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      • 아동이 지각한 부모-자녀간 의사소통 및 자아탄력성과 친구간 갈등해결전략과의 관계

        장영수 이화여자대학교 교육대학원 2008 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        This thesis scrutinizes relevant variable factor of conflict resolution strategies in children's friendship by understanding the relationship among parent-child communication as an environmental factors, ego-resilience as an personal psychological factor. The thesis also guides children to have stable friendship and provides basic knowledge on children's education. This research analyzed 557 sixth graders of six elementary schools in Seoul and Incheon. The measurement methods are parent-child communication scale by Min Ha-young(1991) and ego-resilience scale by Yu Seong-Koung(2002), conflict resolution strategies in children's friendship scale by Bae Sun-young(2000). For statistical analysis, two-independent samples t-test is used to identify difference in gender among parent-child communication, ego-resilience, and conflict resolution strategies in children's friendship. Pearson correlations and multiple regression analysis are used to discover the relationship of parent-child communication, ego-resilience, and conflict resolution strategies. The results of this study are as follows; First of all, the meaningful difference in gender appeared in open communication with mothers and dominating strategies, sub-factor of conflict resolution strategies. Thus girls tend to do more open communication with mothersthan boys and boys are inclined to use dominating strategies more frequently than girls. Secondly, the result of correlations analysis suggested positive correlation between open communication with parents and ego-resilience, and negative correlation between problem communication with parents and ego-resilience. That means the more parent-child communication is open and positive the higher ego-resilience level is; the more parent-child communication is closed and negative the lower ego-resilience level is. Additionally, open communication with parents showed positive correlation with compromising-integration strategies. Thus children use compromising-integration strategies more frequently in conflicts when they are likely to openly communicate with their parents. Ego-resilience showed higher positive correlation with compromising-integration strategies and positive correlation with avoiding and dominating strategies. This means the higher ego-resilience children have the more diverse conflict resolution strategies they use especially compromising-integration strategies. Thirdly, results from multiple regression on relative effectiveness done by parent-child communication and compromising-integration strategies have been effective in sequence as ego-resilience, open communication with fathers, open communication with mothers then problem communication with fathers. It means that children use compromising?integration strategies actively in case of high ego-resilience when they have open communications with their parents. Avoiding strategies are frequently used when children have high ego-resilience and effectives of open communication with fathers. Obliging strategies are influenced by