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      • 이열 유공판을 활용한 철재형 이안제의 소파기능 검증

        김영학 경주대학교 대학원 2008 국내석사

        RANK : 247663

        The coastal erosion along Korean peninsular has been social problem for years. However, the traditional beach protection methods by coastal structure have been required to improve satisfaction in the view of eco-friendly wave field. A new type of the breakwater made of steel was proposed by Kweon(2007). The breakwater is composed of piles and upper dissipator set horizontally with wave propagation. The new type gives fresh water exchange, deep depth construction, saving construction period. The present study focuses on the estimation of wave transmission rate of dual plate system set upper part of the breakwater as a wave dissipator. The physical model by random wave system is applied for the estimation of wave function of reflection, dissipation and transmission. Experimental results showed the wave steepness and plate width-wave length ratio are the main factor for the function difference.

      • 소비에트(Cовет) 行政制度에 関한 硏究 : 特히 党統制의 全面性을 中心으로

        김영학 명지대학교 대학원 1980 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        蘇聯을 爲始한 共産圈의 行政制度는 所謂 소비에트方式이라 하여 歐美式과는 判異하다. 이와 같은 制度가 現在 이 地球上의 約 (1)/(3)과 無慮 13億을 超過하는 住民을 支配하고 있는 것이다. 本稿는 이와 같은 소비에트制度의 本質을 解剖하기 爲하여 소비에트社會權力의 實質的 核心인 共産黨의 組織과 機能, 行政制度의 基本特微, 行政機關의 內部體係 및 소비에트官僚制의 行態 等을 硏究對象으로 하였다. 또한 以上과 같은 硏究를 爲하여 共産國家의 元祖格인 蘇聯을 Model로 삼으면서 크게는 比較政治行政的 接近, 적게는 比較共産主義的 接近을 試圖하는 한便, 特히 文獻·資科的 調査에 心血을 기울였다. 副次的으로 法律·制度的, 構造·機能的, 權力·엘리트的, 이데올로기的, 戰略·戰術的 및 部分的이긴 하나 經驗的 接近도 配合·適用하였는데, 이 같은 여러가지 接近方式의 援用이 必要한 理由는 共産主義의 綜合的 ?系性 때문이다. 共産黨은 唯一, 秘密 및 精銳主義原則에 依據, 組織 및 運營되며 피라미드式 構造를 가지고 있다. 또한 共産黨은 永久的 唯一執權黨이므로 모든 國家機關을 完全히 掌握하고 있다. 스딸린은 이 같은 레닌의 「一國一黨主義」를 「一國一黨一人主義」로 까지 더욱 硬直化시켰다. 스딸린 死亡後 이로 因한 弊端을 是正하기 爲하여 새로운 指導者들이 「合理的 管理」를 提唱하고 있으나 그것이 決코 이데올로기의 退色이 아니라 兩者의 有機的 結合이라고 辯護하고 있다. 소비에트行政의 特徵은 行政目的, 行政區域, 國家機關의 組織原則 및 그 構造와 機能 等이 特異한 데서 찾을 수 있다. 모든 行政은 共産黨의 對內外的 赤化革命 遂行을 爲한 機能으로서 全的으로 政治에 從屬되어 있다. 蘇聯의 行政區域은 民族 및 一般單位區域으로 二元化되어 있으며 現在 15個 聯邦構成共和國, 20個 自治共和國, 6個 地方, 110余個의 州, 17個의 管區 및 多數의 地區, 市(區), 村으로 區分되어 있다. 이 中에서 15個 共和國, 20個 自治共和國은 勿論, 8個 自治州 및 10個 自治管區는 民族單位區域이며 其他는 一般單位區域이다. 行政機關을 包含한 一切의 소비에트國家機關은 이른바 民主集權, 機關統合, 合議機關, 機關選拳 및 一黨支配制에 依하여 組織·運營되는데, 聯邦最高소비에트는 單純한 立法府가 아니라 行政 및 司法權까지 統合管掌하는 最高主權統合機關이라는 點을 看過해서는 안된다. 따라서 聯邦閣僚會議는 獨立된 行政府가 아니라 聯邦最高소비에트의 行政受任機關이며 聯邦最高裁判所, 聯邦檢事局도 赤是 그의 受任機關에 不過하다. 聯邦最高소비에트 閉會期間中 그 權限을 部分的으로 代行하는 幹部會는 西方諸國의 大統領中心制下에서의 大統領과 類似한 機能을 合議制로 遂行하게 되므로 흔히 合議制 大統領이라고도 불리어 진다. 그러나 國家代表權과 軍事統禦權은 嚴然히 最高소비에트가 가지고 있으므로 完全한 國家元首機關이 못된다. 行政機關의 內部體系를 보면 聯邦閣僚會議를 頂点으로 하여 各共和國閣僚會議와 各級 地方人民代議員소비에트執行委員會가 構成되고 있으나 이것들은 모두 當該소비에트의 管下機關이다. 따라서 各共和國閣僚會議 및 各級 地方人民代議員소비에트執行委員會는 自?소비에트와 上級行政機關에 二重從屬된다. 特히 聯邦 및 各共和國閣僚會議 그리고 個別的 省사이에는 複雜한 行政的 關係가 成立되나 모두 民主集權制에 依據, 命令·服從의 方式으로처 處理된다. 소비에트官僚制는 黨外統制의 不在性과 大슬라브主義로 因한 黨과 技術官僚, 그리고 슬라브와 異民族官僚間의 葛藤을 造成하고 있다. 또한 모든 國家機關이 소비에트의 管下機關이며 모든 住民이 支配的 國家機關員 또는 被支配的 被雇傭員의 處地이므로 行政機關에 對한 歐美式 外部統制機能이 存在하지 않는다. 스딸린 死亡後 이 같은 諸問題點을 解消하기 爲하여 努力하고있는 徵候가 보이기는 하나 그것이 決코 西歐指向的인 것이라고 斷定할 수는 없다. 蘇聯은 지금까지 分明히 調和와 適應力을 發揮하여 왔으나 政治的 多元化를 指向하지는 않고 있다. 이러한 點에서 行政制度를 包含한 소비에트制度에 對하여 우리가 硏究해야할 課題는 앞으로도 쉽게 그 質量面에서 줄어들지 않을 것이다. The major goal of this paper is to examine the nature and characterisitics of the administrative system of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR: CCCP). For this purpose, this study attempts to review the organizations and functions of the Soviet Administrative System particularly in connection with those of Communist Party of Soviet Union (CPSU), the core of the Soviet power. The Soviet Communist Party, like that in the other communist systems, is organized by Lenin's principle of organization and has pyramidal stricture including Party Congress, the Central Committee, Politbureau and the Secretariat. Since the party is the monolithic ruling party, it commands and controls all the Soviet administrative organizations. Stalin reinforced Lenin's "One-State, One-Party" principle into "One-State, One-Leader" principle, increasing tight control of administrative system by the Party. In order to correct those deficiencies after Stalin. "Public Principle" was proposed by Khrushchev and the "Principle of Scientific Organization of Labor" by Brezhnev. Nevertheless, the Soviet theorists advocate that these phenomena do not mean any degeneration of ideology but rather an organic combination of ideology and technocracy. It may be understood, therefore, that "Public Principle" refers to popular participation, that is, the "Principle of Scientific Organization of Labor" for scientific management. Analyzing the characteristics of the Soviet Administrative System with the above in mind, one may point to following: With Party as the highest form of social and political organization of all the Soviet people, whatever apparatus of the state becames subordinate to the Party. Every Party member has as his most important task to exercise political control over the implementation of the Party's programs by the state administrative apparatus. Soviet Administrative Districts, categorized into national and general ones, are composed of 15 Soviet Socialistic Republics, 20 Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republics, six Areas (Krays), more than 110 Regions (Oblasts) including eight Autonomous Regions, 17 Circuits (Okrugs) including 10 Autonomous Circuits, many Urban and Rural Districts (Rayons), and so forth. The state administrative system operates under formulas called "Democratic Centralism," "Apparatus Integratism," "Council Appratism," "Apparatus Electism" and "One-Party Dictatorship." Article 106 of the Constitution of USSR states that supreme Soviet is the "highest apparatus of state power in USSR." The Supreme Soviet consists of Soviet; of Union and Soviet of Nationalities. Between the sessions of Supreme Soviet, its power is vested in the Presidium of Supreme Soviet. The Constitution states that the Presidium of Supreme Soviet has the power to convene and dissolve Supreme Soviet, appoint and discharge ministers on the recommendation of the Council of Ministers, interpret the laws of USSR, ratify treaties, proclaim martial law, mobilize the armed forces, and declare war when Supreme Soviet is not in session. Article 127 of the Constitution states that the Council of Ministers is "the highest executive and administrative body of the state power in USSR." In Article 129, however, the Council is stipulated to be responsible for Supreme Soviet or the Presidium of Supreme Soviet. One of the key issues for the Soviet leaders has been how to define the relationship between this huge administrative apparatus and the Party. The above-mentioned structural separation between the party and the state has been maintained to the present. However, the separation remains only structural, because the party continuously has the responsibility for supervising and controlling the state apparatus. With the growing diversification and complexity of a modern industrial society, however, many problems have been created for the administrative structure by the decisive influence exercised at all level by the Party. Therefore, the very important question is: Can the Soviet administrative machinery, at a time when the industrial and social structure is becoming more complex, provide the truly sophisticated planning, coordination, integration, and timing, for the various economic and social activities which the Party's commitment to central direction requires ? Both Western and Communist political thinkers become more and more openly to realize the existence of group conflicts even in a communist society. Thus making the key political problem facing the Soviet communist system how to achieve integration among diverse group interests. The Soviet system has made various efforts for this purpose. This is not to say, however, that the evolution of the Soviet system has inevitably turned into degeneration. Much still depends upon how the ruling Soviet elites see to it.

