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      • Genome resource-based molecular and environmental biological research in aquatic organisms

        이재성 한양대학교 대학원 2012 국내박사

        RANK : 247663

        산업화 및 공업화의 첨단화에 따른 다양한 신생 화학물질들의 개발과 현대 산업의 근간을 이루는 화합물들의 사용은 인류 및 생태계에 극심한 환경오염문제를 야기시키고 있으며, 자연 환경의 자정능력 이상으로 유입된 오염물질들에 의한 생태계의 파괴가 광범위하게 급속도로 진행되고 있다. 다양한 생태계 환경 가운데 수서 생태계는 육상 생태계로부터 생성된 오염 물질의 주된 유입 경로이며, 오염물질의 종류와 양 및 특성에 따라 여러 형태의 직·간접적인 문제들을 일으킨다. 수서 생태계의 오염은 환경 오염 물질들이 단순히 생산자나 1 차 소비자에 해당되는 생물군에 독성을 나타내거나 그들의 체내에 축적되는 것이 아니라, 먹이사슬을 통해 상위 소비자의 체내에 농축됨으로써 더 큰 독성 영향을 나타낼 수 있다. 따라서 먹이사슬 내 하위 생산자와 상위 소비자 생물종들을 이용한 수서 생태계 환경 오염 연구는 환경 오염 물질들이 생태계에 미치는 영향을 빠르게 파악하는데 용이하다. 환경 오염 물질들에 의해 야기될 수 있는 생물체에 미치는 영향 분석의 일환으로 해양 및 육상의 수환경 생태계내에서 외부 환경에 민감히 반응하여 계절적으로 생산량 변동이 큰 생산자와 소비자 사이에 에너지 흐름을 연결해 줄 생물군의 선택이 필요하다. 본 연구에서는 수서 생태계 내 먹이사슬의 각 계층에 해당하는 주요 생물종들을 선택하여, 대상 종들의 유전 정보를 바탕으로 다양한 환경 변화에 따른 유전자 혹은 유전자군의 발현을 분석하였다. 인간 게놈의 해독으로 인해 다양한 생물종의 유전체 및 유전 정보가 기하급수적으로 밝혀지고 있으며, 이와 더불어 유전체를 해독하는 기술들도 날로 발전하고 있다. 기존 EST (expressed sequence tag)를 이용하여 유전 정보를 확보하는 방법은 노동 및 시간 집약적이었던 반면, 차세대 유전체 해독기술 (Next Generation sequencing)을 이용한 방법은 적은 양의 cDNA/gDNA 를 이용하여, 단시간 내 많은 수의 유전 정보를 확보할 수 있는 큰 장점이 있다. 또한 첨단 bioinformatics tool 들의 발전으로 상기 방법을 이용하여 얻은 유전 정보로부터 중요한 유전자들의 annotation 이 가능해졌으며, 대량의 유전자군을 단시간 내 손쉽게 확보하여, 이를 분자생물학, 생화학, 의학, 진화학, 발생학, 환경학, 독성학 및 다양한 순수 과학들과 접목을 할 수 있게 되었다. 본 연구에서는 유전 정보의 확보와 환경 감시를 위한 모델종을 발굴하기 위하여, 남조류 (cyanobacteria, Microcystis aeruginosa), 윤충류 (monogonont rotifer, Brachionus orientalis ), 요각류 (intertidal copepod, Tigriopus japonicas), 성게류 (sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis), 복족류 (rockshell, Thais clavigera), 다모류 (polychaete, Perinereis nuntia), 어류 (hermaphroditic fish, Kryptolebias marmoratus) 각 1 종으로부터 RNA 또는 gDNA 를 추출한 후, library 를 제작하여 sequencing 을 수행하였다. Raw data 의 assembly 후 NR-BLASTx 를 이용하여 전체 read 에 대한 annotation 을 수행하였으며, 확보한 유전 정보를 이용하여 internal local blast 기능을 갖춘 각 생물종의 유전자 및 단백체 database 를 수립하였다. 또한 각 생물종의 유전 정보로부터 환경 오염 감시에 적합한 유전자 또는 유전자군을 특성에 따라 선별하였으며, genome walking PCR, RACE, cloning 및 sequencing 등 기본 분자생물학 방법들을 이용하여 개개의 유전자들을 정확하게 분석하였다. 생물체 및 그들의 유전 정보를 이용하는 환경 연구에 있어 대상 생물종의 선별은 매우 중요하다. Field 에서 영향 평가가 가능함과 동시에 연구실 내에서 그 line 이 안정적으로 유지되는 종을 선별하여야 환경 연구에 유용한 유전자 및 단백질들을 발굴할 수 있으며, 이들을 이용한 군집 및 세대간의 영향 평가가 가능하다. 이에 따라 상기 종들 가운데 세대간 간격이 비교적 짧으며, 연구실 환경내에서 안정적으로 군집이 유지되고, mammalian cell 을 대상으로 사용되어 온 다양한 in vivo/in vitro 실험 기법의 도입을 시도할 수 있는 윤충류, 요각류, 어류를 선별한 후 이들을 심도있게 연구하기 위해 추가적으로 전체 게놈 sequencing 을 수행하였다. 확보한 유전 정보를 바탕으로 각 생물종으로부터 potential biomarker 유전자를 발굴하기 위해 온도 변화, UV 변화 등 기본적인 환경의 조건 변화들 및 중금속, 내분비장애물질, pharmaceutical, 항생제 등 환경오염물질들에 노출한 후 대상 생물종의 특성에 맞게 RT-PCR, realtime PCR, PCR array, microarray 등 몇몇 genomics tool 들을 이용하여 유전자 및 유전자군의 발현 양상을 분석하였다. 분석 대상 유전자들은 일반적인 환경스트레스, 산화적 스트레스, 화학물질에 의한 독성, DNA damage 로부터 세포를 보호하기 위한 heat shock protein (hsp), cytochrome P450 superfamily (CYP450), glutathione-related gene family, DNA repair-related gene family 등을 선정하였으며, 상기 대상 생물종들에서 환경의 변화 및 환경 오염 물질 노출에 대한 각각의 발현 양상을 분석하였다. 또한 내분비장애물질의 위해성 평가를 위해 점박이송사리의 HPG axis array 를 구축하였으며, 내분비장애물질 노출에 의한 hormone 및 성 분화 관련 유전자들의 발현을 분석하였다. 이를 통하여 다양한 환경 변화에 따른 많은 수의 유전자들의 초기 발현이 변화하는 것을 측정하였으며, 이들 유전자군 가운데 특정 환경 변화에 따른 potential biomarker 유전자들을 각각의 종들로부터 발굴하였다. 본 연구에서는 차세대 유전체 해독기술 (Next Generation sequencing) 기법을 이용하여 다양한 수서 생물종으로부터 유전체 및 유전 정보를 확보하였으며, 환경 영향 평가에 사용될 수 있는 활용법을 분석하였다. 현재까지 model 생물종을 대상으로 적용되어 오던 첨단 분자생물학 기법들은 점차 non-model 생물종들을 대상으로 시도되고 있으며, 이러한 동향에 더하여 대량의 유전 정보를 단 시간 내 확보하여 환경 영향 평가에 사용될 수 있는 연구 방법 및 적용 결과들을 본 연구 결과에서 제시하였다. 