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      • 재일동포 성인 학습자 대상 한국어 교육 정책에 관한 연구 : 일본 지역 한국교육원을 중심으로

        이동준 경희사이버대학교 2020 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        본 연구는 재일동포 성인 학습자를 대상으로 한 정부의 한국어 교육 정책과 일본 내 한국교육원을 중심으로 재일동포 대상 한국어 교육 현황을 분석하고, 조사 결과를 통하여 재일동포 성인 학습자를 위한 한국어 교육 정책을 제언하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 재일동포를 대상으로 한 한국어 교육의 중요성은 오래 전부터 강조되어 왔으나 지금까지 연구는 대부분 재일동포 아동 학습자를 중심으로 이루어졌으며, 정부의 재일동포 대상 한국어 교육 정책 역시 아동·청소년 학습자를 중심으로 추진되어 왔다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 재일동포 성인을 대상으로 하는 교육기관 중 재외국민의 교육지원 등에 관한 법률에 근거하여 재외동포를 위한 사회교육기관으로 설립된 일본 지역 15개 한국교육원을 중심으로 문헌 연구와 전문가 인터뷰 등을 통하여 재일동포 성인 학습자 대상 한국어 교육의 현황을 분석하고 재일동포 성인을 대상으로 한 한국어 교육 정책에 대해 제언하였다. 광복 이후 조국으로 돌아가고자 하는 일념으로 민족 정체성을 유지하기 위하여 자생적으로 모국어와 모국의 문화, 역사를 가르치는 데에서 시작한 재일동포 대상 한국어 교육은 시대의 변화에 따라 재일동포 사회의 구성원이 다양해지면서 세대 혹은 연령에 따라, 출신지가 어디인지에 따라, 주재국 내 재류자격에 따라, 민단원인지 비민단원인지에 따라 그 수요가 다양해지고 있다. 이에 따라 기존의 정책에서 변화된 새로운 정부의 재일동포 교육 정책이 필요하게 되었고, 재일동포 성인 학습자의 교육을 담당하는 한국교육원도 그에 맞게 변화해야 하지만 재일동포 성인 학습자를 대상으로 한 한국어 교육이 현지에서 활성화 되지 않고 있다. 그 이유는 첫째, 재일동포 성인 학습자를 대상으로 하는 한국어 교육은 외국인을 대상으로 하는 교육과 내용이 달라야 함에도 한류의 영향 등으로 한국어를 배우고 싶어 하는 일본 사회의 분위기에 편승하여 재일동포를 위한 교육에 소홀히 하고 있다는 것, 둘째, 정책의 큰 틀은 ‘동포’ 아동, 성인 구분하고 있지 않지만 실제 집행되는 정책 대부분 대상이 아동 학습자에만 집중되어 있다는 것, 셋째, 재일동포 성인 학습자 대상 한국어 교육과 관련된 법률에 대한 해석이 모호하다는 것, 넷째, 재일동포를 대상으로 한 한국어 교육은 학습 동기, 학습 목적, 교육 내용, 교육 방법 등이 외국어로서의 한국어 교육과 구분되고 교사는 이에 대한 전문성을 갖추고 있어야 하지만 재일동포 성인 학습자들 대상으로 한 계승어로서의 한국어와 민족교육 내용으로서 한국의 역사와 재일동포의 역사 통합 교육을 담당할 전문 강사 양성에 대한 대책이 부족하다는 것이다. 이와 같은 문제를 해결하기 위해 정부에서는 재일동포 성인 학습자에 대한 교육 정책을 수립할 때 재일동포 사회를 구성하고 있는 각 구성원들에 대한 이해를 바탕으로 재일동포 아동·청소년 학습자만큼 성인 학습자의 학습권도 중요하다는 것을 분명히 인식하고 한국교육원이 재일동포 성인 학습자의 한국어 교육에 집중할 수 있도록 명확한 교육 목표를 제시해야 한다. 또한, 재일동포의 한국어 교육을 담당하고 있는 각 지역의 한국교육원의 역할을 명확히 하고, 이에 따른 관련법 개정도 필요하다. 재일동포 교육의 안정 및 활성화를 위해서는 법령 개정 및 업무 재분장을 통하여 한국교육원으로 재일동포 교육 업무를 일원화시켜야 한다. 재일동포 성인 학습자의 한국어 교육을 담당하고 있는 한국교육원에서는 각 지역에 거주하는 재일동포들에게 재일동포 대상 한국어 교육이 왜 필요한지 지속적으로 설득해야 한다. 또한 학습자들의 요구 분석을 통하여 학습자들이 배우고 싶어 하는 내용을 가르쳐야 하며, 이에 맞게 교과서를 보완하는 것도 한국교육원이 해야 할 업무이다. 한편, 현지교사 및 강사를 대상으로 한 연수는 대부분의 한국교육원에서 실시하고 있으나 신규 교사 양성이라기보다는 기존 교사의 재교육 수준에 그치고 있어 보다 적극적으로 신규 교사 양성을 위한 정책도 필요하다. The purpose of this study is to analyze the government's Korean language education policy for adult Korean learners in Japan and the current status of Korean language education for Koreans in Japan, and to suggest Korean language education policies for adult Korean learners in Japan through the survey results. The importance of Korean language education for ethnic Koreans in Japan has long been emphasized, but so far, research has mostly focused on children learners, and the government's policy on Korean language education for ethnic Koreans in Japan has also been pushed around children and adolescent learners. Therefore, this study analyzed the current status of Korean language education for adult Korean learners in Japan through literature research and interviews with experts and suggested Korean language education policies for adults in Japan, based on the Act on the Education of Overseas Koreans among educational