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      • 한국 행정구역 개편의 저해 요인과 극복 방안에 관한 연구

        임용혁 단국대학교 행정법무대학원 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 249663

        최근 한국은 정보사회 진입으로 지방 정부의 행정 능력은 어느 때보다 중요해졌고, 지역 주민의 행정 참여 의지와 욕구도 비약적으로 향상되었다. 이에 맞추어 행정구역개편의 필요성은 커지고 있지만, 개편의 저해 요인은 계속 남아있으며, 이를 극복하려는 노력이 시도되고 있다. 이처럼 행정구역개편의 저해 요인을 극복하는 것은 행정구역 개편의 성패를 좌우하고 주민 의사를 정확히 반영하는데 필요하다. 이 논문은 행정구역개편의 저해 요인을 찾고 그것을 극복하는 방안을 제시하는 것이 목적이다. 이론적·실제적인 논의에서 지속적으로 나타나는 문제점은 구역 개편의 저해 요인이라고 볼 수 있다. 국민의 공감대를 얻지 못하고 일정한 합의에 도달하지 않아서 생기는 문제가 가장 큰 저해 요인이라고 할 수 있다. 또한 행정의 효율성과 민주성의 차이에서 비롯되는 여러 가지 요소를 저해요인으로 볼 수 있다. 대표적인 저해 요인은 첫째, 단편적이고 획일적인 효율성 추구를 중심으로 개편을 추진하려고 하는데 있다. 둘째, 주민의 의견을 제대로 수렴하지 않고 정치권이나 중앙 정부에서 개편을 추진하는데 있다. 이와 같은 저해 요인은 주민이 중심인 지방행정의 원칙에 맞지 않으며, 많은 부작용을 발생시킬 수 있다. 이를 극복할 수 있는 방안은 첫째, 전반적인 국민의 공감대를 형성해야 한다. 둘째, 지방 정부의 역량을 강화하는 것을 우선적으로 추진하고, 그것을 바탕으로 효율성을 추구하려고 해야한다. 셋째, 주민 자율성 제고에 따라 민주성을 확립하는 것이 중요하다. 이는 지역 주민의 참여를 유도하고, 구역 개편의 다양한 논의를 홍보하는 것도 포함한다. 이 연구는 한국 행정구역개편의 주요 논의를 종합적으로 검토해 구역 개편의 저해 요인을 파악하고 그 대안을 제시하는데 목적이 있다. 행정구역 개편이 국민적인 공감대를 형성하고 개편안이 세밀하게 검토될 시기라고 생각하며, 정치적 목적이나 단기간에 성과를 내려는 차원의 구역 개편은 지양되어야 할 것이다. 그것은 한국이 더욱 합리적인 국가운영체계를 마련하는데도 기여할 것이며, 주민의 복리 증진을 이루는 것이기도 하다.

      • 단체협약 시정명령제도에 관한 연구

        용승현 단국대학교 행정법무대학원 2017 국내석사

        RANK : 249663

        단체협약 시정명령제도란 행정관청이 단체협약 중 위법한 내용에 대하여 노동위원회 의결을 얻어 시정을 명령하고, 이를 위반하는 자에게 형벌을 부과하는 「노동조합 및 노동관계조정법」(이하 “노조법”이라 한다)상의 제도를 말한다. 이러한 행정관청의 단체협약에 대한 개입 및 감독은 정당한 목적이 있어야 하고, 수준에 있어서도 최소한에 머물러야 한다. 단체협약 시정명령제도는 1980년에 도입된 이후 10년 동안 단 한 차례의 시정명령도 내려지지 않는 등 사실상 사문화된 상태이었다. 그러나 2009년부터 정부가 단체협약에 대한 적극적인 감독에 나서면서 시정명령은 급증하여 왔다. 단체협약 시정명령제도의 문제점과 개선방안은 세 가지 쟁점으로 구분할 수 있다. 첫째, 행정관청의 제도 운용에 개선이 요구되는 쟁점이 있다. 시정명령의 대상은 “단체협약 중 위법한 내용”이다. 여기서 위법의 의미는 강행법규에 명확히 위반된 경우로 보아야 한다. 그러나 실제 시정명령 대상조항은 대부분 채무적 부분으로서 관련 법령 위반여부가 명확하지 않았다. 관련 법령의 강행법규 여부가 명확하지 않은 경우도 있었다. 이는 행정관청이 위법의 소지만으로 위법성을 단정하거나, 관련 법령의 강행성에 대한 판단을 자의적으로 해왔음을 의미한다. 따라서 행정관청은 제도 운용에 있어서 시정명령 대상조항이 관련 법령에 명확히 위반함과 해당 법령이 강행법규에 해당함을 스스로 입증하여야 할 것이다. 둘째, 제도 운용의 개선을 넘어 입법적 보완이 요구되는 쟁점이 있다. 먼저, 현행 규정은 행정관청이 협약 당사자 등 이해관계인의 의사와 무관하게 직권으로 시정명령을 할 수 있고, 시정명령의 이행기간도 임의로 정할 수 있다. 반면, 노조법은 규약 시정명령에 대하여 이해관계인의 신청을 요건으로 하고, 이행기간을 법률로 정하고 있으며, 정당한 사유가 있는 경우 이행기간의 연장이 가능하도록 규정하고 있다. 조합자치에 의한 규약이 노사자치에 의한 단체협약 보다 더 보호되어야 하는지 매우 의문이다. 따라서 단체협약 시정명령에 대하여도 이해관계인의 신청을 요건으로 하고, 이행기간을 법률로 정하며, 정당한 사유가 있는 경우 이행기간의 연장이 가능하도록 하는 입법적 보완을 하여야 할 것이다. 다음으로, 현행 규정은 시정명령 위반에 대하여 벌금을 부과하고 있다. 그러나 노조법은 노동위원회의 부당노동행위 구제명령과 관련하여 “확정된 구제명령 위반”에 한하여 벌금을 부과하고(노조법 제89조 제2호), 노동위원회 구제명령에 대한 법원의 이행명령 위반에 대하여는 ‘과태료’를 부과하고 있다(노조법 제95조). 따라서 단체협약 시정명령에 있어서도 확정된 시정명령 위반에 한하여 벌금을 부과하거나, 애초부터 벌금이 아닌 과태료 등의 행정질서벌을 부과하는 입법적 보완을 하여야 할 것이다. 셋째, 제도의 운용개선 및 입법보완과 별도로, 장기적 관점에서 제도의 폐지가 요구되는 쟁점이 있다. 먼저, 제도 자체의 필요성에 대한 의문이다. 단체협약 중 위법한 내용이 있더라도, 이는 노사자치에 따라 협약 당사자 스스로 해결하면 되는 것이지, 행정관청이 개입할 사항이 아니라는 것이다. 단체협약의 규범적 부분은 관련 법령이 강행법규에 해당하여 위반시 민법 제104조에 따라 곧바로 무효가 된다. 채무적 부분 역시 노동위원회에 그 해석 및 이행방법에 대한 견해를 요청하거나(노조법 제34조), 법원을 통해 그 효력을 다툼으로써 해결이 가능하다. 다음으로, 사법기관이 아닌 행정관청이 단체협약에 대하여 위법을 이유로 시정명령을 할 수 있는지에 대한 의문이다. 시정명령에 앞서 노동위원회 의결을 거친다고 하나, 이러한 절차만으로는 비사법기관의 위법성 판단에 대한 문제를 해소할 수 없다. 노동위원회의 주된 기능은 부당해고 등의 사실행위에 대한 판정에 있는 것이지, 노사 간의 규범을 창설하는 법률행위에 대한 적법여부를 판단하는 데 있지 않기 때문이다. 따라서 단체협약 시정명령제도는 입법정책적 관점에서 장기적으로 폐지하는 방안을 고려할 필요가 있다.

