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      • 수원 화성(華城)의 전통무예를 활용한 관광마케팅 전략

        최형국 水原大學校 大學院 2002 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Tourism is a promising business of the 21st century, also a nature-friendly, high-value added industry. To prepare for such flow of the times, carrying forward a tourism marketing strategy of material and immaterial consonance based on Korea's unique traditional culture will be more effective in creating a distinctive tourism strategy. Because the Hwaseong Fortress of Suwon is a world-renowned cultural heritage, there are countless possibilities for developing it into a tourist attraction. If traditional martial arts, an immaterial tourist attraction, is mixed harmoniously and well-marketed, the travel lure of Hwaseong Fortress will be increased greatly. Therefore, this study is aimed to present a vividness, distinction tourist marketing strategy by the needs survey about traditional martial arts and putting it together with the Suwon Hwaseong Fortress, a material tourist attraction. The important facts that came into result of the proof analysis are, ; Firstly, the main audience of the performance of traditional martial arts turned out to be families or couples, covering 70% of all, Secondly, the insufficiency of promotion turned out to lack the most in the performances, followed by the lack of concern for the tourists. Thirdly, the recognition about the martial arts was low, but the interest rates were high, especially among highly-educated men. Fourthly, children's education turned out to be the main motivation for coming to the martial arts performances-especially parents of elementary, middle and high school students. Fifthly, the most successful information media about the performances was banners, booklets, and posters, followed by mouth-to-mouth tellings. It was found, however, that the promotion effect was low for newspapers, magazines, or internet and PC communication. Sixthly, the want for permanently establishing the martial arts demonstration theater was high among the 30s and 40s, and the participating possibility was high among them too. Seventhly, there seemed to be a certain correlation among people who are interested in traditional culture and those interested in traditional martial arts. The direct motive about martial arts was found to be of mutual relation as well. Lastly, the satisfaction rates about the event on the whole was very high in general. Considering these analysis results, mixing harmoniously the material and immaterial traditional tourist resources and an elaborate planning of marketing strategy will be highly effective in increasing traveling charms. Based on these results, the marketing strategy of Hwaseong Fortress in Suwon based on traditional martial arts is as follows; I have used the SWOT techniques to examine the strength and weakness points of Hwaseong Frotress tourism as well as the opportunity and the threat. also, based on the analysed results listed above, I have selected target markets. Firstly, as for the product strategy, I have described the merchandise strategy focusing on the experiential marketing of according the material and immaterial tourist resources-that is, the Suwon Hwaseong Fortress and the traditional martial arts. Secondly, as for the promotion strategy, I have explained the CI(City Identity) strategy focusing on the 'IsibsaBan-Muye' (It is one of the Korean Traditional martial art) which is actually performed in the Suwon Hwaseong Fortress. I have also emphasized the mutually communicative, active internet promotion strategy through the internet. Thirdly, I have mentioned a definite price strategy ranging over the general tourism prices and the concrete price strategy of the material/immaterial mixture merchandise mentioned at the product strategy before. Fourthly, I have referred to the traditional martial arts amusement park as a chief place strategy, and chiefly explained how to set the material/immaterial mixture tourist package in the Suwon Hwaseong Fortress. Lastly, as for the additional strategy, I have mentioned the registration of the 'IsibsaBan-Muye' trained around the Suwon Hwaseong Fortress as an immaterial cultural assets to secure the legitimacy and regional characteristic of the traditional martial arts. I've also commented on opening a course on martial arts in the schools of Suwon. In conclusion, developing together the material and immaterial tourist resources and carrying out a harmonious tourism marketing strategy will increase the competitive power greatly, for it will increase the tourist charms such as the vividness and distinctiveness of the resources. Suwon Hwaseong Fortress itself has plenty of possibilities to become an attractive tourist attraction. But traditional martial arts included will occur a synergy effect based on the consonance of the material and the immaterial, thereby appealing to the tourists as an even more charming tourist attraction.

