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      • 잠수 직종의 국가기술자격과 국방분야 국가자격 비교연구 : SWOT-AHP 분석을 통한 발전전략 도출을 중점으로

        김병화 한국해양대학교 2019 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        본 연구에서는 산업잠수와 군사잠수, 두 분야의 자격제도와 인증체계를 비교 분석하였다. 산업잠수의 경우 국가기술자격으로 잠수기능사와 잠수산업기사, 잠수기능장이 있으며, 고용노동부와 한국산업인력공단에서 「자격기본법」의 시행령으로 고시한 국가직무능력표준(NCS: National Competency Standard)인 일반잠수 NCS, 산업잠수 NCS에 기반을 두어 학습모듈과 출제기준, 평가문제 등이 개발되고 있다. 군사잠수의 경우 국방분야 국가자격으로 국방부에서 주관하고 해군 해난구조전대에서 시행하는 심해잠수 1급, 2급, 3급이 있다. 본 연구의 목적은 양 자격체제의 도입배경, 법적근거, 취득현황 등을 비교하고 그에 따른 문제점과 개선방안을 도출하는데 있다. 기초연구로 문헌 및 자료를 분석하였고, 자격발급 관련 전문가들을 인터뷰하였다. 국방분야 국가자격에 발전전략에 대해서는 SWOT-AHP 분석 방법으로 수행하였다. 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 먼저 국방분야 국가자격의 실효성이 미미하다. 국방분야 국가자격 심해잠수사 종목은 민간 산업현장에서 인정을 받지 못하고 있다. 이러한 문제점을 개선하기 위해서는 해난구조전대 교육훈련대대가 잠수 직종의 NCS기반 표준교육과정 인증 및 운영기관으로 인정되어야 될 것이며, NCS 체계상 누락된 심해잠수 분야도 복구시켜야 한다. 또한, 현행 법령상 국방분야 국가자격 심해잠수사 종목이 수중공사업에 종사할 수 있도록 개정이 필요하다. In this study, the qualification system of commercial diving and military diving are compared and analyzed. In the case of commercial diving, there are Craftsman diver, Industrial Engineer Diver, and Diving Supervisor as national technical qualification. The qualification system of commercial diving is based on the National Competency Standard(NCS) and training standards, job descriptions, and evaluation items were developed as well. In the case of military diving, there are first, second, and third grade deep sea divers trained by the SSU(Sea Salvage ans rescue Unit) and issued by the Ministry of National Defense as national defense qualification. The purpose of this study is to draw up problems and development strategies for the improvement of the national technical qualification and defense qualification of underwater diving by comparing its background, legal basis, and acquisition status. In this study, the literature survey and data analysis were carried out, also advices were obtained from the qualification issuance related experts. The SWOT-AHP analysis method was used to develop a strategy for national defense qualification. The results of the study are as follows. First, the effectiveness of national defense qualifications is minimal. Deep sea divers as national defense qualifications are not accepted in industrial sites. In order to improve these problems, the SSU Training Battalion should be certified as the NCS-based standard education courses of the diving part. Also the deep sea diving category that are missing in the current NCS system should be registered. Lastly, a legal amendment is needed to enable certified deep sea divers retired from navy to engage in underwater construction work.

