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      • DBAE에 기초한 초등학교 미술교육 지도 방법 연구 : 추상적 표현을 중심으로

        이진복 홍익대학교 교육대학원 2001 국내석사

        RANK : 247807

        우리의 미술교육 현장에서는 미술제작을 위한 기술적 측면만이 강조되어 가르쳐 왔으며 미술의 이해 및 비평적 평가 능력을 키워주는 이론적 측면은 균형을 이루지 못하고 있다. 21세기 현재의 미술은 커다란 변화를 필요로 하고 있다. 따라서 우리 미술교육의 현실을 극복하고 미래사회에 적응할 수 있는 미술교육을 실현하기 위해서는 보다 구체적이고 다양한 교육과정안과 시대 상황에 맞는 새롭고 다양한 프로그램의 개발이 있어야 하겠다. 본 연구에서는 초등학교 7차 미술과 교육과정에 이론적 배경으로 소개된 DBAE(Discipline Based Art Education) 방법을 도입하여 초등학교 미술수업에 적용하고 미술교육의 질적 향상을 위한 방안을 탐색하기 위한 것이다. 외국 작가의 미술작품을 소개 함으로써 미술에 대한 사고를 촉진하고, 미술전반에 대한 이해를 도울 수 있는 프로그램을 개발하는 것이 본 연구의 주요한 관심이 된다. 따라서 DBAE이론에 의한 프로그램이 개발되어 현장에 적용하여 미술교육의 향상을 위한 지도방법을 모색하는 데 그 목적이 있다. 이 연구의 목적 달성을 위해 연구의 방법은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 초등학교 미술교육에서 총체적 미술교육에 대한 기초적인 이해를 구하며 학습지도의 합리적인 근거를 제시하였다. 둘째, DBAE선행연구불의 수업모형에 의거 교수 학습안을 부분적으로 변화있게 구성하여 실제 수업에 적용하였다. 셋째, 미술 이해교육을 지향하는 방안을 모색하기 위해 사례연구를 수반했다. 사례연구는 두 가지 방향으로 전개하였는데 첫째, 초등학교 6학년의 프로그램을 작성하여 이를 수업에 적용하였다. 둘째, 아동의 자기 평가표와 관찰 기록표 및, 아동을 대상으로 한 설문지의 결과를 분석하고 정리하였다. 이러한 연구 과정을 통해 본 연구는 다음과 같은 연구결과를 얻을 수 있었다. 첫째, 기존의 창의성이나 감성 위주의 교육보다 구체적이고 합리적인 이론의 바탕 위에서의 학습은 학생들에게 '미적 안목과 가치판단을 길러주는 수업’으로서의 기반을 마련해주어 아동의 시각적 경험이 풍부해지고 미술에 대한 이해와 사고가 촉진되었다. 둘째, 감상한 작가의 작품에 대한 지적 호기심이 넘쳤으며 기존 수업의 틀을 벗어난 새로운 수업 형태에서 미술에 대한 자신감을 가졌다. 셋째, DBAE프로그램에 의한 미술수업은 학생들에게 미술품과 문화에 대한 안목, 미술에 대한 흥미의 증가를 꾀할 수 있었으며 활발한 자기 표현에 도움이 되었다. 본 연구가 DBAE에 기초한 바람직한 미술교육 지도 방법을 모색하는 계기가 되기를 바란다. The purpose of the education is to make human beings humanize through the concious behavior for changing the world. With just science and technical education we can make the external and physical world to be useful and convenient but it is impossible to guarantee the men's inner and mental evaluation comparing to this, art education is able to widen "Mind's eyes" which can solve the various cultural desire and the pattern. But our country's art education is tendency of lacking an aesthetic vision. The problem of the art education which is focused on creation has an inappropriate effect on the practical education which needs ideal and theoretical stimulus. The absence or incomplete of theoretical education causes functional art education and this causes the difficulty of producing creator. The problem of art education which is focused on the practical one can give a few students who have art talent gladness but most students will lose the chances to contact proper education program that is good for learning cultural meaning and historical contribution of art or for learning analysis and explanation of the meaning about art works. The future needs more sensitive and creative than the past. We need the education which can recover the practical class that is the biggest problem of our art education for cultivating men of talent who will lead our future as well as for preparing the future. This program is the one of work production focused on abstract painting and through this program we know the current thoughts and artist and foster aesthetic visions. The efficiency of the class after execution of this program was high as shown at various surveys. The study based on the concrete and rational theory changed the recognition of art class from reckless practical one to the one which has aesthetic vision and evaluation. The reaction of the students were serious and enthusiastic during the class and especially they were curious to know about the works they had appreciated. They were shocked by new forms of class that were free from the established forms. There also has been good result in understanding class and good manners in class. To adapt DBAE as our education reality that is different educational situation from other countries, teachers should try to master previous knowledge about art education based on art understanding and to master rational knowledge and recognition about art, the opportunity of appreciation should be provided very often and should be debated on among students.

