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      • 수형자 교정교화의 실질화 방안 연구 : 인성교육 강화를 중심으로

        조도현 전북대학교 법무대학원 2015 국내석사

        RANK : 249631

        Research on plans for practical inmate correction (Focused on character education enhanced ) Cho, Do-hyun Department of Law Graduate School of Legal Affairs Chonbuk National University As the society advances, a certain degree of increase of crime rate might be unavoidable. That’s because society members’ interactions increase, and their interests become more complicated. However, voice of demanding better plans for practical inmate correction system is increasing. Firstly, due to the increase of serious crimes and re-offending, people’s fears grow, so their demanding for establishment of safe society is rising. Secondly, there is limit of current correction system for the prevention of re-offending. Third, there is a need for the transition of correction paradigm focusing on imprisonment. Last, based on current conditions of inmate correction program, self-evaluation should be made, and continuous efforts for subject education, emotion education, and prevention of special crimes re-offending should also be made. Management of Integral Acquired Education System, established in July of 2013 as a part of integral policy for inmate correction plan, can be regarded as fairly revolutionary change of correction administration. However, until now, whenever government changes, government plans were announced, according to the plans each division claims change and renovation, and new paradigm and specific plans were sent to subordinate institutions and encouraged to put them in use. Some saw outcomes, but mostly it is hard to avoid the criticism that those are display administrative affairs. Therefore, in this research, regarding plans for practical inmate correction, (1) current situation of correction program, and the need for improvement will be discussed, and (2) the plan is divided into prerequisites for practical moral education and methods of practical moral education will be studied. Prerequisites for practical moral education are (1) measures for correction administration system, and (2) upgrading to correction bureau and general social measures. Measures for correction administration system include 1)improvement of working environment. For this, an increase of the personnel and methods to relieve correction staff of stress are needed. 2) to improve organization culture and job satisfaction, legal and institutional system re-arrangement is need, and through establishment of a variety of public relation system and execution of new media, strategic PR activities should be applied to correction administration, so that correction system can be trusted by average people. Measures to upgrade to correction bureau and general social measures refer to 1) establishment of correction law and upgrading to correction bureau. The purpose of correction law is proper infrastructure for increasing demands of correction administration, reflection of specialty and particularity of correction work, enhancement of correction capability through better recruiting, fostering of unity among correction members, balance with other judicature institutes, establishment of consistent command system, and finally difference from other administrative affairs. For future oriented reorganization, independent correction bureau is required. Correction bureau independence refers to activation of correction organization, establishment of correction law, expansion or founding of department of correction training, small-sized correction facilities, specialization of correction system, merge of protection department and foundation of specialized correction facilities. 2) Improvement of civil client satisfaction is emphasized, and through satisfaction improvement, trust of correction is enhanced, so new and innovative policy based of popular support can be made. 3) Regarding PR and improvement of image, correction workers’ jobs are underestimated by average people considering danger and specialty of their performance, and workers are also underpaid. They act as not only last alternatives of social defense but also correctors or educators of inmates, like saint or teachers. Their roles in the society are very important, but they are regarded lower than fire fighters, soldiers, police officers, and prosecutors. They are even depreciated as jailer, so their image improvement and PR are much needed. Measures for practical moral education include (1) improvement of moral education program of the Ministry of Justice (2) improvement of family relation program (3) introduction of psychical cure program. The essence of improvement of moral education program of the Ministry of Justice can be summed up as Integral Acquired Education System. Assign moral education time to all inmates according to their terms or grade of their treatment, so their mental change can occur. Problems and supplementation are need for 1) development of moral education program 2) compensation of education workforce and instructors 3) benefit of inmates. Improvement of family relation program is also needed. Through contacting family, while in prison and after released, inmates can adapt to the society successfully. Moreover, families of inmates experience financial hardships due to the arrest of breadwinner, and they also go through mental hardships as family of criminals, which in turn gives inmates mental pressure. This has a bad effect on the correction system. In case families break up, inmates lose foundation to adjust in the society after they are released, which leads to imprisonment accident, re-offending, or even other social problems. To maximize the correction effect, switch from the policy that only focuses on inmates into the policy that considers not only inmates but also their families is needed. An essential element that should be included to moral education program is psychical cure program. I once worked as an education staff in a probation office located in Seoul. Now, while working as an education staff in the prison, I notice that many inmates have wounded minds. There are various reasons such as parents’ divorce and child abuse. Therefore introduction of moral education program that cures their minds is urgent. I came to conclusion that the essence of plans for practical inmate correction is enhancement of family relation program and psychical cure program. As I mentioned above, in order to maximize the effect of correction policy, policy that considers inmates as well as their families should be made, not just for inmates themselves. Psychical cure program is what shouldn’t be overlooked, along with enhancement of family relation programs. What should be included to moral education program is psychical cure program, I believe. Thus, introduction of psychical cure program for moral education program is need.