      • 大學運動選手의 人間關係 行動 分析 硏究

        김병화 明知大學敎 大學院 1992 국내박사

        RANK : 1839

        This study aims at showing the sociality of interpersonal behavior by analyzing interpersonal relation. For the purpose, we used FIRO-B method consisted of 54 items developed by Schutz of the University of California with the object of Individual sports, Team sports and College students. We statistically tested mean and standard deviation dotained from three groups and produced compatibility by analyzing interpersonal relation behavior. Here are conclusions, 1) Expressed inclusion behavior shows that there is only difference between sex, but it is not influenced by sports parttcipation types. Therefore women groups are usually higher than men groups in expressed inclusion behavior. 2) Wanted inclusion behavior shows that there is meaningful difference between groups in P<.001 level but no statistically between groups in P>.05 level. 3) Expressed control behavior shows that there is meaningful difference between sex in P<.001 level but no statistically between groups in P>.05 level. 4) Wanted control behavior shows that there is meaningful difference between sex in P<.001 level and between groups in P>.05 level. Therefore it has an effect on difference between sex and sports participation types, too. 5) Expressed attectoin behavior shows that there is meaningful difference between sex in P<.001 level but no statistically between groups in P>.05 level. 6) Wanted attection behavior shows that there is meaningful difference between sex in P<.001 level but no between groups in P>.05 level. This means there is only difference between sex but it is not influenced by sports participation types. Usually women groups are higher than men groups in expressed attection behavior. 7) Originator of the Inclusion behavior shows that there is no statistically meaningful difference between both sex and groups in P>.05 level. This means it is not influenced by between sex and sports participation tupes. 8) Originator of the control behavior shows that there is no statistically meaningful difference between both sex and groups in P>.05 level. This means it is not influenced by both of groups. 9) Originator of attection behavior shows that there is no statistically meaningful difference between both sex and groups in P>.05 level. This means it is not influenced by originator. 10) Interchange of the inclusion behavior shows that there is meaningful difference between sex in P<.00.1 level but no statistically between groups in P>.05 level. 11) Interchange of the control behavior shows that there is statistically meaningful difference between sex in P<.001 level and between groups in P>.05 level. Therefore this means it is influenced by both sports participation types and sex. 12) Interchange of the attection behavior shows that there is meaningful difference between sex in P<.001 level but no statistically between groups in P>.05 level. 13) In result of analyzing compatibility for originator behavior, inclusion behavior shows expressed competitive non-compatibility in each groups, and control behavior and attection behavior show wanted non-attection non-compatibility(value), thus complementary function is reduced. 14) The analysis result of compatibility for interchange shows that, showing the absolute value of zero level in all groups, the results of interchanges in 3 behaviors (inclusion, control, attection) expressed behavior and wanted behavior are high. 15) The result of compatibility for reciprocal shows that the attection behavior show striking absolute value in behavior domain of interpersonal relation crossed by between groups and between sex, the other groups show distinguished compatibility, too. To sum up, Inclusion, Control, Affection behavior in expressed and wanted Interpersonal Relation behavior have an effect on very meaning sports sociality because of high relation to between total or sex,- but it shows that there will be some sociality change on between groups. However, the control behavior and its related interchange show each different aspect between atheletes who make desirable relationship and college students. This means that they have atendency to improve and adjust sociality power in the persent state of things more than make a new challenge. Team sports groups show interpersonal relation better than the other group by compatibility analysis result. Therefore team sports groups will have an effect on sports activity for the better through social relationship.

