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      • 한·중 무역학 교과과정의 비교연구

        한설매 건국대학교 대학원 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 247807

        In 2001, a new demand put forward to international trade human resources after China's accession to WTO. In a competitive era, Korea industrial structure and electronic commerce has changed a lot. Under WTO, there is a global shift from the industrial sector into a full liberalization and include universities’ change. In order to meet these requirements and changes, universities should be analysis of trade school education, to identify problems and to improve. The Universities’ education is mainly focus on theory instruction not for practical training, it result that students are weak in practice. The author is in order to cultivate men of talent in the completion of the business of international trade on the combination of theory and practice. The ultimate purpose of universities’ education is implementing the policies to train out more and more personnels. Therefore, in order to train high-quality trade professionals, universities should strengthen trade education. The method of strengthening and developing university trade education is to constitute appropriate trade education courses and operate effectively; it plays a significant role in strengthening and improving the quality of education. International Trade needs to practice and also closely relate with law. Thus, we should enrich students’ knowledge and enhance their abilities. The International Trade curriculum exists following questions. In China, students spend more time in specialty courses but neglecte the basic courses. The proportion of required course is higher than optional course .Students attach importance to Theory ,but pass over practice. The curriculum content is out of date and does not have enough case analysis. After learning the theory , they do not have enough opportunity and time to carry out what they have learned. Korean International trade major combines with economics. If they combine with other subjects, it reduces a substantial part of the contents. According to the combined form, they delete from the original content. According to the above problems, we would like to take some improvement. 1. Need to add new policies and regulations to teaching 2. Use two languages to teach students 3. Teaching case study 4. Change test method International Trade curriculum should include a wide range of content. International trade curriculum does not teach all of the involved issues. First of all, teaching basic course, then more difficult content is based on features or close to the relevant content. Enhance to students’ professional competence and comprehensive ability. Promoting rationalization of the curriculum name.

      • 장보고 대사의 글로벌 경영사상 함양을 위한 한국대학 무역교육에 관한 연구

        이재성 성균관대학교 일반대학원 2009 국내석사

        RANK : 247695

        The role of department of trade contributed in the development of Korean economy, which is carried out by universities throughout Korea by setting and operating specific education purposes and territory for the past 50 years is indeed, enormous, That is, department of trade has been playing a pivotal role in developing theory and policy vital for the expansion of national economy, and has been supplying trade experts under unique economy circumstance, where as high as 70% of GDP is depending on trade. In order for Korea to move forward as a powerhouse of a world-wide trading sector, it is indispensable to devise a national-level strategy in the education of trading via contriving quantitative and qualitative improvement in terms of trading education of universities, the cradles of trade expert cultivation. According to such a historical background, the activities of Jang Bogo, who ruled the commercial power of Northeast Asia throughout the end of 8th century and early part of 9th century suggest particular emphasis to countries and enterprises in the modern period. Jang Bogo built a global network, viewing Northeast Asia as one world, and ruled the world of trade at the time. He held the real power of the vast sea, which connects China and Japan by making an inroad to overseas and opening the market. At the period where we desired for a new national-level strategy amid entering into the period of Northeast Asia in the 21st century, the activities of Jan Bogo provides vast implications. In particular, his activities implicate importance of driving force to enterprises, which would embody vision and insight on the situation of world, and enlighten challenging and entrepreneurs’ spirits, which made it possible to overcome disadvantages of domestic circumstances through advanced in overseas. The examples of Jang Bogo entail exemplary quality regards to leadership and management capability for CEOs. The 21st century is the period for the sea. Thanks to application of the marine territory concept, the value of the sea is upsurging, and interests as well as desire are intensive as countries of Northeast Asia are linked with the sea. Amid the international order revamping process, it is essential for the countries of Northeast Asia such as united Korea, China, Japan and Russia to form collaboration or a community, which is well adjusted with interests and comprehension, alongside a certain degree of unity in the historical reality. Then it would be efficient to study trading education of Korean University for fostering global management ideology of Jang Bogo.