      • 교육 실시 전후 학부모의 유아교육기관 선택 결정요인 연구

        김영숙 조선대학교 교육대학원 2006 국내석사

        RANK : 247807

        Up to date, vigorous researches have been conducted with regard to standards for choosing right facilities for kindergarten education and parents of students’ expectations and desire for facilities for kindergarten education. Based on such previous researches, this research aims at judging the importance of each structural element of facilities for kindergarten education and showing the right direction on facilities for kindergarten education by studying the degree to which parents of students put emphasis on each standard for choosing facilities for kindergarten. This research surveyed parents of students attending three kindergartens and three nurseries in Yeosu City, and a total of 527 people were surveyed and the number of people available was 500. The questionnaire included questions about 1) the need for kindergarten education, 2) time and subject of the selection of facilities for kindergarten education, 3) collection of information on facilities for kindergarten education, 4) the importance of each selection element of facilities for kindergarten education, 5) the importance of each selection element of facilities for kindergarten education after the execution of public education, 6) selection reasons and type of existing facilities for kindergarten education, 7) selection of facilities for kindergarten education after the execution of public education. Data for this research was handled by dividing collected data into background elements (age, job, income level, education level, facility type) and gathering statistics using SPSS 12.0 for Windows statistics program. Conclusions drawn from this research are as follows. First, research results showed that when selecting facilities for kindergarten education, the parents of students value human environment above everything else. Therefore, heads and teachers of facilities for kindergarten education should be faithful to their duties, and make efforts to qualify themselves to perform the duties. Desirable qualifications of the head include philosophy and expert knowledge regarding kindergarten education, understanding and service to the community, reasonable operation, sound view of life and values, harmonious personal relations and attitude to make efforts to form personal relations between teachers. In addition, teachers of facilities for kindergarten education should be well aware of their strength and weakness, be fond of children, be unbiased, have faith in humans and a sense of humor, and have flexibility in personal relations, physical and mental health, sincerity and passionate attitude. Second, research results showed that before and after the execution of public education, among selection reasons for facilities for kindergarten education, the importance of human environment slightly declined and the importance of education contents and programs rose. This means that after the execution of public education, parents of students have faith in the environment of facilities for kindergarten education to some extent, and put more emphasis on contents such as education contents and programs, education for parents and other activities than environment. Therefore, after the execution of public education, facilities for kindergarten education should try to develop education contents and various programs to increase the significance of public education while having environmental factors suitable to public education facilities. Third, as the above results show, while parents of students’ expectations for public education run high, many parents of students of private kindergartens responded that they would choose private kindergartens even after the execution of public education, which can be understood that parents of students of private kindergartens have some concerns over the execution of public education.

