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      • Shakespeare 受容過程 硏究 : 韓國演劇에 미친 影響과 관련하여

        오인철 檀國大學校 1987 국내박사

        RANK : 1839

        地球上의 모든 種族은 나름대로의 儀式과 演劇樣式을 갖고 있다. 차이점이라면 儀式과 藝術을 共有하는 古典的 形態의 演劇을 갖고 있느냐 아니면 儀式으로부터 完全 脫皮한 劇藝術을 갖고 있느냐 하는 일이다. 東洋人들은 절대적 存在와 人間의 관계는 固定된 것이라는 宇宙觀 때문으로 해서 演劇도 根本的 變化를 꾀하지 않았고 결국은 停止의 狀態에서 유지해 왔다고 하겠다. 가령 우리의 傳統劇이라 할 假面劇을 爲始한 꼭두각시入形劇, 판소리 (音樂劇)등이 수백년동안 양식의 변화없이 존속되어온 것도 그런 思想的 바탕에서 理解될 수 있는 것이다. 그러나 開化期에 접어들면서 이 땅의 演劇은 急變하기 시작했다. 전통적인 사회가 붕괴되고 새로운 近代的 社曾가 形成되는 過程에서 大衆의 感覺的 기호도 변화할 수 밖에 없었고, 따라서 욕구 또한 변한 것이다. 새로운 時代에 부응한 교육은 新文化를 要求했고, 이때 西洋文化의 소개는 大衆에게 큰 충격을 주었다. 이러한 와중에서 西洋文化는 광범위하게 소개되었다. 1910年代 民族自覺의 價値觀이 西歐의 近代思想을 기준으로 삼았기 때문에 西洋文化의 實相을 大衆에게 알릴 必要性을 느낀 것이다. 演劇의 경우도 예외가 아니어서 희랍비극 作家들로부터 近代作家, 作品들까지 번안 또는 번역되기에 이른 것이다. Shakaspeare도 이때부터 비로소 번역, 소개된 것이다. 西洋演劇은 韓國演劇의 方向設定에서부터 方法論에 이르기까지 절대적인 영향을 주었으며 大衆敎養을 얼마나 향상시켰느냐 하는 것을 거의 연구하지 않았다는 이야기다. 그 점에서 西洋演劇의 受容過程을 糾明하는 일은 대단히 긴요하다. 그 중에서도 한국연극뿐만 아니라 文學 그리고 英文學에까지도 대단한 영향을 준 Shakespeare의 移植過程을 究明하는 일은 時急하다. 실제로 Shakespeare는 수 백년에 걸쳐 世界文化에 기여했고 한국문학에 상당한 영향을 미친 그는 英國劇과 별도로 분리, 연구할 가치가 있는 人物이다. 따라서 필자는 多角的인 측면에서 Shakespeare의 受容背景을 규명코자 한다. 그러나 이 分野에 대한 最初의 연구작업이기 때문에 實證的인 바탕에서 比較演劇學 方法論을 動員치 않을 수 없다. 우리의 近代演劇史가 그렇듯 Shakespeare의 受容過程도 이땅의 解放이 대체로 分岐點이 된다. 가령 Shakespeare를 놓고 볼 때도 解放前까지가 우리들에게는 하나의 體驗期라고 한다면 그 以後는 認識期라고 말할 수 있다. 卽 해방 전까지만 해도 Shakespeare는 다만 흠모와 모방의 대상이던 것이 以後에 Shakespeare는 硏究의 대상에 되었다. 드디어 Shakespeare 學의 形成까지를 可能케 한 즈음 崔載瑞란 한 英文學者의 Shakespeare 硏究에의 挑戰은 그간 이 땅에 Shakespeare를 번역, 소개한 玄哲과 金祐鎭으로부터 출발해서 그 뿌린 씨앗을 싹틔워 꽃을 피게 한 金東錫과 薛貞植을 경유해 과감히 Shakespeare의 劇作術을 作品에 도입하여 創作을 했던 柳致眞에 이어서 崔載瑞는 1950年代 후반부터 60年代 초반까지 決定的인 이땅의 Shakespeare 연구에 변화를 가져다 주었다. 崔載瑞는 Bradley의 Shakespeare 悲劇硏究에서부터 나름대로 再整理하여 實證的, 分析的 批評方法에 依한 秩序論的 Shakespeare 藝術論을 확립하고 한국 Shakespeare 學 발전에 획기적인 理程標를 세웠다. 이런 Shakespeare 學의 集大成이란 그의 업적도 方法論的 문제점과 學問的 限界性을 內包한 바 Shakespeare의 作品世界를 Renaissance 및 Elizabeth 朝의 哲學, 科學 그리고 宗敎 등 精神史的 側面과 연관시켜 깊이 考察치 못한 點을 本稿에서는 補完했다. 卽 新Platon 主義的이며 허미즈的인 宇宙論을 考察해서 不完全한 崔載瑞의 秩序論의 確立을 기했다. 本稿에서는 開化期의 교과서를 통한 Shakespeare 紹介로부터 60年代 중반 硏究의 일단락까지를 一次元的으로 명료하게 밝힌 바 目次와 같은 Shakespeare의 소개는 30年代 C.Lamb을 통한 번역,소개에 이어 解放期의 격동과 과도적인 시기를 지나 6.25 戰亂期 直後 Academism으로 바뀌어 전국의 대학들이 발전함에 따라 그 硏究의 深度도 거듭 擴大發展해 나갔다. 끝으로 崔載瑞 以後 Shakespeare 硏究의 과제는 곧 崔載瑞의 限界를 克服하는 것으로부터 出發하는 作業이라 하겠다. In the history of Korean modern literature and , new Korean cultural traditions could have been formed and developed under foreign influences. In order to make modern Korean literary history more systematic it is necessary to research the comparative approaches of Korean literature with European literature which influenced Korean literature covertly and overtly. In particular, among the western countries the developed countries literatures- England, German, France, America and so forth - had absolute influence on Korean literature. For instance, in the case of Korean new drama, Korean drama began to receive the western dramas in the course Korean classical Chang-plays by forces of Japanese new-school plays. The study of Korean acceptance of the western drama is to investigate the history of modern drama and to examine its quality and quantity. Meanwhile, because it is important to determine how Shakespeare, who contributed much to the development of drama world-wide, influenced Korea and how Shakespearean drama played a fundamental role in Korean dramas, they, too, were surveyed. In particular, because Shakespeare has had wide influence on Korean liberal education, literature and Korean dramaturgy as well as the world of Korean works, it is very remarkable to survey the concrete flow, and acceptance process and influential relations. This is also a study investigating the background of the Korean modern spirit. Strictly speaking, the history of modern Korean literature and art is not yet well enough arranged. Especially, these studies are not sufficient in the view of comparative literary approaches. There is a book written by Kim