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      • 북한음악관련 한국 석·박사학위 논문의 총람 및 내용분석

        김현주 동아대학교 교육대학원 2004 국내석사

        RANK : 248654

        본 논문은 북한음악관련 논문들을 정리·분석함으로써 앞으로 이 분야의 연구자들에게 체계적인 정보를 주어 논제선정과 북한음악의 새로운 연구 방향을 제시해주는데 필요성과 목적이 있다. 북한음악 전체를 대상으로 하였으나 특히 음악교육에 중심을 두고자 한다. 이를 위해 북한음악관련 37편의 논문을 외형적으로 분석하고, 그 중 북한음악교육에 관련된 30편의 논문을 내용적으로 분석하였다. 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 외형적 분석에서 지역별로는 서울에서 연구된 논문이 67.7%로 가장 많았고, 대학은 성신여대가 13.5%로 가장 많은 논문을 발표하였다. 내용은 교과서 분석 59.4%, 음악교육 관련 연구가 24.3% 그리고 기타 16.3%로 교과서 분석에 지나치게 치우쳐 있었다. 연구 대상은 인민학교가 35.1%, 고등중학교가 40.5%로 고르게 연구되었다. 둘째, 내용적 분석은 음악교육 분야와 교과서 분석 분야로 나누어 살펴보았다. 음악교육 분야를 연구한 8편의 논문은 교육과정·교육제도·교육실태·제안으로서의 통일교육방안 연구로 분류하였다. 북한의 교육은 사회주의 건설에 매진할 수 있는 공산주의자를 양성하는데 목표를 두고 교육과정을 제6차까지 개편하였다. 또한 11년의 기본학제와는 별도로 각종 특수학교를 설치하고 예·체능분야의 특기교육과 출신성분에 의거한 특수교육을 실시하고 있다. 음악교수형태는 개별교수·앙상블교수·전공실습·현실체험 등의 교수형태가 있으며, 교육방법에는 깨우쳐주는 교수방법, 예술이론과 전공실시교육 및 창조·실천·활동의 결합, 학교교육과 가정교육의 배합, 조직생활의 강화 등의 방법이 있다. 여기서 알 수 있는 사실은 음악가를 양성하기 위한 북한의 음악예술교육은 그 목표부터 우리의 음악교육과는 다르게 설정되어 있으며, 교육내용과 교육방법에서 우리와 많은 차이점이 있다는 것이다. 교과서 분석 분야의 연구는 인민학교 10편과 고등중학교 12편이 있었다. 교과서 분석은 크게 가창·기악·창작·시창으로 분류하고, 교재구성·영역별 분류·내용 분석·외형 분석·작사자·작곡자·음악용어 비교 등을 중심으로 연구되었다. 이상과 같이 북한음악관련 논문 37편을 외형적·내용적으로 살펴본 결과, 북한음악에 관한 연구는 자료의 한계 때문인지 유사한 방법의 연구가 계속 이루어지고 있었고, 심지어 내용이 대동소이한 논문도 있었다. 이 연구가 앞으로 북한음악 분야를 연구하는 연구자들에게 정확한 정보를 제공하여 북한음악교과서 분석이라는 한계에서 벗어나 좀 더 다양한 주제의 연구가 이루어 질 수 있도록 노력해야 할 것이다. The purpose of this study is to provide researchers with a systematic information of North Koran music through reviewing and analyzing theses about the music, proposing new directions in researching North Korean music and determining main subjects of the research. For the purpose, this researcher analyzed characteristics of 37 theses about North Korean music apparently. Out of the total theses, then, 30 which discuss the music education of North Korea were processed through content analysis. Results of the study can be described as follows. First, out of the 37 theses whose apparent characteristics were analyzed here, 67.7% were presented in Seoul and 13.5% of the presentations were made by Sungshin Women's University, more than any others located in the same city. Out of the total theses, 59.4% focused on the review of North Korean music textbooks, followed by 24.3%, the music education of North Korea and 16.3%, others. Among the analyzed textbooks, 35.1% were for elementary school students and 40.5% for middle and high school ones. Second, for their content analysis, the 30 theses about the music education of North Korea were classified here into two groups, those of music education and textbook analysis. The former group contained 8 theses which were herein regarded studies about ways of unified education focusing on the curriculum, system, status and suggestions of North Korean music education. While the latter consisted of 12 theses analyzing North Korean music textbooks for the elementary school level and 12, middle and high school levels. These results show that studies regarding North Korean music have continued and now still continue. Finally the researcher hopes that the study provide researchers an accurate information of North Korean music and thereon helps them study North Korean music in various aspects rather than restricting themselves to the analysis of the music textbooks.