problem communication with fathers, ego-resilience then open communication with fathers in sequence. Dominating strategies have been effective in sequence as ego-resilience, open communication with fathers then problem communication with parents. It tells children have more tendencies to solve conflicts on their own wills in case of high ego-resilience when they have problem communication with parents and obsessive open communication with fathers. Collectively speaking, there could be various conflict resolution strategies in children's friendship with high ego-resilience and open communication with fathers. Conflict resolution strategies in children's friendship have been more affected by ego-resilience and less by parent-child communication. Also, communication with fathers affected greatly compared to communication with mothers. This implies that personal psychological factors have more effects on conflict resolution strategies than environmental factors as well as communication with fathers has more impact on children in resolving conflicts than communication with mothers. 본 연구에서는 아동의 친구간 갈등해결전략에 있어서 환경적 요인인 부모-자녀간 의사소통, 심리적 요인인 자아탄력성이 어떤 관계가 있는지를 파악함으로써, 아동의 친구간 갈등해결전략에 영향을 미치는 요인을 규명하고자 하였다. 본 연구는 서울, 인천에 위치한 6개 초등학교 6학년 아동 557명을 대상으로 자료를 분석하였다. 연구에 사용된 측정도구는 민하영(1991)이 번안한 부모-자녀간 의사소통척도(PACI)과 유성경(2002)이 번안한 자아탄력성 척도(ER), 배선영(2000)의 친구간 갈등해결전략척도이다. 통계 분석은 부모-자녀간 의사소통, 자아탄력성, 친구간 갈등해결전략의 성별 차이를 알아보기 위해 독립표본 t-test를 실시하였다. 또한 부모-자녀간 의사소통, 자아탄력성, 친구간 갈등해결전략 간의 관계를 알아보기 위하여 Pearson 상관분석과 중다회귀분석을 실시하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 성별에 따른 부모-자녀간 의사소통, 자아탄력성, 친구간 갈등해결전략의 차이를 살펴본 결과, 어머니와의 개방형 의사소통과 친구간 갈등해결전략의 하위요인인 지배 전략에서 유의한 차이가 있었다. 즉 여아가 남아보다 어머니와 개방적인 의사소통을 많이 하고, 남아가 여아보다 자신의 욕구 충족을 우선시하는 지배 전략을 많이 사용하는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 부모-자녀간 의사소통, 자아탄력성, 친구간 갈등해결전략의 상관분석 결과, 아버지, 어머니와의 개방형 의사소통은 자아탄력성과 정적 상관을, 문제형 의사소통은 자아탄력성과 부적 상관을 나타냈다. 즉 부모-자녀간 의사소통이 개방적이고 긍정적일수록 아동의 자아탄력성 수준이 높고, 폐쇄적이고 부정적일수록 자아탄력성 수준이 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 또한 아버지, 어머니와의 개방형 의사소통은 절충 및 협력 전략과 정적 상관을 나타냈다. 이러한 결과는 아동이 부모와 개방적인 의사소통을 많이 할수록 친구와의 갈등상황에서 절충 및 협력 전략을 많이 사용하고 있음을 나타낸다. 한편, 자아탄력성은 절충 및 협력 전략과 정적 상관이 가장 높았고, 회피, 지배 전략과 정적 상관을 나타냈다. 이는 자아탄력성이 높을수록 다양한 갈등해결전략을 사용하며 특히 절충 및 협력 전략을 많이 사용한다는 것을 의미한다. 셋째, 부모-자녀간 의사소통과 자아탄력성이 친구간 갈등해결전략에 미치는 상대적 영향력에 대한 중다회귀분석 결과, 절충 및 협력 전략에 영향을 미치는 변인은 자아탄력성, 아버지와의 개방형 의사소통, 어머니와의 개방형 의사소통, 아버지와의 문제형 의사소통이었다. 이는 자아탄력성이 높은 경우, 그리고 부모와 개방적인 의사소통을 하는 경우에 절충 및 협력 전략을 적극적으로 사용한다는 것을 의미한다. 회피 전략에는 자아탄력성, 아버지와의 개방형 의사소통이 영향을 미쳤다. 이러한 결과는 아동의 자아탄력성이 높고 아버지와 개방적으로 의사소통을 하는 경우에 회피 전략을 많이 사용하고 있음을 나타낸다. 양보 전략에 영향을 미치는 변인은 아버지와의 문제형 의사소통, 자아탄력성, 아버지와의 개방형 의사소통이며, 문제형 의사소통이 자아탄력성보다 양보 전략에 영향을 더 많이 미침을 알 수 있다. 지배 전략에 영향을 미치는 변인은 자아탄력성, 아버지와의 개방형 의사소통, 어머니 및 아버지와의 문제형 의사소통이었다. 이러한 결과는 아동의 자아탄력성이 높고, 아버지와의 의사소통이 지나치게 허용적인 경우, 부모와 부정적인 의사소통을 하는 경우에 상대방보다 자신의 의지대로 갈등을 해결하려는 전략을 많이 사용하고 있음을 나타낸다. 위 결과를 종합하면, 자아탄력성과 아버지와의 개방형 의사소통은 갈등해결전략, 즉 절충 및 협력, 회피, 양보, 지배 전략에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 친구간 갈등해결전략에 있어서는 자아탄력성이 부모-자녀간 의사소통보다 영향력이 컸으며, 아버지와의 의사소통이 어머니와의 의사소통보다 영향력이 컸다. 이는 친구간 갈등해결전략에 있어서 개인의 심리적 요인이 환경적 요인보다 더 큰 영향을 미치며, 아버지와의 의사소통이 어머니와의 의사소통보다 아동의 친구간 갈등해결에 더 중요한 영향을 미친다는 것을 의미한다.

