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      • 東坡詞硏究

        신현석 全南大學校 1991 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        蘇東坡(1036-1101, 名;軾, 字;子膽)는 天賦的인 才能과 學識으로 宋代文學에 큰 업적을 남겼다. 그 중에시도 그가 詞에서 이룬 것은 매우 현저하여 宋詞에 新境地를 이루었다. 본 論文에서는 東坡가 詞에서 이룩한 新境地인「以詩爲詞」적인 면을 구체적으로 살펴보고자 하였다. 唐末, 五代의 대부분의 詞作家들은 小令의 형식으로써 남녀간의 離別이나 艶情을 재제로 한 婉約한 詞를 지었다. 北宋초에 들어와서도 이러한 경향은 지속되어 詞는 작가의 思想이나 懷抱를 다루는 것보다는 歌唱을 전제로 하여 연회석상의 여흥으로 남녀간의 사랑과 이별을 주로 읊었다. 때문에 이때까지 詞의 내용은 일률적이며 협소하였다. 그러나 詞는 東坡에 와서 形式, 表現技巧, 內容, 風格에서 새로운 양상을 띄게 되었다. 東坡가 詞의 領域을 擴大한 것은 전대 문인들의 영향이 컸는데 특히 陶淵明, 杜甫, 白居易 등의 詩人과 張先, 柳永 등의 詞入이다. 陶淵明과 白居易는 東坡詞의 淸曠한 詞風에 영향을 미쳤고 杜甫는 詞에 憂國衷情을 읊는 등 내용상의 확대에 영향을 미쳤다. 張先이 東坡詞에 미친 영향은 문인들의 일상생활에서 발생하는 갖가지 일을 詞의 재제로 운용하게 한 것과 次韻, 題序의 병기이다. 이것은 東坡가「以詩爲詞」하게 된 직접적인 동기가 되었다. 柳永의 영향은 慢詞體를 사용한 鋪述的인 서술방식인데 이로 인해 東坡는 자신의 다양한 회포를 비교적 긴 편폭으로 표현할 수 있었다. 東坡는 전대 문인들의 영향과 자신이 문학적인 견해를 반영하여 詞作에서 새로운 태도를 가졌다. 곧 詞를 남녀간의 사랑과 이별을 노래한「言情」적인 음악가사로만 여기지 않고 자신의 懷抱와 思想을 읊은「言志·說理」적인 문학양식으로 간주하였다. 때문에 그의 詞는 內容에 치중하게 되었고 음률상의 구속에는 크게 얽매이지 않았다. 東坡는 詞調를 선택하는 데에서 다른 詞入 보다 편협하다. 東坡는 당시에 보편적으로 널리 알려진 詞調를 선택하여 작품을 지었고, 詞調 본래의 음악적인 분위기와는 다른 내용을 읊었다. 또한 節奏와 관계있는 句法을 의미상으로 分句하여 독창적으로 사용하였고, 平仄에 유지하여 詞作함으로써 歌唱만을 의식하지 않고 朗誦의 新體詩로 여겼다. 이러한 점은 東坡詞가 音律에 맞지 않는다는 점을 나타내 주는 것이기도 하지만 東坡가 詞를 詩化한 면이기도 하다. 더우기 詞에 題序를 대폭 강화함으로서 詩作의 기교를 詞에 도입하기도 하였다. 그렇지만 自度曲를 짓고 어떤 詞調에서는 字聲을 엄격히 지키며 歌唱을 위한 작품을 짓는 등 詞의 음악적인 면을 완전히 배격한 것은 아니었다. 表現技巧에 있어서 東坡는 景物에 情적인 것은 물론 理적인 면까지 융화하여 詞의 境界를 高遠하게 하였고, 用典을 대량으로 사용함으로써 詞의 雅化를 꾀했다. 이러한 점 역시 東坡詞가 노래 부르기에 적합치 않은 면을 보여주는 것이기도 하나 詩作의 기교를 詞에 도입한 것이다. 또한 다양한 比喩를 사용하여 詞의 함축적인 면을 강화하였고 은괄·集句·回文 등 詩에서 즐겨 사용하던 기법을 도입하였다. 게다가 散文句를 사용함으로써 詞에 散文的인 맛까지를 더해 주었다. 그렇지만 對偶, 壘字, 反復, 接字, 口語 등을 사용하여 詞가 지니는 音律美를 고려함으로써 歌唱상의 효과를 전혀 도외시 한 것은 아니었다. 詞의 內容에서 東坡가 추구한 새로운 면을 보면, 첫째 文人들간의 이별의 감정이나 우애 등을 읊어 詞를 문인들이 화답하는 수단이 되게 하였다. 둘째, 자신의 報國安民하려는 功名心을 담거나 정치적인 좌절에서 오는 고적함을 읊기도 하였다. 셋째, 田園에 은퇴하여 閑適한 생활을 읊거나 세속의 명리에 超然하고자 하는 達觀的인 思想을 담았다. 넷째, 옛 事跡이나 人物들을 懷古 敍事하였다. 다섯째, 詠物이나 寫景詞를 지었다. 이와 같이 다양한 내용을 읊음으로써 詞는 그 영역이 확대 되었고, 詩와 같이 문인들의 다양한 회포를 읊는 문학적인 수단이 되었다. 東坡詞는 이처럼 詩的인 성격을 지니고 있지만 정치적인 풍자나 백성의 고통 등 사회 현실에 대한 고발적인 것을 다루지 않았다. 이는 東坡詞가 詩와 다른 점인데 東坡가 調를 說理的인 詩와는 다르게 抒情的인 면을 계속 고려한 점이라 하겠다. 風格에서 종래의 詞風이 여인묘사나 애욕을 婉約하게 읊는데 치우쳐 있었으나 東坡는 자신의 雄渾한 기상을 읊은 豪族한 詞風을 창시하였다. 東坡詞에서 豪放함은 다른 詞人에 비해 상대적으로 강조되어 왔으나 오히려 田園 속에서 閑適히 지내며 世事에 超脫한 심정을 담은 淸曠한 詞風이 주류를 이루고 있다. 그는 또 전통적인 婉約한 詞를 써서 詞 본래의 면을 무시하지 않았으나, 纖艶함을 추구하지 않고 진지하고 순수한 정감을 기탁하였다. 이러한 東坡의 詞作 태도는 그가 詞를 일종의 新體詩로 간주하여 詩를 짓는 태도로 詞를 지은 것은 말해주는 것이며, 자연히 그의 詞를 독장적인 것이 되게 하여 그의 詞는 독특한 個性을 지니게 되었다. 