      • 行政節次에 관한 硏究 : 行政節次法制定方向을 中心으로

        李鎭宇 檀國大學校 行政大學院 1988 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        The affirmative side and negative side which was influenced to the activities aspects of international enterprises and to the advanced countries were carefully reviewed and the countermeasures of eachnations for it were also studied. First, in the significance and concept of the international entearisea, it was found out, that the general idea for the international enterprises was definetely formed as well as there are various words in related to the international enterprises. MUinly reviewing the common factors of the international enterprises on conceptional filed, there are subsidiary firms under the main affice, which was invested and should be followed to the strategy of united business management. it is the basic substance of production unit which is formed under the unification & differention of business management tactics to be keenly applied for the circumstances to the forwarded countries. In order to advance to theiforeign conutries, the international enterprises are taking the ways as follows: 1. Branch office or branch factory 2. Financial investment subsidiary compary 3. Gomaon investment with the resident, enterprise 4. Acquisition of stockholder of existing enterprise in forwarded country. In the abovementloned various aspects, the international anterprises are under the catagory of (2) & (3) in the strict meanings. in consideration of overseas advance motives of the international enterprises, it is found out the following examples concerning to U.S.A. as follows: 1. Secure and development preservation of the forelgn market 2. District manufacturing ground preservation & secure, and basis of the low expenses with competetive factors & maintenance of material supply. On the contrary, in case of japan, it is as follows; 1. Overcome the barrier of import limitation of each nation. 2. Secure of raw material. 3. Security of the foreign market. 4. Marketing development. 5. Export to the third market. In case of combined enterprises, the motives are such as follows: 1. Saving of the capital 2. Diversification of risk. 3. Acquisition of tochniques of business management 4. Preservation of employee morale 5. To make easiness of sales. 6. improvement of relationship with government. In case of joint venture import country, the motives are such as follows; 1. To strengthen the location of self-country 2. Stabilization of labor market 3. To take advantage the condition of location 4. Efficiency of economic growth 5. Security of resource 6. Improvement of international income & expenditure. It was the afterward of 1962 when the international enterprise advanced to Korea. There are 133 case of single investment of foreign enterprise which was officially approved between 1962 and 1973, 646 case of joint venture. in 1974, 8 cases of sirgle(independent) investment was amount to US$ 39,717,0000,. These foreign enterprise caused a great deal of influences to Korea and the efficiency is affirmative such as economic growth, investment effects, technical advance effects, employment effects and international income & expenditure improvement. On the contrary, the negative sides are such as friction of economic cooperation by excess profits remittance and obstruction of economic development, and occupation of the market etc. Almost countries in these days aimed at the negative side which has been influenced by international enterprises and furthermore, the each country consider to limit the advance of international enterprise in accordance with the raw & regulations of each nations and select the Charster of Economic Rights and Duties of States by the resolutions United Nations and Soverignty Declaration and thereof, the rights and Duties of the economics in the international societies are regulated and they declare the common responsibilities and assure to be accorded with common steps. To premise these kind of facts, the international enterprises have been induced and introduced in respond to the necessities in the Republic of Korea but at present under the circumstances, the inequal conditions introduction of the international enterprises should be sublated and it comes to the points that the method of introduction of principleless should be strictly assorted. The real soverignty in the international society should be firmly established not only in politics but also in economy. This means that, our economic power and growth have been remarkably increased to slough from inequality conditions. Howover, the international enterprises which have been complied and accepted just in order to receive it without regular principles positions would be resulted to be harm and accordingly the negative side of the international enterprise should be necessary for precaution, through the long experiences.

