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      • 방과후 학교의 음악교육활동 실태분석 연구 : 춘천시내 초등학교를 중심으로

        박은숙 강원대학교 2008 국내석사

        RANK : 247647

        본 연구에서는 춘천시 41개 초등학교를 대상으로 방과후 학교 중 음악교육활동이 어떻게 운영이 되고 있는지 비교 분석하였다. 교육내용면에서는 춘천시내 초등학교의 방과후 학교는 41개 학교가 모두 실시하고 참여 학생 수도 전국적인 통계보다 다소 높게 나타났다. 방과후 학교 운영의 영역별 프로그램에서는 특기·적성 프로그램이 90%의 비율로 초등보육프로그램이나 평생교육프로그램수보다 훨씬 높게 나오므로 주로 특기·적성 프로그램 위주의 교육활동이 이루어지고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 특기·적성 프로그램을 과목별로 분류했을 때 음악 과목은 국악보다 서양음악의 비중이 더 높게 나타났으며 국악은 풍물놀이와 사물놀이가 서양음악에서는 바이올린을 실시하는 학교가 많았다. 운영현황면에서는 음악교육활동 중 1과목만 실시하는 학교가 제일 높게 나타난 반면 5과목 이상인 학교도 있었다. 학교당 참여 학생 수는 11-20명이 참석하여 활동하는 학교가 많았으나 60명 이상인 학교도 6개 학교가 있었고 학년별에서는 1-6학년 대상으로 참여하는 음악교육활동이 많았다. 레슨횟수와 시간에 있어서는 대부분 국악은 주1회에 1시간 30분 이상 하였고 서양음악은 주2회에 30분 이상에서 1시간 정도가 많았다. 음악교육활동은 음악실이 아닌 일반교실에서 이루어지는 학교가 많았고 본교교사와 외부강사가 지도를 담당하고 있으나 전문적인 기능이 필요한 교육활동이 많은 만큼 외부강사의 비율이 현저히 높게 나타났다. 우수사례학교 비교분석 결과 수요자 중심의 교육활동을 다양하게 운영하여 학생들의 특기 신장 교육 및 소질 계발의 기회를 제공할 수 있었다. 방과후 학교의 적극적인 홍보활동으로 학교 홈페이지, 발표회 및 각 종 대·내외 행사를 주최하여 학생들이 참여할 수 있도록 유도하고 학생들에게 자신감과 성취감을 심어주게 되었다. 그 결과 방과후 학교에 참가하는 학생들이 꾸준히 증가하고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 공개수업을 통해 학부모의 방과후 학교 교육에 대한 인식을 변화시키는데 도움을 주었고 지속적인 참여 의지로 사교육비 절감에 효과를 주고 있다. 방과후 학교 활동의 질을 높이기 위해서는 1:1도움교사제, 지도계획안 작성하여 활용, 강사의 질적 관리강화, 학생의 성취 제고를 위한 학생 활동 관리 카드의 활용 등을 실시하고 있다. 도심의 외곽에 위치한 지역적 특성이 있는 학교의 경우 교육·문화 혜택의 어려움이 있으므로 수요자들이 필요로 하는 프로그램을 운영하여 지역적 환경에 의한 교육혜택이 필요함을 알 수 있었다. The following research compared and analyzed the current state of afterschool music education in 41 elementary schools in Chuncheon city. In respect to the educational content, all 41 elementary schools in Chuncheon City offered afterschool activities, and the number of participating students were also shown to be higher than the national average. As for the program domains, special talent or aptitude programs dominated by 90% over elementary upbringing programs or lifetime education programs, hence making up the majority of afterschool activities. When classifying special talent or aptitude programs by subject, for musical subjects, western music outnumbered Korean music; many schools offered folk music and samul-nori(Korean traditional percussion quartet) for Korean music, and violin for western music. On the management aspect, most schools offered only one musical subject, while some offered as many as five. On average, 11-20 students participated in the afterschool activity, but six schools had over 60 participants, and most afterschool activities were open to grades 1 through 6. Looking at the number and hours of lessons, Korean music class was normally offered once a week for 1.5 hours each, and western music twice a week from 30 minutes to an hour per class. The music activities were in general held in average classrooms rather than in special music rooms, and while both school teachers and outside lecturers took their share in the teaching, the percentage of outside lecturers far outnumbered the other due to the need of specialty. After conducting the comparative analysis of best-case school studies, one was able to devise ways to provide opportunities for students to develop special talents and aptitudes by managing diverse consumer-oriented educational activities. Aggressive advertising of afterschool activities extracted more student participation in school homepages, seminars, and diverse internal and external events, in effect bolstering the students' confidence and sense of achievement. As a result, the number of students participating in afterschool activity was seen to increase steadily. Further, opening the classes to parents aided their understanding of such activities and contributed to reducing private tuition expenses. Diverse means such as 1:1 assistant programs, use of a guidance plan, strengthening of the quality of lecturers, and use of student activity management card are currently underway to upgrade the quality of afterschool activities. It was also noted that schools located in the urban peripherals, due to their inherent lack of educational and cultural exposure, were in need of regional educational privileges according to the needs of the consumers.

