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      • 國內 肉鷄産業 實態 및 發展 方向에 關한 硏究

        전승기 韓京大學校 産業大學院 2002 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        닭고기의 수입자유화가 국내시장 및 산업에 미치는 영향을 분석하여 앞으로 이에 대응한 수급 및 가격안정화 방안을 도출하기 위한 사전 대응방안을 검토하기 위하여 설문조사 및 방문조사를 실시하여 실태에 가까운 분석자료를 바탕으로 집계분석을 하였다. 조사결과, 닭고기 수입자유화 전후의 사육동향을 파악하면서 닭고기 가격의 변화추이, 수급현황, 급격하게 증가하고 있는 수입 닭고기에 의하여 자급율은 급격하게 낮아지고 있으며 미국, 태국, 중국등 주요 수출국과의 가격 경쟁력을 포함한 고부가가치 상품의 출현으로 적절한 대응 방안이 절실하다. 또한, 육계경영의 경영관리 실태 및 생산성을 검토한 결과, 연간출하수수의 경영규모를 기준으로 계사구조와의 관련성, 기술수준 및 생산원가와 같은 생산성의 규모계층별 성과, 즉 전략적 상품으로서의 경제성을 나타내고 있었다. 계층별 생산구조의 특성을 파악하였으며 연간 출하수수 규모에 따른 계사구조와 기술수준(생산성)은 각 규모 계층별로 격차가 존재하고 있다. 한편, 닭고기 수입자유화 전후의 영향에 대하여 검토한 결과 닭고기 수출국의 생산성, 가격경쟁력 에서는 육계생산과 판매에 관계되는 다수의 요인이 상관관계를 규명하고, 단계별 최적요인추적 방식에 의한 회귀분석 방법으로 닭고기 도매가격에 가장 영향을 많이 주는 요인을 규명하였고 최적요인들이 닭고기 가격에 미치는 영향을 다중 회귀방식으로 분석하였다. 또한 닭고기 합은 2개월간의 초생추 생산량과 1개월전 육계 전기사료 생산량과 유의성 있게 각각 -0.45, -047의 역상관 관계를 나타내는 반면, 10개월전 초생추 생산수수와는 대단히 높은 정의 상관도(0.56)를 나타내고 있다는 사실이다. 이 통계분석으로는 육계 값은 등락의 폭이 크고 예측할 수 없는 짧은 주기를 나타내고 있으나 거시적으로 육계가격의 주기는 8 ∼ 9개월인 것으로 판단된다. 닭고기 수입자유화 이후의 경쟁력 제고 방안으로는 국내가격이 높아지면 수입량이 증가하고 가격이 하락 할 것이므로 국내가격상승이 반드시 생산농가에 반가운 일만은 아닐 것이다. 따라서 육계생산 농가는 단순한 국내가격 상승을 기대하지 말고 생산비 절감을 통하여 가격 경쟁력을 키워 나가야 한다. 또한 생산성 향상에 따른 원가절감방안과 함께 브랜드화를 통한 고 부가가치 상품의 개발 등 수출상대국과의 경쟁력제고 방안에 대한 검토를 한다. 계열화기업의 농가와의 계약 방법 등을 외국의 사례와 비교 결과 Integration의 경영적 의의로서 자금·기술 등의 축적과정에 있는 농가에 있어서 자립화의 한 과정으로서 일정한 의미가 있었던 것이 사실이다. 경영과 생산의 분리에 의해 엄격한 기술계도, 보너스지급, 벌금 부과에 의하여 높은 생산성을 올린 경우가 적지 않다. 생산자는 자금이 없어도 대량사육을 할 수 있고 1수당으로 계산하면 불리해도 총소득으로 계산하면 Integration에서 이탈하여 경영하는 것보다 많은 소득을 올린 예도 있다. 그러나 일반적으로 계약생산의 조건은 엄격하고, 해약되는 경영, 수익성이 나뿐 경영도 속출하고 있다. Integration에 의해서도 농가의 성적 격차는 해소되지 않고 있고 농가의 계층 분해도 저지되지 않고 있다. 주체적으로 경영을 관리하는 자립경영이야 말로 본래의 축산 경영임을 감안할 때 계약 생산은 자립화의 한 과정이라고 생각할 수 있다. 마지막으로 금후 전개방향으로는 WTO 체제하에서 육계의 장래가 지극히 불투명하다고 업계가 우려하는 가운데 금후의 경영확대여부에 대해서는 확대를 계획하고 있는 업체의 비율은 소규모, 중규모가 많았으며 대규모업체는 현상유지를 대체로 계획하고 있었다. 투자 계획 중에서 구체적으로는 「계분처리시설 확충」 「자동화 설비」 「완전계사」 외에 규모확대를 위한 계사확장 등이 있으며 그 밖에 발전기, 단열시설, 환풍기 보강, 온도센서 등 계사내부시설을 강화하려고 하는 농장이 많았다. 신기술 도입 계획 중에서 열거해보면 자가발효사료 생산이용을 고려, 깔짚의 재활용, 생산비절감 기법도입, 무창계사, 계사의 위생관리기술 등이 각 농장의 경영자 자신이 과제를 해결해 보려는 노력이 엿보였다. Survey questionnaires were collected from broiler farmers and analysed in this study to find out ways to respond to open international chicken trades - chicken marketing plan and market price control. Results indicate that domestic chicken market share decreased dramatically after initiation of free chicken importation with regards to changes in chicken price and supply to domestic market. Therefore, it becomes indispensable to introduce a new and highly profitable chicken products for farmers to be able to compete with imported chicken from the United States, Thailand, China and so on. Broiler farm production and management were analyzed and it was found that number of chicken produced per farm was related to systematic and strategic level of farming such as chicken housing, technical