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      • 현대중국어 ‘X望’ 동사 연구 : ‘바라다’류를 중심으로

        이지은 韓國外國語大學校 大學院 2015 국내석사

        RANK : 247615

        現代漢語 “X望” 動詞?究: 以“希望”類?中心 本論文的?究目的在於通過考察帶有“希望”義的“X望”結構動詞的語義及句法?架的特征,?出這些詞匯的相同及相異之處。本論文在進行分析之前,首先從《倒序現代漢語詞典》中提取了55個“X望”結構的詞匯,?將其分?A類和B類。A類是包含“希望”義的動詞,B類是不包含“希望”義的動詞。其次,以《現代漢語頻率詞典》(1996)?中心,從使用頻率高的8000詞匯中提取出與A類動詞重復的動詞,確定了?究範圍?“渴望”、“盼望”、“期望”、“希望”、“指望”(下文統稱5個“X望”動詞)。盡管這五個“X望”動詞都包含“希望”義,但在意義及可結合成分方面?存在着差異。本文的分析結果如下: 1. “X望”動詞分?包含“希望”義的A類及不包含“希望”義的B類兩大類。對A類動詞的結構進行了分析,?通過對構成A類動詞語素的分析,考察了A類動詞中的“X”和“望”選擇的義項。本文發通過分析現,A類動詞中的語素“望”基本上要選擇“盼望, 期待”義項,而語素“X”可以包含“希望”義,也可以不包含“希望”義。?使“X望”中語素“X”不包含“希望”義,但是只要與“望”結合, A類“X望”動詞最終也將包含“希望”義 。 2. 名詞短語賓語可以分?【+有生】和【-有生】。可以與[+人]名詞短語結合的動詞僅限於“渴望”、“盼望”等。一般來說“希望”義用來表示人的心理狀態,所以不能?【-人,動物/植物】義名詞短語結合,與【具體】義名詞短語的結合也受到限制。相反,【抽象】義名詞短語可以做5個“X望”動詞的賓語。?外,這些動詞還表現出大多帶動詞短語或者小句短語做賓語的特征。 3. 主語?表人的詞語時,5個“X望”動詞都可以使用,如果句子的主語?表動物的詞語,則五個動詞都不可以使用。因?“希望”義是?人的想法和感情狀態相關聯的,所以不能說動物能?希望什?。無生物名詞短語一般不能做“希望”類動詞的主語,但集體名詞當中,如果集體成員是人,則都可以與5個“X望”動詞結合。這意味着“公司”或者“政府”等集體名詞可以出現在主語的位置上。 4. 表示人的心理狀態的動詞一般不包含動作性,所以不能帶補語。然而5個“X望”動詞?表現出不同的特征。這五個動詞同其他的心理動詞一樣不能與結果補語、方向補語、可能補語結合,但是?能?程度補語、數量補語結合。例如,通過考察發現,在表示已經發生的動作或事件中,“渴望”、“盼望”能?與程度補語結合。在與數量補語結合方面,盡管5個“X望”動詞不能與動量補語相結合,然而?能與表示長時間的時量補語結合 。 5. 在與狀語結合方面,本文依據 金琮鎬(2012:100)的觀點,將狀語分?程度,時間及頻率,情態,範圍,否定等。5個“X望”動詞可以與程度狀語,“?” 、“太”結合,還可以與時間及頻率“已經” 、“在” 、“常常”結合。5個“X望”動詞可以與情態狀語,“自然”、“仍然” 結合,而且,可以與範圍狀語“都”、“只是”結合,還可以與否定狀語“不”、“沒(有)”結合。 6. 在動相方面, 本文依據 Li&Thompson(1996:191)提出的“完了, 持續, 經驗,暫時”等4個動相分類的基礎上,又增加了一個“起動相”。 首先,在起動相中,除了“希望”以外,“渴望”、“盼望”、“期望”、“指望” 都可以?“起來”結合。由此可以得知,“希望”的動作性比“渴望”、“盼望”、“期望”、“指望”弱。在持續相中,5個“X望”動詞都能?與持續相“在”結合,而與“着”的結合情況?不大一樣。“希望” 不與表持續相的 “着” 結合,這個動詞後面帶的賓語是名詞短語賓語還是小句賓語,決定能否與“着”結合。除了“希望”以外, “渴望”、“盼望”、“期望”、“指望”都可以與表示完了的“了”結合。通過分析可以得知,與“希望” 相比,“渴望”、“盼望”、“期望”、“指望 的動作性更?一些,具有表示事件完成的意思。表示經驗的“過”,不管後面的賓語是名詞短語,還是小句短語賓語,都可以?“渴望”、“盼望”、“期望”、“指望”結合,然而,“希望”在選擇名詞短語做賓語的時候,不能與“過”結合,只有選擇小句賓語時候,才可以?“過”結合。此外,5個“X望”動詞一般是指在比較長時間裏,希望實現某個事情或者某種狀態,所以不能表示暫時相。 以上是通過本文提出的方法對包含希望義的“X望”形態動詞的意義特征及句法?架的特征進行的分析。本文在分析的過程中,指出了5個“X望”動詞的共同點和差異,發現了幾個新的特征。希望以上的分析結果,能?助漢語學習者更準確地使用“希望”類動詞。

