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      • 國家의 地方自治團體統制手段에 관한 法的 考察

        이상윤 東國大學校 地域開發大學院 1996 국내석사

        RANK : 249711

        오늘날에 있어 實質的 民主主義, 참된 민주화의 실현이라는 관점에서 地方自治制度가 가지는 意義는 자못 중대하다고 할 것이며, 이는 지방자치를 가리켜 「민주정치의 수련장」 또는 「민주주의의 뿌리」라고도 부르는 것에서 쉽게 알 수 있다. 따라서 지방자치제의 意義 및 機能을 고려하면, 지방자치제가 형식적으로뿐 아니라 실질적으로 보장되고 운용될 수 있어야 함은 당연한 전제라고 할 것이며, 이는 地方自治團體와 國家의 관계가 어떻게 설정되느냐하는 문제에 직결된다 할 것이다. 그러나, 地方自治制의 가치에도 불구하고 현대국가의 양상은 정당정치의 발달이라든가, 사회경제적인 상황의 변화 등으로 인하여 지방자치제의 의의가 점차 쇠락하고 있는 것이 일반적인 경향이라 할 수 있다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 地方自治制가 가지는 민주주의적 관점에서의 의의와 가치를 고찰함으로써, 憲法이 보장하고 있는 지방자치의 본질이라는 관점에서 地方自治團體와 國家와의 관계를 정립해보고, 바람직한 지방자치제의 실현을 위해 현재 우리나라의 集權的, 垂直的인 중앙직접관리형태의 개선을 위한 논의를 시도해 보고자 하는 것이다. 中央政府와 地方自治團體와의 관계는 집권과 분권, 중앙의 지방통제, 중앙의 정치구도와 지방정치와의 관계, 그리고 기능의 배분 등의 시각에서 관찰되어질 수 있다. 그러나 본 논문에서는 地方自治團體에 대한 國家의 關與를 통한 國家의 地方統制라는 시각에 한정해서 그 바람직한 관계를 정립해 보고자 한다. 다만 이러한 國家의 관여는 국가와 지방자치단체간의 事務分配, 즉 機能配分의 문제와도 필연적으로 관련될 수 있으므로 기능의 배분 문제도 필요한 한에서 검토하도록 한다. 國家와 地方自治團體의 관계는 상호 대등한 機能的 協力關係와 상·의 權力的 監督關係의 두 가지 형태가 있다. 국가와 지방자치단체간의 관계를 機能分擔 또는 權限配分의 이론에 따라 인식할 때에는 國家와 각급 地方自治團體는 그 특성에 따라 부여된 기능을 각각 自主的으로 수행하게 되므로 國家는 地方自治團體의 기능수행에 여하한 關與나 監督을 할 수 없으며, 원칙적으로 대등한 관계에 놓여야 한다는 것이 이론적 귀결이다. 그러나 반면, 地方自治團體는 國家에 의해 창조된 것이고, 따라서 그 自治權은 국가로부터 수여된 기능으로서 憲法에 근거를 두고 있으므로 국가 전체로서의 일정한 통일성을 유지해야 한다. 또한 地方自治團體의 區域인 지역사회는 주권적 통일국가의 영토의 한 부분이기 때문에 자치행정기능이 국가행정기능과 상충되어서는 안된다. 그러므로 지방자치의 본질상 지방자치를 최대한 보장, 허용하여야 하면서도 한편으로는 自治行政機能이 國家行政機能에 부합되도록 하기 위하여 지방자치단체는 중앙정보 또는 중앙정보의 지방대표에 의하여 행사되는 일정한 통제를 받아야 한다는 이율배반적인 필요성이 불가피하게 존재하게 된다. 따라서 地方自治團體에 대한 國家의 관여의 문제는 自治와 統制라는 양극적인 필요성 사이에서의 적절한 조화의 모색이라는 방향으로 귀결되게 된다. 그러나 동시에, 이러한 國家의 관여에 관한 문제는, 그 국가가 채택하고 있는 지방자치의 유형과 法的 保障의 형태, 그리고 정치적 이데올로기 및 사회, 문화적 환경에 따라 각각 달라질 수 있기 때문에 어떠한 형태의 중앙통제가 가장 이상적이라고 이론적으로 단정할 수는 없다고 할 것이다. 그러므로 본 논문에서는 地方自治團體에 대한 國家의 통제에 관한 法的 考察에 한정하여 그 이론 및 외국의 예에 대한 비교법적 고찰을 먼저 시도한 후, 우리나라 憲法上 규정되어 있는 地方自治의 本旨를 전제로 하여 현행 地方自治法上의 國家統制의 手段과 內容에 대한 法的 考察을 행하였다. 이러한 연구를 위해 본 논문은 다음과 같은 체계로 구성되어 있다. 제1장에서는 현대국가에 있어서 地方自治制가 가지는 意義 및 바람직한 방향성의 제시를 통해 본 논문이 지향하고자 하는 기본목표를 제시하며, 오늘날 현대국가에 있어서 地方自治制度가 가지는 意義 및 價値를 검토해 보았다. 