      • 유치원의 수학적 탐구 영역과 초등학교 1학년 수학 교육과정의 연계성에 관한 연구

        추지연 춘천교육대학교 교육대학원 2006 국내석사

        RANK : 247807

        시대의 요구에 따라 빠르게 변화하고 있는 현대 사회 그리고 21세기 정보화 사회에서는 구성원들에게 다양한 문제를 체계적으로 조직하고 효율적으로 해결할 수 있는 능력을 요구하고 있으며, 점차 유아교육의 지적 발달에 대한 관심이 높아지고 있다. 우리나라의 유치원 교육은 공교육화나 의무교육이 되지 않은 상태에서 그 양적·질적 발전을 거듭해 대부분의 아동이 유치원 교육을 경험하고 초등학교로 입학하는데도, 유치원과 초등학교는 교육과정의 개정 작업부터 분리하여 실시함으로써 유치원과 초등학교간의 연계성 확보를 방해하고 있다. 본 연구는 현재 유치원 아동들에게 실시하고 있는 국가 수준의 유치원 수학적 탐구 영역의 교육과정과 초등학교 1학년 수학과 교육과정의 목표 및 내용을 분석하고 비교한 후 유치원 교육과정과 초등학교 1학년 교육과정의 중복성과 연계성에 대하여 조사함으로써 체계적이고 연계성이 있는 수학교육을 실시하기 위한 기초 자료를 얻고, 교육과정의 연계성을 강화하는 방법을 알아보는데 그 목적이 있다. 이러한 목적을 위해 다음의 연구 문제를 설정하였다. 1. 유치원의 수학적 탐구 영역과 초등학교 1학년의 수학 교육과정 연계성은 어떠한가? 가. 유치원의 수학적 탐구 영역과 초등학교 1학년 수학 교육과정 목표의 연계성은 어떠한가? 나. 유치원의 수학적 탐구 영역과 초등학교 1학년 수학 교육과정 내용의 연계성은 어떠한가? 2. 유치원의 수학적 탐구 영역과 초등학교 1학년 수학 교육과정의 연계성을 강화하는 방법에는 어떤 것이 있는가? 가. 교육과정적인 측면 나 교육내용적인 측면 본 연구는 문헌 연구로 유치원과 초등학교의 수학 교육과정의 목표 및 내용의 분석과 비교는 국가 수준의 교육부 고시 제 1998-10호에 따른 유치원 교육과정과 교육부 고시 제1997-15호에 따른 초등학교 1학년 수학과 교육과정의 목표 및 내용을 분석하였다. 즉, 두 기관의 국가 수준의 교육부 고시 교육과정에 제시된 목표 및 내용만을 분석하였다. "연구문제 1"은 유치원의 수학적 탐구 영역과 초등학교 1학년 수학 교육과정의 목표와 내용이 어떤 연계가 있는지 알아보기 위한 것으로 유치원의 수학적 탐구 영역의 목표 및 내용과 초등학교 1학년 수학 교육과정의 목표 및 내용의 연계성 및 중복성을 분석한 후 연계 정도를 화살표로 표시하여 표로 정리하였고, "연구 문제 2"는 연구문제 1에서 분석한 연계성의 정도와 문헌 연구를 통해 유치원의 수학적 탐구 영역과 초등학교 1학년 수학 교육과정의 연계성을 강화하는 방향 및 방안을 알아보았다. 본 연구를 통해 다음과 같은 연구 결과를 얻을 수 있었다. 첫째, 유치원과 초등학교 1학년 국가 수준의 교육과정 중 수학 교육의 목표는 내용적으로 전체적인 연계성을 확보하고 있다. 수학 교육의 목표는 모두 수학적 지식과 기능을 활용하여 생활의 여러 가지 문제를 해결하도록 함으로써 '수학적 능력과 태도의 형성'면에서 서로 연계되어 있다. 둘째, 유치원과 초등학교 1학년의 수학 교육과정의 내용은 대체로 연계되어 있다. 다만, 초등학교의 '확률과 통계'영역의 내용 체계는 유치원과의 계열성에서 연계성의 문제로 지적된다. 또, 유치원의 '기초적인 측정과 관련된 경험하기', '시간에 대한 기초 개념 알기' 영역에서는 초등학교 1학년 가, 나 단계보다 유치원에서 다루고 있는 내용이 훨씬 많다. 본 연구의 결과로부터 다음과 같은 결론을 얻을 수 있다. 교육과정적인 측면으로는 첫째, 국가 수준의 교육과정을 유아교육 단계에서부터 시작한다. 둘째, 국가가 교육과정 개발 시 유아교육과정과 초등교육과정을 연계할 수 있는 상호 협의 체제를 확립한다. 셋째, 생활영역으로 구분된 유치원 교육과정과 교과목 및 생활영역의 두 가지로 구분된 초등학교 1, 2학년 교육과정의 구성방식을 가능한 일치시키는 방향으로 재검토한다. 넷째, 향후 초등학교 교육과정 개발 시에는 아동의 학습경험을 강화할 수 있도록 교과 또는 학문의 경계를 넘어선 통합방식을 채택한다. 교육내용 측면으로는 첫째, 유치원과 초등학교 1, 2학년 교육은 아동이 직접 체험할 수 있는 활동 중심 교육이 이루어질 수 있도록 한다. 둘째, 교육활동 유형에 따라 적절한 학습 집단 구성을 통하여 교수·학습과정이 효율적으로 진행되도록 한다. 셋째, 교육활동 전개 시에는 다양한 교수 매체와 교수·학습 자료를 활용하여 아동의 참여를 높임은 물론 학습 효과를 강화시킨다. 넷째, 교육활동은 아동의 발달 특성, 흥미 및 요구를 반영한 교육적 주제를 중심으로 전개한다. 따라서, 본 연구를 통하여 유치원과 초등학교 1학년 수학 교육과정의 연계성 확보를 위한 기초 자료를 얻어 이를 바탕으로 유치원과 초등학교는 교육과정이 공동으로 개발되어, 내용적인 면에서 보다 연계성의 체제를 확보하는 기회를 갖도록 하여야 하겠다. 또한, 유치원 교사와 초등학교 저학년을 담당하는 교사는 유치원 교육과정과 초등학교 교육 과정 및 교재 내용을 비교 검토하는 기회를 갖고, 연계가 이루어지도록 내영 선정과 지도 과정에서 상호 보완하여야 할 것이며, 수업을 상호 공개하여 비교하는 기회를 갖도록 하여야 하겠다. The 21st information society rapidly changing to the needs of the contemporary time requires the abilities to organize various problems systematically and resolve them efficiently from the members, which has increase the public interest in the intellectual development of young children. Korea's kindergarten education grew both in quality and quantity while it's not part of public or mandatory education. Today almost every child experiences kindergarten education before entering elementary school, but it's obvious that there is separation between kindergarten and elementary curriculums from the revision stage, which has disturbed the forming of connections between the two institutions. This study set out to analyze and compare the mathematical exploratory areas at kindergarten and the first grade math curriculums at elementary school in goals and contents, and to investigate the overlapping parts and connections between them. It also aimed to provide the basic data needed to offer systematic and connected math education to children and to suggest the ways to reinforce the connections between the curriculums. For those purposes, the following research questions were set: 1. What kind of connections are there between the mathematical exploratory areas at kindergarten and the first grade math curriculums at elementary school? A. What kind of connections are there between the mathematical exploratory areas at kindergarten and the first grade math curriculums at elementary school in terms of goals? B. What kind of connections are there between the mathematical exploratory areas at kindergarten and the first grade math curriculums at elementary school in terms of contents? 