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      • 해양자율항체를 위한 퍼지관계곱 기반 지능형 충돌회피시스템

        이영일 경상대학교 대학원 2005 국내박사

        RANK : 1839

        Increasing disasters at sea caused by large scaled vessels and heavy traffic density are highlighted to the cause of loss in human and finance as well as the cause of sea contamination. Such a disaster at sea is classified into "stranding and sinking" caused by the shortage of navigation skill, the uncertainty of chart, and the absence of weather report, and "collision with another vessel" caused by human's mistake which comes from low visibility and carelessness. The rate of "stranding and sinking" has been remarkably decreased by the advancement of navigation skill and meteorology since the late nineteenth century. On the other hand, the rate of "collision with another vessel" has been gradually increasing as a result of the rise in traffic density at sea. A study for reducing the collision-by automating the ability of domain experts such as the detection of obstacle, the computation of collision risk, and the decision making for obstacle clearance-brings about the development of collision avoidance system. Unlike collision avoidance system of other autonomous vehicles, the collision avoidance system for autonomous ship aims at not only deriving a reasonable and safe path to the goal but also keeping COLREGs (International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972). Two kinds of collision avoidance techniques for autonomous ship have been studied to achieve the aim. One approach to the collision avoidance method is based on a knowledge-based system using knowledge and inference procedures to solve problems. The knowledge-based system embodies the collision avoidance technique by using COLREGs and user interface. The other approach to collision avoidance method is based on a heuristic search technique. It defines candidate successor set which consists of possible next nodes, then estimates all elements of candidate successors set with evaluation function in terms of safety and optimality, and selects lastly a reasonable node as next node to move. COLREGs describe rules applied to avoid collision only for one-to-one meeting case. Due to this fact, the knowledge-based system using COLREGs cannot take a reasonable action which takes into account the all approaching obstacles in many-vessels case. The simplified collision avoidance technique to one-to-one meeting case could cause the development of more dangerous situation because it cannot consider simultaneously many obstacles. The heuristic search technique, the other approach to collision avoidance method, has an advantage that the vessel could take into account all approaching obstacles. On the other hand, it has also a disadvantage that the vessel could take unreasonable action breaking COLREGs. Consequently, the most reasonable choice is to develop a new type collision avoidance system which takes only advantage of previous two approaches. In this paper we suggest a heuristic search technique for collision avoidance system of autonomous ship, which integrates the property of knowledge-based system: keeping the COLREGs. In order to derive a reasonable and safe path, we adopt the heuristic search based on the fuzzy relational products and the evaluation function representing heuristic information of domain experts. Also in order to observe the COLREGs, we adopt the rules of action to avoid collision stipulated in the COLREGs which are stored in knowledge base. The suggested collision avoidance system consists of two independent modules such as CSSM (Candidate Sector set Selection Module) and KBSM (Knowledge-Based System Module). The CSSM aims at selecting a candidate sector guaranteeing optimized collision avoidance out of component sectors of each candidate valley, which has five sub-components such as virtual obstacle module, relative grid module, polar histogram module, candidate valley module, and candidate sector module. KBSM makes the selection of one element keeping COLREGs out of candidate sector set generated in the CSSM. It is possible to apply COLREGs, which every seagoing vessel must keep, to the collision avoidance by adopting a knowledge-based system. A simulation is conducted with scenarios in view of optimality and safety so as to verify the performance of proposed collision avoidance system. Scenarios are composed of different encounter situations classified in COLREGs. The optimality of path derived by a search method can be measured by the cost difference of its path. In order to show the optimality of path generated by the proposed heuristic search technique performing collision avoidance, it is compared with the path generated by search algorithm. Also, keeping the rule of action to avoid collision stipulated in the COLREGs is used as measure of the safety of derived path. The analysis of simulation result shows that the search technique of proposed collision avoidance system has excellent performance with respect to optimality and safety of derived path.