제2장에서는 地方自治團體와 國家와의 관계를 검토하되, 그 전제로서 지방자치의 本旨 및 地方自治團體에 대한 國家의 관여한계를 설정해주는 기준이 되는 헌법의 규정을 먼저 고찰해봄으로써 우리나라 憲法이 지향하고자 하는 지방자치제의 기본틀을 제시해 본 후, 이를 대전제로 하여 國家와 地方自治團體의 기본관계를 고찰해 보았다. 여기서는 오늘날의 地方自治制의 위기라는 관점에서 國家와 地方自治團體에 대한 새로운 관계설정이론으로서의 機能的 自治論을 중심으로 검토해 보았다. 제3장에서는 제2장에서 살펴 본 憲法上 地方自治의 本旨를 바탕으로, 機能的 自治論에 대한 비판적 시각에서 國家와 地方自治團體간의 기능배분문제를 검토함으로써 현행 법질서하에서 지향하여야 할 국가와 지방자치단체와의 관계에 대한 이론적 내용을 검토하여 본다. 제4장에서는 각국의 地方自治의 傳統 및 地方自治制가 가지는 意義에 따라 각기 달리 발달해 온 地方自治團體와 國家와의 관계 및 중앙통제의 유형을 比較法的으로 고찰해보고, 이를 우리나라의 상황과 관련시켜 이해할 수 있도록 그 접목점을 찾아본다. 제5장은 본 논문의 핵심적 부분으로, 현행 법규정을 중심으로 지방자치단체에 대한 국가의 統制가 어떠한 형태로, 어느 정도로 행하여지는가를 구체적으로 검토한 후, 이에 대한 법적 評價 및 地方自治의 本旨와 관련하여 바람직한 방향을 제시해 보도록 한다. 마직막 제6장은 결론으로서, 오늘날 地方自治制가 현대국가의 양상에 따른 위기상황을 맞고 있으나 지방자치제, 그 자체가 가지는 民主的 意義는 여전히 존재하며, 그에 따라 현대국가에 있어서 國家와 地方自治團體의 복리증진이라는 하나의 목적을 향하여 협력하는 협동관계로 이해되어야 하는바, 국가와 지방자치단체의 관계상 일정한 정도의 統制는 불가피하다고 하더라도 그 程度와 限界는 항상 헌법이 보장하는 地方自治制의 本質을 침해하지 않는 범위 내에서만 허용될 수 있을 것이다. Korean constitutional law Article 117 Section 1 prescribes "a local self-governing body deals with affairs of inhabitant's welfare, administers property and legislates provisions on autonomy in the sphere of statute," The article empowers the local self-governing body with disposal power of self-governing affairs, public finance sovereignty and self-governing legislative power. It means that the local autonomy is guaranteed by the constitution. But for successful fixation of local autonomy, local government and central government have a mutual supporting relation in distribution of power. There are a lot of theories and studies about principle of power distribution between central government and local government. In chapter 2, we search about the nature of the local autonomy and the boundary of central government control. In chapter 3, we studied for reasonable distribution of power between central government and local government on the ground of functional autonomy theory. In chapter 4 and 5, we search about the pattern of distribution of power with the comparetive method. In chapter 6, as a conclusion we suggested that central government and local government have a mutual supporting relation in distribution of power.