      • 복식에 표현된 페미니즘

        박은숙 건국대학교 대학원 2005 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        한글초록: 신체를 보호하기 위해, 그리고 때론 심리적 안정감이나 만족을 얻기 위해, 더 나아가 신체 장식을 위해 인류는 복식을 착용하기 시작하였다. 유송옥,『복식문화』, 교문사, p. 11~16 이렇게 기본적 근본적 필요에 의해 생겨난 복식은, 기능적 측면과 표현적 측면을 모두 갖고 있다. 즉 복식 착용자의 직업이나 활동을 편하게 해주는 기능적 측면이 있으면서도, 때론 그 사람의 신분이나 지위․ 직업을 나타내기도 하고, 사회적 풍조를 반영하거나 개인의 취향과 감각을 표현하는 수단이 되기도 한다. 복식에 있어서 18세기까지 남녀의 구분은 모호한 상태로, 16세기에는 주머니의 형태가 없었으므로 남녀 모두 허리에 혁대를 매고 지갑과 단도를 착용하였고, 17세기에는 곱슬하게 늘어뜨린 머리에서 모자, 레이스 무늬의 속옷, 자켓, 스타킹, 신발, 귀걸이, 장갑 등이 공통되게 적용되었던 반면, 프랑스 혁명과 산업혁명을 거치면서 변화된 남성복식의 간소화, 단순함은 여성복식의 화려함과 우아함을 타락의 형태로 받아들여 거부의 현상으로 나타나게 되었다. 개인과 사회의 가치관은 계급의 타파, 인종차별의 타파와는 별개로, 여성이라고 하는 인류의 절반에 해당하는 사람들은 또 다른 제약에 놓여 있었다. 여자는 여자일 뿐이었다. 시민이라든가 국민이라든가 하는 논의 속에 여성은 포함되어 있지 않았다. 여성은 육체적 지적으로 남성보다 뒤떨어지며 육아나 가사에 전념하고 가정을 지키는 일이 사회적 본분이고, 가정의 이익은 가장인 남성이 대표해야 한다는 등의 이유로 참정권을 인정받지 야후 검색 여성참정권(Woman suffrage)요약 못했던 것이다. 여성의 의식 변화는 다양한 사회문화적 형태로 나타나지만, 가장 가시적인 형태로의 표출은 복식의 변화였다. 패션은 가장 즉각적이고 가시적으로 여성성(femininity)을 발현한다는 점에서 초창기부터 페미니스트들의 관심의 대상이 되었다. 옷에서 형성되는 전통적인 여성성의 개념은 남녀 불평등 및 그로 인해 초래되는 귀결인 여성 억압과 직결되어 왔다. 양유미「샤넬(Gabrielle Chanel, 1883~1971)의 작품속에 나타난 페미니즘적 성향」,홍익대학교, 석사학위논문, 2002, p.4 시대사조와 관념이 문화에 영향을 미치고 문화의 흐름을 주도해 나가지만, 문화 역시 관념의 변화를 반영하는데 그치지 않고 그 자체가 굉장한 생명력을 지니면서 시대적 관념에 적극적인 영향을 미친다. 어떠한 일련의 사조와 가치가 어떤 표현양식을 탄생시키겠지만, 일단 만들어진 그 양식은 이제 그러한 사조와 가치의 확고화와 확산을 주도해 나가고, 더 나아가 시대 흐름을 가속화해 나가게 되는 것이다. 이러한 의미에서 페미니즘적 사고에 의해 주도된 여성복의 변화는 페미니즘을 통한 여성의 사회적 지위 향상과 의식변화를 표현하였다. 이상과 같은 연구목적에 따라 다음과 같은 연구과제를 해결하고자 한다. 첫째 페미니즘의 성립과정과 이론적 배경을 살펴본다. 둘째 복식에 표현된 페미니즘을 19세기와 20세기로 나누어 이론적 배경과의 연관성을 살펴본다. 셋째 복식에 표현된 페미니즘의 특징에 대하여 남성적 요소 도입과 남성성 모방, 여성성 강조, 양성성과 성의 해체로 나누어 분석하고자 한다 영문초록:Men have been wearing the clothing to protect their bodies and get some mental stability and satisfaction as well as to decorate themselves. Like this, the clothing became to have functional and expressional aspects by the reason of basic and fundamental necessity. In other words, it could be the means to indicate each person's social position, status or occupation and to express his own taste and reflect the atmosphere of the society. Also it has functional aspect to make people wearing the clothing comfortable. Till the eighteenth century, there was no difference between male and female. In sixteenth', male and female put on wallets and knives tied in their waists because of no pockets in their pants. In the seventeenth', it was common to wear hats with curly long hair , laced underwear, jacket, stocking, shoes, earings, gloves. But after the French revolution and industrial revolution, the simplicity of changed male clothing was popular and the elegance of female clothing was refused as corruption. The view of value of each person and society was limited to think women nothing apart from breaking down class and status. Women were just women. they were not included in citizen or people. they were treated as lower beings than men physically intelligently and endowed to be in charge of feeding their babies and domestic chores. so men represented the benefit of their own families, women could not get their rights to vote. The change of female awareness appeared in a variety of social and cultural forms, the most prominent feature was the very changed clothing. Fashion was feminists' interestdue to its instant and visible character to show feminity. The concept of traditional feminity was related to suppressing women as the result of male and female inequality. Though the trend and concept of the times leads the stream of culture and affects it ,culture with the greatest vitality itself affects the current concept of the times positively as well as reflects the change of the concept. A series of trends and values can make a certain expressional style, once the made style can bring its own firmness and spread, furthermore it cad speed up the current of the times. In this meaning, the change of female clothing by feministic thoughts expressed the change of the consciousness and the improvement of female status. Try to figure out the subjects according to the purpose of the investigation above. The first, check out the process of feminism foundation and theoretical backgrounds. The second, the relation of theoretical backgrounds expressed in clothing in the 19th' and 20th' The third, the introduction of male elements, the imitation of male, the emphasis of the features of female, the features of both genders and the dismantlement of two genders about the features of feminism expressed in clothing