또한 model 생물종들에서 기능이 밝혀진 marker 유전자들을 non-odel 생물들의 동정된 유전자와 비교·분석함으로써 다양한 non-model 생물들의 유전 정보의 활용성을 제시하였다. 이를 통해 특정 유전자 또는 유전자군에 의한 환경 오염의 조기 경보 시스템을 다양한 생물체들의 유전 정보로 구축할 수 있으며, 나아가 non-model 생물종들의 유전 정보를 이용하여 수서 환경 연구뿐만 아니라 다양한 분야의 첨단 유전체, 단백체 및 대사체 연구에 활용할 수 있으리라 사료된다. Understanding the biological effects of exposures to diverse chemicals in the aquatic ecosystem relies on recently developing and emerging genomics technologies in the omics area. Although several developed techniques and advanced technologies have been applied in toxicological investigation with model organisms for a long time, gene information and fuctional characteristics for non-model organisms have been recently studied using several potential model organisms. To establish linkages between aquatic non-model organisms and newer omic technologies, gene/genome information of several aquatic organisms was constructed by Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) method. The challenges of the individual usages of gene/genome information and the combinations of molecular tools for environment monitoring were discussed in application to aquatic ecotoxicogenomics with a particular emphasis on the non-model organism testing. In this study, gene/genome information of several aquatic non-model organisms was obtained by the NGS method and annotated to utilize them as a test organism for aquatic environment monitoring studies. From the total RNA and/or genomic DNA of seven aquatic organisms (Cyanobacteria, Microcystis aeruginosa NIES-298; Intertidal copepod, Tigriopus japonicas; Monogonont rotifer, Brachionus orientalis; Rockshell, Thais clavigera; Sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis; Polychaete, Perinereis nuntia; Hermaphroditic fish, Kryptolebias marmoratus), library was constructed and randomly sequenced using several NGS methods (GS-20, GS-FLX, and Solexa) as Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) flatforms. After trimming and cleaning process of raw sequence data, extensive contigs/singletons for each organism were acquired in assembly stages. To identify potential biomarkers in each organism, assembled consensus sequence were annotated with the NR (non-redundant) amino acid sequence database reserved in NCBI using BLASTX. Of the unigenes obtained in each species, a number of stress- and cellular defense-related genes (e.g. heat shock protein family, antioxidant-related genes, cytochrome P450 superfamily, immune system-related genes, DNA repair-related geens) were found that are potentially useful for aquatic environment monitoring at the molecular level, indicating that the NGS method is an effective approach to uncover gene families of potential biomarker genes simultaneously, and thus make transcriptomic studies possible. To confirm the usefulness of those potential biomarker genes, comparative transcript profiles of each organism were analyzed using several molecular and biochemical approaches, such as quantitative real-time RT-PCR, PCR array, and oligochip, upon exposure to diverse environmental changes, chemicals, and pollutants. In this study, the gene/genome information of seven aquatic organisms was summarized and discussed its potential use in environmental genomics and ecotoxicological studies for uncovering the potential molecular mechanisms of environmental stresses and chemical toxicity to the non-model indicator species in aquatic environment.