      • 대테러정책에 있어서 경찰의 Hub 역할구축 방안

        김병화 연세대학교 행정대학원 2007 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        테러리즘의 개념은 1937년 국제연맹에서 “한 국가에 대하여 직접적인 범죄행위를 가하거나 일반인이나 군중들의 마음속에 공포심을 일으키는 것”이라고 정의한 것을 비롯하여 많은 연구와 논문, 정보기관들의 개념정의에도 불구하고 쉽사리 보편성이 인정되지 않는다. 더군다나 냉전의 붕괴·과학기술의 발달·국가 통제력의 약화가 맞물려 지구촌의 질서가 새로운 혼돈을 맞으면서 테러의 동기와 유형도 대폭 바뀌고 있다. 고전적인 측면에서 테러는 주체와 대상이 명확하고 공격대상 목표의 상징성 및 대의명분 등이 수반되었으나, 최근에는 광신적 신념이나 맹목적 파괴주의와 결합한 ‘뉴 테러리즘’(New Terrorism)이 대두하였다. 즉, 특정한 정치적 목표를 달성하기 위한 수단으로 테러를 하는 것이 아니라 테러 그 자체를 목적으로 하는 새로운 현상인 것이다. 대표적으로 미국의 9/11 사건은 테러의 고정관념을 뒤바꾼 획기적인 사건이 되었고 탄저균을 사용한 생물학테러나 정보통신의 발달에 따른 사이버테러의 위험성 증가는 테러리즘 자체에 대한 생명성을 인정케 하였으며 진화에 따른 신속한 대처가 무엇보다도 중요하다는 것을 새삼 인식케 하였다.본 논문의 목적은 이러한 테러의 진화양상에 대한 개념인식을 바탕으로 한국적인 현실을 감안할 때 어떻게 대응하는 것이 급변하는 국제 테러리즘에 가장 효율적이고 바람직한 것인 지에 대해 고찰해 보고자 한다. 나아가 한국의 대테러 정책결정상 경찰 역할의 발전적 모델도 제시하고자 노력하였다. 이 과정에서 일반적 정책결정 모형중의 하나인 ‘앨리슨의 세가지 모형이론’을 분석틀로 활용, 미국·영국·일본의 사례를 비교분석하고 각 국가별 특징을 기초로 한국적 상황 적용에 가장 가깝다고 판단되는 모델을 선정하였는데 이것이 바로 일본의 사례이다. 즉, 다소 느슨하게 연결된 준독립적인 하위조직간에 표준운영절차를 선호하는 조직모형이라 할 수 있겠다. 이를 근거로 한국 경찰의 대테러 정책결정상의 역할 인식과 향후 대테러정책결정상 허브(Hub)역할을 담당할 수 있는지에 대한 가능성도 조심스레 분석·조명하였다.이상과 같은 연구범위와 방법에 따라 본 논문은 서론과 결론을 포함하여 6개의 장으로 구성하였다. 서론에서는 인류역사상 테러가 끊이지 않고 진화해 가는 양상과 최근 주요 국제테러 사건 등을 살피면서 연구의 목적과 범위 및 방법에 관해 제시하였고, 제2장은 일반적 정책결정 과정과 대테러 정책결정 과정간의 차이점과 다양성을 전제로 앨리슨의 세가지 모형이론을 적용한 연구의 분석틀에 대해 따로이 설명하고, 제3장은 주요 선진국가들의 일반적인 대테러정책과 기구운용에 관해 조명하였으며, 제4장은 한반도에서 테러가 발생할 가능성이 있는지에 대한 분석과 북한의 대남테러 유형별 사례 분석 등을 전제로 현행 한국의 주요 정보기관별 대테러업무 일반과 테러첩보 수집대상에 대해 고찰하였으며, 제5장은 영국·미국· 일본의 대테러 정보관리 체계 및 경찰의 역할을 이해하고 한국경찰의 대테러 정보관리와 대테러 조직개선 방안을 개진하였다.2007년 2월 기준, 한국은 이미 90만명에 달하는 체류외국인과 20여만명의 불법체류자가 거주하고 있으며, 일명 ‘테러지원국가인’으로 분류되는 체류외국인도 2,000여명이 넘는 상황이다. 또한, 테러지원국가인 북한이 국제적인 테러단체들과 연계하여 가공할만한 테러를 야기할 가능성도 배제할 수 없다. 테러방지법 제정이 지지부진하고 국정원을 중심으로 한 국가 테러 대응시스템이 다소 원활치 않은 현실에서 테러첩보의 수집·분석과 사후진압·인질협상과 같은 상황관리 및 수사종결까지 일괄적이면서도 신속하게 대처할 수 있는 경찰청이 각급 정보보안기관들과의 정보공유 관계에 있어 주도적인 역할을 담당하고 국내 일반테러 분야뿐만 아니라 생화학·방사능·항공기·해상테러 등을 아우르는 대테러정책상 중심축 역할을 담당케 하는 심도깊은 연구가 활발히 뒤따라야 할 것이다. The definition of terrorism is not universally accepted despite those efforts of intelligence agencies and researchers, including the definition by the 1937 League of Nations Convention that terrorisms are criminal acts directed against State and intended or calculated to create a state of terror in the minds of particular persons, or groups of persons or the general public. Moreover, types and motivations for terrorism are changing greatly since the world order has faced new chaos in addition to the collapse of cold war, development of science and technology, and the weakening of government control. Classic terrorism had clear objects and attackers, and had reasons and symbolic values of the targets, but a new terrorism, which has aroused recently, is combined with lunatic faith and aim-less vandalism. In other words, terrorism is a new phenomenon, which is not any more a method for achieving one''s particular political goals, but rather aiming at terror itself. The monumental incident of september 11 dramatically changed the concept of terrorism. In addition, the appearances of biological terrors using anthrax bacteria and the increase of cyber-terrorism stemming from the development of information and communication forced us to admit the organic aspect of terrorism, which made us realize the importance of swift response.The purpose of this paper is to review the policies to respond to the rapidly shifting international terrorism and look for the most efficient and reasonable measures based on these recognition of the evolution of terrorism and the current situation of Korea. Furthermore, efforts have been made to provide a model for the role of the police in counter-terrorism decision making. In this process, the Japanese case is assumed to be best suited for the situation