      • 베이지안 라쏘

        박은숙 연세대학교 대학원 2008 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        선형회귀분석시 발생하는 다중공선성을 해결하기 위해 지금까지 수많은 학자들이 여러가지 방법을 연구하고 제시해 왔다. 그 중 Robert Tibshirani(1996년)에서 제안한 Lasso 추정량은 최소제곱법을 적용할 때 회귀계수에 대하여 L1 norm을 추가조건으로 적용하여 다중공선성을 해결하는 방법이다. 이후 Tibshirani는 독립변수의 개수가 표본수보다 월등하게 많은 경우에 적용할 수 있도록 fused Lasso를 제안하였다. 이 논문에서는 Park과 Casella(2006년)가 베이즈 정리를 Lasso에 적용하여 만든 Bayesian Lasso를 토대로 large p, small n 상황에서 일부의 회귀계수들이 서로 연관관계를 가지고 있는 경우에 적용할 수 있는 메커니즘을 만들어보려 한다.

      • 부모의 훈육방식과 청소년의 자아개념이 자기통제에 미치는 영향

        박은숙 충북대학교 대학원 2007 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the interactional effects of sex, age, adolescents' self-concept and parental discipline style on adolescents' self-control. The parental discipline style consisted of subconcept such as affection, discipline through reasoning, monitoring, over-control, and punishment. Subjects of this study were 482 middle schools students drawn from 4 schools and 587 high school students drawn from 5 schools in Cheong-ju city. The pilot study was done to examine the applicability of survey instruments. Data were analyzed by the frequency, percentage, Cronbach α, t-test, ANOVA with Scheffe post-hoc test, correlation, and hierarchial regression analysis using SPSS 12.0 program. The results of this research were as follows: First, there were significant differences in father's discipline style according to adolescents' sex and age, the type of father's job, and father's education level. Second, there were significant differences in mother's discipline according to adolescents' sex and age, and mother's education level. Third, there were significant differences in adolescents' self-control according to adolescents' age, father's and mother's education level. Forth, there was an interacting effect between sex and father's reasoning discipline on adolescents' self-control. For boys, self-control was affected by father's reasoning discipline. That is, the boys had the high level of the self-control when the level of father's reasoning discipline was high. There was an interacting effect between sex and father's monitoring on adolescents' self-control. Boy's self-control was affected by father's monitoring. That is, the boys had the high level of the self-control when the level of father's monitoring was high. There was an interacting effect between adolescents' self-concept and father's punishment on adolescents' self-control. Adolescents' self-control was affected by self-concept and father's punishment. That is, adolescents had the high level of self-control when they had the high level of self-concept and less of father's punishment. Fifth, there was an interacting effect between sex and mother's reasoning discipline on adolescents' self-control. Boys' self-control was affected by mother's discipline through reasoning. That is, boys had the high level of the self-control when the level of mother's discipline through reasoning was high. There was an interacting effect between sex and mother's monitoring on adolescents' self-control. For girls, self-control was affected by mother's monitoring. That is, girls had the high level of the self-control when the level of mother's monitoring was high. There was an interacting effect between age and mother's reasoning discipline on adolescents' self-control. For middle school students, self-control was affected by mother's reasoning discipline. That is, the middle school students had the high level of self-control having more of mother's reasoning discipline. There was an interacting effect between adolescents' self-concept and mother's punishment on adolescents' self-control. Adolescents' self-control was affected by self-concept and mother's punishment. That is, adolescents had the high level of the self-control when the level of self-concept was high and mother's punishment was low.

      • 꿈 분석을 통한 중년기 개성화 과정에 대한 연구

        박은숙 상명대학교 정치경영대학원 2008 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        This thesis is based on the theoretical works of analysis psychology of C. Jung. It has been studied through dream analysis and is on the middle age, its meaning of developmental stage, individuation process which C. Jung had suggested as a subject in the middle age or the latter half time of one's life and its theoretical background. C. Jung emphasized the period of the middle age as a turning point in one's life. In the first half time of life cycle, people concentrate their energies on the personal achievements and social adaptation. In addition to this, they have special changes in mental state because of changes in their social and bodily condition. At same time, he pointed middle aged people have to care about inner asking in their inner side for successful adaptation and lives in this period. He asserted that the developmental task for middle age takes the process of individuation which brings realization of self image in real Self in the period. He explained the individuation is the process which integrates mental factors left alone in unconsciousness, or shadow, anima, animus, and self archtype through self awakening into consciousness. Adding to this, he suggested that the individuation process in developmental stage is progressive and has spiral structure which has circulative propensity not linear. To raise consciousness hiding in unconsciousness, people need to recognize mental factors in unconsciousness. He thought people would find out true meaning of their lives and then have abundant and energetic lives through absorbing of creative and dynamic energy which unconsciousness has in their lives because our dreams are fields which is expressed as personalized unconsciousness. For appropriate interpretation of dreams, he argued that the individual dreams have to be analysed with association taken through experience in his/her life's and through amplification method for explanation of collective unconscious. That is why the dreams are expressed by symbolized and metaphorical languages. Like the preceding, he maintained that the contents of dreams and conscious conditions, which an individual have taken, have to be observed objectively. At same time, the writer noted the dream analysis of L. Savory with C. Jung. L. Savory argued that an individual can have a conversation with God and find out His message given to him/her through intermediation of dream by the method of Christianity meditation. He regarded the work itself of dream analysis provides a way to God nearly to an individual. Lastly, the writer presented the examples of the analysis of dream which dreamt for late ten months by herself. Through a series of the process, these works of dream analyses produced the solutions of law problems chained in the her belief. More this, they made her understanding of God broaden and free. Those brought another belief growth and personality maturation in her life, which C. Jung had mentioned. Of course, while the writer feels also its shallow knowledge of the individuation process, she has hopes for and fears of new life opened through dream analysis in the future.

