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      • 국가적정 감축행동 측정·보고·검증(NAMA MRV)에 대한 에너지소비효율등급제도 적용성 연구

        유기호 동국대학교 2014 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        우리나라는 온실가스를 줄이기 위해 산업부문과 비산업부분에서 다양한 제도 마련과 실천 노력을 하고 있다. 이러한 제도들중에서 비산업부분중 생활 부문과 밀접한 관련성이 있는 가전기기 분야에 있어 에너지이용 효율 향상의 제도 분석을 통한 기후변화 대응 관계에 대해 연구하고자 한다. 먼저, 국내외 여러 관련 제도들을 간략히 살펴보고, 연구 범위를 국내 에너지소비효율등급제도 제품을 대상으로 하였다. 이중 주요 제품에 대해 에너지절감 효과를 산정하고 이를 통해 온실가스 감축량으로 환산하여 제품별 에너지 절감량을 분석하고 이를 NAMA의 MRV 방법론 구축을 통한 향후 국내 에너지정책과 연계한 활용방안에 대해 간략히 논의하고자 한다. International Community have been discussing new mechanisms which participate in developed and developing countries for Climate Change since Post Kyoto Protocol. NAMA(Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions) is new market mechanisms which to overcome the problems and Limitations in the 16th Conference of the Parties as the developing countrie's role is increasing in the activities of Climate Change. This study presents a new approach for a nationally appropriate mitigation actions (NAMA) framework that can solve the huge potential for greenhouse gas mitigation in dispersed energy end-use sectors in developing countries; especially, Energy efficiency rating label. The new NAMA framework described in this paper is designed to fulfill Measurement, Reporting, Verification (MRV) discussing as any national guideline. The Energy efficiency sector is used as an example to demonstrate how NAMA measures can be registered and implemented. This is an essential step to achieve the global climate change mitigation target and support sustainable development in developing countries. This study demonstrate that Energy efficiency rating label shows how to properly evaluate NAMA MRV.

      • 짐벌을 이용한 무인 자전거 시스템의 안정 주행 자세제어

        유기호 부산대학교 2007 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        In recent, the interest of unmanned driving vehicles becomes high. So many research institutes have studied UGV (unmanned ground vehicles) and developed various algorithms to control the vehicles. Unmanned vehicles with various mechanism and function are used for transportation, reconnaissance special environment. The most of the unmanned driving vehicles consist of 4 wheels. However a structure of the robot is restricted in special environment. The vehicle with 4 wheels for stable driving can not use efficient energy and move and turn around in narrow road. Unmanned two-wheel driving system based on bicycle can overcome the problem. So the research for the unmanned bicycle has been developed. But the unmanned bicycle motion control for stable driving is difficult under low speed. In this study, PD control using steering and gimbals is designed to keep equilibrium of the bicycle. A tilt sensor attached on the unmanned bicycle system is used to measure the slope angle of a bicycle system. This study compared the difference between motion control using steering algorithm and gimbals algorithm by experiment. As a result, it is verified that the performance of driving motion control using simultaneously steering and gimbals is better than only using steering or gimbals.

      • Allyl isothiocyanate(AIT)와 산소흡착제의 combined effect를 통한 어묵의 저장성 향상

        유기호 高麗大學校 大學院 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        To maintain the food quality and safety by using the advantages between allyl isothiocyanate containing strong antimicrobial and oxygen scavenger which is one of the active packaging system is the purpose of this research. The result of microbial counts test and lipid oxidation test in combined effect of allyl isothiocyanate and oxygen scavenger indicated enhanced the quality and safety of fish paste. In comparison between control (only fish paste) and fish paste including allyl isothiocyanate and oxygen scavenger, both of total viable counts test and yeasts and moulds test showed 6 log cfu/g after 6 days storage and 12 days storage, respectively. In case of lactic acid bacteria, fish paste including allyl isothiocyanate and oxygen scavenger also reduced microbial with effect. On the other hand, fish paste including solely oxygen scarvenger showed the decrease in lactic acid bacteria ineffectively. Because of lactic acid bacteria prefer anaerobic environment condition. Consequently, using the allyl isothiocyanate and oxygen scavenger together is to supplement lack of oxygen scavenger. Lipid oxidation test carried out peroxide value and TBARS value. Fish paste including allyl isothiocyanate and oxygen scavenger observed quality and safety of fish paste maintain effectively to control the lipid oxidation. According to the peroxide value, control (only fish paste) and fish paste including allyl isothiocyanate and oxygen scavenger showed approximately 8 milliequivalent peroxide/kg and 5 milliequivalent peroxide/kg after 6 days storage and 12 days storage, respectively. In case of TBARS value, it is observed significant difference of malonaldehyde contents. It is ascribed to fish paste including allyl isothiocyanate and oxygen scavenger together reduced the lipid oxidation with effect compared to control (only fish paste).