      • 地域均衡開發을 爲한 政策方向에 關한 硏究 : 西南圈開發 實態分析을 中心으로

        김상기 전주대학교 지역개발대학원 1991 국내석사

        RANK : 249711

        Chapter I. Introduction Recently, According to enhance of a citizen conscience are guest arised about regional and class for differential abolish. Accordingly policy direction groping for balanced development of a country is a significant. i) In the same connection, this study present development actual condition analysis of lagging behind regional like south-west and advisable direction for balanced with clearly grill unbalanced in order to group regional balanced reality development policy direction answering the localize era. ii) This study have an object direction search can be set a term country balanced development in equilibrium and welfare level. Chapter II. Theoretical about regional balanced development. Theoretical about regional balanced development centering around the theoretical of the necessity of regional balanced development policy and principle and purpose. i) In the necessity or regional balanced development policy dispute the necessity of regional development import and balanced development. ii) Account the principle of regional development policy and purpose. iii) Groping a theoretical triangular position about the theory of regional development policy and about unbalanced development policy and balanced development policy. Chapter III. Analysis and estimation about the realities of south-west development. Analysis and estimation about the reality or south-west development is composed of the situation of our country regional development policy, the establishment or an analysis index, the reality of south-west development and the estimate of analysis. i) In the state of our country regional development policy investigate a tendency of change its policy and situation. ii) Fixion up a regional unit and a society, economic index by the establishment of a index for reality analysis. iii) Study the reality analysis of south-west development with the three part(industry, economy, life environment, social welfare, educational culture and administrative service). iv) Indicate the problem by analysis result with the preceding index Chapter Ⅳ Policy direction for regional balanced development. Policy direction for regional balanced development present the logical direction through base on reality analysis. i) Present the policy direction of industrial economic section(the construction of policy foundation by the rearing of local industry, the construction and the rearing of the local policy foundation of high class brain). ii) present the policy direction of life environment, social welfare section the construction of provincial city, farming and fishing villages, the development promotion of lagging behind era. iii) Present the policy direction of education, culture and administration service section (the improvement of local settlement zone of life and the high of local improvement communication system). Chapter Ⅴ. Conclusion In practice the above statement, will have to regional development activation that make local characteristic that system equipment connect into local self-government system that can not be positively participation in development policy course and self-government of local people will measure local development level with the important variable in the future local development

      • 地域開發을 위한 새마을 廣域圈 開發의 方向定立에 관한 硏究

        이재윤 全州大學校 1987 국내석사

        RANK : 249711

        Regional development and Saemaul Movement are considered as two main development activities in our country. These two activities have same ideas and ends on the bases, but these have been regarded as separated movements in the practice. And the consequence of rapid urbanization and industrialization, the realm of life activities gradually widen. So the need for Area-Wide Development in Saemaul Movement has been increased. On this context, the study on the consideration of relativism between regional development and Area-Wide Development in Saemaul Movement, and the suggestion of improvement alternatives by empirical analysis on the actual condition has great meanings. The purposes of this study could be founded on this context. The findings of this study could be summarized as followings ; l. The systemazation of micro view approach on regional development. 2. The establishment of unit index on Area-Wide Development in Saemaul Movement. 3. The improvement of administrative support system. 4. The establishment of civilian initiative system and the enlargement of cooperative thinking. 5. The orientation of comprehensive rural development view.

      • 情報化社會의 地域開發을 爲한 效率的 情報基盤造成에 關한 硏究 : 地域情報化 實態를 中心으로

        이계성 全州大學校 1990 국내석사

        RANK : 249711

        Chapter I. Introduction Nowadays the informationization rapidly developing owing to the computer utilization cause many changes to the entire field of social life. According to this tendency, Informationization of public administration consist of a major element among mational development policies. To cope with high-tech society, there is a try to accomplish the communicational infrastructures as a new media. This endeavour car be a good model for our country with the problem of inter-regional developmental differentials. Therefore the present paper discuss accomplishment of regional informationization as a regional developmental policy and present the information-basis construction for efficiential development. Chapter II. A theoretical approach of regional informationization for regional development. The influence of informationization already range over the entire field of polities, economy, society and culture. It also has influence upon the propulsion of regional development, and this is so-called regional development based upon regional informationization. We need to consider these items for the theoretical approach of regional informationization ; (i) the problem of inter-regional differentials as a regional characteristics. (ii) The significance and necessity of regional informationization. (iii) The definition of inter-relation of regional informational and regional development through present situation of informational society and the lastest passage of regional development. (iv) The strategy of new media community, teletopia and intelligent city. In this viewpoint the present paper investigate ISDN (integrated systems digital network) and compaterizaion network as the infra-structure of regional informationization. Chapter III. The problem and present condition of regional informationization. We need to consider these items for the propalsion of the regional informationization ; (i) ensuring the integrity of infra-regional information system. (ii) Effective utilization of infra-regional information sources. (iii) Systems appropriate for the needs of regional information sources. (iv) Informationization guaranteeing regional autonomy and self-regulation. (v) Appropriate informationization of intra-regional enterprise activity and administration. As well as these items, we should be analyzed ISDN and computerization network as the infrastructure of regional informationization. For the propulsion of regional informationization the following problems are raised ; (i) infringement of privacy, (ii) the problem of vulnerability, (iii) the problem of overflowing influence, (iv) the problem of information differentials. Chapter IV. The information-basis construction for efficiential regional development. In the concrete the problem of information-basis construction should be fulfilled at the state level ; (i) continuous propulsion of ISDN and computerization network of governmeent administration. (ii) Propulsion of inforationization of regional society. (iii) Presentation of the vision for information (iv) Solving the problem of infringement of provacy, vulnerability, overflowing influence and information diflerentials. Chapter V. Conclusion. The present paper discuss the present and a plan of effective propulsion for the information-basis construction in regional development. In the society of informationization, regional informationization is necessary in the success of regional development. The need for the research to this area becomes large.