      • 마사지의 명상적 요소에 관한 연구

        박은숙 명지대학교 산업대학원 2015 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        생활환경의 변화로 나타나는 현상이 비건강적 환경이며 이로 인한 의학과 과학이 해결하지 못하는 질환에 대한 대체건강법에 대한 욕구가 확산되고 있는 시점에서 마사지와 명상의 효과에 대한 분석을 통하여 상호 관련성을 규명하고자 선행연구와 문헌고찰을 통하여 다음과 같은 결과를 도출하였다. 첫째, 마시지의 대표적인 효과로는 신경과 근육의 흥분작용을 일으켜 신체의 기능을 증진시키고, 비정상적을 높아진 신체기능을 억제하는 진정작용, 젖산과 부산물을 제거효과, 혈액과 영양공급을 증진시키는 효과, 혈색소와 순환혈액의 적혈구수를 증가시켜 혈액의 산소 수용능력의 향상효과, 심장의 부담을 줄여 근육의 피로를 줄이거나 회복효과, 혈중림프의 흐름을 증가시키는 효과, 관절의 가동범위를 넓혀 운동능력을 높여 주는 효과, 스트레스 해소와 심리적 안정 효과를 나타내고 있다. 결론적으로 마사지는 신경계, 근육기계 ,내분비계, 순환계, 골격계, 운동계, 신경계 등 인체 생리, 심리 전 방위적으로 긍정적인 효과를 나타내는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 명상의 대표적인 효과로는 신체적, 정신적 고통의 해소, 관찰적 자아가 강화, 맥박수의 변화, 혈압의 정상화, 산소소비량이 감소, 혈중유산의 변화, 호흡수의 감소, 에너지대사의 감소, 뇌파의 변화, 주의력 계수와 활성화 계수의 변화, 전기피부반응(GSR)으로 전기저항이 감소하는 현상, 뇌와 면역체계에 긍정적인 변화, 죽음에 대한 두려움이나 공포를 극복, 평정심의 개발로 인한 감정조절력 향상, 집, 집중력의 강화, 불안 감소, 우울증이나 히스테리 등의 신경증 경향, 편집증, 신경쇠약 또는 성격장애등의 요인들이 많이 감소현상을 통한 효과를 나타났으며, 동적 명상의 경우 운동기계에도 긍정적적인 효과가 나타났다. 결론적으로 마사지와 명상이 인체에 미치는 공통적 효과를 살펴보면 심리적 안정, 스트레스의 해소 및 정신적인 치유적효과, 신체조직의 영양보급의 정상화, 인체의 강장효과, 신체조직의 진정작용, 조직의 온도상승, 근육의 수축기능 촉진, 근육조직의 활성화, 근육이완작용, 신경자극이 근섬유에 전달속도를 촉진하는 아세틸콜린 활성화, 에너지 보급 기능의 정상화, 자기 수용기관에 대한 자극의 부족을 보충, 근육 손상의 빠른 회복, 발효과정을 활성화, 면역기능의 향상, 근 혈류량의 증가를 들 수 있다. 결론적으로 마사지의 경우 생리적인효과가 명상적 효과보다 다양한 형태로 나타나고 있음을 알 수 있었고, 명상의 경우는 심리, 정신적인 효과가 마사지보다 다양성이 있는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 향후 마사지와 명상의 융합을 통한 건강 치유적 기술의 연구개발 되어야 할 것으로 본다. The phenomenon caused by the change in life environment is called non-healthy environment. Science and medicine often show the obvious limitations on many diseases that are attributed to this non-healthy environment and for this reason alternative medicine is now being diffused to compensate these limitations. Hence this study will conclude following two results in reference to the precedent studies and the literatures that have tried to explain the relation between the massage and the meditation through the analysis on them. Firstly, one can list the principal effects of the massage such as: improved physical functions by stimulation of the nerves and muscles, relaxation of the abnormal physical functions, improved oxygen carrying capability by increasing the number of red blood cells and hemoglobins, reduced or recovered fatigued muscles by relaxing the heart, increasing lymph flows and exercise ability, relieved stress and psychological stability, etc. In other words massage shows positive effects on general physical systems including nervous system, musculoskeletal system, endorcine system, respiration and circulation system. Secondly, we can list the principal effects of the meditation such as: relief of the physical and metal pain, constructing objective identity, pulse changes, normalized blood pressure, decrease in oxygen and energy consumption, stable breathing rate, activated attentiveness, electrical resistance decrease in GSR(Galvanic Skin Response) test, positie changes in immune system, overcoming the fear of death, developed composure and ability for emotional control, increased concentration, relieved anxiety, relaxations on nervous diseases like depression, hysteria, dilusional disorder, neurasthenia. Dynamic meditation can also contribute to positive effects on physical motor system. The common positive effects of massage and meditation can be mental stability, reliefe of stress and mental healing, provision of proper nutritions on body tissues, body robustness, relaxation of the body parts, temperature increase, improved contraction power of muscles, activation of muscle tissues, muscle relaxation, promoted secretion of acetylcholine, normalized energy provision, compensation of the deficient stimulation for the proprioceptor, quick recovery of muscle injury, promoted fermentation, improved immune system, blood flow increase in muscles. To conclude, more various physiological effects have shown by the massage than those of meditation while the meditation rather shows more various psychological effects than the massage. Hence the medical techniques comprising the positive effects of both massage and meditation need to be further studied and developed.