2. How can the connections between the mathematical exploratory areas at kindergarten and the first grade math curriculums at elementary school be reinforced? A. From the perspectives of curriculums B. From the perspectives of educational contents This literature study involved analysis and comparison of the math curriculums at kindergarten and elementary school in goals and contents. The analysis of the goals and contents was based on the kindergarten curriculums according to Announcement No. 1998-10 by the Ministry of Education and the first grade math curriculums at elementary school according to Announcement No. 1997-15 by the same ministry. Only the goals and contents prescribed in the announced curriculums of national level by the Ministry of Education were analyzed. "Research Question 1" concerned the connections between the mathematical exploratory areas at kindergarten and the first grade math curriculums at elementary school in goals and contents. The goals and contents of both the curriculums were analyzed for overlapping parts, and the connections were charted using arrows. "Research Question 2" dealt with the directions and plans to reinforce the connections between the two curriculums based on the analysis results from Research Question 1 and references. The research findings were as follows: First, there was the overall connection between the kindergarten math curriculums of national level and the first grade math curriculums of national level in goals. The goals of both the math curriculums include resolving a variety of problems happening everyday by using mathematical knowledge and functions and were connected to each other in 'formation of mathematical abilities and attitudes.' Second, there was overall connection between the kindergarten and first grade math curriculums in terms of contents. But the contents of 'Probability and Statistics' in the first grade curriculum were short of connection with the kindergarten curriculum. As for the 'basic measuring and related experiences' and ' learning about the basic concepts of time' taught at kindergarten, they provided much more contents at kindergarten than at the first grade in Step A and B. The results were used to draw the following conclusions: The results indicated there were certain problems with the connections between the mathematical exploratory areas at kindergarten and the first grade math curriculums at elementary school. Diverse approaches can be taken toward reinforcement of the connections. In this study, the approaches of curriculums and educational contents were taken. For the perspectives of curriculums, first, they should begin the curriculums of national level at the stage of young children education. Second, they need to establish a system of mutual discussion to connect the curriculums for young children and elementary curriculums developing the national curriculums. Third, a review should be conducted of the kindergarten curriculums that are divided by life areas and the first and second grade curriculums that are divided both by the subjects and life areas so that the compositional structure can match as much as possible. Fourth, they should choose an integrated approach beyond the subject or academic boundaries in the next development of elementary curriculums in order to maximize children's learning experiences. For the perspectives of educational contents, first, they should base the first and second grade education as well as kindergarten education on the activities that children can experience in person. Second, they need to form proper learning groups according to the types of educational activities to make the teaching and learning process more efficient. Third, diverse teaching media and teaching & learning materials should be used not only to facilitate children's participation but also to maximize learning effects. Fourth, the educational activities should focus on such educational themes as are reflecting children's developmental characteristics, interest and needs. The curriculums of kindergarten and elementary school should be developed together so that there can be more chances of connections between them. In addition, the kindergarten and lower grade teachers will need opportunities to compare and review their curriculums and contents of the materials to complement each other in content selection and instruction process and to guarantee connections between them. It's also necessary for them to open their lectures to each other to have a chance to compare each other's classes.

