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      • 공업고등학교와 3년제 전문대학간의 연계교육과정에 관한 연구

        최창원 安東大學校 敎育大學院 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 249663

        This study is concerned with curriculum of articulation education between technical high school and college. Articulation education which has been operated in korea, was first introduced in second proposal of the Presidential Commission on Education Reform established in February 1996. The purpose of this study is to find out problems of the articulation education between technical high school and college and to investigate how to make curriculum of articulation education between technical high school and college. Articulation education has big grown in quantity in a short term, but it has some problems in operating curriculum of articulation education between technical high school and college. To find alternative proposal, diagnosed the current status of the articulation education in korea and compared it with the Tech Prep system in U.S.A In operating curriculum respect, focus on improving basic vocational efficiency in high school, culturing special efficiency to make leading technicians in college. So high school also have to concentrate to extend ability of mathematics, science, and foreign languages to prepare to study in college. College focus on culturing vocational ability which needed industrial company or industrial fields. College provide a chance to get some point to high school students who joined in articulation education, so they can get early graduation through articulation education. To guarantee choice right of major or college to high school students, It is needed Multi-articulation education that joined several high schools and colleges. To give flexibility on operating curriculum of high school, it is need to revise the elementary&middle grade education law and high grade education law etc.

      • 工業系 高等學校와 專門大學간 機械系列學科 連繫敎育 改善方案 硏究 : 大邱·慶北 地域을 中心으로

        이규용 安東大學校 敎育大學院 2002 국내석사

        RANK : 249663

        This study was principally based on questionnaire poll, and it's restricted to eight technical high school and industrial companies in Daegu and Kyungbuk. The main results of this study were as follows: 1. Junior Colleges and industrial companies have more concerned about education connection that focused on technical function. It revealed more proper for generating technicians, motivating interests, and providing the technicians to industrial companies. 2. Curricula of education connection have caused teachers not to develop the curricula and teaching tools and etc, It is caused by over loaded administrative tasks but teaching. In addition lack of students interests and each policy for that students have caused less positiveness for participate in curricula. 3. For the lack of promotion participancy, students and teachers less participate in education curricula, and it has diminished the opportunities in recruiting, also Industrial companies suffers from recruiting technicians. 4. Facilities and teaching tools, developing curricula, inter support teachers to teachers, training, should be supported to vitalize the education connection, and have to develop various program such as visiting industrial companies, seminar, recruiting, license acquisition seminar, industrial practice program.