institutions for Korean adults in Japan. The Korean language education for ethnic Koreans in Japan, which began naturally in teaching their native language, culture and history in order to maintain their national identity after Korea's liberation from Japan's colonial rule, varies depending on their age or age, depending on where they are from, depending on the status of the residents in the host country. This has led to the need for a new government's education policy on Koreans in Japan, which has changed from its previous policy, and the Korean education center in charge of educating adult Korean learners in Japan should change accordingly, but Korean language education for adult learners in Japan has not been activated there. The reason is that the Korean language education for adult Korean learners in Japan should be different from the Korean language education for foreign students, but the Korean language education for Korean in Japan is neglected in the atmosphere of Japanese society, which wants to learn the Korean language, and the "Korean-Japanese" children, who do not distinguish adults, but most of the policies that are implemented in Korea are focused on education for children. They say that while they should have expertise in Korea, they lack measures to nurture professional instructors who will be in charge of integrating Korean history and history of ethnic Koreans in Japan, as well as the content of Korean language and national education as successors for Korean-Japanese adult learners in Japan. To solve such problems, the government should clearly recognize that adult learners' right to learn is as important as those of Korean children and teenagers in Japan based on their understanding of each member who makes up the Korean-Japanese society when it establishes education policies for adult learners of Koreans in Japan, and present clear educational goals so that the Korean education center can focus on Korean education of adult learners in Japan. It is also necessary to clarify the role of the Korean education center in each region in charge of Korean language education for ethnic Koreans in Japan and revise relevant laws accordingly. In order to stabilize and revitalize the education of Koreans in Japan, the government should unify the work of educating Koreans in Japan to the Korean education center through the revision of the statutes and re-organization of the work. The Korean education center, which is in charge of Korean language education for adult Korean learners in Japan, should continue to persuade ethnic Koreans in Japan in their respective regions why they need Korean language education for ethnic Koreans in Japan. It is also necessary to teach learners what they want to learn through analysis of their needs, and supplementing textbooks accordingly is the job of the Korean Education Institute. Meanwhile, training for local teachers and instructors is conducted by most Korean education institutes, but it is only the level of re-education for existing teachers, rather than training new ones, which requires policies to foster new teachers more actively.

