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      • AM 방송 송신시스템 제어의 Computer화 : 광주방송총국 제1라디오를 중심으로

        서순석 朝鮮大學校 1988 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        The control system using PC 8001 was developed and simulated for the operating and monitor system of the KBS 1 radio transmitter in Kwang Ju station. It was shown that this system could operating exactly as an operating system mode 99%, monitor system mode 99.35%, self-restore system mode 98.25%. It will obtaine an improvement of the broadcasting confidence rate and cut down personnal expenses than established system.

      • 崔曙海의 短篇小說에 나타난 現實認識 硏究

        서순석 경기대학교 교육대학원 1999 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        In the 1920s When national destitution had been deepened due to economic plunder from Japanese imperialism, Chue Seo hae was born the only son between Mr. Chue, his father and Kim neung Saeng, his mother at Immyong, Sungjin-gun, North Hamkyung Province. From his childhood he was a literary boy who had more enthusiasm for literature than anyone else, but did not received systematic literary schools on account of his poor home situation. Nevertheless, he did not forget his dream of literature. At age of 14-15 years, he was impressed by the novelist Lee Kwang su and had a deep respect for the novelist Lee Kwang su in his heart. Then Chue Hak song corresponded with Lee Kwang su by letter, which brought him into deep contact with Lee Kwang su. On recommendation of the novelist Lee Kwang su, Chue Hak song came to issue three prose poems on the megazine of "Hakjikwang" for the first time which had been published students studying in Tokyo. To break away from poverty, he immigrated into Chien-tao belonging to China singly in 1917. He did not take root there, and, in contrast, experienced only harsh pauperdom and returned to his homeland. Then he wandered from place to place as urban worker issued "tohyelo"(vomiting of Blood) on the daily newspaper Dong-A ilbo, and took a rostrum on the literary circles, and went about leading a creative literary activity. When he introduced his work with poor life experienced in Chien-tao as its motif, he became a writer that was noticed on the literary world. Chue Hak song, who took part in KAPF, he entered the Maeil-shinbo, the institutional newspaper of the government - general in Japanese imperialism, on account of his hardships of life, when gastric disease, his inverterate disease, was exacerbated. Then he died of his inverterate disease at age of 32 at the hospital of Kyungsung medical college, Chue Hak song composed about to sort stories and one long story over a 8 year period of his creative literary activity. If the aspect of the writer coping with the realities appearing in about 60works so far published is classified into the early period, the middle period and the latter period of his creative literary activity and inquired into, it can be seen that the aspects of each work were changing picture of his life. His works published in the early period of his literary activity are criticising the tragedic picture of Korean poverty experienced by our people under the Japanese rule by taking the experience of poverty undergone by him in Chien-tao and the poor realities of immigrants in Chien-tao for the subject of his novels. The works of the middle period shows the aspect of offering active resistance to the wrong institution aware of the fact that the problem of poverty for the low-class people, including himself, lay in the wrong social system. And the works of the latter period show the aspect that the subject matter of poverty emerging in the early and middle periods of his creative literary works came to decolor and the humanitarian element found expression his latter works as his live0 became relatively stable. As such, Chue Hak song is a writer that constructed the domain of his own peculier literary world on a basis of the experience of poverty undergone by urban workers, farmers, that is, the low-class people in Chien-tao and on the peninsula. But Seo-hae's literature has so far been estimated by critics as subject matter literature, poor literature, pro literature, anti-conventional school literature. experience literature, and so on. It is thought that such commentation has been the fragmental conclusion through partial problem or partial works, stemming from not looking at the overall picture of Chue Hak song. The comprehensive evaluation of Chue Hak song is thought to be possible through the collection and analysis of works not so far unearthed and the empirical analysis of biographical material on Chue Hak song. At any rate, Chue Hak song is a typical writer in the 1920s who featured in his works the picture of poverty undergone by our people under the Japanese rule by sublimating it into the national dimension.