      • 병원의 행정관리에 관한 연구

        유예근 단국대학교 행정대학원 1985 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        病院이란 過去나 現在를 막론하고 人間의 健康上의 問題를 中心課題로 하여 형성된 社會體制의 일부로서 현존하는 많은 組職體 가운데 가장 多樣하고 복잡한 職種들의 集合體인 동시에 각기 고유의 專門性을 가지고 相互協力하여 病院本來의 目的에 度達코자 하는 勞動集約的이며 技術集約的인 醫療組職體이다. 特히 오늘날의 病院社會는 現代社會가 다단화, 복잡화됨에 따라 口民이 기대하는 健康管理 要求도 갈수록 多樣하고 포괄이며 專門化하는 現象을 나타내고 있으므로 이러한 國民의 要求度를 滿足시키기 위해서는 그 構造와 機能에 있어서 많은 變化를 가져올 수 밖에 없었다. 또한 病院개념적인 측면에서 보아도 전통적인 入院患者 治療 위주의 役割과 機能에서 벗어나 포괄적인 健康傳達體系(Health Care Delivery System)의 일부로서 入院患者뿐만 아니라 外來나 家庭醫療 기타 社會 請集團의 健康管理까지 포함하는 社會的 機能도 擔當하게 되었다. 이러한 새로운 變化에 따라 病院의 運營管理도 科學的인 組職理論을 도입 活用함으로써 效果的인 病院管理 方案을 모색하여야 하는 막중한 課題를 스스로 안고 있는 實情이다. 이와같은 病院의 개념및 機能의 變化로 因해 그組職과 運營의 題般管理面에 있어서는 종래 診療 위주의 行政體制에서 病院의 目的 達成에 必要한 各種 專門部署, 支援部署, 行政部署間의 원활한 相互協調體制로 바뀔수 밖에 없게 되었다. 이러한 觀點에서 서울市內 綜合病院을 中心으로 病院行敎의 問題點을 改善합으로써 現時代를 슬기롭게 극복해 나갈수 있는 效果的인 方案을 모색하고자 하였다. 病院行政의 주요문제인 病院의 人事管理制度로서 人事管理現況과 職員意識構造를 調査 分析함으로서 극도의 폐쇄적인 경영方式에 따라 經營되어 왔으며 急變하는 경영여건과 악화되는 財政狀態에 적절히 대처하기 爲해서는 人力資源의 구성원들이 能力을 最大로 발휘할수 있는 여러가지 組職을 강구하며 人事管理面에서도 경영층과 노동제공자간의 개방적인 經營이 要求된다. 또한 經營主가 職員들에게 일방적으로 經營主에게 높은 보수와 福利厚生面의 배려만을 要求하여서는 經營合理化는 이루어질 수 없다. 醫務記錄管理者의 養成이 정식의 專門的 敎育機關에 의해 되지 않고 있다. 또한 소속된 病院의 용어통일이 되지 않고 있어 記錄管理의 어려움이 있다. 이런 이유로 醫務記錄의 필연성과 당위성에 입각하여 專門敎育制度의 確立과 醫療用語의 統一은 勿論 病院管理를 위해서는 統計資料로서 病院情報의 지름길이 된다. 給食經營에 있어서도 病院給食이 患者의 疾病에 適合한食事를 供給하여 治療의 效果와 높임과 동시에 食生活에 관한 知識의 補給과 國民의 健康및 體力의 向上을 가져와야 할 것이다. 또한患者의 營養狀態를 판정하여 改善함과 동시에 營養결핍의 調査등에 대한 硏究를 實施하여 疾病豫方에도 기여해야 하며 病院給食의 機能은 營養管理, 營養敎育, 營養硏究로 크게 나누어 각자 맡은 일에 充實히 遂行하기 爲해서는 給食管理의 指導者인 營養士는 給食部內 人的, 物締 資源의 管理者로서의 役割과 함께 患者및 從業員에 대해서는 敎育者로서의 役割, 營養管理面에서는 專門家로서의 役割을 遂行해야 한다. 看護業務의 경우도 看護部署의 位置가 病院長으로 부터 直接委任된 독립된 體制를 갖지 못하고 診療部나 行敎事務部署의 산하組織이 되어 있어 看護部署의 독자성과 고유성을 침해 당하고 있으며 他部署의 간섭과 명령속에 있는데, 속히 看護部署의 독립성을 인정하여 경영층에 참여하고, 의료수가 산정에도 計算되어 醫療行爲의 일부분으로서 독립성을 유지시켜 주어야 하겠다. The disease of the present and the past has been the main subject of health of human being that the persons engaging in medical works is more various and complicated than any other fields of work as it needs more specialization and mutual coordination for the accomplishment of the object of the hospitals as well as it is the labor and technology intensive. Nowadays, there is more variability and complex of the medical field that the phenomenon shows more variety and inclusive. Therefore, in order to fulfill the requirement of the nation, much of the change in system and function is necessary. When we consider from the side of conception of hospitals, we could see that it also influences to the social function for the community health management, other than the health care delivery system for the hospitalized, in and out patients. According to such change, the management of hospitals should be more scientific with accepting more realistical theory of system and utilize it so that more effectiveness could be expected. From the change of such conception and function of hospitals, the system and operation has to be changed from the conventional system by changing the system to be more realistical by harmonious mutual cooperation between the specialist, supporting and administrative departments. Thus, this research is aim to have the ideal by the developing the problems from the general hospitals in Seoul. There is the problems of conventional personnel management system which is one of the most important administrative problem as it has not been changed much as anyone could easily notice. Therefore, it is urgently necessary to be changed like most of other fields in society is rapidly changing so that the manpower source ability could be utilized more effectively on the operation of the hospitals themselves as well as for the better financial standing. For this purpose, it is necessary to have more open system operation between the staffs and the worker of the hospitals. At the present, the medical recording management workers are not particularly trained from the specialized educational organizations. Another problem is that the medical wording of the hospitals of the same system is not standarized that there is problems of maintaining effective recording management, Therefore, it is necessary to have the standard education system for the establishment of specialized and standarized wording and recording which will also be the short cut way to have the statistic record and informations. It is also necessary to pay attention to the hospital meals offering to the hospitalized patients as it is as important to them as having proper medical treatment. Therefore, it is necessary to offer the meals according to the nutrition condition and the health situation of the patients. However, as we easily could notice, mostly same kinds of food is offering to the whole patients of a ward in hospital. There is also the problem of the status of the nurses as mostly there is no separate nurse independent function system which is provided by the director of the hospital but it has been as sub-system under the complete control of the medical and administrative department that it is hard to expect the expectable development of the nurse department for more effective function as most of the works and the service are done by the order of the above departments. Therefore, it is necessary to acknowledge more independency for paying more important role to the medical service to the patients with continual development.

