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      • 칼 로저스의 인본주의 교육관 재음미

        강민구 서울교육대학교 교육전문대학원 2020 국내석사

        RANK : 2863

        The main research topic in this paper is to examine the human and educational views of humanist psychologist and counselor Carl Rogers. Based on the study, the purpose of the study is to examine how humanistic perspective of education have influenced on-site education, what challenges have been raised, and what implications they can offer in the future. A representative example of humanistic education is 'Open education'. Open education and humanistic education have close internal relevance. The consideration of open education means to analyze the case of humanistic education. Analyzing the possibility and difficulty of humanistic education is directly related to analyzing the possibility and difficulty of open education. It can be seen that the points raised or criticized as the sticking points of open education are raised from a perspective that is far from humanism or the basic principles of open education. Therefore, if open education embodies the fundamental principles of humanism, it can be considered that such criticism or difficulty cannot be established. So what is the fundamental principle, and what is the cause of the difficulty of open education? If you go back to the fundamental principles of humanism and analyze them, you will find another way to overcome the difficulties of open education, which is called humanistic education. In this paper, I would like to describe that representative examples of differences in perception between humanistic education and general open education appear as 'problem in the role and relationship of students and teachers' and 'problem in the regulation of post-relationship between self-realization and social needs'. It can also be derived that both of these misunderstandings or interpretive differences are based on the existence or not of the fundamental assumption of humanism, the belief in human beings, and the emphasis of the human-centered classroom. Key Words: fully functioning person, self, organism. change, facilitation, relationship, trust * A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Education. 본 논문의 주된 연구 주제는 인본주의 심리학자이자 상담가인 칼 로저스의 인간관과 교육관을 살펴보는 일이다. 해당 연구를 바탕으로 인본주의 교육관이 현장 교육에 어떠한 영향력을 끼쳐왔는지, 이에 대한 어떤 난점이 제기되었는지, 그리고 앞으로는 어떤 시사점을 제시하여 줄 수 있을지 검토해보는 것을 목적으로 한다. 칼 로저스는 인간을 ‘유기체적 존재’로 바라보며, 학생을 ‘변화’하는 생명력을 가진 존재로 본다. 지식 역시 고정적인 것이 아니라 변화하는 것으로 보았다. 따라서 인본주의에 따르면 교사는 정해진 내용을 전수하는 존재가 아니다. 