      • 부동산중개업 종사자의 직무환경만족이 경영성과에 미치는 영향 연구

        유기호 한양사이버대학교 부동산대학원 2021 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        우리나라 부동산산업 규모는 경제성장과 더불어 점점 커지고 복잡화, 다양화되고 있으며 국민경제 전반에 끼치는 영향력이 높아지고 있다. 부동산자산이 국민 순자산 구성에서 차지하는 비중이 4분의 3을 넘어서고 그 비중이 점점 증가하는 가운데 거래하는 부동산 중개 유형 또한 복잡화ㆍ다양화ㆍ고급화되어가는 상황 속에서 부동산중개업 종사자의 역할이 갈수록 중요해지고 있다. 국토교통부 통계누리 자료에 따르면 2020년 4/4분기 말 실제 개업한 전국 공인중개사는 106,699명으로 개업공인중개사 102,132명, 중개인 3,173명 중개법인 1,394명이 영업 중이다. 본 연구는 부동산 시장 최전선에서 갈수록 역할이 중요해지는 부동산중개업 종사자의 직무환경만족을 제고하기 위해 업무 특성을 반영한 직무환경만족 요인으로 내부관계, 소득, 장래성, 몰입, 업무만족이 경영성과에 미치는 영향 및 구조관계를 규명하고자 하였다. 그동안 부동산중개업 종사자에 대한 선행연구에서 직무환경이나 직무만족, 직무특성, 직무몰입, 경영성과 등 주제별로 많은 연구가 진행되어왔는데 대부분 주로 부동산 정책이나 제도개선, 부동산 시장 문제점 같은 외적인 부분에 집중되다보니 정작 커져가는 부동산 시장에서 부동산 중개업 최전선에 있는 부동산 중개사무소 내부 직무환경과 직무만족에 대한 연구가 상대적으로 미흡하였다. 본 연구에서는 수도권 지역에서 영업 중인 개업공인중개사, 소속공인중개사, 중개인, 중개보조인, 중개법인 등 중개사사무소에서 근무하는 부동산중개업 종사자를 대상으로 설문과 현장 인터뷰를 통해 부동산 중개사무소 내부 직무환경만족 요인과 경영성과 간에 영향 및 구조관계를 연구하였는데 연구한 결과는 다음과 같다. 먼저, 인구통계학적 특성을 보면 50~60대가 58.9%로 주를 이루며 최종학력은 대졸 이상이 66.6%, 10년 이상 장기근무자 비중이 59.6%, 연소득 6천만 원 이상 57.7%, 중개사무소 3인 인하 88.1%로 수도권 부동산중개업 종사자 특징은 고학력 장기 근무자가 많으며 연소득과 규모면에서 보면 사업 환경이 영세한 것으로 나타났다. 표본 집단에 대한 통계량 평균을 보면 소득에 대한 만족도에서 여성이 3.38, 남성이 3.23, 직무만족에서는 여성이 3.81, 남성이 3.77, 내부관계에서는 여성이 3.68, 남성이 3.59로 남성보다 여성이 상대적으로 소득, 직무만족, 내부관계에서 만족도가 높아 상대적으로 여성이 남성보다 부동산 중개 업무에서 사회성이나 관계성이 높고 업무만족도 또한 높은 것으로 나타났다. 가설 검증결과, 내부관계는 몰입, 업무만족, 경영성과에 장래성은 몰입에 업무만족은 경영성과에 유의한 정(+)의 영향을 주고 소득이 몰입에 몰입이 경영성과에 미치는 영향 관계는 없는 것으로 나타났다. 추가로 장래성-몰입-업무만족-경영성과로 이어지는 간접효과를 갖고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구 분석 결과를 토대로 부동산중개업 종사자의 직무환경만족 제고와 경쟁력 제고를 위한 개선 제언은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 첫째, 부동산거래 원스톱 시스템 제도를 조기 정착이다. 직무환경만족과 부동산중개업 종사자 경쟁력 제고를 위한 근본적인 개선은 선행연구에서 선진국 사례를 보았듯이 부동산 거래 정보망 통합 및 조기 시스템 안정화이며 이를 통해 중장기 국토부가 추진하고 있는 전자계약시스템의 시스템 상에 업무 통합을 추진하는 것이다. 둘째, 부동산시장 과열경쟁방지 및 거래질서 정착을 위해 전속중개제도 활성화를 위한 제도적 방안 강구이다. 그동안 우리나라의 부동산중개 시장에서 선진국과 달리 구두에 의한 일반중개계약 관행은 중개업무의 경쟁력 강화에 걸림돌이 되어왔으며 장기적으로 규모 경제를 통한 부동산 중개업 경쟁력 제고 차원에서 전속중개계약 시행 검토가 되어야 하겠다. 셋째는 부동산 시장 불법 및 무자격 중개 행위에 대한 처벌 기준 강화와 주기적으로 교육 및 관리하는 제도적 장치가 정책적으로 마련되어야 한다. 결론적으로 부동산 시장은 점점 확대되고 복잡화되고 대외적으로 개방된 상황 속에서 부동산중개업 종사자들이 전문성과 경쟁력을 확보하기 위해서는 직무환경만족 제고에 걸림돌이 되고 있는 부동산 거래 정보망 개방과 통합이 시급하다. 장기적으로 부동산 시장은 업무 편리성과 효율성 그리고 고객 중심 플랫폼 기반 시장으로 발전할 것으로 예상되는데 본 연구 앞에서 선행연구를 통해 캐나다 선진 사례 비교에서 보았듯이 우리나라 부동산중개 직무환경과 차이점은 하나로 통합 운영되는 부동산 거래 정보망과 전속계약제도 그리고 정부에 위임받은 부동산협회 및 이사회, 위원회에서 철저한 관리감독 등으로 구분된다. 중장기적으로 부동산 시장 선진화 제도 정착을 통해 업무 효율성을 높이고 부동산중개업 종사자의 직무환경만족 제고를 통해 장차 외국 종합부동산회사들과 경쟁에서 살아남기 위해서는 협회와 정부의 정책지원과 강한 개선 의지와 함께 중개업 종사자들 또한 새로운 질서를 만들고자 하는 인식과 중장기 시장 경쟁력을 갖추는데 참여와 앞선 대처가 필요하다. 주제어 : 부동산중개업 종사자, 직무환경, 직무환경만족, 직무만족, 직무몰입, 경영성과

