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      • 초등학교 전문적 학습공동체에서 나타나는 교사역량의 변화 탐구 : 이해중심교육과정 실천을 바탕으로

        오윤혜 경인교육대학교 교육전문대학원 2019 국내석사

        RANK : 233325

        본 연구의 목적은 이해중심교육과정을 실천하며 나타나는 초등학교 전문적 학습공동체 안에서 교사역량의 변화를 탐구하기 위함이다. 구체적으로 이해중심교육과정이라는 교육과정 설계 모형을 전문적 학습공동체에서 어떻게 실천하는지를 살펴보고, 그 과정에서 교사역량의 변화에 초점을 두고자 한다. 본 연구는 이해중심교육과정의 실천을 위해 전문적 학습공동체를 자발적으로 실천하고 있는 학교와 그 모임에 참여하는 교사를 연구 참여자로 선정하여 사례연구를 실시하였다. 서로 다른 수준의 교사역량을 가진 9명의 연구 참여자를 9개월 동안 참여관찰 하였고, 심층면담, 이메일, 메신저 등을 활용하여 자료를 수집하고 분석하였다. 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 전문적 학습공동체 안에서 이해중심교육과정의 실천 양상을 지식, 기능, 가치의 측면으로 살펴보았다. 지식의 측면에서는 서로 다른 초보적, 능숙한, 숙련 수준의 교사는 이해중심교육과정이라는 교육과정 설계 모형에 대한 이해를 달리하였다. 백워드 설계의 1단계 핵심질문을 구성하는 과정, 2단계 수행과제를 제안하는 과정, 3단계 수행평가에서 교사들은 어려움을 경험했다. 서로 다른 역량을 가진 교사들은 각기 다른 이해와 실천 양상을 보였으나 각 수준마다 유의미한 발달을 보였다. 기능의 측면에서 교사들은 반성적 사고, 교수적 기능, 의사소통 기능, 교육과정 문해력 등의 발달을 경험했다. 가치의 측면에서 교사들은 학생의 잠재력 함양을 위한 헌신을 바탕으로 열정, 교사 전문성, 개선을 위한 노력 등을 펼쳤다. 이 과정에서 교사역량은 지식, 기능, 가치 측면이 상호보완적, 총체적 특성을 보이며 다차원적으로 발달해 나갔다. 둘째, 전문적 학습공동체 안에서 교사역량의 변화를 살펴보았다. 서로 다른 수준의 교사역량을 지닌 교사들은 문제를 해결하는 의사소통 과정을 경험하며 동료교사와 공동연구, 공동실천의 상호작용을 통해 변화를 경험하거나 교사 개인의 내적 변화를 경험하며 교사역량을 발달시켰다. 형식에 얽매이는 초보적 수준을 넘어 창의성을 발휘하여 유연성을 높이는 숙련 수준으로 발달했다. 또한 교육과정에 대한 거시적 안목을 갖게 되며, 교사들 간의 소통 문화를 형성하였다. 백워드 설계는 혼자보다 함께 설계할 때 풍부한 교육적 효과를 얻을 수 있기 때문에 전문적 학습공동체를 통한 경험은 백워드 설계의 지속성을 높이고, 협력적 유대관계를 가능하게 만들었다. 교사 내적 성장 측면에서, 전문적 학습공동체를 통해 열정이란 가치를 되찾고, 도전하고, 교사로서의 성찰을 경험하게 만들었다. 따라서 전문적 학습공동체를 통한 이해중심교육과정 실천은 교사 개인보다 협력을 통한 실천에 주목했고, 서로의 비전과 가치를 공유하고, 집단창의성을 발휘하며 교사역량의 발달을 가능하게 했다. 연구 결과의 의의는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 교사역량의 발달은 지식, 기능, 가치의 여러 특성이 복합적으로 상호작용하며 이뤄진다. 둘째, 전문적 학습공동체 운영을 통한 교사 간 상호작용과 내적 성장에 의의를 가진다. 본 연구 결과는 현재 운영되고 있는 전문적 학습공동체에 활용될 수 있으며, 교사역량의 총체적 발달을 모색하는 방안이 될 수 있을 것이다. 또한 현재 운영되는 전문적 학습공동체는 물론 연구회, 동아리 등 교사들의 소통이 자발적으로 이루어지는 모임 등에 활용되어 교사역량의 발달을 도모하는데 도움이 될 수 있을 것이다.

