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      • 자원봉사활동에 관한 중학생의 인식과 요구

        조옥자 中央大學校 敎育大學院 2002 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        It was the purpose of this study to find out the strategy which came from their own opinions by surveying and assessing their needs to revitalize middle school students' volunteering activities. The subject of the study as 409 students from two middle school in seoul. SPSS/PC+ program was used to analyze the result of this study. Here are several suggestions which was based on the result of this study to improve the volunteering activities at middle school. First, middle school students understanded the volunteering activities but their participation were not spontaneous. That's for just to get a grade going to university, getting a job etc in the pressure. Second, most of students had participated in volunteering activitiesconnected with school. Therefore, the circumstances of volunteering activities should be given to students with various method like mass media, all kinds of social group meetings. Third, It was investigated that middle school students should change their mind about volunteering activities themselves. Also, Service centers in regional area and Facilities should change their mind too. In other words, the social trend would be made out to transform their mind of volunteers at middle school and service centers spontaneously. Fourth, the various volunteering fields and programs should be improvein the close cooperation with institutions and be suitable for the specific character in its area. In the process, public institutes, life long education centers and experts should be participated aggressively to improve various programs instead of wasting time due to school asked them in the oppression. In this case, a point to be considered is the levels and the abilities of students. Fifth, high rates of participation appears that their motivations were to get a good grade at school heterogeneously in lack of understanding volunteering. It should be conducted that education about needs and meanings of volunteering steadily. Also To improve volunteering activities, he strong expressions of interest and PR by the press were requested urgently. Sixth, the problems of education and evaluation method should be studied to evaluate objectively students' achievements in volunteering and that will be adapted to their situation. It's not meaningful evaluation but quantities. therefore, More appropriate method of evaluating should be researched. At last, Middle school students' volunteering activities should be complied with each school of specific characters and situation in its area.

      • 초등학교·중학교 도덕 교과서 내용 제시 순서 분석

        조옥자 경성대학교 교육대학원 1998 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The purpose of this research is to define the concept on the order in the introduction of curricular contents in moral textbook, point out the significance of its effect on teaching, and suggest teaching materials for teachers by studying the current status concerning the order in the introduction of curricular contents in moral textbook. In order to analyze the order in the introduction of curricular contents in moral textbook, the sixth currently used elementary and middle school morality textbook for all grades were selected. After coming up with an analysis model, which involved the goal of elementary and middle school curriculum, the goal of moral as a subject, the goal of moral per grade and the system of moral education content, the analysis was done. The conclusions are quoted below. First, there are a lot of repeated content in territories of home, neighbor, school life between each grades. Those are duplicated without suggestion of new content and progressing of level. Even though the lives of home, neighbor and school are very important, same contents should not be repeated in every grades. Second, the amount of content is not suitable between second grade and third grade in elementary school, and between sixth grade in elementary school and first grade in middle school. That is, the amount of content increase rapidly and the centent become difficult suddenly. According to this phenomenon, students have trouble to study huge amount of letters in each pages. So the amount of contents should be increased step by step. Third, there is a part which appears first grade in middle school at first time without never mentioning in elementary school. Furthmore the amount of that part is very much. The part is concerning of morality. If the part concerning of moral is referred to any grade in elementary, the sequence of content is mooth. And if the content which is suggested at first time is increased gradually, student can understand easily. Fourth, only several grades treat the problem of environment conservation and resource protection that are risen seriously in modern society. That serious problems in our human society should be refered variously through all of grades. Fifth, the order in introduction of content is very good in certain parts. That parts begin from narrow scope and extend to broad scope. Sixth, there are parts which are connected from initiative learning to successive learning that is special feature of spiral curricular. Namely, that contents are treated very diversely to explain one virtus. Seventh, There are parts which time of presention is so appropriate indeed that the effect is lifted. For example, the characters of juvenile are mentioned in first grade of middle school, and the friendship of opposite sex is mentioned in second grade of middle school, and the course after graduation is mentioned in third grade of middle school.