      • 국제인신매매금지법 제정의 필요성 연구 : 위험한 거래 매춘과 인신매매를 중심으로

        Ragchaa, L 호서대학교 2018 국내박사

        RANK : 247599

        제1장 서 론 제1절 연구의 배경 아시아 여성기금은 1995년, 제2차 세계대전 때 일본군의 이른바 위안부 제도의 피해자들에 대해서 일본정부로서 도의적 책임을 완수하기 위해서 일본정부 의 이니셔티브에 의해서 설립되었다.1) 당시 총리였던 무라야마 도미이치가 현재 이사장을 맡고 있다. 기금의 많은 활동으로서 피해자들에게 일본 국민에게서 모은 보상금을 내각총리 대신의 사과의 편지와 함께 건네준 보상사업이 있다. 이는 5년 간 당초의 예정했던 기간이 지나 종료했다. 현재는 활동의 두 번째 단계로서 두 번 다시 이런 성폭력 피해가 발생하지 않도록 일본에서 여성에 대한 폭력을 제거하자 는 운동을 벌여 나간다는 의미에서 여성에 대한 존엄 업을 진행하고 있다. 지금까지 인신매매에 대한 회의도 기금이 여러 회 개최한 것이다. 처음에 는 1997년에 마닐라에서 그 후 1998년 방콕에서 회의를 열었다. 그 동안 5년이라 는 시간이 흐른 것은 이 문제를 잊고 있었기 때문이 아니라 여성과 사법 특히 형 사절차에서 구금 중인 여성에 대한 인권문제에 대한 국제회의를 매년 열고 있었으 므로 그 사이가 좀 비게 된 것이다. 그러나 5년 사이에 인신매매에 대해서는 특히 아시아 지역에서 매우 큰 움직임이 있었다는 사실이 이번에 전문가들이 제출한 매 우 풍부한 내용의 리포트에서 극명하게 나타나 있다. 또한 보상사업은 필리핀 사법부의 검찰관이었던 그챠레스 검사가 많은 노 력을 해주어 여성기금은 큰 신세를 지고 있었다. 그챠레스는 현재 사법부 사무차관 을 맡고 있고 위안부문제 뿐만 아니라 그 이외의 조직범죄의 문제에 대해서도 책 임자로서 일하고 있다. 왜 인신매매 문제에 관련되게 되었는지 물었을 때 인신매매 문제에 관심 을 갖게 된 것은 마츠다가 소개하였다고 언급했다. 1986년에 ‘여성의 집 HELP’라 는 기독교 단체가 도쿄도 내에서 개소하였다. 그 때 별도로 부탁한 것도 아니었지 만 변호사로서 뭔가 도울 수 있는 것이 있을 것으로 생각하고 그것을 요구해서 찾 아내 고문변호사가 됐다. 이것이 원래의 교제의 시작이다. 그리고 10년간 HELP에 와서 여성들의 구호에 종사하였다. 1989년 그는 처음으로 방콕에 갔는데, 지금은 고인이 된 마쓰이 대표가 1 장의 소개장을 써 주면서 “태국에 가면 이곳을 찾아보라.” “여성의 변호사를 만날 수 있을 것이다.” 라고 하여 찾아간 것이 이번 행사를 주최한 나이야나의 사무소였 다. 그때 나이야나는 ‘태국 여성의 친구’라는 사무실에서 당시 아직 20대로서 활기 차게 일하고 있었다. 그 이후 그녀는 눈에 띄게 두각을 나타내고 39세에서 가장 젊은 태국 인권옹호위원(Human Rights Commissioner)이 되어 현재 태국에서 또 아시아 지역에서 이 문제에 관해서 중심적인 활동을 하고 있다. 이 여성의 집 HELP에서 1996년 변호인단에서 10년 회고라는 것을 시작했으며 이것이 인쇄물로 남아있다. 다만, 1996년 단계에서 봐도 ‘열심히 고소를 했지만 역시 경찰이 받아 주지 않는다’라든지, ‘검찰청에 송치되었지만 전혀 수사가 진척되지 않았다’는 푸념 같은 말이 많았음을 새삼 생각한다. 당시는 지금처럼 바쁘지 않은 때라서 예를 들면 사이타마 현의 산 속 스 낵에 필리핀 여성이 감금되어 있다고 하면 스스로 카메라를 가지고 토호쿠선을 타 고 사이타마 현의 산골까지 가서 가게의 사진을 찍어 보고서를 만들고 고소장과 함께 경찰서에 가져갔다. 경찰관이 감동하여 ‘이것을 선생님이 찍었어요? 잘 찍고 있군요! 라고 칭찬은 해주었지만 그 후 수사가 진행될 것으로 기대했지만 전혀 진 행되지 않았고, 피해자가 귀국했기 때문에 수사는 중단했다는 중지처분의 통지를 받은 적이 있다. 형사소송법이 별로 특기는 아니었던 것이므로 검찰은 기소나 불기 소이거나 어느 쪽을 결정하겠다고 생각했는데 ‘피해자가 이제 강제송환되고 체류하 고 있지 않으므로 중지 한다’는 이혼장 같은 편지를 받고 매우 충격을 받기도 했다 고 한다. 성매매 문제에 대해 두 가지 견해가 있다. 즉, ‘인간의 성을 사고판다는 것은 인권을 유린하는 행위이기 때문에 금지되어야 한다’라는 견해와 ‘합의적 성교 를 매매 정황에 따라 규정하여 명확한 개별 피해관계도 없이 막연한 범사회적 예 측에 기대어 금품수수의 유무에 따라서만 성매도자를 사지로 몰아서는 안 된다’는 견해가 있다. 그러나 이제까지 인신매매와 매춘문제가 해결되기 어려웠던 이유 중 하나는 인신매매 및 매춘이 전통적으로 남성의 입장에서 다루어졌기 때문이다.2) 여성의 성적욕구는 인정되지 못했으며, 매춘부는 그 직업뿐만이 아니라, 여자라는 점에서 연구자들로부터 특별한 취급을 받았다. 인신매매에 대하여 오래전부터 관심을 기울이고 있던 필자는 이러한 국제 인권보호에 종사하는 이름 없는 분들의 활동에 감명을 받아 국제인권법 차원에서 국제인신매매금지법 제정의 필요성을 연구하고자 한다.