이처럼 내용을 중시한 東坡의 詞風을 南宋代에 中原恢復을 염원하는 詞人들이 자신들의 懷抱를 기탁하기 인해 詞의 내용에 치중하자 성행하게 되었는데, 대표적인 이는 辛棄疾로 그는 東坡의 詞風을 발양시켰다. Su Dong Po(蘇東坡) contributed to the literature of Song dynasty with a endowed talent and knowledge. Ci poetry(詞) which was the most remarkable of his achievements opened a new field in Ci poetry of Song dynasty. This study tried to examine concretely his new phase, writing Ci poetry with poetry(以詩爲詞). Most of Ci poets in the late Tang(唐) and Wu(五) dynasties composed graceful and restrained(婉約) poetry which had a material of man and woman's parting or love as a form of Xiao Ling(小令). This trend continued to the early Northern Song dynasty and poetry recited man and woman's love or parting as entertainment at a banquet with premising song rather than treated a writer's thought or heart. Therefore, up to these times, the content of Ci poetry was narrow and even. But Dong Po(東坡) developed new aspects in terms of the form, the art of expression, the content and the style. Dong Po expanded the scope of Ci poetry with the great effect of the former writers; especially, there were poets like Tao Yuan Ming(陶淵明), Du Fu(杜甫), Bai Ju Yi(白居易), etc, and Ci poets like Zhang Xian(張先), Liu Yong(柳永), etc. Tao Yuan Ming and Bai Ju Yi affected the clear and broad-minded(淸曠) style of Dong Po's Ci poetry, Du Fu the expansion of the contents with chanting his patriotism and inmost feelings in Ci poetry, and Zhang Xian had an effect in terms of using the various things happening in common life as subject matters and the addition of subject and preface and Ci Yun(次韻). These became the direct motivations of Dong Po's writing Ci poetry with poetry(以詩爲詞). Dong Po also accepted Liu Yong's narrative description method using the style of Man Ci(慢詞體) and so he could express his own various inmost thoughts with relatively long width. Dong Po took a new attitude in the writing of Ci poetry as reflecting his own literary viewpoints and the effect from the former writers; namely, he regarded Ci poetry not only as lyrical music words singing man and woman's love and pariting but as rational and ideal literary modes reciting his own heart and thought. Therefore, his Ci poetry was stressed on the content and became free from tunes. Dong Po was illiberal in choosing rhythm schemes of Ci poetry(詞調) rather than other poets. He composed writings with choosing universally well-known rhythm schemes of Ci poetry in those days and recited different contents from the musical mood of rhythm schemes of Ci poetry itself. He divided semantically the diction involved in rhythm and used it originally. And he regarded it as a new-style poem by writing Ci poetry not only considering singing but taking care of level and oblique tones(平仄). These points indicated that Dong Po's Ci poetry didn't follow rhythm but that Dong Po poetized Ci poetry. Furthermore he introduced the technique of versification to Ci poetry with strengthening the subject and preface greatly. But he didn't completely exclude the musical aspects of Ci poetry; for example, he composed self-imposed composition(自度曲) and strictly kept the pitch words of some Ci poetry. In terms of the method of expressions, Dong Po exalted the border of Ci poetry by harmonizing the static parts with the