      • 한글학교 교사의 교사 정체성에 관한 내러티브 탐구 : - 교사 정체성 형성과정을 중심으로 -

        박주영 경희사이버대학교 문화창조대학원 2022 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        This study utilized narrative inquiry, a qualitative research methodology, in order to delve into the characteristics, meaning, and the identity development process of Korean language school teachers working overseas. The research questions to achieve this are as follows. First, what were the development process and characteristics of teacher identities? Second, what were the measures and changes that took place in order to overcome identity crisis issues? Third, what deeper meanings could be found from being a Korean language school teacher? In-depth interviews with three Korean language school teachers took place and data analysis was conducted via a comprehensive analysis process based on the practical eclecticism proposed by Youngcheon Kim (2016). The in-depth interviews were reviewed repeatedly and three themes and eight categories were deduced through three coding sessions. The first theme of ‘the development process of Korean language school teacher identities’ defines identity crises and chaotic moments within teachers’ lives as ‘identity conflict’, the pre-conflict period as ‘identity emergence’, and the post-conflict period as ‘identity negotiations’. Specifically, the subjects’ teacher identities first emerged when they became teachers. The subjects commonly identified the need for identity education for their own children while raising them overseas and their interest in other overseas children as the central motivation that led them to become Korean language school teachers. Their identity as ‘a mother’ allowed them to address issues from a ‘motherly point of view’ and they considered themselves to be role models and ‘multi-educators’ of the students, and therefore their teaching involves not only the Korean language but cultural and character education. Identity conflict could be attributed to the difficulties adjusting to being an educator. Such difficulties include learning gaps between students, difficulties of teaching children, extracurricular difficulties such as being overloaded with counsel duties, Korean language teacher training, lack of satisfaction for seminar programs, conflicts with other teachers, etc. These conflicts coincided with repetition and accumulation of 'identity negotiations' process. The identity negotiation process was put into practice by trial and error with the goals of fulfilling educators’ responsibilities and showing affection toward the children. Furthermore, the teachers were in constant pursuit of finding newer and better educational programs in order to motivate their students. The second theme of ‘characteristics of teacher identity development process’ showed that the subjects’ conflicts naturally led to ‘identity negotiations’ which were repeating and accumulating over the periods. The pressure of serving more roles than just a teacher was common among the subjects but they also felt these pressures are common for Korean language school teachers and considered themselves to be evolving beings that grew with the children through constant learning. The third theme of ‘deeper meanings of being a Korean language school teacher’ could be broken down into pride, pledges, and anticipation. The subjects shared their experiences of personal growth as well as their development as teachers, and the integral emotion among them was a ‘motherly mind’. Furthermore, increased interest and appeal toward the Korean language itself was found and the subjects developed various aspirations about the language and their schools that involve concrete and proactive plans and actions. This study possesses follow distinctive features. Qualitative studies about Korean language school teachers are rare and this study set out to delve into their identity development process via narrative inquiry. Through the findings from the identity development process and its characteristics, a deeper understanding of Korean language school teachers was reached, which provided information needed by the Korean language school teachers to make suggestions for improvements. Additionally, the proper roles of Korean language school teachers overseas, their understanding of those roles, and potential conflicts were identified through identity negotiations and repeated and accumulated conflicts during the teacher identity development processes, emphasizing the role and value of Korean language school teachers overseas. Thus, the findings of this study deduced from the detailed narratives of Korean language school teachers and the development process of their identities could prove to be a significant reference for the operation of Korean language schools overseas.

