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      • 중국 물류산업의 효율적 구축을 위한 개선방안에 관한 연구

        이미호 조선대학교 대학원 2009 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the development process, present situation, problems of logistics industry in China, and also to make a suggestion for the improvement plan for efficient build-up for Chinese logistics industry. The Chinese government, recently, recognised 'Logistics' as one of the core industry in economy, and therefore it made avast amount of provide infrastructure to the industry and lowering its restrictions, for foreign investors and their business, is in motion. Meanwhile, the market envelopment is also changing. Traditional logistics system, which has separate suppliers for each functions (Transportation, Warehouse, Insurance, etc), is turning into more integrated system that can provide multiple function from one provider. Logistics is the art and science of managing and controlling the flow of goods, energy, information and other resources like products, services, and people, from the source of production to the marketplace. It is difficult to accomplish any marketing or manufacturing without logistical support. It involves the integration of information, transportation, inventory, warehousing, material handling, and packaging. The operating responsibility of logistics is the geographical repositioning of raw materials, work in process, and finished inventories where required at the lowest cost possible. In business, logistics may have either internal focus(inbound logistics), or external focus (outbound logistics) covering the flow and storage of materials from point of origin to point of consumption (see supply chain management). The main functions of a logistics manager include Inventory Management, purchasing, transport, warehousing, and the organizing and planning of these activities. Logistics managers combine a general knowledge of each of these functions so that there is a coordination of resources in an organization. There are two fundamentally different forms of logistics. One optimizes a steady flow of material through a network of transport links and storage nodes. The other coordinates a sequence of resources to carry out some project. The problems of logistic industry in China are imbalance of demand and supply, low level of information-oriented society, not strong policy for contingency and transparency caused from the sound social norm, shortage of recognition for logistics, infrastructure, human resource, low level of information technology, and insufficient law for management of logistics. The improvement plan for efficient build-up for the Chinese logistics industry is as follow. First, constructing the logistic-centered hub scattered in China for several places, for example, Shanghai, Beijing, Chingtao and so on. Second, Chinese government should take the role in terms of making the logistic law, logistics system, enhancement of efficiency on the logistics service, development of general logistics center, and management of tariff free area efficiently.