      • 터빈블레이드 내부 냉각 유로 단면 형상에 따른 에어포일 냉각 효율 비교

        김영학 忠南大學校 大學院 2019 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The gas turbine power generation system transfers the high-temperature, high-pressure air generated by the compressor and the combustor to the inside of turbine to rotate the turbine to obtain mechanical energy. The mechanical energy thus obtained is a collection of cutting-edge technologies that can be converted to thermal energy or additional power generation and used in many industries. Gas turbine blades used in gas turbines are important high-temperature components and there is a lack of research to reduce damage in Korea. Much research on gas turbine blades is needed to solve this situation. One of the important elements of the turbine blades is the cooling flow path inside. The role of the cooling channel is very important because it has to survive the high temperature and high pressure situation. In order to proceed with this analysis, the 3D CAD data of the turbine blade is obtained through the reverse design process. The heat and flow analysis is performed using the acquired 3D CAD data of the turbine blade. The theory of analysis is applied to mass conservation equations, momentum conservation equations, and energy conservation equations. Through the analysis of heat and flow, the temperature distribution of each channel section was confirmed, and the shape of the channel was additionally changed and the temperature distribution of the existing channel and the changed channel was compared.

      • 승강기 과부하 감지용 방진고무의 수명예측과 검증

        김영학 부경대학교 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        By the end of 2008 in Korea, there are more than 380,000 elevators in operation and elevators are increasing more than 20,000 elevators every year. The better services of maintenance has been highly needed due to the demand of users and the expand of elevator industry and it is axiomatic that users require higher level of satisfaction. The rubber psrts, one of the elevator's parts for reducing vibration, is responsible for ride quality and safety by detecting overload. ① Safety could not be satisfied by only the inspection code. So these reasons, it is almost impossible that meet the better services of maintenance ② The relationships between compression load and displacement vary according to time, so it includes potential risk ③ It is almost impossible to maintain by the high quality service because the alteration period has not been decided, also the practice or concept about components life have not established rightly. Rubber material properties and useful life evaluation are very important in design procedure to assure the safety and reliability of the rubber components. In this paper, the evaluation of characteristics and useful life prediction of rubber component for elevator cabin were experimentally investigated. By using the rubber material and component test several useful life prediction equations for rubber component were proposed. Predicted useful life of rubber component for elevator cabin agreed fairly with the experimental lives.