      • 한국 경제의 금융화에 대한 연구

        이영일 경상대학교 대학원 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        The global economic crisis from 2007 to 2009 was the most serious crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s, and gave the global economy a large shock. It evoked not only the problems of privatization of profits, which are accompanied by socialization of the losses, but also provoked debates on the cause and solution of the crisis. There are many theories regarding the cause of the crisis: one theory is based on failure of regulation, and attributes the cause to the lack of supervision in the financial markets. Another theory attributes the cause to financialization followed by an unstable expansion of finance. Yet another theory is based on Marxian crisis theory of falling rate of profit, which views decrease of the rate of profit since 1970s in major developed countries as the main cause of the crisis. This study focuses on whether financialization can explain the change in Korean economy. According to this theory, financial instability is a key factor that causes economic crisis in a system dominated by finance. Korean economy has rapidly developed thanks to a series of measures favorable to financialization that are based on the American financial model, including liberalization of the interest rate in 1991; and since 1997, restructuring of the financial industries; the open financial market; and the abolition of various regulations. Some data suggest that financialization gave rise to larger instability and less investments, and subsequently led to an overall recession in Korean economy. But contrary to these explanations, the amount of the corporate financing has been growing steadily and also, the decrease in investments by firms was caused not by financialization but by demand-side factors or/and the decline of profitabilities. Meanwhile, there are arguments that the Korean economy has to move from a bank-oriented system to the Anglo-American market-oriented system. But the collapse of the five biggest investment banks has debunked this belief. Empirical studies on the financialization of Korean economy with the indicators applied to the analyses of American economy show that the level of the financialization in Korea is insignificant. In terms of dominance of finance, except for the growth of the ratio of the volume of financial assets to tangible assets in non-financial corporate after 2000, there is no symptom that indicates financialization or the establishment of finance-led accumulation regime. The study was done using figures such as ratio of operating surplus of non-financial firms to financial firms, ratio of financial outflow to operating surplus in non-financial firms, non-financial to financial profitability in manufacturing firms, and debt ratio in non-financial firms. In terms of the change of the financial structure, although a trend of growing financial industries is indicated by some figures related to the scale of the stock market, share of institutional stock holders, and the ratio of the volume of stock to debt in non-financial firms, it is not enough to support that the system of Korean economy moved from a bank-base to a capital-market-base. This study points out the deficiencies of the financialization thesis, which suggests that the financial instability or financial fragility were the causes of the global economic crisis during 2007-2009 and argue that we have to consider the long-term decline of major developed countries since the 1970s in order to find an accurate solution. In addition, I argue that the thesis of finance-led accumulation regime cannot explain the characteristics of the change of Korean economy by using time-series analysis of finincialization including data during the 2007-2009 global economic crisis.