rational parts in scenery and intended to make Ci poetry fine with using the literary quotation massively. These points also showed that Dong Po's Ci poetry was not appropriate to singing but that it introduced the skill of poem writing to Ci poetry. Dong Po strengthened the implicative parts of Ci poetry, using various similes and introduced the art used in poetry, Yin Kuo(은괄), collecting phrase(集句), and palindrome(回文), etc. Furthermore he added the prosaic flavor to Ci poetry using the prosaic phrase. But he didn't ignore the effect of singing by considering the rhythmic grace which Ci poetry had, using contraposition, refiterative locution, repetition, joining words, and phrase, etc. Dong Po pursued the five new aspects in terms of the content of Ci poetry. They are as following: First, he made Ci poetry a means in which writers responded, singing the feelings of parting or friendship between writers. Secondly, he expressed the ambition intending to provide for the welfare of the nation and people or sang the feeling of loneliness coming from the political frustration. Thirdly, he recited a quiet life after retiring to the country and expressed the farsighted thought intending to stand aloof. Fourthly, he described and recollected the old traces or characters. Fifthly, he chanted objects or composed Ci poetry singing scenery. Thus singing the various contents, he expanded the scope of Ci poetry and so Ci poetry became a literary method reciting writers' various inmost thoughts like poetry. Thus Dong Po's Ci poetry had poetic features but didn't treat charging about social realities, namely political satires or the people's pain, etc. This was a different point between Dong Po's Ci poetry and poetry; it showed that Dong Po considered lyrical parts consdtinuously in Ci poetry in contrast with ideal poetry. In terms of style, the former style of Ci poetry was inclined toward reciting gracefully and restrainedly love and lust or describing women but Dong Po originated a style of Ci poetry, chanting his own spirit with a great leap. The manly and large-minded(豪族) in Dong Po's Ci poetry had been relatively emphasized in comparison with feeling from the world living quietly in the country was the main current of Dong Po's Ci poetry. He didn't ignore the intrinsic part of Ci poetry using the traditional graceful and restrained Ci poetry but commited to serious and pure feelings instead of pursuing the rich and gaudy(纖艶). These showed that Dong Po composed poetry as regarding Ci poetry as a kind of a newly-style poem. In this way his Ci poetry had a characteristic traits. Thus Dong Po's Ci poetry emphasizing the contents was prevailed, when Ci poets desiring to regain the mainland attatch weight to the contents of Ci poetry in order to commit to their own hearts. Xin Qi Zhi(辛棄疾), the representive person of them, exalted Dong Po's style of Ci poetry.

