려 했다. 수세는 동래부와 호조가 담당하였다. 다만 이권을 둘러싸고 양자 간 마찰이 일어나기도 했다. 더불어 무역세원은 동래부의 중요한 경제적 기반이 되었다. 이후 물품의 수급에 따른 무역 거래의 유동성이 더욱 심화되면서 사행원들의 부채 문제가 불거졌다. 그 대응으로 정부는 1726년에 상채청을 설치하였다. 대청외교를 수행하는 경제적 기반이 흔들리고 있었기 때문이다. 하지만 1743년 상채청이 폐지되었다. 중계무역을 통한 무역 이윤의 축적이 더 이상 유효하지 않음을 의미했다. 조선은 중계무역의 쇠퇴에도 이를 회복시키거나 촉진하려 하진 않았다. 이후 1758년 官帽制의 시행, 1774년 세모법을 시행하면서 대청외교 비용과 사행원의 경제적 이익을 확보하는 방식은 국내 유통 판로를 이용한 형태로 이행되었다. 중계무역의 쇠퇴는 결국 무역세의 감소로 이어지면서 동래부 재정에도 타격을 주었다. 이에 동래부는 적극적인 식리활동을 전개해나갔다. 하납 재원을 중심으로 한 동래 지역의 재정적, 지역적 물류를 기반으로 한 것이었다. 중계무역의 쇠퇴로 은의 수입이 감소하면서 동이 가장 중요한 수입품 중 하나로 자리매김했다. 이로써 대일무역은 기존의 백사‧인삼-은의 거래에서 마른 해삼‧우피‧약재-동의 거래로 무역구조가 전환되었다. 18세기 중반, 주전 사업을 위한 동의 확보가 그 중요성을 더해가면서 결국 정부는 동의 국내 유통망을 제한하는 정책을 추진해나갔다. 사적 거래망을 제한함으로써 국가에 동을 집중시켰다. 이는 재정적, 외교적 필요에 따른 대책으로 기존의 무역 운영에서 정부가 고수한 기조와 달랐다. 동이 국가의 재정과 시장을 구성하는 필수 요소로 자리했기 때문이었다. 1788년 年例鑄錢制가 실시되면서 동의 사적 매매는 더욱 엄격히 금지되었다. 주조된 동전은 공목을 대신하여 동래부로 하납되기도 했다. 이처럼 동래부와 왜관에서 동의 수입과 상평통보의 유통이 동시에 이루어지고 있었으며, 이는 조선후기 대일무역과 국내 경제의 긴밀한 연관성을 보여준다.

      • 對日貿易逆調의 要因分析과 對策에 관한 小考

        조기춘 명지대학교 대학원 1986 국내석사

        RANK : 248703

        Korea has achieved a rapid economic development by adopting an export-oriented growth strategy, and employing foreign capitals substantially for the past two decades. Moreover, with the export expansion of heavy and chemical industries, the improvement of the equivalent import substitute and the middle-east construction boom in 1970's, Korea has considerably increased its foreign exchange earnings. However, Korea's trade deficit with Japan has consistantly increased during the period and now become a great burden in the process of her future economic development. Korea's trade deficit with Japan formed 86.6% of her total deficit during the period from 1965, the year of Korea-Japan Normalization Treaty, to 1985, and summed around 33 billion dollars. Particularly in 1985, Korea's trade deficit with Japan exceeded her total deficit by more than 3.5 times which was 3 billion dollars. It indicates that the Korean foreign exchange earnings from other countries like U.S. and E.C. countries have been offset by the trade deficit with Japan. As a result, Korea's regional trade gap has been widened. Thus, Korea is now confronting protectionism from some countries, notably from the U.S. with which Korea is now enjoying a trade surplus. In order to stabilize the balance of payments of Korea in the long-term, it is necessary to improve the chronic trade deficit with Japan. The purpose of this study is to analyze the patterns of trade between two countries, some factors responsible for the trade imbalance between two countries, and finally provide a set of policy recommedations to improve Korea's trade deficit with Japan. The structural and chronic cause for Korea's trade deficit with Japan can be summarized as follows; (1) the structural differences of industries between Korea and Japan, (2) the structural weakness of the Korean export commodities to Japan, (3) the chronic increase in the degree of Korea's import dependence on the Japanese intermediate goods and machinery, (4) Korea's heavy dependence on both capital and technology from Japan, (5) the Japanese import restriction policy to the Korean products, (6) the complexity of the Japanese market structure. To overcome the above problems, the following pollcy recommendation are suggested in order to improve Korea's trade deficit with Japan: First, it is necessary to pursue a policy of horizontal specialization between two countries. Because under the current international specialization structure between two countries, in which Korea is specialized in light industry and Japan in heavy industry, Korea's trade deficit would be inevitably increased in the future. Second, it is important for Korea to diversity her trade partner with regard to the source of technology and capital. By diversifying the source of technology and capital, Korea would possibly improve international specialization system with many other countries, consequently leading to a reduction in trade deficit with Japan. Third, it would be desirable to negotiate with Japan for the removal or reduction in tariff and non-tariff import restrictions against Korean products. In the negotiation with Japan, Korea might as well cooperate with other countries which also have trade deficit problem with Japan to strengthen the international pressure for Japan to lower their import barriers. Finally, a new marketing strategy is necessary, taking a consideration of Japan's unique distribution market structure. The problem of improving the unfavorable trade balance can not be solved by one-side efforts alone. It needs a sincere cooperation from the partners of trade. Korea has rendered diplomatic efforts at various conferences to seek a favorable cooperation from Japan in improving the unfavorable trade balance. The result was not furitful. In addition, the problem of unfavorable trade balance with Japan is not what Korea suffers alone. There are many other countries which are in the same shoes as Korea. A cooperative measure by these countries including Korea may help to solve the problem of unfavorable trade balance with Japan.