      • 복막투석에 대한 강화교육이 복막투석 지식과 자가간호 수행정도에 미치는 효과

        조옥자 이화여자대학교 교육대학원 2002 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        본 연구는 복막투석에 대한 강화교육을 시행하기전의 복막투석 지식과 자가간호 수행도를 측정하고, 1차 교육과, 2차 교육을 시행한 후의 지식과 수행을 측정하여 비교 분석함으로써 강화교육의 효과를 확인하기 위해 복막투석환자교육을 위한 지표를 삼기 위함이다. 연구대상은 인천시에 소재한 일개 대학병원에서 복막투석을 시작한지 1개월 이상된 자로 연구에 동의한 20명을 대상으로 하였으며, 환자의 교육내용은 문헌고찰을 통하여 본 연구자가 수정, 보완한 것을 기초로 하였다. 자료수집 기간은 2002년 3월 1일부터 2002년 4월 20일 까지 였으며, 자료수집방법은 강화교육전과 2차례에 걸친 강화교육을 시행후 설문지를 이용하였다. 수집된 자료의 분석은 강화교육의 효과를 검증하기 위하여, 강화교육전과 강화교육후의 복막투석 지식과 자가간호 수행도의 차이 분석을 t 검정법으로 검정하였다. 또한 지식과 수행도의 상관관계분석은 피어슨 적률상관계수(Pearson's Correlation Coefficient)로 검정하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같이 요약된다. 1) 강화교육을 받은 복막투석환자는 강화교육을 받기전보다 1차 강화교육후(t=4.453, p=.000)와 2차 강화교육후(t=3.679, p=.002)에는 복막투석 지식이 높아진 것으로 나타났으나 1차와 2차 교육후의 복막투석 지식은 유의한 차이가 없는 것으로 나타났다(t=.636, P=.532). 2) 강화교육을 받은 복막투석환자는 강화교육을 받기전보다 1차 강화교육후(t=3.256, P=.004)와, 2차 강화교육후(t=5.487, P=.000)에 자가간호 수행도가 높아진 것으로 나타났다. 3) 복막투석 지식과 자가간호 수행도는 강화교육전에 r=-.470, p=.036로 복막투석 지식이 높을 때 오히려 수행도가 낮아지는 부적 상관관계를 보였고 1차 교육후(r=-.351, P=.129)와 2차 교육후(r=-.125, P=.598)에는 상관관계가 없는 것으로 나타났다. 이상의 결과를 종합해 볼 때 복막투석환자에게 시행된 복막투석 지식과 수행을 위한 강화교육은 지식과 수행도를 높였으나, 지식과 수행도의 상관관계에서는 강화교육전에는 지식과 수행도는 부적 상관관계를 보였으며, 강화교육후에는 상관관계가 없는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과로 보면 강화교육은 복막투석 지식과 수행을 증가시키는 것으로 나타났지만, 1차 강화교육 후에는 복막투석에 대한 지식은 별다른 차이를 보이지 않았고 복막투석 지식과 수행은 상관관계가 없는 것으로 나타났다. 이는 환자의 교육 요구도가 반영되지 않은 강화교육으로 인한 결과로 생각될 수 있으며, 지식의 증가가 수행을 유발시키는 동기로서 한계가 있음을 나타내는 결과라고 생각할 수 있다. 복막투석에 대한 강화교육을 적용함으로 지식이 증가하고, 지식이 증가함으로 수행이 증가하리라 예상했지만 별다른 상관관계를 보이지 않은 결과는 1차 교육후 환자의 교육 요구도를 수집하여 그 결과를 2차 교육에 반영하지 않고 일관된 교육을 적용함으로 인해 환자의 지식과 수행을 동시에 증가시키는 역할을 못했다고 생각한다. 앞으로 환자의 요구도를 반영한 강화교육에 대한 연구가 더욱 필요하다고 생각된다. The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of a reinforcement education for peritoneal dialysis and thereby, provide for some reference for nurses to take care of the peritoneal dialysis patients. For this purpose, subject patients' peritoneal dialysis knowledge and practices were measured before the program to be compared with the results of measurement after first and second education. To this end, the following three hypotheses were set to be tested; 1) The peritoneal dialysis patients who have undergone the reinforcement education would have more peritoneal dialysis knowledge. 2) The peritoneal dialysis patients who have undergone the reinforcement education would practice self-care more than before the program. 3) There would be a positive correlation between peritoneal dialysis knowledge and self-care practice than before the education. For this survey, 20 patients who had been subject to peritoneal dialysis for a month or longer at a hospital in Incheon and who agreed to participate in this study were sampled. The program was designed by the researcher in reference to relevant literature. The data were collected from March 1, 2002 to April 20, 2002 by using a questionnaire survey conducted before and after each of two round education programs. The collected data were processed for T-test in order to determine the difference between pre-education and post-education peritoneal dialysis knowledge/self-care practice and thereby, test the effects of the program. On the other hand, the correlation between peritoneal dialysis knowledge and self-care practice was tested using Pearson 's Correlation Coefficient. The results of this study can be summarized as follows; 1) The first hypothesis (the peritoneal dialysis patients who have undergone the reinforcement education would have more peritoneal dialysis knowledge than before the program) was supported. t=4.453, p=.000 after the first round of program, and t=3.679, p=.002 after the second round of program, respectively. 2) The second hypothesis (the peritoneal dialysis patients who have undergone the reinforcement education would practice self-care more than before the program) was also supported. t=3.256, p=.004 before the program, t=5.487, p=.000 after the first round of the program, and t=3.963, p=.001 after the second round of program, respectively. 3) The third hypothesis (there would be a positive correlation between peritoneal dialysis knowledge and self-care practice) was rejected. The correlation was found negative. r=-.470, p=.036. To summing up, it was found that the reinforcement education for peritoneal dialysis was conducive to improvement of self-care practices, but that there was found negative or no correlation between knowledge and practice. Lastly, it is hoped that this study will be followed up by future studies, and that efforts will be made to educate peritoneal dialysis patients on peritoneal dialysis knowledge and practices repeatedly.