      • 부동산 경매절차에 있어서 유치권에 관한 연구 : 법무부 민법개정시안 중 유치권 중심으로

        김현미 전북대학교 법무대학원 2013 국내석사

        RANK : 249631

        유치권은 타인의 물건 또는 유가증권을 점유하고 있는 자가 그 물건이나 유가증권에 관하여 생긴 채권을 변제 받을 때까지 이를 점유하여 채무자의 변제를 간접적으로 강제하는 담보물권이다. 어떤 물건을 점유하고 있는 자가 그 물건에 관하여 생긴 채권을 가지고 있는 경우에 그 채권의 변제를 받기 전에 자신만이 점유를 상대방에게 이전하여야 한다면 불공평한 결과가 발생한다는 공평의 원칙에 그 근거를 두고 있다. 유치권의 존부에 대한 소송도 경매와 관련된 이해관계인들과의 사이에서 문제를 해결하기 위한 수단으로 이루어진다. 실무적으로 주장되는 유치권은 대부분 공사대금채권을 피담보채권으로 한 것과 임차인이 임대차관계에 있어 시설비를 피담보채권으로 한 것이다. 최근에는 부동산 건설경기의 불황으로 인한 미분양사태 등으로 인하여 건설공사 수급인 등 채권을 가지고 있는 자가 유치권을 주장하는 비중이 높아져 가고 있다. 경매실무에서의 유치권의 비중이 높아져 가고 있는 것이다. 그러나 부동산의 매수인으로서는 유치권으로 신고된 피담보채권액을 사실상 인수하게 되어 부동산 가격에 비해 현저하게 매수가격을 낮추어 매수 신고할 수 밖에 없고, 이로 인하여 유치권자보다 먼저 저당권을 설정한 담보물권자가 사실상 변제를 받지 못하는 경우가 흔히 나타나고 있다. 또한 채무자가 허위의 가장 유치권자를 양산하여 경매를 조직적으로 방해하고 경매 브로커들이 주동함으로써 부당이득을 취하고 있는 사례가 빈번히 발생하고 있다. 강제집행을 담당하는 법원으로서는 유치권에 대한 신고가 들어오면 어떻게 처리해야 될지 고민하게 되고, 정확한 업무지침도 마련되어 있지 않아 실무상 문제점이며, 집행법원마다 그 처리를 달리하고 있어 문제라 하지 않을 수 없다. 법무부는 2009년 5개년 계획으로 시대변화에 부응하기 위하여 민법 내용에 대한 대대적 개정작업에 착수하였다. 그리하여 민법개정위원회를 구성하고 동 위원회 소속 제5분과위원회로 하여금 담보법에 관한 개정작업을 담당하도록 하였다. 2009년의 제1기 및 2010년의 제2기 5분과위원에서는 담보권 중 유치권에 대한 개정시안을 마련하였는데 2012년 4월 23일 민법개정위원회 전체회의에서 일부 수정하여 확정하였다. 유치권에 대한 개정시안의 중요 내용은 (1) 원칙적으로 부동산에 대한 유치권제도를 폐지하고 동산 및 유가증권에 한하여 유치권을 인정하되, (2) 현행 부동산유치권의 성립전제인 피담보채권에 대하여 "저당권설정청구권"을 인정하고, (3) 이러한 저당권설정청구권은 채권의 변제기로부터 6개월 내에 등기하거나 등기청구의 소를 제기하도록 하고, (4) 위 6개월의 기산은 부동산이 미등기인 경우에는 채권의 변제기와 소유권보존 등기를 한 날 중 늦게 도래한 날로부터 계산하고, (5) 저당권설정등기 이전에 채권의 변제기가 도래하면 변제기에 저당권이 설정된 것으로 소급효를 인정하겠다는 것이다. 본 논문에서는 유치권제도의 법적성질, 성립요건, 효력등 일반론과 유치권의 연혁과 외국의 입법예를 살펴보고, 유치권에 대한 개정시안 민법 제320조와 민사집행법 제91조 제5항의 타당성 여부를 검토하였고 나름대로의 대안을 다음과 같이 살펴 보았다. 첫째, 독일을 비롯한 대부분의 국가각 부동산유치권을 인정하고 있는 것과 달리 개정시안은 부동산유치권제도를 원칙적으로 폐지하려고 하고 있는바, 이는 타당하지 않다고 본다. 따라서 부동산유치권제도를 현행 민법체계대로 유지하되, 표시등기제도나 유치권등기제도를 도입하여 유치권을 등기할 수 있는 제도로 개선하고, 민사집행법 제91조 제5항을 삭제하여 대법원 판례의 취지를 따르도록 하는 것이 타당하다고 하겠다. 둘째, 유치권의 피담보채권의 발생으로 유치목적물의 객관적 가치가 현존하는 경우에 그 부분에 대하여는 유치권자에게 소액임대차보증금의 최우선변제권을 인정하는 것과 같은 최우선 변제권을 보장하고, 그러하지 아니한 피담보채권에 대하여는 법정담보물권성립 순위에 따라 우선변제권의 순위를 결정하면 될 것이다. 다시 말해서 우선변제권을 객관적 가치의 증대에 기여한 부분과 그러하지 아니한 부분으로 나누어 전자는 최우선변제권을 후자는 성립순위에 따른 우선변제권을 각각 보장해 주면 된다고 하겠다. 이상과 같은 개성방안을 입법적으로 도입한다면 우리나라 부동산 경매절차에 있어 유치권자의 지위가 명확하게 되어 유치권자의 지위와 관련된 문제점들이 해결될 것으로 본다. 아울러 유치권제도의 남용으로 인하여 일어나는 부동산경매절차의 지연이나 후일의 분쟁을 사전에 예방함으로써 효율적인 부동산경매 제도가 정착될 것이다.