      • 요양병원 환자의 병원선택요인과 이용자 만족에 관한 연구

        정봉석 조선대학교 경영대학원 2017 국내석사

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        대한민국 국민 중 3분의 1이 겪는 흔한 질병이지만 2000년 이후로 사망원인 1위를 유지하고 있는 무서운 질병인 암은 현대인의 생활 습관으로 인하여 2위인 심장질환과 3배의 차이를 보이며 압도적인 1위를 차지하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 사망원인 1위이지만 점차 생존율 또한 증가하고 있는 암 환자에게 새로운 의료서비스가 제공되어 생존율을 더욱 올리며 새로운 삶의 희망을 영위하기 위하여 수술 전·후 찾게 되는 요양병원을 어떤 요인으로 선택하게 되는지 그 후 그 선택으로 인한 만족도는 어느 정도인지를 분석하여 환자들의 욕구 충족과 이에 따른 병원에 대한 재이용 및 타인에게 권유하고자 하는 암 요양병원의 경영전략의 기초자료를 제공하고자 이 연구를 시작하게 되었다. 연구방법으로는 문헌연구와 실증연구를 병행하였으며, 문헌연구를 통해 병원의 마케팅 개념과 선택요인에 대한 관련 선행 연구들을 조사하였으며, 실증연구에서는 광주, 전남지역의 암 환자만을 대상으로 운영하는 요양병원에서 치료중인 환자분들을 연구 목적을 설명, 참여 동의한 경우 자기기입식 설문지를 작성하도록 하였으며, 설문지의 배부 방법은 요양기관을 이용하는 환자를 대상으로 직접 받았으며, 설문조사 기간은 2017년 8월 말부터 10월 말까지 2개월간 진행되었고 총 160부의 설문지를 배포하고 무성의한 설문지 6부를 제외한 총 154부를 연구 대상으로 분석을 실시하였다. 본 연구의 구체적인 연구 결과 분석은 다음과 같다. 암 환자들이 요양병원을 이용하는데 있어 선택요인으로 가장 중요하다고 생각되는 3가지의 요인은 병원 환경과 편의 시설의 청결함, 다양한 편의시설, 응급 환자의 신속 진료로 확인되었다. 암 환자들에 있어 의료기관의 환경과 편의 시설의 청결함이 병원을 선택하는데 있어 중요하다고 생각하고 있으며 병원에서 지내는데 있어 신체적으로 불편함 없이 지내는 것이 더 중요한 것으로 나타났다. 중증질환에 속해 있는 암 환자의 경우는 의료 수준이 높은 의료기관의 진료의 편의성을 위하여 접근성에 중요성을 둔 기존의 논문들과 다른 결과를 보였다. 의료기관의 환경과 편의시설의 청결함이 중요하다는 결과가 나온 이유로 암 환자를 위한 요양병원의 입원 목적은 보호, 관리, 재활에 목적이 있기 때문에 이와 같은 결과가 나온 것으로 생각된다. 환자들이 요양병원을 이용하는데 있어 만족요인으로 가장 중요하다고 생각되는 3가지의 요인은 다양한 프로그램의 운영, 병원 환경과 편의 시설의 청결함, 다양한 편의시설 순으로 만족도에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 다양한 프로그램의 운영이 환자의 만족도에 영향을 미치는 이유는 암 환자가 요양병원에 입원하는 중에 개인적으로 다양한 프로그램을 이용하는 것에 있어 많은 관심을 가지고 있으며, 이와 같은 프로그램의 이용으로 증상의 완화, 삶의 질 향상, 암 치료의 부작용과 고통으로 인한 육체적, 정신적 쇠퇴 상태에 있는 암 환자에게 보조 치료 수단으로 이용되어 매우 유의한 요인이 될 수 있다. 이외 병원 환경과 편의시설의 청결함, 다양한 편의시설이 만족요인으로 중요하게 생각되는 이유는 첫째에서 언급된 내용과 일맥상통하다. 이와 같이 요양병원의 선택요인과 만족 요인에서 동시에 중요 요소로 나타난 병원 환경과 편의시설의 청결함, 다양한 편의시설이 암 환자들에게 있어 꼭 필요한 요소임을 확인 할 수 있었으며, 이에 따른 만족도 여부에 따라 재이용 가능성과 타인에게 권유할 구전효과가 있다. 마지막으로 요양병원과 암 환자들의 관계존립 및 유지를 위해서 의료서비스 가치를 높이고 고객만족, 고객감동이면 병원 경영성과에도 영향을 끼치기 때문에 추후 계속적인 연구가 필요함을 의미한다. Cancer is a very common disease that nearly one third of Koreans have to endure through. However, it is also the most fatal disease that killed the most Koreans since 2000. With the death toll that is three times bigger than that of heart disease, the second largest killer, the disease maintains an overwhelming lead in the ranking due to recent changes brought by modern lifestyle. However, it is also true that the cancer's survival rate is continuously on the rise, making cancer patients hold on to new and stronger hopes of life. In their fight against cancer, many cancer patients tend to choose a long-term care hospital before and after their surgery. I began this research to explore what the determinant factors are in their choice of hospitals and what makes them satisfied with their choice. By analyzing the results, I wanted to come up with a basic data for suitable business strategies for long-term cancer treatment hospitals that intend to better meet the needs of their patients who may return and recommend them to other cancer patients. For this research, I have done a literature review and an empirical study at the same time. In the literature review, I studied the precedent studies on marketing concept and determinant factors for hospitals. For the empirical study, I visited long-term cancer treatment hospitals for cancer patients in Gwangju and Jeonnam Region and asked the inpatients to fill out a self-administered questionnaire after explaining the purpose of this research to them. 160 questionnaires were directly distributed to the patients of the hospitals, and 154 copies (excluding the rest that were poorly handled) were included in the analysis. The survey took about two months, from the end of August to the end of October this year. Findings from the results are as follows: The top three determinant factors for cancer patients in their choice of long-term care hospital were: cleanliness of the hospital environment and its accommodations, diversity of amenities, and quick diagnosis for emergency patients. In other words, the patients believed that it is important to stay at a hospital that allows them to stay with no physical inconveniences. Although cancer is considered a severe disease, the response of its patients turned out to be quite different from the perspective of the existing papers that put more emphasis on the importance of accessibility to ensure the convenience of diagnosis at hospitals that provide high-level medical services. It appears that cancer patients at long-term care hospitals prioritized cleanliness of hospital environment and its accommodations because the purpose of their stay focuses on protection, care, and rehabilitation. On the other hand, the top three satisfaction factors for cancer patients during their stay at long-term care hospitals were: diversity of available programs, cleanliness of hospital environment and its accommodations, and diversity of amenities. Diversity of available programs turned out to be the most influential factor for the satisfaction level of cancer patients because they have much interest in individually participating in those programs during their stay at the hospital. In addition, a line-up of diverse programs can be a very significant factor because it is a useful ancillary tool for cancer treatment; it may alleviate the symptoms of cancer and enhance the quality of life for the patients who suffer both mentally and physically due to the side effects and pain from the disease. For the same reason, the other two factors, cleanliness of hospital environment and its accommodations and diversity of amenities, also should be considered important. As shown in the results, cleanliness of hospital environment and its accommodations and diversity of amenities turned out to be the top priorities for cancer patients both in their decision to choose a long-term care hospital and the level of satisfaction during their stay. And only when they are satisfied, they may return to the hospital and offer the "buzz" effect by recommending the hospital to other cancer patients. I am convinced that continued research on the same topic should follow in the future. It will provide the guide for long-term care hospitals for cancer patients to enhance the value of their medical services and do their best to satisfy and impress their customers. Eventually, it will help the hospitals maintain their bond and relationship with their patients and see more fruitful results from their business operations.