      • 한국정부예산의 절감방안에 관한 연구

        김영호 단국대학교 행정대학원 1985 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        行政은 組織이나 그 機能에 있어서 環境의 영향을 크게 받으며 또한 적응하지 않을 수 없다. 豫算現象도 그에 예외는 아니어서 세계경제의 사정이 惡化됨에 따라 減縮機能이 여타의 豫算機能 즉, 政治·經濟·行政的 機能보다 重視되지 않을 수 없게 되었다. 이는 韓國政府의 경우 外債負擔등의 特殊事情으로 더욱 절실히 요구되는 狀況이지만, 豫算滅縮에 관한 外國의 理論들은 狀況的인 滴賞性을 결하고 있다는 데에 本 論文의 硏究動氣가 있다. 豫算現象을 비롯하여 제반 行政現象은 人 ·構造·環境의 相互作用으로 이루어진다 함이 通說的 見解임에 비추어 이미 硏究가 많이 진척되어 있는 構釣에 관하여는 간략히 다루고 人間과 環境이라는 측면을 어떤 특정한 接近方法만을 고수함이 없이 豫算節減에 重要한 정도를 基準으로 삼아 問題에 접근하였다. 豫算이란 원래 政治的 性格이 농후한 것으로 단순히 經題的 合理性이 適用되기를 기대하기는 어려운 것이지만, 특히 豫算의 減縮에는 行政人과 行政環境으로부터 거센 압력을 받게 마련이다. 따라서 豫算의 減縮이란 그것이 단순히 行政改革으로 그치는 것일 수는 없고 韓國社會의 전반적인 改革에로 나아가지 않을 수 없는 것이다. 이를 위하여 종래 리더십이 의존하는 경향이 있었으나 이는 根本的인 問題解決에 이를 수 없다고 하겠다. 民主社曾의 長點은 個人의 創意性발휘를 통하여 個人의 自己實現이 團體의 目標達成과 調和될 수 있다는 데 있는 것이기 때문이다. 실제에 있어서 韓國行政의 現實的 問題點의 많은 부분이 行政府 內, 外에 걸친 權威主義의 지나친 영향이었기 때문에 강력한 지도력에 의한 變革은 問題를 악화시킬 수 있다. 經濟·社會의 自律性 條復, 政治發展, 大衆媒體의 活性化등을 통한 行政機能의 縮小가 바람직하다는 점을 지적하였으며, 이와아울러 公開行政의 强化, 地方自治制의 실시등이 필요함을 강조하였다. 行政의 發展을 위해서는 行政民主化를 통해 Argyris의 惡循環을 제거시킴으로써 질곡된 情報의 흐름을 시정하고, 그러한 正確한 情報에 근거를 두고 先計劃·後豫算의 政策·豫算過程이 運營될 때 行政理念인 民主性 뿐만 아니라 生産性 向上을 통한 豫算의 節減,發展行政의 效率的 遂行이 可能할 것 임을 지적하였다. 行政民主化의 方法으로 특히 公務員 團體의 構成과 公務員 報酬의 滴正化가 긴요함을 강조하였고 組織發展技法을 活用할 것을 行態變化· 行政社會化와 연관하여 언급하였다. 本 論文에서는 豫算節減에 관한 問題를 巨視的으로 槪活하여 多分히 恣意的인 取捨選擇과 配合으로 整理한 程度밖에 안되는 것 같다. 따라서 보다 科學的인 精密性을 갖추면서도 政策處方을 또한 缺하지아니하는 理論의 정립을 앞으로의 硏究에 기대해 본다. Public administration is influenced by environment in organization and its function. In addition, it must be adapted for environment. Likewise, budget phenomena show the change of budget function. A cut-back in the budget becomes important with worldwide business recession. In case of Korea, the situation is more urgent because of heavy foreign debt which was caused by expansionary fiscal policy of government. But the foreign theory about cut-back management lacks relevance to Korean government. The issue of this study is to shape realistic policy in order to reduce appropriation. It's a widely held view that public administration phenomena including budget phenomena are brought about by the reciprocal action of constituents, structure and environment. This study takes behavioral and environmental approach mainly because structural approach was taken by many other students. Although budgetary process has by nature political feature, the cut-back in the budget is distinctive in that respect. So, the cut-back in the budget extends to not only administration reform but also nation reform. If we consider that the merits of democratic society lies in the harmonious development of individual and organization, the strategy for nation reform reside in not strong leadership but democratization of society. The restoration of self-regulation in the economy and society, political development, enforcement of local self-government, etc will be the devices of national development. The correction of Argyris's vicious circle process and normal operation of policy-budgetary process by democratization of public administration is essential in administrative development. Constitution of public official union, reasonable public official payment, behavioral change by the method of OD and so on will make public administration democratic and efficient. This paper could not surpass a limit just touching upon the subject generally and roughly. It would be better to construct the theory which has both scientific accuracy and realistic policy-prescription. I expect that it shall be accomplished in near future.