      • 수형자 분류처우제도에 관한 연구

        박은하 전북대학교 법무대학원 2009 국내석사

        RANK : 249631

        With the enactment of law on penalty execution and prisons' treatment, enforcement ordinance on penalty execution and prisons' treatment, and law enforcement regulations on prisons' treatment and penalty execution as of 2008. 12. 19, convict treatment system by classification shifted its center of gravity for convict treatment from progressive stage system, the step-by-step rank treatment system, to class treatment system that points to scientific and individual treatment. Also, consignment classification by number of criminal records that was operated for administrative convenience has changed to class consignment in respect to the degree of security. The classification of consignment based on screening is indeed an innovational change in the modern history of Korean convict education. The individualization of treatment doesn't feature the quantity property that can be dealt with under the principle of equality, but rather diagnoses the characteristics and aptitude of each individual and provides the most appropriate and individualized treatment, with its basis on quality property. This is because each convict should be recognized as an individual and be provided tailored treatment with suitable education and treatment in order for an educational program within a correctional institution to take effect. This paper examined currently operating convict classification system and its problems in microscopic point of view. The classification system approved of internationally for individualization of treatment that is recognized as one of the new ways of correction in the 20th century can be referred to as novel labeling upon convicts consigned in correctional institutions. The two axes of correctional idea and convict treatment are humanitarianism in accordance with the development of class treatment system, and scientific rationalism. How these two axes can harmonize and develop through mutual supplement and checking is the task to be achieved in correctional administration.