      • 하절기 쿨튜브의 열적성능에 관한 실험적 연구

        이미호 창원대학교 2015 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        지열을 활용하는 경우에는 지중열 히트펌프 (Geothermal Heat Pump) 외 지중열 교환을 통한 쿨튜브(Cool tube)를 활용하는 방안으로 나눌 수 있으며 쿨튜브의 경우에는 냉방을 위하여 단순히 지중열과 매설파이프와의 열교환을 통하여 여름철에는 외기보다 낮은 온도의 공기를 실내에 공급하는 시스템으로 송풍 동력에만 의존하는 시스템이다. 본 연구에서는 쿨 튜브에 대한 성능을 파악하기 위하여 실물모델을 통한 실험을 수행하여 지중온도분포 및 외기와 출구온도의 차이 즉 하절기 온도감소폭을 조사하여 향후 파이프 매설에 충분한 공간을 가진 건축물에 대하여 쿨튜브에 설치및 시공에 대한 기초적인 자료를 제공하는데 연구의 목적이 있습니다. 쿨 튜브의 재질은 PVC, 지름은 100mm이며. 매설깊이는 지중3m 매설길이는 지중에 매설되는 부분이 총 60m 이고, 지중에 노출되어 컨테이너로 연결되는 매설길이는 3m로 측정지점은 지중에 총 4개의 포인트로 매설하여 측정하였다. 블로워 ON, OFF 5분간격으로 측정하였고 온,습도 변화차를 알기위해서 radionode를 쿨튜브 내부에 설치하였고, 온도분포는 쿨튜브의 유입공기의 온도보다 유출공기의 온도분포가 낮게 나타나게 된바, 블로워의 가동유무에 관게없이 온도 차이는 4℃ 정도를 나타내고 있는것으로 측정됨에 따라 쿨튜브 자체만으로 온도하강의 효과가 확인되었습니다. 블로워의 가동 유무에 따른 온도 차이를 살펴보면, 블로워를 가동한 경우 온도차이가 4℃인데 반하여 블로워를 가동하지 않은 경우에는 3.7℃정도 보이는 것으로 나타났으며, 블로워 가동시 유입공기의 최저온도가 25℃인 경우, 유출구 온도는 22.7℃이고, 최고온도는 30.5℃인 경우에는 24.6℃이고 최저온도에서의 유입측과 유출측의 온도 차이는 2.3℃인데 반하여 최고온도에서는 5.9℃로 그 차이가 크게 나타났다. 상대습도 분포는 쿨튜브 유입공기의 상대습도보다 유출공기의 상대습도가 높은 분포를 보이고 있는데, 유입구의 최저온도가 25.0℃, 85.8%인 공기가 쿨튜브를 통과하면 22.7℃, 94.4%로 나타났고, 유입구 최고온도가 30.5℃, 48.3%인 공기의 유출하게 되면 24.6℃, 68.5%가 되는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구에서는 냉방에너지 저감을 위한 방안의 일환으로 지중열과의 열교환을 시켜 외기온도를 하강시킬 수 있는 쿨튜브에 대하여 온도 저감효과와 동시에 상대습도 변화에 대한 실질 실험을 통하여 얻은 결과를 정리하면 아래와 같음 블로워의 가동유무에 관계없이 쿨튜브의 유입공기가 쿨튜브를 통과하여 취출되는 공기온도는 평균 4℃ 하강하는 것으로 나타났다. 이에 따라 쿨튜브는 온도하강 능력은 충분하다고 할 수 있다. 일몰 후 또는 새벽시간대에서는 오히려 쿨튜브로 유입되는 공기 온도보다 유출되는 공기온도가 상승하는 패턴을 지니고 있으므로, 저증온도에 따라 구체축열에도 적용시킬 수 있는 가능성이 있는 것으로 판단된다. 여름철 쿨튜브를 통과한 공기 상태 변화를 살펴보면, 온도와 밀접합 관계를 상대습도의 경우에는 온도가 높을수록 상대습도는 낮게 나타났고, 반대로 온도가 낮은 상태에서는 상대습도는 오히려 증가되는 현상을 띠는 것으로 결과를 얻었다.