      • 한국어 교육 유튜브 채널의 활성화를 위한 상호작용 유형 분석 연구

        전솜이 경희사이버대학교 문화창조대학원 2022 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        This study aims to analyze interaction types on YouTube channels with Korean language education content, and based on the study, it seeks to recommend a guideline on interactions to revitalize Korean language education channels on YouTube. Korean language education is expanding its horizon from in-person, face-to-face environments to online environment, including YouTube. In due course, this study seeks to trigger effective interactions between Korean language education content on YouTube and potential learners. Eventually, this study aims to become the building block in revitalizing Korean language education channels on YouTube. Before diving into the study, various Korean language channels on YouTube were reviewed to limit the scope of this study to lesson-based Korean language education (lecture-type) content. Also, interactions in the 2nd language classes, online classes, and on YouTube channels were investigated to understand various types of interactions. Based on the results of the review, the types of interactions were categorized for the purpose of this study as in the following: negotiation of meaning, understanding learners (groups), and formation of relationships. Immediacy in the interaction was the primary focus of this study, followed by categorization of interaction behaviors on YouTube to draw items and key indicators for analysis. Based on the above criteria, this study selected four channels for the analysis of the types of interaction by behavior. More types of interactions were observed on live contents than in VOD contents. Among the interaction types for negotiation of meaning, learners’ Q&A and educator’s feedback accounted for the majority. Learners were often observed to show appreciation and favorable feelings toward the educator as a part of the relationship-forming type of interaction. Especially in the VOD content, practice on the learning content led to threads of replies, forming relationships among the participants. The study also found that the replies of educators were focused on providing feedback. Lastly, the study conducted statistical analysis to recommend ways of interactions that can be realistically utilized in Korean language education channels on YouTube based on the interaction behaviors drawn from this study, which can be meaningful in revitalizing such channels on YouTube. This study offers relevant values in that it provides suggestions on interactions to pursue in order to revitalize Korean language education channels on YouTube after analyzing the interactions on real-life Korean language through YouTube channels, which are gaining greater attention recently. Many Korean language educators and organizations are operating or planning to launch YouTube channels. This study provides a reference for improving the quality of the content and expanding the horizon of the Korean language contents on YouTube based on interactions rather than content production.

      • 메타버스를 활용한 여행 목적 한국어 수업 방안 연구 : -세종학당 <여행 한국어>를 중심으로-

        김현규 경희사이버대학교 문화창조대학원 2023 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        This study presented a Korean language class plan for travel using the learning presence, interaction, and immersion of Metaverse. Sejong Institute's <Travel Korean> class was organized, designed, and implemented in a non-face-to-face manner by relating the characteristics of metaverse to the situation of the era of COVID-19. Chapter 1 revealed the purpose, method, and procedure of the study, and reviewed the study of metaverse theory, Korean language for travel purposes, and the study of learning presence and learning immersion accordingly. Chapter 2 In the theoretical background, the characteristics and composition of non-face-to-face teaching and learning were examined through culture, video, and experience-oriented learning, and the necessity of learning using metaverse in the field of language education was examined. Chapter 3 analyzed the Sejong Institute's <Travel Korean> textbook before conducting the Korean class for travel using metaverse to derive the necessary implications in terms of presence, interaction, and immersion. Chapter 4 analyzed the principles of <Travel Korean> class through the flow of travel and learning reality according to space movement, interaction through avatars among class participants, and immersion in learning according to game elements among class participants. Requirements for selecting textbooks for Korean language classes for travel purposes using metaverse include versatility, cultural classes, and learner convenience, and Sejong Institute's <Travel Korean> textbook is highly valuable in the field of using Korean as a textbook for contextual learning and cultural learning centered on speaking and listening. Through the analysis of the Sejong Institute's <Travel Korean> textbook, the first element necessary for the characteristics of Korean classes for travel purposes using metaverse is presence that learners can feel at the travel place. Second, it is an interaction using avatars in a travel place. “Zepeto” can use facial recognition when making avatars, which increases immersion by creating avatars that resemble their faces and shapes. Third, it is immersion formed by the feeling that learners are playing games. The social function of metaverse and the interaction between participants developed into a play culture within the metaverse platform. In this study, the metaverse platform for <Travel Korean> was selected as “ifland” and “Zepeto” in consideration of the metaverse function for building the Korean language education space, the type of connection of the metaverse platform, presence and interaction of the metaverse platform, and gamification within the platform. The expected effect of Korean language classes for travel purposes using the metaverse platform is that the keywords metaverse and education, which have been used in science and technology so far, have been expanded to items with the purpose of travel and Korean. Second, as the number of learners learning Korean expanded to the MZ generation, the metaverse platform was recognized as an object to enjoy with influence by learners who were interested in SNS activities. Implications of the <Travel Korean> class using the metaverse platform are as follows. First, learners engage in classes with great interest in the metaverse platform, a new learning tool. Second, teacher control is important in that it is a non-face-to-face avatar interaction. Third, it is necessary to draw interest in Korea from learners. Fourth, teachers should make good use of gamification. This study is meaningful in constructing a plan for learners to learn <Travel Korean> without losing interest in learning based on the biggest advantages of metaverse, learning presence, interaction, and learning commitment.