      • 주민소환제도의 문제점과 개선방안에 관한 연구

        정종철 전북대학교 법무대학원 2015 국내석사

        RANK : 249615

        The Recall of Elected Officials Act of our country was approved at a plenary session on May 2, 2006 and enforced on May 25, 2007 but it was actually effected on July 1, 2007 and thus, it became possible for residents to recalldismiss an elected official if a local government head or a local assembly man not only commits any violation of a law or any irregularities but also implements district administration arbitrarily or self-righteously. The Act regulates mayorDo governor, mayorcounty governorthe head of a Gu of a local government head, and local assembly men (excluding proportional representatives) as elected officials; a person entitled for the recall is a resident at the age of over 19 who has address in a local government with jurisdiction except for the one who does not have right to vote under the Public Official Election Act but a foreigner with a certain qualification is included. However, it is proper to include un-elected proportional representatives through amendment of the law in the future like elective officials. It is believed that primary responsibility for a local assembly not to have exercise its role was on local assembly men in spite of available control devices against sole lead such as promotion of popular large-scale project or introduction of unpleasant facilities without consent of residents, self-righteousness, and irregularities, and it seems our unique local feeling to defend one's own family played a role. The most important problem shown in operational cases of our Recall Act is that claim reasons (such as violation of law, abuse of official authority, or dereliction of duties) for recall is not prescribed. Abuse of official authority can be raised at any time even though claim requirements are strengthened to a certain degree. There is a problem that the same administrative act may be evaluated as an accomplishment in a self-governing body but is may be a cause for recalling in a different self-governing body so that it would damage equity or stability of local administration. It is because a local government head is subject to be recalled if a policy of the head is contrary to a specific residents' emotion or has influence on their interest even though the policy is helpful to local economy and is for the public benefit of the whole local residents. Also, it is required to change determination requirements for public recall vote from existing ones of more than 1/3 voters of the whole resident voters with majority consent to 1/4 voters of the whole resident voters with majority consent in order to reduce the conflict between residents arising from overuse of claim for public recall vote and the tax revenue consumption or administrative waste due to voting; and, this will strengthen claim requirements but alleviate determination requirements so that it will be a way to raise effectiveness of recall system with prevention of overuse of the system. 10% of the whole qualified voters at the age of over 19 for a recall vote mean that it is necessary to get signature of more than 250,000 people in a local government which has more than 5 million populations and therefore, there is little concern about overuse of a recall vote. Item 1, article 7 of the Recall Act differentiates the number of claimants as per local official as follows; over 10/100 of the total number of qualified voters as for mayorDo governor; over 15/100 as for mayorcounty governorthe head of a Gu of a local government head; and, over 20/100 as for a cityprovincial council member of a local constituency and a cityprovincial council member of an autonomous Gu. As for USA, there is difference from about 10% to 50% as per the region; and, as for Japan, they require signatures of over 1/3 voters for recall with exception of 1/6 special regulations over 400,000 people with respect to a local assembly man. As for our country, it is required to have a discussion to adjust the numbers of claimants considering local population due to the large population deviation according to a local government. It is necessary to arrange a plan to differentiate signature requirements as per over 5 million, 1 million, 500,000, 200,000 and fewer than 200,000 people of local populations. Meantime, a concern about overuse of recall may exist if proposal requisite is excessively relaxed but successful dismissal case is for only 2 people up to now according to public recall. Case of public recall sometimes shows the ones of corruption and irregularity but it also shows conflicts between local governments and residents; and, such conflicts seem to have arisen because residents were excluded from promotion of policies. It is necessary to regulate obligation of compulsory notice of self-autonomy committee and information promulgation of local governments in order to improve above matter and to establish residents' participatory decision-making system in which residents actually participate from the initial stage of policy decision. In addition, in case of recall, misunderstanding is deepened due to conflicts and turbid emotion without conversation between supporting group and objection group even though they live in the same village and therefore, it is definitely necessary to set up a permanent body like conflict mediation organization in order to solve such an unfortunate and desolate reality of a village. It is required to conduct positive research and to make best efforts to have the recall system, which was difficultly introduced to our country, contribute to democratic reform to local community without becoming an empty system. Indiscriminate overuse of the public recall system would only bring about recognition of "a public recall system has no meaning" or "a public recall system has been overused" without going to actual recall. It is expected to use the public recall of representational democracy system as a way to supplement indirect democracy of local autonomy instead of damaging its own original purpose including reckless overuse.