Byungcheol-'A study on the history of Korean modern translated literature' - but it is said that he merely arranged those materials into his book. Therefore, in the present situation i t i s urgent to have more concrete and profound stuies in terms of important authors and countries. This dissertation intends to materially systemize the history of accepting Shakespeare from the point of view of comparative literary approaches This dissertation adapts comparative approaches and actual proof approaches of Korean drama and drama world-wide synchronically. The reason is that it is necessary to the historical approaches as this study is to establish the history of modern Korean drama, and further the history of modern Korean literary art. Owing to the lack of existing studies in this field, it is essential to arrange the related materials in detail and to adapt the actual proof approaches of it. This study aims primarily to arrange the history of accepting Shakespeare in the above mentioned respects with explication. Furthermore, this is an attempt to look for how Shakespeare has influenced and improved the development of modern Korean drama and also how he has bees influential in determining what direction Korean drama would take. Ultimately this dissertation is to contribute to the establishment of the history of Korean drama. It was just the age of englightenment and the sprouting periods in new civilization when William Shakespeare, the English dramatist, was introduced into Korea for the first time. At that time, with a name that looked so strange to the Korean people, Shakespeare seemed to be not a person as dramatist, but the greatest man that ever lived among the great names of history. Therefore, even his works were introduced only partially, not as a whole. In chapter Ⅲ, this dissertation intends to examine the march 1st Korean Independence Movement related with Shakespeare. Although they were poor retranslations, there were Hyunchol's Hamlet and Lee Sangsoo's 'Merchant of Venice' which were translated completely without an abridgement. Furthermore, Korean theatre people within the country had started accepting Shakespeare in order to study or introduce him into Korea ardently by this time. In particular Hyunchol must be given a high assessment as a transmetteur who introduced foreign literary trends and theories. More than that, as a predecessor of the public drama movement he outshone indisputably his contemporaries. Kim Woojin (1897-1925), a leader and one of the great theatrical people who founded the 'Theatrical Art Association' with the tour company 'Dong- woohoe' finished his unfortunate life as a scapegoat of representing ill - fated ages of Korea and not only suffered from the serious problems facing the difficult situation of Korean intellectuals, but also was a dramatist who studied and introduced Shakespeare into Korea ahead of anyone also in his time. In Chapter Ⅳ, dealing with Shakespeare related to the movement of fullscale new rams, above all, the problems of Korean theatrilcal circumstances in the 1930's are shown as below ; The suffering in the 1930's was more painful than the Korean people had known in any other period since the dawn of history. It was also the age of applying heat to Japaness colonialism and the function of Japaness imperialistic viciousness to Korea strengthened the system of plundering Koreans of our property for unifying Korean economic powers. Since the beginning of the 1930's Shakespeare was accepted a little to the mass of the Korean people, for many kinds of papers and magazines contained bits of writing on Shakespeare not as a book but as an article. How new Japanese dramas were able to be transplanted into Korea is divided usually into three periodical phases. The first was called the age of jumping in the 1910's. The second was the age of unprovement in the 1920's. The third was the age of settling in the 1930's. So much as in the 1930's, new