      • 블렌디드 러닝 기반 한국어 교육의 학습만족도에 관한 실증적 연구 : -홍콩의 초급 학습자를 중심으로-

        이보경 경희사이버대학교 문화창조대학원 2018 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        오늘날 교육은 급변하는 정보기술과 학습자의 요구를 반영하기 위해 다양한 형태의 학습 방법을 시도하고 있다. 이러한 시도 중의 하나가 온라인과 오프라인 수업의 결합 형태인 블렌디드 러닝이다. 블렌디드 러닝은 최근 교육 체제의 새로운 패러다임으로서 온라인의 장점과 오프라인의 장점을 결합시켜 학습효과를 최대화 하고자 하는 전략적 교육 방식이다. 본 연구의 목적은 블렌디드 러닝 기반 한국어 교육의 학습만족도를 파악하고 학습만족도 증대를 위한 한국어 교육 설계의 방향을 제시하는데 있다. 이를 위해 학습효과를 측정할 수 있는5가지 변인(주의력, 관련성, 효과성, 편리성, 교사)을 설정하여 학습만족도와 변인간의 영향력을 살펴보고, 그 결과를 가지고 학습 만족도 증대를 위한 블렌디드러닝의 설계의 방향을 제시해 보고자 하였다. 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 문제1, 블렌디드 러닝 기반의 한국어 교육이 ‘학습효과 측정변인(주의력, 관련성, 효과성, 편리성, 교사)’에 얼마나 잘 부합되어 있는가를 알아보기 위해, 통계 분석을 실시한 결과, ‘홍콩 소재 H대학기관’에서 제공하는 블렌디드 러닝은 학습 효과 측정변인에 잘 부합되어 있음을 확인하였다. 문제 2, 블렌디드 러닝 기반 한국어 교육에서 온라인 러닝, 오프라인 수업, 블렌디드 러닝의 학습만족도 및 상관관계를 알아 보기 위해 통계 분석을 실시한 결과, ‘홍콩 소재 H대학기관’에서 제공하는 블렌디드 러닝은 학습만족도가 상당히 높게 확인되었으며 각 형태별 학습간에도 높은 상관관계를 보였다. 문제3, 온라인 러닝의 학습만족도에 가장 영향을 미치는 변인을 살펴보기 위해 다중 회귀분석을 실시하였다. 이 결과, ‘나이’, ‘학습기간’, ‘이용기기’, ‘효과성’, ‘주의력’, ‘편리성’, ‘블렌디드 러닝’ 등 7개의 영향 변인이 확인되었고, 이 중 학습 효과 측정변인은 ‘효과성’, ‘편리성’, ‘주의력’ 등이 확인되었다. 문제4, 오프라인 수업의 학습만족도에 영향을 미치는 변인에는 ‘학습기간’, ‘이용장소’, ‘이용시기’, ‘주의력’, ‘편리성’, ‘교사’, ‘블렌디드 러닝’등7개가 변인으로 확인되었고, 이 중 학습효과 측정변인은 ‘주의력’, ‘편리성’, ‘교사’로 확인되었다. 문제5, 블렌디드 러닝 학습만족도에 영향을 미치는 변인도 살펴보았는데, ‘성별’, ‘학습기간’, ‘학습목적’, ‘이용빈도’, ‘총 이용시간’, ‘이용시기’, ‘효과성’, ‘주의력’, ‘온라인 러닝’, ‘오프라인 수업’ 등이 영향을 미치는 변인으로 확인되었다. 학습효과 측정변인은 ‘효과성’, ‘주의력’으로 확인되었다. 이는 온라인 학습만족도와 유사한 영향력으로 확인되었으며, ‘온라인’과 ‘오프라인’ 모두 블렌디드 러닝에 양적 영향력을 보였다. 본 연구 결과로 ‘홍콩 소재 H대학기관’에서 실행되는 블렌디드 러닝 기반의 한국어 교육은 학습효과 측정지표(주의력, 관련성, 효과성, 편리성, 교사)에 잘 부합됨을 확인할 수 있었으며, 학습만족도도 신뢰할 수 있는 수치를 확인하였다. 또한, ‘효과성’과 ‘주의력’은 블렌디드 러닝 학습에 가장 큰 영향을 미치는 변수로 밝혀졌고, ‘온라인 러닝’, ‘오프라인 수업’, ‘블렌디드 러닝’ 간의 상관관계는 매우 높게 나타남을 알 수 있었다. 하지만 각 러닝 형태간에 영향을 미치는 변인은 다소 상이하였다. 이를 통해 본 연구에서는 학습만족도 극대화를 위한 블렌디드 러닝 기반의 한국어 교육의 설계 방안으로 첫째, 주의력 향상을 위한 설계 방안, 둘째, 효과성 증대를 위한 설계 방안, 셋째, 편의성 강화를 위한 설계 방안, 넷째, 교사의 역량 개발을 위한 설계 방안, 다섯째, 온•오프라인 수업 연계를 위한 설계 방안 등을 제안하였다. 본 연구는 한국어 학습 기관에서 실제 실행되는 블렌디드 러닝 기반의 한국어 교육에 대한 평가와 그에 대한 학습만족도 분석에 대한 실증 연구로서, 급변하는 시대적 요구에 맞는 연구이며, 이러한 실증적인 결과를 가지고 학습만족도 증대를 위한 교육 설계의 방향을 제시하고자 하였다는데 그 의미가 있다고 본다.

