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      • 美容系列 大學院 敎科課程의 開發에 관한 硏究

        신단주 동덕여자대학교 산업대학원 2004 국내석사

        RANK : 249663

        우리나라의 근대미용은 미용사1호인 오엽주가 1933년 종로 화신백화점에 최초의 미용실을 열면서 시작되었으며 근대미용 교육은 1928년 경성미용학교가 그 시작점이 되었다. 1949년 서울 시청에서 제1회 미용사 자격시험을 치루었고 1961년에 이용사 및 미용사법이 제정되면서 현재와 같은 미용사 면허제도가 도입되었으며 이 면허시험을 기준으로 하여 표준화된 교과과정을 정비하게 되었다. 그 후 우리나라의 미용계는 급속한 속도로 발전하여 2년제 전문대학, 4년제 대학교, 대학원에 미용계열학과 및 전공이 개설되고 있다. 이렇게 발전을 이루고 있는 가운데 2년제, 4년제 미용계열 대학의 미용전문인력 양성을 위한 대학원 개설이 시급한 현실이며 또한 현시대가 요구하는 우수한 인력배출의 노력이 필요하다고 보겠다. 따라서 이연구는 현재 개설되어 있는 4년제 대학과 외국의 대학, 대학원의 교과과정을 인터넷 검색 및 대학요람을 통하여 자료를 수집하고 분석 검토하는 문헌적 방법으로 진행하였다. 이 연구자료를 토대로 향후 미용계열 대학원이 가야할 교과과정의 방향을 제시하면서 이를 기초로 하여 대학원 수준의 교과과정 모델을 개발하는데 그목적을 두었다. 따라서 이 연구는 미용계열 대학원 교과과정 방향설정에 미치는 효과가 클 것이며 또한 증가하는 미용계열 관련 대학원의 교과과정 구성에 사전제시적 효과가 있을 것으로 기대한다. 미용계열 4년제 대학원 교육의 방향제시를 위해 Beauty related majors are opened in many colleges, universities and graduate levels since the beauty industry in Korea has been developed rapidly. However, their curricula still needs to have a good model in the light of educational efficiency. Thus, curricula of the beauty related universities in Korea and foreign countries through internet search and handbooks were collected and analyzed in order to suggest a new curriculum suited to the social situation in Korea. I expect this study will have great effect on the establishment of proper direction for the curricula of the beauty related graduate schools, and valuable for the preliminary presentation for organization of the curriculum. To show the proper way for the education, I pointed out some problems of the curricula in the beauty related departments of university levels as follows: Firstly, the curricula were not suited for the departments of universities. Secondly, the field practice education was missing. Thirdly, there are lots of curricula, thus cannot expect high standard education effect. Fourthly, it is necessary to open the original text reading subject to cope with the internationalization era. Also I suggested the direction of education in the beauty related departments of graduate schools as follows: Firstly, the direction of education in the beauty related departments of graduate schools shall be divided into the beauty care management field (natural science departments) and the beauty design field (arts and athletics departments). Secondly, the education in the beauty related departments of graduate schools shall be differentiated from the curricula in four-year-course universities. Thirdly, the advanced curricula shall be well selected according to social development. Fourthly, it is necessary to fuse the related fields and other industries. Considering the above direction of education, I suggested a new curriculum model in the beauty related departments in graduate schools. First of all, I classified the major into two categories, such as the beauty care field of natural science department and the beauty design field of arts and athletics departments. And then, I classified the beauty care fields into two different majors of the beauty functional cosmetics and beauty health care management. Also, the beauty design field was classified into two majors as both beauty image design and beauty performing arts. As the completion unit of the graduate school was 33 units or more, 11 subjects in 3 units are enough for the course. However I tentatively made a curriculum with 13 courses for each major for students enough to select. The major of the beauty functional cosmetics in the beauty care field will have skin science, hair science, pharmacological information, perfume science, cosmetics chemistry, surface chemistry, coloring and powder for cosmetics, cosmetic color, Chinese cosmetics, functional cosmetics, R & D for cosmetics, manufacturing of cosmetics and marketing of cosmetics. Also, the major of the beauty health care management in the beauty care field will have skin science, hair science, beauty biochemistry, physiology, beauty and diet, head skin clinics, skin treatment, alternative medicine, natural therapy, fatness control, public health, hygienics, disinfection and epidemic. In this major, students will learn about the connection between the beauty and the health care management. In the meantime, I classified the beauty design field in the arts and athletics departments into two majors, such as both beauty image design and the beauty performing arts. The major of the beauty image design will have expression of design, history of beauty and culture, colors, hair design, hair design creation, special effect make-up, character make-up, art make-up and hair, total coordination, image making, lighting, image, beauty computer graphic, beauty computer simulation. In this major, students will study about the role of the beauty in modern image industry. Also, the major of the beauty performing arts will have mass culture and arts, expression of design, lighting, stage arts and production, history of performing arts, analysis of works and characters, image making, total coordination, clothing for stage performance, art make-up and hair, character make-up, special effect make-up, traditional performing stage make-up and hair. In this major, students will study how to develop the beauty industry as the beauty arts necessary for the performing arts.

      • 女性衣類産業의 流通戰略에 關한 硏究 : 百貨店을 中心으로

        柳鉉 동덕여자대학교 산업대학원 1994 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        Fashion industry has formed the basis of our country's industry and providing capital for development of nation's economy. A purpose of this dissertation is to achieve intenational competitiveness and to define the problem in fashion market while changing circumstance of opening distribution market and improvement of men's life. This dissertation is going to research women's apparel ware in department store that is part of very important situation of distribution network in domestic fashion goods. This monograph will also find a problem which conflicts distribution work in department store and solving a new method to improve. A purpose of this monograph is for having a correct understanding of distribution, industry whoever studies fashion marketing for major. To achieve this result, a dissertation researches in two ways. One is a theoretical study and the other one is an actual proof. Firstly, theory of fashion distribution and fashion industry of Korea were formed a system and arranged past investigations through theory research. For an actual research, question papers were settled and proved its reality. Ouestions for investigation are: I. To examine a distribution of women's apparel in department store in Korea. I-1. To examine a planning of women's apparel in department store. I-2. To examine a reality of women's apparel marketing in department store. Investigation question II. to examine a difficulty of women's apparel distribution in departemnt store. II-1. To examine a better way in department store. II-2. To examine a natural disposition as a professional of fashion goods. People were who take a charge of department store in Seoul as a women's apparel buyer and salesmen. Ask question and men to ment conversation were done. A reason why department stores were chosen is retaill markets are very small compare to foreign nations. Also a large enterprise is interested in joining the distribution activity of department store. Women's apparel is a big market but this market is variable very much compare to other market. Therefore, this market is necessary to consider carefully. Main Purpose of this dissertation is researching distribution network of buyer who organizes distribution activities but it has been very difficult to collect information from them. Therefore to discover this lack of information, Some of informations were collected through selesmen. Salesmen who keep communicating with consumer and also co-operate between buyer and business connection. They also have a good understanding a position of manufacturer, distributer and consumer. Because of this lack of information, I have used periodical Publication. Base on these publications I also have consulted social science professor who has been studied a method of researching and used after measuring propriety and reliability. To analyze information, Cronbach's α, frequency, Dercentage, average, the standard deviation, t-test, X^(2)-test, one way F-test and Tueky tests have been tested. Firstly these conclusions through actual research are: 1) after researching distribution activity of women's apparel in department store, buyers plan to set stores from national brand, designer brand, imported brand to its owned brand. Licence brand has been settled a lot more than direct importation. Although a few department store display their own-made brand, it seems to change to display brands which are imported directly. Most of department stores and buyers are trying to subdivide their markets and research a consumer market. Although they take a bird's eye view, it does not work properly for buyer's merchandising. Therefore it is necessary to find a systemic and a scientific method, also need to use result efficiently. 2) During purchasing activity, most of trades were specified purchasing. Margin of department store and unfair rivalry, those trading relationship has made a result why manufacturer's management is at risk and why consumer price has gone up. 3) Mechandising depends on asset of goods, service, placement of shop, merchandising and producing goods. But there was a gap between buyer and salesmen about merchandising. Compare to its importance, producing goods are not seem to be important to them. Socondly, conclusion why department store distributions are hare: 1) Nowadays, many people realize the problem which conflicts to most department stores are finding a talented person, service and so on. Ample funds, group organization and commercial parts are not important as those things which I have been written above. First of all, finding place for branch and expanding stores are realized seriously rather than producing a talented labor. 2) It seems buyers don't know much about fashion goods and reason for this conclusion is hard working and a movement of frequent occurrence at work. Personal characters are different for an example major and sex compare to foreign country. Salesmer has an ability at improvement service and defining goods in store. But not in fashion knowledge and producing goods. It is concluded that there is no communication between buyer and salesmen. Thirdly, during researching period, there was a bit of difference of people A reason for this is different individual working years, working experience, different personality, character of each brand and the way how they trade in, also different margin.