      • 게임중독예방 프로그램의 효과성 연구

        조옥자 호서대학교 여성문화복지대학원 2005 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        우리나라 인터넷 사용 인구 10명 중 9명 이상이 게임을 즐기고 있으며, 인터넷은 청소년들에게 새로운 문화의 장을 제공하면서 즐거움과 흥미, 도전정신을 길러준다는 긍정적인 측면도 있지만 스스로 통제할 수 없는 게임중독 등의 부작용을 낳고 있다. 또한 청소년 비행과 범죄가 급증하게 되고 폭력 행동의 정도도 이전보다 더욱 심각해져 주요한 사회 문제의 하나로 대두되고 있는 실정에서 폭력과 관련된 청소년의 비행의 원인들은 여러 측면에서 찾아볼 수 있으나 그 중에서도 컴퓨터 게임이 청소년의 공격성과 관련이 있다고 본다. 그러므로 급속하게 변화하는 인터넷 게임과 청소년의 모습을 비췄을 때 현 시점에서 새로운 시각으로 본 프로그램이 필요하다 여겨진다. 그래서 인터넷 게임중독 예방에 초점을 둔 중학생용 게임중독 예방 프로그램을 개발하여 게임사용의 완화와 공격성 감소에 미치는 효과를 검증하였다. 연구대상은 충청남도 아산시에 소재하는 중학교에 재학중인 2학년, 3학년으로 실험군 22명과 대조군 22명이었다. 본 연구의 프로그램은 한국게임산업개발원(2004)에서 개발한 ‘청소년 게임중독 예방 프로그램’을 바탕으로 게임중독 완화와 공격성 감소에 효과적으로 개입하기 위해 강원도청소년종합상담센터(2004)와 충청남도청소년종합상담센터에서 개발한 프로그램을 도입하여 재구성 하였다. 조사도구는 김유정(2002)과 이형초(2002)의 도구를 기초로 연구자가 재구성한 게임중독 척도와 민귀식(2001), 정영숙(2000)의 도구를 기초로 연구자가 재구성한 공격성 척도를 사용하였다. 자료수집은 사전조사와 사후조사의 2단계를 거쳐 실시되었다. 사전조사에서 실험군과 대조군에게 게임중독 척도와 공격성 척도를 측정하였으며, 사후조사는 실험처치 이틀 후에 실험군과 대조군에게 사전조사와 같은 내용의 척도 측정을 통해 이루어졌다. 수집된 자료는 일반적 특성에 따른 실수와 백분율로 산출하였으며 동질성 검정은 x²-test와 t-test로 산출하였고, 가설검정은 t-test를 이용하였다. 본 연구의 통계적 유의수준은 P값 0.05수준으로 하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 게임중독 예방 프로그램을 실시한 집단이 비실시 집단보다 게임중독 가능성이 낮을 것이라는 가설은 지지되었으므로(t=-4.06, P=0.0003), 중학생의 게임중독을 완화시키는 데 효과적이었음이 확인되었다. 그리고 게임중독 예방 프로그램을 실시한 집단이 비실시 집단보다 공격성 감소 정도가 높을 것이라는 가설도 지지되었으므로(t=-5.54, P=0.0001), 중학생의 공격성을 완화시키는 데 효과적이었음이 확인되었다. 그러므로 중학생의 게임중독 가능성 완화와 공격성 감소에 효과가 있는 것으로 보여짐으로 교육현장에서 적용할 가치가 있다고 사료된다. As for the population of using internet in our country, 9 persons out of 10 are enjoying a game, and the internet has even a positive aspect that nurtures pleasure, interest, and the challenging spirit while offering a place of new culture to adolescent, but is bringing about the side effect such as game addiction that cannot be controlled itself. Also, in a real situation that the juvenile delinquency and crime come to rapidly increase, and in addition, the degree in the violent behavior becomes more serious than before, thereby being emerged as one of major social problems, it can be found the causes for juvenile delinquency from various aspects, but it is regarded that the computer game even among them is related to adolescents' aggression. Therefore, in light of the rapidly changing internet game and adolescents' looks, it is thought to be required this program that was seen from new sight. So, by developing the game-addiction protection program for middle-school students, which focused on preventing the internet game addition, it verified the effects having on the alleviation in the use of a game and on the reduction in aggression. The research subjects were 22 persons in the experiment group and 22 persons in the control group, as the 2nd graders and 3rd graders who are in middle school of asan city, Chungcheongnamdo. The program of this study was introduced and reconstituted the program that was developed by Gangwondo Youth Counseling Center (2004) and Chungcheongnamdo Youth Counseling Center, in a bid to effectively intervene in the alleviation of game addition and in the reduction of aggression, based on the 'Juvenile game-addiction protection program.' In terms of a research tool, it used the game-addiction scale that a researcher reconstituted on the basis of the tool by Kim Yu-jeong (2002) and Lee Hyeong-cho (2002), and the aggression scale that a researcher reconstituted on the basis of the tool that Min Gwi-sik (2001) and Jeong Yeong-suk (2000) . The data collection was conducted over 2 stages of the pre-test and the post-test. The pre-test was measured the game-addition scale and the aggression scale as to the experiment group and the control group, and the post-test was attained through the scale measurement of same contents as the pre-test as for the experiment group and the control group after two days of the experimental treatment. The collected materials were calculated with an actual number and the percentage depending on general characteristics, and the homogeneity test was calculated with x²-test and t-test, and the hypothesis tests was used t-test. The statistically significant level of this study was set to the level of 0.05 for P value. The results of this study are as follows. It was supported the hypothesis (t=-4.06, P=0.0003) that the group, which conducted the game-addiction protection program, will have lower possibility for game addiction than the group that was not carried out, thus it was confirmed to be effective to the alleviation of game addiction in middle-school students. And, it was supported even the hypothesis (t=-5.54, P=0.0001) that the group, which conducted the game-addiction protection program, will have higher degree in the reduction of aggression than the group that was not carried out, thus it was confirmed to be effective to the alleviation of aggression in middle-school students. Therefore, it is seen to be effective to the alleviation in the possibility of game addiction and to the reduction in aggression in middle-school students, thus it is thought to be worthwhile to be applied to the educational site.