      • 灌水條件이 참깨生育 및 收量에 미치는 影響

        최형국 全南大學校 大學院 1980 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        참깨는 가장 오랜 食料 및 嗜好作物로서 國內의 硏究實績이 不足한 實定하며 好溫性이면서도 中部地域보다 南部地域에서 低位 收量性을 보이고 있으므로 그 原因을 相對的인 水分不足(作期동안의 降水量 不足과 蒸發散量 過多에 基因)에 두고 이에 관한 일련의 試驗을 하였다. 本 試驗은 中型(31×31cm) Wagner pot 試驗으로서 麥後作참깨 栽倍하였으며 處理는 分劃區 要因試驗으로서 主區는 3灌水間隔(5, 10, 15日)을 두어 3反復으로 施行하였다. 主要한 結果는 다음과 같다. 1) 試驗年度의 不良氣象(低溫. 寡照)으로 因하여 初期의 Seedling vitality 差異가 收量까지 漸進的인 協商(share)으로 發展하여 Source에 對한 sink 間의 競合이 없었다. 2) 播種後 15日까지 참깨의 發芽率 및 發芽勢는 9個組合의 灌水條件에 따라 有意差를 發現하지 않았다. 3) 灌水條件 差異에 따라 乾物量(weight) 보다는 葉面積(size)에서 더욱 민감한 經視的 變異反應을 보였다. 4) 月間 90∼120mm 程度의 灌水量下에서는 灌水日間隔을 짧게 할수록 月間 60mm 程度의 灌水量下에서는 灌水日間隔을 길게 할수록 참깨의 生育 및 收量性 向上에 有利하였다. 5) 30mm 5日間隔灌水는 濕害을, 10mm 15日間隔灌水는 旱害을 유발하여 枯死내지는 細菌性班點病을 同伴하였다. 6) 株當有效 開花數는 20mm 5日間隔과 30mm 10日間隔灌水에서 有意的으로 높았으나 水分供給이 많아질수록 開花最盛期가 늦어지는 경향이었다. 7) 주당삭수, 삭당입수, 登熟率 및 登熟千粒 重等의 收量構成 要素들은 모든 相互關係에서 有意性있는 正의 相關을 보였으며, 삭당입수와 登熟千粒重은 相對的으로 變異가 적은 경향을 보였고 이들 모든 形質들의 有利性은 5日間隔 20mm와 10日間隔 30mm 灌水에 依해서 유도되었다. 8) 收量構成 要素들과 類似한 反應이 10^a當 種實收量에서도 나타났으며 適正의 水分供給에 依하여 南部의 참깨 收量性增大 可能性이 있는것으로 판단되었다. Even though Sesame has conventionally cultivated as a main oil food and a food additive crops since Koryo-Dynasty in Korea, it was not so much experimented for breeding and cultural technology. Also it is not so relatively productive in southern part of Korea in spite of higher temperature during the cropping season than middle part. Occationally. the short precipitation and high evaporation were discussed as a main limiting factor of sesame yield at southern part of Korea. On this respects, the study was intended to know the logic of soil moisture conditions to sesame yields. By use of Wagner pots (3km high and 31cm in diameter), sesame cultivation after barley harvest was carried out under the split plot design with three levels of irrigations (10, 20, and 30 mm artificial precipitations) as main factor and three intervals of irrigations (5, 10, 15 days interval) as sub factors on three replications. Results obtaioned were as follows. 1. Under the unfortunate weather conditions (low temperature and lack of sunshine) at the year 1980, a little different in seedling vitalities from seedling stages was gradually developed upto significant share-typed differences at harvest, and any competition effects between sink functions for the sources were recognized. 2. Any significant differences in the ratio and vitality of germination of sesame seeds were not detected among the treatments until 5 days after seeding as affected by nine combinations of irrigation conditions. 3. Ontodrifting responses to the irrigation conditions was rather significant in size-enlargement effect (such as leaf area per plant) than in weight -increament effect (such as dry matter weight per plant). 4. Under the irrigation levels of 90-120mm per month, better effects in growth- and yield performances of sesame were introduced by shortening of irrigation intervals, and under 60mm per montb, by longer intervals. 5. Under the 30mm irrigation with 5 day interval, the sesame was mostly dead by excess moisture, and under the 10mm with 15 days interval, by water shortage stress. 6. Number of flowers per plant was significantly increased as affected by irrigation treatments of 20mm x 5 days interval and 30 - x 10 days interval. However, the peak flowering stage was delayed with sufficient moisture supply. 7. Most relation between yield components such as pod number per plant, seed number per pod, maturity and ripened 1,000 seeds weight sbowed significant positive correlation coefficients to make yields as affected by different irrigation conditions. However, rather low values of coefficients of variance were detected at components as seed number per pod and ripened 1,000 seeds weight. Most profitable performances in yielding components were released from the tiratment of 20mm irrigation with 5 days interval, and 30mm with 10 days interval. 8. Very similar responces of the above was detected in yield variances, and under the condition of most efficient supply of soil moisture, yielding characteristics of sesame at southern part of Korea should be improved.

      • 참깨(Sesamum indicum L.) 栽培의 水分環境條件에 關한 硏究