      • 미용 종사자들의 미용 정보 습득을 위한 인터넷 이용에 관한 연구

        김선희 同德女子大學校 産業保健大學院 2001 국내석사

        RANK : 249631

        현대의 미용은 미용학으로의 발전을 모색하고 있다. 이를 위해서 미용 종사자들은 단순한 기술만이 아닌 미용과 관련된 이론적 지식도 해박하여야 한다. 그러나 미용과 관계한 과학적 지식의 경계가 모호하고 그 양도 방대하여 자료의 수집도 어려운 실정이다. 이에 본 연구는 미용 종사자들이 주로 화장품을 사용하여 인체를 대상으로 미용 시술을 행한다는 점을 착안하고, 인터넷을 이용하여 화장품 연구와 미용 연구에 적합한 전문적인 정보를 검색하는 방법을 제시하였다. 본 연구의 목적을 달성하기 위하여 화장품의 구성성분, 화장품의 향료, 화장품의 안정성 및 독성, 피부의 생리와 질환, 미용에 해당하는 정보를 제공하는 인터넷 사이트를 찾아내고 분류하였다. 자료의 수집을 위해서 검색 엔진으로는 Netscape의 Google(www. google.com)을 사용하였으며, 검색어로는 'cosmetic', 'cosmetic ingredient', 'cosmetic chemical', 'cosmetic molecule', 'cosmetic perfume', 'perfume', 'smell', 'smell chemical', 'safety cosmetics', 'cosmetics toxicity', 'safety test cosmetics', 'cosmetic dermatology', 'dermatology', 'skin', 'skin care', 'beauty' 등을 입력하였다. 이상과 같은 과정을 통하여 얻은 연구 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 화장품의 구성 물질에 관한 정보는 대부분의 화학 관련 사이트가 제공하지만, 수준 높은 과학적 지식이 요구되었고, 학문적인 설명이 적은 미용 관련 사이트의 화장품 성분 사전들이 미용 종사자에게 유용한 정보를 제공하고 있었다. 2. 화장품의 안정성 및 독성에 관한 정보는 해당 국가의 식·의약품 관련 기관에서 규정한 자료를 기준으로, 화장품과 화학 관련 기관에서 물질의 독성 여부와 허용치에 대한 활발한 연구를 진행하며 유용한 정보를 제공하였다. 3. 화장품 산업의 발전을 목적으로 설립된 각종 화장품 관련 제조 업체의 단체들은 화장품 산업의 역사와 현황 및 발전 방향에 대한 유익한 통계적 자료를 제공하며, 화장품 제조 기술의 발전을 위한 다양한 시도와 과학적 연구를 해오고 있었다. 4. 피부에 관한 정확한 정보는 피부과 전문의학 사이트가 제공하였다. 또한, 전문적 의학 지식이 없더라도 쉽게 이해할 수 있도록 흥미롭고 이색적인 주제로 피부 정보를 제공하는 사이트들이 양질의 정보도 제공하고 있었다. 5. 일반 미용 정보를 제공하는 대부분의 인터넷 사이트의 상당수는 상품 구매를 위한 목적으로 운영되고 있었다. 위와 같은 연구 결과로부터 인터넷이 가진 방대한 정보를 실감했으며, 인터넷이 제공하는 정보의 효율성과 우수성을 확인하였다. 오늘날, 미용의 학문적 체계가 완성되기 위해서 미용 종사자에게 다양한 학문의 과학적 지식이 요구되고 있으나, 해당 자료의 수집조차도 어려운 현실이다. 따라서 미용 종사자가 정보를 검색하고 이해하기 쉽도록 효율적인 인터넷 정보의 활용에 대한 꾸준한 연구가 필요하다. The internet has become a commonly accessible method of sharing information in the scientific area. This internet search enabled peoples with professional jobs and scientists to have access to new and broad information recently. Today, searching on the World Wide Web seems to become part of our routine life. The web has even become a necessary tool for collecting information. Undoubtedly, the web provides people the convenience, but this sea of information made any query in this huge information reservoir extremely difficult, even people thought it as a chaotic repository. The purpose of the thesis arose from a concern about the rapid rise in Internet usage in the classroom and in the home for the professionals or novice to have access to internet sites for the aesthetics. In the thesis, we used a search engine, Netscape Google which seemed to be most suited get all the information on this topic, providing information in terms of quantity and quality. To collect information on Google, we used search-words such as 'cosmetic', 'cosmetic ingredient', cosmetic chemical', cosmetic molecule', , cosmetic perfume', ' perfume', ' smell' , smell chemical' , safety cosmetics', 'cosmetics toxicity', 'safety test cosmetics', 'cosmetic dermatology', dermatology', 'skin', 'skin care', 'beauty' With the increasing demand to search for resources such as the World Wide Web comes a need for better information access to reduce the time and labors. To address this need, we tried to put together web information about ingredients, perfume, safety or toxicity, physiology, dermatology, organization and journals about aesthetics and cosmetics found on internet. This thesis is summarized in three main parts. The first part describes websites of the science part of the cosmetics. This part gives the introduction into the websites of safety (toxicity) testing, chemical ingredients, perfume and their related institutions. This part concerns about names of perfumes, organic structures, their usage, toxicity of ingredients based on the permissible levels or standard limits to determine their safeties. The second part describes the internet sources about skin or dermatology, and how this information is found. This part describes how to get information of the concept of dermatology, medical treatment, surgery, and scientific and academic activities. The third and final part is about beauty care with emphasis on industrial information. The part is mainly on the cosmetic industry or their services in conjunction with medical treatment. This part also provides you with useful information of historic background of cosmetic industry, their statistical data and reviews for the further development of the cosmetic industry. Study of this internet search shows there are large opportunities for increasing the efficiency of data collection and using the Internet less expensive and more useful. On the other hand, it is getting difficult to extract valuable knowledge in a short time, which is likely to be of limited usefulness. So it is necessary to further develop more of researches, such as a database construction and on-line services on the internet homepage.