      • 책임윤리 기반의 초등학생을 위한 인공지능 윤리교육 프로그램 개발

        송주영 안동대학교 교육대학원 2023 국내석사

        RANK : 249663

        교육과정 내에서 인공지능 교육이 확대되고 있는 가운데, 인공지능 윤리교육의 중요성도 더욱 커지고 있다. 인공지능 윤리는 인공지능이라는 측면에서 실과 교육과정과, 또 윤리라는 점에서 도덕과와 깊은 관련이 있다. 2015 개정 및 2022 개정 도덕과 교육과정에서는 과학기술 윤리의 학습 요소로 책임 윤리를 들고 있다. 이를 바탕으로 인공지능과 관련된 여러 도덕적 문제들에 대하여 모든 인류가 현재 우리 사회 및 미래 사회에 대한 책임을 져야 할 의무가 있다는 관점에서 책임 윤리론을 기반으로 프로그램을 설계하였다. 본 연구에서는 한스 요나스의 책임윤리론을 기반으로 하여, 학생들이 현재 세대 및 미래 세대를 고려한 기술 발전의 관점에서 인공지능을 생각해 볼 수 있도록 하였다. 또한 인공지능과 관련된 여러 윤리적 문제들에 대해 생각해 보는 과정을 통하여 인공지능 윤리요소를 접할 수 있게 하였으며, 인공지능에 대한 도덕적 통제가 필요함을 느낄 수 있도록 하였다. 이 과정들을 통하여 인공지능 윤리원칙을 스스로 만들어보게끔 하며 인공지능 윤리의식을 키울 수 있도록 하였다. 본 연구를 위하여 6차시의 수업 프로그램을 백워드 방식으로 설계하여 개발하였으며, 경북 안동 소재의 초등학교 5학년 학생 21명을 대상으로 프로그램을 적용한 후 단일집단 사전, 사후 검사를 통해 인공지능 윤리의식 향상 정도를 살펴보았다. 연구 결과, 본 연구의 결론은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 인공지능 윤리의식 영역 중 책임성, 안정성 및 신뢰성, 공정성 및 차별금지, 허용과 한계, 고용의 5개 영역에서 통계적으로 유의미한 향상이 관찰되었다. 둘째, 특히 본 프로그램은 인공지능 윤리의식 영역 중 공정성 및 차별금지 영역에서 가장 큰 향상을 보였다. 셋째, 정성적 분석 결과, 프로그램 적용 전과 비교하여 학생들의 인공지능에 대한 인식이 긍정적으로 변화된 것을 관찰할 수 있었다. 처음 인공지능을 접하는 학생들은 생소한 분야이므로 인공지능과 인공지능 윤리를 받아들이기가 쉽지 않을 수 있다. 따라서, 인공지능과 관련된 주요 개념이나 용어 등을 정리해서 함께 교육하는 것이 교육 효과를 높이는 데 도움이 될 것이다. 이와 관련하여 인공지능 윤리의식의 세부 영역인 투명성, 안정성 등의 개념에 대해서도 자세한 안내가 있다면 학생들의 이해를 도울 수 있지 않을까 생각된다. 학생들이 인류와 인공지능의 관계를 어떻게 정립해 나갈 것인지, 인공지능을 어떠한 방식으로 활용할 것인지, 윤리적이고 도덕적인 인공지능 개발이란 무엇인지에 대해 학생들이 생각해 보고, 스스로의 판단 기준을 세워 나가는 것을 놓치지 않고, 윤리적인 미래 사회의 한 구성원이 되기를 기대한다. 본 교육 프로그램이 이러한 교육 흐름에 작은 도움이 되길 바란다.

      • 數學敎育과 敎育課程에 관한 硏究

        홍성길 안동대학교 교육대학원 2004 국내석사

        RANK : 249663

        This thesis is to analyze the curriculum of the secondary school mathematics and the curriculum of department of mathematics education at teachers college. For the propose of it, we have investigated class hours of the secondary school mathematics as well as the curriculum of the department of mathematics education at 24 teachers colleges. Besides that, we have analyzed the questionnaire survey for 167 mathematics teachers of secondary schools.

      • 第6,7次 敎育課程의 比較分析 : 高等學敎 數學科 敎育課程을 中心으로

        임병목 安東大學校 敎育大學院 2000 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        Today world is changing very rapidly at speed we even can't imagine. Accordingly, education should lead the way to the social change in positive attitude. In fact, our education doesn't have played such a role. Most teachers and instructors have followed the past education enforcing lots of knowledges in classes. The 21st century is expected to be the society of information, high-technology, and variety. It also requires individual creativity and personality much more than those nowadays. In the century, information and knowledge are very important. Through Internet and Cyber space, most people can meet each other everywhere, at any time. We can get much information freely and unlimitedly through computer. Our education should keep up with the wave of change. Otherwise, we would drop out of the race. According to social needs like those, the 7th curriculum was developed after long research. It focuses on bringing up creative and positive students who will cope with the information society. But to fulfill the purpose of this curriculum, all the people in the education world should be interested in the curriculum. Especially teachers must understand its contents and purpose very well. In this article I introduce the contents, quality and problems of the 7th curriculum in comparison with 6th curriculum. Hence I hope that new curriculum will not undergo trial and error and will work out well.