Korean dramas, which were designated as commercial drama, were rooted for the first time discarding the tradition of Japannese style for our own. This was the age of readjustment i n new Korean dramas in our own way. Upon this opportunity the climate of Korean dramas has been changed and improved to penetrate European realism or natural ism so that European theatrical theories introduced Shakespeare into Korea and expanded theatrical criticism along with the experimental stages of modern Korean dramas. In Chapter Ⅴ, dealing with the problems on Korean Liberation in relation to Shakespeare to it , theatrical conflict after Korean Liberation is depicted. It is said that August 15th Korean Liberation in 1945 constituted the most important event in the history of Korean literature during the twentieth century. Like the result indicated by lots of the learned people, because is was not independence but a Liberation, it was quite different from the earlier literary condition before the Liberation. The trends of Korean dramas since the Liberation, took a new turn into three categories : the first was enlightening realism the second a socialistic realism that showed strong political consciousness, and the third was new commercial dramas. First of all, Seol Jeongsik contributed to a direct version of Hamlet, escaping out of the former retranslation of the Japanese version through his thesis Dramatic poems and Shakespearian Prose. Kim Dongseok had charge of the studies on Shakespeare in the 1950's and promoted them to a higher position. Not enough was the introduction or sheer acceptance of Shakespeare, he elevated it to a regular study for deep learning. He Linked his study of Shakespeare to Choe Jaeseo's (崔 載端) climax of the study on Shakespeare in the 1960's. In his thesis Kim Dongseok divided, Shakespearian prose into three classes : the one was 'Falstaff's prose', another was 'King Lear's prose' and the third was 'Iago's prose'. In retrospect, it will be a problem to be studied in future that English literature, which had a tradition of prose for 350 years just like the naturalistic turn of 'Falstaff's Prose', the psychological turn of 'King Lear's Prose' and the scientific turn of 'Iago's prose', still retains a lingering love for poetry as well. Chapter Ⅵ deals with the Korean War related to Shakespeare. This Chapter brings up the problem of performance of Shakespeare's plays by the company 'Shinyop'(新協n) in pusan during the Korean War. The Korea National Theatre in Seoul was als o established when Korea formed a new government. As soon as the Korean theatrical world tried to be restored, North Korea invaded the Republic of Korea and destroyed the dramatic bonds of Korea in a brief space of time. At any rate, until an able company appeared t o act out and digest Shakespeare's plays well enough, it took at least 40 years, and i t was just the appearance of the company Shinhyop. This company severed its ties with the Korean National Theatre during the Korean War and linked the movement of Korean dramas to the performance of Shakespeare's plays and took the Four great tragedies of Shakepeare performed every one or two years but also they often prepared creative plays against communists during the war, partly showing Othello, Macbeth and Julius Caesar befor spectators in Pusan. Why did Shakespears's plays succeed in marking a boom in spite of war time in refuge of Pusan ? On the whole our messangers, Hyunchol and Kim Woojin sawed a barren field of studying Shakespeare with seed and then, efforts to reach the peak of this study by way of Kim Dongseok and You Chi jin were in full bloom and had good results with Ghoe Jaeseo. In 1964, on the occasion of 400th Shakespeare's birthday anniversary a splendid ceremony was given in England, of course, and all over the world, By the medium of lectures, seminars and varied exhibitions on Shakespeare, as well as through entertainments and amusing plays of the Eiizabethan age Shakespeare's festival was magnificant and shone forth in history We must, therefore, revaluate and admire his position as a creative poet. If there is a future kingdom for Korean poetry or for Korean drama, then Shakespeare must long be remembered as one of its first explorers in Korea