      • 선취업 후진학 체제 전환 이후 특성화고등학교의 변화 양상과 그 동인 분석 : A특성화고 사례 연구

        김정숙 충북대학교 2017 국내박사

        RANK : 118636

        This study focuses on the visible and invisible changes of specialized vocational high schools after the transition to the 'Work First-then to College System', "What changed and How did change happen?", and "Why did change happen?". The vocational education prior to the change of ‘Work First-then to College System’ was a subject to be avoided, and the specialized vocational high school was "a school in which the underdeveloped students were not able to advance to a academic high school" and "a school for the second-class education". Most of the students at these schools went to college or worked in a job that they did not like. The avoidance of vocational education did not end with the problem of the vocational education institution alone. It caused the problem of supply and demand for the entire nation. As well as personal loss, has brought the nation's overall loss. In order to solve these problems, the government has * A thesis for the degree of Master in February 2017. set up measures to transform secondary vocational education policy into 'Work First-then to College System' focused on employment in 2010 and to build it. Since the transition from the 'Work First-then to College System', specialized vocational high schools have begun to apply for specialization in place of academic high school in order for high achievers to work with increasing employment rate and high quality employment. This provides important implications. The purpose of this study is to investigate implications by clarifying the changes and changing forces, it's characteristics in the specialized vocational high school after the transition of the secondary vocational education policy to the 'Work First-then to College System' focused on employment. In order to achieve the purpose of the study, the characteristics, the changes and changing forces of students, teachers, school management was analyzed on A Specialized Vocational High School. A Specialized Vocational High School is purposeful sampling, and data sources are document information, record information, interview, participation observation. The interviews were conducted with administrators, teachers, and students. Participation observation took place from early 2012 to early 2016. The study was conducted in three stages. Data triangulation and methodological triangulation were performed to ensure reliability. In order to increase the credibility of the research, peer debriefing was conducted and the subjects were asked to confirm the contents of the research. The results of this study are as follows. Student's domain showed student resource, learning attitude, life attitude, career change. Student resources have not been able to advance into a normal high school in the past. Changes in motivation for support, changes in the number of students with high academic achievement “in order to prepare for the job”, and a decrease in the number of students dropping out of school also appeared. The students who applied for the job gave meaning to the school life, so the attitude of learning changed positively to participate in class and club activities related to professional subject, and self-directed learners increased. The attitude of life spontaneously kept the rules, and as the self-consciousness of positive changed, self-management ability in learning and life increased. The career hopes of the students turned out to be mostly employed, and employment and high quality employment increased. The employment rate and the increase in high quality employment played a virtuous cycle. The changing forces of student change was analyzed as high school graduation job search and employment support policy, the symbolic leadership of the school principal, the competence and discretion, will of the teacher, and the position competition to acquire a better position considering the current situation. The government has identified high school graduate jobs and supported employment as concrete to establish 'Work First-then to College System'. The meaning of job search and employment support for establishing a 'Work First-then to College System' and establishing a system is another desirable career path, the possibility of achievement of the students who want to specialize in high school or the specialization support. For the principal and teachers, there was a better possibility of output. This means that students, principals, and teachers can act as drivers of change. Teachers' competence was the ability to teach students through motivation of students. Teachers' discretion was student guidance of autonomous methods according to situation judgment. Teachers' will was effort, dedication and enthusiasm for student change and achievement. Students have changed to achieve their goals with the best possible chance of achieving a better position. In the area of ​​teachers, there were changes in class, life guidance, career guidance, and student education hall. Teachers changed the focus of the class into employment by the job-oriented vocational education policy. Then they changed the teaching instructional objective for job competency development, reconstructed class contents, and changed process to be more student activity-centered. Teachers who recognized that humanity was important had begun to strictly apply rules for student character education in their life guidance, emphasize self-management, and try to improve student culture. Career guidance changed the direction of guidance, emphasized employment, changed the way of job-oriented career guidance so that it was advantageous for employment, and emphasized acquisition of qualification. Because of student change and possibility of output, teachers were expecting students and trying hard. Enthusiasm can not always be done in the same way. When the situation is grasped, it should be changed according to the situation. Teachers reflect on what they have seen and heard in the workplace and feedback on student guidance, collecting and analyzing data and documenting what needs to be done. The student education hall has changed. The changing forces of teacher change was job-oriented vocational/high school graduation job search and employment support policy, principal's distributed leadership, and teacher's capacity, discretion and will as teacher's self. The specific and clear high school vocational education frame, high school graduation job search and employment support policy were imprinted in the sense of better possibility of output to the school principals and teachers, so that principals and teachers could act as the drivers of change. Teacher's competencies