      • Development of Signal Sources for Terahertz Applications

        Heekang Son 고려대학교 대학원 2023 국내박사

        RANK : 247599

        The terahertz (THz) band refers to a frequency band of 0.3-3 THz and is a frequency domain that has been actively researched for use in imaging, spectroscopic imaging, astronomy, security fields, medical fields, radar, and short-range communication. Research on this frequency band has traditionally been conducted based on optical devices, but recently, research based on electronic devices have been actively conducted due to improved performance of electronic devices. In general, studies using optical devices have superior overall performance compared to electronic devices, but have disadvantages such as large size, high power, and high cost. On the other hand, in the case of electronic devices, the size is small leading to a high integration level, and the price is low compared to optical devices. An electronic-based terahertz signal source, one of the most important elements in a terahertz system, has a great difficulty in designing. To overcome this, various techniques such as power amplifier utilization, on-chip power combiner, and spatial power combining adopting array antennas can be used. This dissertation discusses the design method and measurement for signal sources in the terahertz band based on an electronic device. In Chapter 1, the dissertation presents about the background and characteristics of the terahertz band and THz signal sources using optical and electronic devices. In Chapter 2, THz signal sources in WR-3.4 band will be presented including a 285-GHz oscillator using a self-feeding structure, a 350-GHz oscillator using a common-base cross-coupled structure, and a 300-GHz transmitter in which a 300-GHz oscillator and a 300-GHz OOK switch are integrated. Chapter 3 introduces THz signal sources in WR-1.5 band including a 600-GHz band single oscillator utilizing common-emitter cross-coupled with degeneration structure, a power combined 600-GHz oscillator, and a 700-GHz signal source consisting of a 350-GHz oscillator and a 700-GHz frequency multiplier. Chapter 4 introduces THz signal sources in WR-1.0 band including a 900-GHz band oscillator using a triple-push structure, a 900-GHz band oscillator using a common-emitter cross-coupled with degeneration structure and colpitts structure, and a 900-GHz band oscillator with spatial power combining using an array antenna. Chapter 5 introduces a frequency multiplier operating at 20-50 GHz and a frequency multiplier operating at 50-100 GHz for driving a wideband software defined radio system operating at 20-100 GHz. 테라헤르츠 대역은 통상적으로 0.3-3 THz주파수 대역을 일컫는 말로 최근 들어 이미징, 분광영상, 천문학, 보안분야, 의료분야, 레이더 및 근거리 통신등에 활용하기 위해 활발히 연구가 진행되고 있는 주파수 영역이다. 이 주파수 대역은 전통적으로 광학 소자를 기반으로 연구가 진행되어 왔었지만 최근에 전자소자의 성능 향상으로 인해 전자소자를 기반으로 한 연구 또한 활발히 이루어지고 있다. 일반적으로 광학 소자를 활용한 연구는 전반적인 성능이 전자소자에 비해 우수하지만 크기가 크고 고전력, 고비용 등의 단점이 있다. 이에 반해 전자소자의 경우 크기가 작아 집적도가 높고 가격이 저렴하다는 장점이 있다. 테라헤르츠 시스템에서 가장 중요한 요소인 테라헤르츠 신호원은 설계하는 데에 있어서 큰 난점이 있다. 이를 극복하기 위해 전력 증폭기 활용, 온-칩 상에서 전력 합성, 배열 안테나를 활용한 공간 전력 합성 기법 등 다양한 기법을 활용할 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 전자소자 기반으로 한 테라헤르츠 대역의 신호원 설계에 대한 방법 제시와 설계 및 측정들에 대해 다룰 것이다. 챕터 1에서는 테라헤르츠 대역의 배경 및 특성과 광학 소자 및 전자 소자를 활용한 신호원에 대해 살펴볼 것이다. 챕터 2에서는 Self-feeding 구조를 활용한 285-GHz 발진기, Common-base cross-coupled 구조를 활용한 350-GHz 발진기 및 300-GHz 발진기와 300-GHz OOK 스위치가 집적된 300-GHz 송신기를 포함한 전자소자를 활용한 WR-3.4 대역의 테라헤르츠 신호원들을 소개할 것이다. 챕터 3에서는 Common-emitter cross-coupled with degeneration 구조를 활용한600-GHz 대역 단일 발진기, 전력 합성된 600-GHz 대역 발진기 및 350-GHz 발진기와 700-GHz 주파수 체배기로 구성된 700-GHz 신호원을 소개할 것이다. 챕터 4에서는 트리플 푸시 구조를 활용한 900-GHz 대역 발진기, Common-emitter cross-coupled with degeneration 및 colpitts 구조를 활용한900-GHz 대역 발진기 및 배열 안테나를 활용하여 공간 전력 합성을 한 900-GHz 발진기를 소개할 것이다. 챕터 5에서는 20-100 GHz에서 동작하는 광대역 Software defined radio system을 구동하기 위한 20-50 GHz에서 동작하는 주파수 체배기 및 50-100 GHz 주파수 체배기를 소개할 것이다.