      • 지방자치제도 실시 이후 전라북도 지역농업 정책 변화

        장영수 전북대학교 행정대학원 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Since agriculture is highly dependent on regional factors, the local government, which can access easily, can deal with agricultural issues more effectively. In this study, I examined the changes and features of agricultural policies established by the elected heads of the local government and analyzed the reactions of the local assembly to these policies since the local election in 1995 in order to identify how effectively the local government has coped with internal and external conditions caused by the aftereffects of the openness to international trade in the agricultural area after the Uruguay Round Agreement and seek for future policy directions. The real income of farm household has remained stagnant because of the price drop of agricultural products and increase of agricultural machine and materials. The gaps between urban and rural areas have been so widened due to lack of investment in the environment and welfare of agricultural area that the outflow of young population to big cities has been accelerated and the number of elderly people and women who have low labor productivity have reached about 60% of the entire agricultural population. The elected heads of the local government have actively tried to solve these problems by implementing various agricultural policies. Although the activities of the local assembly with respect to the pending issues of agricultural policies were considered to have been carried out actively through such methods as questions to the provincial government, 5 minutes free speech, administrative works inspection, deliberation on the budget and voting for / against a resolution or proposition, its legislative activities were considered to be still insufficient. In conclusion, the substantial development of the agricultural industry in Jeollabuk-do and the global competitiveness of rural area in the age of agricultural openness to international trade can be achieved only when the local government is given autonomy and can implement such agricultural policies that can harmonize the productivity of local labor forces, application technologies useful for the region’s agricultural industry, management capacity of the local governments’ heads, securing a certain volume of social overhead capital, regional finance and budget and industries specialized in regional characteristics.

      • 상백피의 식물화학적 성분과 항염증 활성 연구

        장영수 조선대학교 대학원 2016 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        The root bark of Morus alba L., called "Sang-Baek-Pi" in Korea, has been used in traditional medicines for the treatment of lung-heat, cough, asthma, hematemesis, dropsy, and hypertension. Previous phytochemical investigations resulted in the isolation of polyphenolic constituents including prenylated flavonoids, benzofurans and Diels-Alder type adducts with various biological activity such as cytotoxicity, antioxidant, cancer cell invasion and migration, and hepatoprotection. In addition, the prenylated flavonoids, main constituents of this plant, have also been shown to exhibit various anti-inflammatory activities. However, the pharmacological evaluation on the minor constituents of the root of M. alba has not been performed in detail, because of its difficulty for the isolation and the presence of trace amount. In the present study, by means of repeated column chromatography using silica gel, Sephadex LH-20, and LiChroprep RP-18, twelve prenylated flavonoids, along with four benzofuran compounds and one triterpenoid were isolated. The structures of the known compounds were identified as kuwanon G (1), kuwanon E (2), oxyresveratrol (3), moracin M (4), mulberrofuran G (5), moracin R (6), maracin O (7), noratocarpanone (8), kuwanon T (9), morusin (10), mulberofuran A (11), mulberofuran B (12), α-amyrin acetate(13), sanggenon A (14), sanggenon M (15), sanggenon F (16), and sanggenol A (17), by comparing their spectroscopic data with those reported in the literature. Among these isolates, the inhibitory activity of eleven compounds against IL-6 production in TNF-α stimulated MG-63 cells was examined. Most of the isolated compounds showed potent inhibitory activity against IL-6 production in TNF-α stimulated MG-63 cells. This thesis reports the isolation and structural characterization of these compounds and their inhibitory activities against IL-6 production.