      • 글로벌무역전문인력 양성을 위한 외국어 교육의 중요성에 관한 연구

        윤창기 건국대학교 대학원 2013 국내박사

        RANK : 247679

        급속히 변화하는 세계경제 속에서 우리나라의 교역량은 날로 증대하고 있으며, 글로벌 환경 아래 우리나라가 지속적으로 발전하기 위해서는 역량 있는 무역전문인력 양성이 절실히 요구된다. 이러한 무역전문인력 양성에 있어서 반드시 고려되어야 할 것이 기존 무역교육의 획기적인 변화라 할 것이다. 한편, 글로벌 시장에서 무역을 원활하게 수행하기 위해서는 일정 수준의 외국어 구사능력이 요구되는바 외국어교육은 무역교육과 함께 학습해야 하는 필수조건 중의 하나이다. 이를 위해서 대학은 외국어교육에 대한 교과과정을 재편성하고, 기업은 외국어교육에 있어 재교육 시간과 비용에 대한 낭비요인을 제거해야만 한다. 본 논문은 무역학과 졸업생의 취업 및 무역실무현장에서 필요한 인력수급을 위하여 글로벌무역전문인력 양성을 위해 필요한 요인을 도출하고, 대학에서의 외국어교육 강화 및 중요성에 중점을 둠으로써 무역교육이 획기적으로 변화해야만 하는 시대적 당위성에 입각하여 논술하였다. 본 연구의 실질적인 목적은 기존 무역교육의 한계와 문제점을 통하여 FTA 시대를 맞이하는 무역교육의 틀을 바꾸는데 있다. 또한 무역교육에 있어서 외국어교육 중요성을 인식하여 대학과 기업에서 효율적으로 외국어교육을 시행하고 비용을 절감하는 방안을 제시함으로써 역량 있는 무역전문인력 양성에 이바지 하고자 한다. 본 연구를 통해 나타난 당면과제를 도출하여 보면, 실무중심의 무역교과과정이 편성되어야 하고, 실용회화 중심의 외국어교육이 확충되어야 하며, 현장실습 교육 및 취업 프로그램이 확대 되어야 한다. 그리고 무역학과에 원어민 교수의 확충이 시급하고, 산학협동사업의 정부지원 확대가 반드시 이루어져야 하며, 외국어회화의 실용성을 높이고 수준 높은 콘텐츠 개발에 역점을 두어야 한다. 아울러 외국어의 문화이해 학습방법 개발 및 제2외국어 수업 신설이 필요하고, 마지막으로 무역학과의 학과명칭 통일이 필요하다. 이렇게 도출된 당면과제를 해결하기 위해서는 외국어교육 프로그램의 혁신적 개발이 필요하다. 특정 학년에 편중된 외국어교육을 전 학년으로 확대시켜야 하고, 수요자 맞춤형 외국어 콘텐츠 제작 및 비즈니스 E-mail & Writing 과목을 개발해야 한다. 그리고 원어민 교수를 확충해야 하고, 외국어교육에 있어 문화이해 학습방법 개발과 제2외국어 수업을 확대하며, 외국어 능력 자격취득을 졸업과 연계된 프로그램으로 마련해야 한다. 또한 대학의 무역학과 교과과정을 전면적으로 개편해야 한다. 대학의 무역학과의 교과과정 개편을 위해서는 수업이 실무 중심으로 진행되어야 하며, 실무경험이 있는 교수를 확충해야 하고, 실무위주의 교재 사용을 확대하며, 무역학과의 학과 명칭을 통일해야 한다. 그리고 취업역량 강화를 위해 현장중심교육을 확대해야 하며, 대학이나 기업 그리고 현장실습에 참여하는 학생들 모두가 산학협동을 강화하는 프로그램의 통합시스템이 필요하다. 마지막으로 무역특성화 대학의 정부지원이 확대되어야 한다. FTA 확산에 따른 글로벌 무역전문가의 수요증대에 따라 해외대학과 연계하여 교과과정을 세분화 시키고, 전공별 취득학점 및 외국어 능력 우수인력에 대하여 조기졸업제를 시행하는 등 현실성 있는 정부의 지원이 요구 된다. The volume of Korean international trade has increased by the day in the rapidly changing international economy. It has been urgently required to train competent global n necessarily be accompanied in training global trade experts. However, not etrade experts for developing Korean global trade more consistently than one developed with its competitors. It should be considered that foreign language fluency canough attention has been paid to foreign language education amongst experts in academic fields. Having this critical awareness, the current study aims to analyze the efficiency level of global trade education with particular reference to the importance of foreign language education and make recommendations for the improvement of global trade education in Korea. Foreign language fluency at a high level in global trade has been one of the requirements considered to be learned in global trade education. The University should reorganize programs of the department related to foreign language education in order to achieve this purpose. Thus it could remove factors that misuse time and cost needed for reeducation in foreign language education for more personnel needed in the business field. In addition, these are the main factors needed to foster talents competent at the working-level were drawn as well as the excellence of a workforce who have graduated from the competitive Department of Commerce and Trade. The importance of foreign language skills needed