그는 교사가 학생으로 하여금 자신의 본성이 긍정적인 생명력을 가진 유기체와 같다는 점을 발견하고 스스로 변화할 수 있도록 돕는 ‘촉진자’와 같은 존재가 되어줄 것을 제안한다. 이와 같은 인본주의 교육관은 조건화된 행동 관찰이나 인지 발달만으로 설명하기 어려운 부분인 인간의 정서나 감정과 같은 부분에도 주목하며, 고정된 사회 지식의 전수보다는 개인의 자아 발달을 중시한다. 이를 바탕으로 자기주도적 학습과 전인교육의 중요한 사상적 기반이 되기도 한다. 인본주의 교육관은 현대 학교 교육 및 우리나라 현장 교육에 광범위한 영향력을 끼쳐왔으며, 학생의 지속적인 학습 동기를 설명하는 데 있어서 매우 중요한 의미를 가지고 있다. 인본주의 교육관이 반영된 대표적인 사례는 ‘열린교육’이다. 비록 완벽하게 동일한 관점이라고 말할 수는 없지만, 열린교육과 인본주의 교육은 밀접한 내적 관련성을 가지고 있다. 두 관점 모두 성선설적인 관점, 자아발견을 중시하는 관점, 사회적 요구보다는 학습자 개인의 입장을 우선시하는 관점이라는 공통된 근본 원리를 가지고 있으며, 그러한 근본 원리로부터 출발하는 세부 원리들을 제시한다. 인본주의 교육관이 그 근본 원리에 더욱 관심을 가진다면, 열린교육은 그러한 관점이 반영된 구체적 교육 방향에 더욱 관심을 가진다는 점에서도 내적 관련성을 찾을 수 있다. 열린교육에 대한 고찰은 인본주의 교육의 실사례를 분석한다는 의미를 가지고 있다. 물론 열린교육에 반영된 사상이 인본주의만 있는 것은 아니며, 열린교육에 대한 비판을 인본주의에 대한 비판으로 보는 방식과 같은 동일선 상 비교는 논리적 한계를 지닌다. 하지만 적어도 열린교육은 인본주의 교육관이 교육 현장에 적용된 구체적 사례를 보여준다고 할 수 있으며, 인본주의 교육을 점검하는 최적의 사례가 될 수 있다. 그 이유는 첫째, 두 관점 모두 전통 교육과 대비하여 동일한 방향의 비판과 개선책을 제시한다. 둘째, 열린교육의 기본 가정이 된 경험주의, 실존주의 등과 같은 관점들은 그 근본 원리를 인본주의와 공유하고 있으며, 그렇기에 함께 열린교육의 주요한 기반이 될 수 있었다. 셋째, 칼 로저스와 인본주의 교육을 함께 연구한 프라이버그의 주장과 열린교육을 연구한 이현남(1996)의 분석에 따르면, 서로 해당 관점을 관련성을 가진 것으로 언급하고 있다. 열린교육은 그 파급력만큼이나 여러 난점이 제기된 교육 정책이기도 하다. 열린교육의 난점들은 도입 초기에 제기된 것과 같은 행정적, 환경적 차원에서의 비판에 국한되지는 않는다. 열린교육이 내포한 사상이 교실 붕괴를 가져올 수 있다는 불안함을 가지거나, 열린교육을 받은 세대에 학습 결손이 발생하지는 않을까 걱정하는 등 교육관 자체에 대한 불신과 의문이 생기기도 하였다. 그러나 그러한 걱정, 불신, 의문이 유의미한 발전을 가져오려면, 그것이 과연 성립할 수 있는 비판인지에 대한 고찰이 선행되어야 한다. 열린교육의 난점들을 분석하는 과정에서, 인본주의의 가치가 온전히 반영되는 경우에도 그와 같은 어려움이 발생할 수 있는 것인지 되돌아보고자 한다. 열린교육에 대한 신뢰 문제는 결국 인본주의 교육에 대한 의문이나 신뢰 문제와도 직결될 수밖에 없기 때문이다. 열린교육이 주장되고, 그에 따른 비판이나 난점이 발생한 일에 대해서 분석하는 일은 인본주의 교육관이 가진 가능성과 어려움을 분석하는 일과 직결된다. 하지만 분석 결과, 열린교육의 난점으로 제기된 사항이나 비판을 받았던 점들은 오히려 인본주의나 열린교육의 기본 원리와는 거리가 있는 관점에서 제기됨을 파악할 수 있다. 따라서 인본주의의 근본 원리를 잘 구현한 열린교육이라면, 그러한 비판이나 난점이 성립할 수 없음을 고찰해볼 수 있다. 그렇다면 그 근본 원리는 무엇이고, 열린교육의 난점이 발생한 원인은 무엇인가? 열린교육은 인본주의적인 교육 이상을 실현하는 좋은 사례가 될 수 있지만, 그 적용 실제에 있어서는 인본주의적인 교육이 되기 위해서 필수적으로 갖추어야 할 부분을 간과한 경우가 있다. 인본주의와 열린교육의 내적 관련성을 고려할 때, 그것은 열린교육의 성패를 결정하는 꽤 중요한 지점이 된다. 열린교육의 성패가 인본주의의 근본 관점이나 열린 교육의 이론적 근거에 기인한 것이 아니라면, 현장에서의 인식이나 적용이 어떻게 이루어져야 할지 파악하기 위한 재해석 과정이 필요하다. 인본주의의 근본 원리로 돌아가서 분석한다면, 인본주의적인 교육이라고 할 수 있는 열린교육의 난점을 극복하는 또 다른 길을 찾을 수 있을 것이다. 본 논문에서는 인본주의 교육관과 일반적인 열린교육에 대한 인식 차이를 발견할 수 있는 대표적인 사례로, ‘학생과 교사의 역할 및 관계 규정 문제(학생과 교사 사이의 관계를 왜곡하여 규정했기 때문에 생긴 오해) 측면’과, ‘자아실현과 사회적 요구 간 선후 관계 규정 문제(사회적 요구를 자아실현 보다 앞선 것으로 오해) 측면’을 제시한다. 이와 같은 두 가지 오해 또는 해석적 차이는 모두 인본주의의 근본적인 가정인 ‘인간에 대한 신뢰’의 유무와 ‘인간 중심 교실’의 강조 여부에 따른 것이라는 점을 도출할 수 있다. 주요어 : 충분히 기능하는 인간, 자아, 유기체. 변화, 촉진, 관계, 신뢰 * 본 논문은 2020년 7월 서울교육대학교 교육전문대학원 위원회에 제출된 교육학 석사학위 논문임.