      • 양돈분뇨의 암모니아 저감을 위한 Biofilter의 설계 및 효율분석에 관한 연구

        장영수 건국대학교 2004 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        한글초록:소나무수피와 대팻밥을 충전재로 이용한 Biofilter의 연구 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다.1. 충전재에 따른 암모니아 제거효율 비교 시험에서 암모니아 가스의 농도는 돈분뇨에서 최대치 125.2ppm을 보였고, 20일간 전체 암모니아 농도의 평균은 58.0ppm으로 측정되었다. 콤포스트를 혼합한 소나무수피 필터를 통과한 암모니아의 농도는 최대치 14.8ppm을 보였고, 전체 암모니아 농도는 평균 1.5ppm을 유지하였다. 콤포스트를 혼합한 대팻밥 필터를 통과한 암모니아의 농도는 최대치 8.4ppm을 보였고, 전체 암모니아의 농도는 평균 1.0ppm을 유지하였다.2. 소나무수피와 대팻밥을 콤포스트와 중량비 50:50으로 혼합한 충전재의 암모니아 평균 제거효율은 콤포스트를 혼합한 소나무수피 충전재를 사용한 Biofilter에서 97.9%, 콤포스트를 혼합한 대팻밥 충전재를 사용한 Biofilter에서 98.3%로 나타났으며 양 재료 공히 우수한 암모니아 제거효율을 보였다.3. 콤포스트의 혼합 유·무에 따른 암모니아 제거효율 비교 시험에서 암모니아 가스의 농도는 돈분뇨에서 최대치 246.8ppm을 보였고, 20일간 전체 암모니아 농도의 평균은 123.0ppm으로 측정되었다. 콤포스트를 혼합한 대팻밥 필터를 통과한 암모니아의 농도는 최대치 28.4ppm으로 최대치를 보였고, 전체 암모니아 농도는 평균 6.6ppm을 유지하였다. 콤포스트를 혼합하지 않은 대팻밥 필터를 통과한 암모니아의 농도는 최대치 52.4ppm을 보였으며, 전체 암모니아의 농도는 평균 15.8ppm을 유지하였다.4. 콤포스트의 혼합 유무에 따른 암모니아 평균 제거효율은 콤포스트를 혼합한 대팻밥 충전재를 사용한 Biofilter에서 94.1%, 콤포스트를 혼합하지 않은 대팻밥 콤포스트에서 85.3%로 나타났으며 콤포스트를 혼합한 대팻밥 충전재를 사용한 Biofilter가 혼합하지 않은 Biofilter보다 8.8% 더 높은 암모니아 제거효율을 보였다.5. 충전재로 사용한 소나무수피와 대팻밥은 양 재료 공히 다공성이고 필터여재로 사용 후에 광학현미경 관찰에서 미생물이 흰색의 반점으로 보였다. 시료 1g 당 colony의 형성은 콤포스트를 혼합한 소나무수피에서 2.791×106cfu/g, 콤포스트를 혼합한 대팻밥에서 2.234×106cfu/g, 콤포스트를 혼합하지 않은 대팻밥에서 0.962×106cfu/g 순으로 미생물 colony가 생성 형성되었다. 콤포스트의 혼합은 미생물 형성에 직접적으로 관련이 있고, 미생물이 많이 형성된 Biofilter의 암모니아 제거효율이 더 높은 것으로 판단된다 영문초록: In this study, a lab-scale biofilter, which use chaff of pine and wood shave as filter materials, is designed. The biofilter was assumed to be used for a storage tank of swine manure slurry or swine stall. Ammonia, mainly offensive odor ingredient; was measured. Compost was mixed with filter materials in ratio of 1:1 on weight base. The each test continued for 20 days.The concentration of ammonia gas from the slurry was a maximum value of 125.2ppm and the average of ammonia concentration during the test period was 58.0ppm. The concentration of ammonia that passed the chaff of pine filter mixed with compost was a maximum value of 14.8ppm and the whole ammonia concentration during the test was kept in an average of 1.5ppm. The concentration of ammonia that passed wood shavings filter mixed with compost was a maximum value of 8.4ppm and the concentration of ammonia during whole test was kept in an average 1.0ppm. The results showed that biofilter filled with chaff of pine and compost reduced ammonia by 97.9%, and biofilter filled with wood shaving and compost by 98.3%. To know whether using the compost has an influence on ammonia removal, a test with and without compost was carried out. In the test with and without compost, concentration of ammonia gas was a maximum value of 246.8ppm in swine manure slurry and the average of ammonia concentration during the test period was measured by 123.0ppm. The concentration of ammonia that passed the wood shavings filter mixed compost was a maximum value of 28.4ppm and the concentration of ammonia in a whole test was kept in an average of 6.6ppm. The concentration of ammonia that passed wood shavings filter without compost was a maximum value of 52.4ppm and the concentration of ammonia in the test period was kept in an average 15.8ppm. The results showed that biofilter with wood shaving and compost has an ammonia removal efficiency of 94.1% and biofilter with wood shaving only 85.3%. The biofilter with wood shaving and compost shown 8.8% higher removal efficiency than that of wood shaving only. The material had a porous characteristic and white colonies of microorganism on the surface of materials were observed after the biofiltration. The number of microorganism was found in the order of chaff of pine with compost of 2.791×106cfu/g, wood shaving with compost of 2.234×106cfu/g and wood shaving without compost of 0.962×106cfu/g. Therefore, it is estimated that adding compost has an effect on the formation of microorganisms