to train global trade experts is to be stressed by placing emphasis on the strengthening and importance of foreign language education at the University. The following imperative tasks were drawn from results of the survey. First, the need for organization of a program of trade education based on business practice. The awareness of the necessity for foreign language education based on practical conversation. Furthermore, an on-the-job training and job qualification program requiring expansion. Also, there is a need for the urgency of increasing the number of native-speaking instructors. Also, the expansion of government support for industry and education cooperation needed to be certain. Importance needed to be placed on increase of practicality in foreign language conversation and development of high-quality contents. Lastly, it was necessary to develop methods of learning cultural understanding of a foreign language and to newly establish classes for a second foreign language, and to standardize many different department names that refer to the Department of Commerce and Trade. The improvements needed to solve the imperative tasks are as follows. The necessity of developing innovative programs for foreign language education and expanding ‘biased subjects’ of foreign language education to an entire garde level. Moreover, it is essential to produce foreign language contents and to develop business E-mail and writing subjects that is customized for the ‘demander’. Also, it is evident that the number of native-speaking instructors have to be expanded. Furthermore, it is necessary to develop methods of learning cultural understanding and class expansion for a second foreign language within foreign language education. Finally. it was essential to prepare programs that qualification of foreign language skills was connected with graduation. It was also necessary to reorganize the curriculum of the Department of Commerce and Trade at the college in full measure. That is, the necessity to proceed a class on the basis of business practice, to expand instructors with business practice based experience and to use teaching materials based on business practice. There is a need for establishing a unity of department names that refer to the Department of Commerce and Trade in order to reorganize the curriculum of the Department of Commerce and Trade at the University. Also, there is a need to expand on-the-job training to strengthen job competency. It is absolutely necessary to have a program integrated system that will strengthen industry and school cooperation for students who have participated in a college or filed placement. In conclusion, it is essential to have government support for University specialized in trade. As the given factors which have specialized in global trade increased in accordance to the expansion of FTA, it was necessary to connect courses of foreign University to subdivide and to implement the early graduation system in relation to acquired credits by major and a workforce that is highly competent at foreign language skills. Overall, realistic government support is required.