      • 농업부문과 생활용수부문의 가뭄피해액 산정에 대한 연구

        서순석 인하대학교 대학원 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        가뭄의 영향과 가뭄으로 인한 피해상황은 장기간에 걸쳐 서서히 나타나며 가뭄이 해갈된 후에도 수개월 또는 수년 동안 파급효과가 나타날 수 있기 때문에 가뭄피해분석에 대한 연구는 많은 어려움이 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 다른 부문들에 비해 피해의 정량적인 자료가 비교적 장기적으로 구축되어져있는 농업부문과 생활용수부문을 중심으로 가뭄피해액을 산정하고자 하였다. 본 연구는 국내․외 연구 사례들로부터 적용이 가능한 가뭄 피해액 산정기법들을 검토하고, 실무에 적합한 가뭄피해액 산정기법을 제시하기 위하여 자연재해관련 법령 및 규정을 토대로 가뭄피해인자들을 통해 설문지를 제작하여 경상도 45개 지역에서 방재관련 업무를 담당하고 있는 공무원들을 대상으로 주요 가뭄피해인자들에 대한 설문조사를 실시하여 주요 가뭄피해인자들을 설정하였다. 또한 민감도 분석을 통해 각 피해인자간의 관계를 분석하여 실무에 적용 가능한 산정식을 제시하였다. 본 연구에서 제시한 산정식은 가뭄피해의 시공간적 분포를 위하여 각 부문에 적합한 가뭄지수를 적용하여 피해액을 산정하였다. 가뭄피해액을 산정한 결과, 농업부문에서는 경작면적 비율이 가장 높은 미곡에서 가장 많은 피해액이 산정되었으며, 가뭄이 장기적으로 누적되어 질수록 피해액은 크게 증가하였다. 생활용수의 경우 제한급수기간에 의해 피해규모가 결정되는 것을 볼 수 있었으며, 남해에서 약 68억 원 으로 가장 큰 가뭄피해액으로 산정되었다.

      • ATM 망에서 버스트 트래픽에 대한 동적 대역폭 할당 방식의 성능 분석

        서순석 朝鮮大學校 1996 국내박사

        RANK : 248639

        다양한 특성의 트래픽이 혼재하는 ATM 망의 채널 대역폭을 효율적으로 할당하고, 망의 폭주를 예방하기 위하여 CAC, UPC, NPC, Cell 레벨 QOS 제어 및 폭주 제어 등의 다양한 기술이 필요하다 CAC 방식은 각 사용자가 채널을 설정할 때 규정한 트래픽 특성 등의 파라메타를 기본으로 사용자가 요구하는 대역폭에 대한 수락과 거부를 결정한다 CAC 제어 방식은 대역폭을 할당하는 CAC 프로세서의 기능과 위치에 따라 집중 대역폭 할당 방식과 분산 대역폭 할당 방식으로 나누어진다. 본 논문은 일정한 대역폭만을 요구하는 단일 특성의 트래픽으로 가정하여 해석하는 기존의 분산 대역폭 할당 방식과는 달리 멀티미디어 트래픽의 버스트 특성에 대한 정확한 성능을 분석하기 위하여 입력 분포와 서비스 분포가 bulk 확률 분포일 때의 CAC 대역폭 할당 방식에 대한 성능을 분석하였다 그 결과 시스템의 환경에 따라 처리 단계를 적절하게 조절하므로써 요구되는 QOS를 만족할 수 있었다 CAC, UPC, NPC, cell level QOS and congestion control are required to assign efficiently channel's band-width and to prevent networks from congestion In the CAC algorithm, each user defines characteristics of input traffic when channels are set up and network based on this parameters determines the acception or rejection of the required band-width The CAC control mechanism is classified into the centralized band-width allocation method and the distributed band-width allocation method according to the function and position of CAC processor allocating band- width In this paper, in contrast with existed the distributed band-width allocation method which assumes the required band-width of input traffics as constant, we assume input traffic & services as bulk probability distribution in order to analyze performance more precisely