      • 統一 韓國軍 武器體系의 發展方向

        유기호 朝鮮大學校 政策大學院 2002 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The goal of this thesis is to prepare the nations biggest task in peaceful unification, and to search and present the course of development in the weapon system of unified Korean forces. Development of weapon system is the leading point and its importance in the future wars & disputes is undeniable. It is also an important point to be considered when a nation establishes its strategy and tactics of national forces. Historically, relationship between changes of strategy and tactics and development of weapon system is closely connected. Therefore, to survive in the international relationship after the cold-war era, and acknowledging that strong military power is the key for ensuring peace. For, there is great importance in presenting a plan to develop the weapon system of Korean forces after its north-south unification. After unification, there will be different perspectives in the institution of the weapon system of unified Korean forces, by taking considerations of the following issues, such as, military strategy, strategical effect, economical efficiency, relationship with friendly nations(forces), establishing self-reliant defence capability, facilitation in the integration of weapon system between the North & South Korea, topographical characteristics, dogma, and physical conditions of the people. Hence, the general idea for the weapon system of the unified Korean forces is to take its steps towards reflecting on the characteristics, as well as, the merits and demerits of the present weapon system in the North and South Korean forces. Therefore, the following thesis is composed in 5 chapters. The concepts of weapon system and the development of weapon system according to the changes in the paradigm of war, is presented in chapter 2. In chapter 3, examples of divided nations has been exhibited to case-study the development of weapon system. The course of the development in the weapon system of the unified Korean forces was explored in chapter 4 and lastly, the conclusion is drawn in chapter 5.