      • 한국의 무역전문인력 양성에 관한 연구

        이경원 경기대학교 일반대학원 2016 국내석사

        RANK : 247647

        본 연구는 무역환경 변화에 따른 무역전문인력 양성을 위한 교육훈련 방안 연구의 이론적 배경과 성장경로를 분석하여 무역환경의 시대적 변화에 따른 무역전문인력 양성의 바람직한 교육훈련 방안을 강조하고자 한 것이다. 그리고 무역전문인력 양성의 범위와 그 성장경로를 분석함으로써 무역인력의 수급실태, 무역업계가 필요로 하는 인재에 대해 확인 하였다. 그러나 업계가 필요로 하는 무역전문인력의 수요과 대학 및 기관이 배출하는 인력의 공급간 양적 수급차이로 인력부족 현상이 나타났으며, 대학 및 민간교육기관의 교육체계상의 문제가 도출 되었다. 이에 따라 본 논문에서는 이를 위한 개선방안을 제시하여 향후 전문화된 무역전문인력의 배출로 청년실업난뿐 아니라 무역업계의 마케팅능력 강화의 요인으로 작용할 수 있도록 하였다. 이를 위해서는 첫째, 기업들은 업무에 관하여 전문성 및 글로벌 커뮤니케이션 역량과 더불어 리더십, 열정 그리고 창의력 등의 다양한 인성을 겸비하고 있는 인재들을 배양해야 할 것이다. 그러므로 리더십 역량과 인성을 보다 더 강화하기 위한 새로운 교과개편이 진행되어야 할 것이다. 둘째, 현재 이루어지고 있는 대학의 교과 커리큘럼이 현장이 요구하고 있는 방향으로 교육시스템이 재구성되어야 할 것이다. 셋째, 무역학 전공은 현장을 이해하고 있는 실무형 교수진의 강의를 적극적으로 확대하여 교육생들이 졸업을 함과 동시에 산업현장에서 원활하게 각종 실무를 처리해낼 수 있는 무역전문인력을 배양할 수 있도록 하기 위한 교육의 환경으로 대폭 개선해야 할 것이다. 아울러 학계의 다양한 변화와 함께 민간분야, 정부차원에서의 무역전문인력 교육시스템에도 새로운 변화가 요구되고 있는데 향후 본 연구를 통해 다음과 같은 교육을 제안하고자 한다. 첫째, 무역학 또는 무역관련학과의 교과과정 개편이 이루어져야 한다. 둘째, 한국무역협회가 무역인력양성을 위하여 좀더 다양하고 적극적인 방법을 마련하는 것이 필요하다. 셋째, 학계에서 필요로 하는 우수한 교수진을 확보하기 위해 현재 무역업계에 종사하는 무역전문인력과 연계하여야 한다. 넷째, 무역전문대학원의 신설이 효과적인 교육훈련에 기여할 수 있어야 한다. 마지막으로 무역인력의 양성에는 다양한 영역의 사람들과의 업무관계를 진행하면서 복잡한 환경변화에 주동적으로 대응해 나갈 수 있는 창의적이고 종합적인 판단능력을 필요로 하기 때문에 이들에게 리더십, 역량, 인성 및 창의력을 한층 더 강화할 수 있는 찬스를 제공해야 할 것이다. 무역의존도가 높은 한국과 같은 국가에 있어서 무역전문인력을 배양한다는 것은 단순히 기업의 경쟁력을 제고 한다는 것을 넘어 해당 국가의 경쟁력을 보다 더 강화시킬 수 있게 하는 가장 효율적인 투자라고도 할 수 있다. 주제어 : 무역전문인력, 무역전문인력 양성의 범위와 성장연구, 무역인력의 수급실태, 무역인력양성의 효과적 교육훈련방안 This study emphasized a desirable method of training the professional trade workforce qualified to meet the changing trade environments by analyzing the theoretical background of trade workforce training and its grow path. And, by also analyzing the scope of trade workforce training and workforce supply and demand situation of the trade, this study has identified the current status of recruitment and the type of workforce pursued by the filed of trading. The analysis found out the gap between demand and supply of workforce and the problems facing training and education system in universities and private organizations. In addition, this empirical analysis conducted a survey towards more than 120 traders. And the results are synthesized to propose a specific training plan that can be adopted to the university, private sector, and government. In order to cultivate desirable trade professionals, First, global companies need to nurture workforces with expertise, communication skills, and necessary character features, such as enthusiasm, creativity, and leadership. Thus, their training curriculum need to be reformed towards strengthening character features and leadership. Second, universities need to restructure the curriculum to meet the needs of industry. Third, undergraduate program on trading need to improve education environments by increasing the number of professors-in-field, so that students are able to seamlessly transfer their learnings to handling tasks at work. In addition to the change suggested for the academy as above, changes are also required in education programme of private sector and government. This study proposed as below: First, they should provide internship program. Secondly, it is necessary for the Korea International Trade Association to come up with diverse methods for training trade professionals. Third, the academy program should involve trade professionals in field in order to assure quality faculty. Fourth, the establishment of the graduate school of trade should contribute to effective education and training. Finally, since trade professionals need to have a comprehensive and creative thinking skill that can actively meet the environmental changes in a variety of business contexts, they have to be provided with opportunities to strengthen their personality, creativity, and leadership. Cultivating trading professionals in countries like Korea whose competency highly rely on trading can be taken as the most effective investment to further strengthen national competitiveness. Therefore, universities, businesses and government should collectively make efforts to improve and develop the capacity towards cultivating trading professionals who can meet the changing needs of trading environments and companies.