      • 유동상 미생물접촉재 활성슬러지 시스템에 의한 하수처리 특성

        장영수 건국대학교 산업대학원 1997 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Pilot-scale experiments were conducted to evaluate the Performances of a novel activated sludge system treating a municipal wastewater. The system Packed with fluidized media was devided into two different precesses : one was operated with sludge recycle. and the other without sludge recycle. stable attachment of biomass on the media was achieved in 20days at initial start-up period. Four days were enough to recover steady-state biomass on the media when 70% of attached biomass was detached artificially. The system without sludge recycle had larger biomass on, the media than that with sludge recycle. Attached biomass increased at higher organic loading, packing volume of the media and lower temperature, regardless of sludge recycle. Organics removal effciencies were not affected by amount of attached biomass at the system without sludge recycle.

      • The Role of Nerve Injury-Induced Protein 1 in Cancer Development and Metastasis

        장영수 가천대학교 대학원 2016 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        Nerve injury-induced protein 1 (Ninjurin1, Ninj1) is a cell surface molecule that can mediate homophilic adhesion and promote neurite outgrowth from cultured dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons. Interestingly, Ninj1 overexpressed in human cancer; however its role in metastasis is not clear. This study showed that inhibition of Ninj1 promotes lung cancer metastasis through IL-6/STAT3 signaling. Ninj1 levels were relatively low in highly motile lung cancer cells. While inhibition of Ninj1 enhanced cell migration in lung cancer cells, overexpression of Ninj1 significantly suppressed it. I found that inhibition of Ninj1 significantly increased expression and secretion of IL-6 in A549 cells. I also found that inhibition of IL-6 decreased intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) expression. In addition, inhibition of Ninj1 significantly increased cell motility and invasiveness of lung cancer cells. In an in vivo model, I found that Ninj1 suppression did not affect tumor growth but induced significant increase in incidence of lung metastasis, and sizes and number of tumor nodules. Taken together, my data clearly demonstrate that Ninj1 suppresses migration, invasion, and metastasis of lung cancer via inhibition of the IL-6 signaling pathway in vitro and in vivo. Macrophage infiltration enhances tumorigenesis. However, the macrophage infiltration regulatory molecules have not been fully determined. Nerve injury-induced protein 1 (Ninjurin1, Ninj1) is a homophilic cell surface adhesion molecule that plays an important role in cell migration and attachment. Although Ninj1 is believed to play a role in several malignancies, it is unclear whether Ninj1 expression contributes to cancer progression. I used transgenic mice (Tg mice) that overexpressed Ninj1 on macrophages. I subjected Ninj1 Tg mice to a well-known mouse model of colitis-associated colon cancer in which animals are treated with azoxymethane (AOM) and dextran sulfate sodium (DSS). After AOM and DSS treatment, Ninj1 Tg mice developed fewer and smaller tumors compared with wild-type (WT) mice. Ninj1 Tg mice also showed reduced infiltration of macrophages and suppressed angiogenesis in the tumor mass. I therefore explored whether Ninj1 decreases macrophage migration into the tumor sites. After adoptive transfer to tumor-bearing recipients, WT and Ninj1 Tg mice’s peritoneal macrophages were freshly isolated and labeled with carboxyfluorescein succinimidyl ester (CFSE). As expected, compared with that of WT type macrophages, tumor infiltration of Ninj1-overexpressing macrophages was significantly decreased. I found that Ninj1 overexpression suppressed FAK activity. In addition, Inhibition of Ninj1 enhanced FAK activity and migration of RAW264.7 cells. Ninj1 overexpression on macrophage inhibits tumor growth by suppression of macrophage infiltration through repression of FAK signaling. Ninj1 is a key regulator molecule for macrophage migration and Tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) mediated tumorigenesis in vivo.