      • 풍수지리를 활용한 주거입지와 배치에 관한 연구

        오인철 강남대학교 일반대학원 2006 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        Residential spaces that use the theory of Fengsui Jiri find ways how men can interconnect to the nature. The theory of Fengsui Jiri have been applied to finding new homes for individuals and new capitals for nations. The ideology of Fengsui Jiri derives from ecological ideas that are most suitable for natural environments and roots from accurate understanding of natural environment and socio-cultural backgrounds. Housing for Fengsui Jiri includes any residential environment including houses, apartments, villas, and officetel in which men maintain pleasant lives. In other words, housing environment is important because it has a proportional relationship to human life. The most important role of the theory of Fengsui Jiri, in housing is to deliver living energy from the nature to the living environment and our bodies to enhance our health and energy and help us live positive and quality lives. For locating housing, theory of Fengsui Jiri uses several criteria. First, the flow of water shall be understood based on the idea that the freshest air is created when mountains and waters meet to exchange Yin and Yang. Second, a location with waters, lowlands, and narrow paths in front and mountains, highlands, and broad lands in the back shall be selected. Third, every Fengsui Jiri's theory on four types of mountains, facing mountains, terrestrial magnetism, and winds shall be applied to selecting the ratio of roofs, lots, and buildings and height of walls. The ultimate purpose of applying these criteria is the harmony of natural environment and men. In the modern age, however, locating and arranging housing is decided by legal restrictions, technical aspects, and convenience of constructors rather than the theory of Fengsui Jiri for the harmony of nature and men. Many people agree with the fact that the theory of Fengsui Jiri is important for the quality of our lives, but it is difficult to universally apply Fengsui Jiri's complex and complicated theory. In result of his study, it was proved that Korea's traditional principle of creating residential spaces was based on Fengsui Jiri's ecological idea that, "Men and nature coexist as organically integrated bodies’ and that it is necessary to study the theory of Fengsui Jiri for its scientific utilization to meet our increasing interests in sustainable and environmentally-friendly development. If Fengsui Jiri's elements are applied to residential planning to supply environmentally-friendly residential spaces, they will greatly contribute to establishing future-oriented and ecological residential spaces. The last part of the study proposes a checklist of essential theory of Fengsui Jiri. I hope that this checklist can be practically applied to various real estate activities and can be further improved by other scholars or researchers.

      • 빌딩 자산관리의 專門化 方案에 관한 硏究

        오인철 江南大學校 2010 국내박사

        RANK : 1839

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the current status and practices of building management, and to find out through a survey with the people in building and property businesses how they recognize the necessity of property management, in order to find a new way of specializing the property management for office buildings. In order to achieve the purpose of this study, we first examined the earlier studies and literatures related to building management. Second, we examined the statistics from the Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs (2007) and the statistical data of rental charge for office