      • 대학생 데이트 성추행 및 성폭력에 관한 연구

        이미호 대구한의대학교 대학원 2016 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        본 연구는 경상북도에 소재한 3년제 보건행정학과 200명, 물리치료학과 100명 4년제 간호학과 학생 200명을 대상으로 설정하여 본 연구목적에 동의한 학생들을 무작위로 추출하여 설문조사를 실시하였다. 자료수집기간은 2015년 10월 5일부터 10월 23일까지 2주간에 걸쳐 직접 설문에 답을 기입하는 자기보고식 방법으로 활용하였고, 총 500부를 설문하여 결측치가 있는 것을 제외한 나머지 452부를 결과 분석에 사용하였다. 연구결과는 아래와 같이 나타났으며 결과 치 로 논문의 특성과 중요한 의의로 볼 수 있다. 본 연구의 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 학교폭력가해에 대한 성별 간 차이는 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 나타났으며(t=2.679, p=.008), 남자가 여자보다 학교폭력 가해 경험이 많았다. 둘째, 데이트 상대에 대한 통제와 데이트 성폭력 가해경험은 비교적 강한 상관관계가 있는 것으로 나타났으며(r=.789, p=.000), 성역할 태도와 데이트 성폭력 가해경험은 약한 상관관계가 있는 것으로 나타났다(r=-.140, p=.003). 셋째, 데이트 성폭력 가해경험 예측요인으로 유의미하게 나타난 변수는 대학입학이전 학교폭력가해경험(B=1.507, p=.022), 대학입학 이전 성행동경험(B=-1.727, p=.009)으로 데이트 성폭력 가해 행동에 중요한 변수로 작용하고 있음을 보여주었다. 넷째, 대학입학이전 학교폭력가해경험이 있을수록 데이트 성폭력 가해를 할 확률이 4.154배 높아지며, 대학입학 이전 성행동경험이 있을수록 데이트 성폭력 가해를 할 확률이 0.178배 낮아지는 것으로 나타났다. 연구결과를 통한 제언은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 연구결과 인구사회학적 요인에 따른 개인적 특성과 대학입학이전 피해경험이 데이트 성폭력 가해에 상당한 영향력을 끼치는 것으로 나타났다. 예상보다 가해경험이 상당히 높게나와 대학 내에 구체적인 성교육과 가해 피해인지 및 예방교육 프로그램 운영이 절실한 상황이라 할 수 있다. 둘째, 데이트 성폭력 가해경험에 영향을 주는 요인으로 대학입학이전 성행동경험이 원인으로 나타났다. 선행연구에서도 이러한 결과를 보이는 연구들이 있지만 그 결과에 대해서는 원인을 좀 더 면밀하게 분석할 필요가 있다. 셋째, 본 연구에서 실제로 데이트 폭력의 발생률이 약 30%의 수치를 보여 결코 낮다고 볼 수 없다. 하지만 아직까지 사회적으로 데이트 관계에서 폭력이 발생할 수 있다는 점을 인식하지 못하고 있다. 이러한 인식변화를 위해 초·중·고등학교에서부터 대학교에 이르기까지 교육과정에 폭력에 관한 내용이 포함될 필요가 있다. 넷째, 일회성 교육을 넘어 집중적인 교육이 필요하다. 이제 대학생 데이트 성폭력예방 성교육을 일시적인 일회적차원이 아니라 실제적인 차원에서 대학입학과 동시에 OT와 MT시점부터 실제적인 시각에서 접근해야 한다. 본연구의 제한점 및 후속연구의 필요성은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 이번 연구는 조사 대상을 경상북도에 소재한 3, 4년제 대학교만을 편의 표집하여 연구가 실시되어 연구결과를 일반화하는데 한계가 있다. 둘째, 본 연구에서 밝혀진 결과를 보다 명확히 규명하기 위해 종단적인 연구나 질적 연구를 통해 재 확증이 되어야 한다. 셋째, 본 연구는 개인의 민감한 문제를 설문지에만 의존한 조사연구로 답변의 진실성 여부를 신중하게 고려하여야 한다. 넷째, 설문대상자 선정에 피해자와 가해자 부분에 성비를 비교해볼 필요가 있을 것이다. 이로 인해 피해자와 가해자 쌍방의 결과를 비교 검토 해석해볼 필요가 있다. This study conducted questionnaire survey on students who agreed on the study purpose and who were selected on random sampling base among 200 students at the three-year department of health administration, 100 students at the physiotherapy, and 200 students at the four-year department of nursing science in Gyeongsangbuk-do. Data collection period was 2 weeks from October 5 to October 23, 2015; self-report method was used for the students to fill responses directly in questionnaire; 452 questionnaires out of total 500 questionnaires were used for analysis of result except those with missing value. Research result is shown as follows and the result can be considered as characteristics and important meaning of the thesis. Summary of research result is as follows; First, it was found that there was significant statistical difference (t=2.679, p=.008) in school violence perpetration between gender and male students had more experience that female students. Second, it was found that there was relatively strong correlation between control over dates and date