        최형국 全南大學校 1988 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        南部地方에서 참깨 栽培時 가장 問題되는 要因가운데 하나는 播種期의 旱魃과 初期生育期의 장마에 依한 濕害等으로 收量低調를 免치 못하고 있는 實情이다. 그러므로 本 硏究는 참깨 栽培土壤의 排水條件과 作物에 對한 浸水 및 旱魃條件에 따른 참깨의 生理, 生態的 反應이나 여러가지 有用形質들이 敏感하게 反應하는 時期를 究明한 結果, 栽培土壤의 排水性 差異에 따른 참깨의 生育 및 收量은 過度한 排水 및 保水條件下에서만 有意的인 減少를 하였고, 灌水方法間에는 6日間隔 20mm 灌氷보다 3日間隔 10mm 灌水에서 朔當粒數, 朔數 및 1000粒重이 向上되므로써 收量構成이 有利해지는 傾向이었다. 浸水에 依한 抵抗性은 出現後 25日頃인 가장 强했고, 出現後 55日頃에서 가장 弱해 이 時期의 浸水는 莖直徑과 分枝數를 除外한 모든 有用形質이 減少하는 方向으로 作用하였는데 이는 浸水時間이 길수록 高溫 및 酸素不足에 依한 根의 腐敗가 甚해 地上部生育이 沮害되었을 뿐 아니라 참깨의 生育이나 收量形質들이 出現後 40日의 浸水處理를 기점으로 回復勢가 거의 不可能한 傾向이었고 無浸水(13g/pot)에 比해 69∼86%의 減收를 보였다. 또한 浸水處理下에서 대부분의 形質들은 種實收量과 95% 以上의 水準에서 正의 相關關係를 나타냈고, 油分含量은 出現後 55日 浸水處理에서 低下하는 傾向이였으나 脂肪酸組成에는 影響이 없었다. 참깨의 旱魃害는 營養生長期보다 生殖生長期에 더욱 增大되었으며, 前者는 出現後 40日까지, 後者는 20日까지 耐性을 보였다. 이와 類似한 反應結果를 體內의 遊離 Proline 含量分析이냐 草長·莖直涇·株當分枝數·乾物重을 비롯한 葉面積과 葉緣素含量의 變異調査 結果에서도 認定할 수 있었다. 그러나 참깨가 旱魃被害를 받으면 거의 모든 有用形質들이 營養生長期는 40日, 生殖生長期는 30日 旱魃까지 回復이 可能 하였으나 그 以後는 거의 不可能하였고, 種實收量은 旱魃日數가 延長됨에 따라 減收幅이 컸으며 營養生長期는 29∼80%, 生殖生長期에서는 49∼85 %의 減收를 招來하였고, 種實收量은 登熱率을 除外한 모든 形質들과는 高度의 正의 相關關係를 나타냈다. 그렇지만 旱魃로 因한 油分含量은 無處理의 52%에서 42%까지 減少하여 有意的인 減少傾向을 보였으나 脂肪酸組成과는 無關하였다. 以上의 結果 참깨 栽培土壤의 排水條件은 過度한 排水條件과 排水不良條件이 아닌 어느 土壤에서나 生育適應性이 높지만 粘土와 砂土比가 75:25%(50% 排水能力이 559分인 土壤)인 土壤이 가장 栽培하기 좋은 土壤이며, 浸水나 旱魃 等으로 因해 stress를 받으면 生育 全般에 걸쳐 繼續的인 影響을 받아 完金한 生育回復이 不可能하여 모든 有用形質이 減少하는 方向으로 作用해 結局 收量減收를 가져온다는 事實이 認定되었다. Drought at the time of seeding and excessive soil moisture due to continuous raining during the growing season are the important factors limiting the yield of sesame in Korea. In the present study the physiolonical responses of the sesame plants to water logging and drought, and the periods which is critical for the development of important agrononmical characters were examined in relation with drainage condition of the soil. The plant growth was generally good on different types of soils except on those where drainage or moisture holding cpapcity was exccessively high. The number of grain per cppsule and weight of individual grains were greatly influenced by drainage condition, and the highest yield was obtained on the soil consisted of 75% silt and 25% sand. In the soils of good drainage, irrigation at 10mm every 3 days resulted in higher yield than that at 20mm every 6days, indicating the importance of continuous maintenance of soil moisture. The number of plants died due to water logging was the highest by that in 55days after emergence and followed in order by those in 10days, 70days and 25days after emergence, and more plant died whenever the period of water logging lasted longer. Agronomic characters such as plant height, total leaf area, total dry weight, number of branches per plant, capsule setting length, length of capsule, number of capsules per plant, rate of ripeness, number of grains per capsule and weight of individual grains were severly affected by water logging in 55days after emergence but the stem diameter by that in 10days after emergence. Of course, the adverse effect of water logging increased Propotionally to its duration. The adverse effect on agronomic characters of the water logging within 25days after emergence was generally recovered during the later growth, but that after 40days after emergence was substantially reflected on the grain yield. The water logging in 55days after emergence decreased the yield in proportion to its duration, ranging from 69% to 86% of the control. In the plots of water logging treatment, the grain yield was positively and highly significantly correlated with all the charaters except stem diameter and number of branches per plant. Water logging in 55days after emergence decreased the oil contant in the grains but did not infulence on the composition of fatty acids. Plant death due to drought occurred when the period of drought was more than 40days during vegetative growth and more than 20days during reproductive growth, which were coincident with the changes in free proline content. Drought treatments generally decreased the plant height, stem diameter, number of branches per plant, and dry weights of shoots and roots. The plant height and total dry weight were recovered to some extent during the later growth but the stem diameter at reproductive stage was never recovered. The total leaf area and chlorophyll content decreased due to drought were also hardly recovered. The adverse effect of drought was recovered only when the drought was less than 40days in vegetative growth stage and 30days in reproductive growth stage. Grain yield decreased propotionally to the duration of drought, ranging from 29% to 80% and from 49% to 55% when the drought occurred during vegetative and reproductive growth stages, respectively. Grain yield under drought condition was positively and highly significantly correlated with all the yield components except rate jof ripiness. Drought condition, especially during the reproductive growth, decreased oil content in the grains down to 42% compared to 52% in the control, but did not affect on the composition of fatty acids. In conclusion, sesame plants can adapt widely to various types of soils, but the moisture stresses due to drought or water logging encountered at any stage of plant growth can never be fully recovered and thus reflected on the grain yield.