      • Rethinking the contemporary approach to democracy and democratization: A critical analysis based on the spirit/form tradition in political thought

        Rogers, Michael T State University of New York at Albany 2005 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2847

        At a time when democracy is approaching unprecedented global growth, this work argues we need to rethink our contemporary approach to democracy and democratization. To begin, Part I draws on the spirit/form tradition of Montesquieu, Rousseau, and de Tocqueville to suggest that our modern democratic growth is artificial. Although more countries are adopting democratic institutions and procedures, this does has not led to more people practicing basic democratic social norms and behaviors. If anything, the global growth in democratic form has hidden a decline in democracy in spirit. Although more countries are structuring their governments democratically, this has not resulted in an expansion of self-government, as democratic social norms and behaviors seem to be declining. To clarify the problem, Part II provides an analysis of the paradox of democracy. A review of the democratization literature shows our contemporary understanding of democracy is biased towards democratic form. While a healthy democracy needs both democracy in form and spirit, our contemporary approach is myopically institutional, leaving the democratic spirit uncultivated. Through a synthesis of Habermas's argument that modern society is systematized and Marcuse's claim that it is one-dimensional, I conclude that the market and bureaucracy have spawned the dominance of scientific and technological thinking, which is form-oriented in nature. To combat this problem, Parts III & IV search for a theory of democracy that overcomes the paradox of democracy. Part III provides a historical overview of democratic theory, showing the tension between democracy in form and spirit has always been characteristic of the literature on democracy. Democratic theory has long been divided between minimalist, form-oriented conceptions and participatory, spirit-oriented ones. Unfortunately, none of these theories can overcome the paradox of democracy, as they are too one-sided. So, Part IV considers four other possibilities: Rawl's proceduralism, Dahl's pluralism, Habermas's deliberative democracy, and Hirst's (and Cohen & Rogers's) associative democracy. After reviewing each, I conclude that an associative democratic approach a la de Tocqueville can best address the paradox of democracy, as it can cultivate a strong democratic spirit that compliments the recent growth in democratic form.

      • Female psychopathy predictors: Cluster B traits and alexithymia

        Rogers, Richard University of North Texas 2013 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2847

        Psychopathy has long been lauded as a premier predictor of negative behavioral outcomes because of its demonstrated associations with violence, antisocial conduct, and institutional maladjustment. Traditional conceptualizations of psychopathy highlight the relatively equal importance placed on personality features (i.e., a grandiose, deceitful interpersonal style and deficits in affective experience) and behavioral elements (i.e., an impulsive and irresponsible lifestyle marked by social deviance) of the syndrome. However, little research to date has investigated psychopathy dimensions in female samples, particularly as they relate to maladaptive behaviors beyond forensic settings. The current study comprehensively examined personality (i.e., Axis II Cluster B traits and alexithymia) and behavioral (i.e., suicide-related behavior and aggression) expressions of psychopathy in a sample of female inpatients recruited from trauma and dual-diagnosis units at a psychiatric hospital in Dallas, Texas. Contrary to expectations, the essential components of psychopathy in female psychiatric patients emphasized APD and NPD traits over features of HPD and BPD, which were relatively similar to elements traditionally highlighted in male psychopathy. On this point, two latent dimensions comprehensively addressed female psychopathy in the current sample: impulsive antisociality and narcissistic and histrionic interpersonal style. Interestingly, psychopathy (M r = .01) and Cluster B traits (M r = .05) were virtually unrelated to suicide-related behavior in female patients with trauma and substance use histories, but APD and BPD traits were more discerning for impulsive and premeditated aggression than variants of psychopathy. Aggression's relationship to BPD traits is at least partially mediated by alexithymia. These results are discussed in terms of improving evaluation and intervention efforts aimed at identifying and managing psychopathic females beyond forensic settings.

