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      • 교사의 의사결정 참여도에 따른 직무만족도와의 관계

        신영진 경성대학교 교육대학원 2002 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        The purpose of this study is to provide some useful information for growth of school by analysing the teachers' participational degree and job satisfaction in present school administration. Research questions of this study are as follows: First, what about the real participational degree of teachers'? 1) What about the participative tendency in major works and activity of teachers? 2) What about the participational degree according to the background variables of teachers and schools? Second, what about the job satisfaction of teachers? 1) Which effect do the factors of satisfaction have on job satisfaction? 2) What about the job satisfaction according to the background variable(gender, age, the period of teaching, state, the grade of the school)? Third, is there any relationship between teachers' paficipational degree and satisfaction? To answer the questions under the study, two kinds of variable clusters, i.e. cluster of variables of paticipational degree and cluster of job stisfaction. Variables were identified two independent questionnaire. The 316 questionnaires were gathered and analyzed by one-way Anova by the SPSS/PC+. The major findings of this study were summarized as follow: First, it follows In order of extra-subject activity, management of school, activity of teaching subjects, the work of government school, constructional management of the staff, the schedule and goals of education and relation with school and local society in teachers' participational degree. Thus, there should have a detailed plan to participate the teachers the areas which relates with school and local society. Also. the devices, which all teachers could participate to all area, should grope. Second, as a result of participational degree, the teachers who are male, teaching longer time, in the "Da" area, in the elementary school are participate higher than the other groups. Therefore, middle school teachers should participate a little more and there need a concrete plan of concerning the characteristic of staffs in school, request level and participation will. And, as increasing of female teachers, their relative importance should be increased and through the extension of participation of the teachers, who have short-career, they could promote their growth. Third, it follows in order of relationship of other teachers, work itself, teaching itself, growth of speciality, environment of working, administrative support, reward, promotion in teachers' satisfaction degree. Fourth, the whole tendency of satisfaction degree is that male is higher than female in teaching itself and working itself. The "Ga" area's teachers have high satisfaction in working environment, reward and promotion, but "Da" area's teachers have high satisfaction in other areas. Elementary school's teachers have high satisfaction in all area. Finally, because higher teachers' participation degree makes higher job satisfaction, school administrator should make a chance for taking part in decision-making of the teachers. That could make democratic school organization through group thinking and rational decision-making.

      • 노년기 상실감과 자살생각과의 관계 : 주거이동 동기에 따른 사회활동의 조절효과를 중심으로

        신영진 용문상담심리대학원대학교 2017 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        본 연구의 목적은 노년기에 경험하는 상실감이 자살생각에 미치는 영향을 규명하기 위한 것이다. 구체적으로 노년기 주거이동 동기에 따라 상실감이 자살생각에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지 살펴보고, 상실감과 자살생각과의 관계에서 사회활동의 조절효과를 검증하고자 하였다. 이러한 연구목적을 위해 상실감을 건강상실감, 관계상실감, 경제상실감, 역할상실감 4개의 하위요인으로 구분하였고, 주거이동 동기 또한 환경적 요인, 주택적 요인, 가족적 요인, 사회경제적 요인 4개의 하위유형으로 구분 하였다. 서울 및 경기 지역 65세 이상 노인들 314명을 대상으로 자살생각척도(SSI), 상실감척도(K-SSLE), 사회활동 척도, 주거이동 동기 척도를 사용하여 자료를 얻었으며, SPSS 22.0을 활용하여 응답 자료들을 통계적으로 분석하였다. 본 연구에서 얻은 주요 연구 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 노인의 주거이동 동기에 따라 상실감에서 차이가 있었다. 둘째, 노인의 주거이동 동기에 따라 상실감은 자살생각에 영향을 주었다. 셋째, 노인의 주거이동 동기에 따라 상실감과 자살생각과의 관계에서 사회활동이 일부 조절효과를 가지는 것으로 나타났다. 특히, 주거이동 동기 중에서 사회경제적 요인으로 인한 상실감이 자살생각에 가장 많은 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 위와 같은 결과를 바탕으로 본 연구에서는 학문적, 임상적 시사점과 함께 후속연구의 필요성에 대해 논의하였다.