problems, cost of production. Correlation analyses were performed to figure out the relationship among production of the countries in chicken export market, export price and the other factors affecting chicken production Also, multiple regression analyses with step-wise model selection method were performed to find out the level of importance of each factors which affect wholesale price of domestic chicken market. Chicken price was negatively and significantly correlated with chick production for two months period (-0.45) and with chick feed mill production one month ago (-0.47). However, chicken price was positively and highly correlated (0.56) with chick market production level ten months beforehand. Current research period was not long enough to cover a long range of variation in chicken price in the market However, it seems likely that chicken price changes for every 8 to 9 months in cycle. High chicken price in domestic is not necessarily favorable from chicken producers since it would call for greater importation leading to lower chicken price. Therefore, I would recommend to make efforts to cost down the production of chicken and thus the higher competing power instead of expecting higher chicken market price. Another efforts should be placed on branding with highly profitable chicken products. I also compared contracts between systematized enterprise and farms in this country with those in the other countries Integrated management played a role in financial support for individual farms. And many systems separated management and production and could raise assets by efficient technical consultation and application of bonus or penalty program. Producers with low assets also can own a hugh farm There are examples that farmers can be less economical based on the production cost per chicken but can be more economical based on integrated finances However, on the other side, there also are examples of uneven contract, too stringent control and poor management Integrated management still cannot solve the problems such as unbalanced production efficiency, uneven class structure Integration should be considered as a step towards independent farm production Broiler industry is cautious about expanding their own production worring about the future market conditions under the environment of WTO Industry of small or medium size tend to expand their production level and large industries tend to stay where they are now Farms are planning to invest mostly on manure care, automatic feeding system, perfect chicken f m n g system Some other farms are planning to expand farm houses or invest on minor indoor facilities such as generators, cold blocks, fans or temperature controllers. Answers to their plans in adopting new technologies included farm based fermanted feed, recycling of bedding straws, production cost-down system, windowless housing, hygenic control. Farmers are likely try to solve problems by themselves.