      • Leveraging Privacy in Data Analysis

        Rogers, Ryan Michael ProQuest Dissertations & Theses University of Penn 2017 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2607

        Data analysis is inherently adaptive, where previous results may influence which tests are carried out on a single dataset as part of a series of exploratory analyses. Unfortunately, classical statistical tools break down once the choice of analysis may depend on the dataset, which leads to overfitting and spurious conclusions. In this dissertation we put constraints on what type of analyses can be used adaptively on the same dataset in order to ensure valid conclusions are made. Following a line of work initiated from Dwork et al. [2015], we focus on extending the connection between differential privacy and adaptive data analysis. Our first contribution follows work presented in Rogers et al. [2016]. We generalize and unify previous works in the area by showing that the generalization properties of (approximately) differentially private algorithms can be used to give valid p-value corrections in adaptive hypothesis testing while recovering results for statistical and low-sensitivity queries. One of the main benefits of differential privacy is that it composes, i.e. the combination of several differentially private algorithms is itself differentially private and the privacy parameters degrade sublinearly. However, we can only apply the composition theorems when the privacy parameters are all fixed up front. Our second contribution then presents a framework for obtaining composition theorems when the privacy parameters, along with the number of procedures that are to be used, need not be fixed up front and can be adjusted adaptively Rogers et al. [2016]. These contributions are only useful if there actually exists some differentially private procedures that a data analyst would want to use. Hence, we present differentially private hypothesis tests for categorical data based on the classical chi-square hypothesis tests (Gaboardi et al. [2016], Kifer Rogers [2017]).

      • Theoretical, experimental, and numerical investigations into laser repair of adhered MEMS structures

        Rogers, James W University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 2002 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        Due to the small size of structures in microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) and microsystems technology (MST), surface forces can create undesirable adhesion between microstructures, referred to as stiction. Stiction occurs when microdevices are dried after liquid processing steps, like the removal of sacrificial layers, or during operation. This thesis investigates a technique for repairing stiction-failed, surface-micromachined polycrystalline silicon structures using a pulsed, Nd:YAG laser. First, a thermomechanical model, based on fracture mechanics, is developed where the interface between the stiction-failed microcantilever and the substrate is treated as a crack, and the energy release rate is calculated using elastic theory. Model predictions and experimental results correlate to within 15%. The model is used to predict the effectiveness of the laser repair process for various materials, laser wavelengths, device thicknesses, and adhesion energies. A two-dimensional, numerical heat transfer model is developed and is used to predict the transient temperature distributions through a cantilever thickness and along its length. The effects of convection and radiation are minimal during laser heating but become important as the beam cools in tens of milliseconds. Enhanced radiative transfer is shown to be important. The numerical model is used to investigate the effects of laser wavelength, beam dimensions, and thermal properties on the temperatures and cooling times after laser irradiation. A transient imaging system, constructed using stock optics on an optical table, is used to visualize adhered cantilevers as they are repaired. The choice of a 632.8 nm, HeNe laser for illumination creates interference fringes corresponding to out-of-plane deflections, which are used to determine the beam deflection profile during repair. Transient video shows that the adhered structures repair in tens of milliseconds depending on the temperature difference created between the cantilever and substrate. A MEMS temperature sensor based on the buckling of fixed-fixed beams due to thermal expansion is designed, fabricated, and tested. Difficulties from fabrication including residual stress, and limited temporal and spatial resolution of the imaging system hindered the device performance, but fixed-fixed MEMS beams are used estimate the temperature difference between the beam and substrate and cooling time after laser irradiation.