      • 국제인도법상 민간인 보호에 관한 연구

        조재만 전북대학교 법무대학원 2014 국내석사

        RANK : 249615

        Belligerent law, which is relevant to jus in bello, has begun to be referred to as ‘international humanitarian law’ since World War II. As such, the importance of protecting civilians in humanitarian view is brought to the fore bearing fruit due to the two World Wars that caused huge damage to civilians, especially World War II. Thus, Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War of August 12, 1949 and 1977 Geneva Protocol Ⅰ, Ⅱ Additional to the Geneva Conventions have multiple rules to protect civilians. In short, by stipulating the protection of civilians that has not been the direct object of rules, international humanitarian law expanded the category of its protected object and presented 'one opportunity to change the way of thinking from law of wars to humanitarian law.' However, despite the fact that all rules protecting civilians through the process of self-reflection of World War were enacted in the form of multilateral treaty, the danger is extremely high for civilians to be victims of armed conflicts. For example, the number of deaths caused by various armed conflicts that occurred after 1946 is about 2 thousand, and it is analyzed that 90% of them are civilians. Therefore, it is still a huge project to protect civilians from not only armed conflicts of today but also international terrorism occurring every day all over the world. Thus, this paper aims to examine the main issues related to civilians protection in terms of armed conflict law in the following order. (1) Introduce the history of International Humanitarian Law; (2) How civilians are defined and what protection is stipulated for them; (3) What problems there are related to civilians protection; and (4) deduce from conclusion what the essence of the issue and solutions are.