      • 연령집단구성에 따른 대집단게임이 유아의 친사회적 행동에 미치는 영향

        박은숙 한국교원대학교 교육대학원 2004 국내석사

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        본 연구는 연령집단구성에 따른 대집단게임의 실시가 유아의 친사회적 행동에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지 알아보고자 하는데 그 목적이 있다. 위와 같은 목적에 따라 다음과 같은 연구 문제를 설정하였다. 1. 연령집단구성에 따른 대집단게임이 유아의 친사회적 행동에 미치는 영향은 어떠한가? 1-1. 혼합연령집단과 단일연령집단에 따른 대집단게임 실시가 유아의 개인정서 조절 능력에 미치는 영향은 어떠한가? 1-2. 혼합연령집단과 단일연령집단에 따른 대집단게임 실시가 유아의 대인관계 형성 능력에 미치는 영향은 어떠한가? 1-3. 혼합연령집단과 단일연령집단에 따른 대집단게임 실시가 유아의 유치원 적응 능력에 미치는 영향은 어떠한가? 본 연구의 대상은 대구광역시에 소재한 2개 초등학교병설유치원 혼합연령집단 만 5세 11명(남: 5명, 여: 6명), 단일연령집단 만 5세 16명(남: 6명, 여: 10명)으로 총 27명이었다. 연구 대상의 평균 연령은 5년 7개월이었다. 연구 도구는 두 집단의 동질성 여부를 검증하기 위한 유아 지능 검사(김재은, 2001)와 유아의 친사회적 행동 검사를 위해 사용한 도구는 McGinnis와 Goldstein(1990)이 유아의 친사회적 기술을 측정하기 위해 제작한 'Skill Situations Measure'를 이원영, 박찬옥, 노영희(1993)가 수정·번안하여 제작한 '친사회적 행동검사'를 사용하였다. 실험처치를 위한 대집단게임은 생활주제, 유아의 발달수준과 흥미, 연령별 난이도, 게임형태, 유아들의 상호작용 등을 고려하여 집단게임 16가지를 선정하였다. 게임은 혼성, 대집단으로 실시하였고 집단의 형태는 편게임으로 구성하였다. 실험처치는 2003년 5월 13일∼7월 10일까지 8주간 총 16회 실시하였다. 자료의 처리는 연구문제에 따라 혼합연령집단과 단일연령집단의 사전·사후 친사회적 행동검사의 평균과 표준편차를 구한 후 두 집단간의 차이를 알아보기 위하여 t검증을 실시하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 혼합연령집단과 단일연령집단 만 5세 유아의 친사회적 행동은 통계적으로 유의미한 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다, p < .05. 둘째, 혼합연령집단과 단일연령집단 만 5세 유아의 개인정서 조절능력은 통계적으로 유의미한 차이가 없는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 혼합연령집단과 단일연령집단 만 5세 유아의 대인관계 형성능력은 통계적으로 유의미한 차이가 없는 것으로 나타났다. 넷째, 혼합연령집단과 단일연령집단 만 5세 유아의 유치원 적응능력은 통계적으로 유의미한 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다, p < .05. ※ 본 논문은 2004년 2월 한국교원대학교 대학원위원회에 제출된 교육학석사(유아교육)학위 논문임. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of large group game by age grouping on young children's prosocial behavior. For the purpose, following research questions were established; 1. How does large group game by age grouping affect young children's prosocial behavior? 1-1. How does large group game by age grouping affect young children's personal emotion control ability? 1-2. How does large group game by age grouping affect young children's interpersonal relationship formation ability? 1-3. How does large group game by age grouping affect young children's kindergarten adaptation ability? Subjects of this study were 11 five-year-old children (5 boys and 6 girls) of mixed-age class and 16 five-year-old children (6 boys and 10 girls) of same-age class. All of them were attending two kindergartens attached to elementary schools in Daegu. Their average age was 5 years and 7 months. Young children's intelligence test (Kim, 2001) was used to verify the homogeneity of two groups. And, as a prosocial behavior instrument, 'Skill Situations Measure' developed by McGinnis & Goldstein (1990) and translated by Lee, Park, & Noh (1993) was also used. The 16 large group games for the experimental treatment were selected in consideration of the theme, children's developmental level and interest, level of difficulty, type of game, and children's interaction. The games were practiced in large mixed group as team games. Sixteen experimental treatments had been given for 8 weeks, from May 13th to July 10th, 2003. To test the research questions, two groups' Mean and Standard Deviation of prosocial behavior scores were calculated, and then t-tests were conducted to test group differences. Results of this study were as follows: First, significant differences of young children's prosocial behavior were found between mixed-age group and same-age group, p < .05. Second, no significant differences of young children's personal emotional control ability were found between mixed-age group and same-age group. Third, no significant differences of young children's interpersonal relationship formation ability were found between mixed-age group and same-age group. Fourth, significant differences of young children's kindergarten adaptation ability were found between mixed-age group and same-age group, p < .05. * A thesis submitted to the Committee of the Graduate School of Korea National University of Education in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Education (Early Childhood Education) in February, 2004.