of Korea through the comparison of practices of United States of America, England, and Japan using the ''Allison''s three model theory. This is an organizational model which favors standard operational procedures among loosely connected semi-independent sub-organizations. Based on this model, the recognition of the role of the police and the possibility of becoming a Hub in counter-terrorism decision making process in the future have been carefully reviewed and analyzed.This paper is consisted of 6 chapters including introduction and closing remarks using research methods and scopes mentioned above. In the introduction, research objects, scopes and methods has been identified looking at the trends and major international terrorist attack cases. In chapter 2, based on the fact that average policy making and counter-terrorism policy making processes have many differences and diversities, research analysis tool has been explained which applied Allison''s three model theory. In chapter 3, counter-terrorism policies and operations of relevant agencies of major developed countries have been reviewed. In chapter 4, general missions of major Korean intelligence agencies and objects of intelligence gathering have been reviewed after analyzing the possibility of terrorist attacks in Korea and cases of different types that have been committed by North Korea. In chapter 5, intelligence management and organizational restructuring proposals have been made after reviewing the counter-terrorism intelligence system and the role of the police in England, America, and Japan.In February 2007, Korean already has about 900 thousand foreigners and 200 thousand illegal aliens, and those who are from so called ''terrorism supporting countries'' are more than 2000. In addition, we cannot rule out the possibility of North Korea making an attack in alliance with international terrorist groups. Since we are under a situation that counter-terrorism act is taking a slow pace and national counter-terrorism system lead by NIS (National Intelligence Service) is not working properly, we need to study more on how KNPA (Korea National Police Agency) may take the lead in sharing information among government agencies, which is capable of responding to a situation rapidly and efficiently from intelligence analysis to case management and closure including counter-attacks and hostage negotiations, and on how KNPA take care of not just ordinary terrorism, but other types of attacks like bio·chemical, nuclear, air and maritime terrors.


        김병화 Texas A&M University 2002 해외박사

        RANK : 1839

        The objective of this study is to . develop a practical vibration-based nondestructive damage evaluation method to detect, locate, and size damage in a beamlike structure and in a plate-like structure. Most uncertainties in vibration-based nondestructive damage evaluation methods can be traced to incompleteness of modal measurements such as limited number of modes, finite number of measured degrees of freedom, and incomplete sensor resolutions. Using the concept of modal flexibility, damage index equations for the selected classes of structures (beams and plates) are derived, numerically verified, and experimentally verified. Finally, the feasibility and practicability of the proposed NDE scheme are studied using the results of an existing on-line health monitoring system of a reinforced concrete bridge. The damage indices for the bridge have been monitored for about three months giving a total of 183 sets of acceleration-time responses caused by normal traffic. The results of this study reveal that the modal flexibility approach proposed here may circumvent the existing problems of local damage detection with incomplete measurements.

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