      • 保健所의 營養서비스 開發을 위한 基礎硏究

        장경희 동덕여자대학교 산업대학원 2000 국내석사

        RANK : 249615

        본 연구는 현재 보건소에서 수행되고 있는 영양서비스 이용율에 영향을 미치는 요인 규명과 영양서비스 공급자와 소비자인 주민간의 영양서비스에 대한 요구의 차이를 관찰하기 위해 수행되었다. 연구대상은 경기도 일원의 15개 보건소의 영양업무 담당자와 이곳을 방문한 40세이상의 지역주민 300명이었다. 연구의 자료수집은 2000년 1월 6일부터 2월 2일 사이에 개인 면접에 의한 설문 조사에 의해 수행되었다. 조사된 내용은 보건소를 이용하는 주민의 영양서비스 이용율, 영양서비스 소비자와 공급자의 영양사업 요구의 우선순위였다. 이용율에 영향을 미친 요인규명을 위한 분석방법으로 multiple logistic regression analysis를 이용하였다. Regression model에 포함될 변수 선정을 위해 서비스 이용율과 보건소 체제 변수 및 주민특성 간의 관련성은χ^2-test에 의해서 검토되었다. 요구도의 우선순위 차이에 대한 통계적 검증은 Wilcoxon rank sums test에 의해 수행되었다. 연구결과 연구 대상자의 10.0%가 보건소의 영양서비스를 이용하였고, 이용율에 영향을 미친 요인은 주민 특성보다는 보건소 조직체계로 나타났다. 즉, 이용율에 영향을 미친 주요 요인은 공급자인 보건소의 운영형태, 소재지(지역별), 주민의 특성 중 교육수준, 소득수준 순으로 나타났다. 영양사업 서비스 요구의 우선순위는 공급자와 소비자간에 통계적으로 유의한 수준에서 차이가 났으며, 주민의 영양서비스 요구에 영향을 주는 유의한 변수는 성, 연령, 가족구성 형태, 교육수준이었다. 위의 연구결과는 지역사회의 영양서비스 개발에는 소비자의 특성과 보건소의 지역적 특성을 고려하여 주민의 요구에 의한 차별화된 영양사업 개발의 필요성을 시사하고 있다. One of the purpose of this study was to identify the determinant of nutrition service utilization in health centers. Another purpose was to identify the differences in priorities of nutrition service need between the service provider and consumer(general population). The results of this study were intended to be used as a basic information in developing nutrition service for the health centers. The study subjects were 300 residents over 40 years of age, and 15 health workers representing health center service personnel in Kyunggi province. Chi-square test were used to test the association between service utilization and personal variables of population. Multiple logistic regression analysis were used to measure the relative importance between the variables on service utilization. Wilcoxon Rank Sums test were adopted to analize the differences in priority between the service provider and consumer. The result showed that only 10.0% of study subject were used nutrition services provided by the health centers. System model and size of population were important factors that influenced on the nutrition service utilization in health centers. Priority of nutrition services need for provider were significantly different from that of consumer. Gender, age, family status and education levels of population were the significant factors affecting on the differences in priorities for services need. Out of the results, it could be suggested that consumer's need in nutrition services, should be considered in developing nutrition services to promote nutrition services utilization in health center.

      • 서울지역 초등학교 조리종사자의 위생관리 수행도 평가

        김신영 동덕여자대학교 산업대학원 2000 국내석사

        RANK : 249615

        본 연구의 목적은 학교급식의 안전성을 확보하기 위한 일환으로 작업장내의 조리종사자들이 수행하여야 할 위생관련업무의 수행수준을 조사 파악하여 효과적으로 실천할 수 있는 대처방안을 도출해 내고 조리종사자들의 직무가 위생적으로 향상될 수 있도록 개선방안을 제시하고자 함이다. 본 연구를 위하여 1999년 12월 6일부터 18일까지 서울특별시 교육청의 협력하에 서울지역에서 급식을 실시하고 있는 초등학교 269개교의 영양사와 조리종사자를 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였으며 그 중 초등학교의 영양사 265부와 조리종사자 265부의 설문지가 통계분석에 이용되어 회수율은 97.47%의 높은 회수율을 보였다. 일반사항을 제외한 모든 설문지는 동일한 항목을 영양사와 조리종사자에게 각각 조리종사자의 위생관련업무 수행수준에 관한 평가를 작업단계별로 나누어 질문하는 형식으로 구성하였으며 조리종사자의 위생관리 수준이 저조한 항목에 대한 이유를 조사하였다. 자료의 통계처리는 SAS PC 6.12를 이용하여 기술통계량, t-test, χ^2검증을 실시하였다. 본 연구의 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 조사대상 초등학교의 급식 실시기간은 5년 이상인 학교가 50.9%로서 반 이상을 차지하였으며 급식 운영형태와 급식 관리방식은 직영이 98.2%로, 단독 조리 방식이 98.5%가 집계되었고 79.8%의 초등학교가 교실배식을 하고 있는 것으로 조사되었다. 2. 조사대상 영양사는 99.2%가 여성이었으며 대학 졸업 이상이 81.4%로서 학력이 높은 것으로 조사되었으며 94.7%의 영양사가 정규직인 반면 4.9%의 일용직 영양사도 있음이 나타났다. 3. 조사대상 조리종사자의 98.9%가 여성으로서 고등학교 졸업 이상이 70.2%로서 높은 학력을 가진 조리종사자가 많은 것으로 나타났으며 93.2%의 조리 종사자가 일용직으로서 대부분을 차지하며 47세 이상의 조리종사자가 23.4%로 조사되어 초등학교 조리종사자들의 연령이 높음을 알 수 있었다. 4. 작업단계별에 따른 조리종사자의 위생관련업무 수행수준에 관한 평가에서 영양사의 평가는 작업전 단계(4.54±0.43)에서 가장 높은 것으로 나타났으며, 작업후 단계(4.11±0.52)의 위생관련업무 수행수준은 가장 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 그 중에서 영양사의 평가가 가장 낮게 나타난 항목은 작업후 단계의 ‘기기 설비 및 기구관리’ 항목 중 ‘식기 및 용기의 세척과 소독은 조리공간에서 실시하지 않는다(3.16±1.30)’로 나타났다. 조리종사자가 평가한 조리종사자의 수행수준에서도 작업후 단계의 수행수준(4.39±0.49)이 가장 낮은 것으로 나타났으며 그 중에서도 ‘조리기기들은 사용 후 분리하여 세척·소독한 후 점검표에 기록한다(3.84±1.26)’의 수행수준이 가장 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 5. 조리종사자의 위생관리 수행수준에 대한 영양사의 평가와 조리종사자의 평가를 비교 분석한 결과 모든 작업단계에서 조리종사자의 평가가 영양사의 평가보다 유의적으로 높게 조사되었다(p<0.01). 그 중에서 작업단계의 수행수준 차이가 가장 높게 조사되어 영양사가 평가하는 조리종사자의 위생관리 수행수준(4.31±0.51)과 조리종사자가 평가한 자신들의 수행수준(4.67±0.40)과는 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 6. 작업공정표의 사용유무에 따른 조리종사원의 위생관련업무 수행수준에 대한 영양사의 평가는 작업공정표의 사용이 유의적으로 차이(p<0.01)가 있는 것으로 조사되어 작업공정표를 사용하는 학교가 작업공정표를 사용하지 않는 학교보다 조리종사원의 위생관련업무 수행수준이 높다고 평가 된 것으로 나타났다. 조리종사자의 위생관리 수행 평가에서는 작업공정표의 사용여부에 따른 수행수준에 유의적인 차이(p<0.01)를 보이지 않았다. 7. 위생관리 수행수준이 낮은 항목의 원인을 조사한 결과 ‘지식·정보 부족’때문이라고 응답한 영양사(28.9%)가 가장 많은 반면 조리종사자 32.6%는 ‘시간부족(업무과중)’때문이라고 응답한 수가 가장 많아 영양사와 조리종사자간의 인식차이를 보여줬다. The purposes of this study were to investigate the perceived performance of sanitary management for elementary school dieticians and food service employees and to accomplish the sanitary improvement in school food service operations. Using a four-part questionnaire containing the three constructs of sanitary management, the reasons for poor sanitary management, demographic information and characteristics of school food service operations, participants rated their self-perceptions on sanitary management. A survey was undertaken in cooperation with Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education from December, 6th to December, 18th in 1999. Dieticians and food service employees in 269 elementary schools located in Seoul were surveyed, showing high response rate of 97.47%. The collected data were processed using the SAS PC 6.12 for descriptive analysis, t-test and χ^2-test. The results of this study can be summarized as follows; 1. 50.9% of the schools surveyed have provided school lunch meal to students over 5 years. 98.2% were directly operated and only 1.8% were under contracted food service management. Minority(1.5%) of schools surveyed were commissary school food service operations. 79.8% of elementary schools served lunch in classrooms. 2. 99.2% of surveyed dieticians were female and 81.4% of them were university graduates, showing high academic career. 94.7% of dieticians were regular staffs and 4.9% of dieticians were in temporary status. 3. The majority(98.9%) of food service employees were female and high school graduates were 70.2% of them. 93.2% of them were temporary workers. 23.4% of food service employees were over 47 years old, showing the aged tendency in this job field. 4. In the perceived sanitary management assessed by dieticians, pre-operation step(4.54 out of 5.00) presented the highest performance, while post-operation(4.11 out of 5.00) showed the lowest. In dieticians' assessment, the item 'washing and sanitizing dishes & containers were not done in cooking area' received the lowest score(3.16 out of 5.00). In the assessment of food service staff, the item 'after usage, cooking equipments were disassembled, washed, sanitized and recorded in checklist' was the lowest(3.84 out of 5.00). 5. The sanitary management score assessed by food service employees was significantly higher(p<0.01) than that assessed by dieticians, especially in working operation step. 6. In case of dieticians, use of working schedule significantly influenced the perceived sanitary management score(p<0.01). Dieticians using working schedule showed significantly higher performance scores on sanitary management than those without working schedule. However in case of food service staff, use of working schedule did not affect the level of sanitary management. 7. The main reason for poor sanitary management showed the perception difference between dieticians and food service employees. Many dieticians(28.9%) answered 'lack of knowledge information' as the main reason for poor sanitary management, whereas 32.6% food service staff chose 'shortage of working time and work overload' as main reason.