      • 우리나라의 대일무역역조 시정방안에 관한 연구

        송만기 단국대학교 1986 국내석사

        RANK : 248703

        Korea has carried out "processing trade-led-growth strategy" since the 1960's, and has imported productive goods mainly from Japan required for maintaining this strategy, Consequently, Korea has the chronic problem of over-dependence on Japan for imports. This is a more serious problem for Korea because the over-dependence on Japan is caused by the proximity of the two nations and the cul-tural similarities between them rather than by complementarity of comparative advantage structure. In the case of machinery and equipment, the main cause of over-dependence upon Japan is the adaptation of Korea's technolo-gical structure to that of Japan due to cultural similarities and the historical background of the two countries. In the case of raw materials and parts the main cause is prompt delivery due to the short phyical distance between the two countries. Moreover, most Korean companies have buying schedules of such a short duration because of weakness of financial structure. As a result, they tend to put the first priority on promptness of delivery in the imports of raw materials and parts. I be-lieve that this aggravates the over-dependence on Japan as a neighboring country in Korea's imports. However, I have discovered in the result of my survey that-the shortage of technical and commercial information about mach-inery and equipment, raw materials and parts produced in the other countries is one of the serious difficulties in changing imports sources. Small and medium size importers have transacted 95% of Korea's imports from Japan. These companies have constr-aints in import marketing research ability, for they are deficient in capital, overseas marketing networks, and specialization of trade. Therefore it is di-ficult for them to overcome such con-straints in imports as short physical, social and cultural dis-tance to Japan by themselves. This implies that we are in urgent need of a policy to expand import information from many countrices and to enlarge the international horizon of the small and medium size importers, so that it improves the over-dependence on Japan. In view of complementarity of comparative advantage structure between Korea and developed countries, the following countries are recommendable as alternative sources of imports from Japan: U.S.A. Netherlands in. food products, U.S.A. Belgium in raw mater-ials, US.A. Germany, France, Italy, Belgium and Netherlands in chemicals, U.S.A., Germany, England, France, Italy, and Belgium in machinery. Finally, in connection with improving over-dependence on Japan it is also important to develops domestic technology and to deversity sources of introducing Capital and technology, con-sidering ,that adaptation to Japan of Korea's technological structure is one of the serious causes of over-dependence on Japan.