      • 현대 미술관과 미술관 교육 : 관람객 소통과 마켓팅 전략차원에서 고찰한 미술관교육

        김효경 조선대학교 대학원 2006 국내석사

        RANK : 247807

        Museums have made significant strides in increasing public access to museums through their strong commitments to an educational mission. As Leading advocates for and communicators with the general public, the museum education department and the museum educator play vital roles in fulfilling the educational mission of a public educational role of the contemporary art museum with a focus on its education division, as a primary agent for public education in national institution. The purposes of the study were to investigate: the education division's institutional roles and functions, examining its strengths and weaknesses in close relation with the institutional context; the methods of museum education programming and administration; and the contemporary art museum's exemplary role in public education. Finally, implications for Korean national art museums were derived from the practices of abroad art museum's education division. Significantly, based on the assumption that context is one of the most important determinants that guides the phenomena, this research examined the education division as related to the institutional context in which the gallery is founded and operated. The qualitative case study method involved open-ended interviews, document reviews, and observations in the field, which enabled contextual, in-depth, and holistic understanding of the education division. The results of the study were that the education division functions in close relationship within the context of the gallery, and thus a museum's educational role is best understood when it is examined in the context of the institution. The research findings suggest the exemplary public educational roles and practices that a national museum should and could fulfill with its relatively secure, high quality resources entrusted by the nation's public. The scale of vision to serve an entire nation in a national role is the characteristic mandate and function demanded of a national museum's education department. Other exemplary practices that a national museum should perform are offering diverse forms of presentation to serve a broad range of the nation's public, and a commitment to excellence in all its practices. Also, the education department and museum educators' distinctive institutional roles and importance were confirmed by the findings from the study of the contemporary art museum's education division. They involved the enhancement of public access to the works of art and the museum, audience advocacy, audience development/outreach, and public relations. Then, based on the study of the contemporary art museum's education division, implications for Korean national art museums were presented to strengthen their public educational role. The issues of paradigm shift, professionalization of museum education, redefining the government role, the evaluation of museum programs, and a new vision and networking for national serves were discussed.