      • 공유재산의 효율적 관리에 관한 법적연구 : 전라북도교육청의 실태를 중심으로

        정철 전북대학교 법무대학원 2009 국내석사

        RANK : 249615

        본 연구에서는 공유재산의 일반개념과 관리의 의의를 살펴보았고, 대상은 전라북도교육청에 대한 전반적인 현황과 운영방법을 조사, 분석하여 공유재산의 문제점을 도출하고 개산방안을 모색하기 위해 현행 법령과 재산현황 등을 분석하였다. 앞에서 정리한 공유재산의 관리실태와 문제점 , 그리고 효율화 방안을 논의 하였다. 그러나 여러방안이 실질적인 효과성을 갖기 위해서는 먼저 해결되어야 할 선결과제가 있다. 즉 공유재산에 대한 상세한 정비와 전산화구축이 필요할 것이다. 또한 일반재산의 정비를 위해서는 우선, 은닉재산의 발굴 및 무단점유재산에 대한 색출작업이 지속적으로 이루어져야 한다. 아울러서 공유재산관리에 있어서도 미래세대의 이익보호, 자연환경보호 등의 측면을 고려한 관리가 이루어져야 한다. 지금처럼 단순히 매각하고 대부하여 그 수입을 얻는 것만이 공유재산관리라고 할 수는 없는 것이다. 따라서 공유재산에 대한 효율적 운영에 충분히 대비하고 지방재정력의 보완적인 측면과 각종 도시기반시설 및 문화시설 등의 설치에 있어 미래를 예측하는 차원에서 공유재산에 대한 인식과 사고에 큰 전환이 요구된다. 국가적 관점에서는 첫째, 국가시책에 따라 1952년 교육자치제도 전환으로 관리기관인 교육위원회가 시장·군수 산하로 가면서 함께 공립학교의 부지 소관청을 국유재산에서 공유재산으로 전환추진을 적극 추진했어야 하나, 그러지 못하여 현재 국유재산으로 관리 되어 있고, 1991.3.26. 지방교육자치에관한 법률 제4347호를 근거로 시·도단위 교육자치제가 실시되어 공유재산으로의 소관청 변경이 더욱 어렵게 되었다. 위에서 살펴본 바와 같이 공립학교 부지내 국유지가 있어 지번 합병이 어렵고 학교건물의 환경개선 및 증축 등에 많은 장애가 발생하고 있으며, 또한 학교부지가 여러 필지로 재산관리 되어 일선학교의 행정적 낭비는 물론 국가에서도 재산권 행사를 못하는 기현상이 나타나고 각종 공부관리에 많은 예산투자로 개선이 필요하다고 할 것이다. 둘째, 기획재정부소관 국유재산을 각 시·도교육청에서 134필지 45,058㎡를 점유하고 있는데 현재까지 전라북도교육청에서만도 10여필지에 1억여원의 무단점유변상금을 부과한 실정으로 기획재정부에서는 학교에서 무단점유한 토지에 대하여 계속하여 변상금을 부과할 예정이라고 하고 있으나, 현재 열악한 지방교육재정으로는 변상금 납부가 불가능 할 뿐만 아니라 매입을 위한 예산확보는 어려운 실정이다. 셋째, 전체적인 점유현황을 파악하여 공립 학교내에 존재하는 국유재산 토지는 한시적으로 특별법을 제정 후 지방자치단체에 양여하여 열악한 지방교육에 도움이 되도록 국가차원의 지원이 필요하다. 지방자치단체의 관점에서는 첫째, 관리조직의 취약성이다. 재산관리 전담부서의 인력이 부족하고, 배치된 인력도 전문적 지식과 경험이 풍부한 전문가는 거의 찾아 볼 수 없어 형식적인 법적이행 절차에 그치는 등 관리조직 면에서 생산적 활용이나 효율적 관리를 기대하기 어려운 실정이다. 둘째, 공유재산 관리·운용의 비효율성이다. 공유 일반재산이 장기적 안목에서 생산적으로 활용되기 보다는 부족재원의 충당 또는 관리상 어려움 때문에 매각 위주로 관리되고 있다. 그럼으로 해서 공유 일반재산이 폐교로 인한 일반재산에의 편입이 있음에도 실질적으로는 많은 감소 추세를 보이고 있다. 따라서 매각위주에서 적극적 활용의 방향으로 전환하여야 한다. 매각계획의 초기 단계에서부터 처분후 새로운 재산조성까지 철저한 관리 통제가 필요하다. 그리고 무상대부 재산은 가급적 유상대부로 전환하거나 장기적 관점에서 단계적으로 매입토록 하고, 무단점유재산에 대하여는 변상금 징수 등 조속한 조치가 이루어져야 한다. 셋째로는 관리지원제도 운영 미흡이다. 공유재산정보관리시스템이 구축되어 있지 않아 공유재산의 신속·정확한 자료관리가 어렵고, 유용한 정책수립의 기초 자료를 산출하거나 실무적으로 활용할 수 있는 통계처리도 어려운 실정이다. 따라서 관리지원제도 운영의 활성화를 위하여 공유재산 정보관리시스템을 조속히 구축하여 재산관리가 용이하도록 한다. 이런 시스템의 개발에는 많은 인력과 재원이 소요되므로 국가차원에 공동 개발 운영하는 것이 합리적이다. National own property and a local autonomous entity property promote the public benefit which realizes economic earning and private economy by means of administration material resources. The goal of possessing national property is the measure of public profit for the general goal. Furthermore, the application of this goal is getting magnifying. In the mean while of radical industrialization and urbanization, there are two edges of a sword; one is a bright side of view as a result of increasing industrial equipment investment and extended investment in the public sector, and another is a negative assessment for the government policy which has took enormous advantages of enlarging stocks as a means of financial resources. Also, The nation and a local self government have been focusing on actual money account simply, and passively making efforts to carry on the maintenances. On the other hand, recent national property management has applied to actualize economic feasibility and its effectiveness energetically. Accordingly, national public property management requires not only economic preservation and magnification, but also necessitates a range of new-fangled systems for utilizing property by a measure of enlarging economic effective value. Recent national public property management has need of revolution in present condition from over past 50 years of passive management system.