      • 위탁급식전문업체 급식관리자의 소진(Burnout)에 영향을 미치는 제 요인 : 대기업을 중심으로

        김은영 同德女子大學校 産業大學院 2001 국내석사

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        본 연구의 목적은 위탁급식전문업체의 급식관리자의 bunrout 경험정도와 이에 영향을 미치는 개인적 요인, 급식소 요인, 자아존중감, 조직적 요인을 분석 규명하고, 이들 요인의 bunrout 경험정도에 미치는 영향을 분석하여 급식관리자의 bunrout을 적절하게 조절할 수 있게 하고, 급식업체의 효율적인 관리방안을 위한 기초자료를 제공하고자 하였다. 본 연구의 목적에 따라서 대기업 위탁급식전문업체의 급식관리자를 대상으로 bunrout에 관한 설문조사를 실시하였으며, 자료는 SPSS/PC^+ Package를 이용하여 t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation, multiple Regression, 그리고 hierarchical regression을 통계기법으로 분석하였다. 이상의 연구 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 급식관리자의 개인적 요인을 분석한 결과를 보면 성별과 결혼여부에서 여성과 미혼이 각각 78.3%와 65.6%로 남성과 기혼에 비하여 높게 나타났다. 연령은 평균 27.9세로 30세 이하가 전체의 75.9%를 차지하였으며 전문대졸 이상이 전체의 91.1%를 차지하였다. 현 직장근무경력과 전 직장근무경력은 모두 36개월 이상이 가장 많은 비중을 차지하였고 영양사면허증과 조리사자격증을 동시에 소지한 급식관리자가 전체의 55.4%로 높게 나타났다. 직위는 사원이 68.8%로 가장 많았고 정규직이 57.3%로 더 많고 평균 주당 근무시간은 57.2시간으로 나타났고 연봉은 1,500∼2,000만원이 49.7%로 가장 많은 분포를 보인다. 2. 급식관리자의 급식소 요인을 분석한 결과를 보면 급식소 유형은 회사 및 관공서, 공장 및 산업장과 부설기숙사, 중고등학교, 대학급식소, 병원의 순으로 나타났고, 일일 1000식 이상 급식하는 사업장이 46.5%로 가장 많았고, 종업원수는 10명 이하, 11∼20명, 21명 이상이 골고루 분포하는 것으로 나타났다. 식단가제의 위탁계약방식 급식소가 전체의 74.5%로 높았고 1일 1회부터 4회까지의 식사제공 횟수는 전체적으로 고르게 분포하는 것으로 분석되었다. 식단의 형태는 단일식단과 복수식단이 비슷한 분포를 보이며, 또한 정량배식과 자율배식도 비슷한 분포를 보이고 있다. 1인 식재료비는 1,200원 이하, 1,200∼1,500원, 1,500원 이상이 비슷한 비중을 차지하고 있다. 식권을 통한 식비정산이 44.0%로 가장 많았고 피급식자의 식비 부담은 본인과 회사의 공동부담이 전체의 40.7%로 가장 높았다. 3. 자아 존중감은 3.63±0.42점으로 높게 나타났으며 조직적 요인은 3.52±0.32점으로 역시 높게 나타났다. 특히 조직적 요인 중 역할파악은 4.11±0.38점으로 가장 높게 나타났으며 반면 업무량은 2.95±0.53점으로 가장 낮게 나타났다. bunrout은 3.36±0.71점으로 낮게 나타났고 특히 대상자의 비인격화는 2.62±0.91점으로 가장 낮게 나타나 대상자의 비인격화 정도는 심하지 않은 것으로 보인다. 4. Bunrout에 유의적인 차이를 보이는 개인적 요인으로는 성별, 연령, 학력, 현 직장근무경력, 전 직장근무경력, 자격증, 직종, 주당 근무시간이었다. 5. Bunrout에 유의적인 차이를 보이는 급식소 요인은 배식형태를 제외하고는 없었다. 6. 자아존중감과 조직적 요인은 모든 항목에서 급식관리자의 bunrout에 유의적인 차이를 보이는 것으로 나타났다. 7. Bunrout 중 감정적 고갈에 영향을 미치는 요인은 개인적 요인 중 성별과 현 직장근무경력이었으며 자아존중감과 조직적 요인의 업무량, 고객사 담당직원과의 관계였다. 대상자의 비인격화에 영향을 미치는 요인으로 개인적 요인으로는 전 직장근무경력이었으며 조직적 요인은 역할갈등, 고객사담당직원과의 관계였다. 성취감의 감소에 영향을 미치는 요인으로 개인적 요인의 고용형태, 현 직장근무경력, 급식소 요인으로는 급식소 유형, 자아존중감, 조직적 요인으로는 고객사 담당 직원과의 관계, 역할갈등이었다. This thesis endeavors to examine the phenomenon of foodservice managers' burnout in contracted foodservice companies run by large corporations in Seoul and the Gyeong-in area, and to analyze the extent of the impact of personal factors, factors of foodservice operations, the degree of self-esteem and structural factors on burnout. To achieve the aims of this study, a questionnaire survey was conducted on foodservice managers of contracted foodservice operations run by large corporations. The data was processed by the SPSS/PC+ Package, and analyzed using the statistical techniques of t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation, multiple regression and hierarchical regression. The result of the study is summarized as follows: 1. Analysis of personal factors of foodservice managers including marital status and gender found that 78.3% were female while 65.6% were married. The average age of the foodservice managers was 27.9. Those below the age of 30 accounted for 75.9% while 91.1% had graduated from technical colleges or higher level of educational institutions. As regards the length of work experience in the current workplace and in former workplaces, a majority of the respondents had worked for over 36 months. 55.4% of the foodservice managers had license in dieticians and cooks. As regards official positions, 68.8% were classified as regular staff while 57.3% were full-time employees. Their working hours per week averaged 57.2 and 49.7% received annual salaries ranging from 15 million won to 20 million won. 2. As regards clients of the contracted food services, companies and government agencies made up the largest proportion, followed by manufacturing plants and industrial sites, middle and high schools, universities and hospitals. Those facilities serving more than 1,000 meals per day comprised 46.5% of all the workplaces. The number of foodservice employees per facility ranged from below 10, from 11 to 20 and over 21. Of the contracted foodservice operations, 74.5% operated under a Profit and Loss Contract. The number of meals provided per day ranged from once to four. In terms of menus, both the set menu and choice menu were evenly included. Meal serving methods included both the serving of fixed amount of meals and self-service. As regards the expenses of food ingredients per person, similar proportions were found for the expenses below 1,200 won, between 1,200 and 1,500 won and over 1,500 won. 40.7% of the food expenses were jointly shared by the company and the employees. 3. The level of self-esteem scored high at 3.63±0.42. The organizational factors also scored high at 3.52±0.32. In particular, among the organizational factors, the ambiguity of roles scored the highest at 4.11±0.38 while the amount of work scored the lowest points at 2.95±0.53. The burnout also scored low at 3.36±0.71. In particular, the depersonalization by other parties scored the lowest at 2.62±0.91 and it showed that the degree of depersonalization by other parties is not a serious factor. 4. The personal factors showing significant influences on the burnout were gender, age, educational background, work experience in the current job, work experience in previous jobs, certificates, types of occupation and weekly working hours. 5. There were no significant influencing factors of the foodservice operations on the burnout with the exception of the types of meal provision. 6. In the categories of self-esteem and organizational factors, there were significant differences in the burnout rate of foodservice managers. 7. Of the burnout factors, those that impact emotional exhaustion were gender, work experience in the current job and the sense of self-esteem among personal factors. Included in the organizational factors were the scope of duties and the relation with the staff in charge at client companies. Factors that influence depersonalization by other parties were the work experience in previous jobs in the personal factors, conflict of roles and relation with the staff in charge at client companies in the organizational factors. As for factors that impact the decline in the sense of accomplishment, employment status and the work experience in the current job were found in the personal factors, the types of foodservice operations were found in the factors of foodservice operations while the relation with the staff in charge at client companies and the conflict of roles were found in the organizational factors.