sexual violence perpetration experience (r=.789, p=.000) and that there was weak correlation between sex role attitude and date sexual violence perpetration experience (r=-.140, p=.003). Third, it was found that significant variables as predictors of date sexual violence perpetration experience were school violence perpetration experience (B=1.507, p=.022) and sexual behavior experience before entrance to university (B=-1.727, p=.009) and that they played an important role on date sexual violence perpetration. Fourth, the more school violence perpetration experience students had, the higher the probability of date sexual violence perpetration became as much as 4.154 times; and, the more sexual behavior experience before entrance to university students had, the lower the probability of date sexual violence perpetration became as much as 0.178 times. Suggestion through the research result is as follows; First, according to the research result, it was shown that personal characteristics based on demographical factor and damage experience before entrance to university had considerable influence on date sexual violence perpetration. Perpetration experience was revealed much more than expected and therefore, it is quite serious to operate specific sex education at university and damage recognition as well as prevention education program. Second, it was shown that sexual behavior experience before entrance to university was a cause of influence on date sexual violence perpetration experience. There were some advanced researches showing such result but it is necessary to have a careful analysis on the cause. Third, actual occurrence rate of date violence reached about 30% which was never low figure. However, the society has not yet recognized violence could occur in date relationship. To have a change in such recognition, it is required to include contents related to violence into curriculums of primary·middle·high school and university. Fourth, it is necessary to have intensive education instead of one-shot education. Now, it is required to approach sex education for prevention of student date sex violence not from temporary one-shot level but from actual level of OT and MT at the same time of entering to university. Following are limitations of this study and necessity of subsequent researches; First, this study was conducted on students in 3rd and 4th grade of universities in Gyeongsangbuk-do by convenient sampling and therefore, there is a limitation to generalize the research result. Second, it is required to reconfirm the result of this research through a vertical or qualitative research in order to clearly clarify the result. Third, it is required to carefully consider veracity of responses because this study relied only on questionnaire regarding personal sensitive affairs. Fourth, it is required to reflect comparison of sex ratio on the item of victim and offender when selecting questionnaire objects. With this, it is required to make comparative review and interpretation of results between victims and offenders.