      • 韓國 基督敎 敎育行政에 관한 硏究

        한인성 단국대학교 행정대학원 1989 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        Korean churches in their bicentennial introduction have maintained special types of legal, administrative and judicial functions. Though most of the churches have been trained legal function, looking down upon their administrative function, the reason is that there is no need of decentralization in the small churches. In the light of above fact, admitting how important the educational administration is in Korean churches which are emulous growing in their sizes and numbers, the improving method has not been suggested as yet. Therefore the following is my study on Korean Christian educational administration. 1. In the orientational establishment of Korean Christian educational administration, the major problem is those of curriculum, facility, and educator. 2. In the theoretical establishment of Korean Christian educational administration, the differences, the meanings, and the concepts are involved in both the standpoints of general administration and educational administration. In the process of Christian educational administration, those of Japaneses Imperial Period to recent years are also looked into. In the ideal establishment of Korean Christian educational administration, democracy, efficiency, and service are taken into phenominal consideration. 3. The most urgent problem is not the poverty of the personnel or natural resources, but the want of administrative power to use them, therefore mission, service, and education are also obstructed. So, The real aspects of curriculum, facility, and leader is also considered. 4. Christian educational administration has been given away to the Church Policy. Curricula for service, adoration, and education has also been looked down upon because of the ideology in church. Beliefs and growth of church appears to be relied upon by the church policy, but it is the poverty of church educational administration that makes the believers embarrased without doing in church. Therefore in dealing with the improvements of the Christian educational administration. Through the fixed aim of the bringing up the educators, facilities and curricula, the organization of educational administration, the principle of reasonability and adaptability, and the reform of church administration has been mainly dealt with. 5. In spite of reforming the structure of administration or the type of church management according to the diversification of society and the speciality of vocation, the Korean Christian educational administration today is still being sticked to the methods of yesterday. Such problems like the management of increasing area, the bringing of new comers, the management of reasonal church finance, and so on, are the problems and also duty to be dealted with by the modern churches. It is the reality of them that they don't know, however, what to do and why to do such things occassionally. In the part of conclusion, It should apply to the Christian educational administration as well as to the church administration that such admistrative ideals as "how to manage the administration and which to choose on what point of view. General educational administration is being introduced into the Christian educational administration. But to achieve the true Christian education in its meaning, the expert among the believers should take the business and devote himself to the administrative automation. Therefore, churches should be interested in the Christian educational administration to bring up the experts and invest much money in it to cope with the systimactic and organized change of society. It is the best way that Korean churches can mantain the continual and unchangeable growth in both quantity and quality.

      • 행정소송제도에 관한 비교 연구

        신봉기 단국대학교 대학원 법학과 행정법전공 1985 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        It is intended in the present paper to compare the Code of Administrative Procedure in republic of Korea in 1951 with that now in force which was revised on November 15, 1984. To this end, the administrative litigation system adopted in countries of the Anglo-American law (Britain and the United States) and those of the Continental law (West Germany, France and Japan) was investigated. There is a marked difference in the system of administrative litigation between the two legal systems. Such difference is attributed to the availability of an independent court dealing with administrative litigation. In the countries of the Anglo-American law, no special court of administrative litigation other than the court of justice is recognized under the principle of "rule of law". The litigation in connection with the legality of administrative disposition should also be examined by a general court in accordance with the common law procedure under the principle of unified jurisdication of civil, criminal and administrative cases. On the other than, in the countries of the Continental law, administrative cases are reserved within the administrative authority itself under the influence of the concept of formal separation of powers and decided by a special court of administrative litigation. The essence of administrative litigation is generally understood as the process of administration and dealt with distinctively from civil and criminal cases. Though there is a marked difference between the two characteristic legal systems, they are just the same in that both are intended to protect the rights and interests of the people. Nowadays, the two legal systems show a mutual approaching tendency because of the public nature and professionalism involved in administrative cases. The mandamus and prohibition in the countries of the Anglo-American law and Verpflichtungsklage, recourse pour exces de pouvoir and Untatigkeitsklage in those of the Continental law are the typical examples of the system designed to protect the rights and interests of the people. The administrative litigation system in republic of Korea is modeled after both the Continental law which adopts the principle of administrative adjustment preposition and the Anglo-American law under which administrative cases are subject to the jurisdiction of general civil court. The Code of Administrative Procedure in Korea enacted in 1951 consisted of only 14 articles and there was much to be desired for the substantial protection of the rights and interests of the people. However, the revised Code of Administrative Procedure now in force is supplemented and improved to a great extent; i.e., stipulation of the kinds of administrative litigation, mitigation of the principle of administrative adjustment preposition, expansion of the plaintiff's competency and extension of instituting period, etc. Despite these efforts some defective factors are still involved in the revised Code of Administrative Procedure. In order to eliminate such defective factors and attempt further improvement, some corrective measures are proposed as follows: 1. As a means of relieving forbearance attributed to the violation of law by an administrative office, even the positive Verpflichtungsklage stipulated in Article 42 of the Verwaltungsgerichtsordung (VwGO) should be recognized in addition to such a negative means as the litigation for the confirmation of illegality. 2. The suspension of execution provision should be introduced as in case of Article 123 of the VwGO in order to secure the effectiveness of administrative relief. In other words, this provision is intended to eliminate such absurdity as may be arisen even if a lawsuit is own but its effect fails to restore to the original state by applying the non-suspension of execution principle. This principle should be recognized as an exception. 3. The competent court of the first instance for the legal proceedings of a concerned party should be the general court as in case of a civil action. 4. The plaintiff's right of demand for data and/or materials should also be recognized in addition to the right of application for records to be provided by the administrative office concerned, thereby guaranteeing more positive exercise of rights on the part of the plaintiff. 5. A department dealing exclusively with administrative litigation should be set up at the earliest date in accordance with Para.2, Article 102 of the Constitution, so that the administrative litigation system may be able to achieve its ultimate goal of protecting the rights and interests of the people.