      • 오카리나 교육 활성화를 위한 체계적 교육 방안에 관한 연구

        서순석 국제신학대학원대학교 2009 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        1986년 일본의 다큐멘터리인 대황하(The great yellow river)를 통하여 우리나라에 오카리나라는 악기가 소개된 지도 어언 20년이 넘었으며 인터넷 동호회, 대학 동호회, 사회교육원, 문화센터, 사설 학원 등에서의 교육을 통하여 오카리나가 우리나라의 대중적 음악 장르중 하나로 자리매김 하고 있다. 특히 오카리나는 음률이 아름답고, 배우기 쉬우며 휴대가 간편하여 리코더가 중심이 되어 있는 교육용 가락악기를 대체할 수 있는 대안 중의 하나가 될 충분한 가능성이 있으며 발전가능성 또한 매우 큰 악기이다. 그러나 현재의 오카리나는 단순히 ‘동호인용의 취미악기’ 또는 ‘학원의 취미수단’의 수준에서 정체되어 머무느냐, 아니면 오카리나가 가지고 있는 풍부한 음악적 특성을 수준 높게 표현할 수 있는 음악예술의 한 장르로서 자리를 확보하느냐 하는 중대한 갈림길에 와 있다. 오카리나가 단순한 취미악기의 장르로 전락하지 않고, 수준 높은 음악예술의 한 분야로 그 위치를 공고히 하기 위해서는 실력 있는 관련 전문가의 양성이 시급하고, 역량 있는 전문가를 양성하기 위해서는 정확한 음악이론에 근거한 체계적이고 논리적인 오카리나 교육 프로그램의 개발이 시급하다. 그러나 현재까지 나와 있는 오카리나 관련 교재 들은 명확한 음악적 근거에 입각한 체계적인 교육의 진행에는 미흡한 점이 있는바, 본 연구에서는 음악적 이론에 근거한 체계적이고 단계적인 오카리나 교육 방안을 다음과 같이 제시하였다. 오카리나 교육의 단계를 기초단계, 응용단계, 심화단계의 총 3단계로 나누어서 각 단계에 맞게 난이도를 설정하였다. 각 단계에서 음악적 이론에 근거하여 악기의 특성 및 그에 따른 연주법을 다루었다. 악보는 각 단계별 수준에 맞게 운지에 따른 연습곡, 응용곡, 중주곡을 선별하여 수록하였다. 본 연구에서는 오카리나를 수준 높은 음악예술의 한 분야로 만들기 위한 관련 전문가의 양성에 필수적인 정확한 음악이론에 근거한 체계적이고 논리적인 오카리나 교육 프로그램 안을 개발하여 제안하였다. 그러나 교육 프로그램 개발을 위하여 기존 오카리나 관련 교재를 분석한 결과 기존의 오카리나 관련 악보들은 오카리나를 위한 전문적인 악보라기보다는, 대부분 기존의 음악을 오카리나에 맞게 편곡한 정도에 머무르고 있으며 본 연구 역시 오카리나 전문악보의 제시에는 미흡한 것이 사실이므로, 오카리나의 수준을 한 단계 높이기 위해서는 오카리나 악기를 위한 전문적인 연주곡의 작곡이 향후 시급히 이루어져야 한다. It has already been two decades since a musical instrument called ocarina was introduced in our country through a Japanese documentary entitled 'The Great Yellow River' in 1986. Ocarina is counted among popular musical instruments, which has been taught by online ocarina clubs, college clubs, social education centers, cultural centers and private academies. Currently, recorder is a major key instrument that is instructed in school, and ocarina is one of possible alternatives to replace it since it has a beautiful tone and is easy to learn and carry. Besides, there is a promising future for that instrument. The instrument is now at a great turning point. That would just remain an instrument that is enjoyed by some people or taught by private academies for pleasure, or that would take root as one of musical genres that is marked by superb musicality. Ocarina experts should urgently be nurtured to facilitate the settlement of the instrument as one of splendid musical genres without being reduced to what's for pleasure only. In order to make it happen, the development of systematic and theoretically well-grounded ocarina educational programs is desperately required. There is something desired in existing ocarina textbooks in terms of theoretical foundation and system, and the purpose of this study was to suggest a systematic, sequential and theoretically well-grounded ocarina teaching method. After three teaching stages were selected including basic, application and enrichment ones, the degree of difficulty was determined for each stage, and the characteristics of the instrument and performing methods were discussed. And then three different sorts of music were presented according to the stages: fingering etudes, applied music and quartets. This study developed a systematic, logical and theoretically well- grounded ocarina teaching program to nurture ocarina experts to develop the instrument into one of quality musical genres. When existing textbooks were analyzed to develop the program, most relevant music scores just arranged existing music to suit ocarina, and there were few exclusive music scores for that. Likewise, no music scores for ocarina only was presented in this study, and music for the instrument should urgently be composed to take the instrument to another level.

