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      • 건강기능성식품의 평가방법에 관한 연구

        김영생 부경대학교 2009 국내석사

        RANK : 249711

        건강기능식품 원료의 안전성·기능성·기준규격 평가지침 확립과 건강관련식품중 위해성분 분석법’ 발간 및 품목확대 검토하기 위하여는 기준 및 규격의 평가 체계를 구축하기 위한 작업이 병행되어야만 건강기능식품법의 취지를 잘 살릴 수 있으며 안전하고 우수한 국내 건강기능식품 산업을 증진시킬 수 있을 것이라 판단된다. 건강기능식품의 안전성과 연구방법론적인 문제를 해결하기 위하여 제 외국의 상황을 검토하고 커뮤니티를 구성하여 내·외부 전문가의 활용으로 평가기준을 확립하고 동 내용을 워크샾을 개최하여 학계 및 산업계에 널리 필요가 있다. 최근 건강기능식품 품목확대 연구사업에서 제안된 4개 품목의 안전성·기능성, 기준·규격, 시험방법의 관련 자료를 재검토하여 고시에 적합한지의 여부를 결정하고 2002~2004년도 건강관련식품 위해성분 모니터링에 대한 분석법을 정리하여 고찰하였다. 안전성 평가체계 마련을 위하여 제 외국의 안전성 평가지침을 검토하여 우리나라 건강기능식품에 적합한 안전성 평가체계를 확립하였다. 안전성 평가를 위한 ‘의사결정도’와 이에 대한 설명을 마련하였다. 또한 기능성 평가지침으로 “근거중심등급결정체계”의 확립으로 과학적 근거의 수준에 따라 기능성의 등급을 차별화 하여 인정하는 기능성평가체계를 확립하였다. 기준 및 규격 평가지침 마련은 제 외국의 기준 규격 평가지침을 검토하여 우리나라 건강기능식품에 적합한 기준·규격 평가 지침을 작성하는데 기여고자 한다. In order to developed the guideline of safety evaluation based on the other country's systems, decision tree for the safety evaluation and its description, and. confirmed the "Evidence-Based Ranking System" appropriate to Health/Functional Foods. According to the degree of scientific evidence, we recognize the rank of the label claims. And this investigation include proper guideline of standard and specification to Health/Functional Food based on the other agency's guidelines. Probiotics's characteristics are very different from that of general Health/Functional Foods. So, we made the apparent guideline of the efficacy and safety evaluation for probiotics. Four products (coenzymeQ10, L-carnitine, phosphatidyl serine, Lutein) in order to add generic Health/Functional Food. However, after reviewing of theirs safety, efficacy and standards, we concluded that those are not appropriate to generic Health/Functional Food So, we determined that we had to review them as the product-specific Health/Functional Foods.

      • 수입식품검사업무의 효율성 제고를 위한 수입식품의 유통과정중의 관리체계에 대한 개선방안 연구

        조지훈 부경대학교 산업대학원 2012 국내석사

        RANK : 249695

        Study on improvement of food storage and facilities management on a bonded warehouse for efficiency in inspection of import food Ji-Hun Jo Department of Food Science and Technology, Graduate School, Pukyong National University Abstract The objective of this study is to develop method of food storage and facilities management on a bonded warehouse for an inspection efficiency of imported food. This stud is based on the Korean domestic bonded area where are divided as two types of warehouse and container in storage of imported food. Also, this study is collected a lot of data, met importer and manager of bonded warehouse and CY and then experiment about microbiological state of boned warehouse. We discussed about management manual of bonded warehouse and container with some experts. A part of these results will hold a symposium about safety of imported food on manager of bonded warehouse and container in Gyeong sang nam-do on January, 2011 and make a information pamphlets about storage facility and management of imported food. These results of this study will prevent from deterioration an imported food in storage, improve an inspection efficiency of imported food, and keep a safety of inspector. We strongly believe that these results of this study will benefit the Korean domestic safety on imported food in its early establishment.