      • 의약품 무역박람회 참가와 의약품 수출에 대한 한국제약기업의 인식 연구

        최형국 中央大學校 醫藥食品大學院 2007 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        본 연구는 KGMP 적격 제약기업과 벤쳐 제약기업 55개사를 대상으로 판매촉진 수단으로서의 국제 의약품 박람회 참가가 의약품 수출에 어떤 영향을 미치고 있으며 실제로 한국 제약기업들이 의약품 수출증대에 박람회가 기여하는 유용성에 대한 인식 차이에 대해 이메일 설문조사를 통해 연구했다. 통상 의약품 수출을 위해서는 바이어 발굴 및 기업홍보가 적극적으로 수행되어야 하며 이를 위해 박람회의 활용은 좋은 방법으로 제시되고 있으며 기업의 관점에서 판매촉진 및 광고, 인적판매, 홍보 등 복합적인 기능을 가진 마케팅 수단인 박람회 참가는 기업 고유의 매출증대 및 이익의 극대화 목표를 달성하는 유의의 기능을 가지고 있다고 하겠다. 연구결과는 기업의 유형, 즉 매출규모, 매출대비 수출비중, 생산제품군, 수출 및 박람회 참가 경험, 최고경영자의 수출의지 등에 따라 박람회 참가의 유용성과 참가 실태 및 계획에 유의한 차이가 있음을 나타내었다. 본 연구는 박람회 참가에 대한 그동안의 제약업계의 불투명한 인식에 대한 고찰과 의약품 수출증대를 위한 보다 효율적인 박람회의 활용방안을 모색했다는 점과 관계자들의 참가를 제안과 정책적 지원을 위한 아이디어를 제공한 것에 의미가 있다. 분석대상에 대한 다양한 가설과 검증이 이루어 지지 못한 한계가 있으며 향후 보다 구체적이고 다양한 가설을 설정하여 연구가 지속 추진될 수 있을 것이다. This study examined differences from Korean Pharmaceutical companies, 55 companies consist of KGMP certified and venture pharmaceutical manufacturers on the perception of exporting of pharmaceuticals through exhibiting in pharmaceutical international trade shows. In the company's viewpoint, the participation in trade shows has meaningful functions which has multiple purposes for promotion, direct sales, advertising, etc. and it is a outstanding tools for reaching the company's target for utmost profits through making buyer and advertising. The usefulness and status of participation of international pharmaceutical trade shows with pharmaceutical companies are analysed. The analysis showed several significant differences regard to the perception on the usefulness and status of participation according to the factors of company such as turnover, ratio of export to turnover, product pipelines, experience of export and trade shows and the CEO's attitude to export activity. It is meaningful that this study tried to clarify the perception of companies on the participation of trade shows and to find the ways of use for increasing of pharmaceutical export and proposed the ideas to related bodies for preparing the strategy of support and efficient participation. Although there were limitation for verifying the wide facts, it would be continued the further study with detailed and various facts for more usefulness.

      • 親環境 建築物 認證制度의 問題點 및 改善方案에 관한 硏究

        최형국 중앙대학교 건설대학원 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        As the authentication system for environment-friendly buildings intends to authenticate a building with excellent environmental performance by evaluating the environmental impact during the life cycle of the building. The institutions in some 10 countries such as GBCC in Korea, LEED in USA, BREEAM in UK, Green Star in Australia, CASBEE in Japan, etc. prepare and enforce authentication program in diverse shapes to provide objective information the impact that a building has on the earth in order to minimize the load on energy and environment. Although the name and evaluating scale of environment-friendly authentication system for green building are somewhat different in each country, the essential contents of measured items are judged to be nearly same. In this research, the evaluating area of environment-friendly building authentication is largely divided into 4 areas such as land utilization and traffic, energy · resources and environmental load, ecological environment, and indoor environment, which is subdivided into 9 areas such as land utilization, traffic, energy, materials and resources, water resources, air pollution, maintenance, ecological environment, and indoor environment. The items of authentication and evaluation are divided for usage as business facilities, apartment houses, lodgings, schools, sales facilities, and residential complexes. For this objective, the acquisition items of LEED, USA and application cases of domestic building were analyzed through preceding research, central area of Seoul, and office buildings in Song do International City. The details of evaluation items for each item were analyzed and that of domestic environment-friendly authentication were compared. Then, the case of domestic buildings that acquired the authentication of environment-friendly building was analyzed on the basis of LEED standard of USA to compare and analyze with environment-friendly building in Korea so as to research