      • 미용사와 피부 관리사의 직무 스트레스 비교연구

        김세욱 同德女子大學校 産業大學院 2001 국내석사

        RANK : 249615

        본 연구는 서비스업의 하나로 분류되고 있는 미용업에 속한 미용사와 피부 관리사들이 직장 내에서 겪는 직무스트레스의 실태를 파악하고 두 직종간의 직무 특성의 차이가 어떠한 직무 스트레스의 양상의 차이로 나타나는지 확인하고자 하였다. 또한 타 직종에서의 직무 스트레스 실태와의 비교를 통해, 미용업만이 갖는 직무 스트레스의 차이를 확인하며, 한 직종의 총체적 이해에서 직업군 분류가 갖는 한계를 극복하기 위한 자료를 제공하기 위함을 목적으로 하였다. 연구 대상은 서울과 수도권, 기타 중소도시의 미용실과 피부 관리실을 무작위로 선정한 후 그곳에 근무하는 모든 종사자를 포함시켰으며 '한국판 직무 스트레스 검사'를 이용한 자기 기입식 설문조사를 실시하였다. 설문조사는 2001년 5월 3일부터 동년 5월 28일까지 이루어졌다. 이상의 과정을 통해 이루어진 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 미용사 내에서 남성과 여성간에는 직무 스트레스 검사의 하위척도 중 어느 척도에서도 성별에 따른 유의한 차이를 관찰할 수 없었다. 이는 미용업이 타 직종에 비해 여성에 대해서 평등한 기회와 보상을 제공하며 여성과 남성간에 직무의 차이가 존재하지 않음을 의미한다. 2. 두 직종에서 연령이 높고 연봉이 많고 근무기간이 길수록 직무로 인한 스트레스의 경험과 그에 따른 어려움이 더 적고 스트레스에 적절하게 대처할 수 있는 더 높은 능력을 가지고 있으며 직무에 대한 책임감도 더 느끼고 있는 것으로 나타났고 이는 타 직종의 양상과 동일한 결과이며 연령, 연봉, 근무기간의 직무 스트레스에 대한 영향은 직무의 특성에 따른 것이 아니라 일반적으로 조직이 갖는 특성으로 사료된다. 미용사의 경우 연령, 연봉, 근무기간 모두가 역할 불충분(RI), 물리적 환경(PE) 하위 척도와 유의미한 상관관계가 있었고 이는 상대적으로 열악한 미용실 환경에서의 오랜 보조 미용사로서의 견습기간이라는 특성이 반영된 것으로 보인다. 일반적으로 연령이 높고 연봉이 많고 근무기간이 길수록 직무로 인한 스트레스의 경험과 그에 따른 어려움이 더 적고 스트레스에 적절하게 대처할 수 있는 더 높은 능력을 가지며 직무에 대한 책임감도 더 느끼는 것으로 나타나고 있다. 3. 단계적 다중 회귀분석(stepwise multiple regression)결과, 근무기간은 역할 경계(RB) 하위척도를 제외한 직무 역할(ORQ) 영역과 심리적 긴장(PSY)하위척도, 합리적/인지적 대처(RC) 하위척도의 유의한 예측변인으로 나타났고 연령의 경우는 역할 경계(RB), 직무 긴장(VS), 신체적 긴장(PHS), 자기 관리(SC), 합리적/인지적 대처(RC) 하위척도의 유의한 예측변인인 것으로 확인되었다. 연봉은 다른 변인들이 통제된 상태에서 유의한 예측변인이 아닌 것으로 나타났다. 4. 연령, 근무년수를 통제된 상태에서, 미용사와 피부 관리사는 역할 불충분(RI), 물리적 환경(PE), 직무 긴장(VS), 대인관계 긴장(IS), 사회적 지지(SS) 하위척도에서 유의한 차이가 있었다. 피부 관리사는 미용사에 비해서 역할 불충분(RI) 하위척도의 평균값이 높게 나타났으며 미용사는 물리적 환경(PE), 직무 긴장(VS), 대인관계 긴장(IS) 하위척도의 평균점수가 높게 나타났다. 피부 관리사는 단조로운 직무로 인해 상대적으로 정체감을 느끼며 미용사는 상대적으로 자신의 직무환경을 유해하다고 느끼며 배당된 업무 내용에 대해서 고충을 겪고 있고 수동적이며 이러한 요인으로 주위 사람들과도 상대적으로 갈등을 더 느낄 수 있음을 시사하고 있다. 5. 본 연구의 결과는 질병같은 부정적 요소가 직무 스트레스를 악화시킬 가능성이 있으며 동일한 직무에 대해서 어려움을 더 느끼고 직무 스트레스로 인한 부정적 결과가 초래될 가능성도 높음을 시사하고 있다. 6. 종교, 취미활동 등 긍정적 대처방안을 가지고 있는 사람은 직무로부터의 스트레스를 적게 경험하고 스트레스에 따른 어려움도 적거나 반대로 직무 스트레스에 대한 대처능력이 높은 사람들이 여러 가지 직무 외의 영역에서도 적극적인 태도를 띌 수 있음을 시사하는 것으로 보인다. 이상에서 미용업은 예상할 수 있는 바와 같이 타 직종에서 공통적인 업무에서의 성적 차별로 인한 스트레스의 차이는 없으나 그 직무의 성격상 물리적 환경이나 신체적 노동으로 인한 어려움을 많이 느끼는 직종임이 확인되고 있다. 현재 도제적이고 근무기간에 따러 임의적으로 이루어지는 미용직종의 경력 획득 과정에서 합리적이고 건전한 제도적 방안이 마련되어야 할 것이며 또한 상대적 소외감과 회의를 느낄 수 있는 보조직급에 대한 정책적인 배려가 이루어져야 할 것으로 보인다. 대안으로서 획득해야 할 기술들에 대한 지역분회 차원의 강습회나 연합 강습회의 정기 개최와 연수를 마친 사람들에 대한 인증서의 제공하는 방안을 생각해 볼 수 있겠다. 아울러 고객을 대상으로 하는 과정에서 발생할 수 있는 예측 불가능한 직무의 변동을 줄여 나가고 업소의 물리적 환경을 개선하기 위한 업소차원의 적극적 노력이 있어야 할 것이다. 본 연구결과를 수행하면서 얻은 결과를 토대로 이후 미용사와 피부 관리사의 직무 스트레스에 대한 추가 연구를 위해 다음과 같은 제안을 하고자 한다. 1) 미용직과 다른 대인 관련 서비스 직종간에 직무 스트레스의 비교분석이 이루어져야 할 것이다. 2) 미용직을 대상으로 역동적 스트레스 모델의 요인 중 하나인 개인의 인지적 특성이나 성격적 특성에 따른 직무 스트레스 양상의 차이에 대한 연구가 이루어져야 할 것이다. The Purpose of this study is to provide detailed information of job stress of hair dressers and estheticians, workers of beauty industry which is classified into services for person and to understand how the difference of job characteristics between two groups result in the difference of job stress. By comparison with job stress of workers of other industries who are applied the same questionnaire at other study, this study is also aimed at providing the data to overcome the limitation of simple classification of job. Subjects were selected randomly from hair shops and esthetic shops located in Seoul, the Metropolitan area, and small cities during the period of May 3, 2001 to May 28, 2001. All employees of each shop were included. 'The Korean version of Occupational Stress Inventory' (K -OSI) was grounded on the job stress concept of Ospiow and Spokane. This questionnaire was confirmed to be valid and reliable by other authors. SPSS 10 was adopted to get result of mean and standard deviation, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson's correlation coefficient, multiple regression, ANCOVA which were used respectively to meet the purpose of each category of the study. The results of the research are as follows: 1. No significant sex difference was found in any item of K-OSI. 2. Age, income, duration of employment highly correlate with K-OSI. Correlation coefficient was 0.654 to 0.776. In the esthetician group, age showed negative correlation with Role Ambiguity, Vocational Strain and positive correlation with Responsibility. Income showed negative correlation with Role Boundary, Vocational Stress. Duration of employment showed negative correlation with Role Ambiguity, Vocational Stress and positive correlation with Responsibility. In the hair dresser group, age showed negative correlation with Role Insufficiency, Role Ambiguity, Role Boundary, Physical Environment, Physical strain and positive correlation with Responsibility, Self Care, Rational/Cognitive Coping. Income showed negative correlation with Role Insufficiency, Role Ambiguity, Role Boundary, Vocational Strain. Duration of employment showed negative correlation with Role Overload, Role Insufficiency, Vocational Strain and positive correlation with Responsibility . Generally, a person who was older, earned high salary, and employed more duration experienced little job stress and had more coping resources but felt higher responsibility. 3. As a result of multiple stepwise regression, duration of employment was significant predictor of Occupational Role Questionnaire excluding Role Boundary, Physical Strain, Rational/Cognitive Coping. Age was significant predictor of Role Boundary, Vocational Strain, Physical Strain, Self Care, Rational/Cognitive Coping. Income did not predict any item of K-OSI 4. After controlling the effects of age and duration of employment, Role Insufficiency, Physical Environment, Vocational Strain, Interpersonal Strain, Social Support were different significantly between the hair dresser group and the esthetician group. The mean value of Role Insufficiency item were higher in the esthetician group. The mean values of other items were higher in the hair dresser group. 5. In the control of the effects of age and duration of employment, only Self Care item showed significant difference according to job position in total subjects. 6. Marital status showed no significant difference of K-OSI items in each group. In total subjects, only Self Care item showed significant difference, the unmarried group showing higher mean value. 7. Non-smoking group of total subjects showed the higher mean value of Social Support item. Alcohol-drinking group of total subjects showed the higher mean values of Social Support and Rational/cognitive Coping. Disease status showed significant differences in Role Overload, Rational/cognitive Coping, Personal Strain Questionnaire and Personal Resources Questionnaire. 8. Physical Environment, Interpersonal Strain, Recreation, Self Care were different significantly according to religion state. Person who have religion showed higher mean values. Role Overload, Role Insufficiency, Role Boundary, Vocational Strain, Psychological Strain, Recreation, Self Care, Social Support, Rational/Cognitive Coping were different significantly according to hobby state. Persons who have hobby experienced little job stress and have more coping resources. The frequency of exercise showed significant difference at only Responsibility . According to these results, there is no sex difference at job stress which was found commonly in other job class. this result suggest that there would be no sex discrimination and no difference of job contents in the employee of beauty industry. A person who was older, earned high salary, and employed more duration experienced little job stress and had more coping resources but felt higher responsibility. Because employees of other job class showed same results, this results could be interpreted as general characteristics of job proper. The results suggest that esthetician feel to be stagnant because of monotonous job contents and hair dressers feel their physical environment as harmful and more difficulty from their job and have more passive attitude and more conflicts with surroundings. The results suggest that person who has positive coping resources feel little job stress or person who has active attitude feels little difficulty in their job. In contrast, person who has negative events, such as disease could feel more stress from their job and be affected more easily. In conclusion, no sex differenced was observed in the employee of beauty industry. But they feel more difficulty from physical environment and physical labor because of their job characteristics. More rational system should be adopted in the course of acquisition of career instead of present apprenticeship to protect the employee from job stress. Especially administrative plans should be adopted for the assistants who are vulnerable to job stress and feel left out. Here are some suggestion for more study of job stress of the esthetician and the hair dressers. 1. Direct somparison study with other job class is needed to confirm the result of this study. 2. To construct the dynamic job stress model of the beautician, it will be necessary to investigate the characteristics of personal cognitive attitude or personality of the beuatician.