      • 복숭아 내한성 관련 디하이드린 단백질, 탄수화물, 유전자 발현의 변화 : Changes of Dehydrins, Carbohydrates, and Gene Expressions Related to Cold Hardiness in Prunus persica (L.) Batsch

        신현석 충북대학교 대학원 2013 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        The present studies were performed to investigate genetic factors of more adaptable cultivars to changes of recent climatic condition during winter and/or early spring and to enhance our understanding of kinetics and mechanisms of cold acclimation, deacclimation, and reacclimation in the shoots of four peach cultivars (P. persica cvs. Daewol, Aikawanakajima, Fukuyokabijin, and Kiraranokiwami). Two experiments, (1) seasonal cold acclimation and deacclimation and (2) repeated deacclimation and reacclimation were carried out. The percent injury data based on electrolyte leakage analysis under various temperature conditions were transformed into LT50 values representing cold hardiness. The SDS-PAGE profiles of proteins from each cultivar were used to analyze changes of dehydrin proteins. Carbohydrates were analyzed using a HPLC. Transcript accumulation of different genes related to changes of dehydrins and carbohydrates were examined using a quantitative real-time RT-PCR. Experiment 1. Changes of Dehydrins, Carbohydrates, and Gene Expressions during Cold Acclimation and Deacclimation in Adult Peach Trees Cold hardiness of four peach cultivars increased during the autumn, reached a maximum in midwinter and then gradually decreased. Numerical changes of cold hardiness in ‘Daewol’, ‘Aikawanakajima’, ‘Fukuyokabijin’, and ‘Kiraranokiwami’ peach trees were modest during cold acclimation period from August 2011 to December 2011. However, numerical changes of cold hardiness in four cultivars during deacclimation period from January 2012 to April 2012 were significantly different; LT50 values of most freezing tolerant ‘Daewol’ showed differences in cold hardiness above -10oC compared to most freezing susceptible ‘Kiraranokiwami’. Changes of a 60 kDa of dehydrin protein encoded by PpDhn1 gene were observed in four cultivars from August 2011 to April 2012. The SDS-PAGE profiles of proteins from four cultivars were very similar during investigated period. Data indicated that a 60 kDa protein of four cultivars accumulated to high level during fall and winter (from November 2011 to January 2012) followed by a complete disappearance in spring (from March to April 2012). A 30 kDa of polypeptide, assumed to be a dehydrin protein encoded by PpDhn2 gene, did not display discernible changes. A 16 kDa of polypeptide which was assumed as a “bark-storage protein” also exhibited a similar seasonal pattern in four cultivars. PpDhn1 transcript accumulation occurred on seasonal basis, rising steadily during the autumn, reaching the maximum in midwinter and declining during the spring. On the other hand, PpDhn2 did not seem to be seasonally regulated. Expression patterns of PpDhn3 were similar to those of PpDhn1 in all cultivars (P ≤ 0.05). However, like changes of a 60 kDa of polypeptide, changes of dehydrin gene expressions among the cultivars at each sampling dates were not significantly different. Expression of PpNCED1 gene displayed apparent seasonal patterns in ‘Aikawanakajima’ and ‘Kiraranokiwami’, whereas did not in ‘Daewol’ and ‘Fukuyokabijin’. Expressions of PpDhn1 and PpDhn3 were highly correlated with cold hardiness of four cultivars, and the relation between PpDhn1 and cold hardiness (P ≤ 0.001) was stronger than the relation between PpDhn3 and cold hardiness (P ≤ 0.01). However, the relation between PpDhn2 and cold hardiness was statistically significant only in ‘Daewol’ and ‘Kiraranokiwami’ (P ≤ 0.01). Expression of PpNCED1 was highly correlated with cold hardiness in ‘Aikawanakajima’ and ‘Kiraranokiwami’ (P ≤ 0.001), and was positively correlated with expressions of PpDhn1 (P ≤ 0.001) and PpDhn3 (P ≤ 0.001) in ‘Aikawanakajima’ and ‘Kiraranokiwami’. The seasonal changes of cold hardiness were closely correlated to the contents of sucrose and total soluble sugars in four cultivars (P ≤ 0.001). The content of sucrose and total soluble sugars in the shoots of four peach cultivars increased during cold acclimation and decreased during deacclimation. The contents of glucose and fructose in ‘Aikawanakajima’, ‘Fukuyokabijin’, and ‘Kiraranokiwami’ did not show any specific patterns, although slight changes were observed during cold acclimation and deacclimation. Especially, the contents of glucose and fructose in ‘Daewol’ significantly increased from December 2011 to February 2012 when average air temperatures were the lowest during investigated period. However, the contents of two sugars were much lower than those of sucrose and sorbitol. Relative gene expression levels of β-amylase and (sucrose phosphate synthase) SPS in four peach cultivars significantly increased during cold acclimation, showed a transient decrease in midwinter, and decreased during deacclimation (P ≤ 0.01). Experiment 2. Changes of Dehydrins, Carbohydrates, and Gene Expressions in Response to Deacclimation and Reacclimation in One-year-old Peach Trees In our previous study (in Experiment 1), the difference in cold hardiness between ‘Daewol’ (relatively cold-tolerant) and ‘Kiraranokiwami’ (relatively cold-susceptible) was the most obvious throughout the investigated period. Patterns of cold hardiness in response to repeated deacclimation and reacclimation declined dramatically during the deacclimation and rose during the reacclimation in both cultivars. Particularly, ‘Kiraranokiwami’ which was more cold-susceptible than ‘Daewol’ in our previous study exhibited the numerical decrease of cold hardiness, evaulated by LT50 values, in response to repeated warm temperatures and their buds were burst earlier. Notably, despite of deacclimation and reacclimation treatments during the same period for four days in this experiment, loss of cold hardiness by deacclimation was higher than recovery of cold hardiness by reacclimation. Accumulation patterns of a polypeptide with an estimated molecular mass of 60 kDa, known as a dehydrin protein coded by PpDhn1 gene, paralleled fluctuations of cold hardiness in two cultivars. The SDS-PAGE profiles of proteins between both cultivars were similar. Data indicated that a 60 kDa protein of two cultivars became faint during the deacclimation, but the band intensity increased during the reacclimation. However, changes of the 60 kDa of polypeptide among the deacclimation or reacclimation treatments could not be distinguished. A 30 kDa of polypeptide, assumed to be a dehydrin protein coded by PpDhn2 gene, did not show any visible changes. A 16 kDa of polypeptide exhibited a similar pattern to a 60 kDa of that in both cultivars. Relative expression of PpDhn1 gene coincided with changes of cold hardiness, declining dramatically during the deacclimation, rising during the reacclimation. Expression patterns of PpDhn2 and PpDhn3 were similar to those of PpDhn1 in both cultivars. Expressions of PpDhn1 and PpDhn2 were highly correlated with cold hardiness of two cultivars (P ≤ 0.01). Although expression pattern of PpDhn3 was similar to those of PpDhn1 and PpDhn2 in both cultivars, the correlation between cold hardiness and expression pattern of PpDhn3 was not statistically significant. All of the sugars including sucrose, sorbitol, glucose, and fructose were statistically correlated with cold hardiness in both cultivars (P ≤ 0.01). Starch was also correlated to cold hardiness in both cultivars (P ≤ 0.05). Interestingly, ‘Daewol’ which was relatively cold-tolerant in Experiment 1 showed more sensitive changes in the carbohydrates in response to warm and low temperatures compared to ‘Kiraranokiwami’ which was relatively cold-susceptible. ‘Daewol’ showed almost similar repeated down- and up- patterns in the contents of soluble sugars in response to repeated deacclimations and reacclimations, whereas showed repeated up- and down- patterns in the contents of starch. However, ‘Kiraranokiwami’ showed a consistent increase in the contents of soluble sugars and a consistent decrease in the contents of starch. Relative expression of β-amylase gene in ‘Daewol’ decreased in approximately half during deacclimation treatments compared to before treatment (BT), whereas during the reacclimation treatments relative expression of β-amylase gene in ‘Daewol’ increased approximately 3- to 4-fold compared to BT. Relative expression of β-amylase gene in ‘Kiraranokiwami’ also showed pattern similar to that in ‘Daewol’. However, the levels of β-amylase gene expression in ‘Kiraranokiwami’ were much lower than in ‘Daewol’ in all the treatments.