      • 중국에 있어서 룸펜 프롤레타리아의 민원소송에 관한 연구

        비소동 호서대학교 법학대학원 2014 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        중국의 신속한 발전은 경제성장을 불러 일으켰고, 인민의 생활품질이 현저하게 상승하였으며, 사회모순도 그 시기에 번번이 폭발하였다. <두 도시 이야기>에서 지적하는 바와 같이 ‘이 시기는 최악의 시대이자, 최상의 시대이다.’ 수많은 학자들의 근 몇 년 사이 학술연구는 정치적 체제를 개혁하는 데 초점을 맞추었을 뿐 사회혁신의 물결이 우르르 몰려올 때 일부분 사람을 소홀히 취급하였다. 그들은 법률이라는 이름하에 유감스러운 일, 심지어 비통한 일을 당해왔다. 본인은 법률에 대한 조사연구와 실천적 경험에 의거하여 수많은 부랑 룸펜 프롤레타리아의 행위를 알게 되었고, 이에 대해 유감스러울 따름이다. 룸펜 프롤레타리아는 법률의 빈틈을 노려 민원을 제기하여 정부에게 타협(합리적이고 합법적인 정책이나 법규에 따라)하게 하였고, 심지어 정부를 압박하여 법률의 규정에도 불구하고 타협하도록 하였다. 이는 매우 참담한 사회적 현상이다. 본인은 저만의 연구방법으로 중국 현재의 문제점을 찾아낸 동시에 룸펜 프롤레타리아에 대한 구제전략을 찾고자 한다. 지금 중국은 사회전환기에 놓여 있었으며 반농업반공업 사회에서 시민사회로, 선진적인 농업국가에서 선진적인 공업국가로 발전해야 한다. 이와 동시에 중국경제는 어떻게 세계경제가 어려운 현재에 두각을 나타낼지 ‘신창타이(중국경제의 ‘새로운 상태’를 나타내는 의미의 어휘)’에 진입해야 한다. 이는 시민의 사회적인 공동참여와 조화가 이뤄져야 한다. 하지만 현재 중국사회의 특징에 따르면 명확히 공민의 강대한 자치능력으로 사회적 문제를 해결하기 위한 수단으로 민원을 통해 제기할 수 없다. 이는 정부에서 법률적인 근거에 따라 국가를 치국해야 하며, 똑같이 인민대중도 법률에 의거하여 자신의 사회적 임무를 이행함으로써 사회적 발전을 위해 자신의 힘을 이바지해야 하기 때문이다. 하지만, 현재 중국의 상황은 부정적이다. 왜냐하면 권력이 과도하게 집중된 국가이고, 그 어떤 인민에게도 공권력이 구제할 수 있는 수단이 전혀 없는 국가이다. 현재 이러한 인치국가 모습이 계속된다면 중국사회 발전은 지극히 어렵다. 공권력에 대해 본 논문에서 다소 언급하였다. 하지만 그 중에서 중요한 부분은 현재 중국에 존재하는 ‘룸펜 프롤레타리아’들이 사회법치를 파괴하고 있는 현상과 민족주의, 포퓰리즘, 폭민정치가 중국경제와 정치 및 법치를 유린하는 것을 연구하였다. 중국의 대책을 연구하여 복잡한 사회관계에서 법이 지배하는 법치국가를 만드는 방법을 찾아내어 인민대중이 법을 지키도록 하고 법이 사회를 이끌도록 연구해야 한다. 한편 중국은 여전히 사회수준이 낮은 단계에 머무르고 있어 시민사회는 아직 형성되지 않았다. 전반적인 법제시스템이 형성되지 않았기에 여전히 공권력을 과도하게 만들어 행정수단이 법률수단을 억제하는 현상을 야기했다. 중국 기층사회에 놓여 있는 대부분의 일반대중과 빈곤자들은 법적 지원을 받을 수 없었으며, 공권력이 과도하게 억압되어 어쩔 수 없이 정부기관 정문에서 불법으로 집결하고 머무르면서 정부에 압력을 가함으로써 자신의 목적을 달성하고자 하였다. 이 같은 현상은 정부와 대중의 대립을 격화시킨 동시에 법률을 무용지물로 만들어 간접적으로 법률적 권위를 상실하게 하였다. 본 논문도 앞서 제기한 문제에 대해 탐구할 것이다. 본 논문은 첫 부분에서 룸펜 프롤레터리아의 역사적 발전을 연구하였고, 현재 사회에서의 생존방식, 원인 및 민원방안에 대해 탐구하고 토론하였다.