      • 포괄적 보육서비스에 관한 보육시설 종사자의 태도 연구 : 인식, 필요, 실천정도를 중심으로

        조옥자 신라대학교 2002 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The most important purpose of bringing up children is to give them happy lives. But recent rapaid change of our society, the increase of women's participation in economic activities, appearances of various family models and their roles lead to the weakness of functions of rearing children. With the increase of social interest about them, the ideas of bringing up children are not confined to their home and parents but expanded to the whole society that has same responsibilitions for them. Unfortunately, these days day care centers can't do their own roles because of the poor children care system that is caused by widespread early education syndrome and English education. These social atmospheres made day care centers abandon their own works and give up being differentiated form other educational facilities. Therefore, this survey focuses on the fact that day care center should provide services such as educational, rearing and community services that have same importance. Though there are many obstacles to implement comprehensive day care services, the attitudes of day care personal are the most important ones among them. This survey also analyzed the various things th understand the thought of inclusive day care service, the degree of involvement, the role of social workers and the attitudes of work force at day care centers. The results are as follows. Protection, education, health and nutrition services that are composed of bringing up services show satisfactory results compared to the social welfare services such as emotional support for adults, information provide and community services. All the people related to this study say that day care services are essential for them. They say 'So-So' as to the roles of social works and 'necessary' as to the necessity of them.