      • 기능성 도판트를 사용한 가용성 PEDOT의 합성 및 물리적 특성

        장영수 명지대학교 대학원 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Aromatic network polymer의 구조로 인하여 분산성, 부착성, 복합성, 유화성 등의 다양한 성질을 가지는 리그노설폰산(LSA)을 도판트로 사용하고, 산화제로서 과황산암모늄과 제3염화철을 사용하여 PEDOT-LSA를 합성하였다. 합성시 사용된 EDOT과 산화제의 몰 비는 4 : 1로 고정하였고, 도판트로 사용된 리그노설폰산의 첨가량을 증가하며 합성된 PEDOT-LSA의 열적, 전기적, 광학적, 구조적 특성을 조사하였으며, 이들 특성에 미치는 합성 조건의 영향을 조사하였다. 산화제 첨가시 과황산암모늄을 가하고, 제3염화철을 첨가한 후 12시간 경과 시 open circuit potential에 있어서의 포화가 안정적으로 나타났고, 이로부터 산화제들의 첨가 후, 산화 퍼텐셜이 안정화 되는 12시간 후를 반응시간으로 설정하였다. 도판트로 사용된 리그노설폰산내의, 복잡하게 꼬여져있는, 리그닌의 구조로 인하여 합성시 사용된 리그노설폰산의 함량이 증가할수록 PEDOT-LSA의 열적 안정성이 향상되었고, 결정성은 감소하였으며, 리그노설폰산내의 많은 알코올기에 의하여 물에 대한 용해도는 증가하였고, 리그노설폰산의 농도 증가에 따라 작고 균일한 마이셀이 형성되어 PEDOT-LSA의 입도는 감소되었다. 리그노설폰산의 함량이 증가할수록 PEDOT-LSA의 펠렛 전도도는 0.066 S/cm에서 0.316 S/cm까지 증가되었으나, 과량으로 첨가시 PEDOT-LSA의 전기전도도가 0.037 S/cm로 감소하였다. Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) doped with lignosulfonic acid (PEDOT-LSA) was synthesized by oxidative polymerization of EDOT. In the synthesis, lignosulfonic acid (LSA), which showed the dispersibility, adhesion, emulsibility due to its aromatic network structure, was used as a dopant and ammonium persulfate and iron (III) chloride were used as oxidants. The ratio of EDOT to oxidant in the synthesis was controlled to 4 : 1. Thermal, electrical, optical and structural properties of PEDOT-LSA were investigated as a function of the amount of LSA added in the synthesis, as well as the effect of synthetic conditions to the properties of PEDOT-LSA. In the synthesis of PEDOT-LSA, open circuit potential (Voc) was monitored as a function of reaction time by potential profile. Voc curve was saturated after 12 hrs from the addition of oxidant so 12 hrs was selected as the reaction time from the addition of oxidant. As the amount of added LSA increased, the thermal stability of PEDOT-LSA improved and the crystallinity was reduced because of the complicated and twisted structure of lignin in LSA. Also, the solubility of PEDOT-LSA to water increased due to the large amount of -OH group in LSA and particle size decreased due to the formation of small and uniform micelles. Conductivity of compressed pellet of PEDOT-LSA increased up to 0.316 S/cm as the amount of LSA added increased; which was attributed to the increase in the interchain interaction and intrachain mobility.

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