      • 한국인 학습자의 영어강세와 억양에 관한 실험음성학적 분석

        박은숙 충남대학교 2011 국내박사

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        This study aimed to investigate Korean learners' knowledge and command of English stress and intonation patterns. For this, this study focused on perception and production of intonational features because the production of intonation depends on the perception of intonation. The elements that are correlated to stress acoustically are duration, intensity, and the fundamental frequency, which are also related with prominence of the syllables in words. In order to know the difference of intonation patterns between native speakers and Korean speakers, the range of pitch, intensity, and the fundamental frequency were compared. The general results of this study were as follows: Korean learners produced isolated words and sentences with small pitch ranges compared to native speakers. And Korean speakers did not utilize duration as a feature of prominence for perception and production. 30 isolated words and 27 sentences were used for the task. Korean subjects were asked to read them one time, and then they were asked to reproduce them after they heard the same words and focused sentences recorded to know the effect of imitation learning for pronunciation education. Native speakers were asked to read the same words and sentences five times. After that they read the same words and focused sentences once more, which were used for Korean subjects. The purpose of this experiment was to assess the Korean learners' abilities of the production and perception of English suprasegmental aspects. Pitch configurations, waveforms, spectrograms, and power plots in Wavesurfer program were used to analyze and compare the Korean learners with native speakers. The results from the experiment showed that most Korean learners had problems with realizing the elements of English stress and intonation. Many Korean learners did not assign pitch accents appropriately on the right content words. Even though Korean students knew the concept of stress and intonation theoretically, they were not good at producing them in words and sentences. But productions after repeating native speakers production recorded were performed better; in other words, Korean learners produced similar pitch contours which native speakers showed. It means that repeating after suprasegmental features could obviously transfer their learning to production. So teachers need to focus on teaching suprasegmental features of word stress and sentence intonation, although prosodic features of stress and intonation are very difficult to teach.