      • 고등학교 사회과 법교육에 관한 연구

        유기호 全北大學校 敎育大學院 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        We have to get the knowledge on the law for ourselves rather than make the lawyers take charge of the law since the law functions as a style of living which has a great effect on our daily lives. But if we look at the high school curriculums of our country, the relative importance of the law-related contents in social studies is gradually lessened and the law-related contents are not mentioned at all in the 7th school curriculum This study is to look into the general contents of the theory of the law-related education and analyze the changes of the contents of the each school curriculums. It also inquire into the problems in law-related education, analyze the contents in rLaw and Society, , an intensive elective course for substantial law-education, and look for the solutions to the problems in the 7th school curriculum. The method of study is to collect antecedent research materials and file the changing processes according to each period of school curriculum. After closely analyzing the contents of 「Law and Society, an intensive elective course, in the 7th school curriculum, we got the following results. The problems in the law-related education of the senior high school are as follows. The first : The contents of the law-related education has been contracted. From national foundation to this time, the quantity of the law-related education has been continuously decreased. The second : It does not have the proper subject's name as an independent subject because the systematic contents in law-related education are indistinct and dim. The third : There is no the sequences of the contents in law-related education. Since the law-related education from elementary school to high school does not obviously present the systematic contents in our educational circumstance, the constitutional law and the general law are mingled without any criterions or organized as separate units. The fourth : Despite the necessity of developing a variety of textbooks, the law-related books of high school level run short for no reason at all. The fifth : The teachers specializing in the law-related education are wholly lacking in our educational circumstance. The sixth : It is necessary to organize an elaborate and systematic curriculum rather than construct a short-sighted curriculum in law-related education. The improvement plans in law-related education are as follows The first : The law-related education should be organized as an independent subject. By organizing 「Law and Society」 an intensive elective course, in 7th school curriculum as a required subject, it should be thaught in senior high schools for the proper law-related education. The second : It is necessary to develop the appropriate textbooks. By making the teachers on the active list participate in the development process, the textbooks containing both the consciousness of law and the knowledge on law needed in high school curriculum should be developed. The third : The development of audiovisual materials is essential. The audiovisual materials containing diverse and actual examples should be developed in order to be used in classrooms. The fourth : The softwares for teaching and learning should be developed. The students should be allowed to look for cases, judicial precedents, and a code on the internet. The fifth : The group studying on the law should be activated to improve the law-related education. The sixth : A teachers' training school responsible for the law-related education is needed. The seventh : The law-related education should be accompanied with not numerating or memorizing the knowledge on law but forming the consciousness of law and teaching the value of law. The eighth : In the 7th school curriculum, the optional activities, 6hours a week , should be considered to be used to teach the law-related education for more than two hours a week. The ninth : We should have the place of law education be in a triangular position and present the contents of law-related education that are systematic and related to the real life in consideration of the level of students. In conclusion, the integration-centered curriculum is also the result of inconsistently organizing the courses with disregarding the characteristics of the subjects. We have to reform the integration-oriented curriculum in order to train experts of law-related education and teach the law with effect. Also, the government should be willing to provide supports and endeavors to train those who are specializing in the law as good teachers and develop the textbooks.

      • 1-link 彈性 Arm에 대한 竝進 運動의 解析과 振動 制御

        유기호 全北大學校 1990 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        This thesis is a theoretical and experimental study of the translational motion of the flexible arm with a tip mass to do effective position control. This system is composed of the 1-link flexible arm, the DC servo motor, and the ballscrew mechanism. The tip displacement of the arm is measured by the laser sensor fixed in space and controlled by the motor through the ballscrew mechanism causing translational motion. The motor is driven by a feedback signal composed of the tip displacement and velocity. In the numerical analysis, Laplace Transform is used for development of the governing equations, and its solution is obtained by applying the method of Numerical Laplace Inversion. The transient response of the flexible arm subjected to the step input is obtained in both theoretical and experimental approaches. Comparing the experimental results with the theoretical ones, we know both results are in agreement relatively for a wide range of parameters. The obtained results are summerized as follows: (1)In the case of the closed loop control, the convergence of the tip displacement of the arm to the desired position is significantly fast than that of the open loop control. (2)The tip displacement of the arm converges the desired position more rapidly as the displacement feedback gain G_d increases. On the other hand, excessive value of G_d promotes the overshoot of the displacement. As for the velocity feedback, the variation of the velocity feedback gain G_v hardly affects the response of the arm.

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