the direction of improvement. Recently, people are more interested in low-carbon green growth and environment-friendly building. As a method to increase the value of building with low-carbon green authentication system by reading the trend of foreign construction market, green construction goods should be recognized as new market induced from global policy demand and common responsive strategy rather than demand in domestic market. The advanced countries enforce environment authentication system for building to minimize the destruction of environment caused by developing and constructing activities, and to encourage the construction of environment-friendly buildings. Although these systems are somewhat different in the evaluation targets, items, and methods, they have common objective to recommend environment-friendly construction by evaluating the environmental performance of buildings. It is required to introduce the foreign authentication system of environment-friendly building, and develop and research the domestic authentication system. To reduce the trial and error due to the lack of manual of diverse items related to environment-friendly building, it is required to prepare the subdivided interpretation and easy standard of environment-friendly building and to settle standard of environment-friendly building through assistance by experts in environment-friendly area and research. 친환경 건축물 인증제도는 건축물의 수명주기(LC)에 걸쳐 환경에 미치는 영향을 평가하여 환경성능이 우수한 건축물에 인증을 주는 제도로서 한국의 GBCC, 미국의 LEED, 영국의 BREEAM, 호주의 Green Star, 일본의 CASBEE등 10여 개국에서 에너지 및 환경부하를 최소화하기 위해 여러 가지 형태의 인증프로그램을 마련, 시행하여 건축물이 지구환경에 미치는 영향에 대한 객관적인 정보를 제공하고 있다. 또한 외국 글로벌 회사가 국내 친환경 건축물을 임대하거나 분양하는데 있어 국내건축물이 분양, 임대에 불이익을 받고 있어, 이에 대한 국내 친환경 인증제도의 문제점 및 개선방안을 제시하고자 한다. 본 연구에서 친환경 건축물 인증 평가분야를 대분류인 토지이용 및 교통, 에너지·자원 및 환경부하, 생태환경, 실내 환경 등 4개 분야, 이를 세분하면 토지이용, 교통, 에너지, 재료 및 자원, 수(水)자원, 대기오염, 유지관리, 생태환경 , 실내 환경 분야 등 9개 분야에 대하여 인증 평가항목으로 구분하고 용도별로는 업무시설, 공동주택, 숙박시설, 학교시설, 판매시설, 주거 복합시설 분석하였다, 이를 위하여 선행연구의 고찰, 서울 중심지, 송도 국제도시의 오피스 빌딩 중심으로 미국 LEED 취득 항목을 국내 건축물의 적용사례를 분석하였고, 항목별 평가항목의 세부내용을 분석하고, 국내 친환경인증 항목의 비교로 국내의 건축물중 미국 LEED 기준으로 친환경 건축물 인증을 취득하는 건축물의 사례 분석을 통하여 우리나라 친환경 건축물과 비교 분석하여 개선방향을 연구하였다. 국가마다 녹색 건물에 대한 친환경 인증 시스템의 이름과 평가 스케일은 다소 상이하지만, 측정 항목의 핵심적인 내용은 대동소이한 것으로 판단된다. 최근 저탄소 녹색성장과 친환경 건축물에 대한 관심이 증가되고 있다. 외국건설시장의 흐름을 읽고 저탄소 녹색인증 시스템으로 건축물의 가치 상승을 위한 방법으로 녹색건설 상품은 내수시장 수요보다 세계적인 정책 수요 및 공동 대응전략에서 유도되는 새로운 시장으로 인식해야 한다. 선진 외국에서는 주거단지와 건축물의 개발과 건설에 따른 환경파괴를 최소화하고 보다 친환경적인 건축물의 건설을 유도하기 위하여 건축물에 대한 환경 인증 제도를 시행하고, 이들 제도들은 평가대상과 항목 그리고 방식 등에서는 다소의 차이는 있으나, 건축물의 환경성능을 평가하여 친환경적인 건설을 유도한다는 공통된 목적을 갖고 있다. 국내 친환경건축물 인증제도의 외국 친환경건축물 인증 제도를 도입, 개발 연구해야 한다. 친환경건축물관련 여러 항목에 대한 매뉴얼 부족에 따른 시행착오를 줄이기 위해서 친환경건축물의 세분화된 해석과 알기 쉬운 기준 등을 마련하고, 친환경관련 전문가의 도움과 연구로 친환경건축물 기준의 정착화가 필요하다.

      • 朝鮮後期 騎兵의 馬上武藝 硏究

        최형국 중앙대학교 대학원 2011 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        The martial arts on horseback of the cavalry are a representative military martial arts compiled by the Korean over several centuries. Especially, the battle capability of the cavalry is from 3 times at minimum to over 10 times at maximum, their capability is higher than that of the general infantry. During the traditional age, it formed a special military branch that fulfilled a key role. As such, a study of the martial arts on horseback of the cavalry will enable us to understand the military policy of the times and more fundamentally recognize the changes to how the war. Moreover, in respect to understanding a war, a complex studies including micro- history will not only enable a fundamental understanding of tactics employed in war, but also provide an important framework of analyzing in detail the overall state of the society during that age. This study considers an area of military history as the perspective of micro-history regarding the martial arts on horseback of the cavalry in late Joseon era and at the same time, includes even an area of political history. Based on the results of this study, I have sought to suggest a new research methodology for the study of military history of the Joseon era. The cavalry was key to the management of the tactics of Joseon military in early Joseon dynasty. This reason was because during the previous dynasty of Goryeo dynasty, the previous dynasty, Goryeo ha to fought with the