      • 現代敎會行政의 Leadership에 關한 硏究:특히 Stewardship을 中心으로

        李玩模 단국대학교 행정대학원 1989 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        本 論文의 硏究目的은 과거의 농경사회 속에서는 전제적이고 權威的인 指導力이 認定받았고 敎會에서도 카리스마적 지도력이 환영을 받았으나 現代는 多元化되고 급벨하는 社會요 또한 民主化의 거센 바람이 우리 社會를 變化시키면서 새로운 Leadership이 時代的으로 要請되고 있다. 뿐만 아니라 第三의 물결 즉 탈산산명화 사회 초산업화 사회 우주시대 또는 情報化 時代에 能動的으로 대처할 수 있고 어떠한 狀況과 危機에도 組織의 目的을 達成할 수 있는 새로운 스타일의 Leadership의 開發이 要請되고 있다. 따라서 이러한 時代的 要請에 부응하여 현대 교회 행정의 새로운 指導力으로 Stewardship을 제시하고자 하는데 그 目的이 있다. 第一章인 序論에서는 人類歷史 가장 長久한 歷史와 가장 巨大한 組織體를 形咸한 敎會로서 組織의 目的을 達成하기 위하여 行政이 必要하고 Leadership이 必要함을 제시하면서 硏究의 目的 方法및 範圍 用語의 整理 順으로 硏究者의 意圖를 說明 하였다. 第二章에서는 敎會行政의 槪念設定 行政沿革과 敎會行政이 歷史的으로 時代的으로 發展하면서 各 時代마다 敎會史 속에서 特徵的으로 指導力이 發揮 되었는데 古代時代는 論爭과 박해가 치열했던 時代로 敎會行政의 모든 權限이 감독에게 일임되었고 中世時代는 敎皇의 統治時代로 敎皇이 적대적 (Charismatic) 權威를 所有한 者로서 敎會法을 계정하였고 커다란 基督敎國家를 形成 하였기에 많은 부정과 부패를 안고 있었다. 宗敎改革 時代는 中世時代의 이러한 부정부패로 부터 탈피하기 위하여 改革하였고 敎會管理의 責任이 敎入들에게 주어져서 이때부터 오늘에 이르기까지 敎會行政의 民主化를 이루는 계기가 되었다. 第三章에서는 Leadership과 Stewardship의 名稱과 語義 聖經에 나타난 Leadership과 Stewardship,現代敎會 牧師의 Leadership과 Stewardship이 發揮 되어야 할 業務로서 禮拜인도와 說敎 敎育 尋訪과 상담 當會와 各種會議, 결혼식, 장례식 , 聖禮式과 같은 各種禮式의 주례를 들 수 있고 現代敎會 行政家로서 牧師의 Leadership과 Stewardship이 特히 要求되는 役割은 敎會의 組織管理와 入力管理 財務管理 Communication과 갈등 및 양극화 해소 敎會의 對 內外的인 事業 등을 들 수 있다. 第四章에서는 發展志向的이고 未來志向的인 現代敎會 行政家로서 牧師의 Stewardship 을 開發하는데 行政家로서의 Stewardship의 開發이란 創造的 문제해결 能力과 원칙과 타협의 통합능력 對 內外的인 交涉能力危機管理能力이 있어야 하고 相互同伴者로서의 Stewardship의 開發이란 指導者와 追從者 相五間의 資質, 態度, 行態는 서로 相互 보완적인 관계가 形成될 때 가장 이상적인 Stewardship이 發揮되며 牧會者로서의 Stewardship의 開發이란 牧師의 召命意識과 使命感의 새로운 認識에서 出發한다는 것을 제시하였다. 第五章에서는 結論으로 現代敎會行政에 있어서 指導力은 危機에 직면해 있고 效果的인 Stewardship의 發揮란 치료적일 뿐만 아니라예방적 이어야 하며 과거의 카리스마적인 指導力은 하루 빨리 청산하여야 할 것과 硏究論文의 미흡한 部分으로는 Stewardship의 자료와 관계서적의 부족으로 충분한 理論的 說明이 不足한 것과 硏究者의 짧은 牧會 경력으로 인하여 經驗的인 요소의 부족을 들 수 있고 硏究課題로는 敎會行政에 있어서 인접학문을 통한 새로운 定立이 要請되고, 現代와 未來社會에 적응해 나갈 수 있는 敎會行政의 새로운 方法論과 함께 새로운 스타일의 Leadership의 모델이 계속적으로 硏究되어야 하고 相互同伴者로서 Stewardship의 效率的인 發揮를 위하여 指導者와 追從者 相互間에 資質向上 敎育訓鍊의 必要함과 指導者 양성 기관에서 指導者論에 對한 커리큘럼 開發에 對한 再評價가 있어야 할 것을 명시하였다. From earliest times, leadership in church and state administrations have interacted with each other. In administration, leadership is the principal means of overcoming program fragmentation, correcting the weaknesses of bureaucracy, substituting willing cooperation for rules authorized by top management and making it possible for people to enjoy their work as well as to earn a living. To achieve these ends, moreover, stewardship must go beyond the routine variety to become entrepreneurial. It must be innovative, ready to break new ground, willing to experiment, and able to admit errors when experimental methods fail. In my thesis, steward means a keeper, a person or administrator put in charge of the affairs of a large organization church organization or estate, whose duties include supervision of the christian church and the servants, or one who acts as a supervisors or administrators, in a charge of arrangements for a faithf-l church. The object of my thesis is leadership theory in the church organization. By church organization in terms of authority or charismatic authority I mean a special social unit with some particular purposes. By theory I mean a proposition or set of propositions that seeks to explain or predict something The something in the case in how church groups and believers and indivIduals behave in church organizational structures and circumstances. I analysed in my thesis that the main differences between a leadership in a agrarian, authoritarian society and the big church organizational leadership in hard times. In the last four decades, especially since last 80's, the winds have become more persistently chillIng. Big organizations in hard times are no longer just around the corner. My new perspective on leadership theory and practice is the special title "stewardship" for this thesis. It communicates rather, well however, hopeful new development in the field of public administration. In the first chapter, I explained the setting, scope with an object of the study. In the second chapter, I analized the historical developments of church administration beriefly, early formation of christian institutionalization, the reformation and its aftermath, and In all sociaties deference is accorded to authoritative leadership roles, the norms they promulgate in consideration of their capacity to create, maintain, and change the order of society. For example, chairsma is the quality which is imputed to leaders, action's, roles, institutions such as church, symbols and material objects because of their presumed connected with ultimate, fundamental, vital, order-determined powers. The bigger the problem to be tackled, the more power is diffused and the more people have to be involved. Thus decisions become more complex and ill defined, affecting more different and sometimes conflicting church constituencies membershlp. In the third chapter, I developed the theory about the leadership