      • 택시 운전직 종사자의 건강수준, 감정노동, 직장폭력 평가 및 영향요인

        이미호 대구한의대학교 일반대학원 2021 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        본 연구는 택시 운전직 종사자 212명을 대상으로 일반적 특성, 직업 및 직무 특성, 건강 특성을 파악하였다. 또한 건강수준, 감정노동 및 직장폭력을 평가하고 이에 영향을 미치는 요인을 규명하고자 하였다. 그 결과 일반적 특성으로 택시 운전직 종사자는 대부분 고령자로 장시간 근무, 낮은 임금수준에 시달리고 있었다. 건강 특성으로 흡연율 34.0%, 음주율 53.3%, 불면수준은 20% 수준이었고, 고혈압 및 당뇨 진단율이 높았다. 건강수준 평가결과 건강문제 호소 양상은 정신적 증상이 육체적 증상에 비해 높게 나타났다. 육체적 증상은 눈과 피부, 다자각 증상이 높았고, 정신적 증상은 정서불안정 증상과 신경질 증상이 우위를 보였다. 건강문제 호소 양상에 영향 요인으로 육체적 증상은 업무 형태 및 운동 여부, 정신적 증상은 업무형태, 운동 여부 및 직장폭력 하부요인으로 직장 내 정신적, 성적 폭력으로 나타났다. 감정노동 평가 결과 ‘감정부조화’ 및 ‘감정노동 보호체계’는 위험 수준으로 ‘감정규제’ 및 ‘조직 모니터링’은 정상 수준으로 확인되었다. 감정노동에 영향을 미치는 요인으로 ‘감정규제’는 학력, 경력, 수면시간 및 수축기 혈압, ‘감정부조화’는 ‘고객의 정신적, 성적 폭력’, ‘조직 모니터링’의 경우 학력과 흡연이, ‘감정노동 보호체계’는 운동이 영향을 미치는 것으로 확인되었다. 직장폭력 평가 결과 ‘고객의 정신적, 성적 폭력’, ‘직장 내 정신적, 성적 폭력’, ‘직장/고객 신체적 폭행’이 위험으로 ‘조직의 폭력 보호체계’만 정상으로 확인되었다. 직장폭력의 영향요인으로 ‘고객의 정신적, 성적 폭력’은 정신적 증상이, ‘직장 내 정신적, 성적 폭력’의 경우 교육수준과 정신적 증상, ‘조직의 폭력 보호체계’는 학력과 업무형태로 나타났다. 따라서 택시 운전직 종사자를 위한 신체적, 정신적 건강관리는 적극적인 대처가 필요하고 국민의 안전과 연계되어 있음을 감안할 때 국가자원의 정책마련이 시급하다. 또한 건강수준, 감정노동 및 직장폭력의 영향요인으로 결혼 여부, 교육수준, 영업형태 및 운동으로 확인되어 건강관리, 감정노동 및 폭력예방 프로그램을 수립할 경우 이를 충분히 감안할 필요가 있다. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the level of health, emotional labor and workplace violence, and to identify the affected factors among the taxi drivers. Also, the 212 taxi drivers were investigated based on the general characteristic, job characteristics and health characteristics. Most taxi drivers were elderly workers, and suffering from long working hours & low wage levels. The smoking rate was 34.0%, the drinking rate was 53.3%, and the insomnia level was 20%, and the diagnosis rate of hypertension and diabetes was high. The result of health level evaluation, the appearance of complaints of health problems showed higher mental symptoms than physical symptoms. Physical symptoms were high in eyes & skin and multi-subjective symptoms, and emotional instability and nervous symptoms were dominant in mental symptoms. As factors influencing the appearance of health problems, physical symptoms were found to be work type and exercise status, and mental symptoms were work type, exercise status, and workplace violence as sub-factors of mental and sexual violence at work. In case of the emotional labor assessment, it was evaluated that the “emotional dissonance” and the “organizational protective system for emotional labor” were at risk level, and the “emotional regulation” and “organizational monitoring” were normal level. As factors influencing emotional labor, 'emotional regulation' was identified as education, career, sleeping time and systolic blood pressure, and 'emotional dissonance' was identified as 'client's mental and sexual violence'. Also, the result of the workplace violence assessment, it was confirmed that only the “organizational protective system for workplace violence” was normal level, as “psychological and sexual violence from customer”, “psychological and sexual violence from customer, supervisor and coworker” and “physical assault from customer/supervisor/coworker” were risk level. As factors influencing workplace violence, 'client's mental and sexual violence' was found to be mental symptoms, and 'workplace mental and sexual violence' was found to be educational level and mental symptoms. The results of this study suggest that active response to physical and mental health management for the taxi drivers, and the national policy urgently needed considering the safety of the public as well as the taxi driver. In addition, it is necessary to take into account when establishing health management, emotional labor and violence prevention programs, as it is identified as marital status, education level, business type and exercise as factors influencing health level, emotional labor and workplace violence.