      • 사이코드라마가 조현병 환자의 자아존중감과 대인관계에 미치는 영향

        김영학 경성대학교 교육대학원 2013 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        본 연구는 사이코드라마를 조현병 환자 대상으로 실시하여 자아존중감과 대인관계에 미치는 효과를 검증하는 데 그 목적을 두었다. 이러한 목적을 이루기 위해 본 연구는 B시 소재 D병원의 조현병 환자 30명을 대상으로 각각 실험집단 15명, 통제집단 15명으로 배정한 후 실험집단에게 주 1회 90분씩 총 8회기의 사이코드라마를 실시하였다. 사이코드라마의 효과를 검증하기 위해 실험집단과 통제집단에 사이코드라마 실시 전과 실시 직후에 자아존중감과 대인관계 검사를 실시하였고, 수집된 자료들은 SPSS/WIN19.0 프로그램을 이용하여 평균과 표준편차를 알아보고 사전검사 점수를 공변인으로 하여 사후 점수에 대해 공변량분석(ANCOVA)을 실시하였다. 또한 효과를 좀 더 구체적으로 살펴보기 위하여 실험집단과 통제집단 간의 사전·사후검사 결과를 비교하는 대응표본 t검증(paired t-test)을 실시하였다. 이러한 연구절차를 통하여 나타난 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 본 연구에서 실시한 사이코드라마를 경험한 실험집단의 피험자들이 통제집단의 피험자들보다 자아존중감이 유의미하게 향상되었다. 둘째, 본 연구에서 실시한 사이코드라마를 경험한 실험집단의 피험자들이 통제집단의 피험자들보다 대인관계가 유의미하게 향상되었다. 이와 같은 연구 결과에 비추어 볼 때, 사이코드라마는 문제의 명료화, 자발성과 자신감 증진, 현실 지향적 사고, 자기 수용적인 태도, 자기표현 증진 등의 긍정적 변화와 조현병 환자의 자아존중감과 대인관계를 높이는데 효과적임을 알 수 있어 조현병 환자들의 회복과 재발 방지 및 사회적응을 도울 수 있을 것으로 기대한다.