      • 檀君神話의 文學的 變容

        신현석 경기대학교 교육대학원 1993 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        This study can be digested as following thesis. Life = A state of dreaming = Literature This is to say, literature is a work to express what is happened to a writer himself and his surroundings and this may be the origin of literary creation. So, analysis of literary creature is an advanced step of a writer's dream and investigation on a dream that may be an approach to an analysis of the core in a literary creature. So far as literature is an art that expresses man's feelings and spirits with language and letter by the help of his imagination, it has generality and subjectivity beyond personal or social category. As there is a view that literature is originated from the instint of self - expression, the reality of one and one's society is expressed by it. At the same time, literature shows that man overcomes his situation and purifies his feelings and spirits by the function of catharsis in it. The motive of The Dan Kun Myth is Heaven worship. It was not naturally formed by the ancient people, but on the premise of Heaven worship ritual. We can prove something about Heaven worship ritual such records as Sam Kuk Ji, Hu Han Seo, etc. But the origin of Heaven worship ritual can be presupposed in earlier times than the literal ages. So man would pray Heaven for something he wishes at the moment of ritual. To achieve these wishes, he should have used words to praise Heaven's favor. These words would have mystical points and a fixed form of psalm to praise Heaven and those would have been formed later through the process of accumulation and refinement of them. The Dan Kun Myth formed for Heaven worship had been corrected by the people's thoughts and cultural backgrounds through oral traditions among them, and added factors of tale and heroic poetry. At last it would have been fixed to a story in Chinese translation. These processes have run through all the legends, tales, old stories and modern stories in Korea. A priest's prayer for Heaven's favor on man and a literary creature which shows readers a dream as a closed world are coincident in the matter of purifying man's feeling and spirit. In this age when man cannot play essential role in the socity that he made, the perfection of community is unable and more over man does not point to it. What can popular readers and writers dream? How should they live? It will be the answer to live in mythic world or to dream such a world in idealistic ways. In other words, it reflects the dream to overcome the current situation. But this age we live in, mythic thoughts and chaos of desires are extending their influences in conflicting with each other. So in this world we are dreaming a mythic world on oneside. But in fact we should not forget that it has a feature of dream to speak of the world. If it is so, what is a naked form of this age ? It is that no devinity is given to this world. Finishing this study, it will be illogical to extract the factors of mythic worlds in a literary creature which is made in objective and private manner rather than subjective and public. But we should search for the way how a myth deals with the matters of this age and the expressions in a literany creature and the processes of re-creation, in a writer's work that shows reekless exposure of himself.

      • 장애인생활시설 생활재활교사의 임파워먼트가 서비스의 질에 미치는 영향

        신현석 대구대학교 2006 국내박사

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        본 연구는 장애인생활시설에서 생활재활교사의 임파워먼트에 영향을 미치는 요인과 임파워먼트수준이 서비스의 질에 미치는 영향을 파악하기 위한 것으로 생활재활교사 528명을 대상으로 조사, 분석하고 고찰하여 얻은 결론은 다음과 같다. 생활재활교사의 임파워먼트 영향요인에서는 자아존중감이 가장 높고, 임파워먼트수준은 의미성이 가장 높게 나타났고, 서비스의 질에서는 신뢰성이 가장 높게 나타났으며, 임파워먼트 영향요인, 임파워먼트수준 그리고 서비스의 질은 서로 정적인 상관관계가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 임파워먼트 영향요인 중 전문적 능력, 내적통제, 보상, 자아존중감, 과업정체성, 피드백, 직원개발은 전체 임파워먼트수준에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났으며, 임파워먼트 영향요인 중 전문적 능력, 내적통제, 직원개발, 피드백, 자아존중감, 과업정체성, 리더십은 전체 서비스의 질에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 생활재활교사의 임파워먼트 수준의 역량, 의미성, 자기결정력, 영향력은 전체 서비스의 질에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 임파워먼트 영향요인, 임파워먼트수준, 서비스 질간의 전체적인 변수들과의 인과관계에 있어서 임파워먼트 영향요인은 임파워먼트 수준에 영향을 미치며, 임파워먼트의 수준은 서비스의 질에 영향을 미치며, 임파워먼트 영향요인은 서비스의 질에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과를 기초로 장애인생활시설 서비스 질 향상을 위한 실천방안을 제시하면 첫째, 생활재활교사를 종합적으로 사정할 수 있는 공식적인 체계를 구축하여, 이를 바탕으로 개별화된 전문적 능력강화 프로그램이 실시되어야 한다. 둘째, 생활재활교사의 자아존중감과 내적통제의 강화를 위한 상호지원체계를 구축한다. 셋째, 보다 체계적인 직원개발이 이루어질 수 있도록 직원평가시스템을 개발할 필요가 있다. 넷째, 장애인생활시설 기관장의 변혁적인 리더십과 효과적인 보상이 필요하다. 다섯째, 장애인생활시설의 자체적인 업무매뉴얼의 구축이 필요하다. 여섯째, 생활재활교사에 대한 정기적인 슈퍼비전을 통한 피드백이 이루어져야 한다. 따라서 장애인생활시설 서비스 질의 향상을 위한 노력은 개인적·조직적·직무적 차원에서 체계적으로 이루어져야 하며, 이러한 노력은 장애인들의 다양한 욕구를 충족시키고 장애인들의 삶의 질을 향상시킬 수 있도록 원조하는데 중요한 기틀이 될 것이다. The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors influencing the empowerment of living rehabilitation teachers at a living facility for the disabled and the impacts of their empowerment level on the facility's service quality. Total 528 living rehabilitation teachers were surveyed, analyzed, and reviewed to draw the following conclusions: The self-respect turned out to have the most empowerment impacts of the living rehabilitation teachers. Their empowerment level marked the most points in significance, while the service quality did in reliability. There seemed to be positive correlations among the influencing factors of their empowerment, empowerment levels, and service quality of their facilities. Among the factors influencing their empowerment, professional abilities, internal control, reward, self-respect, task identity, feedback, and staff development affected the overall empowerment level. Among them, the professional abilities, internal control, staff development, feedback, self-respect, task identity, and leadership had impacts on the overall service quality. And the capabilities, significance, self-decision ability, and influences of the living rehabilitation teachers' empowerment levels had impacts on the overall service quality, too. The causal relations between the factors affecting their empowerment, the levels of their empowerment, and the overall variables of the service quality were examined. It turned out that the empowerment factors affected the levels of their empowerment, which in turn affected the service quality. And the service quality was also influenced by the factors influencing their empowerment. Based on the results, practical suggestions were made to improve the service quality of a living facility for the disabled; first, there should be established an official system to monitor living rehabilitation teachers in a comprehensive manner. And they should also make efforts to develop programs to reinforce their individualized professional abilities. Second, a system of mutual support is necessary to strengthen their self-respect and internal control. Third, a staff evaluation system needs to be developed to help make staff development more systematic. Fourth, the head of a living facility for the disabled should exercise innovative leadership and offer effective rewards to the teachers. Fifth, a living facility for the disabled should set up its own affair manuals. Sixth, feedback should be exchanged through a regular supervision practice for the teachers. The efforts to enhance the service quality of a living facility for the disabled should be made in a systematic way in the personal, organizational, and official level. They also should serve as the crucial base to satisfy the diverse needs of the disabled and help them increase their life quality.