      • 地方政府 行政電算化의 發展 方案에 關한 硏究 : 基礎自治團體 電算化 活用水準과 推進優先事業의 分析을 中心으로

        이외우 東國大學校 地域開發大學院 1994 국내석사

        RANK : 249711

        Recently, the waves of great information society are pervading the world. In this environment, I want to suggest the effective alternatives for the enlargement of computer-use in public administration on local government. For the accomplishment of this task, I survey the articles and books about the computerization of public administration. interview public servants on local government, and use the questionnaire to examine the cognitive conditions of on-job workers. First, analyze the theoretical framework of the computerization of public administration. The contents are the coming of information society and the response of public administration. Also there are the descriptions of the characteristics of local government, of the concept and structure of computerization of public administration, and of the analytic model of this study. Second, I study the present conditions of computer-system equipments on local government - Kyungju City, Pohang City, Kyungju County, and Youngil County and survey the cognitive conditions of public servants about the utilization of computer system. And I analyze the prior-rank of computer-program development among many public affairs on local government through the cognitive survey of public servants. The result of analysis reveals that the local governments try to achieve various endeavors for the computerization of public adminsistration in the respect to physical and human resources and suggests the following facts. l) The majority of public servants on local government perceive the importance and necessity of the computerization of public administration 2) The large ratio of public servants on local government received the training of computerization and used the computer in usual jobs. 3) But the major purposes of using the computer in public administration are not for producing the information of decision making and practicing the quantitative analysis of data, but for writing the documents and reports and saving and retrieving the data. 4) the major utilities of using the computer in public administration are perceived to be the frugality of time and costs. 5)The reasons that public servants are not using the computer to jobs are the sortage of theirs computer-knowledge and the nonexistanse of proper computer program about their jobs. 6)The major constraints of progressing the computerization of public administration on local government are the sortage of budget and the paucity of special manpowers. 7)And the general result of the priori -ra11k program analysis of the computerization of public administration is that the best important programs in each area are the local tax system, the civilian information system and the financial-accountant system. The concrete results of each regional analysis are differ-ant to the characteristics of each local area. Third, I suggest the following developmental alternatives for the computerization of public administration in respect of these analysis. l) For the successful practice of the computerization, the institutional and operational methods are supplemented on local government. 2) The public servants perceive the importance and necessity of computerization of public administration, but the positive incentives computerization are not operated on local government. Thus there are to be the training system and the proper of supporting system progressing the computerization of public administration. 3) The developmental program of software for public administration must practiced relevantly to the need of each local government.

      • 도시 재개발의 개선방향에 관한 연구

        전형준 東國大學校 行政大學院 1991 국내석사

        RANK : 249711

        "Urban renewal" is under being carried out to improve the structure of urban area and living environment to promote the efficient use of land. In this research, I looked into the actual conditions of urban renewal to present a reform measure through the study of problems in the project of Ulsan City. The problems are the poor prospects of renewal project, a traffic conjestions, industrial pollution, and the efficient use of land. This research shows that the problem in urban space is the cavitation of city, the extensive growth of city, the conjestion of traffic network, and the disharmony between downtown area and its outskirts, and the problems in carrying out the project are the inconsistent standard of area choice, the restriction of expert's participation, the exclusion of small landowners, and the problem in land ownership is the inconsistent valuation of land, the inconsistent standpoint of management, and postcompensation. There are also several problems in public working expenses and system of working plan, which are unfair public services, the unreasonable lot of expenses, insufficient financial favors, and disconnection between superior plan and other ones. Now I present some reform measures, Firstly, landowners should organize an association for the small landowners to participate in for the purpose of improving working plan. Secondly, the renewal area must be selected fairly and reasonably under strict standard, and the estimation process of renewal must be involved in working plan, and there must be a close connection between superior plan and other ones, Thirdly, to improve the efficient use of land, we must diversify the function of city by mixing the services, a dwelling, business, come, and culture. Building should be built under compound system for both dwelling and business, and "new-town in-town" system should be introduced. So, we secure better dwelling environments, open space, more par king lots, better road network to meet the citizen's demand. We should fulfil urban renewal by pursuit of quality rather than quantity, and it should be toward a welfare society.