      • 청소년안전사고예방을 위한 효율적인 학교안전교육에 관한 연구 : 강원도 초·중·고등학교를 대상으로

        김정숙 삼척대학교 방재기술전문대학원 2006 국내석사

        RANK : 247807

        종래의 안전과 관련한 연구들의 대다수가 학교안전 관리 면에 치우쳐왔다. 그러나 해마다 증가하고 있는 학교안전사고에 대한 대응에는 한계가 있다는 인식에서 본 연구는 학교안전사고예방을 위한 학교안전교육을 적용하기 위하여 강원도 내 재학 중인 초·중·고 청소년을 대상으로 강원도 내 학교안전교육의 실태와 문제점을 제도적 요인과 인적 요인으로 나누어 살펴보았다. 본 연구를 통해서 얻어진 결과는 다음과 같다. 1) 제도적인 요인으로는 청소년연령규정, 학교안전교육 관련 법률, 학교안전공제회제도, 제7차 교육과정에서의 안전교육, 강원도 내 교사안전교육 연수 상황을 살펴보고 검토하였다. 첫째, 우리나라 청소년 연령 규정이 법령마다 제각각이어서 정보의 혼선을 불러온다. 따라서 청소년 연령의 일원화가 이루어져야 한다. 둘째, 학교안전교육 관련 법률로는 학교보건법과 아동복지법이 근거가 되고 있으나 청소년 안전사고예방에 대한 근본적인 해결을 제공하지 못하여 독자적인 학교안전교육 관련 법률을 제정해야한다. 셋째, 학교안전사고와 관련한 학교안전공제회제도가 있으나 정관규정에 있는 안전교육의 조사연구 및 지원을 현실화하지 못하였으며 학교안전사고는 계속적으로 증가하여 왔다. 따라서, 학교안전제회가 본래의 설립의도에 맞도록 역할을 강화해 나가야 한다. 넷째, 제7차 교육과정에서는 창의적 재량활동시간을 편성하여 학교장재량으로 안전교육을 실시할 수 있도록 하였으나 선택영역이라는 제한점과 주요교과가 아니라는 인식에 의하여 입시교과로 대치되어 실시되는 등 편법·운영되고 있는 관계로 다소 강제적인 법적 구속력 차원인 정규교과 위상으로서의 교육과정 편성 또는 체계적인 교과내용 편제 및 수업시간 정례화가 요구된다. 다섯째, 교사를 대상으로 하는 자격, 직무, 각종 원격연수 등 연수형태에 안전교육을 포함시켜야 하고 모든 교사에게 안전교육 연수해택을 주도록 하는 것이 바람직하다. 2) 인적 요인으로는 부주의 지도, 안전교육 교과내용 정립, 청소년의 안전의식 강화, 교사지원체제 구축 등을 살펴보고 검토하였다. 첫째, 강원도 학교안전사고의 97.97%이상이 본인의 부주의가 원인임으로 부주의에 대한 대응 안전지침을 마련해야한다. 둘째, 학교급별 교과서에 실려 있는 안전교육내용으로는 학교별 관련교과에서 안전교육을 반영하기는 하였으나 여러 교과로 분산편성·운영되어 있는 관계로 매우 빈약하고 비체계적이라고 할 수 있다. 초·중·고 학교급별 특성을 연계한 정규적인 안전교육이 체계적으로 이루어질 수 있도록 교과내용이 정립되어야 한다. 셋째, 학생 응답자의 88.79% 이상에서 나타난 안전불감증을 깨우기 위한 안전의식을 강화해야 한다. 넷째, 교사 응답자의 85.71%이상이 안전교육의 필요성을 인지하고 있는 반면에 안전교육을 실시하는 데에 안전교육에 관한 프로그램 및 학습자료 부재 등에 큰 부담을 느끼고 있어서 교사지원체제를 구축해야 한다. Most of studies connected with safety have been traditionally biased only to the management of school safety. But on the basis of the perception that there is a limit to countermeasures against safety incidents in schools that are increasing every year, this study focused on considering the actual conditions and problems of school safety education in Gangwon province divided into two categories of systematic factors and personal factors, which is intended for elementary, middle, and high school students in Gangwon province. The main aim of this study is to apply safety education for the prevention of safety incidents in schools. The results that are drawn through this study are as follows: This study investigated systematic factors in terms of the juvenile age regulations, laws on school safety education, systems of beneficial society for school safety, safety education in the 7th curriculum, training situations for teachers in charge of educating school safety. First, juvenile age regulations specified in the law in our country are so different from each other that they bring about the confusion of information. Accordingly, the unification of juvenile age should be promoted. Second, laws related to school safety education are based on the school health measure and the child welfare law, but because they don't provide for fundamental solutions for preventing juvenile safety incidents, an independent law needs to be enacted. Third, although there exists a system of the beneficial society for school safety associated with school safety incidents, research and study and support that are fixed by the articles of association have not been actualized, and safety incidents in schools has been increasing continuously. Accordingly, the roles of the beneficial society for school safety should be reinforced so that it can correspond to the initial founding object. Fourth, the 7th curriculum has organized creative class hours for discretional activity and enabled schools to put safety education into practice. However, because of restrictive nature included in the optional area and the perception that it is not a main subject, it is replaced by the subjects of the entrance examination and operated expediently. Therefore, it is required that the government grant its status as a regular curriculum that carry compulsive legal binding force through the establishment of systematic curriculum and regular classes. Fifth, safety education should be included in the teacher-oriented forms of research studies, including qualification, duty and remote research study of various kinds, and also it is desirable that every teacher be given the benefits of research study. This study investigated personal factors in terms of instructions against carelessness, establishment of curriculum contents for safety education, strengthening of security awareness, and building up of a supporting system for teachers etc. First, since more than 97.97 percent of safety incidents that occur at schools in Gangwon province resulted from students' carelessness, safety guidelines of countermeasure against carelessness should be provided. Second, as for the contents of safety education that are contained in each classified school, though it reflects safety education in the related subjects, it can be said that safety education in schools at present is poor and unsystematic since it is scattered and operated among several subjects. Third, strengthening of security awareness is needed to bring students to their senses from insensibility to safety that more than 88.79 percent of them showed. Fourth, more than 85.71 percent of the teacher respondents recognize the need for safety education, while they feel too much burden on programming of safety education and lack of learning materials etc. in performing safety education. Accordingly, supporting system for teachers should be built up.