      • 지적장애 특수학교장의 리더십 핵심역량과 교사동기, 장학효과성간의 관계

        김영학 대구대학교 2013 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        이 연구는 지적장애 특수학교장의 리더십 핵심역량과 교사동기, 장학효과성간의 관계를 구체적으로 밝히는데 목적이 있다. 목적을 밝히기 위한 수행방법으로 지적장애 특수학교장 85명, 교사 400명 을 대상으로 설문조사 연구를 실시하였다. 연구의 결론은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 지적장애 특수학교장과 교사의 학교장 리더십 핵심역량에 대한 인식수준에 있어 중요도는 높게 인식하고 있으나 수행도 인식수준은 상대적으로 낮다. 배경변인에 따른 지적장애 특수학교장의 리더십 핵심역량에 대한 학교장의 수행도와 중요도 인식수준, 교사의 중요도 인식수준은 유의한 차이가 없다. 리더십 핵심역량에 대한 교사의 수행도 인식수준은 남교사에 비해 여교사의 인식수준이 높고, 교육경력이 높은 교사가 인식수준이 높으며, 학사와 박사학위를 가진 교사보다 석사학위를 가진 교사의 인식수준이 높다. 또한 사립교사보다는 국립교사의 인식수준이 높고, 중등부 교사가 유초등부, 고등부 교사보다 높게 인식한다. 둘째, 학교장 리더십 핵심역량에 대한 학교장의 인식보다 교사가 인식한 리더십 핵심역량 인식수준이 교사동기에 깊은 영향을 미치고 이러한 교사동기는 장학효과성에 영향을 미친다. 셋째, 학교장과 교사가 인식한 학교장의 리더십 핵심역량, 교사동기, 장학효과성간의 인과관계를 검증한 결과, 집단에 대한 믿음, 외적동기, 내적동기, 자기성장에 대한 믿음, 자기효능 속에서 교장이 인식한 리더십 핵심역량 보다는 교사가 인식한 리더십 핵심역량, 그리고 장학효과성간의 인과관계가 더 강하게 형성된다. 이 연구결과를 바탕으로 지적장애 특수학교장이 학교 교육의 질적 발전과 학교 구성원들의 상호협력 및 정체성 확립을 통한 실질적 통합을 위해 교사동기, 장학효과성을 높일 수 있는 다양한 리더십 발휘 방안을 강구해야 한다. 이 연구에서 제시된 구체적 자료들은 지적장애 특수학교의 질적 개선과 재구조화를 위한 기초자료로 활용되기 바란다. The purpose of this study is to specifically identify the relation between the Leadership Core Competencies of the Principals of the Special School for students with intellectual disabilities, teacher motivation and supervision effectiveness. For this study, eighty-five principals and 400 teachers of the special schools for students with intellectual disabilities was selected. The results of this study are as follows. First, in the recognition level of the principals and teachers of the special schools for the students with intellectual disabilities on the leadership core competencies of the principals, its importance was being highly recognized, but the recognition level of performance was relatively low. There were no variables with significant differences according to the variables in the principals' recognition level of the performance and importance and in the teachers' recognition level of the importance for the leadership core competencies of the principals of the special schools for students with intellectual disabilities. The female teachers' recognition level of the performance for the leadership core competencies was higher than that of the male teachers, teachers with higher teaching career showed a relatively higher recognition level and the teachers with a master's degree showed a higher recognition level as compare to the teachers with a bachelor or doctoral degree. In addition, the recognition level of the national school teachers was higher than that of the private school teachers, and middle school teachers highly recognized the performance for the leadership core competencies than the preschool, elementary school and high school teachers. Second, the importance and performance for the leadership core competencies recognized by the teachers have a profound effect that those recognized by the principals, and such teacher motivation has an impact on the supervision effectiveness. Third, as a result of verifying the causal relation between the leadership core competencies of the principals, teacher motivation, and supervision effectiveness recognized by the principals and teachers, the causal relationship between the leadership core competencies and supervision effectiveness recognized by the teachers is strongly formed than the leadership core competencies recognized by the principals in the belief in group, extrinsic motivation, intrinsic motivation, belief in self-growth and self-efficacy. Based on the results of this study, it is expected that this study will be used as the baseline data for the special schools for students with intellectual disabilities to find the ways to increase the teachers' motivation and supervision effectiveness for the development of school education and integration of the school members.