and commercial buildings, and the rate of return on investment (2008), as well as the current status of 265 property management companies. We also examined the domestic and overseas literatures on property management systems. Third, we analyzed the result of the survey we carried out with 322 people in the building management and property businesses located in Seoul and smaller cities (Yongin, Ansan, Cheonan). The data collected was analyzed using SPSS 16.0 Window program. We computed the frequency and percentage of the demographic background of those surveyed, and conducted a cross-tabulation analysis and calculated the chi-square test value to examine the current status of the building management and how they recognize the necessity of specializing the property management for buildings. The finding of our study is summarized as follows: First, the number of office buildings has been rapidly increasing, particularly in the smaller cities since 1990. Second, the property management market for buildings shows a steady growth since the financial crisis in late 1990’s. However, the majority of these asset management companies remain small, providing mostly FM services, i.e. cleaning, guarding, landscaping, etc. Third, most building managers find it necessary to gain profession knowledge and receive re-education on property management on a continual basis. Forth, they generally agree that the current license system for property management is not as efficient as it is supposed to be, and therefore it would be necessary to develop a new certification system. Based on the results of the survey, we suggest the following methods to specialize the property management for buildings. First, it is necessary to redefine the concept of property management of building. If the concept of property management of building is defined based on the theory of property management of real estate, the content of building management and the purpose of such activities, it is an overall and comprehensive concept that includes not only FM(Facility Management) but also OM(Operation Management) and AM(Asset Management). Second, it is necessary to introduce a government certification system for 'property management of building' and to put the existing institutes of training experts for property management of real estate under the government system. If the government certification system is effectuated, it would create enterprises that building owners can assign the management of their assets with confidence and the activities of such enterprises can develop the asset value of buildings into sound social capital. Furthermore, they can protect the consumers such as building lessee and tenant by implementing proper management and maintenance plan. Among the qualification system currently available for office building managers are CPM (Certified Property Manger) designated by IREM, and building manager certificate issued by the Korea Industrial Education Foundation Institute. However, these licenses are not officially certified by the government, and therefore are not considered as a reliable verification that the license holder has the right qualification to do the business. Therefore, it would be necessary to keep such private institutes as IREM and Korea Industrial Education Foundation Institute under the public system and control to allow them to play a more active role as public training centers for this particular business area. Then we will be able to bring up more qualified professionals and specialist and enhance the reliability and credibility of the building management industry and promote professionalism in the industry. Third, it is necessary to introduce a registration system for building-property management companies and to make it imperative for any building more than certain scale to assign building management to a specialist of property management of building so that this can vitalize the building-property