      • 한·중 무역학도의 문화가치, 인식 및 행동에 관한 비교연구

        이건형 동국대학교 2004 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Korea and China stand in the middle of Cooperaton and Competition with the business relationship increased. Korea has the need to find the approach to the best business partnership with China as an asymmetric social dilemma increases. This paper investigates the differences in cultural values between Korean and Chinese college students using Schwartz's(1994) value survey focused on the 2 cultural dimensions - individualism/collectivism and hierarchical/egalitarian dimension administrated independently of the simulation exercise. In addition, this paper not only compares the behavior and cognition of Korean and Chinese college student but also investigates whether behavior in asymmetric social dilemma can be predicted by cognition. Data from 'Sharc' simulation exercise, which is an asymmetrical social dilemma where each party has different interests in reducing harvest for future benefit, done on Korean and Chinese college students are compared in terms of cognition included in egocentrism and expectations of other's behavior, and behavior included in cooperation and equality allocation. The role of communications through the expected and actual harvesting behavior in the 2 cultures as well as implications for trade partnership between Korea and China are provided. A research model and 4 hypotheses were set up to compare the cultural values, cognition, and behavior between Korean and Chinese college students, and 1 hypothesis was set up to investigate whether cognition can be predicted by behavior. To implement the study, Schwartz's(1994) value survey were collected from one hundred and forty eight Korean and eighty Chinese college students who are studying about the economics and business, and they also participated at the pre and post simulation exercise. In order to test the hypotheses, t-test analysis and multiple regression analysis were used. The results confirm important cultural differences between groups of college students from Korea and China. Without the opportunity to communicate with others, Korean college students harvested less, less equally allocated harvest reductions, and expected each other to harvest more as compared with Chinese college students. Both groups of college students from Korea and China benefited from being able to communicate; groups from both cultures reduced harvesting and expectations of others' harvest levels as a result of communication. The implications for trade partnership between Korea and China can be drawn from these findings. In international trade, where they frequently confront barriers in cooperating even if there are enough potential gains, the preferring ways of resolving the social dilemma are different between cultures. Both groups of Korean and Chinese college students seemed to construe the social dilemma as an interdependent situation; to be highly attuned to the interests of others in the group(collectivism). But Chinese college students would be willing to take burdens that were greater than their share to manage the sustainability of the resource, and seemed to act defensively (egalitarian) until they had the opportunity to communicate. Korean college students would be willing to expect each other to harvest more(hierarchy) through post negotiation process. With communication, however, Chinese groups were able to generate greater cooperation among their members than that in Korean groups. The limitation of this research is that decision making by a college student sample may not always reveal the substantial decision making of business managers and public policy planners, who may suffer personal consequences from cooperating, or failing to do so, in business relationship under an asymmetric social dilemma. Another limitation of this research, along with much research that uses culture as a naturally occurring variable, is that we cannot find the broad cultural characteristic in Korea and China because this research conducted around Seoul in Korea and Sandong province in China. Future research should not only seek to confirm findings of cooperation in social dilemmas among collectivism-individualism or hierarchy -egalitarian cultural dimensions other than Korea and China but also extend our findings to document the behavior of individualists and collectivists(or hierarchy and egalitarian) when college students from different cultures are mixed in a social dilemma. Also, future research should conduct the broad cultural values, cognition, and behavior researches around China and Korea in order to find the exact data and apply them to real business partnerships.