      • 소상공인컨설팅에 있어서의 컨설팅품질이 추천의향에 미치는 영향 : 서울시 지원사업을 중심으로

        전승기 한성대학교 지식서비스&컨설팅대학원 2019 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        This study analyzes the effect of the quality of consulting service provided for small businesses by Seoul City on the intention of recommendation and investigates the mediating role of the quality of consulting results in the relationship between the quality of consulting process and the intention of recommendation and any difference in perception between groups in order to suggest research implications. Accounting for a large proportion of the Korean economy, small enterprises are regarded as the basis of the working-class economy. However, they are struggling with the prolonged low-growth economy and intensifying competition among small businesses, experiencing profitability challenges and repeatedly opening and closing businesses. In addition, the changes in the domestic environment and consumer behaviors such as the increase in online shopping and changing lifestyle further shackle the businesses that center on local communities. Lacking relevant information or countermeasures to such environmental variations, they are unable to cope with the difficulties due to the small scale and economic and time limitations. Against the backdrop, Seoul City has provided small business consulting to help small enterprises improve resilience against changes in the business environment and run their business in stable ways. This study used the raw data from a satisfaction survey, which was conducted with the users of the Total Support Project for Small Enterprises in Seoul to evaluate the project by Seoul Credit Guarantee Foundation, a small business consulting agency in Seoul in 2018. For statistical tests, a basic statistics analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and structural equation model analysis were performed in that order using SPSS 22.0 and AMOS 22.0 programs. The results of this study are as follows: First, the quality of consultants' performance, such as the use of expertise and appropriate guidance, had a positive effect on the quality of consulting results, while the quality of the support provided by the local government including the process and period of support did not show a significant effect on the quality of consulting results. This means that the service users were satisfied with the consulting results only if the consulting helped the operation of their business or led to sales increase and management improvement regardless of the convenience of the procedure or process. Second, the higher the quality of consulting results, the higher the intention of recommendation. As with many service quality research results, the small business consulting service provided by Seoul City also revealed that the quality of consulting affected the users’ satisfaction with the results, which led to intention of recommendation. In addition, the quality of consulting results played a mediating role in the relationship between the quality of consultants’ performance and the intention of recommendation. Third, it was confirmed that there was a difference in the path between the groups classified by the business experience and sales volume. As there are differences in the perception or expectations of the consulting service and business concerns according to the business experience and sales volume, it is necessary to provide the service by taking such factors into consideration. Based on the results of this study, the consulting quality and the intention of recommendation of the small business consulting service provided by Seoul City should be further improved to gain more support and trust from users who will finally spread the word so that more people can utilize the service. In this way, this study is expected to practically contribute to enhancing the service and present implications to increase academic interest in the business consulting service in Seoul, which has not been sufficiently studied. 본 연구는 서울시에서 실시하고 있는 소상공인컨설팅지원사업에 있어 컨설팅품질이 추천의향에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지 분석하고 컨설팅과정품질과 추천의향 간의 관계에서 컨설팅결과품질의 매개적 역할과 집단 간 인식 차이가 있는 지 검정하여 시사점을 제시하고자 하였다. 소상공인은 우리 경제에서 차지하는 비중이 매우 높을 뿐 아니라 서민경제의 근간이라 할 수 있다. 그러나 소상공인들은 저성장 기조의 장기화로 어려움을 겪고 있으며 소상공인 간 경쟁의 심화로 수익성이 악화되어 빈번하게 창업과 폐업이 반복되고 있다. 또한 온라인 쇼핑 증가, 라이프스타일 변화 등 내수환경과 소비행태가 변화하고 있어 지역 상권을 중심으로 하는 소상공인의 경영환경은 더욱 어려워지고 있다. 소상공인들은 이러한 환경변화에 관련 정보나 대응역량이 부족한 실정이며 규모의 영세성, 경제적․시간적 한계로 제대로 대처하지 못하고 있다. 서울시는 소상공인들에게 경영환경변화에 대한 대응역량을 높여 안정적인 사업운영을 지원하기 위해 소상공인컨설팅을 지원하고 있다. 본 연구는 서울시 소상공인컨설팅 수행기관인 서울신용보증재단에서 컨설팅 이용자 등을 대상으로 실시한 2018년 서울시 소상공인종합지원사업 평가를 위한 만족도조사의 원자료를 연구 자료로 활용하였다. 통계적 검정은 SPSS 22.0, AMOS 22.0 프로그램을 사용하였으며 기초통계량분석, 탐색적 요인분석, 신뢰도분석, 확인적 요인분석, 구조방정식모형분석을 순차적으로 실시하였다. 연구결과, 첫째, 컨설턴트의 전문지식 활용과 적절한 지도방법 등 컨설턴트수행품질은 컨설팅결과품질에 긍정적인 영향을 미치지만, 지원과정․지원기간 등 정부지원품질이 컨설팅결과품질에 미치는 영향은 유의하지 않은 것으로 나타났다. 이는 컨설팅이 절차나 과정의 편리함보다는 매장운영이나 매출증대, 경영개선에 실질적인 도움이 되어야 컨설팅결과 만족이 이루어지는 것을 의미한다. 둘째, 컨설팅결과품질이 높을수록 추천의향이 높아지는 것으로 나타났다. 많은 서비스품질 연구결과와 마찬가지로 서울시 소상공인컨설팅에 있어서도 컨설팅품질은 컨설팅결과에 대한 만족에 영향을 주고 이는 추천의향으로 연결되는 것을 확인하였다. 또한, 컨설팅결과품질은 컨설턴트수행품질과 추천의향 간에 매개 작용을 하는 것을 확인하였다. 셋째, 업력과 매출규모로 구분한 집단 간의 경로에 차이가 있음을 확인하였다. 업력과 매출규모에 따라 컨설팅에 대한 인식이나 기대, 경영상의 고민에 차이가 있으므로 이를 고려하여 컨설팅 지원제도를 운영하는 것이 필요함을 나타내고 있다 할 수 있다. 이러한 연구결과를 바탕으로 서울시 소상공인컨설팅의 컨설팅품질과 추천의향을 더욱 높여 이용자들의 지지와 신뢰가 구전으로 이어져 더 많은 사람들이 서비스를 이용할 수 있도록 실무에 기여하고, 그동안 연구가 미흡하였던 서울시 소상공인컨설팅에 대한 학술적 관심을 제고하기 위한 시사점을 제시하였다.