      • 더빙활동이 한국어 학습자의 말하기 능력에 미치는 영향 연구

        최필호 경희사이버대학교 문화창조대학원 2019 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        This article studies on the function of dubbing activity to Korean learners’ oral ability. And try to give a useful plan to popularizing dubbing activity in Korean oral class. Wemadeadequateinvestigation,experimentandtesttofindtheaffectionofdubbingactivityonstudent’soralability,the research is based on 36 students of ** University of Shandong Province in China. We divided students into experimental group and control group. Using dubbing teaching activity three weeks, three times per week after homogeneity investigation, and held the oral test before and after the dubbing oral class. We analysis the result of the test through three methods:First, compare the results of the experimental group before and after the dubbing class to find the positive affection on the Korean learner’s oral ability. Second, compare the results of the experimental group and control group before and after the dubbing class to discuss whether there is a positive affection on Korean learner’s oral ability after using dubbing activity in the teaching class. Third, regroup the experimental group according different levels. Take detailed analysis on the dubbing oral class effect on learner’s oral ability of different level. After the research we confirmed that the dubbing activity has a positive effect on the Korean learner’s oral ability,especially to the learner’s oral fluency. The questionnaire also shows that dubbing activity can improve student's interest in learning and confidence. The implication of the study lies in dubbing activity’s effect on the Korean language teaching. Giving the effective plan that using dubbing activity during the practical teaching courses. This research pays more attention to the intermediate Korean leaners. There need further research about elementary and advanced learners later to make more comprehensive study of the dubbing activities effect on different levels of Korean learners, which is helpful to find a useful way to thedubbingclass inKoreanteachingtoimprovethelearners’oral level.