      • 중·고등학생들의 용돈 사용 실태와 바람직한 경제교육의 방향

        전귀례 群山大學校 大學院 2005 국내석사

        RANK : 247807

        The purpose of this research is 'How we let teenagers have desirable sense of economy.' This research has conducted by 400 students who are living at Gunsan city in Jeon-ju state as its sample population and the study is about their spending habit and further education to let students spend right. The research is summarized as following. First, 97.3% of the students from 100% as total had certain amount of allowance from their parents. It usually happened every week or month and the average amount was 30.000 won per student each month. Students were spent their money on snacks, school supplies, clothes and more. However, most of the students get extra money when they broke or need more than what they usually get. Second, most of the students spent their money without planning. Only a few students were making plans for their spending such as savings for other plans or checking the quality of the products in advance. Third, 23.7% of total students were using Internet shopping or TV shopping channel to purchase their goods. However, 78.5% out of 23.7% students experienced regretting after using money without planning. Also when students were spent their money on snacks, clothes and recreational purposes, they regret. Forth, 37.7% of total students were saving their allowance which meant that more than half of students are not saving their money. Fifth, 37.7 of total students were hoping part-time jobs if possible. This may cause because, most of the students' parents were giving out extra money whenever their children were spent it all. Sixth, 78.8% of high school students were learning how they planning for their money or other economic senses from media and 8% of students were learning it from school. In conclusion, most of students were not planning about their spending and regretting after they spent it not as they desired. This means that needs to be more educated on their spending. However, most of students were learning economics from media or other resources than school education which thought as far from the reality and also old-fashioned. Therefore, School needs to improve economical education system as more interesting and more realistic to lead the students spending right.