      • 산란계(Dekalbwarren)의 연령에 따른 Myeloperoxidase와 Leukocyte peroxidase 활성에 관한 연구

        전승기 全北大學校 1993 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        This study was undertaken to measure the activity of Myeloperoxidase and Leukocyte peroxidase of hen. 70 hens were slaughted to observe the activity of enzymes according to ages. The activity of peroxidase was assayed by the Kariya's method(1987). Protein vas assayed by the Lowry's method(1951) with bovine serum albumin as standard. Gel filtration chromatography was carried out of sephacryl S-300 column(1.6 cm X 98 cm). The results obtained were summarized as follows; 1.The mean of specific activity of myeloperoxidase and leukocyte peroxidase was 16.80(units/mg) and 15(units/mg), respectively. 2.The specific activity of myeloperoxidase in 35 days hen was significantly increased and showed almost the same level of activity to 350 days hen. 3.The specific activity of leukocyte peroxidase in 35 days hen was significantly increased and showed a little increased tendency from 210 days to 350 days hen. 4.On the sephacryl S-300 column chromatography, two separated peaks of myeloperoxidase activity were observed. The molecular weights of myeloperoxidase were 57,000(Dalton) and 13,700(Dalton).

      • PTWS를 적용한 Wearable AMOLED 디스플레이용 Boost 변환기 설계

        전승기 충북대학교 2020 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        In this thesis, a boost converter has been designed for wearable AMOLED display using power transistor width scaling (PTWS) method to improve power efficiency at light load. And a highly integrated 3-channel DC-DC converter with , , and channel has been designed based on the boost converter. The positive voltage is designed using the proposed boost converter with the SPWM (set-time variable pulse width modultaion) dual-mode method to increase power efficiency at light load and to decrease ouput voltage ripple. The negative voltage is designed using a 0.5 x regulated inverting charge pump with pulse skipping modulation (PSM) controller to reduce power consumption, and the additional positive voltage is designed using a LDO circuit. The proposed DC-DC converter has been implemented using a 0.18㎛ BCDMOS process. Measurement results show that the proposed converter has power efficiency of 47% ~ 75% for load current range of 1 mA ~ 70 mA, and output ripple voltage less than 5 mV for .