      • 한·중·일 항만의 효율성 측정에 관한 실증적 연구

        이미호 조선대학교 2012 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        ABSTRACT An Empirical Study on the Efficiency Measurement among Korean, Chinese, and Japanese Seaports Li Mei Hao Advisor: Prof. Park Ro-Kyung Ph. D. Department of International Trade Graduate School of Chosun University The purpose of this paper is to investigate the efficiency of the 24 major ports of Korea, China and Japan by using DEA-CCR, DEA-BCC, and Malmquist models which come from DEA(Date Envelopment Analysis) model, and to find the special characteristics using SWOT(Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threats) method and also to suggest an effective strategy which can operate these ports more well. This study tries to apply the Date Envelopment Analysis(DEA) model to the competitive power of 24 major ports of Korea, China and Japan for 7 years form 2003 to 2009 through DEA-CCR, DEA-BCC, Malmquist model and scale efficiency. DEA is an efficiency evaluation model based on mathematical programming theory. DEA offers an alternative to classical in extracting information from sample observation. DEA optimizes each individual observation with the objective of calculating a discrete piece-wise frontier determined by the set of Pareto efficient decision making units(DMUs). DEA analysis can involve multiple inputs as well as multiple outputs in its efficiency valuation. This makes DEA analysis more suitable for port efficiency measurement because ports produce a number of different outputs. Furthermore, DEA provides the user with information about the efficient and inefficient units, as well as the efficiency scores and reference sets for inefficient units.[Cai Rui(2009)] Malmquist model is efficiency measurement techniques for the productivity change. The DEA-based Malmquist productivity index has several advantages when compared with other methodologies. The DEA-based Malmquist index in non-parametric, and thus it does not suffer the problem of an inappropriate functional form, and it easily tackles multiple outputs and inputs. This paper also analyzed the current status of the competitive power of 24 major ports in Korea, China, Japan using efficiency and SWOT analysis and sought the solutions that will be helpful in making further strategy for the future development of these 24 ports. Through the analysis, this paper could investigate the efficiency of 24 major ports and figure out the trend of the efficiency during the recent 7 years form 2003 to 2009. To carry out a SWOT analysis, this paper focused on problems and improvement plan in terms of geographical location, location of main route, port facility, and port policy. That is aimed to suggest the proper measures for developing the ports of Korea, China and Japan. The main empirical results are as follows: First, according to the results of SWOT analysis on Korean seaports, the ranking of relative importance is Opportunities(the improvement of transportation system by building up the various infrastructure, the continuous development of linked industrial estate in the near area, and the increasing trend of cargo amount in North East Asia area in order), Strength(the competitive cargo handling cost, the excellent port location, and the wide hinterland in order), Threats(the improvement of transportation system by building up the various infrastructure, the competition with the ports in outskirts, and the small scale of multi-modal transportation company in order), and Weakness(the unprepared and inefficient customs system, the defective multi-modal transportation linkage, and the shortage of port experts in order.) in order. Second, the maritime market of China is potentially very big. But the Chinese seaports are faced with the problems such as the shortage of fundamental port facilities, insufficient cargo handling capacity, the establishment of maritime market system, and the remaintenance of the existing terminal facilities. For solving the above problems, China should establish the complex logistic estate, the M&A and strategic cooperation with the advanced foreign companies which will enhance the competition power of port logistics, and also should build up the overall logistic information networks with the formation of standard regional maritime market. Third, as Japanese government recognized the fall of the international position in the container ports, it has strongly drived the project for establishing the superhub port. However, Japan has the following demerits such as the problem of geographical location because of the rapid increase of Chinese role and position, the dispersion of 5 big hub ports according to the location, and the inefficiency with the regidity caused from bureaucratic system. Fourth, empirical analysis by using CCR and BCC models shows the followings. ① the efficiency of the Port of Busan is the highest, and that of the Port of Gwangyang is the lowest. The Korean seaports should benchmark the Chinese seaports for enhancing the efficiency. ② the efficiency of Chinese seaports has been increased between 2003 and 2004, however, has been decreased between 2004 and 2008. After that period, once again efficiency is increased. ③ After privatization, the Chinese seaports increased their efficiency. The large sized seaports have shown the better efficiency. Fifth, the most special character of Japanese seaports comes from the lower level of efficiency compared to those of Chinese and Korean seaports. Sixth, the results of Malmquist analysis are as follows. ① In Korea, the trends of efficiency changes for 7 years by using Malmquist model show that under the CRS condition, Ulsan, Incheon, and Gwangyang ports in order have shown the efficient ports in terms of averaged Malmquist index. Technical progress was made in Ulsan, Incheon, Busan, and Gwangyang ports. ② In China, under CRS condition, efficiency score was increased as 1. Among them, CRS efficiency score was continuously 1. The technological change was shown among the 10 seaports. But efficiency scores of Dalian, Huzhou, and Ningbo ports are fluctuated. This results indicate that technical index change has been increased. ③ In Japan, under CRS condition, the efficiency scores between 2005 and 2009 are lowered, especially, Hakada Ports has shown the most inefficient. In averaged terms, Hakada, Kitakyushu, Naha, and Shimizu ports are inefficient. Technological change index has been decreased. Technical change index has been declined. Therefore, to enhance the efficiency scores, each ports should develop and promote the production technology more than ever. The policy implications of this thesis are as follows[Cai Rui, 2009)]: First, the CCR-BCC, Economies of Scale and Malmquist models have the merits of providing an alternative method to traditional DEA models for measuring the efficiency of seaports. Malmquist model showed the usefulness for measuring the trends of efficiency change dynamically for 7 years. Second, when port authorities want to measure the international competitive strength of seaports and enhance their efficiency, they should consider both the traditional method as well as the introduction of the Malmquist models including CCR-BCC model. Korean ,Chinese and Japanese ports should be more wisely opened to toreigy companies not only for getting more investment and advanced technology but also for getting the experience about port operation. Third, the planner of seaport policy should adopt and enforce the efficiency evaluation indicators for enhancing the competition power with the efficiency of individual seaport. Korean ,Chinese and Japanese ports have to figure out a good way to set a balanced relationship with the middle and small sized ports around it to keep them from malignant competition an make a just competitive atmosphere for the shipping market. Fourth, policy planner of seaport should introduce the port management by private enterprises for the scientific and systematic port management efficiently. Improve the information system by uniting the different information systems in all the sections of the port and establishing the database and EDI system. Fifth, Korean, Chinese, and Japanese ports have to build up multi-functional logistics park by improving the function of the International logistic center, the High Tech Park and the traffic network of the hinterland.