      • 블렌디드 러닝 기반 논쟁학습이 비판적 사고력 및 조망수용능력에 미치는 영향

        박은숙 부산교육대학교 교육대학원 2006 국내석사

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        본 연구는 블렌디드 러닝 기반 논쟁학습이 학생들의 비판적 사고력과 조망수용능력 향상에 효과가 있는지를 알아보는 데 그 목적이 있다. 이러한 연구의 목적을 달성하기 위하여 다음과 같은 연구 가설을 설정하였다. 〈가설 1〉블렌디드 러닝 기반 논쟁학습은 학생들의 비판적 사고력에 긍정적인 영향을 미칠 것이다. 〈가설 2〉블렌디드 러닝 기반 논쟁학습은 학생들의 조망수용능력에 긍정적인 영향을 미칠 것이다. 위의 연구 가설을 검증하기 위해 부산 시내에 소재한 Y 초등학교 6학년 4개 학급을 대상으로 사전검사를 실시하여 1개의 실험집단(30명)과 1개의 비교집단(30명)을 선정하였다. 비교집단에는 일반적으로 교실에서 이루어지던 전통적 논쟁학습을 실시하고, 실험집단에는 온라인과 오프라인을 병행한 블렌디드 러닝 기반 논쟁학습을 실시하였는데, 온라인에서는 주제에 대한 비실시간 논쟁학습을 실시하고 오프라인에서는 조은순(2003)의 CEDA 논쟁모델을 이용하여 면대면 논쟁학습을 각각 8회 실시하였다. 블렌디드 러닝 논쟁학습의 효과를 검증하기 위해 사용한 검사 도구는 한면희의 12가지 비판적 사고기능에 근간을 두고 제작된 최덕진(2002)의 비판적 사고력 검사지와 이승연(2001)의 조망수용능력 검사를 수정, 보완한 검사지이다. 자료의 분석을 위하여 SPSS.WIN 12.0을 이용하여 실험집단과 비교집단 간의 사후 점수 간 차이 검증을 위해 t 검증을 실시하였다. 본 연구에서 나타난 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 블렌디드 러닝 기반 논쟁학습은 학생들의 비판적 사고력 향상에 긍정적인 영향을 가져오지 못하였다. 둘째, 블렌디드 러닝 기반 논쟁학습은 학생들의 조망수용능력 향상에 긍정적인 영향을 가져오지 못하였다. 이러한 연구 결과는 다음과 같은 원인에 기인하는 것으로 보인다. 첫째, 10주간 8회의 연구 기간은 학생들의 능력을 향상시키기에는 부족하였다. 둘째, 교과학습에 대한 부담으로 인하여 학생들의 논쟁학습이 질적으로 보장받기 어려웠다. 셋째, 온라인에서의 비실시간 논쟁학습은 학생들의 흥미를 이끌어내지 못함으로써 상호작용의 기회가 부족하였고, 오프라인 논쟁에서는 CEDA 논쟁 모델에 대한 이해 부족으로 인하여 충실한 논쟁이 되지 못하였다. 이러한 연구 결과와 관련하여 앞으로 이루어져야할 연구 과제를 제안하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 비판적 사고능력과 조망수용능력의 특성상 단기간의 연구로는 확실하고 유의한 결과를 얻기 어려우므로 블렌디드 러닝 기반 논쟁학습에 대한 장기적이고 지속적인 후속연구가 이루어져야겠다. 둘째, 더욱 신뢰로운 검사 결과 도출을 위해 비판적 사고능력 검사지와 조망수용능력 검사지를 합리적이고 체계적으로 개발할 필요가 있을 것이다. 셋째, 조망수용능력에 대한 선행연구를 살펴 본 결과, 대부분의 연구가 유아를 대상으로 하고 있다. 초등학생도 조망수용능력의 발달이 진행되고 있는 시기임을 감안할 때 초등학생을 대상으로 한 조망수용능력 발달에 관한 연구가 이루어져야겠다. The purpose of this research is to verify the effects of blended learning-based debate learning on student's critical thinking and perspective-taking ability. To accomplish the purpose of this research, research hypotheses are set as follows: <hypothesis 1> Blended learning-based debate learning would affect student's critical thinking in positive ways. <hypothesis 2> Blended learning-based debate learning would affect student's perspective-taking ability in positive ways. To prove the above hypotheses, four classes of 6 graders of Y Elementary School, which is located in Busan, were selected and given pre-tests. According to the results of the tests, one experiment group(30 students) and one control group(30 students) were organized. The control group was given conventional debate learning