      • VDT(Visual Display Terminal)증후군의 대화형작업과 입력형작업에 따른 차이와 유해요인에 관한 조사

        이경임 同德女子大學校 産業大學院 1994 국내석사

        RANK : 249615

        The VDT job consists of two types, namely, a conversation type which is commonly practiced in computing centers and a input type which is main job in bank. The purpose of this study is to investigate the difference between two types of the operating job by their subjective symptoms, and investigate whether their related factors can affect the subjective symptoms. A questionnaire survey was conducted among 398 VDT workers(197 computing center, 201 bank) and 133 workers(a control groupe) from April 3, 1994 to April 28, 1994. The total 28 subjective symptoms were answerd by nothing, sometime, somewhat severe, very severe in degree and largely grouped into three major symptoms, such as musculoskeletal symptom(6 items), Visual symptom(11 items) and psychoneurotic symptom(11 items). To analyze the influence of the risk related to the subjective symptom, allocated score 1 for the answer 'nothing', score 2 for the answer 'sometimes', score 3 for the answer 'somewhat severe', and score 4 for the answer 'very severe'. The result of this study are summarized as follows : 1. As the result of T-Test, subjective symptoms of VDT group and control group showed significant difference of mean(X^( ̄)) values. 2. Bank group showed higher values than computing center group in the level of 3 major symptoms 3. Correlation analysis of 3 different subjective symptoms with 4 different factors. 1) Demographic - social factor was attempted for two testing groups. ① Musculoskeletal sympton of computing center group was significantly correlated to the VDT operation time except office(P<0.05). The visual symptom was found out to be significantly correlated with sex(P<0.001) and age(P<0.001). ② In the latter group, musculoskeletal symptom was significantly correlated to sex(P<0.001), work-hour at home(P<0.001), educational level(P<0.01) and regular exercise(P<0.01). The visual symptom was significantly corelated to sex(P<0.001), work-hour at home(P<0.001) and educational level(P<0.01). The psychoneurotic symptom also showed good correlationships with sex(P<0.001), work-hour at home(P<0.001) and educational level(P<0.01). 2) Psychological factor ① In computing center group, musculosckeletal symptoms was significantly correlated to the self-control of operation speed(P<0.01) and degree of VDT cognition for health hazards(P<0.01). The visual symptom was found out to have significant relationship with self-control of operation speed(P<0.01) and degree of VDT cognition for health hazards(P<0.001). Psychoneurotic symptom also showed correlationships with self-control of operation speed(P<0.01), satisfaction of operating job(P<0.05) and degree of VDT cognition for health hazards(P<0.01). ② Significant correlationship between musculoskeletal symptom and the degree of VDT cognition for health hazards(P<0.01) was made for bank group. The visual symptom made good correlation with the degree of VDT cognition for health hazards(P<0.01) and satisfaction of operating job(P<0.001). The psychoneurotic symptom also showed correlationship with the degree of VDT cognition for health hazards(P<0.05) and satisfaction of operating job(P<0.01). 3) Working condition factor ① For computing center group, musculosckeletal symptom was significantly correlated to the working hour(P<0.01), the daily VDT working hour(P<0.01), VDT continuous operation hour(P<0.01) and fluctuation of quantity of job(P<0.05). The visual symptom was significantly related to the VDT continuous operation hour(P<0.01). The psychoneurotic symptom was significant relationships with the career of VDT operation(P<0.001), VDT continuous operation hour(P<0.001) and fluctuation of quantity of job(P<0.05). ② Musculosckeletal symptom of bank group was significantly related to the career of VDT operation(P<0.05) and the daily VDT working hour(P<0.05). The visual symptom was significantly related to the daily VDT working hour(P<0.05) and fluctuation of quantity of job(P<0.05). The level of psychoneurotic symptom was significantly related to the daily and continuous working hour(P<0.05). 4) Bank group has a higher value than computing center group in dissatisfaction score of working environment. Dissatisfaction score of working environment factor. ① The level of musculoskeletal symptoms of computing center groupsymptom showed correlationship with chair(height, back)(P<0.05) and indoor environment(illumination, noise, ventilation)(P<0.01). The visual symptom was significantly related to the indoor environments(illumination, noise, ventilation)(P<0.01). ② The level of musculoskeletal symptoms of bank group was significantly related to chair(height, back)(P<0.05). The visual symptom was significantly related to the indoor environments(illumination, noise, ventilation)(P<0.05). The psychoneurotic symptom showed fairly good correlationships with monitor(angle regulation)(P<0.01) and indoor environment(illumination, noise, ventilation)(P<0.01).