      • 初等學校 科學科의 環境敎育에 關한 實態와 改善方案 硏究

        권진성 安東大學校 敎育大學院 2002 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        Solving the environmental problem is becoming a serious issue now days, Environmental education is required but it has not been performed well. It is not a matter that can be finished in the short term and so should be maintained at home, at school and in society on a constant basis. Environmental education in primary schools includes information regarding the environment and pollution such as air, gas, raw objects, earth quakes etc. but it is very difficult, however to find concrete or detailed information which relates to our real life for example: air pollution, water pollution and soil pollution. Especially in the science curriculum of primary schools the weight of environmental education is very light which causes difficulties for children to understand environmental pollution. The results of research whereby 89 teachers of 7 primary schools were interviewed is as follow: 1. For the question "The recognition level of environmental problems and environmental education that interviewees think of themselves" the answer shows 63%, which is relatively good. For the next question "The knowledge and practice of environmental education level of the interviewees" the answer shows 53% which is just over half. This result indicates the development of the knowledge and the practice of environmental education is required for primary school teachers. 2. From the research of the real teaching methods of environmental education in primary schools, the interest levels of the students, the teaching methods and the level of the environmental field in the curriculum, results are below 50%, indicating more importance needs to placed on environmental education. 3. The close rate of the changes in the thinking of the students after they were educated about the environments and the environment field which is taught in primary schools and in real life is over 60%. This indicates that environmental education is gradually becoming realized. 4. For the research of "The ideal teaching implements for environmental education", field study(63.6%) and visual materials(31.8%) are found to be the most effective however because of class conditions the field study has not been performed well(2.3) therefore the development of the visual materials is required to a greater extent. 5. From the results of asking the children directly about the seriousness of environmental pollution, most learned through school classes(43.9%) and mass media(31.4%) such as TV. Likewise the knowledge of environmental pollution was also acquired in the same way. On this fact we can know the importance of the environmental education. Through the intensive policy of the environmental education with the 7th education curriculum, the environment education is being performed at the primary schools which were designated as demonstration schools by the department of education only, therefore most schools do not have the independent subject of environmental education in reality. It is necessary to designate rapidly environmental education within the curriculum as an independent subject, and also it is greatly required to retrain the teachers in environmental education and develope the proper textbooks and implements. When the teacher's interests are increased within the teaching-learning program of environmental education, environmental education in primary schools will be more efficient and effective.

      • 초등학교 ICT 활용 교육의 실태와 개선 방안

        박정향 안동대학교 교육대학원 2002 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        This study is focused on clarifying the situation of ICT application in the elementary school and improving the situation. The first questionaire, about the sufficiency and the problem of ICT application, is diffused to all the elementary school teachers in ㅇㅇ area. Then the second questionaire, about the strategies for the improving ICT application, is diffused to the same group. According to the first questionaire, the teachers agreed the efficiency of ICT and use ICT in the lesson, and they think ICT is more useful in social study, Korean, and science. And they often use computers, projection TVs, various soft wears, visual projector. According to the second questionaire, teachers choose well-equipped classroom, computer room, multi-media room as the best place for ICT application. In order to use ICT effectively, the classrooms should be well-equipped, teachers' duty should be reduced, and teachers should be educated more in ICT application.