      • 피아노 관련 한국 석.박사학위 논문의 총람 및 분석 : 1986년-1993년 현재

        강혜경 동아대학교 1994 국내석사

        RANK : 232253

        The moderns are confronted by several knowledge and various informations which the vapidly changing modern society has produced, and so we all think it is essential to put them in order in a consistent and systematic way for move effective study. So I consider the systematic arrangement of the basic data for satisfying the needs of musical study as the essential task. The purpose of this study is to help all the musicologist, especially students studying piano music, by offering some information about that. In this study I firstly collected the master's and the doctoral theses on piano music in Korea and put them in order and made a series of tables. Then I classified them by the genre and analized the full list and lastly identified the present situation. The sum of the theses on piano music from 1986 to 1993, 1 collected, was 1066 volumes. It shows a 64% increase over last 30 years, from 1956 to 1986 and it means a rapid increase in quantity. 777 volumes, 73% of whole 1066 volumes, were the study on analyzing the piano music. 304 volumes, 39% over the whole volumes, were for sonata and 49(r) of the theses for sonata analysis, 149 volumes were for Ludwig van Beethoven'(1770 - 1827) sonata. Looking at in detail tile distribution of the essays, we can find easily these theses, was concentrated on a few works of Beethoven. And so many musical works remained with no study and of course interest. It implies the climate of study in our country has the considerable problems. Still more 572 volumes among whole 777 volumes which were the essays on analyzing piano music were consistantly the harmony analysis with simple content, It means a number of volumes have quantitatively increased but not changed in quality. In conclusion l would like to say that we have to approach In various fields in musicology such as music aethetics, music psychology, music socialogy, music philosophy, etc. And another thing, 1 hope, is that is required to attempt studying on musical works in pre-baroque period, post-romanticism and 20 century. I also suggest now each of us as a musicologist have to do the constant efforts to escape from uniform music study in appreciation for the future.

      • 음악교육 문헌관계 한국 석·박사 학위논문의 총람 및 분석

        장현 동아대학교 교육대학원 1988 국내석사

        RANK : 232236

        Through the documentary information have been increased with a rapidity, it is very difficult for the researchers to look up a necessary date correctly and quickly. It has been demanded to scrutinize the first material related with music education and to register it. I registered the themes of Korean dissertations related with music education, which ranged from the Korean Independence to the present. The 811 themes, included in the Register of this study, are divided into 14 genres, which are based on the curriculum of major field opened in the domestic music college. It is characterized that the dissertations related with performances get with over 45 percent to the majority of study and the dissertations related with music education with 8 percent to the minority. This indicates the fact that the study related with music education have been emphasized on the practical performances, lacked but in theoretical music education. The dissertations have been increased every year, thanks to the foundation of local universities. Investigating the tendency of approach to themes, there are many same or similar themes. We must concern about the educational institute which can train music theorectician or music educationist in parallel with the practical culture to develope the Korean music education culture. Consequently, the institute should take charge of incessant dissertations with consistency, so the researchers must examine themes objectly and reasonably. I hope that this Register on themes of dissertations, as a study of Music Bibliology's, will not only help to order necessary information but become the true basis for creative studies on Korean music education.

      • 국악문헌관계 한국 석·박사 학위 논문의 총람 및 분석

        여미경 동아대학교 교육대학원 1988 국내석사

        RANK : 232236

        Through the documentary information has been increased with a rapidity, it is very difficult for the researchers to look up a necessary data correctly and quickly. This has been demanded to scrutinize the first material related with Korean traditional music and to register it. Registered themes of Korean dissertations related with Korean traditional music which ranged from the Korean Independence to the present are 305 themes, This registered themes are divided into 7 genres, which are based on synthesizing theories about classification of Korean traditional music and considering approach and characteristic of themes. It is charaterized that the dissertation related with analysis of musical works get with over 62 percent to the majority of study and the dissertations related with Korean traditional music education with a mere 12 percent to the minority. In 7 genres, analysis of folk music has the biggest portion. That analysis of music works has the majority indicates the fact that music education still have put the priority to Western Music. The dissertations have been increased every year, thanks to the foundation of local universities. Investigating the tendency of approach to themes, there are many same or similar themes. We must concern about training experts of Korean traditional music in parallel with Western Music to preserve Korean traditional music and succeed to it. Consequently, the institute should take charge of incessant dissertations with consistency, so the researchers must examine themes objectly and reasonably. I hope that this Register on themes of dissertations, as a study of Music Bibliology's, will not only help to order necessary information but become the true basis for creative studies on Korean traditional music.

      • 피아노 문헌관계 한국 석·박사학위논문의 총람 및 분석

        임윤옥 동아대학교 대학원 1987 국내석사

        RANK : 232236

        It i s necessary to keep and manage thesis and report it as an information material which will be the basis of future research. In current situation lacking in consistency, the secondary material is urgently needed to help one's research and deal with documentary information quickly and correctly. The current situation of research is taken from the document of K.S.O.N.A. (which is bridged), which is lacking in worthwhile arrangement due to deal with totally. Thus, I arrange master's degree concerned with piano document, divide them according to the part of theme and make a total catalogue of documents. As clearly mentioned through the analysis of composer, school, year and theme in Chapter 3, the result of analysis emphasized on romantic period and the thesis increased each year and actively made in local universities as well as universities in Seoul. In the analysis of theme, the majority of research was made on analysis and, especially, Sonata took the halp of researches. We must be concerned about classic and modern composer and furthur studies must be made on the creative works of Korean composer in order to develop Korean culture. It can be said that we don't have to repeat similar theme and the accuracy of the theme is necessary. In addition, the quantitative improvement must be preceded in local universities

      • 성악 문헌관계 한국 석·박사학위 논문의 총람 및 분석

        윤수미 동아대학교 대학원 1987 국내석사

        RANK : 232236

        There is no fundamental information material and a catalogue of arranged documents related with master's thesis on vocal music ranged from the independence to today. With a duty to arrange the research situation, this thesis statistically deals with content analysis of a collection of documents and thesis theme on vocal music from 1958 to 1987.(There is no thesis of master's degree about vocal music until 1958). One of the most used research methods on thesis any peculiar works analysis, which is emphasize on classical and romantic vocal music. Compared with Western musician, there is a great difference in Korean musician's research on vocal music works. As you know that there is a wild extent of research, we must actively make a creative research on Korean Composers. Current graduate students take an education program with a priority of practice in the process of research at a graduate school and write works analysis centered thesis. There must be a development of theoretical culture in parallel with practical culture to promote the quality of a graduate school.

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