      • 朝日貿易制度에 대한 現代的 觀點에서의 再解釋

        이갑수 중앙대학교 대학원 2011 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        We learned through the world history that the trade is closely connected with the rise and fall of a nation. This study was started because there has been insufficient research so far on the history of the trade between Joseon and Japan although Joseon suffered the pain of the plunder of national sovereignty by Japan due to its failure to carry out the reasonable trade policy and system suitable for the era. The purpose of this study is to find out the trade paradigms and commercial custom or trade system in trade activities which existed between the two countries on the basis of the recognition on the closeness and importance of trade between the two countries in the trade historical point of view and then reinterpret them in the modern perspective, and to look for the right direction of the trade policy of future Korea by rediscovering the effect of Joseon's trade policy or trade system on Joseon dynasty and society. Focused on the trade through Japanese Trade Office in Joseon which is considered as an only passage of trade activities between Joseon and Japan and on the trade through Joseon Trade Envoy which was an exceptional trade passage, this study utilized a way of extracting and systemizing the data from The Annals of Jeseon Dynasty. The study contents can be summarized as follows; Joseon adopted the consistent policy of negative and closed trade policy, fundamentally shutting off the advance of the traders into overseas countries by prohibiting the trade activities on the sea. But the trade of the Japanese traders through Japanese Trade Offices in Joseon was exceptionally allowed. Though the pioneers such as Lee Deok Hyeong advocated the free trade after the Joseon-Japan War, it was not accepted, so Joseon was not able to advance into the international trade environment. First, with regard to the trade through Japanese Trade Offices, they were originally the places and buildings established to control the access of the Japanese by collecting them in one place for the purpose of controlling their living and trade order. There was Sudowaegwan in Hanyang and Posowaegwan in the ports. The Japanese Trade Office(Waegwan) simultaneously played the role of Visitors' Office where the Japanese visitors stayed, the Commercial Office where the trade representatives stayed, the trade markets of Joseon and Japan, and the Custom Office where the trade officials worked. After the Joseon-Japan War, Sudowaegwan was closed and the entry of Japanese merchants into Hanyang was also prohibited except for the trade through Posowaegwan. The trade through Japanese Trade Office had the characteristics of public office trade which was allowed only in publicly designated places, and government-controlled trade which was conducted under the permission and control of the government authorities concerned. In Waegwan, both the public and private trade were conducted but the smuggling was prevalent among Joseon merchants because the trade of only the rice and cloth was allowed to them. In addition, the expense of the Japanese staying in the ports, the expense of their returning to Japan, and the expense of their ship-repair were paid by Joseon Government, which caused a great financial loss to Joseon Dydasty. In particular, the residing Japanese gave rise to Sampowaeran, Saryangjinwaebyeon, and Dalryangpowaebyeon in 16th century on account of the trade problems. Furthermore, at the end of the 16th century, the