      • 環境 敎育 前·後의 初等學校 學生의 環境 保全 知識과 環境 保全 行動

        임복선 安東大學校 敎育大學院 2004 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        To solve the environmental problem that getting serious gradually today, It is urgently required to have students amend their act for environmental problem solution through change way of their thinking on environment. In particular, the environmental education for the growing children to aware of importance of environmental problem and practice trash separation discharge, save energy, recycling and environmental safeguard action is very important. In this study, to understand complexities and various phenomenon of child development from diligence development in psychoanalysis theory, acquisition of conservation concept in cognitive development theory, human's cognitive system (input, save, production), culture by repletion mutually through several theories such as knowledge acquisition, learning experience in learning theory, biologic role in ethologic theory, and environment in bionomic theory and social effect considering primary school student's step of child development, Grasped effect of environmental education in schools and necessity by analyzing after education whole curriculum at school executing investigation through questionnaire after education enforcement of health education time and enforcement to grasp how environmental safeguard knowledge and environmental safeguard action are environmental safeguard knowledge environmental safeguard action what change is seen. Investigation of this study was based on answers of between 5 and 6 grade years of a primary school in Yecheoneup Questionnaire here were made by the investigator herself and asked after education enforcement to same contents on April 30, 2004 after executed investigation before education enforcement from April 1, 2004, and does educations of 3 class by 5 and 6 grade for health education time. The reason that the number of persons differ after education enforcement before and education enforcement in enforcement subject is that some people fall by various contest participations among 5 and 6 grade student. Following is the summary of this study. First, examination was 75.12 points before enforcement compare to environmental education in schools enforcement ago and environmental safeguard knowledge level after enforcement but examination shows that environmental education in schools is effect(+9.49) fairly receiving 84.61 points after enforcement. Second, environmental safeguard action level was 75.3 points for environmental education in schools enforcement monetary unit but average mark of environmental safeguard action level shows that environmental education in schools is effect(+7.53) because is improved by 82.83 points in examination after enforcement. Third, sex comparison boy student was high(+0.65) as environmental safeguard knowledge of boy students is slight before environmental education in schools enforcement, but girl student appears average mark high than boy student generally and girl student shows more positive environmental safeguard knowledge and environmental safeguard action. Fourth, contents by class decreased difference because difference of environmental safeguard knowledge 6 grade student was 3.64 points higher than 5 grade student, but 6 grade student is 1.46 points higher than 5 grade student after environmental education in schools enforcement for environmental education in schools enforcement monetary unit. Difference of environmental safeguard action for environmental education in schools enforcement monetary unit 6 grade student than 5 grade student 0.06 points high nice difference see, but environmental safeguard action can see thing which efficiency of environmental education in schools is high to 6 grade student because 6 grade student sees 2.08 points high difference than 5 grade student after education enforcement.

      • 初等學校 道德科 統一敎育의 問題點과 改善方案

        임성상 안동대학교 교육대학원 2001 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        The purposes of this study are to examine the changing process about education of unification in elementary school, to find out the problems in present curriculum, and to search for the desirable method about education of unification. There are considerable differences among the period of anti-communist education, the period of unification·national security education, the period of the education of unification in the contents related to the education of unification in the subject of morals. They have been changed from the hostile outlook about North Korea to cognition as brethren. In the current subject of morals in the elementary school, about the contents and direction related to the education of unification, we can divide the problems, which must be solved, into problems on the contents of education and the methods of education. We can consolidate the problems as follows. First of all, the problems on the contents of education come in five varieties. The first, objectives and contents on the education of unification in our country have been established by necessity of the circumstances of the times rather than by a matter of course from national position. As a natural of consequence, definite guiding principle or theoretical basis were deficient. And students received the education of unification in the doubt of practical effect on it. The second, in the contents on the education of unification describing reality of North Korea, efforts for restoring national homogeneity and for overcoming the heterogeneity between South and North Korea were insufficient. The third, though the contents on the education of unification were a little improved during the sixth curriculum, future-oriented education of unification considering after unification has been neglected. The fourth, the contents on the education of unification are abstract, and so students are not interested in them. The fifth, though the levels of subject constitution on the education of unification have to become higher according to the school grades, the contents of future aspects of the unified native country which is not easy to understand are recorded in the textbook of the fourth grade. That is to say, textbooks have many problems in organization. We can point out four problems about the methods of the education of unification. The first, past method of education was the cramming education and so motivation was difficult. Sometimes, such educational methods caused student's rejecting symptoms. The second, most of the contents on the education of unification are centralized at the last unit of the textbook, and so it is difficult to attract the concerns or to raise the learning effects of students. The third, the school hours about the subjects of morals which are necessary for the education of unification are deficient, and it is hard to perform the effective education of unification. The fourth, the teachers of the substantial person who are in charge of the education of unification don't receive the sufficient study and training and can't perform the effective education of unification because of the insufficiency of new information and knowledge. For these reasons, I want to suggest the devices for improvement on the education of unification as follows. First of all, on the sides of educational contents, the first, the education of unification has to get out of the political purposes. And so the contents on education of unification have to be composed of substantial contents in order to be able to realize peaceful unification and the least aftereffects. The second, teachers must make the students consider the education of unification as that of the center of life culture and the North Korea as our neighborhood having the same culture as ours. The third, in order to perform the future-oriented education of unification, we must expand and supply substantial and objective data to the students. The fourth, materials for education must be composed of familiar contents and must arouse students' interests. The fifth, according to the child's developing and growing steps, the constitution of subjects must be systematized and must promote the understanding of learning contents. On the sides of educational methods, the first, the education of unification must head for the opening educational method and become the education implanting the wills of unification on the basis of objective truth. The second, the education of unification must become that of the center of life culture which children are interested in. The third, to help the students' understanding, we must make the students of the lower grades approach the education of unification emotionally and the students of the higher grades do it objectively. And we must also contrive the vitality of the education of unification by the extracurriculum. The fourth, teaching model on the education of unification have to get out of the teaching methods of giving a lecture and to use the teaching or learning model of group investigation, comparison analysis, conceptional studying, the disagreement on the value, discussion, using the data about current events, using audio-visual materials, experimental studying about the virtual reality, the spot experiences, and so on appropriately. The fifth, the authorities must increase the school hours about the subject of morals, produce, and supply materials necessary for the education of unification. And the teachers must stand in the presence of the education of unification with opening thoughts. We have to approach the problems of unification in the direction which the greatest number of people's happiness is guaranteed. Through historical experiences, humankind has reached a conclusion that liberal democratic principles have the highest possibility to guarantee humankind's happiness. Liberal democratic principles have not only many defects but also relative superiorities. Therefore, the education of unification must be based on the ideology of nationalism, democracy, and pacifism, put emphasis on realizing the settlement of peace between South and North Korea and on upbringing an image of man cultivating a sense of values and attitude necessary for accomplishing peaceful unification.