      • 지식경영 도입을 위한 병원 영양부서의 지식기반환경 분석

        이은정 同德女子大學校 産業大學院 2001 국내석사

        RANK : 249615

        본 연구는 병원 영양부서에 지식경영을 도입하기 위한 지식기반환경의 상태를 파악하기 위해 지식경영환경을 습관, 능력, 문화, 제도, 과정, 기술 항목으로 구성하고 각 항목에 대하여 지식경영의 수준 및 단계를 평가하고자 하였으며, 습관, 능력, 문화, 제도에 영향을 미치는 인구사회학적 특성, 병원의 구조적 특성, 병원의 기술관련 특성 요인을 분석하여 영양부서의 지식경영 도입을 위한 기초자료를 제공하기 위하여 실시되었다. 이러한 목적을 위하여 서울, 경인 지역 400병상 이상의 종합병원과 경기도 일대의 중소병원에서 근무하고 있는 영양사를 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였고, 자료는 SPSS(Statistical Package for Social Science)/PC+컴퓨터 프로그램을 이용하여 빈도와 백분율, 평균과 표준편차를 구하였고, t-test, ANOVA, Duncan's Multiple Range Test, Hierarchical Multiple Regression, Stepwise multiple regression 등의 통계기법을 사용하였다. 이상의 연구결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 조사대상 병원 영양부서의 일반적인 특성 1) 조사대상 병원의 허가 병상수는 평균 717.47병상, 가동 병상수는 평균 703.13병상이었고, 병상 가동율은 평균 98.00%이었다. 2) 조사대상 영양사의 나이는 53.2%가 26세∼35세이고, 89.3%가 대졸 이상이었으며, 90.6%가 정규직이었다. 주당 근무시간은 44시간이 54.4%였고, 직위는 일반영양사가 53.2%이었으며, 임상영양사 자격증은 45.0%가 소지하고 있었고, 담당업무의 형태는 39.4%가 급식과 임상이 구분되어 있었고, 연봉은 1500만원 미만부터 2500만원 이상까지 고른 분포를 나타냈다. 3. 병원영양사의 지식기반환경 분석 습관은 문제해결습관이 3.96으로 가장 높게 나타났으며, 능력은 정보기술활용능력 3.67이 가장 높게 나타났고, 문화는 개방성 3.80으로 높게 나타났고, 제도는 평가 2.92, 보상 2.62로 모두 낮게 나타났다. 4. 병원의 과정 및 기술 차원의 지식 기반 환경 영양사들이 지식을 얻는 방법은 인터넷/PC통신이 88.8%로 가장 많았고, 의사소통 방법은 전화가 99.4%이었으며, 의사소통 방해요인은 상하간 의사소통 장벽이 25.0%로 가장 높았고, 대부분의 병원이 LAN에 의해 인터넷이 연결(77.9%)되어 있었으며, Q·I시 인터넷을 활용하지 않는 병원(63.9%)이 대다수를 차지하였다. 5. 병원의 구조적 특성에 따른 지식기반환경 조사대상 병원의 가동병상수별 측정항목은 800병상 이상의 집단이 습관에서 유의적으로(p<.05) 높은 점수를 나타냈으며, 병상가동율별은 능력(p<.01), 문화(p<.05), 제도(p<.05)에서 유의적으로 높은 점수를 나타냈고, 환자식수별 측정항목은 1100식 미만의 집단이 습관에서 유의적으로(p<.05) 높은 점수를 나타냈다. 6. 병원의 기술관련 특성에 따른 지식기반환경 조사대상 병원의 기술관련 특성에 따른 측정항목은 LAN으로 연결된 집단 이 능력(p<.05)과 제도(p<.05), OCS를 사용하지 않는 집단이 습관(p<.05), 인트라넷을 기타(전자결재, 정보획득, 정보확산)에 사용하는 집단이 습관(p<.001), 문화(p<.001), 능력(p<.01), 제도(p<.01), 그룹웨어를 사용하는 집단이 문화(p<.001), 능력(p<.01), 제도(p<.05), Q·I시 인터넷을 활용하는 집단이 능력(p<.001), 제도(p<.001), 문화(p<.05)에서 유의적으로 높은 점수를 나타냈다. 7. 병원 영양사의 인구사회학적 특성에 따른 지식 기반 환경 분석 조사대상 병원 영양사의 인구사회학적 특성에 따른 측정항목은 나이가 많은 집단이 습관(p<.001), 문화(p<.001), 기혼자 집단이 습관(p<.001), 제도(p<.05), 고학력 집단이 습관(p<.001), 문화(p<.001), 임상영양업무 집단이 습관(p<.001), 능력(p<.01), 문화(p<.01), 고연봉자가 습관(p<.001), 문화(p<.001), 능력(p<.01)에서 유의적으로 높게 나타났다. 8. 조사대상 영양사의 습관, 능력, 문화, 제도에 영향을 미치는 요인 습관에 영향을 미치는 요인은 인구사회학적 특성에서 직위, 임상자격증, 기타자격증이 유의한 영향을 미치고, 병원의 기술관련특성은 인트라넷의 용도(의사소통), 지식관리부서, 그룹웨어로 나타났으며, 능력에 영향을 미치는 요인은 인구사회학적 특성에서 임상자격증, 직위로 나타났고, 병원의 구조적 특성은 병상가동율로 나타났으며, 문화에 영향을 미치는 요인은 인구사회학적 특성에서 연봉이 유의한 영향을 미치고, 병원의 구조적 특성은 직원식수로 나타났으며, 병원의 기술관련 요인은 OCS를 급식과 임상업무에 사용, 그룹웨어, Q·I시 인터넷 활용이 유의한 영향을 미쳤고, 제도에 영향을 미치는 요인은 병원의 구조적 특성에서 식단가제로 나타났고, 병원의 기술관련 특성에서는 Q·I시 인터넷활용과 그룹웨어가 유익한 영향을 미쳤다. 9. 지식기반에 관한 측정항목 전체에 영향을 미치는 요인 지식기반환경 측정항목 전체에 영향을 미치는 요인은 인구사회학적 특성에서 임상자격증이 영향력을 나타냈고, 병원의 구조적 특성은 병상가동율이 영향력을 나타냈으며, 병원의 기술관련 특성에서는 홈페이지 환자참여, 그룹웨어, 급식과 임상에 OCS를 사용할 경우, 홈페이지 사용이 영향력을 나타냈으며, 병원의 기술관련 특성이 설명력이 가장 큰 것으로 조사되었다. In order to identify the conditions in the knowledge-based environment to facilitate the introduction of knowledge management to the dietetic divisions in hospitals, this study categorized the current knowledge management environment into routine habits, capability, culture, system, procedures and technology. Then, the level and sophistication of knowledge management for each item is explored. The objective of the study is to provide basic data that may smooth the progress of the introduction of knowledge management to the dietetic field by analyzing the demographic backgrounds of dieticians as well as the factors of structural features of hospitals that impact the habits, capability, culture and system. A questionnaire survey was conducted on dieticians working in general hospitals with 400 or more beds in the Seoul and Gyeong-in areas as well as in small and medium-sized hospitals in Gyeonggi Province. By using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science)/PC and computer programs, the frequency, percentage, average and standard deviations were calculated. Statistical techniques including the t-test, ANOVA, Duncan's Multiple Range Test, Hierarchical Multiple Regression, Stepwise Multiple Regression were applied for the processing of the data. The result of the study is summarized as follows: 1. General features of dietetic divisions in hospitals surveyed 1) The average number of licensed beds in the hospitals surveyed was 717.47. The average number of beds used was 703.13 while the average occupancy ratio of beds used was 98.00%. The average number of meals provided daily was 1,626.29 for patients and 966.69 for the hospital staff. As regards the operational status of the meal provision, 62.5% of the meals for patients were directly supplied by the hospitals while 37.5% were supplied by contracted foodservice management. Also, 64.6% of the meals for the staff were directly provided by the hospitals while 35.4% were supplied by contracted foodservice management. 