      • 푸드 코트 즉석 조리식품에 대한 소비자 의식 및 위생관리 실태조사에 관한 연구

        장성욱 부경대학교 산업대학원 2008 국내석사

        RANK : 249679

        Examinations about diet consumed by consumers and hygiene situations were carried out in order to ensure safety of food courts and the health of consumers 87.5% of those surveyed were using food courts. selection motive of food court were inspected. 74.7% of those surveyed use food courts because of traveling between emporiums and buildings, 72.5% of those surveyed use food courts because of the food courts’ application method, particularly, 13% those surveyed because of the only one large space of food courts. And 45.7% of those surveyed use food courts because of various menu. In the light of sanitation situation inspection results, the hygiene level of food courts is “moderate”. The hygiene level of drinking water is highest. 72.9% of those surveyed considered the hygiene level of food courts is “hygiene control” Most consumers hope to strengthen efforts to control the hygiene of food courts. And about the question whether the food courts should be maintained or not, 72.9% (196 people) of considered the food courts should be improved comparing the results received before and after sanitation tests, the accounts of coliforms and general bacteria were depending on the type of food stuffs. In the light of results obtained in different places, in the Chinese restaurants, the amounts of coliforms and bacteria in the food stuffs are all more than 10^(8)/g before and after sanitation tests. In the Japanese restaurants, the same situation were observed in 3 kind of food stuffs before sanitation test and in 2 kind of food stuffs after sanitation tests. In the meantime, in the Korean restaurant, the same situations were observed in gravy before and after sanitation tests. The amounts of coliforms and bacteria on kitchen tools(ie. Knife, Frying pan ,rice scoop) are more than 108cfu/g. because the inter-contamination between kitchen tools and food stuffs occurred easily, careful sanitation manage is absolutely necessary. The inspecting accounts of coliforms and bacteria contained in onion used in western-style food are all more than 10^(8)cfu/g before and after sanitation test. Meanwhile, the inspecting amounts on cooking chef’s hands of Chinese restaurants were between 5.0×10¹ and 1.1×10² after tests. General speaking , food courts are open kitchen system and always be cooked in broad space. Contaminations take place easily because of considerable dusts and impurities caused by consumers moving. For the sake of avoiding contaminations, introducing of system is absolutely necessary. On the other hand, because of the close connections between sanitary and operation habits of chef and food safety, the restaurant’s owners must recognize importance of the employees training and do not neglect the periodical and high-intensity sanitary education.

      • 수입 농산물과 가공식품에 대한 방사능 오염 모니터링 및 위해성 평가

        송보명 부경대학교 2023 국내석사

        RANK : 249663

        The 2011 nuclear power plant accident in Japan, at the Fukushima facility, resulted in the release of numerous artificial radionuclides. Therefore, neighboring countries have had to confront the consequences of radioactive contamination, leading to a ban on imported food from Japan due to concerns over potential contamination. Accordingly, standards code for radioactive contaminants was established, and annual monitoring of radioactive contamination was conducted. To address these public concerns, the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety is responsible for the radioactive safety management of imported food and imported marine products in accordance with the Framework Act on Food Hygiene and Food Safety. Efforts are being made to strengthen quarantine and inspection of Japanese food and to ensure public safety and food safety through information disclosure. However, there is a lack of information about the extent of harm caused by its consumption. In this study, imported agro-fishery products and processed food from the 2021-2022 period were monitored for radioactive contaminants. A risk assessment was subsequently conducted on the effect of this radioactivity on the human body. Also, I evaluated it in comparison to the annual public 1 mSv recommended by the ICRP for risk assessment. Samples used for the analysis of radioactive contamination were selected from items that are suspected to be detected in national and major food products. The selected samples were pretreated using the direct method in the 'Korean Food Code' and then measured using HPGe for 10,000 seconds to carry out radioactive contamination inspections. A total of 7,437 samples monitoring results showed that 131I and 134Cs were below the minimum detectable activity (MDA), while there were 81 cases of 137Cs contamination. The levels of Sarcodon imbricatus were 1-­7 Bq/kg, Inonotus obliquus 2-32 Bq/kg in agricultural products, and Isrus oxyrinchus in fishery products 1 Bq/kg. In processed foods, blueberry jam 1–52 Bq/kg, cheese 2 Bq/kg and coffee beans 1 Bq/kg. The radiation exposure assessment was conducted using data from radiation detection monitoring, and the 「2020 National Nutrition Statistics」, and dose equivalent conversion coefficients suggested by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) were applied to convert the radiation unit into effective dose. The result of risk assessment on the intake of radioactive contaminated agro-fishery products and processed food, the highest in the age group is 19-29 (0.082% and 0.170%), and the lowest in the age groups of 6-11 (0.032%) and 1-2 (0.066%). In conclusion, the monitoring and risk assessment of radioactive contaminants in imported agro-fishery products and processed food demonstrated their safety, as they did not exceed the annual limit of artificial radiation dose for public people. Periodic monitoring is needed to reduce anxiety and ensure food safety with the discharge of waste water from Fukushima set to take place in 2023. In addition, accurate evaluation of the effects of radioactivity detection in food on the human body is expected to ensure the delivery of correct information.