northern nomadic people for a long time and had assimilated their cavalry tactics. Also, Seonggye Lee, the founder of Joseon kingdom, achieved many military victories against various foreign tribes including the Jurchen tribesmen of the northern region. He established his kingdom based on the military power acquired from this process. Especially, the Jurchen tribesmen were considered as the main enemy of Joseon military during the early Joseon dynasty and their key tactic was centered on the martial arts on horseback of the cavalry. As a response, Seonggye Lee adopted Owi Jinbeop (Rules of Deployment of the Five Military Commands) centered on the cavalry. Thus, the use of spear and arrow on horseback by a cavalryman was recognized as basic martial arts including the infantry's diverse bow and arrow classes at the military service examination, which was a key method of appointing a military officer in the early Joseon era. Subsequently, a tactical system, as it was, based on the cavalry was maintained because there was no major war until the latter 16th century. However, when the Japanese army used a tactic based on the infantry utilizing firelocks and the art of fighting at close quarters with short weapons after the Japanes invasion of Joseon in April of 1592, Joseon military's tactics centered on the cavalry became powerless. In the following year, soldiers from the Jeolgang region dispatched as 2nd reinforcements recapture Pyeongyang castle overwhelming the Japanese military with the use of cannons and a variety of infantry's art of fighting a close quarters with short weapons. Hence, Joseon established the system of three categories of soldiers, such as gunners, archers, and swordsmen. they centered on the infantry by introducing Gihyoshinseo (New Text of Practical Tactics), which was a Ming's book on martial arts instead of the tactics centered on the martial arts on horseback of the cavalry, and by setting up Hunryeondogam (Military Training Office) during the Japanese invasion. Especially, the case of martial arts on horseback during the Japanese invasion representatively changed and developed as a form of shooting arrows at a straw man, which maximized its practical aspect a simple shooting of arrows on horseback. In the early 17th century, the threat from Hugeum (Later Chin) increasing, Joseon sought to overcome its threat by using the infantry centered tactic having consolidated during the Japanese invasion. Representatively, the Hyeobdogon and Cheongryongeonwoldo of Muyejebobeonyeoksogjib compiled during the reign of Gwanghaegun were added because they were effective martial arts not only the infantry, but also the cavalry. Further, for consolidating the infantry tactics of the cavalry, the Yeonbyeongjinam containing cavalry tactics was supplied to the military camps. Yet, as the infantry of Joseon military was annihilated by Hugeum (Later Chin) cavalry tactics at the Shimha battle, the martial arts on horseback of the cavalry were beginning seeing in a new light. Particularly, during the Manchu invasion of 1636, Ching's cavalry tactics were not to attack the mountain fortresses of strategic bases which formed Joseon military's primary defensive tactics. Instead, the Ching cavalry employed the tactic of having the advance group of attack march quickly toward the capital city and gave over to the rear troops the task of attacking mountain fortresses along with the path of advancement, and thus formed the background to consolidating Joseon military's cavalry. After that, under the process of preparing for an expedition to conquer the northern area in the reign of Hyojong, the cavalry force was significantly increased including the making all of the palace guards cavalrymen, and it became so generalized that exercise was conducted for a variety of horseback martial arts including shooting arrows on horseback in the backyard of the palace. During the reign of Hyeonjong, the cavalry was extended with the new formation of Jeongchogun, and the cavalry attacking infantrymen in a square formation was taken as the basic training system. Especially, the policy to strength the cavalry was expanded not only to the central units, but also nationwide, as special cavalry units including Chingiwi or Byeolmusa of Hamgyeongdo province and Pyeongando province were