      • 1970년대 소설의 타자성 담론 연구

        김영학 한남대학교 2015 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        In the 1970s, modernization planning was in full force in line with economic growth. During that era, Koreans were referred to as ‘Korean people’ or ‘Korean citizens’ by the government, which forced them to be submissive. Based on the totalitarian ideology that revolves around the government, it coerced individual sacrifices. At the same time, it alienated the individuals or groups that were not part of the modernization. Thus, they were treated as 'the Other.' In particular, the farmers, fishermen, and the urban poor were entirely isolated. It was due to their financial inferiority amid the industrialization. Also, urbanization was not favorable to those away from cities. It was the background of novels written in the 1970s. The authors shed light on the 'the Other' and restore their ideas. It led to a discussion on the paradox and pitfalls of modernization. The novels written right after the Korean War focused on individuals and exploring them as the main entity. The common theme, however, is the negativity and disillusionment as to modernization. The difference is that the novels in the 1970s focused on describing the 'the Other' of the era. The most noteworthy novelists of the 1970s are Lee Mun-ku, Cho Sae-Hee, and Hwang Seok-Young. As for Lee Mun-ku, he highlights the opinions of the Other, the farmers, and their rural environment; they are marginalized due to urbanization and industrialization. As for Cho Sae-Hee, he shed light on the lives of factory workers and the urban poor, along with the self-reflection of the middle class. As for Hwang Seok-Young, he discussed the sense of identity through the subjective perceptions and solidarity of displaced people who left their hometown and engaged in urban experience. This study explores the views of 'the Other‘ in the novels of the three authors. In addition, their perceptions and ideologies of the era will be examined. In the process, the point of view theory of Susan Lanser is introduced. She established the elements that form a point of view as ‘status,’ ‘contact,’ and ‘stance.’ Her definition of each element is as follows. ‘Status’ refers to the relationship between a speaker and their speech. ‘Contact’ refers to the relationship between a speaker and the listener. ‘Stance’ refers to the relationship between a speaker and the discourse or description content. Through the elements, it is possible to examine the overall context of the ‘author-text-reader' interaction. Based on the results, a text can be analyzed to explore the world views and ideology of an author. The first work analyzed through the point of theory is『My Town』by Lee Mun-Ku. The second work analyzed is『A Small Ball Shot by a Midget』by Cho Sae-Hee. Finally, the following novels of Hwang Seok-Young were analyzed:「Strange Land」;「On the way to SAMPO」;「Neighbors」;「Dream of Hercules」. Through the works above, Lee Mun-Ku, Cho Sae-Hee, and Hwang Seok-Young portray the 'the Other' alienated amid the urbanization and industrialization. In particular, their ignored ideas are restored. As the the Other resist the authoritarian approach of the government, readers become interested in their marginalized world, away from the spotlight. It is intended by the authors who strive to pursue a balanced modernization through multi-dimensional views while overcoming the negativity. When the three authors establish the views of the 'the Other,' they share one thing in common: a narration based on spatial, temporal, and psychological aspects. In terms of spatial and temporal aspects, they all shed light on the reality through a narrator who share the same position as the focused characters'. However, the 'the Other' clash with the executors of modernization planning in terms of perception of the reality. The 'the Other' were suppressed by their authoritarian approach. Another similarity is that the 'the Other' experience the 'awakening of the consciousness' in line with the temporality of the text. In psychological aspects, the authors use a narration that forms a sense of closeness with the 'the Other.' The 'the Other' are the key figures of the authors; the Other were coerced, suppressed, and sacrificed during the era of modernization. When they are portrayed, the three authors use both internal and external points of views for their narration. In particular, the internal point of view leads the readers to develop empathy towards the characters. As for modernization executors, they are portrayed with the external point of view in most cases. In other words, the authors keep a certain distance from the modernization executors, while forming a sense of closeness with the 'the Other,' Another similarity of the authors is that they failed to provide alternatives to the modernization. Although the 'the Other' have a critical view of their reality, develop their consciousness, and confront the modernization executors, they fail to suggest concrete alternatives. Instead, they can only explore the possibilities to solving the modernization pitfalls. It is because the authors didn't have detailed solutions to the issues, despite their negative perception of modernization. As a result, the 'the Other' do not suggest particular solutions to the modernization issues. It is despite the fact that the negative perception of authors was shared and conveyed by the 'the Other.' . The greatest significance of the 'the Other' portrayed by the three authors is as follows. The 'the Other' point out the paradox of modernization as the main entity in the text. They are used to deliver the critical views of the authors, although they don't have alternatives to the modernization. Although the 'the Other' are coerced and alienated during the era, they serve as the main entity in the text. It enables them to discuss the paradox of their reality. Keywords: point of view, the Other, status, contact, stance, m

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