      • 工業係高等學校 機械系列 自動化 工作機械 實習分野 敎育課程 硏究

        함승수 安東大學校 敎育大學院 2001 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        The purpose of this study is to understand problems which take place by doing the teaching practice of NC machine tool in the mechanical departments of technical high schools, and to show the efficient method to solve them using some questionnaires after the theoretical analysis and examination based on the relative documents, statical data, and preceding study documents. The method of this study is to analyze the results of the frequency and percentage of 190 teachers' reply to each question of 41 questionnaires, who are from the mechanical departments of 25 technical high schools in Kyungbuk Province and Taegu City. The synthesizing of the results of this study leads to the following conclusion. 1. Teachers' level for the NC machine tool practice is low, even if they have the confidence in the traditional mechanical course, and they feel poor at the ability to teach the NC machine tool practice to the students. So, a professional training course is needed for the teachers of the mechanical departments. 2. The NC machine tool practice is being utilized in the special practice related to the qualification certificate of the second and third grade students, and most schools have insufficient experimental equipment and professional teachers. So they have difficulty in teaching all the students, and in fact, need to have at least one NC machine tool per 10 students. 3. In the case of the curricula of NC machine tool practice, the current textbook and practice is insufficient to do education and to fulfill the aim of the curricula. So, it is necessary that for the time being we should activate the education done in the jointed laboratory and that from the 7th curriculum each school should choose the subject of Machine Tool II. 4. As teachers want to take the special and industrial training course, the teachers' training course for the NC machine tool should consist of the 50 - 70 hour course and focus on the machine operation. 5. The aim of NC machine tool education is to learn the NC programing and the skill in operating the NC machine tools. 6. The NC machine tool practice is directed to train technical experts for the industrial fields, to build up the skill in using the CAD/CAM at the manufacturing field and to learn the skill in the NC machine tool and the factory automation. 7. For the efficient education plan of the NC machine tool practice, it is needed to insurance the necessary experimental equipment for the practice management, to train professional teachers through the training course, and to do the teaching by using the general and NC machine tools simultaneously.

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