Japanese trampled down Korean Peninsula by bringing about the war seizing an opportunity of the failure of Joseon's policy of wealthy nation and powerful army. Even after the Joseon-Japan war, Joseon maintained its closedness without the repentance and improvement of its trade policy, which made Joseon alienated from international society and ultimately experience the plunder of its sovereignty by the Japanese in the 20th century. With regard to the trade through the trade envoy, the trade envoy originally referred to the envoy of Joseon's kings dispatched for the purpose of good relationship with Japan, which carried out the gift trade which meant the giving and taking of the gifts with the Japanese king or the great local chiefs during its envoy activities. At this time, they gave and took the gifts after writing down the gift lists on separate documents called 'Byeolpok', unlike the common document system. In this trade activity, Joseon based its activity on the perception that 'Give profusely but don't wait for the gift', which became an element of loss to national finance. The trade envoy conducted public trade, private trade, smuggling, and Banjeon trade which utilized Banjeon that corresponded to a kind of travel expense. The result of reinterpretation of the trade policies and systems of Joseon and Japan in modern perspective showed that Joseon's trade policy stuck to the closedness, not promptly responding to international trend, and operated the trade system on the basis of the theory of justification, not on the fundamental practicality, which essentially accompanied the chronical trade deficit, and became a cause of the plunder of its territory and the loss of sovereignty through the lost national finance and weakened national defense. The implications from this study are as follows: First, the closed and controlled trade policy is connected to the collapse of a nation. Second, unless a nation promptly responds to the change of trade environments, it can't grow up as a world power. Third, only when a nation opens its doors and conducts enterprising international activities, can it proper. Fourth, the maximum free trade is the best. Fifth, Korea and Japan should seek for the alternatives of win-win trade policy as the new parties of the 21st century trade order. The results of this study are as follows; First, the paradigms of trade activities which existed between Joseon and Japan were organized. Second, the trade envoy activity was recognized as a passage of trade and was approached in the perspective of international trade. Third, the trade system and commercial customs that appeared in trade activities between Joseon and Japan were newly discovered, and through their reinterpretation in the modern perspective, an opportunity of diachronically comparing and evaluating the trade system was provided to the younger students and scholars. Fourth, by discovering the fact that Joseon's trade activities were connected to its fall, the importance of trade activities upon a nation and society was reminded. Fifth, the errors of existing historians were corrected. This study made sure that Joseon's trade policy was based on 'the public trade in conjunction with the private trade' and 'preferential public trade' rather than just 'public trade'. Sixth, an opportunity was provided to seek for the right direction of the trade policy to future Japan by organizing the trade history between Joseon and Japan. However, it is considered as an regret that there were many insufficiencies in this study based on the Annals of Joseon Dynasty such as insufficient securing of the same level of temporal data due to the difference of faithfulness of historical materials by the difference of the kings' interests, and that the utilization of historical materials of Japan-a trade party-was limited due to the limited time and capability of this researcher, for which I sincerely hope the younger students and scholars will add to and develop this study. 