      • 인신매매 방지를 위한 국제적 대응방안에 관한 연구

        락차 호서대학교 일반대학원 2015 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        ABSTRACT A Study on the International Counter Measurement to Prevent a Human Trafficking Buriad Lkhagvaragchaa Major in Criminal Law Department of Law The Graduate School Hoseo University (Supervised by Professor Jongho Kim Ph.D & SJD) Human trafficking is the trade in humans, most commonly for the purpose of sexual slavery, forced labor or commercial sexual exploitation for the trafficker or others; or for the extraction of organs or tissues, including surrogacy and ova removal; or for providing a spouse in the context of forced marriage. Human trafficking can occur within a country or trans-nationally. Human trafficking is a crime against the person because of the violation of the victim's rights of movement through coercion and because of their commercial exploitation. Human trafficking is the trade in people, and does not necessarily involve the movement of the person from one place to another. Human trafficking represents an estimated $31.6 billion of international trade per annum in 2010. Human trafficking is thought to be one of the fastest-growing activities of trans-national criminal organizations. Human trafficking is condemned as a violation of human rights by international conventions. In addition, human trafficking is subject to a directive in the European Union. Although human trafficking can occur at local levels, it has transnational implications, as recognized by the United Nations in the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children (also referred to as the Trafficking Protocol), an international agreement under the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (CTOC) which entered into force on December 25, 2003. The protocol is one of three which supplement the CTOC. The Trafficking Protocol is the first global, legally binding instrument on trafficking in over half a century, and the only one with an agreed-upon definition of trafficking in persons. One of its purposes is to facilitate international cooperation in investigating and prosecuting such trafficking. Another is to protect and assist human trafficking's victims with full respect for their rights as established in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Human trafficking differs from people smuggling, which involves a person voluntarily requesting or hiring another individual to covertly transport them across an international border, usually because the smuggled person would be denied entry into a country by legal channels. Though illegal, there may be no deception or coercion involved. After entry into the country and arrival at their ultimate destination, the smuggled person is usually free to find their own way. According to the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD), people smuggling is a violation of national immigration laws of the destination country, and does not require violations of the rights of the smuggled person. Human trafficking, on the other hand, is a crime against a person because of the violation of the victim's rights through coercion and exploitation. Unlike most cases of people smuggling, victims of human trafficking are not permitted to leave upon arrival at their destination. While smuggling requires travel, trafficking does not. Trafficked people are held against their will through acts of coercion, and forced to work for or provide services to the trafficker or others. The work or services may include anything from bonded or forced labor to commercial sexual exploitation. The arrangement may be structured as a work contract, but with no or low payment, or on terms which are highly exploitative. Sometimes the arrangement is structured as debt bondage, with the victim not being permitted or able to pay off the debt. In 1949, the first international protocol dealing with sex slavery was the 1949 UN Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Persons and Exploitation of Prostitution of Others. This convention followed the abolitionist idea of sex trafficking as incompatible with the dignity and worth of the human person. Serving as a model for future legislation, the 1949 UN Convention was not ratified by every country, but came into force in 1951. These early efforts led to the 2000 Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, mentioned above. These instruments contain the elements of the current international law on trafficking in humans. In 2011, the United Nations reported that girl victims made up two thirds of all trafficked children. Girls constituted 15 to 20 per cent of the total number of all detected victims, including adults, whereas boys comprised about 10 per cent, said the Report, which was based on official data supplied by 132 countries. In 2013, the resolution to create the World Day against Trafficking in Persons was adopted by the United Nations. The first World Day against Trafficking in Persons took place July 30, 2014, and the Day is now held every July 30. Current international treaties include the Convention on Consent to Marriage, Minimum Age for Marriage, and Registration of Marriages, entered into force in 1964. Up until the early 1960s, when racism was a major issue in the U.S. Congress was concerned about White slavery. The result of this fear was the White Slave Traffic Act of 1910 (better known as the Mann Act), which criminalized interracial marriage and banned single women from crossing state borders for morally wrong acts. In 1914, of the women arrested for crossing state borders under this act, 70% were charged with voluntary prostitution. Once the idea of a sex slave shifted from a White woman to an enslaved woman from countries in poverty, the U.S. began passing immigration acts to curtail aliens from entering the country among other reasons. Several acts such as the Emergency Quota Act of 1921 and Immigration Act of 1924 were passed to prevent emigrants from Europe and Asia from en