      • 農工團地開發政策의 發展方案에 關한 硏究 : 金堤地域事例를 中心으로

        김남웅 全州大學校 地域開發大學院 1990 국내석사

        RANK : 249711

        Since 1960s the developmental policy of an agriculturalindustrial area has persued a well-balanced development of national spatial territory in prospect of trickle-down effect by growth poles with priority given to aggregate economic efficiency. Contrary to its purpose desired, however, rapid urbanizaton and industrialization in the core areas have been proceed, thus widening development gap between urban and rural areas. Under the prevailing circumstances, the policy of an agricultural-industrial area sunk into depth of cumulative underdevelopment. the first consideration to develop rural areas is to diffuse shares of economic growth to those areas. Morever, some more efforts should be extended to the rationalization of an agricultural-industrial policy. As studied in this paper, regional development strategy during 1960's 1970's and early 1980's was guided by the principle of economic efficiency, and the result was unbalanced growth of the country as well as unneglectable social-economic gap between social strata. Therefore, various demands from various underdeveloped regions and social strata errupted, nowadays asking for balanced development and social distribution. In this regard, the sixthe five-year Economic Development plan put its emphasis on the balanced distribution of the fruits of the economic development, and on the enhancing of social welfare. The second National Land Development plan was trying to develop rural areas and small cities. At the same time, Saemaul Movement is getting more and more region-oriented and private-initiated. The strategy of regional development by a theory of growithpole and a theory of unbalanced growth are not desirable to accelerate the regional development. The new strategy of regional development should he integrated many new conceptions of a functional individual connected the high ranked urban area namely a spatial integration and a shave of role hoth central government and local government. In short, national development of an agricultural-industrial comple in the 2000's would depend largely upon how wisely the nation overcome those problems of imbalance and inequality within the regions.

      • 地方自治制 實施에 따른 行政區域 再調整에 關한 硏究 : 郡 區域을 中心으로

        김영제 東國大學校 地域開發大學院 1993 국내석사

        RANK : 249711

        The administration district of Korea is formulated through the late of Choseun Dynasty and the period of colonization by Japan. This now became irrational because of the socio-economic change according to the industrialization and urbanization. Therefore we need to readjust the present administration district to match the need of public administration through the systematic andysis of the problem of the systems concerned. The desirable directions of readjustment of administration district through the analysis of books, articles and the statistics data concerned areas follows: First, we must enlarge the scole of Gun District to enhance the financial power of local government. This measurement need to correct the confralization and secure the democracy in the public administration. Second, We need to ensure the competent manpower to develop the district. This is difficult with the presenst administration district. Third, We have to accomodate the Gun District to the trend of large scaled administration. The modern administration services such as traffic, communication, water supplies and social welfares are more beneficient with more broad administration area.

      • 韓國 消防行政의 實態와 發展方向에 關한 硏究

        송희봉 全州大學校 地域開發大學院 1990 국내석사

        RANK : 249711

        The purpose of this study is to analyze 'present situation of fire service administration in korea and to give development direction. For the purpose of the study, five sets of variables were selected : (1) organizational structure (2) personnel administration (3) budget of fire servece ; (4) fire prevention equipments and water suppy facilities (5) service. To approach method the study, I used content analysis method mainly based on the all sorts of books, articles, statistical datas, and periodical publications related to this study. This study is composed of five chapters and major contents of each chapter are as follows ; Chapter 1 described the purpose, scope, and composition of this study. Chapter 2 examined the underlying theoretical concept and the historical changed process of fire service administration in korea. Chapter 3 analyzed present situation of fire service administration in korea through five variables. Chapter 4 suggested development direction of fire service administration in korea. Chapter 5 described the conclusion of this study. The major results of this study and follows (1) Unifing the fire service organizations of the central and each provincial government, should be prepared not only for changing the fire fighting environment but also for local autonomous system. (2) Improving the social position system of fire service public official through unification the national and regional position and make laws of protective merits. (3) Fire fighting ability should be expansion through increase of fire station, security of special manpower, and reinforcement of fire fighting equipments. (4) Making a basis for scientific fire fighting through reorganization of educational institution, strengthening of research function, and introduction of management information system. (5) Requiring a recognition for the budget of fire service, devised systematically for that couldn't use for no purpose on the object tax for public fire prevention equipments, and the modification of the tax rates. (6) Requiring a strengthen of public welfare works for the residents convenience. (7) Reinforcing a preventive function through education, publicity, and inspection.

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