      • 복합 네트워킹을 통한 서울시 소규모 문예회관 활성화 방안

        이영일 한국예술종합학교 협동과정 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        지역 내 가장 중요한 문화기반시설 중 하나인 문예회관 운영의 효율성·효과성에 대한 의문은 오랜 시간동안 반복적으로 꾸준히 제기되어왔다. 그리고 이에 대한 해결책을 찾기 위하여 많은 연구들이 이어졌으며 그 내용은 크게 ‘운영주체/재정/프로그램/네트워킹’의 4가지 범주 안에서 구성된다. 필자는 이 중 ‘네트워킹’ 부문에 중점을 두어 서울시 자치구의 소규모 문예회관들이 ‘3단계 네트워크 시스템’의 장착을 통해 지역 문화예술계의 ‘살아숨쉬는 유기체’로 변화함으로써 지역주민들과 대면하고 소통하며 특성화할 수 있는 수요자적 관점의 문예회관 운영활성화 방안을 제시하고자 하였다. 이를 위하여 우선 문예회관의 개념과 관련한 제법규 및 선행연구 검토를 통하여 문예회관의 성격·법적 근거 등을 살펴보았으며, 아울러 서울시 자치구 27개 문예회관에 대한 현황을 2009년말 기준으로 정리·분석하여 ‘아트센터형-문예회관형-구민회관형’의 3가지로 구성되는 유형 분류를 실시하였다. 그리고 이러한 사전 검토내용을 기반으로 하여 서울시 소규모 문예회관 운영활성화를 위한 방안 세 가지(3단계 네트워크)를 다음과 같이 제시한다. 첫 번째는 문예회관과 문예회관 주변에 위치한 이해관계자(기획·운영 등 민간위원회, 회원·자원봉사조직, 지역 예술단체 및 문화예술동아리 등)들이 서로 관계를 맺는 기초 단위 네트워크로서의 ‘열린 조직/ 열린 운영 시스템’이다. 그리고 세부적으로 이러한 각각의 체계와 관련된 실제 사례들을 통하여 논지를 뒷받침하는 것과 더불어 오늘날 소규모 문예회관들이 직면하게 된 세 가지 운영원리(효율성·효과성·책임성)의 관점에서 이러한 운영체계의 장점 및 의의를 추가적으로 고찰한다. 두 번째는 이러한 기초 단위 네트워크가 권역 단위에서도 원활하고 효율적으로 기능할 수 있도록 해주는 ‘문화권역 내 문예회관 간 분·협업체계(권역 단위 네트워크)’이다. 이를 위하여 세부적으로 생활권에 기반한 ‘문화권역’의 개념을 우선 도출한 후 ‘아트센터형-문예회관형-구민회관형’에 이르는 3단계 유형 분류 체계에 맞추어, 문화권역 내 공동미션 수립 및 문예회관 간 세부 포지셔닝을 실시함으로써 분·협업체계를 구축한다는 내용을 담는다. 세 번째는 서울시 자치구 문예회관 간 네트워크(광역 단위 네트워크) 활성화로서, 그 내용으로는 우선 서울시에서 매년 실시하고 있는 《서울시 자치구 문화분야 인센티브사업 평가 제도》를 분석하고 그 개선안을 제시하여 개별 문예회관들로 하여금 벤치마킹 등을 통한 실용적 네트워크 형성에 대한 동기를 부여하고자 하는 것이 있다. 또한 문화권역 내 무임승차를 방지하고 개별 문예회관 고유역할의 성실한 수행으로 분·협업체계의 효과성을 극대화할 수 있도록 《서울시 자치구 문예회관 활동성과 평가》를 새로이 추가할 것을 제안하고 있다. 아울러 서울시 자치구 문예회관 간 네트워크 허브로서의 본래 기능을 원활하게 수행할 수 있도록 서울문화예술회관연합회의 기능 및 위상을 강화하는 내용을 제시한다. The question about the efficiency & effectiveness of managing a culture & art center which is one of the most important public cultural facilities has been proposed steadily and repeatedly for a long time. To solve this problem a lot of researches have been done and their prime contents were composed in four catagories-'Operating body / Finance / Program / Networking' The present writer, focusing on the 'networking' catagory, desired to suggest revitalization strategics of small-scale culture & art centers of autonomous districts in Seoul derived from consumer's perspective which convert local culture & art centers into "an alive organism" in local culture & art field by installing 'three-step network system' and make them contact, communicate with local residents and specialize. To accomplish this aim it was done searching culture & art centers' character and legal basis etc. by looking for all legislations and preceeded researches in relation to concept about them, and classifying them into three types(art center type-culture & art center type-public community center type) based on 27 culture & art centers' current status data of the end of the year 2009. On the basis of these examined contents in advance there are three revitalization strategics(three-step network system) of small-scale culture & art centers of autonomous districts in Seoul in this research. The first thing is the 'open organization system/ open operation system' as a basic area unit network which relates a culture & art center to stakeholders(planning/operating civil committee, membership/volunteer group and local art groups/culture & art clubs etc.) around it each other. In detail actual cases associated with the open system sustain the argument and the advantage/meaning of this system is considered from the viewpoint of three management principles(efficiency, effectiveness, accountability) which small-scale culture & art centers face with today. The second thing is the 'specialization/cooperation system' among culture & art centers in a cultural area(a regional area unit network) to make a basic area unit network operate smoothly and efficiently in a wide area equally. For this purpose in detail it is needed to draw concept about the 'cultural area' based on the 'life zone' in advance, to establish the common mission and detail positioning among culture & art centers in a cultural area and to forge the specialization/cooperation system by the three-step classification(art center type-culture & art center type-public community center type). The last thing is activating the network among culture & art centers of autonomous districts in Seoul(a wide area unit network). It contains first analyzing 《The valuation system of the incentive business in cultural field of autonomous districts in Seoul》 and suggesting a reform plan by which each culture & art center desires to form a practical network through benchmarking etc.. It contains also proposing to add newly 《The measurement of the performance of culture & art centers of autonomous districts in Seoul》 for preventing a free ride in a cultural area, sincere accomplishing each own role of culture & art centers and maximizing effectiveness of the specialization/cooperation system. And it contains finally reinforcing the function and status of the Association of Arts Centers in Seoul(AACS) to carry out its indigenous function smoothly as a network-hub among culture & art centers of autonomous districts in Seoul.