      • 한국 사회적 기업의 발전방향에 관한 연구 : 외국 사회적 기업의 동향과의 비교를 중심으로

        김미애 호서대학교 대학원 2014 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        A social enterprise is an organization that applies commercial strategies to maximize improvements in human and environmental well-being, rather than maximizing profits for external shareholders. Social enterprises can be structured as a for-profit or non-profit, and may take the form of a co-operative, mutual organization, a disregarded entity, a social business, or a charity organization. Many commercial enterprises would consider themselves to have social objectives, but commitment to these objectives is motivated by the perception that such commitment will ultimately make the enterprise more financially valuable. Social enterprises differ in that, inversely, they do not aim to offer any benefit to their investors, except where they believe that doing so will ultimately further their capacity to realize their social and environmental goals. The term has a mixed and contested heritage due to its philanthropic roots in the United States, and cooperative roots in the United Kingdom, European Union and Asia. In the U.S., the term is associated with 'doing charity by doing trade', rather than 'doing charity while doing trade'. In other countries, there is a much stronger emphasis on community organizing, democratic control of capital and mutual principles, rather than philanthropy. In recent years, there has been a rise in the concept of social purpose businesses which pursue social responsibility directly, or raise funds for charitable projects. The idea of social enterprise has a long history around the world, though under different names and with different tendencies. Whilst many social enterprises will today accept finance and other forms of support from the state, they are essentially enterprises that seek independence from both the state and private capital through strategies that create a social economy. Early use of the terms 'social enterprise' and 'social entrepreneurship' can be traced to Beechwood College near Leeds, England (from 1978) where Freer Spreckley used the term social enterprise for worker and community co-operatives that used the 'social accounting and audit' system developed at Beechwood, and at ASHOKA - a U.S. foundation - during the 1980s where Bill Drayton established a programme to support the development of social entrepreneurship. Another formative influence was the Italian worker co-operatives who lobbied to secure legislation for 'social co-operatives' in which members with mental or other health disabilities could work while fully recovering. The first academic paper to propose worker co-operatives involved in health and rehabilitation work as a form social enterprise was published in 1993. The scale and integration of co-operative development in the 'red belt' of Italy (some 7,000 worker, and 8,000 social co-operatives) inspired the formation of the EMES network of social economy researchers who subsequently spread the language to the UK and the rest of Europe through influential English language publications. The best established European research network in the field, EMES, works with a more articulated definition - a Weberian 'ideal type' rather than a prescriptive definition - which relies on nine fuzzy criteria: Economic criteria: (i) Continuous activity of the production and/or sale of goods and services (rather than predominantly advisory or grant-giving functions). (ii) A high level of autonomy: social enterprises are created voluntarily by groups of citizens and are managed by them, and not directly or indirectly by public authorities or private companies, even if they may benefit from grants and donations. Their members have the right to participate ('voice') and to leave the organization ('exit'). (iii) A significant economic risk: the financial viability of social enterprises depends on the efforts of their members, who have the responsibility of ensuring adequate financial resources, unlike most public institutions. Social enterprises' activities require a minimum number of paid workers, although, like traditional non-profit organizations, social enterprises may combine financial and non-financial resources, voluntary and paid work. (i) Social criteria: An explicit aim of community benefit: one of the principal aims of social enterprises is to serve the community or a specific group of people. To the same end, they also promote a sense of social responsibility at local level. (ii) Citizen initiative: social enterprises are the result of collective dynamics involving people belonging to a community or to a group that shares a certain need or aim. They must maintain this dimension in one form or another. (iii) Decision making not based on capital ownership: this generally means the principle of 'one member, one vote', or at least a voting power not based on capital shares. Although capital owners in social enterprises play an important role, decision-making rights are shared with other stakeholders. (iv) Participatory character, involving those affected by the activity: the users of social enterprises' services are represented and participate in their structures. In many cases one of the objectives is to strengthen democracy at local level through economic activity. (v) Limited distribution of profit: social enterprises include organizations that totally prohibit profit distribution as well as organizations such as co-operatives, which may distribute their profit only to a limited degree, thus avoiding profit maximizing behaviour. Ongoing research work characterize social enterprises as often having multiple objectives, multiple stakeholders and multiple sources of funding. However their objectives tend to fall into three categories: (i) integration of disadvantaged people through work (work integration social enterprises or WISEs), (ii) provision of social, community and environmental services, (iii) ethical trading such as fair trade. Despite, and sometimes in contradiction to, such academic work, the term socia

      • 성폭력 피해아동의 법적 보호에 관한 연구

        김채영 호서대학교 대학원 2014 국내박사

        RANK : 247599

        Child sexual abuse or child molestation is a form of child abuse in which an adult or older adolescent uses a child for sexual stimulation. Forms of child sexual abuse include asking or pressuring a child to engage in sexual activities (regardless of the outcome), indecent exposure (of the genitals, female nipples, etc.) to a child with intent to gratify their own sexual desires, or to intimidate or groom the child, physical sexual contact with a child, or using a child to produce child pornography. The effects of child sexual abuse can include depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, complex post-traumatic stress disorder, propensity to further victimization in adulthood, and physical injury to the child, among other problems. Sexual abuse by a family member is a form of incest, and can result in more serious and long-term psychological trauma, especially in the case of parental incest. The global prevalence of child sexual abuse has been estimated at 19.7% for females and 7.9% for males, according to a 2009 study published in Clinical Psychology Review that examined 65 studies from 22 countries. Under the law, child sexual abuse is an umbrella term describing criminal and civil offenses in which an adult engages in sexual activity with a minor or exploits a minor for the purpose of sexual gratification. The American Psychiatric Association states that ‘children cannot consent to sexual activity with adults,’ and condemns any such action by an adult: ‘An adult who engages in sexual activity with a child is performing a criminal and immoral act which never can be considered normal or socially acceptable behavior.’ Child sexual abuse can result in both short-term and long-term harm, including psychopathology in later life. Indicators and effects include depression, anxiety, eating disorders, poor self-esteem, somatization, sleep disturbances, and dissociative and anxiety disorders including post-traumatic stress disorder. While children may exhibit regressive behaviors such as a return to thumb-sucking or bed-wetting, the strongest indicator of sexual abuse is sexual acting out and inappropriate sexual knowledge and interest. Victims may withdraw from school and social activities and exhibit various learning and behavioral problems including cruelty to animals, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), conduct disorder, and oppositional defiant disorder(ODD). Teenage pregnancy and risky sexual behaviors may appear in adolescence. Child sexual abuse victims report almost four times as many incidences of self-inflicted harm. A study funded by the USA National Institute of Drug Abuse found that ‘Among more than 1,400 adult females, childhood sexual abuse was associated with increased likelihood of drug dependence, alcohol dependence, and psychiatric disorders. Intergenerational effects have been noted, with the children of victims of child sexual abuse exhibiting more conduct problems, peer problems, and emotional problems than their peers. A specific characteristic pattern of symptoms has not been identified and there are several hypotheses about the causality of these associations. Because child sexual abuse often occurs alongside other possibly confounding variables, such as poor family environment and physical abuse, some scholars argue it is important to control for those variables in studies which measure the effects of sexual abuse. In a 1998 review of related literature, Martin and Fleming state ‘The hypothesis advanced in this paper is that, in most cases, the fundamental damage inflicted by child sexual abuse is due to the child’s developing capacities for trust, intimacy, agency and sexuality, and that many of the mental health problems of adult life associated with histories of child sexual abuse are second-order effects.’ Other studies have found an independent association of child sexual abuse with adverse psychological outcomes. Depending on the age and size of the child, and the degree of force used, child sexual abuse may cause internal lacerations and bleeding. In severe cases, damage to internal organs may occur, which, in some cases, may cause death. Child sexual abuse may cause infections and sexually transmitted diseases. Depending on the age of the child, due to a lack of sufficient vaginal fluid, chances of infections are higher. Vaginitis has also been reported. Research has shown that traumatic stress, including stress caused by sexual abuse, causes notable changes in brain functioning and development. Various studies have suggested that severe child sexual abuse may have a deleterious effect on brain development. Some studies indicate that sexual or physical abuse in children can lead to the overexcitation of an undeveloped limbic system. Incest between a child or adolescent and a related adult has been identified as the most widespread form of child sexual abuse with a huge capacity for damage to a child. One researcher stated that more than 70% of abusers are immediate family members or someone very close to the family. Another researcher stated that about 30% of all perpetrators of sexual abuse are related to their victim, 60% of the perpetrators are family acquaintances, like a neighbor, babysitter or friend and 10% of the perpetrators in child sexual abuse cases are strangers. A child sexual abuse offense where the perpetrator is related to the child, either by blood or marriage, is a form of incest described as intrafamilial child sexual abuse. Prevalence of parental child sexual abuse is difficult to assess due to secrecy and privacy; some estimates state that 20 million Americans have been victimized by parental incest as children. Child sexual abuse includes a variety of sexual offenses, including: (i) sexual assault – a term defining offenses in which an adult touches a minor for the purpose of sexual gratification; for example, rape (including sodomy), and sexual penetration with an object. Most U