우리는 세계사를 통해 무역이 한 국가의 흥망성쇠(興亡盛衰)와 밀접하게 연관되어 있음을 학습하였다. 조선이 시대에 걸맞는 합리적 무역정책과 제도를 시행하지 못하여 일본으로부터 국권침탈(國權侵奪)의 아픔을 경험하였음에도 조일(朝日) 무역사에 대한 연구가 미흡한 점이 있어 본 연구를 착안하였다. 본 논문은 양국의 무역사적 밀접성과 중요성에 대한 인식을 기초로 양국간에 존재한 무역활동 패러다임과 무역활동에 나타난 상관습이나 무역제도를 발굴한 후 이를 현대적 관점에서 재해석하고, 조선의 무역정책이나 무역제도가 조선 국가 및 사회에 미친 영향을 재발견함으로써 미래 우리나라의 올바른 무역정책 방향을 찾아보는데 그 목적을 두었다. 본 논문은 조선과 일본간의 무역활동의 유일한 통로라고 할 수 있는 왜관무역(倭館貿易)과 예외적 무역통로인 통신사를 통한 무역을 연구대상으로 삼고,《조선왕조실록》자료를 추출하여 체계화하는 방법을 활용하였다. 연구내용을 요약해 보면, 조선은 소극적이고 폐쇄적인 무역정책으로 일관하였고 바다로 나가서 무역하는 행위를 금지하여 무역상이 해외로 진출하는 것이 근본적으로 차단되었다. 다만, 일본의 무역상이 조선에 진출하여 왜관(倭館)에서 무역하는 것만이 허용되었다. 조일전쟁 이후 이덕형과 같은 선각자들이 자유무역으로의 개혁을 주창하였지만 이를 수용하지 않음으로써 국제적인 무역환경에 진입하지 못하였다. 우선 왜관을 통한 무역과 관련하여, 왜관(倭館)은 원래 일본인들의 거류질서와 무역질서를 통제할 목적으로 하나의 장소에 모아 두고 출입을 통제하기 위해 설치된 장소이자 건물이었다. 한양에 수도왜관(首都倭館), 항구에 포소왜관(浦所倭館)이 있었다. 왜관(倭館)은 왜인들이 머무는 객관(客館), 무역대표부가 머무는 상관(商館), 조선과 일본의 무역시장, 무역을 관리 관원이 모여 있는 세관(稅關)의 기능을 동시에 수행하였다. 조일전쟁 이후 수도왜관은 폐쇄되었고 일본 상인들의 한양 입성도 금지되어 포소왜관(浦所倭館)에서만 무역이 이루어졌다. 왜관무역(倭館貿易)은 ‘왜관(倭館)’이라는 공개적으로 정해진 장소에서만 무역이 허용되는 공청무역(公廳貿易), 관청의 허가와 관리감독 아래 이루어지는 관치무역(官治貿易)의 특징을 가지고 있었다. 왜관에서는 공무역(公貿易)과 사무역(私貿易)이 이루어졌으나, 조선 상인의 경우 미포(米布)만으로 무역하도록 하는 등 제한이 많아 밀무역이 성행하였다. 또한, 일본의 무역상들이 포소에서 거류하는 체재비용과 이들이 일본 현지로 돌아가는 비용, 그리고 선박 수리비용 등을 부담함으로써 조선의 재정 손실의 큰 요인이 되었다. 특히 거류왜인들이 무역문제를 이유로 16세기 삼포왜란(三浦倭亂), 사량진왜변(蛇梁鎭倭變), 달량포왜변(達梁浦倭變)을 일으켰다. 또한, 16세기 말 이들은 조선이 부국강병에 실패한 틈을 타 전쟁을 일으켜 한반도를 유린하였다. 조선은 조일전쟁 이후에도 무역정책에 대한 반성과 개선없이 폐쇄성을 유지함으로써 국제사회에서 고립되고 결국 20세기 일본의 주권침탈을 경험하게 되었다. 통신사를 통한 무역과 관련하여, 통신사는 원래 일본과 교린(交隣)을 목적으로 파견되는 조선 국왕의 사절단인데 사행활동(使行活動) 중에 일본 국왕이나 지방 거추(巨酋) 들과 예물(禮物)을 주고 받는 예물무역을 하였다. 이 때 반드시 일반 서계와는 다른 ‘별폭(別幅)’이라는 별도의 서류에 예물 목록을 기재하여 주고 받았다. 이 무역활동에서 조선은 후하게 주고 받는 것을 기다리지 않는다는 인식에 기반을 둠으로써 국가재정의 손실을 초래하는 원인이 되었다. 통신사행단(通信使行團)은 이외에도 공무역(公貿易), 사무역(私貿易), 밀무역(密貿易), 여행경비에 해당하는 반전(盤纏)을 활용한 반전무역(盤纏貿易)을 행하였다. 조선과 일본의 무역정책과 제도를 현대적 관점에서 재해석해 본 결과, 조선의 무역정책은 폐쇄성으로 일관하여 국제조류에 즉응하지 못하였고 무역제도는 근본적으로 실용적이지 못하고 명분론에 입각하여 운영됨으로써 만성적 무역적자가 필연적으로 부수되었으며, 국가재정이 일실되고 국방력이 약화되어 국토유린과 주권상실의 원인이 되었다. 본 연구를 통해 나타난 시사점은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 폐쇄적이고 통제적인 무역정책은 한 나라의 폐망으로 이어진다. 둘째, 무역환경 변화에 즉응하지 못하면 세계 중심국이 될 수 없다. 셋째, 문호를 열고 진취적 국제활동을 할 때 나라는 융성한다. 넷째, 무역은 최대한의 자유화가 최선이다. 다섯째, 우리나라와 일본은 21세기 새로운 무역질서의 당사자로서 상생적 무역정책 대안을 찾아야 한다. 본 논문의 성과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 조선과 일본간의 존재한 무역활동의 패러다임을 정리하였다. 둘째, 통신사행을 하나의 무역통로로 인식하고 무역학적 관점에서 접근하였다. 셋째, 조선과 일본의 무역활동에 나타난 무역제도와 상관습을 새로이 발굴하고 이를 현대적 시각에서 재해석으로써 후학들에게 무역제도를 통시적(通時的)으로 비교하고 평가할 수 있는 기회를 제공하였다. 넷째, 조선의 무역활동이 조선의 흥망과 연관된 점을 도출함으로써 무역활동이 한 국가와 사회에 미치는 중요성을 상기시켰다. 다섯째, 기존의 역사학자들의 오류를 바로 잡은 점이다. 조선의 무역정책이 ‘공무역 원칙’이 아니라 공사무역 병용(竝用)과 공무역 우선원칙(優先原則)이라는 점을 분명히 한 것 등이다. 여섯째, 조선과 일본의 무역사를 정리함으로써 미래 일본에 대한 올바른 무역정책 방향을 모색할 수 있는 기회를 제공하였다. 향후 연구자들은 무역사 속에서 한 나라의 흥망성쇠를 볼 수 있는 지혜를 얻게 되고 미래 국가 발전의 전략적 방향을 구할 수 있는 만큼 무역학적 관점의 역사접근의 유용성을 이해하고 조선과 일본의 무역 뿐만이 아니라 동아시아, 유럽, 나아가 세계 무역사까지 심도 있고 체계적으로 연구하여 학문적 자산을 축적해 나가야 할 것이다. 아울러, 우리나라 학계에서 무역사에 대한 연구가 더욱 활발히 추진되어 무역의 역사, 무역에 대한 철학과 인식 기반을 넓히고 동시에 무역관련 기법과 실무를 체계화 함으로써 무역학이 명실상부하게 형이상과 형이하를 아우르는 학문으로 발전될 수 있도록 노력해야 할 것이다.

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