      • 회칙 『하느님은 사랑이십니다』에 대한 구원경륜 관점에서 바라본 성령론적 고찰 : 제2부 19항 ‘삼위일체 사랑의 표현인 교회 사랑’을 중심으로

        이영일 대전가톨릭대학교 대학원 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        그리스도교의 사랑은 삼위일체 하느님에게서 주어진 사랑이다. 하느님께서는 친히 당신 백성의 역사를 통하여 우리에게 전달하신 계시로서 드러내셨다. 계시의 역사는 영을 받은 사람들, 곧 이스라엘의 예언자들, 현자들에 의해 해석되었고 예수 그리스도의 결정적인 사건에 대한 복음저자, 사도 또는 증언의 대변인들에 의해 해석되었다. 따라서 성경 안에서 새로이 발견되는 하느님 사랑은 시대를 초월하여 하느님께서 활동하고 계심을 보여준다. 이러한 하느님 사랑의 움직임은 곧 영의 활동이며, 이 영의 활동에 대한 우리의 체험이 오늘에도 여전히 우리에게 전해지는 하느님 사랑의 체험이라 할 수 있다. 그렇기 때문에 우리는 이 체험들에 대해 알려지고 서술된 지식을, 교의적인 차원을 넘어 역사적인 차원에 이르는 거대한 하느님의 구원경륜 안에 나타난 영의 활동들을 감지할 수 있어야 한다. 왜냐하면 “성령께서는 어제와 마찬가지로 오늘에도 여전히 활동”하고 계시기 때문이다. 그렇다면 하느님 사랑을 전하는 그리스도교는 공부해야 할 교리나 적용해야 할 윤리가 아니다. “그리스도인이 된다는 것은 윤리적 선택이나 고결한 생각의 결과가 아니라, 삶에 새로운 시야와 결정적인 방향을 제시하는 한 사건, 한 사람을 만나는 것”이다. 그리하여 이러한 그리스도교가 오늘날 시대의 요청으로써 ‘사랑’이라는 체험을 바라보게 된다. 그런데 ‘하느님께서는 사랑이시기 때문에’(1요한 4,16) 교회는 어제도, 오늘도, 영원히 사랑이신 하느님을 체험하는 역사 속에서 살아간다. 교회가 사랑이신 하느님에 대한 체험을 지속시켜 나간다는 것은, 교회가 자신의 모든 활동에 있어서 이 사랑을 표현하는 것을 말한다. 이때 교회는 자기 본연의 사명에 따라 살고 신앙인들은 자신의 신앙 안에서 하느님을 믿고, 바라고, 사랑을 사는 것이다. 그렇다면 작은 미풍 한줄기라도 내 자신이 감지하고 체험할 수 있어야 비로소 ‘미풍’이 될 수 있듯이, 교회 안에 머무시는 성령께서는 분명 교회가 사랑을 체험하는, 본연의 삶을 살아가도록 이끌어 줄 것이다. 왜냐하면 성령께서는 근본적으로 사랑이신 삼위일체의 관계 안에서 위격적인 사랑의 주체이시다. 성령께서 활동하시는 교회는 삼위일체 하느님의 사랑을 깨닫고 그 사랑을 삶으로 살아갈 것이다. 따라서 본 논문은 오늘날 교회가 참된 사랑의 삶을 살아가도록 이끄시는 성령에 주목하고자 한다. 특별히 하느님 사랑에서 비롯되는 교회의 사랑에 관하여 언급하고 있는 교회의 문헌들 가운데, 본 논문은 교황 베네딕토 16세의 첫 번째 회칙인 『하느님은 사랑이십니다』(Deus caritas est, 2005.12.25.)를 중심으로 연구할 것이다. 왜냐하면 이 회칙이야말로 제2차 바티칸 공의회에서 요구하는 오늘날의 시대적 징표에 따라 하느님 사랑에 관한 신앙의 진리들을 통해 교회의 본질적인 삶을 전하고 있기 때문이다. 그 가운데서도 회칙 19항 “삼위일체 사랑의 표현인 교회의 사랑”에서는 본 논문의 주제에 부합하여 성령의 활동에 관하여 언급함으로써 회칙 1부와 2부를 연결하는 핵심소재이기 때문이다. 그러므로 본 논문은 회칙『하느님은 사랑이십니다』의 19항에서 표현되는 삼위일체 사랑을 표현하는 교회의 사랑실천을 위한 성령의 활동에 관하여 구원경륜 관점에서 재해석하고자 한다. 교회가 성령 안에서 어떻게 참된 사랑의 원천인 삼위일체 하느님의 사랑을 깨달아 자신의 삶으로 표현할 수 있는지를 확인하고자 한다. 그리고 성령의 교회가 신앙의 진리인 하느님 사랑을 온 인류와 세상에 선포하는 자신의 사명 가운데 이웃사랑의 실천적인 삶에로 나아갈 수 있는지를 가늠해 보고자 한다. Christian love is the love given by God the Holy Trinity. In the Bible God's love transcends time and space activities and in the presence of God is revealed. And this movement of God's love in the Bible, too often, activities are represented by the spirit. so, for our experience of the spirit activity takes place today, still we can say that the history of God's love. Therefore, the love of God can be detected through the activities of the Spirit in the God’s salvation of economy, which transends knowledge of our historical, intellectual, and ethical dimension. Because the Holy Spirit is always working. In addition, the Trinity in the God who is love itself, Holy Spirit is the Person of His love, and was given as a gift to the church. Therefore, Church is indeed the love of God to realize that love is to live her life. In this paper, the church today will lead us to live a life of true love is to focus on the Holy Spirit. and In this paper, specifically based on Pope Benedict XVI’s first Encyclical 「DEUS CARITAS EST」, which derived from the love of God has to say about the love of the church. according to n.19 “The Church's charitable activity as a manifestation of Trinitarian love” of the constitution while the subject of this paper, is mentioned about the activities of the Holy Spirit. and the Encyclical n,19 is connected with the Encyclical’ Part. 1 and Part. 2 are connected. Therefore, this paper