in the classics of organization and the new stewardship and organizational culture. Recently the literature onleadership theory has cast a shadow of boubt and growing dissatisfaction. At the heart of this shadow is frustration with the inability of traditional authoritarian inquiry to account for practical knowledge to inform practice in administrative organization, especially in church administration. I examined this big theoretical and practical problems, in terms of biblical interpretation. I also emphasized the management of human resources in the church, organizational context of leadership, growing importance of personnel functions and financial contribution to personnel, and the environmental context of leadership including vision, communication and organizational conflict resolution. The role of the effective leader. In varying degrees, it seemed that all possessed the following competencies: Vision: the capacity to create and communicate a compelling vision of a desired state of affairs, a vision that clarifies the current situation and induces commitment to the future. Communication and alignment: the capacity to communicate their vision in order to gain the support of their multiple church constituencies. In the fourth chapter, I emphasized the role of paster as administrator and his/her transformative power. In the fifth chapter as conclusion, I projected 5 alternative scenarios for the Korean church organization during the 10 years ahead. Alternative No. 1. The Korean Church organization become a swing of the democratization pendlum. It is strongly needs for stewardship. Alternative No. 2. There is an symbolic interpretation for the integration all organization in terms of Buber's I-Thou theory, compare with Schutz's we relationship theory. Alternative No. 3. There is an involvement theory with the tendency of church members grass roots democracy and participatory democracy. Alternative No. 4. There is the tendency for psychology and humanism. Those are the main justifications for emphasizing the philosophy and techniques of management and pastor as manager or administrator. It is strongly need the capacity to govern for improvement of the modern church's structural weakness in Korea. In sum, the transformative power of stewardship in stems less from ingeneously crafted organizational structures, carefully constructed management designs and controls, elegantly rationalized planning formats, or skillfully articulated leadership tactics. Rather, it is the abilIty of the leader to reach the souls of others In a fashion which raises human consciousness, builds meanings, and inspires human intent that is the source of power. Within transformative leadership, therefore, it is division, purposes, beliefs, and other aspects of organizational culture that are of prime importance. Symbolic expression becomes the major tool of stewardship.

      • 한국 장애자 복지행정에 관한 연구

        박종현 단국대학교 행정대학원 사회복지전공 1988 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        The purpose of this study is to recognize the importance of the handicapped welfare administration, to propose reform measures to make an effective that in Korea. For analysis, I define the handicapped welfare administration as a set of components for carrying out its welfare goal, grasp the sides of analysis of it as organization, institution, manpower, finance: source of funds, and legislation. The major reform measures derived from this analytical study may be summarized as follows. First, as we establish the welfare office, the professional field office to take charge of the handicapped welfare, it is necessary to fulfill the welfare service for the handicapped, and to develop the local society. Second, to lead and control the service delivery effectively, it is demanded to establish the handicapped welfare exclusive department in the administration system of government agency. Third, it is desirable to strengthen the function of conference, coordination, and integration of the service delivery private system, and to be fully equipped with the rehabilitation facilities in order to realize the handicapped's welfare ideology substantially. Fourth, it is necessary that the direction of improvement in the administration manpower of the government agency establish the social welfare administration series to secure professional manpower that supply professional service. And it is demanded to improve the treatment for the engagers of the handicapped welfare institution, and to enlighten the social recognition for them. Also it is demand that the consciousnesses of the engagers of the handicapped welfare work must be reformed for themselves. Fifth, in case of finance, it is desirable that the problem of resources' shortage is solved through the diversification of resources. Finally, the legislation of the handicapped welfare must be amended so that the articles of it have a more professional and comprehensive attributes.