      • 한국어 교사의 직무스트레스와 교사효능감이 조직몰입에 미치는 영향 연구 : 재미 한글학교를 중심으로

        김은혜 경희사이버대학교 2019 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        【Abstract】 The study of Effect of Job Stress and Teacher Efficacy on Organizational Commitment in Korean Teachers - Based on Korean School for Korean American - Kim, Eunhye Department of Global Korean Studies Graduate School of Culture Creation Kyung Hee Cyber University The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between job stress, teacher efficacy, and organizational commitment and to investigate the effect of job stress and teacher efficacy on organizational commitment of Korean teachers in Korean school for Korean American. To examine the effects of job stress and teacher efficacy on organizational commitment of korean school teachers, the study questions below were used.   First, are there any significant differences in job stress, teacher efficacy, and organizational commitment according to korean school teachers’ background variables?   Second, what are the relationships between job stress, teacher efficacy and organizational commitment of korean school teachers?    Third, what is the relative effect of job stress and teacher efficacy on organizational commitment of korean school teachers? To examine these study questions, 104 korean school teachers in the Texas area of the southwest association of NAKS were surveyed by completing a self-report questionnaire and interview. To measure job stress, a conceptual structure of korean school teacher’s job stress was analyzed by means of the instrument designed by Shin Hye-young(2004), which was revised based on the modified teacher’s occupational stress factor questionnaire constructed by D’Arienzo, Morraco and Krajewski(1982). To measure teacher efficacy, a conceptual structure of korean school teacher’s teacher efficacy was analyzed by means of the instrument designed by Shin Hye-young(2004), which was revised based on the Science Teaching Efficacy Belief Instrument constructed by Enochs and Roiggs(1990). To measure organizational commitment, a conceptual structure of korean school teacher’s organizational commitment was analyzed by means of the instrument devised Kang Ji-young(2009), which was revised based on the organizational commitment scale constructed by Allen and Mayer and on the Korean version of the organizational Commitment by Kwon Soon-oh(2001). The results of the studies conducted by these methods and procedures are as followed. First, the differences in job stress, teacher efficacy, and organizational commitment were verified according to the korean teacher’s background variables. There was a significant difference based on the teachers’ gender, age, educational experience, salary, and academic ability.     Second, in terms of verifying the relationship between job stress, teacher efficacy and organizational commitment, there were significant correlations between these variables. Job stress and its sub-factors were negatively correlated with teacher efficacy and organizational commitment and their sub-factors. Teacher efficacy and its sub-factors were positively correlated with organizational commitment and its sub-factors. Third, a stepwise regression analysis was conducted to verify the effect of job stress, teacher efficacy on organizational commitment. As a result, the principal’s leadership, lack of administrative support, difficult relationship between parent and teacher in job stress and personal teaching efficacy in teacher efficacy affected the organizational commitment and it sub-factors. Fourth, a teacher interview analysis was conducted to find problems and their way of job stress, teacher efficacy, and organizational commitment. As a result, work overload and lack of principal’s leadership influenced job stress. Additionally, the lack of supporting teaching materials influenced teacher efficacy and organizational commitment. In summary, job stress and teacher efficacy were confirmed as important factors in influencing organizational commitment in Korean American Korean school teachers. This study can be used as a base data for the organizational commitment to verify factors that decreases job stress and increases teacher efficacy. It can also be utilized for efficient korean school’s management and re-educational program for teachers.

      • 한국어 학습자의 조사 오류 양상과 교육 방안 연구 : '이/가'와 '을/를'의 대치 오류를 중심으로

        이래원 경희사이버대학교 2018 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        It is well known that Korean case marker is one of the most difficult grammatical item to Korean learners. Many of studies suggest that selection error between subject marker and objector marker ranks top of all case marker errors. And also many of studies suggested educational method of 'i/ka' and 'eul/reul'. But most of them are adopting contrastive approaches especially for Chinese and their instruction models are focusing on each case marker independently while they are aiming remediation of selection error between them. For this reason the largest Korean learner's corpus has been analysed to explorer characters of error inducing factors followed by suggestion of educational method, i.e. a remedial instruction model for Korean beginners. First, the decrement of selection error probability versus learner's level is not sufficient to keep high level learners away from selection error between 'i/ka' and 'eul/reul'. This result implies error fossilization is being occurred by failing to distinguish structural difference among predicates types which are transitive verb, intransitive verb and adjective. And it is remarkable that beginner-level predicates occupies highest portion through all learner's level. Second, selection error probability versus learner's level did not show significant difference among English families, Chinese families and Japanese families. From this result it is assumed that characteristics of Korean is rather major than learner's mother language. Third, analysis of Korean study books indicates that description of predicates is not detailed as to explain structural differences among them. Even when both case markers are already instructed, practices covering both case markers or full sentences including both markers did not provided sufficiently to cope with avoiding selection error. Refer to analysis results described above, a remedial instruction model of selection error between subject marker and objective marker has been suggested for Korean beginners as follow. The remedial instruction model is based on CLT(Communicative Language Teaching) which is being widely used in Korean teaching classes. Key steps in CLT is presentation, practice and production. In presentation step, full-sentenced examples are presented to clearly show the structure difference between transitive verbs and others. In practice step, sentence-composing practice and blank-filling practice are provided to help learners understanding functions of 'i/ka' and 'eul/reul'. Predicates are chosen from those ranked high at error analysis. In production step, story-making task is provided to help learners to review the knowledge they learn while they perform communication with each other to enhance both of fluency and accuracy. Finally, verifying the effect of remedial instruction model suggested in this paper remains as future work as well as further studies such as narrative research or analysis of learner's spoken language. Key words: Korean case marker, 'i/ka' and 'eul/reul', selection error, learner's corpus, error analysis, error remediation.