was to focus on the activities of the Holy Spirit, expressed in n. 19. To do this, this paper mainly focusing the representation of the Holy Spirit was accessible in terms of systematic theology. Such expressions have been mentioned in the economy salvation of God in the Trinity, appeared in the Encyclical. And through this study, I could find with the new theological value in the Encyclical n.19 Above all, n.19 is comprehending the Holy Spirit in the traditional beliefs contents of the Church. So the Holy Spirit was came out in the salvation of the economy to be the gift of God, a Person of Love, and who sent from the Father and the Son. the Holy Spirit was gave on the -Mystery of Pascha. So The Spirit is that interior power of church and the energy which transforms the heart of the ecclesial community. so that church becomes a witness before the world to the love of the Father in his Son. Thus the love of God was realized by the Holy Spirit that is happening on the love of church. Therefore, the entire activity of the Church is an expression of a love that seeks the integral good of man: it seeks his evangelization through Word and Sacrament, And it seeks to promote man in the whole human life. Love is therefore the service that the Church carries out in order to attend constantly to man's sufferings and his needs, including material needs. Eventually this paper was found, the service of charity is to focus in the second part of the Encyclical as well as the love of neighbor is Rooted in love for God and is the responsibility of every Christian church. So this paper was found How the Church in the Holy Spirit is to realize the love of the Trinity God in his life, and whether that can be represented. In this paper confirmed that church worked by the Holy Spirit can proclaim the love of God to the mankind and the world, can accomplish the ministry of love.

      • 특허 정보 검색 도구로서의 국제특허분류표 활용 방안에 관한 연구

        이영일 충남대학교 1998 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        This study focus on investigation of the structure, principles and the classifying rules of the IPC. And then surveyed on the information service aspects of using the IPC as a search tool. The findings of this study are as follows: 1. IPC is particlarly useful when searching for concepts which can only be described by a combination of several words. 2. IPC is indispensable for setting up profiles for current awareness. Because it is printed on the document, the IPC becomes immediately available for searching on publication and database. 3. IPC useful to selective disseminaton of patent information by periodically. Some desirable proposals for effective patent information service are as follows: First level SDI adopts subclass-level of IPC, includes patent nom IPC, title, patentee, services by weekly. Second level SDI adopts maingroup-level of IPC, includes patent no, IPC, title, patentee, inventors, abstract, drawings, claims, services by monthy. 4. The IPC is useful tool for patent searching and information services. IPC can be profitably used in addition to other retrieval terms. A careful preparation of the search is essential, taking into account the change from one edition to the next, and patent protection and patent laws in various countries of the world.

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