class, while the experiment group was taught blended learning-based debate learning class that adopted online and offline learning materials. The online class dealt with non-real time debate learning regarding a certain issue. The offline class covered 8 lessons of face-to-face debate learning with Cho Eun Soon's CEDA debate models(2003). In order to prove the effects of blended learning-based debate learning, Choi Deok Jin's critical thinking appraisal sheet(2002), which is based on Han Myeon Heui's 12 functions of critical thinking, Lee Seung Yeon's perspective-taking ability test sheet(2001) were modified and used. The result data was processed with SPSS.WIN 12.0. T-verification was carried out to verify the differences of scores after experiments between the experiment group and the control group. The results of this research are as follows: First, blended learning-based debate learning did not affect student's critical thinking in positive ways. Second, blended learning-based debate learning did not affect student's perspective-taking ability in positive ways. These results seem to be stemmed from the following causes. First, the research period of 10 weeks (8 lessons) was not sufficient to improve student's ability. Second, it was hard to guarantee the quality of debate learning since the students were burdened with their normal study. Third, the online non-real time debate learning did not provide enough opportunities for interaction since it failed to induce students' interest. The offline debate learning was not so substantial due to the lack of understanding about CEDA debate models. Regarding the results of this research, the following research projects are suggested: First, long-term and continuous research on blended learning-based debate learning needs to be carried out since it is hard to earn clear and significant results from short-termed research on critical thinking and perspective-taking ability. Second, critical thinking appraisal sheet and perspective-taking ability test sheet need to be devised more reasonably and systematically to retrieve more reliable test results. Third, most of preceding research on perspective-taking ability was done in the case of kids. Research on perspective-taking ability in the case of elementary schoolers should be conducted considering the fact that elementary schoolers are in their active period of developing perspective-taking ability.

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