      • 감마선을 조사한 생쥐 간에서 백삼과 홍삼 및 발효홍삼의 방사선 보호효과 비교

        전승기 群山大學校 大學院 2006 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        This study was performed to examine radioprotective effects of activity components of white ginseng(WG), red ginseng(RD), and fermented red ginseng(FRD). WG(100mg/kg/day), RG(100mg/kg/day), and FRG(100mg/kg/day) were administered orally to the mice for 7 days prior to γ-irradiation (5.0 Gy to whole body). To see the antioxidative effect of ginseng extracts against γ-irradiation, activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) were examined on 4hr, 1, 7, and 14 days after γ- irradiation. Also the levels of hydrogen peroxide (H_(2)O_(2)), glutathione (GSH), and malondialdehyde (MDA) in the liver tissue were measured. Much more clear radioprotective effects of ginseng extracts were observed 14 days after γ-irradiation than before then. The activity of SOD was significantly increased to 38%, 45%, and 53% respectively in WG, RG, and FRG comparing with radiation group (p<0.01). The activity of CAT was increased to 37%, 37%, and 39% (p<0.01), and GPx was increased to 15%, 18%, 20% (p<0.01) respectively in WG, RG, and FRG. The content of H_(2)O_(2) was significantly increased to 28% in WG and RG and 36% in FRG (p<0.01) and the content of GSH was significantly increased to 43%, 45%, and 48% respectively in WG, RG, and FRG (p<0.01). But GSSG/total GSH was significantly decreased to 35%, 43%, and 45% respectively in WG, RG, and FRG (p<0.01). MDA level was significantly decreased to 9%, 15%, and 20% respectively in WG, RG, and FRG (p<0.01). In conclusion, active components of WG, RG, and ERG increased antioxidative enzyme activity against oxidative damage caused by γ-irradiation. Moreover, the ginseng extracts reinforced synthetic capacity of antioxidative substance. All of the radioprotective effect was the highest in the FRG group.

      • InGaN 양자우물이 포함된 나노막대 태양전지 성장 및 특성 조사

        김문덕 忠南大學校 大學院 2013 국내석사

        RANK : 247327

        III-nitride low dimensional system such as nanorods(NRs)/wire is the attracted material for application of high performance optical device then 2-D structure. Large aspect ratio of GaN NRs is advantage to use photovoltaic device, because light absorption was improved by increase surface area and antireflection. Also compound of GaN (3.4 eV) and InN (0.7 eV) covers almost solar spectrum regions with InxGa1-xN varying In composition. However, it is difficult to fabricate device with GaN NRs, because device efficiency is reduced by surface defect and series resistance is increased inevitably due to narrow contact area of NRs. In this work, we investigated that optical and electrical property of p-i-n InGaN/GaN heterostructure NRs for photovoltaic structure grown by plasma assisted molecular beam epitaxy. After growth, we observed InGaN/GaN MQW NRs surface morphology by scanning electron microscopy and we confirmed that reflectance of NRs(5 %) is lower than film(20 %) from spectrometer. We also observed peaks of 3.4 eV, 3.09 eV related to DoX and active region respectively by photoluminescence, and calculated that In composition of InGaN/GaN MQW was 10 % refer to Vegard Law. Finally, We deposited ITO (50nm)/Au (50nm) for ohmic contact on InGaN/GaN NRs filled with PMMA and measured J-V characteristic with xenon lamp as light source. NRs solar cells was measured to photovoltaic characteristics, such as a short circuit current of 8.7 mA/cm2 and a conversion efficiency of ~ 0.23 % under 150 W/cm2 light source

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