      • 한국 언론의 맥락 저널리즘 : 머니투데이 the300 사례연구

        이미호 고려대학교 언론대학원 2019 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        본 연구는 머니투데이 정치부 the300을 통해 한국 언론의 맥락 저널리즘 구현 사례를 들여다 본 사례연구다. 단편적 사실만을 전달하는 기존의 보도 행태가 ‘뉴스 파편화’ 현상을 부추기는 상황에서 맥락 저널리즘에 대한 필요와 요구는 날로 커질 전망이다. 국내에서 맥락 저널리즘에 대한 연구는 아직 본격적으로 이뤄지지 않았다. 따라서 이 논문은 맥락 저널리즘을 분석·탐구한 첫번째 논문이라는 점에서 의의가 있다. 본 연구는 맥락 저널리즘의 개념을 정의하고 특징을 형식적 측면과 내용적 측면에서 나눠 살펴봤다. 이어 the300 기자들과의 인터뷰를 통해 맥락 저널리즘 구현 과정을 자세히 살펴봤다. the300은 여야 중심의 취재 관행을 거부하고 상임위 중심의 ‘격자형’ 취재 시스템을 도입했다. 뿐만 아니라 특정 이슈의 근본적 원인에 대해 보다 다양한 논의가 이뤄질 수 있도록 사안의 모든 면을 펼쳐 보여주는 새로운 형태의 기사를 선보였다. 아울러 본 연구는 the300이 맥락 저널리즘 구현 과정에서 겪은 장애요인과 한계점은 무엇이었는지 논의하고, 한국 언론에서 맥락 저널리즘이 자리잡으려면 실질적으로 어떠한 조건이 필요한지도 제시했다.

      • 혼례시 전통한복의 착용 현황 및 선호도 분석

        이미호 경성대학교 대학원 2012 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The traditional Korean Costume is a Living art with a spirit of our nation unique. Also it is a fashion icon which puts in the life and the wisdom of Korean. In this study, first through analyzing previous studies theoretically, it looks at the traditional wedding dress shape and its change process which have been made throughout the Joseon Dynasty and modern​​ to analyze the current wearing state of the traditional Korean Costume and the preferences of consumer at weddings. And it looks at today‘s the traditional Korean Costume location and the overall flow. In addition, to study empirically investigated the traditional Korean Costume awareness and design preference of the traditional Korean Costume, wearing and buying actual conditions at wedding, this study were investigated comprehensively by research through the analysis of affinity, wedding ceremony Survey, Costume stores. This study can get the trend of preference and overall look in today's the traditional Korean Costume colors, texture, material. In addition, by identifying recognition and status for the traditional Korean Costume and utilizing database of the consumer's preference about the traditional Korean Costume colors, patterns, materials based on the results of analysis, this study shall be aimed at induced wearing at wedding by expand and develop of care for the traditional Korean Costume. This study show that the traditional Korean Costume is purchased and worn at wedding because of a nowadays trend at wedding and Pyebaek rather than it is important and necessary. And the fundamental problem is that buying and wearing counts of the traditional Korean Costume are less. In order to popularize the traditional Korean Costume, the most important is the recognition change from ‘traditional Costume is uncomfortable clothes’, and then the uncomfortable parts should improve. In addition, if the traditional Korean Costume choice range is wide from the price side, the consumer will wear the traditional Korean Costume easily festive day or event etc. Eventually the popularity of the traditional Korean Costume diversify the traditional color, material, texture and serve as a catalyst in the development of design, so the development and popularization of the traditional Korean Costume are mutual relationship. In recent years, the effort to inherit the tradition and the traditional Korean Costume is stronger than former times. The traditional Korean Costume fashion show is held in various regions and the reproduction or experience events of a traditional wedding dress at local festivals is created. This research is expected to help and support these efforts. This study reflect recognition of the traditional Korean Costume and the preferences of the current public, so the people of the position which prepares an event or fashion show will be able to grasp the preferences of the public and also it will contribute for the traditional Korean Costume designers to create and design its color, material, design patterns that the public wants.

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