set up in the provinces during the reign of Sukjong. During this process, in the case of martial arts on horseback, the simple throwing of a pear from a linked posture used for the military service examination changed and developed as one cavalryman combatting another cavalryman. Further, the Geumgun (palace guards) and the central military units set this up as a model of training exercise for spear . In Youngjo era, the idea of restoring the owi (Five Military Commands) system of the early Joseon era emerged, as it became linked with the political situation consolidating the royal power. Moreover, for the restoration of the owi battle formation, the palace guards were reorganized centered on the cavalry and a reissuing of the book on strategy. Afterwards, during the reign of Jeongjo, the policy of strengthening the cavalry continually was implemented centering on Jangyongyeoung (Royal Guards Garrison in Suwon) and the cavalry of the central units including the Seongidae and Chingunwi were expanded. Especially, during Jeongjo' s reign, Muyedobotongji (comprehensive guide book on all subjects dealing with the military, arms and weapons), which was developed by adding six different kinds of martial arts on horseback to Muyesinbo prepared for infantry martial arts by Sadoseja to consolidate martial arts on horseback, was supplied to the central units and provincial troops. In the books relating strategy including Byeonghagtong and Ijinchongbang, compiled along with Muyedobotongj, a variety of battle formations centered on the cavalry that could not be observed in the existing books on strategy were included. This was able to verify an intent to consolidate cavalry tactics. Along with such a policy to strengthen the cavalry, there were changes to the martial arts on horseback of the cavalry. In the case of Masangpyeongon could see that it established itself as required martial arts for the cavalry, since it was selected as a subject for the military service examination in late Joseon era. Also, as an analysis of the characteristics of the actual posture of Masangpyeongon, this study found that this was a weapon that could blow an enemy more effectively than the existing sword or spear because one could comprehensively approach the enemy very closely and quickly strike them at a close range. Yet, such a reorganization of cavalry tactics and martial arts on horseback greatly was deteriorated in the 19th century. The phenomenon of deterioration of cavalry tactics and martial arts on horseback originates in Jangyongyoung abolition and the continued weakening of the central units. First, along with Jangyongyoung' s abolition during the reign of Sunjo, the Seongidae and Chingunwi, which constituted the main cavalry troops of the central military units in the past, were disbanded. Following this, even the cavalrymen belonging to the central military units continued to weaken after the 19th century due to such reasons as confusion surrounding the military administration and so on. Moreover, in respect to the provincial cavalry including Chingiwi and Byeolmusa, which maintained a vigor for expansion since the reign of Sukjong, the skills of martial arts progressively deteriorated because there was no realistic improvement in provision and were devoid of any substance. This kind of a problem of lowering status of the provincial cavalry was not simply limited to one region, but appeared countrywide. Also, when we examine the rebellion of Gyeongrae Hong that took place during the early part of Sunjo's reign, the weakening of the cavalry and martial arts on horseback became marked, and this could be seen as a change caused by the development of firearms which at the time constituted a change in the history of tactics. In addition, during the process of configuring the punitive forces and the battle, the need for the cavalry and martial arts on horseback significantly decreased because the rebellion was suppressed via a tactic that used firelocks and large caliber cannons rather than a tactic utilizing cavalrymen. Especially, as the details of Yungwonpilbi, a book on strategy compiled by Jonggyeong Park, the training master during the rebellion of Gyeongrae Hong, were centered on firearms, one could discover the characteristics of tactical history changing at the