      • 포스트모던 시대의 목회 리더십

        서순석 한남대학교 학제신학대학원 2008 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        본 논문은 포스트모던 시대의 목회 리더십에 관한 연구이다. 연구자는 오늘날 한국 교회의 정체와 감소현상이 목회 리더십의 상실과 깊은 관련이 있음을 전제 하면서 포스트모더니즘의 특징과 문제들을 염두에 두고 목회 리더십 회복과 강화를 위해 포스트모던 시대에 바람직한 목회 리더십을 제시하기 위해 연구를 시작했다. 연구자는 먼저 목회 리더십의 개념과 내용으로 지도자에 대한 구약적, 신약적 의미를 정리 하였고, 목회 리더십의 특성과 구성요소를 기술했다. 이어 목회 리더십의 성서적, 역사적 배경을 고찰 하였다. 성서적으로는 종의 리더십, 목자의 리더십, 청지기 리더십, 본을 보이는 리더십, 훈련된 리더십 다섯 가지를 연구하였다. 역사적으로 2000년 기독교 역사 가운데 각 시대를 특정 지을 수 있는 대표적 인물 다섯을 선정하여 그들의 리더십을 연구하였는데, 화해와 통합자로서 리더십을 행사한 바나바, 조직과 행정가로서 리더십을 행사한 이그나티우스, 봉사자로서 리더십을 행사한 프란시스코, 설교자로서 리더십을 행사한 칼빈, 전도자로서 리더십을 행사한 요한웨슬레이다. 그리고 포스트모던 사회의 특징과 포스트모던 시대의 목회 리더십 을 각각 네 가지 주제로 연구 하였다. 포스트모더니즘의 특징으로는 변화, 다원주의, 감각문화, 영성의 부활을 연구했고, 여기에 필요한 리더십으로는 변화 지향적 리더십, 다원주의를 이해하는 전문성의 리더십, 돌봄에 기초한 감성적 리더십, 영적 리더십을 연구 하였다. 결론으로 포스트모던 시대의 목회 리더십은 ‘상황적이어야 한다.’ ‘치유와 성숙을 지향해야 한다.’ ‘성결에 기초해야 한다.’ ‘윤리적이어야 한다.’ ‘십자가를 통해 나타나야 한다.’의 다섯 가지를 제언하였다.