management market. From a political and economical point of view, the government's intervention in developing building management business has justifiability of policy as a matter of protecting the consumers such as building lessee and tenant and developing building-property management business. Therefore, it is necessary to make the building management professionalized through introducing the registration system for property management companies that can integrate the complex and various functions in specific fields necessary for building management work and manage buildings in comprehensive and professional manner. It is also necessary to make it imperative for any building with more than 5 floors or 3,000㎡ of building area to assign the management to building management specialist. And it is necessary to make a legal ground for the responsibility and the obligation of building-property management such as manager's investigating the management status quarterly and reporting the result to administrative institution. This study has significance in that first, it shows the current status and general perception of the building management in Korea, and second, it provides basic data to introduce certification system for the building property management. However, the findings of this study may not be generalized as the samples were limited to S 본 연구는 우리나라 오피스빌딩 자산관리업의 실태를 분석하고, 빌딩관리 종사자 및 부동산 관련업자를 대상으로 빌딩 자산관리에 대한 인식을 조사․분석하여 오피스빌딩 자산관리의 전문화 방안을 모색하는데 목적이 있다. 본 연구의 목적을 달성하기 위하여 첫째, 빌딩 자산관리와 관련한 선행연구 및 관계문헌을 고찰하였다. 둘째, 우리나라 빌딩 자산관리 현황을 알아보기 위하여 국토해양부 통계자료(2007)와 오피스· 매장용 빌딩 임대료 조사 및 투자 수익률 추계결과 보고서(2008), 자산관리 회사 265개 업소를 분석하였다. 국내 및 외국의 자산관리 제도를 관계문헌을 통해 살펴보았다. 셋째, 빌딩 자산관리에 대한 현황과 인식을 알아보기 위하여 서울대도시와 지방의 중소도시(용인, 안산, 천안)에 소재한 빌딩의 관리자와 부동산관련업 종사자 322명을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하고 이를 분석하였다. 수집된 자료는 SPSS 16.0 Window 프로그램을 이용하여 분석하였다. 연구대상의 사회인구학적 배경을 살펴보기 위하여 빈도와 백분율을 산출하였고 빌딩관리 현황과 빌딩 자산관리의 전문화 방안에 대한 인식을 살펴보기 위하여 교차분석을 실시하고 카이검정()값을 산출하였다. 연구 결과를 종합해 보면, 첫째, 우리나라 업무용 건축물은 1990년 이후 지방중소도시를 중심으로 급속도로 증가하고 있다. 둘째, IMF 이후 빌딩 자산관리 시장이 확대되고 있으며, 이에 따라 자산관리 회사가 증가하고 있다. 그러나 대부분의 업체가 영세성을 면치 못하고 있으며, 관리 실태는 청소용역, 경호경비와 같은 업무가 주를 이루는 FM방식에 의존해 있는 실정이다. 셋째, 빌딩 관리자들은 자산관리에 대한 전문지식과 지속적인 재교육의 필요성을 느끼고 있다. 넷째, 현존하는 빌딩자산관련 자격증이 큰 실효를 거두고 있지 못하다고 느끼면서 공인된 자격제도를 필요로 하고 있다. 빌딩 자산관리의 전문화를 위한 방안을 제안하면 첫째, 빌딩 자산관리의 개념에 대한 재정립이 필요하다. 부동산 자산관리의 이론과 빌딩관리의 내용 및 활동의 목적에 기초하여 빌딩 자산관리(Property Management of Building)의 개념을 정의하면, 시설관리(FM)는 물론 운영관리(OM)와 자산관리(AM)를 포함하는 총체적이고 통합적인 개념이다. 둘째, 국가 공인 ‘빌딩 자산관리 자격제도’의 도입과 기존 부동산 자산관리 전문가 양성 교육기관에 대한 제도권 유입이 필요하다. 자격제도를 실시하게 된다면 빌딩 소유자가 자산의 경영을 안심하고 의뢰할 수 있는 기업이 창출되며, 이러한 기업 활동은 빌딩의 자산 가치를 건전한 사회 자본으로 육성할 수 있다. 또한 적정한 관리계획, 수선계획 등을 반영시켜 빌딩 임차인, 사용자 등의 소비자를 보호할 수 있다. 한편, 빌딩관리에 대한 전문가 육성 제도로는 IREM에서 발급하는 CPM 자격증과 (재)한국산업교육원에서 발급하는 빌딩경영관리사 자격증이 있다. 그러나 이 자격증은 아직 자격기본법에 의한 국가공인을 받지 못하여 본 연구결과에 의하면 신뢰도가 떨어지는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 기존의 부동산 자산관리 전문가를 양성하고 있는 IREM과 (재)한국산업교육원과 같은 민간단체를 제도권으로 유도하여 교육주체로서의 책임과 권리 및 의무를 다하도록 한다면 우수한 전문가의 양성뿐 만 아니라 빌딩 자산관리업계의 신뢰성 향상과 실무자들의 전문성을 확보할 수 있을 것이다. 셋째, 빌딩 자산관리 업체의 등록제 도입과 일정규모 이상의 빌딩은 빌딩 자산관리 전문가에게 위탁 관리할 것을 의무화 하여 빌딩 자산관리업 시장의 활성화를 도모해야 한다. 빌딩관리업의 육성에 있어 정부의 개입은 정치 경제학적 관점에서 볼 때 부동산 임차인, 사용자 등의 소비자 보호와 빌딩 자산관리업의 육성 차원에서 정책적 당위성을 지니고 있다. 따라서 빌딩관리 업무에 필요한 복잡하고 다양한 특정분야의 기능을 통합하고, 빌딩을 총체적이고 전문적으로 관리할 수 있는 자산관리 업체들에 대해 등록제를 실시하여 빌딩 자산관리의 전문화를 꾀할 필요가 있다. 또한 5층 이상이거나 건축연면적 3,000㎡ 이상인 건축물은 그 관리를 빌딩관리 전문가에게 위탁하여 관리할 것을 의무화 할 필요가 있다. 그리고 관리자는 분기별로 관리상태 조사하여 그 결과를 행정청에 보고하는 등 빌딩 자산관리의 책임과 의무에 대한 법률적 기준을 마련할 필요가 있다. 본 연구에서는 빌딩 자산관리의 현황 및 자산관리업의 실태를 파악하기 위하여 국토해양부(2007) 자료와 CPM 가이드북에 수록된 업체를 대상으로 자료를 수집하였다. 그러나 가이드북에 수록된 950개의 업체 중 250개 업체만이 기업정보 제공이 가능하여 상당수의 자료를 분석에 포함하지 못한 아쉬움이 있다. 또한 빌딩 자산관리의 실태분석에서 조사대상을 서울도심권과 지방의 중소도시 중 안산, 용인, 천안의 빌딩관리자로 하였기 때문에 전국적 표집에 한계를 가지고 있다. 이러한 한계에도 불구하고 본 연구는 빌딩 자산관리를 위한 전문화 방안을 모색하기 위하여 첫째, 우리나라 오피스빌딩 자산관리업의 실태를 분석하고, 빌딩관리

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