      • 한국의 대일무역 역조현황과 개선방안에 관한 연구

        홍승재 단국대학교 1994 국내석사

        RANK : 248702

        We recognize that Korean economy faces the serious structural problems, for the trade defict in 1991 amounted to unprecedentedly 9.7 billion dollars and 1992 defict 5.1 billion dollars,even with export-driving policy for last thirty years. In fact Korean enteprises have diffculty in entering into Japances market be cause of its competativeness and complicated needs of the consumer. In addition, our adverse- balance trade with Japan can not correct in such a short term on account of our inevitable importation from Japan. As it is due to industrial system upon which our importation is heavy dependent. Today, As our export to ASEAN and China has become dynamic with prolonged strong tendency of Japanese YEN, we can consider our gaining the black in the whole trade balance on the other countries as the remedy for our confronting problems today in trade mraket. Such as deeply situation of unfavorable balance trade against Japan is geograpion neighborhood location, and with the assemblous society cultural, etc, in account of this matter almost parts of capital material and raw-materisls imported from the Japan, in otherwise that there of exporting portion for prevention of farmer and fisher, and small middle industry etc fragile industry by Japan, to be strenthen with force for non - custom - tax barrier, which is a cause do not inctesed exporting into the Japan. And the importing preponderance of trade Company for Japan and increse importing of country Foreign Direct Investment by Japan, is cause of an unfavorable trade balance against Japan, too. Also, its most important cause is considered to be execessive dependence upon the Japanese materisls for machinery, equipments and parts which is prevailing in Korea bacause of weakness of our interial structure. With related of a problems of Korea - Japan an unfavorable trade balance that there basic portion of Korea - Japan Economic coordination is that the both of countries continuingiy adjustment of industrial structure expansion of within industry trade and remote of barrier and assure of liberal moveing for technology and capital to be seeking with assure. To curtail such deficit in korea's trade with Japan we should try to make all efforts for promotion and expansion of the trade for Japan, while we should also substitute imports from Japan with our domestic products though promotion and bringing up of the parts and materials manufactturing industies in Korea, Besides our goverment and companys is expecting to curtail of deficit trade with Japan for quality hialiy of exporting goods, and newly technological odrrectively industry to made exporting industry and exporting expansion for income elasticty goods, and which to exchange with raw - material and capital materials. in short - term, for more trial of "maketing" which is proper In currency market domestic in Japan, and development of applicable in Japanese market, etc., due to trier various goods develoment for expantion exports. Though our economic is in the face difficult problems.

      • 한국의 대일무역역조 개선방향에 관한 연구

        최용석 단국대학교 1993 국내석사

        RANK : 248687

        Korea's trade with Japan registered $11.6 billion of exports and $19.5 billion of imports, respectively, in 1992, showing rise in the total trade between two countries at an average 20.1 per cent annually since 1968 after the normalization of diplomatic relations between Korea and Japan. Turning from the trend of a fall since the 1986 peak of $5.4 billion deficit. Korea's trade imbalance against Japan began again to rise from 1990. In 1991, it recorded $8,8 billion unprecedented before, which Korean economy might not afford in consideration of its GNP level. The share of Korea's trade imbalance against Japan among its total trade deficit although felling to $7.9 billion down $0.9 billion on the previous year, rose increasingly to 152.8 percent in 1992, which implied Korea's countermeasure to rectify the trade deficit against Japan was of little avail. Especially, in the two months till February 1993, while Korea's total exports rose 7.3 percentage points, its exports to Japan rather fell 12.8 percentage points compared with the corresponding period of the previous year, which indicated the trade imbalance against Japan became more serious. On the other hand, Korea's exports to U.S. and EU, having registered a declining trend till 1992, showed either a rise, or only a slight fall in 1993. Nevertheless, its exports to Japan extraordinarily remained unchanged at a bad slump. The rise of this trade imbalance against Japan stemed from in the part of Korea, (a) the industrial structure which induced imports from Japan (b) the lack of technology as well as the weak marketing power and (c) the lack of price-competitiveness due to the recent rises in wages and prices, and, in the part of Japan, (a) the inflexible import system which regulated imports (b) the rise of reverse-imports of the products manufactured by Japanese overseas operations located in the Asian region and (c) the tariff and non-tariff barriers. This trade imbalance aganist Japan, of course, might be regarded simply as a temporary on. However, as there is no slightest sign of improvement it should be recognized as a serious problem. In addition, Korea is faced with the growing pressure of the liberalized free trade from the advanced countries including EU and US through UR negotiation, or the import restrictions against Korean products. Therefore, it became one of the most important and urgent questions to rectify the unbalanced trade between Korea and Japan. In this thesis, the reasons of the trade unbalance between two countries and my suggestions on its reforming measures are being summarized as follows: First Korea should cut down imports from Japan though exerting all the possible efforts in the self-development of the related technology and the localization of components. Second, in order to promote exports to Japan, the marketing power should be improved and strengthened. That is to meet the complicate and delicate Japanese needs through a thorough understanding of both the tendency of Japanese consumers and the nature of Japanese market and a constant and systematic afterservices. Third, we should put our emphasis on a high quality products and a product differentiation. Keeping in mind that the Korean products in Japanese Market are regarded as low-grade together with that of South-east Asian least developed among developing countries, we should exert the intensed efforts to improve product quality along with the development of our own brand, Fourth through encouraging the multilateral trade, we should reduce the excessive dependence on Japan for imports and shift import origins info the other countries such as U.S and EU. Although, of course, there might be a considerable repulsion from Japan, it is worthwhile to import goods from the other countries including U.S. and EU than Japan to the moderate scale and extent. The unbalance problem in Korea-Japan trade should be appoached strategically and systematically in a long-term perspective. To increase exports to Japan, the competitiveness should be strengthened through the support by the government policy and the efforts to develope the new technology by the enterprises. With a correct understanding that avoiding Japan could not bring and solution on the Korea's trade imbalance against Japan, the entrepreneur should devote, with confidence, all the efforts to penetrate into the Japaense market

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