      • 유동해석을 통한 구강세정장치 설계에 관한 연구

        신현석 순천향대학교 대학원 2017 국내석사

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        많은 환자의 경우 질환으로 인해 가정에서 간병인이나 가족의 도움을 받고 살고 있다. 일반인에 비해 환자는 충치, 치주 질환 등 많은 구강질병이 걸릴 위험이 많다. 구강청결의 중요성이 강조되고 있음에도 불구하고 현실적으로 병원 간호사 및 가족이 매번 구강케어를 해주기에는 어려움이 있다. 특히 누워 있는 중증환자의 경우 자칫 구강 케어 중 실수하여 구강 세정액으로 인한 기도를 막을 수 있는 위험이 발생할 수 있다. 대부분 병원에서는 환자의 구강케어는 환자 및 보호자가 스스로 하는 것을 권장하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 음압을 이용한 구강세정장치 설계에 대한 연구를 수행하였으며, 구체적으로 CAD/CAE를 활용한 유동해석을 통해 구강세정장치의 상세 설계를 수행하였다. 구강 세정 장치를 3차원 캐드 프로그램인 SolidWorks를 이용하여 모델링 하였으며, 표준치아모델과 Ansys Fluent 유동해석 프로그램을 사용하여 구강세정장치 내부를 흐르는 세정액의 유동 해석을 수행하였다. 해석결과 세정액의 속도 및 압력분포를 분석하여 구강 세정 장치의 구조를 개선하였다.