      • Development of THz integrated circuits and their 3-D CT imaging applications

        김정수 Greduate School, Korea University 2021 국내박사

        RANK : 247599

        The terahertz (THz) frequency band (100 GHz to 10 THz) is attracting growing interests for various applications. One of those applications is THz imaging, which takes advantage of various unique properties of the THz spectrum, such as transparency to many materials that are opaque to visible light and infrared radiation, strong absorption to water-containing material, non-hazardous characteristics for human beings, and so on. Also, compared with the frequency bands used for microwave imaging, the wavelength of the THz band is shorter, leading to a potentially higher resolution. Because of these properties favorable for many aspects of imaging, the THz band has been widely adopted for various imaging applications such as bio-medical, security, and food inspection. This dissertation presents the design details, electrical characterization, and comparison of various integrated circuits and systems based on semiconductor transistor technologies and their 3-D imaging applications. First, the background of the THz band and imaging application are illustrated. Second, a 180-GHz signal source and a 300-GHz single pole single throw (SPST) switch fabricated with CMOS technology are introduced. The signal source consists of a 90-GHz fundamental-mode Colpitts oscillator and a 180-GHz frequency doubler. A coupled-line is employed to couple two oscillator cores for generating a differential signal, which is delivered to the input of the differential-mode doubler. The 300-GHz SPST switch adopts a novel coupled-line topology, in which MOSFETs are employed as a variable impedance component at the through- and coupled- ports to achieve a large isolation. Third, a set of oscillators and a heterodyne image receiver operating near 600 GHz are developed. The InP HBT technology-based oscillators are based on the common-base cross-coupled push-push topology, which employed coupled-line loads for improved output power and efficiency with a small area. The SiGe HBT technology-based heterodyne image receiver consists of a mixer, an IF amplifier, and an IF detector. Fourth, the 140- and 240-GHz Dicke radiometers fabricated with a SiGe HBT technology are developed based on the direct and heterodyne topologies. The difference between the direct and heterodyne topologies depending on the frequency is analyzed and verified through measurement results. Finally, the 300- and 600-GHz 3-D THz computed tomography imaging are demonstrated with a signal source and image detectors based on transistor circuits fabricated with standard semiconductor technologies. A transmission-mode imaging setup is introduced with the InP HBT oscillators and the SiGe HBT image receivers employed as the signal source and the image detector, respectively. With the imaging setup, a successful reconstruction of 3-D images of a target object is demonstrated based on the filtered back-projection algorithm.