      • 루터의 교육사상 연구

        서정모 계명대학교 2005 국내석사

        RANK : 247807

        이 논문의 목적은 Luther의 교육에 관한 자료를 심도있게 연구하여 Luther의 교육목적, 교육과정, 교육방법 등을 알아보고, 가정과 학교와 교회와 국가에 어떻게 적용시킬 것인가를 살펴보고자 한다. Luther의 교육목적은 하나님을 섬기는 인간을 양성하고, 사회에 봉사하는 지도자를 배출하며, 학문적 연구활동을 향상시키는데 있다. 이러한 교육목적을 달성하기 위하여 Luther는 성서교육, 교양교육, 언어교육, 직업교육을 교과과정으로 제시했다. Luther는 권위주의적인 교수중심의 학습법에서 학생중심의 교수법으로 바뀌어야 한다고 강조했다. 반복과 암송의 학습, 단계적인 학습, 문답식 학습, 관찰을 통한 학습 등 다양한 학습원리를 제공하여 학생들을 가르쳐야 한다고 말했다. Luther의 교육방법은 가정, 학교, 교회를 통해서 구체적으로 실현되었다. 가정을 교육기관으로서 가장 중요한 위치에 있다고 보았다. 가정에서 부모의 역할은 하나님을 섬기도록 자녀를 양육하는데 있다고 보았다. Luther는 가정교육만으로는 어린이를 교육하는데 충분치 않다고 보았기 때문에, 자격을 갖춘 남녀교사가 있는 학교교육의 중요성을 강조했다. Luther는 교회교육을 통해 세상에 빛과 소금이 되어야 한다고 말했다. Luther는 국가도 하나의 교육기관으로 생각했다. 국가가 높은 수준에 도달하려면 필연적으로 교사들을 계속 훈련시켜야 한다고 말했다. 우리는 교육으로 세상을 변화시키고자 했던 루터의 교육사상을 가정과 학교와 교회와 국가에 적용하여 보다 나은 사회를 만들어가는데 앞장서야 할 것이다. The purpose of present thesis is to examine educational materials, to certify educational aim, curriculum, method in M. Luther's thought, and to diagnose how to adapt them to home, school, church, nation. M. Luther's educational aim was to yield God-feared men, to come forward social-serving leaders, to develop academic researches. For these aims, M.Luther presented curriculums as Bible study, liberal study, language study, occupation study. He stressed the importance of change from authoritative teacher-centered education to student-centered education. Also, he believed that teaching to student is via various education principles such as reiteration-memory education, course education, catechetical education, observation-based education. The method of M.Luther's education was realized conceretely via home, school, church. For M.Luther the Home was to be seen the most central education institution, above all the parental role in house is to make their children God-feared men. For child education the home education was not sufficient, so he stressed the importance of school education that is discharged from qualified man and woman teachers. It is from the church education that makes student the Light and Salt in the world. Even the nation seems to be one of the educational institutions for M.Luther. He thinks it must be from teachers' continuing education that make reached the nation high leveled status. In conclusion, M.Luther had a design to change the whole world with education. To make present world much better world, it must be our current duty that adapting the M.Luther's educational thought to home, school, church, nation.

      • 商業系 高等學校 簿記敎育의 效果的 運營方案에 관한 硏究

        송영수 東亞大學校 敎育大學院 1991 국내석사

        RANK : 247807

        Morden is an age of sudden change and these change is to be classified into change of industrial structure, the cityward drifting for population and development of mass communication. These changes give rise to new situation and the aspect of human life, and education raise new problems that can not meet with past educational quality or ways. Education of a commercial high school is for the purpose of developing creativity and making positive preparations for the development of a society with sound ethic view of their occupations come to appear to maintain a reasonable and effective life of economy. To fulfill this educational goal, the education course of a commercial high school have been amended and supplemented through five times in Korea. The purpose of this study is to analyze various ploblems facing book-keeping education of a commercial high school. And to suggest some new directions for book-keeping education of commercial high school, where industrialized society of today cultivates able vocational workers demanded in it. According to the results of the positive analysis of this study, I would like to present some comments and suggestions to improve the methods for effective application of book-keeping education in commercial high school. 1. Poor hour of book-keeping subject is much room for consideration. They can not get full practical course in accordance with poor hour, and they must study at an accounting training center because their school hour are poor. 2. A grade of book-keeping, national qualification examination must be controlled for obtainment. Most jobs employ an employee with grade. 3. We must have a correct understanding about computer. Computer is an instrument only for a major, and recorded in book-keeping or the way for closing accounts are not developed together according to development of computer. Software for accounting transaction is developed by full educated person about book-keeping and we must induce them to transact the accounting by computer. We will accomplish our purpose for computerization of accounting service and expert skill education of commercial high schools. 4. In order to raise the standard of vocationally required subjects. We must should reinforce them in terms of quality and quantity. And it is required that after graduation students should have life-long professional or vocational education for coping with rapidly changing environment of industrial society. 5. We have to make an attempt to give lessons in form of questions and answers. Nowdays, the teaching methods about book-keeping training are, for the most part, lecturing. If we choose catechism as a teaching method, the positiveness, originality, and they will improve their abilities to manage accounting business.

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