      • 주요 수입약용식물의 항산화 활성 및 수입 관리 실태

        류승호 부경대학교 2009 국내석사

        RANK : 249663

        본 연구는 수입 항산화식품 소재의 실태를 파악하고 안전한 수입 항산화 식품소재의 이용을 목적으로 하여 7종의 수입한약재의 수입현황과 안전성조사 및 항산화력을 측정하였다. 1. 항산화력이 있는 주요 수입약용식물의 수입현황은 1990년대 비해 2000년대에 크게 증가하였다. 2. 부적합 판정 현황은 2000년대 후반 들어 크게 감소하는 추세로 수입 관리가 제대로 되고 있다고 판단된다. 3. 부적합 판정을 받은 소재는 이산화황 초과검출, 농약 잔류허용기준 위반, 부적합제품 재수입, 방사능 및 부패변질 등의 이유가 있었다. 4. 한약재 및 버섯 추출물은 추출용매에 대한 의존없이 높은 페놀함량을 보였으며, Rancimat에 의한 항산화도를 측정한 결과, 전반적으로 항산화력을 나타냈으나 황금 및 차가버섯 에탄올 추출물이 3.28, 3.60의 AI값을 보여 3.01의 값을 보인 ascorbic acid보다 높은 지질산화 억제능을 나타내었다. 5. 한약재 및 버섯 추출물의 DPPH 라디칼 소거능을 측정한 결과, 대부분의 한약재에서 높은 라디칼 소거능을 보였으며 황금 에탄올 추출물, 구기자 물추출물 및 차가버섯 추출물은 0.5 mg/mL 농도이상에서도 85%이상의 높은 라디칼 소거능을 보였다. 이상의 결과를 통해 항산화력을 가지는 식품 소재의 수입현황 및 안전성 조사를 통하여 현재 수입 항산화 식품 소재의 실태를 파악함으로써 수입 항산화 식품소재의 안전한 이용이 기대된다. The purpose of this study is to use safety of the imported antioxidant sources by investigating the actual conditions of the sources of imported antioxidant foods. Therefore, we investigated current situation of imported antioxidant sources, safety of customs clearance and method. According to statistical data of Food and Drug Administration, The survey indicated that the present situation of imported antioxidant sources increased in 2000s more than in 1990s, and incongruity decreased. Reasons of incongruity were detection of exceeded sulfite, reimport of incongruity foods, violation of residue limit for pesticides and change in quality. Especially detection of exceeded sulfite was the best part of reasons of incongruity. Inspection about antioxidant sources in imported foods was well controled, because the present situation of incongruity largely decreased in the latter 2000s. Also we investigated antioxidant activity of imported antioxidant sources. Antioxidant activity of imported medicinal plants and mushrooms were carried out through content of total phenolic compound(TPC), Rancimat method, DPPH radical scavenging effect. In result, these extract was shown high content of total phenolic compound without depending concentration. In the Rancimat test, all extract was showed antioxidant activity. Especially Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi and Inonotus obliquus ethanol extracts showed 3.28, 3.60 of AI value, higher than ascorbic acid. In the DPPH radical scavenging effect test, most extract showed high scavenging effect, Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi ethanol extract, Lycium chinense ethanol extract and Inonotus obliquus water and ethanol extracts showed over 85% scavenging effect at over 0.5 mg/mL.

      • 제조 공정에 따른 커피 항산화능의 변화와 커피 박 추출물의 식품 소재화

        김진율 부경대학교 산업대학원 2008 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        This study was carried out to measure the variation of coffee antioxidant ability according to extraction process. Total phenolic compounds content, DPPH radical scavenging effect, metal chelating effect, and reducing power of hot water extracts from green coffee bean, roasted coffee bean, mixtrue roasted coffee bean, and spent coffee ground was measured. As a result of total phenolic compound content, it was revealed that Vietnam coffee bean contained the largest amount of phenolic compound, showing the figures for three kinds of green coffee bean were 32.6(Brazil), 36.4(Colombia), 43.4(Vietnam) mg/g and roasted coffee bean were 7.5(Brazil), 29.5(Colombia) and 42.1(Vietnam) mg/g, respectively. On the other hand, there was a very small amount of phenolic compound (1.2 mg/mL) in spent coffee ground due to the decrease of total phenolic compound content during the extraction process. However, hot water extracts from green, roasted and mixture roasted coffee bean and spent coffee ground all showed 85% to 92% of the high DPPH radical scavenging activity in the concentration of 4 and 0.4 mg/mL. As a result of metal chelating effect, hot water extracts of green, roasted and mixure roasted coffee bean showed 78% to 84% of metal chelating effects in 4 mg/mL, and there were no significant difference. While hot water extract of spent coffee ground showed the lowest metal chelating ability. According to reducing power test, hot water extract of green coffee bean was calculated the highest reducing power and spent coffee ground showed higher recuding power than that of mixture roasted coffee bean. As the results of examining variation of coffee antioxidant ability according to extraction process, it is considered that spent coffee ground, a by-product of coffee, has antioxidant ability for food. Because it has not only high DPPH radical scavenging ability but metal chelating ability and reducing power, which are lower than those of coffee bean though. For development of spent ground's practical application, hot water extract of spent coffee ground was used in the process of manufacturing the salted mackerels, which has problems of quality deterioration and poor storing capability caused by rapid lipid oxidation. Consequently, the mackerels treated 15% of hot water extracts from spent coffee ground showed significantly low VBN and TBARS compared to untreated. Furthermore, for sensory test, the mackerels treated 10% and 15% of hot water extracts from spent coffee ground scored high. In conclusions, spent coffee ground inhibited oxidation of the mackerels resulting in increase of shelf-life and improved the sensual quality. It is considered that spent coffee ground could be applied to food materials.

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