      • 주민소환제도에 관한 연구

        이성희 전북대학교 법무대학원 2009 국내석사

        RANK : 249615

        As a result of the great June 1987 struggle for democratization, the constitution for the settlement of perfunctory representative democracy was amended in 1987. In 1991 local autonomy was revived which had stopped since 5.16 coup and conducted more than 10 years after that. With the short history of local autonomy, it seems to be unreasonable to expect too much. However, the advent of local self-government is inevitable and the success of local autonomy depends on the quantity and quality of citizens' participation. This study makes a survey of the system of citizens' participation as the necessary condition for realization of ideal local autonomy, especially draws importance and necessity of the recall and suggests the problem of the current system and improvement for ideal recall system. Without citizens' participation in a contemporary society, representative democracy is in a serious state of crisis in a local self-government. As Adams pointed as follows: "If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary.", the act of corruption, neglect of duties, misconduct in office conducted by elected representatives such as provincial governors and local council members picked by inhabitants who are not angels caused feud and conflict over all the society as well as the increase of administrative expenses through wasteful spending, but the control of citizens did not take place. To solve these problems, 'the law on the recall' established in May of 2006 should be amended its procedure and grounds for ensuring more citizens' participation as well as preventing abuses. The recall applies to only the heads of local administration and local council members, but it is so restricted that superintendents of Office of Education who elected by direct election since 2007 and assemblymen picked by proportional representation should be included, because they have the same position and power. In addition, the recall is related to the overall estimation or reliance on public servants and therefore it is not meaningful to describe individual causes in the law. If the government restricts recall attempts by using abstractive and indefinite concept, it is distorted as the judicial process and the judicature is in a political turmoil. It depends on voters whether or not the official should be recalled. This is the basic intent which legislation precedents which do not restrict recall attempts and the key of the recall. Like other democratic system, the recall has a negative function as well as a positive function. Accordingly, in the process of recall, it is needed to examine obscure clauses synthetically and complement them so that it can minimize the possibility of abuses and encourage citizens' participation. The recall to improve democracy and responsibility of local administration should take root in Korea and become an opportunity to establish local autonomy.

      • 기술이전계약의 구성 요소 및 이행 불능에 관한 검토

        김진선 전북대학교 법무대학원 2021 국내석사

        RANK : 249615

        우리 민법은 계약 자유의 원칙에 따라 당사자 간 자유로운 내용으로 다양한 형태의 계약을 체결할 수 있다. 기술의 매매, 양도, 사용, 개발 등을 목적으로 하는 ‘기술이전계약’ 역시 유형자산을 거래하던 전통적 형태의 매매계약에서 발전된 새로운 계약의 대표적인 사례로 볼 수 있다. 과거와 달리 혁신기술의 개발 및 거래, 사업화가 활발해짐에 따라 기술이전계약의 중요성도 매우 높아졌다. 다만 기술이전계약은 계약 급부인 특허기술의 특성으로 인해 기본법인 민법 이외의 지식재산법에 관한 내용이 혼재되어 있어 어렵게 다가오는 것이 보통이다. 따라서 본 연구보고서에서는 기술이전계약에 대한 이해를 높이고자 기술이전계약의 구성요소(유형,절차,비용,당사자 등)와 관련 법령 등을 검토하였고, 특허무효와 같은 기술이전계약만의 법률적 문제를 살펴보면서 민법과 지식재산법의 해석과 처리방법에 대해 판례 및 학설을 정리해보고자 하였다. 특히 특허무효와 관련한 기술이전계약의 이행불능에 대해서는, 특허의 특수성에 따라 민법의 이행불능론과 다른 기준으로 해석하여 문제를 해결함을 살펴볼 수 있는데, 모든 계약의 뼈대를 구성하는 민법이라는 대전제가 존재하기 때문에 이행불능과 같이 중요한 원칙에서는 법리상 특별한 문제가 없다면 해석에 일관성을 두는 것이 필요할 것으로 생각한다.

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