      • RTO 적정운전을 위한 운전인자 연구

        이종국 한서대학교 대학원 2019 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        휘발성유기화합물은 유기용제 사용, 생산공정, 도로 및 비도로이동오염원에서 주로 발생하며, 우리나라의 휘발성유기화합물질 전국 총 배출량은 2015년을 기준으로 1,010,771 톤 이었으며, 이중에서 유기용제 사용 분야가 555,359 톤으로 가장 많이 배출되고 있으며 매년 증가추세이다(국립환경과학원, 2017). 휘발성유기화합물은 그 자체가 독성물질인 것도 있고, 반응에 의해 2차적으로 독성물질을 만들 수 있어, 이에 대한 처리가 반드시 필요한 물질이다. 휘발성유기화합물의 처리방법에는 소각법, 흡착법, 생물여과법, 막분리법등이 있으며, 이중에서 소각법중의 하나인 RTO를 이용한 방법이 많이 이용되고 있다. 그러나 장시간 운전 및 부적절한 유지 관리로 인해 정상적인 RTO 운전이 되지 않아 미연소 휘발성유기화합물이 배출되는가 하면 로내 온도가 정상적인 운전온도 보다 높아져 장치가 비상정지(Shutdown) 되기도 하고 배출가스 온도가 비정상적으로 높아지는 등 많은 문제점들이 발생되고 있다. 따라서 이런 RTO의 비정상적인 운전을 방지 하기 위해서 휘발성유기화합물을 포집하는 단계부터 연소되어 배출되는 과정까지 측정 및 분석을 통해서 RTO의 비정상적인 운전의 원인을 찾고 이에 대한 개선안을 도출하여 제시함으로써 비정상적으로 배출되는 대기오염물질을 줄여 환경피해를 최소화하고 비정상적인 운전에 의해 과소비 되었던 열료를 줄임으로써 운전비용 절감에도 기여함을 목적으로 한다. Volatile organic chemicals (VOCs) are mainly generated from the use of organic solvent, manufacturing process, road and off-road mobile sources. The total emission of VOCs in Korea was 1,010,771 tons in 2015, among which 555,359 tons was generated from the use of organic solvent in an annually increasing trend (National Institute of Environmental Research). Some of the VOCs are either intrinsically toxic or are base for deriving secondary toxic substances. Therefore, treatmenta are required to reduce toxicity. The treatments for VOCs include incineration, adsorption, biological filtration and separation by membrane. Popular among them is the regenerative thermal oxidizer (RTO), which is an incineration method. However, the long operation time of RTO and improper maintenance are hindering normal functioning, which leads to various problems like the emission of combustible VOCs, emergency shutdown caused by a furnace temperature higher than the normal operation temperature and unusually high temperature of emission gas. The purpose of this study is, therefore, to prevent such abnormal operations of the RTO by: measuring and analyzing the entire process from the collection of VOCs to the combustion and emission to find the cause of the abnormal operation; and suggesting improvement plans that are derived from the analysis. The outcome is expected to minimize the environmental damage by reducing the amount of abnormally high emission of air pollutants and to reduce operation cost by decreasing the amount of fuel gas which is overused by the abnormal operation.