2) As regards the ages of the dieticians surveyed, 53.2% were in the age brackets between 26 and 35. University graduates accounted for 89.3% of all dieticians; 90.6% were regularly employed staff; and, 54.4% worked 44 hours per week. As to the positions of the dieticians, 53.2% were ordinary dieticians. Regarding their employment status, 52.5% were hired directly by the hospitals while 28.2% were employed by the contracted foodservice companies. Certified clinical nutritionists accounted for 45.0% of the respondents. Of the types of functional duties performed, 39.4% had separate roles of foodservice management and clinical work. The annual salary of the dieticians ranged from 15 million won to 25 million won. 2. Knowledge-Based Environment vis-a-vis the Habits, Capability, Culture and System of the Hospital Dieticians Of the maximum score of 5 points, habits scored 3.65±.44 points, capability scored 3.38±.44 points, culture scored 3.21±.46 points and system scored 2.77±.74 points. 3. Hospital Procedures and the Knowledge-Based Environment of Technology The dieticians most often obtained new information through the Internet and PC communications. Their main means of communications were through telephone calls. Obstacles in communications between supervisors and subordinates were found as the major hindrance in communications. Most hospitals were connected to the Internet via LAN. During Quality Improvement (Q.I) sessions., many hospitals did not use the Internet while many have their own websites. Order Communication System (OCS) was used in both the foodservice management and in clinical work. A majority of the hospitals were using the Intranet. 4. The Knowledge-Based Environment in Relevance to the Structural Features of Hospitals The group with a high ratio of occupied beds in the hospitals surveyed showed significant higher points in capability (p<.01) and culture (P<.05). 5. Knowledge-Based Environment in Relevance to Technology-Related Features of Hospitals In the assessment of the technology-related features of the hospitals surveyed, the group connected by LAN scored significant higher points in capability (p<.05) and system (p<.05); the group not using OCS scored higher points in habits (p<.05); the group that used the Intranet in electronic settlement of accounts, acquisition of information and dissemination of information scored higher points in habits (p<.001), culture (p<.00l), capability (p<.01) and system (p<.0l); the group that used groupware scored higher points in culture (p<.001), capacity (p<.01), system (p<.05); while the group that used the Internet during Q.I. scored higher points in capability (p<.00l), system (p<.00l) and culture (p<.05). 6. Analysis of the Knowledge-Based Environment in Relevance to the Demographic Features of the Hospital Dieticians In the assessment of the demographic features of the hospital dieticians surveyed, the older the group the higherer points it scored in habits (p<.001) and culture (p<.00l). The married group scored higher points in habits (p<.00l) and system (p<.05) while the higher educated group scored higher points in habits (p<.00l) , capability (p<.00l), culture (p<.00l) and system (P<.05). The group with higher ranks scored higher points in habit (p<.001) and culture (p<.00l); the group engaged in clinical nutrition tasks scored higher points in habit (p<.00l), capability (p<.0l) and culture (p<.0l) while the higher salaried group scored higher points in habit (p<.00l), culture (p<.00l) and capability (p<.0l). 7. Factors that Impact the Habits, Capability, Culture and System of the Dieticians surveyed The factors which significantly influence on routine habits are rank, those with lower ranks, those qualified to conduct clinical study, those who use the Intranet for other purposes and those who do not use the Intranet scored higher points in habits. Factors that impact capability included those with the qualification to engage in clinical study, those with lower ranks, and hospitals with higher occupation rate of beds. As for factors that impact the culture, higher points were scored by the higher paid group, as more OCS is used in provision of meals and clinical study, as less groupware is used and the Internet is used less in Q.I. As for factors that influence the system, higher points were scored when the Internet is not used in Q.I., when operations are under a Profit and Loss Contract and when groupware is not used. 8. Factors that Impact the Overall Assessment Items Regarding Knowledge The overall assessment item is affected by the certificate on clinical nutrition, occupancy ratio of beds, the homepage participated by patients, groupware, the usage of OCS in foodservice and clinical nutrition and the homepage.

      • MOTIF상에서 DTAM 구현

        김경옥 동덕여자대학교 산업대학원 1995 국내석사

        RANK : 249615

        Window-based user interfaces have become a common feature of most computer systems, and users are beginning to expect all applications to have polished user-friendly interface. X window system is a complete platform for building user interfaces, consisting of three major components: Xlib, the Xt lntrinsics, and a widget set. A number of widget sets are currently available. Motif is a collection of user interface objects called widget. The Motif widget set includes all of the objects that programmers and users: pull-down menus, dialog boxes, scroll bars, push buttons, and so on. In this paper, Implementation of an DTAM system on the MOTIF.

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