      • 여성인력개발센터 학습자의 동기 분석

        조옥자 전남대학교 교육대학원 2006 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The object of this study is to grasp the motive of female learners participating in the education programs of the Women Resources Development Center. The research was centered on the Gwangju Women Resources Center located in Gwangju and the Northern Women Resources Center, the female learners of which were the subject of the survey. The findings gained through this research are as follows: First, among the female learners participating in the education program of WRDC, the learners aged 30s showed the vast goal-orientation, and the lower level of academic background the learners had, the higher activity-orientation they showed. Second, Those who are not full-time housewives showed relatively high rate of goal-orientation and learning-orientation, and voluntary participants showed higher learning-orientation, while the learners who participated less time showed higher activity-orientation. Third, whether or not they are married and life patterns turned out to have no connection with activity-orientation, goal-orientation, and learning-orientation. Fourth, middle-class learners whose monthly incomes are between 2 million and 300 million won showed higher activity-orientation, while low-income class that earned less than 1 million won showed higher learning-orientation, which indicates that those who are economically stable are more interested in social activities, and those whose income feel more needs in learning. Fifth, The voluntary learners showed higher learning-orientation, and the less the learners attended the program, the higher activity-orientation they showed. The results of the research show that personal variables of female learners affected the motive types of them, and that in employment education for social participation of women, the participation motives are divided in activity-mobile, goal-mobile, and activity-mobile types. The most outstanding result was that female learners aged 30s showed high motives in all areas in terms of activity-orientation, goal-orientation, and learning-orientation. Based on these results, we find out that since female learners aged 30s are showing high goal-orientation, practical programs in response to this demand should be followed and developed. Considering the result that the female learners of low level education had high activity-orientation, variety of social activity programs as well as programs that can help them to adjust themselves to social changes should be arranged. The efforts to fill career woman learners' desire toward learning also should be taken. Besides, employment education should be activated so that female learners who have economic difficulties can be helped to be able to work in social fields. Lastly, The opportunities to participate in educational programs considering the full-time housewives' demand, and the high-level programs with expertise through which these women resources can be utilized as well as programs to provide a field for self-realization and community service activities should precede. 이 연구는 여성인력개발센터의 교육에 참여하는 학습자의 교육 참여 동기를 파악하는 데 그 목적이 있다. 광주지역에 위치한 광주여성인력개발센터와 북부 여성인력개발센터를 중심으로 이곳에서 학습하는 여성학습자를 대상으로 설문을 실시하였다. 본 연구를 통해 조사 분석된 주요 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 여성인력개발센터 교육에 참여하는 여성학습자 30대가 목표지향성이 가장 높았고, 학력이 낮을수록 활동지향성이 높게 나왔다. 둘째, 전업 주부가 아닌 경우 목표지향성과 학습지향성이 높게 나왔고 자발적인 참여자일수록 학습지향성이 높았으며, 교육 참여회수가 적을수록 활동지향성이 높았다. 셋째, 여성학습자들의 결혼여부나 생활주기 면에서는 활동지향, 목표지향, 학습지향에 있어서 유의한 관계를 보이지 않았음을 알 수 있었다. 넷째, 월 소득이 200만원에서 300만원의 중산층에 해당하는 학습자의 활동지향성이 높았고, 월 소득이 100만원 미만인 저소득층 일수록 학습지향성이 높은 결과가 나왔다. 이는 경제적으로 안정이 되어 있는 경우에 사회참여에 관심이 높다고 볼 수 있다. 그리고 소득이 낮은 학습자에서 학습욕구가 높다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 다섯째, 교육 참여 계기가 자발적인 경우에 학습지향성이 높았으며, 교육 참여 횟수가 적을수록 활동지향성이 높았다. 이 논문의 결과에 의하면 여성학습자의 개인 변인이 평생교육에 참여하는 여성학습자의 동기유형에 각각의 차이를 보였으며, 여성들의 사회참여를 위한 취업교육에 있어서 참여 동기 유형은 활동지향 유형, 목표지향 유형, 학습지향 유형으로 구분되어 파악 되었다. 가장 특징적인 것은 여성인력개발센터의 교육에 참여하는 30대의 여성학습자가 활동지향, 목표지향, 학습지향 면에서 모두 높은 동기를 가지고 있다는 것이다. 이상의 연구결과를 토대로 30대 여성학습자들의 목표지향 욕구가 높으므로 그것에 수반하는 실제적인 교육 프로그램이 뒤따라야 하고, 이들의 요구에 맞는 프로그램의 개발이 뒷받침 되어야 한다. 저학력 여성학습자들의 활동지향 욕구에 비춰서 다양한 사회활동 참여를 위해 힘써야 하고, 이들이 사회변화에 잘 적응할 수 있는 프로그램을 개발하는 것이 필요하다. 직장을 다니는 여성학습자의 학습욕구를 채워 줄 수 있는 노력을 해야 할 것이다. 또한 경제적으로 어려운 여성학습자들에게 취업의 길을 통해 사회진출을 할 수 있는 취업교육이 활성화되어야 할 것이다. 마지막으로 전업주부들의 요구에 따른 교육 참여의 기회를 늘리고, 이들의 인적자원을 활용할 수 있는 전문성을 갖춘 수준 높은 교육프로그램과 자아실현과 사회봉사활동의 장을 마련하는 프로그램이 선행되어야 한다.

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