      • 製造物責任法의 問題點과 課題

        서순석 경희대학교 2000 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        1. Necessity of Products Liability Law in Korea Even though it has been possible for every country to protect consumers form harm or damages caused by product defects without products liability law (PLL), in recent decades many countries - like the U.S, every European country, and Japan - have legislated their own types of PLL. that many lawmakers found that PLL helps protect consumers. In the U.S, there is no federal products liability law, but products liability has become a part of the tort law of every state through numerous litigations. Section 402A, adopted in 1964 by the American law Institute (ALI) as a part of the Restatement Second of Torts and entitled “Special Liability of Seller of Product for Physical Harm to User or Consumer”, has been accepted as a principle rule for judicial decision. In Europe, the “Council Directive of 25 July 1985 on the approximation of laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States concerning liability for defective products (85/374/EEC)” was adopted in order to make the competitive conditions in the EC common market uniform, to promote the movement of goods in the market, and to protect consumers in the member states. It took some time, but each EC country has established according to the Directive its own statutes, regulations or administrative procedures for product liability. The last Euro country to legislate PLL was France, which on 19 May 1998 made it a part of the civil law. Only Japan among leading advancing industrial countries had not made relevant law, it finally have made law of products liability on June, 1994 and our Korea becomes to lie under effect of above countries inevitably. This also affected EFTA-countries aimed at establishing EEA throu호 unification with EC, finally causing all EFTA-joining Countries to make law of Product liability. In addition, Australia, Brazil, 껴냠, China ect also made law of products liability to adopt strict liability. Under such situations our Korea cannot sit idle watching, Administration Innovation Committee under the Prime Minister office have examined to make law of products liability as strategic issue for consumer protection from end of 1993 and reached final conclusion to make of products liability recently. it finally have made law of products liability on 12 January 2000. 2. Composition of Essay At such time, this Essay is prepared to help relating discussion. In Chapter 1, I'll examine whole of present situation under which products liability saw is discussed, then establishing study orientation of this essay. In Chapter 2, I'll examine conception and history of law theory for products liability, position of our judicial precedents, law composition method on present law and its problem, appearance and theoretical, political base of new law theory to overcome its limit. In chapter 3, I'll explain hole contents products liability law. In Chapter 4, I'll explain the other nation's products liability system. In Chapter 5, I'll explain the issue and subject of products liability law. Finally, in Chapter 6, I'll tentative conclusion with regard to desirable orientation and contents in made products liability law in our Korea. 3. Development of Product Liability Theories Until the early 1800s, one could not be compensated for harm caused by product defect if there was no privity of contract between the plaintiff and the defendant(see Winterbottom v. Wright (Court of Exchequer, 1842)). However, in the late 1800s, the courts were recognizing privity-free product liabilities. Courts in many states began imposing negligence and strict warranty liabilities on commercial sellers defective goods, though in the beginning it was under very limited conditions (Thomas v. Winchester ( 6 N.Y. 397, 1852), Macpherson v. Buick Motor Co. (217 N.Y.382,111N.E. 1050,1916)). In the early 1960s, American courts began to recognize that a commercial seller of any product having a manufacturing defect should be liable in tort for harm caused by defect, regardless of plaintiff's ability to maintain a traditional negligence or warranty action. A plaintiff was not required to be in direct privity with defendant seller to bring an action. Strict liability in tort for defectively manufactured products merges the concept of implied warranty, in which negligence is not required, with the tort concept of negligence is not required, with the tort concept of negligence, in which contractual privity is not required. The rationale for imposing strict liability in tort on commercial sellers of defective products is as follows: (1) The seller has an abundance of high technical knowledge and information about its products and is in the position who could control or eliminate danger in the use of such products. (2) The seller earns profits by selling products. (3) The seller can diminish the burden of cost caused by defective products by raining the price of its products or by getting insured against the costs of defective products. (4) The potential for imposition of liability could give the sellerincentive to make safer goods. Form the 1970s to the mid-1980s, in order to strengthen protection of consumers, US courts have applied many other principles. It could be said the history of litigation for product liability is the history of expansion of concept of defects of products. Until the late 1960s and the early 1970s, strict liability has been imposed in connection with manufacturing defects; however, as time went on, strict liability began to be imposed for even design defects and inadequate instructions or warnings. 4. Conclusion Tentative conclusion with regard to major points and subject in made relevant law in Korea is summed up as followings: (1). Law form follows comprehensive law according to made of special law. (2). Characteristics of law follows law to relieve the injured on the base of understanding it as special case of illegal action (even though so understand, likewisely main object is to protect consumer). (3). Range of manufacturing products includes movable estate and rel estate which is marketable products. Non-processed agricultural, forestry, fishery products is desirable to contained in object. Fundamentally intangible energy such as service and electricity, and software shall not be contained in manufacturing products shall be object for products liability law. (4).Principal subject of liability shall be manufacturer(including similar manufacturer), importer, supplier shall bear subsidiary liability in case which manufacturer is not noticeable. (5). Limit of damage compensation is not restricted as long as we regard this law as the injured relief law of special law of illegal action. Only damage of manufacturing products itself shall be excluded from compensation. Additional penalty (damage compensation as penalty) shall not be admitted. (6). Plea with regard to development risk shall not be admittable. (7). Legal presumptive provision for the existence of defeat regarding evidence liability and the cause-effect relation between defect and damage shall not be admittable. only presumptive provision for existence time of defect shall be made considering on evidence burden of the injured. In this case, a fixed exemption cause of manufacturer is admitted. (8). Liability limit amount and indemnity amount shall not needed separately and interpretation of liability restrict special contract shall follow the Civil Law.