      • 합성곱 신경망 기반 독성 식물 판별 시스템

        신현석 배재대학교 2020 국내석사

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        현재 인테리어에 대한 기술은 세계적으로 부각되고 있다. 다양한 연구가 진행됨에 따라 일반 가정 인테리어도 내부 환경 조성을 위해 식물을 활용하는 경우가 늘어나는 실정이다. 또한 가구를 활용하는 여러 가정에선 자연친화적인 실내 환경 인테리어로 디자인하고 있으며 국내 및 국외에서도 실내 환경 인테리어를 위해 식물들을 활용하고 있다. 실내 환경 인테리어에 활용되는 식물이 늘어남에 따라 해당 식물들의 특성을 제대로 인지하지 못하여 예상치 못한 안전사고가 발생하고 있다. 또한, 특정 식물들의 위험성을 알리는 책과 방송 등이 있었지만 현재까지도 특정 식물들의 위험성을 완벽하게 인지하지 못해 안전사고가 지속적으로 발생하고 있는 실정이다. 그리고 안전사고를 막기 위해 정보를 제공해주는 시스템들이 개발되었지만 이러한 시스템들은 특정 식물들의 기본적인 특성만을 일반 사용자에게 알려주기 때문에 외관상 비슷한 식물들을 일반 사용자가 판별함에 어려움을 겪을 수밖에 없었고, 사진을 촬영하여 전문가에게 도움을 받기에는 소요되는 시간과 사진의 화질, 각도에 따라 특정 식물을 정확하게 구분할 수 없는 문제점이 발생할 수 있다. 이러한 문제점들을 해결하기 위해 영상 인식을 활용하여 사물이나 생물을 성공적으로 분류하는 시스템이 개발 되었고, 이러한 시스템들은 일반적으로 CNN(Convolutional Neural Network, 합성곱 신경망) 모델을 기반으로 특정 식물을 판별하는 작업을 수행하였다. 본 논문에서는 우리나라에서 흔히 접할 수 있는 대표적인 독성 식물을 판별하는 합성곱 신경망 모델 기반 독성 식물 판별 시스템을 제안한다. 또한 독성 식물 판별을 진행하기 위해 네 종류의 모델을 구축하였으며 각 모델의 학습과정을 비교분석하고 보다 효율성이 높은 모델을 제안한다. 이를 통해 독성 식물을 보다 높은 정확도로 판별할 수 있으며 실내 환경 인테리어 디자인 및 일상생활에서 독성 식물로 인해 발생할 수 있는 안전사고를 줄일 수 있을 것으로 사료된다. Currently, the technology for interior is emerging worldwide. As various studies are being conducted, the use of plants to create an interior environment is increasing in general home interiors. In addition, many homes that use furniture are designed as interiors that are eco-friendly, and plants are used for interiors in Korea and abroad. These plants have become a much beloved element in every home and everyday life. However, while using a lot of different plants do not know the properties of the plant is not an unexpected problem occurs. In addition to this, there have been books and broadcasts that announce the dangers of plants. In addition, informational systems have been developed to prevent accidents, but such systems provide users with only the basics of specific plants. There was a problem in that it could not be accurately distinguished according to the waste of time and the quality and angle of the picture. Through these examples, a system was developed to classify objects and organisms successfully using image recognition, and these systems were generally classified based on CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) model. In order to solve these problems, this paper proposes a CNN model that classifies representative toxic plants commonly encountered in Korea. In addition, four types of models have been established for classification, and it is possible to compare and analyze the learning of each model to identify toxic plants with higher accuracy and to reduce the accidents that may occur in indoor environment design and daily life.

      • 大學圖書館에 대한 住民滿足度 硏究 : 忠南大學校 圖書館을 中心으로

        신현석 忠南大學校 行政大學院 2005 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The opening of a university library to the residents has contributed to the achievement of social services of a university which is one of its three major functions. It also enables the university to enhance its image and make most of its resources, as well as to receive help in many ways from the community. The university can build organic relationships with local communities as a bilateral cooperative organization by opening its library to the residents. This research has surveyed the local residents who use the Chungnam National University Library and studied the extent of their satisfaction with the library. The results are as follows. Currently the residents are weakly interested in the library, and they use mostly the reading rooms. They acknowledge the convenience of the university library; nevertheless, it is agreed that there are still some aspects to improve in the library. In addition, they regard the Chungnam National University Library highly as an information center, but poorly as a cultural center. The residents who have been using the library agree that the librarians are very kind and helpful, and most of them are satisfied with the services of the library. Due to rapid advancement of information technology and fast social changes emphasizing competition, many universities use information technology for strategic purpose. They have adopted information technology as an effective means to strengthen their competitiveness Information system provides new opportunities to organizations, such as supporting restructuring of administrative structure, and increasing productivity through enhancing information sharing and exchanges. Therefore, it is important for universities to evaluate the efficiency of total information system in order to guarantee success of information systems adopted and used in organizations. User satisfaction has been commonly utilized as an alternative means for measuring effectiveness of information systems. Thus, based on the results of the preceded studies about the factors of information system satisfaction, this study is aimed to investigates empirically the factors influencing the user satisfaction of B University total information system, and verify the relations between theses factors and status of the users. Summary of Conclusion First, the results show that organizational support and perceived benefits are the factors influencing B University total information system user satisfactions. Second, user satisfaction has no significant relations with job characteristics. Third, user satisfaction has partly significant relations with user experiences and computer skills. Fourth, organizational support increases user satisfactions regardless of the status of users, and it is the most important factor for the satisfaction on B University total information system.

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