time. Subsequently, from such a change, the key responsibility of the cavalry was limited to constant guarding of the palace after the mid-19th century and tactically due to the increase in the number of soldiers equipped with firearms, it faced with the changes of becoming a unit for transportation. The training for martial arts on horseback likewise became progressively limited to the guards of the palace due to such a phenomenon as deterioration of the cavalry. Afterwards, actual effective value of firearms became lost because of the rapid development of firearms. The decline phenomenon of these martial arts on horseback of the cavalry showed the change of branches of the army not meet the need of the times and carried a significant meaning reflecting the phases of the times, not the consolidation and decline of even branches of the army. 기병의 마상무예는 한민족이 수세기에 걸쳐 집대성해 온 대표적인 군사무예다. 특히 기병의 전투력은 일반 보병에 비해 적게는 3배에서 많게는 10배 이상의 전투력을 보유한 특수한 병종으로써 전통시대에 핵심적인 역할을 담당하였다. 따라서 기병의 마상무예에 대한 연구는 당대의 군사정책에 대한 이해와 더불어 전쟁양상의 변화를 보다 근원적으로 파악하는데 중요한 단서로써 작용할 것이다. 더 나아가 전쟁이라는 복합적인 역사적 산물을 이해하는 데 있어서 실기를 포함한 종합적 연구는 전쟁에 활용된 전술에 대한 근본적인 이해를 가능하게 해줄 뿐만 아니라 당대 사회 현상 전반을 세밀하게 분석할 수 있는 중요한 틀이 될 수 있다. 본 연구는 조선후기 기병의 마상무예에 대하여 무예사 및 전쟁사적 입장에서 고찰한 것임과 동시에 정치사적 측면의 일부분에도 접근하고 있다. 본 연구의 성과를 통하여서 조선시대 전쟁사 연구의 새로운 연구방법을 제시하고자 하였다. 조선은 건국 당시부터 기병을 중심으로 한 오위진법 전술체제를 구축하였다. 이는 당시 主敵인 여진족의 핵심 전술이 기병의 마상무예를 중심으로 구성되었기 때문이었다. 따라서 조선전기 무관등용의 핵심 수단인 武科에서 기병의 마상무예인 騎槍과 騎射는 보병의 다양한 궁시류 과목과 함께 핵심무예로 인정되었던 것이다. 이후 16세기 말까지 큰 전란이 발생하지 않아 기병위주의 전술체제는 그대로 유지되었다. 그러나 임진왜란을 거치면서 기병위주의 전술체제로는 일본군의 조총과 창검을 비롯한 단병접전술에 대처할 수 없다는 사실이 드러났다. 훈련도감의 三手兵체제는 이러한 기병위주의 전술체제를 보병(특히 砲手)위주로 변화시킴으로써 그 한계를 극복하고자 한 것이었다. 특히 임란기 마상무예의 경우는 대표적으로 단순한 騎射가 실전성을 극대화시킨 騎芻방식으로 변화 발전하였음을 알 수 있었다. 17세기 초반 後金의 위협이 높아지면서 조선은 임란 중 강화된 보병 중심의 전술로 이를 극복하고자 하였는데, 대표적으로 光海君代에 편찬된『武藝諸譜飜譯續集』의 夾刀棍과 靑龍偃月刀는 보병 뿐만 아니라 기병에게도 효과적인 무예로 인정되어 추가된 것이다. 또한 기병에 대한 보병전술을 강화하기 위하여 보병의 대기병전술이 담긴『練兵指南』을 군영에 보급하였다. 그러나 深河전투에서 후금 기병전술에 조선군 보병이 전멸하면서 기병의 마상무예는 재인식되기 시작하였다. 특히 병자호란시 청나라 기병전술은 조선군의 주력 방어전술이었던 전략 거점의 산성을 공격하는 것이 아니라, 진격로 상의 산성공격은 후미부대에 맡겨두고 공격의 선발대가 도성을 향해 빠르게 진군하는 전술을 구사하였는데, 이는 조선군 기병강화의 배경이 되었다. 이후 孝宗代에 北伐을 준비하는 과정에서 금군 전원 騎兵化를 비롯하여 기병력을 대폭 증강시켰고, 마상무예는 궁궐의 후원에서 騎芻를 비롯한 다양한 훈련이 이루어질 정도로 일반화되었다. 顯宗代에는 精抄軍을 새로 편성하면서 기병증설을 이루었으며, 기병이 보병의 方陣을 공격하는 것을 기본 훈련체제로 삼게 되었다. 특히 肅宗代에는 함경도와 평안도의 親騎衛나 別武士를 비롯한 지방에 특수 기병대가 증설되면서 기병 강화정책은 중앙군영 뿐만 아니라 전국적으로 확대되었다. 이 과정에서 마상무예는 무과시험에서 사용한 단순한 투로형 騎槍이 기병과 기병이 교전하는 방식으로 변화 발전하였으며, 금군을 비롯한 중앙군영의 기창훈련 규범으로 적용되기에 이르렀다. 英祖代에는 왕권강화라는 정치적 상황과 맞물리면서 조선전기의 오위체제 복구론이 등장하였고, 오위진법의 복구를 위한 기병 중심의 금군 재편성과 이를 위한 병서가 재간행되기도 하였다. 이후 正祖代에는 壯勇營을 중심으로 기병강화 정책이 지속적으로 추진되었으며, 善騎隊와 親軍衛을 비롯하여 중앙군영의 기병이 확대되었다. 특히 正祖代에는 마상무예의 강화를 위해 사도세자가 만든 보병무예서인『武藝新譜』에 마상무예 여섯 가지를 추가한『武藝圖譜通志』를 중앙군영과 지방군에 보급하였다.『武藝圖譜通志』와 함께 편찬된 병서인『兵學通』과『肄陣總方』등에는 기존 병서에서는 보이지 않았던 기병 위주의 다양한 진법들이 실려 있어 기병전술 강화 의도를 확인할 수 있었다. 이러한 기병강화 정책은 화약무기의 발달과 함께 正祖代에 완성된 車․騎․步 통합전법에서 기병의 역할을 극대화시킴으로써, 화약무기 연속 사격의 단점을 보완하여 다양한 전술구사를 가능하게 하였다. 그리고 기병강화 정책과 더불어 기병의 마상무예에도 변화가 있었는데, 당시 가장 주목 받은 마상무예는 馬上鞭棍이었다. 馬上鞭棍은 무과시험 과목으로 채택되는 등 기병의 필수무예로 정착되었다. 마상편곤의 특징을 실기적으로 분석한 결과, 전체적으로 적에게 깊숙이 접근하여 근거리에서 빠르게 적을 타격할 수 있어 기존의 環刀나 騎槍보다 효과적으로 적을 제압할 수 있는 무기였음을 확인할 수 있었다. 그러나 이러한 기병전술과 마상무예의 정비는 19세기로 들어서면서 크게 쇠퇴하였다. 기병전술과 마상무예 쇠퇴 현상은 중앙군영의 지속적인 약화와 지방군 기병의 위상저하에서 기인하였다. 먼저 純祖代에 장용영의 혁파와 함께 그동안 중앙군영의 핵심 기병대였던 善騎隊와 親軍衛가 해체되었다. 이를 필두로 중앙군영에 속해있던 기병까지도 19세기 이후 軍政의 문란 등을 이유로 지속적으로 약화되어 갔다. 또한 肅宗代부터 확장세를 유지했던 親騎衛와 別武士 등 지방 기병의 경우는 현실적 처우개선이 이뤄지지 않았기 때문에 무예실력이 갈수록 떨어져 갔고, 허설화되는 양상을 보였다. 이러한 지방 기병의 위상저하 문제는 단순히 한 지역에만 국한된 것이 아니라 전국적으로 나타난 문제였다. 또한 純祖초반 발생한 洪景來의 亂을 살펴보면 기병과 마상무예의 약화가 두드러지게 나타나는데, 이는 당시 전술사적 변화였던 화약무기의 발달에 따른 변화라고 볼 수 있을 것이다. 토벌군의 구성과 전투과정에서도 기병을 활용한 전술보다는 화약무기인 조총과 대구경 화포를 이용한 전법이 두드러지게 나타났다. 특히 홍경래의 난 중에 훈련대장이었던 朴宗慶이 편찬한 병서인『戎垣必備』의 내용이 화약무기 위주로 구성되어 있는 것에서 당시의 변화하는 전술사적 특징을 살펴 볼 수 있었다. 이후 이러한 변화에 따라 19세기 중반 이후에는 기병의 핵심 업무가 궁궐 숙위 부분으로 한정되었으며, 전술상으로는 화포병의 증강에 따라 卜馬軍化되는 변화를 겪게 되었다. 마상무예의 경우도 기병의 쇠퇴현상에 따라 점차 궁궐 숙위병 위주로 한정되어 훈련되었으며, 이후 화약무기의 급격한 발달로 인하여 그 실효적 가치를 잃게 되었다. 이러한 기병의 마상무예 쇠퇴 현상은 시대적 소임을 다한 병종의 변화상을 잘 보여주고 있으며, 단순한 병종의 강화와 쇠퇴로 그치는 것이 아니라 당대 시대상을 반영하는 중요한 의미를 가지고 있다고 하겠다. 핵심어 : 기병(騎兵), 마상무예(馬上武藝), 기병전술(騎兵戰術), 기사(騎射), 기창(騎槍), 마상편곤(馬上鞭棍), 친기위(親騎衛), 별무사(別武士), 선기대(善騎隊), 장용영(壯勇營),『기효신서(紀效新書)』,『무예도보통지(武藝圖譜通志)』,『병학통(兵學通)』, 무예사(武藝史), 전쟁사(戰爭史)

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