are student teaching capability, information gathering capability, the ability to change management. Teacher's discretions are influenced by changes in the directions of teachers' activities according to value judgment, the scope of teacher activities through the judgment of the situation, teacher willingness, change and performance of students, and efforts to change oneself and passion. In the school management area, educational programs, financial affairs, and personnel changes appeared. In the school program, the number of units of specialized curriculum increased due to job-centered vocational education, and the number of units was reversed, and various programs were planned and operated to strengthen employment capacity. After school, it was customized based on the qualification, and revitalized the circles related to the specialized curriculum. In line and finances, conversion to specialization account, increase of target business expense, change of space composition appeared. Personnel change showed a shift in work sharing to strengthen the functions of the employment related departments and a change in the openness of the specialized subject. The changing forces of school management change are the vocational education advancement plan, which includes the transition to specialization, the strengthening of employment capacity, the curriculum guidelines, the contents of strengthening career education, and principal's transformational leadership, teacher's competence, discretion and will. The advancement plan for vocational education, high school graduation job search and employment support policy was recognized as meaning of restoration and efficiency of vocational education institution to principals and teachers, so that principals and teachers, who are subject to change, played a role of driver. Teacher's competency is the ability to operate school program, teacher's discretion is the flexibility and judgment according to the situation judgment, and the will of the teacher is will and effort to secure financial and create performance. As a characteristic of the change phase, the interaction difference, the core change factor, and the reversal phenomenon were found among the change elements of each region. The interaction between change factors in student area was very complicated, but the teacher area was simple and the school management area was one-sided. As a result of analyzing interactions in the area of ​​student change, the employment rate and the increase in high-quality employment have directly or indirectly influenced all the change factors. The employment rate and the increase in the number of high quality employees were key factors for change. The reversal phenomenon is as follows: Career in career hope: Going to college from 7:3 to 3:7, Specialized subject from 80:100 to 100:80, Learning activities were changed from teacher-centered to student-centered. This is related to the policy view that "vocational education policy" should be regarded as "final education" or "continuing education." A characteristic of the changing forces is as follows. In all three areas, policies, principals, and teachers appeared to be the changing force, but the meaning was different. In addition to policy, school principals, and teachers, positional competition played a key role in student change. As a result, I was able to find position competition as another changing force to drive school change. In the relationship between school change and changing forces, changing forces were involved in a single factor of change and each area is different changing force's influence. Policy was the most powerful changing force in student change, teacher itself in teacher change, and principal influence in school management change. When I sum up the three areas, the influence and influence process of the policy were different according to the change factors. Most of the change factors were influenced by the policy, but the management change, the school culture that was unique to school did not have the influence of the policy. Policies have affected input-conversion-output of schools. Through the change of school, the meaning of policy was found. The significance of the policy was to provide the positive power of the student due to employment possibility, welfare, and other career paths. It was a chance for teachers to demonstrate professionalism for students who needed reward and help from student change and achievement. In school management, identity restored. Finally, three implications were derived from the study. First, it is necessary to continuously promote 'Work First-then to College System'. This is because the system plays a significant role as a pathway for student career growth and some of the shadow education problems are solved, which is a solution to student career and public education. Second, it is necessary to consider the core change factors and position competition in the education policy making process. As a changing force, vocational education policy has led to a rise in the employment rate and an increase in the number of high quality employees. The increase in the employment rate and the increase in the number of high-quality employees gave the students the possibility of obtaining a better position, and students began to change. Teachers were also able to influence student change with the idea that students could gain better status. Unlike the changes in school management and teachers, the change of students was intertwined with the complexity of the change factors. The most influential factors in interaction were the increase in the employment rate and the increase in the number of high quality workers. Third, it is necessary to secure the self-sufficiency for the employment rate and quality of employment at the school level. The key change factors in student change, the most important area of ​​school change, were the increase in employment rate and quality of employment. However, the current school employment rate is slightly over 50%. Since the transition to the specialized vocational school, the specialized students have become more difficult to go to college due to the decrease of the special screening and the decrease of the number of units of the general curriculum. A student who has graduated from a specialized vocational school without an employment is also a problem. To minimize these problems, it is necessary to actively find jobs at the school level and to make efforts to increase competitiveness in employment. Specifically, since the principal is in the symbolic position of the school, it is necessary to exert more efforts to find jobs and support employment.

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