      • A parallel distributed processing theory of semantic memory

        Rogers, Timothy Thomas Carnegie-Mellon University 2000 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        How do people acquire, represent, and process the information that allows them to perform semantic tasks? To answer this question, many theorists adopt two tenets: first, that semantic memory is mediated by a process of categorizaiton; and second, that such processes are grounded in a system of implicit theories which explain object-property correspondences. In my dissertation, I will argue that this may not be the optimal approach. Instead, I suggest that the semantic system exploits more graded representations, which emerge as domain-general learning mechanisms assimilate the structure of the environment. From this view, learned similarities among object representations constrain how knowledge generalizes, how easily it is acquired, how quickly it can be accessed, and how it degrades in dementia. I will illustrate these principles with reference to two computational models, which represent complementary implementations of the theory. The first is a feed-forward model which learns the mappings between objects and their properties in different contexts. Computer simulations with the model illustrate principles that explain a range of disparate empirical phenomena, including data from infant preference studies, lexical acquisition, basic-level primacy, expertise, semantic dementia, and theory theory. The second is a recurrent model which acquires the mappings among visual representations of objects, their names, and their verbal descriptions. When the model's inputs and outputs are constructed to match representative data from attribute-listing and drawing data, it acquires internal representations whose similarity structure captures the semantic relations among objects. I compare the model's performance under simulated lesions to data from neuropsychological patients with generalized semantic deficits. The structure revealed in impaired patient performance is interpreted as arising from representational similarity structure in the semantic system, which in turn emerges from the domain-general learning mechanisms embodied in the model.

      • John Hartwell Cocke (1780--1866): From Jeffersonian Palladianism to Romantic Colonial Revivalism in antebellum Virginia

        Rogers, Muriel Brine Virginia Commonwealth University 2003 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        John Hartwell Cocke was a Virginia planter and amateur architect whose style evolved from Jeffersonian Classicism to a revival of English Tudor-Stuart or Jacobethan architecture. This dissertation discusses the Cocke family's Elizabethan roots and advances four theses. The first of these theses is that John Hartwell Cocke implemented Thomas Jefferson's principles for the reform of Virginia architecture. Cocke's most ambitious project, a Jeffersonian Palladian mansion called Bremo, was in the planning stages by 1815. The second thesis is that Cocke's off-plantation buildings signal his break from the Palladianism of Thomas Jefferson in favor of the Jacobean style for houses and his acceptance of classical Jeffersonian elements for public buildings. The third thesis proposes John Hartwell Cocke as the first practitioner of the Romantic Colonial Revival movement in America in his revival of Tudor-Stuart architecture. The fourth thesis is that John Hartwell Cocke's architectural legacy was expanded by Philip St. George Cocke, the second of his three sons, when the younger Cocke commissioned Alexander J. Davis to build Belmead and later promoted Davis among his circle of family and friends.

      • A study of the relationship of principal emotional intelligence competencies to middle school organizational climate and health in the state of Washington

        Rogers Gerrish, Sheila Seattle Pacific University 2005 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        Organizational literature has recognized leadership as an essential element in determining organizational climate as well as productivity (Griffith, 1999). Litwin (1968) suggested that organizational climate is an important variable in the study of human organizations and that through deeper understanding of this variable we will gain understanding about how different leadership styles impact the people within an organization, organizational performance, and organizational health. In this context this present study sought to determine the current working conditions of middle schools within the state of Washington, as well as to examine the relationship between teacher working conditions as evidenced by the constructs of organizational climate and health with emotional intelligence competencies, viewed as internal thought processes, of the principals of those schools. Using a causal-comparative survey research design, teachers in sixty randomly selected middle schools within the state of Washington were asked to complete at a regularly scheduled faculty meeting, the Organizational Climate Description Questionnaire for Middle Schools (OCDQ-RM), or the Organizational Health Inventory for Middle Schools (OHI-M). The principals of those schools were asked to complete the Emotional Competence Inventory 2.0 (ECI 2.0), a questionnaire designed to assess 18 competencies under four dimensions of emotional intelligence. Descriptive statistics were computed for each factor of school climate and health from teacher responses to the two questionnaires. Nonparametric statistics were computed using Kendall's tau to determine the strength of association between all climate and health factors, with the 18 emotional intelligence competencies. While several relationships were found, one significant relationship was notable; that of the emotional intelligence competency of transparency with the organizational climate component of teacher openness. Transparency is defined as maintaining standards of honesty and integrity, and teacher openness is a summary measure that includes teacher commitment to student social and academic success, teacher collegiality among colleagues, and teacher disengagement. While the nonexperimental nature of this study does not allow conclusions of causality to be drawn, the moderately strong relationship, tau = .651, p < .05, two-tailed, appears to suggest that as leaders display authentic behaviors consistently over time, this could have a positive impact on subordinates, as well as the organizational environment within a school.

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