      • 다중지능이론을 적용한 영어 학습부진아 지도방안 : 중학교 2학년 특별보충반 학생들을 중심으로

        신영진 경남대학교 교육대학원 2006 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        The purpose of this study is to test the effectiveness of improving English ability and the interest of learning English and other subjects through the development of each intelligence group activity program based on theory of multiple intelligences. The period of this study is from August, 2005 to September, 2006. The experimental group is made up of 15 second-year students in special supplement class in middle school located in Masan City. To carry out the purpose of this study, multiple dimensions of student intelligence were measured and then teaching-learning models of seventy-minute unit composed of the group activities of each strongest intelligence dimension and applied them to the experimental class. After the experiment, the effectiveness and the learning outcome of the experimental method were analyzed by the students' results of English exams and questionnaires. The group activities based on the multiple intelligences theory were found to be more effective in improving the students' English abilities of special supplement class than the traditional teacher-centered learning class. The results also indicated that students who performed group activities based on the multiple intelligences theory could get more interest in both learning English and other subjects than the traditional teacher-centered learning class. This study proves that the group activities based on the multiple intelligences theory become the motives to be able to give the slow-learners the interest and achievement in learning English by getting rid of responsibilities and stimulating desires of challenge through the mixing the slow-learners' strongest intelligence dimension with various activity-centered tasks. Accordingly, it is necessary to apply these group activities based on the multiple intelligences theory to normal classes as well as special supplement classes through the development of teaching methods and assessment standards based on this theory in the various sides. 본 연구의 목적은 다중지능이론을 적용한 각 지능 영역별 그룹학습활동 프로그램을 개발하여 학습부진 학생들의 영어능력 향상 및 영어학습과 교과학습의 흥미도 변화에 어떠한 효과를 나타내는가를 현장 실험을 통하여 검증하는 것이다. 본 연구의 기간은 2005년 8월부터 2006년 9월까지이며, 실험집단은 마산시에 소재한 ○○중학교 2학년 특별보충반 학생 15명을 대상으로 하였다. 본 연구의 목적을 달성하기 위하여 개인별 다중지능 검사를 실시한 후 우세지능영역별 그룹 활동을 포함한 70분 단위의 교수-학습안을 작성하였으며 이를 실험 수업에 적용하였다. 실험 후 학생들의 영어 성적과 설문조사 등의 자료를 통해 학습효과 및 결과를 분석하였다. 실험결과에 의하면, 다중지능이론을 적용한 그룹학습 활동은 인지적 측면에서 특별보충반 학생들의 영어능력 향상에 높은 효과를 나타내었고 정의적 측면에서 대상 학생들의 영어학습 및 교과학습의 흥미도 변화에 긍정적인 결과를 가져왔다고 할 수 있다. 이상과 같은 결과를 볼 때, 다중지능이론을 적용한 그룹학습활동은 학습부진아들의 개인별 우세지능 영역에 다양한 활동 중심의 과제를 접목시켜 영어수업의 부담감을 해소시키고, 도전의욕을 자극시켰으며 영어학습에 대한 흥미와 성취감을 불러일으키는 계기가 되었다고 볼 수 있다. 그러므로 다중지능이론을 적용한 그룹학습 활동을 학습부진아 지도 뿐만 아니라 본시 수업에도 적용시킬 필요가 있다.