      • 環境行政의 課題와 發展方向에 관한 硏究 : 環境汚染防止를 위한 行政戰略을 中心으로

        김영일 단국대학교 행정대학원 1989 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        우리나라는 1960年代부터 國家發展企劃의 일환으로서 工業化를 中心으로 한 經濟發展 위주의 政策을 실시하였다. 그 결과 급속한 工業化 過程과 人口의 都市集中 現象으로 인하여 自然資源은 거의 無秩序하고 無計劃的으로 開發되어 왔다. 이러한 近視眼的이며 經濟成長 일변도의 政策은 生態系를 危機에 직면하게 하여 政府는 뒤늦게 國民의 健康과 衛生이라는 측면에서 1980年부터 26個의 環境指標를 設定하여 政策化하였다. 우리의 경우 環境問題에 대한 基本政策은 第5共和國에 들어와 環境廳의 發足과 함께 採擇되었으나 環境汚染의 水準은 비슷한 狀況을 보이면서도 아직 문제해결에 있어 많은 문제점을 내포하고 있다. 따라서 本 論文에서 언급한 總合的인 論議를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 現在의 우리나라의 環境汚染의 實態를 大氣, 水質, 土壤, 海洋으로 나누어 分析하여 그 문제의 深刻性을 다시 認識하고 둘째, 環境行政의 活性化를 통한 對處하기 위하여 現在의 環境行政의關의 現況을 살펴보았다. 셋째, 이에 따라 제기되는 諸般問題에 대한 解決策을 提示하여 效率的인 環境行政을 도모하고자 行政上의 改善方業을 모색해 보았다. 本 硏究는 環境行政의 發展을 위한 積極的이며 效率性있는 業務遂行의 制度的 裝置를 마련하게 하기 위하여 行政上의 改善方案을다음과 같이 論하여 보았다. 첫째, 環境機構上의 改善方向으로 現在의 環境廳을 環境部로 昇格시켜 실질적으로 環境業務를 强力하게 遂行할 수 있도록 기획 ·조정 ·집행 權限을 부여해야 한다. 둘째, 豫算 및 人力上의 改善方向으로 主要 先進國들의 環境行政을 遂行하기 위해 投資하는 豫算額은 우리의 경우와 비교해 많은 차이가 있어 이에 대한 문제가 새롭게 인식되고 있어 大幅的인豫算의 增額이 있어야 하겠고, 人力上에 있어서도 專門人力이 너무 부족한 실정이며 또한 現在의 職制에 있어서 公務員들의 대부분이 專門性을 띠지 못하고 있어 專門人力을 確保하기 위하여 채용의 문을 넓혀야 하고 旣存의 職員에 대하여 敎育訓練을 통한 專門敎育이 있어야 하겠다. 셋째, 地方自治를 目前에 두고 있는 現時點에서 中央과 地方部署間의 權限의 調整이 있어야 하겠다. 以上으로 本 硏究는 環境汚染問題에 대한 實態를 分析함과 아울러 보다 效果的인 環境行政의 發展을 도모하고자 그 改善方案을 모색하여 보았는데 궁극적으로 環境問題에 있어서 가장 중요한 것은 바로 環境汚染防止와 環境保全을 위한 國民 個個人의 努力과 政治的인 意志가 선행되어야 한다는 것을 주지시키고 싶다. Since 1960, our country had enforced a policy for the economic development concentrated on industrialization as a part of the national development plan. As a result, our natural resources have been developed disorderly and unplanedly due to the rapid process of ndustrialization and the cityward drifting of population. This short-sighted and whole-hearted policy for the economic development came to be faced with an ecosystem crisis, consequently the government have established 26th environmental guides in 1980's. In our case, we adopted the basic policy of the environmental problems the moment the Environment Administration was founded in the 5th republic, but compared with the advanced countries, our country reaches the similar level with them in environment pollution, and still has difficulty in solving the problems. Therefore the summarized synthetic points in this thesis as follows; First, I analyzed our environmental pollution in the aspects of air, water, soil, sea and tried to have a new understanding of the serious environmental pollution. Second, I investigated the present conditions of the Environment Administration and other related agencies which play a important part in environmental administration for more positive treatment of the environmental problems, which is obtained by activation of the environment administration. Thired, I tried to grope for the effective improvement plans in environmental administration by presenting a solution to the various environment problems. In this thesis, I stated the improvement plans to make the effective system in environmental administration as follows; First, as for improvement plans in environmental organization, we should raise the Environment Administration to the status of the Environment Protection Ministry granting its authority in planning, adjustment, exeecution and making it carry out the environmental administration more substantially and strongly. Second, as for the improvement plans in budget and human agency, above all, compared with the budgets in advanced countries, our budget is not an a level with those the advanced country's, therefore, there should be a steep raise in budget to accomplish a better environment administration, on the other hand, in regard to human agency. It is necessary to employ more experts to train in existing government officials with technical education. Third, with the local self-government coming soon, there should be adjustment of authorities between the central government and the local bureaus. As mentioned above, I tried to analyze the conditions of the environment pollution and grope for the effective improvemental plans in the matter of environmental administration. Finally, I think it the environmental problems depends upon national effort and political volition for the protection of environment and the prevention of the environmental pollution whether we solve the environmental problems.

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