      • 음악치료가 뇌병변 장애인의 심리적 고통과 대인관계에 미치는 영향

        서순석 순천향대학교 건강과학대학원 2009 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to be conducive to enhancing these people's right to pursue their happiness, by examining which positive effects the diverse music-therapy activities have on reducing psychological distress and enhancing socially interpersonal relationship in the brain-lesion handicapped. For this, the music-therapy program was carried out over totally 10 sessions from June 2, 2008 to August 14, targeting 12 trainees as the brain-lesion handicapped who entered K Rehabilitation Center in order to receive the socially rehabilitation training. AIM and RCS(relationship change scale) were carried out before and after experiencing the music-therapy program, thereby having aimed to verify the effects on easing psychological distress and enhancing interpersonal relationship in the brain-lesion handicapped. The findings are as follows. First, the music therapy for the brain-lesion handicapped alleviated the psychological distress in the brain-lesion handicapped who were admitted to Rehabilitation Center. Second, the music therapy for the brain-lesion handicapped gave positive effect to forming the interpersonal relationship in the brain-lesion handicapped. The more in-depth research is thought to be needed on the effects of music-therapy activity on curing psychology and enhancing sociality in the brain-lesion handicapped, through further applying and analyzing it to the more extensive group so that the brain-lesion handicapped can implement happy life along with the non-handicapped people. 국문초록 본 연구는 다양한 음악치료 활동이 뇌병변 장애인의 심리적 고통 경감과 사회적 대인관계 향상에 어떠한 긍정적 영향을 주는지 알아봄으로써 이들의 행복추구권 향상에 도움을 주고자 하는데 그 목적이 있다. 이를 위하여 사회 재활훈련을 받기위해 K재활원에 입소한 뇌병변 장애인 훈련원생 12인을 대상으로 2008년 6월 2일 - 8월 14일까지 총 10회기의 음악치료 프로그램을 실시하였고, 심리적 고통척도(AIM)와 대인관계 변화척도(RCS)를 음악치료 프로그램 경험 전후에 실시하여 뇌병변 장애인들의 심리적 고통 완화와 대인관계 향상의 효과를 검증하고자 하였다. 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 뇌병변 장애인을 위한 음악치료는 재활원에 입소한 뇌병변 장애인의 심리적 고통을 완화시켰다. 둘째, 뇌병변 장애인을 위한 음악치료는 뇌병변 장애인의 대인관계 형성에 긍정적인 효과를 주었다. 뇌병변 장애인들이 비장애인들과 더불어 행복한 삶을 구현하기 위해서는 향후 보다 광범위한 집단에의 적용 및 분석을 통하여 음악치료활동이 뇌병변 장애인의 심리치료 및 사회성 향상에 미치는 영향에 대한 보다 심도 있는 연구가 필요하다고 생각된다.

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