      • 호텔업 근로자의 작업환경 개선에 대한 연구 : 근골격계질환 중심으로

        신영진 광운대학교 2008 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        지금까지 끊임없이 변화를 추구하며, 우리 경제는 어려운 국제 환경 속에서도 성장을 거듭하여 왔지만, 눈부신 산업의 성장 뒷면에는 근로자들의 불안전한 작업환경으로 인한 산업재해라는 어두운 뒷모습들이 있다. 이러한 산업재해는 국가 경쟁력을 약화시킬 뿐만 아니라 사고 당사자에게는 심한 심리적 충격과 육체적인 고통을 주며, 가족들에게도 심각한 피해를 주고 있다. 특히, 작업관련 근골격계질환은 최근 사업장의 집단적인 발병, 산업재해자수의 급증 등으로 인하여 산업 안전 보건 분야의 주된 문제가 되고 있으며, 서비스산업인 호텔업종에서 발생되는 근골격계질환도 점차 증가세를 보이고 있는 실정이다. 이러한 근골격계질환의 발생요인은 개인적인 특성에 따라 연령, 성별, 불규칙한 생활, 개인적인 질병 등과 같은 개인적인 차이와 직장생활에서의 대인관계, 직무만족도, 스트레스, 직무형태 등의 사회적인 요인, 그리고 물리적 스트레스인 작업관련요인들을 들 수 있다. 특히, 호텔 업무에서는 반복성, 과도한 힘, 부자연스러운 자세와 정적 자세 등과 같은 근골격계부담작업 유해요인에 노출되어 있으며 이러한 반복동작과 부자연스러운 자세 등의 요인들로 인하여 근골격계질환이 발생할 수 있다. 따라서 호텔업종 근로자의 작업환경 개선을 위해서는 효과적인 개선방안에 대한 연구를 계속적으로 해야 할 것이며, 근골격계질환의 직접적인 원인이라고 할 수 있는 작업적 유해요인의 지속적 발굴과 이를 제거 및 개선을 위한 관리방안으로 근골격계질환 예방관리 프로그램을 진행하고 인간공학적인 작업장 설계와 작업방법 개선 등을 통하여 전반적인 작업환경을 개선하여 근골격계질환의 발생을 줄여야 한다. 또한 지속적인 예방활동을 위해 안전교육을 실시하는 것 또한 매우 중요하다. 하지만, 무엇보다도 중요한 사항은 정부는 물론 경영자와 노동조합 등이 근골격계질환에 대한 심각성을 인식하고 서로 적극적으로 협조하여 작업환경 개선을 통한 근골격계질환을 줄이는데 최선을 다해야 하는 것이다. In pursuit of changes continuously so far, our economy has been growing up even in the difficult international environments. However, there is a dark aspect, which is the industrial disaster by unstable working environment, in the back of the remarkable industrial development. This industrial disaster weakens the national power and, what is more, gives severe mental and physical pain to the person and his/her family who had the accident. Especially, the work related musculoskeletal disorder has become a major problem in the industrial safety sanitation field, because the number of industrial disaster victims and mass outbreak in a workplace is recently increasing dramatically. Furthermore, it is true that the musculoskeletal disorder occurring in the hotel which is one of the service industries shows gradual increasing tendencies. There can be many different reasons why this musculoskeletal disorder happens; by the difference of individual characteristics such as age, gender, an irregular life and an individual disease, or by social factors such as personal relations in the work, job satisfaction degrees, stress, or by working related factors like physical stress. Hotel tasks are especially exposed to harmful factors which can bring about the musculoskeletal disorder, for example, repetitiveness, excessive power, an unnatural pose and a fixed pose. Accordingly, the study looking for an effective ways of improving hotel workers' working environment has to be kept on. The occurrence of musculoskeletal disorder has to be reduced through improving the overall working environment; continuous efforts trying to find harmful factors in the workplace (which can be direct reason of musculoskeletal disorder), managing musculoskeletal disease prevention program, designing the human engineering workplace and working methods, and so on. However, the most important fact is that the government has to recognize the seriousness of musculoskeletal disorder. Of course, managements and labour unions are not exceptions. All of them should cooperate each other and try their best to improve the working environment and reduce musculoskeletal disorder.

      • 어절간 문맥 데이터베이스 정보를 통한 혼합 한국어 품사 태깅 보정 시스템

        신영진 경희대학교 정보통신대학원 2002 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        This thesis Tries to Propose the Part-of-Speech revision system to construct more correct statistical approach Using database information among words when we extract and apply the Rule-based Approach and Statistical Approach, with the hybrid methodology using mutual supplemental dimensions of those two approach. First, we tag the regulated ambiguities with highly correct, and on the irregulared ambiguities, we tag with statistical Approach. Rule-based Approach should be defined by using the ambiguities of words, morpheme, and tag. Statistical Approach Should be performed by using the shape of auxiliary word and the ending of a word which are causes of ambiguities. About sentences having un-solving ambiguities, we could construct statistical Approach database with the revisional system.

      • 생물학적 영양염류제거 하수처리장의 설계 및 운전 최적화를 위한 지식기반 전문가시스템

        신영진 건국대학교 대학원 2002 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        Expert systems are needed in the water-quality environmental field. Because of complexity of Biological Nutrient Removal(BNR) systems, the application of expert systems is especially necessity for substituting and aid in decision-making of expert. This study aimed to develop a BNR Knowledge Based Expert System(KBES) for municipal wastewater treatment plant to help optimization in design and operation of BNR systems by supporting the decision-making of BNR experts. Based on the problem solution strategies of BNR scenarios, Database and Knowledge Base(KB) were constructed, using Access of Microsoft Co. and Element expert of Blaze Expert Co., respectively. Algorithms of Fuzzy Set, Neuron Network, Factor Recognition and Factor Relation Recognition were used the uncertainty management. Rule conflict could be minimized the priorities to constructed rules it enable countermeasures displayed by the order of priorities for the multiple cause and also give the idea of priority of actions to be taken. Graphic User Interface(GUI) was developed for the conversations between user and the system during inference. Many verification methods were verified by operating successfully the builded expert system. We can expected that application of this BNR KBES to municipal wastewater treatment plants with suitable modification, we can expect to improved diagnostic system and to contribute to the stable treated water quality and efficient BNR design and operation of BNR system.

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