      • Development of THz imaging arrays based on Si CMOS technology

        송기룡 Graduate School, Korea University 2020 국내박사

        RANK : 247599

        Based on the 65-nm CMOS technology, single-pixel detector was developed for THz detector array. The detector of the common-gate topology was designed based on the resistive self-mixing. It exhibits a maximum responsivity of 1372 V/W (sim.) and a minimum NEP of 11.21 pW/Hz1/2 (sim.). For differential input and array placement, differential patch antenna structures were chosen. it has a directivity of 6.9 dBi and an efficiency of 29.3 % at 300 GHz. A single chip 7 × 7 detector array was fabricated with a single pixel consisting of antenna and detector. The detector array consists of a 7-by-7 arrangement of 49 pixels in a full-chip size of 4 mm × 4 mm. It has peak responsivity of 1804 V/W (sim.) and the minimum NEP of 37.71 pW/Hz1/2(sim.) at 298 GHz. A ring counter based on-chip selection clock generator that output column and row switch selection clock is designed. The reflection mode imaging was performed with the detector array chip mounted PCB at 315 GHz. For extension, the scalable detector array chip was fabricated from previous single chip detector array design. The fabricated detector array chip was mounted on a package which has external on-board LDOs, a selection clock generator and a clock oscillator. The measured responsivity and the NEP showed best values of 3599 V/W and 12.46 pW/Hz1/2, respectively, at 303 GHz. Various THz imaging experiments were carried out based on the packaged CMOS detector array with a setup that does not require optical elements nor the raster scan of the target object. Finally, a multi-chip array detector was developed, and transmission imaging and 3D tomography were carried out with the multi-chip array detector.

      • Development of Millimeter-Wave Voltage-Controlled Oscillators, Phase-Locked Loops, and an OOK Transitter in CMOS technology

        Namhyung Kim 고려대학교 대학원 2015 국내박사

        RANK : 247599

        Demand for higher data transfer rate in communication is increasing rapidly due to the explosive data traffic growth in our modern daily lives. This demand calls for expanded bandwidth for communication systems, for which increased carrier frequency is necessary. For this reason, millimeter-wave circuits and systems have been extensively considered for broad bandwidth communication applications. Recently, the rapid development of CMOS technology has enabled the circuits operating in such frequency band based on Si technologies. One of the key challenges for implementing those communication systems operating at such high frequency band is the realization of stable local oscillation (LO) signal. However, free-running oscillators are inherently vulnerable to frequency fluctuation and instability issues caused by process/voltage/temperature (PVT) variation, rendering them not quite suitable for communication systems where precise frequency control is critical. For this reason, the phase-locked loop (PLL) is widely employed for LO in communication systems. In this thesis, various types of VCOs are developed in mm-wave frequency ranges and a frequency prescaler is implemented. Based on these circuits, two different types of PLLs are developed in 120 GHz frequency band. In addition, a simple OOK transmitter consists of 130 GHz oscillator and switch based modulator is demonstrated.

      • 900 MHz 대역 수동 RFID 태그를 위한 송수신단 개발

        조영아 고려대학교 대학원 2015 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        With growing data traffic from a wide range of applications, communication systems are being developed for the various frequency bands. RFID technology is one of the communication technologies under the spotlight recently. RFID technology has attracted a lot of interest as a technology to replace the bar code at present. There are two RFID communication modes, active and passive, and the passive RFID tags used for passive RFID communication advantages in terms of their small and light implementation. In addition, they don’t need additional battery. Because of these advantages, they are favored for their semi-permanence as well as the low cost, leading to their wide use for various applications including traffic card, card access, medical treatment, logistics, distribution etc. As their application grows, it is essential to develop high performance RFID transceivers, especially those that can operate with low power. Passive RFID tags transmit information for a short time using the power received from an RFID reader. In this work, a study has been performed to design a low power transceiver that is integrated with the passive RFID tags, which may contribute to expanding the passive RFID applications. Low-power operation of the transceiver will relax the requirement for received power from the RFID reader. Additionally, a voltage multiplier and a low drop-out regulator are on-chip integrated to supply necessary power for the operation of the RFID transceiver. Also, 50 ohms impedance matching on PCB substrate is performed for wireless communication application. If used in RFID systems, the designed transceiver is expected to contribute to the low power operation.