      • 국제안전관리규약과 국제해상보안규정에 관한 법적 연구

        최자랑 호서대학교 대학원 2014 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        The International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code is an amendment to the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) Convention (1974/1988) on minimum security arrangements for ships, ports and government agencies. Having come into force in 2004, it prescribes responsibilities to governments, shipping companies, shipboard personnel, and port/facility personnel to "detect security threats and take preventative measures against security incidents affecting ships or port facilities used in international trade." (IMO) states that The International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code) is a comprehensive set of measures to enhance the security of ships and port facilities, developed in response to the perceived threats to ships and port facilities in the wake of the 9/11 attacks in the United States (IMO). Development and implementation were sped up drastically in reaction to the September 11, 2001 attacks and the bombing of the French oil tanker Limburg. The U.S. Coast Guard, as the lead agency in the United States delegation to the IMO, advocated for the measure. The Code was agreed at a meeting of the 108 signatories to the SOLAS convention in London in December 2002. The measures agreed under the Code were brought into force on July 1, 2004. The ISPS Code is implemented through chapter XI-2 Special measures to enhance maritime security in the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS). The Code is a two-part document describing minimum requirements for security of ships and ports. Part A provides mandatory requirements. Part B provides guidance for implementation. The ISPS Code applies to ships on international voyages (including passenger ships, cargo ships of 500 GT and upwards, and mobile offshore drilling units) and the port facilities serving such ships. The main objectives of the ISPS Code are: (i) To detect security threats and implement security measures, (ii) To establish roles and responsibilities concerning maritime security for governments, local administrations, ship and port industries at the national and international level, (iii) To collate and promulgate security-related information, (iv) To provide a methodology for security assessments so as to have in place plans and procedures to react to changing security levels. The Code does not specify specific measures that each port and ship must take to ensure the safety of the facility against terrorism because of the many different types and sizes of these facilities. Instead it outlines a standardized, consistent framework for evaluating risk, enabling governments to offset changes in threat with changes in vulnerability for ships and port facilities. For ships the framework includes requirements for: (i) Ship security plans, (ii) Ship security officers, (iii) Company security officers, (iv) Certain onboard equipment. For port facilities, the requirements include: (i) Port facility security plans, (ii) Port facility security officers, (iii) Certain security equipment. In addition the requirements for ships and for port facilities include: (i) Monitoring and controlling access, (ii) Monitoring the activities of people and cargo, (iii) Ensuring security communications are readily available. Europe has enacted the International regulations with EC Regulation (EC) No 725/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31 March 2004, on enhancing ship and port facility security. The UK has enacted The Ship and Port Facility (Security) Regulations 2004, these bring the EU regulation 725/2004 into UK law. The United States has issued regulations to enact the provisions of the Maritime Transportation Security Act of 2002 and to align domestic regulations with the maritime security standards of SOLAS and the ISPS Code. These regulations are found in Title 33 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Parts 101 through 107. Part 104 contains vessel security regulations, including some provisions that apply to foreign ships in U.S. waters. Under the terms of the Code, shipping companies will be required to designate a Company Security Officer for the Company and a Ship Security Officer for each of its ships. The Company Security Officer's responsibilities include ensuring that a Ship Security Assessment is properly carried out, that Ship Security Plans are prepared and submitted for approval by (or on behalf of) the Administration and thereafter is placed on board each ship. The Ship Security Plan should indicate the operational and physical security measures the ship itself should take to ensure it always operates at security level 1. The plan should also indicate the additional, or intensified, security measures the ship itself can take to move to and operate at security level 2 when instructed to do so. Furthermore, the plan should indicate the possible preparatory actions the ship could take to allow prompt response to instructions that may be issued to the ship at security level 3. Ships will have to carry an International Ship Security Certificate indicating that they comply with the requirements of SOLAS chapter XI-2 and part A of the ISPS Code. When a ship is at a port or is proceeding to a port of Contracting Government, the Contracting Government has the right, under the provisions of regulation XI-2/9, to exercise various control and compliance measures with respect to that ship. The ship is subject to port State control inspections but such inspections will not normally extend to examination of the Ship Security Plan itself except in specific circumstances. The ship may, also, be subject to additional control measures if the Contracting Government exercising the control and compliance measures has reason to believe that the security of the ship has, or the port facilities it has served have, been compromised. Each Contracting Government has to ensure completion of a Port Facility Security Assessment for each port facility within its territory that serves ships engage

      • 고령친화산업 활성화 전략에 관한 연구

        우금숙 호서대학교 대학원 2013 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        2005년 1월 21일에 대통령자문기구였던 고령화및미래사회위원회의 주관 으로 제57회 국정과제회의에서 ‘고령친화산업 활성화 전략’이 보고되었다. 이 는 정부가 고령친화산업의 중요성을 인식하고 활성화를 위한 비전, 목표 및 전략에 대해 대내외에 천명하는 계기가 되었다. 그 이후 고령친화산업진흥법 (안)이 국회에 상정되었고 저출산고령사회위원회 산하 저출산고령사회정책본 부가 신설되었으며 고령친화산업팀이 설치되는 등 고령친화산업의 활성화를 위한 공공부문의 토대가 마련되었다. 본 연구는 2005년 대통령 보고에 따른 후속 조치의 일환으로써 2005년 2 월에 종료된 ‘고령친화산업 활성화 전략연구’에 이어 고령친화성이 높은 산 업의 추가 발굴을 목적으로 하고 있다. 2005년의 연구에서는 요양, 의료 및 복지기기, 정보, 여가 및 문화, 금융, 주택, 한방 및 농업 등 총 8대 산업부문 에 있어 활성화 비전, 목표 및 전략이 수립되었으며 이와 함께 고령친화산업 의 시장규모와 고용창출효과를 분석하였다. 본 연구에서도 교통, 식품, 의약 품, 장묘, 의류 및 교육 등 6대 산업을 대상으로 모태산업 및 고령친화 산업 별 시장규모의 추계와 고용창출 효과 등을 분석하고자 하였다. 이와 함께 고 령친화 산업별 육성 비전, 방향, 목표 및 전략을 설정한 후 고령친화산업의 전략화 품목을 도출하고 활성화의 제약요인 및 활성화를 위한 정부지원정책 을 마련하고자 하였다. 또한 연구결과 중에 새롭게 그 중요성이 부각된 인구구조 변화에 따른 산업구조 및 소비행태의 변화 양상과 이에 따른 대응방안의 마련과 함께 고

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