      • 한국어 학습자의 쓰기 오류에 대한 온라인 피드백 효과 연구 : 태국인 초급 학습자의 문법 오류를 중심으로

        유희경 경희사이버대학교 문화창조대학원 2018 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        The effect of Online Feedback on Korean as a Second Language Learner’s Writing Errors : Focusing on Grammar Errors by Beginners in Korean in Thailand Yoo, Hee Kyung Department of Global Korean Studies The Graduate School of Culture Creation Kyung Hee Cyber University This research aims to investigate grammar errors in writing from Thai students, who major in Korean as a Second Language (KSL), and to assess the effects of reducing the grammar errors in various online feedbacks. For the research, there are 52 KSL participants from Mahasarakham University, classified into 3 groups such as: online explicit feedback, online implicit feedback, and online metalinguistic feedback group. This study examines the way that all participants from each group write tasks in different genres using LINE(Social Network Services). To find out which feedback groups effectively reduce grammar errors in the writing, the research studies postpositional particles, connective ending, and tenses in writing tasks in different genres after standardizing categories of grammar errors. Lastly, there is a survey for all participants related to qualitative aspects (motivations and interests) with the online feedbacks for their writing. The results of the study are as follows. Firstly, the research question was for which online feedbacks effectively reduce grammar errors in writing tasks in different genres. There was statistically significant improvement of reducing grammar errors by all three online feedbacks compared to the pre-experiment and post-experiment writing. In other words, all online feedbacks by LINE were effectives for participants’ grammar errors in the various writing genres. Moreover, compared to all three online feedbacks, online explicit feedback was the most effective to decrease grammar errors followed by online metalinguistic and online implicit feedback. Also, the online explicit feedback by the teacher was far better than online implicit feedback for improving writing accuracy according to the statistics. Furthermore, based on analyzing grammar errors rates, there was significant difference between the pre-experiment and post-experiment writing samples. Errors of postpositional particles and connective ending were highly frequent compared to errors of tense in both samples. To be more specific of error analysis from the writing samples, there were many substitution errors within postpositional particles, errors of cause and effects in connective ending, and substitution errors of the past and present within tense. Secondly, there was a survey with a questionnaire for all participants related to qualitative aspects(motivations and interests) with the online feedbacks for their writing. According to frequency analysis and average value of the survey, all three feedback groups showed positive reaction to teacher’s feedback by LINE, and were highly motivated and interested in various writing tasks. Especially, online metalinguistic feedback group was strongly motivated and positive in the writing rather than online explicit feedback group. Moreover, all participants preferred online metalinguistic feedback to other feedbacks due to that they wanted to know their mistakes from their writing, and then fix the errors of their sentences and paragraphs within the post-experiment writing. This study challenged and discussed the effectiveness of the types of the online feedbacks which is rarely explored in Korean writing education. It was an attempt to verify the effective online feedbacks in the various writing by SNS for the KSL learners from Thailand. This research could serve as a basis for a further research that is associated with reducing grammar errors in various writing tasks.

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