      • 실리콘 기반 밀리미터파 주입동기 주파수 분주기 연구

        서효기 고려대학교 대학원 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        The recent rapid advance of nano-scale silicon process of today has made the commercial application of mm-wave circuits with low cost quite feasible. Especially, 60 GHz and 140 GHz frequency ranges are attracting lots of interest for wireless communication systems as the demand for high speed data communication soars. Those frequency bands are expected to provide an ample bandwidth that will result in increased channel capacity and, hence, increased data transfer rate. In this thesis, a study on the frequency divider, one of the key circuit blocks of the PLL (Phase Locked Loop) has been carried out for V-band (50 ~ 75 GHz) and D-band (110 ~ 170 GHz) applications. Three types of frequency dividers have been developed in the study. Firstly, a V-band RO-based ILFD (Injection-locked Frequency Divider) based on 0.13-?m RFCMOS technology has been designed, fabricated, and characterized. The measured locking range of this ILFD was 1.02 GHz (54.82 ~ 55.84 GHz) at 0 dBm input power with 70 mW DC power consumption and the operating range with capacitance tuning based on MOS varactor was 2.4 GHz (54.82 ~ 57.17 GHz). Secondly, a D-band LC-based ILFD with 90-nm RFCMOS technology has been designed, fabricated, and characterized. A main design direction of this circuit is to increase the locking range with an inductive feedback technique. The measured locking range of this circuit was 0.96 GHz (144.18 ~ 145.14 GHz) at -3 dBm input power with 10.2 mW DC power consumption. This was the highest operation frequency based on 90-nm CMOS technologies reported so far. Finally, a D-band RO-based ILFD based on 0.18-?m BiCMOS technology has been was also developed. The main target of this circuit was to increase the locking range, which is known to be one of the drawbacks of the ILFDs compared to other types of dividers. With -1.5 dBm input power, 14 GHz (127.38 ~ 141.36 GHz) locking range was achieved with 38 mW dc power consumption. This is the largest locking range and also the highest operation frequency achieved with RO-based ILFDs based on any technology so far.

      • RFCMOS 기반 밀리미터파 저잡음 증폭기에 대한 연구

        김성진 高麗大學校 大學院 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        The mm-wave band, a spectrum range traditionally considered mostly for military applications, has recently found fertile application cases in commercial sectors. Especially, the availability of the unlicensed band around 60 GHz has attracted recent growing attention as it enables very high data rate communication systems despite its high attenuation level in the earth atmosphere. Although initially considered very challenging, the implementation of mm-wave circuits with CMOS technology has now become a mainstream owing to the aggressive scaling of CMOS technology and consequent rapid enhancement in the device operation speed. Additional favorable features of CMOS technologies such as high reliability and low cost make its commercial applications more attractive. In this thesis, two versions of low noise amplifiers (LNAs) operating V-band have been developed. Firstly, a V-band LNA based on 0.13-㎛ low-cost RFCMOS technology has been designed, fabricated and characterized. A major effort was made to develop an LNA to operating near . This LNA achieved maximum gain of 18.6 dB and noise figure of 7.0 dB. Additionally, the effect of dummy fills was analyzed in this LNA. Secondly, a wide-band LNA with gain controllable function based on high performance 65-㎚ RFCMOS technology has been designed, fabricated and characterized. This circuit achieved a wide-band characteristics covering 58 - 72 GHz range that corresponds to entire bandwidth of WPAN systems, also exhibiting improved linearity with gain controllable function.

      • RF CMOS 공정 기반 24-GHz 및 60-GHz 혼합기 개발

        김동현 高麗大學校 大學院 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        This thesis presents the development of 24-GHz and 60-GHz mixers based on RFCMOS technology. Firstly, the basic theories and analyses of mixers, especially those operating at high frequency range, are discussed. Secondly, the design and measurement result of a 60-GHz single-balanced down-conversion mixer for the WPAN(wireless personal area network) applications are described. Next, a wideband technique which can be applied for a direct down-conversion mixer is proposed and analyzed. Finally, a 24-GHz down-conversion mixer employing the proposed wideband technique is presented.

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